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Preferred Amersham Bridge Club Movements.
Movement Summary Pairs (and .docx for amendments)
Movement Summary Teams (and .docx for amendments)
Board Dealing:
4 to 10 tables:
* Pairs: 27 boards
* Teams: 32 boards
* Pivot Teams: 32 boards
11 and 12 tables:
EBUScore Settings:
The standard settings for teams and pairs are set as defaults in EBUScore (e.g. EBU Charge Code is "10 Normal P2P Session").
For 3 or 3½ table pairs:-
* In Event Details set the EBU Charge Code to "12 Ungraded mentor game"
For special events use the following, settings vary as follows:-
* Cross Imps scored Pairs (Brian Best Bowl)
- under Event Details >> Scoring - Scoring use "Total Cross-Imps"
* Pivot Teams (Sutton Cup)
- in Event Details set EBU Charge Code to "12 Ungraded mentor game"
* Victory Pointed teams (Savage Salver)
- under Event Details >> Scoring - VP Scale use "WBF Discrete"
and tick the checkbox for "Convert IMPs (or Agg) to VPs"
Other Documentation:
Note 1: Teams: These are complete American Whist movements. Table cards are provided for the record - all movements are the same playing 24 boards with initial move East/West down 2 tables, thereafter East/West down 2 tables, boards down 1.
Note 2: Pairs: Mitchell movements playing 8 round of 3 boards, 8 table is a Share and Relay and 9 table is a Standard Mitchell. Arrow Switch the Last Round.
Table Card Printable Copies (pdf files)
Table Card Source Files (docx files)