The EBU National Pairs, club qualifying games 2nd - 15th February |
In 2025 any pair that gets 55% or over in a club game between 2nd Feb and 15th Feb will be entitled to play in the Regional Finals on 23rd March.
MCC - 9 High Swiss Pairs Saturday 8th February |
Gather your Grandchild for EBED events in Shropshire! |
- 9th March 2:30pm-5:30pm A bridge taster session in the Radbrook Community Centre, Shrewsbury 2:30pm - 5:30pm. (bring a tablet or laptop) Contact
- 5th-6th April the EBED Spring Youth Camp at the Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire.
Click for details
SSCBA Championship Pairs - Sunday 16th March |
Event starting at 11 a.m.(face to face) at NEWCASTLE Bridge Club. This is an Open Event for all full members of Staffordshire & Shropshire Contract Bridge Association (via playing membership of an affiliated club or direct via the EBU). Click here for details and entry form
Shelley 2024/25 - Round 3 played Thursday 19th December |
 Third round was played on Thursday 19th December November at Haling Dene, with 3 subs in the line up.
Three rounds now played, October, November and December. With only 4 teams Terry had dealt 4 sets of boards so easy to play without having to pass boards round. David kept an ear alert to silemce any post-mortem discussion, not an easy task!
The cumulative results over the 3 rounds, Including handicaps' first Carol's team, cumulative 44, second Janet's team cumulative +10, third Ann's team cumulative -22 and fourth the Metcalf team cumulative -33, Click here for the cumulative results over 3 rounds and here for the third round raw results
Thanks to David for directing, everything ran very smoothly, everyone enjoyed the evening.
The fourth round of the Shelley will be Thursday 20th March. Team captains: Please contact David and Terry by 18th March with your team line up to allow time for handicaps to be calculated.
Morning Lessons, 10 a.m. Thursday and Friday mornings |
Lessons are now at Tixall village Hall, ST18 0XT at 9:45 for 10 a.m.
- Robin's intermediate lessons: Thursday morning lessons. On 1st Thursday of the month this will will normally be played as a duplicate session.
- Terry's Improvers lessons: Friday morning lessons. On 3rd Friday of the month this will will normally be played as a duplicate session.
Robin has produced plenty of material for the website, including one on Splinter bids, Gambling 3NT, CRO, Redoubles, Trial Bids, Jacoby and his all time most read page on McKenny signals and Discards. Summary of his lessons can be seen here with links to the individual lessons.
Robin's Thursday morning popular lessons for intermediates start at 10 a.m. (please contact Robin if you would like to attend) as do Terry's Friday morning lessons for improvers (please contact Terry if you would like to attend those). Please contact Ann if you would like to join beginner's lessons.
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Lessons are now at Tixall village Hall, ST18 0XT at 9:45 for 10 a.m.
- Robin's intermediate lessons: Thursday morning lessons. ..........
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County Events |

Nine-Hi Corwen Pairs Sundays 2nd March and 31st May
For entry form click here This new duplicate event is aimed at those players who have an NGS of 2 up to and including 9 as at 1st January, and invitations have been sent to our S&SCBA County members.
MCC 9 high Swiss Pairs 8th February 2025
MCC - 9 High Swiss Pairs next event is on Saturday 8th February, click for details
Championship Pairs Sunday 16th March 2025
Leading pairs are eligible to represent the County at the CORWEN PAIRS and Inter-County Edgar Foster Cup Click here for details and entry form
SSCBA Sim Pairs was played on January 29th
3 clubs, Eccleshall, Newcastle and Wrekin took part. A sprinkling of Stafford players took part, results here and commentary here
SSCBA virtual BBO county on line group at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays - use it or lose it
If you would like to be a member of this “Club” please email the Membership Secretary – John Withers on, with your real name, your BBO user name (exactly as you print it), EBU number (if you have one), contact telephone number and email address. (This has to be done also by those players already registered with BBO.) Only those that have registered with John will be able to take part in the SSCBA Virtual Club Events, please give him a day or two to organise this prior to the event you wish to join and get some practice games on BBO. Click for information on BBO See also how to indicate your basic system to your oppo through the chat manager, Using Chat Manager in BBO - Bing video. Please also take time to read Paul's comments on Announcing and Alerting on BBO.
SSCBA Teams of 4 League 2024/25
Entries are now due for the 24/25 season.
SSCBA Sim Pairs Wednesday 14th August
8 Stafford members took part in the SSCBA sim pairs on 14th August 2024 where overall there were 20½ tables playing at 3 clubs Eccleshall, Newcastle and Wrekin Top Stafford pair were Michael & Alan coming joint second overall.
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Nine-Hi Corwen Pairs Sundays 2nd March and 31st May
For entry form click here This new duplicate event is aimed at those players who have an NGS of 2 up to and including 9 as at 1st January, and invitations have been sent to our S&SCBA County members.
MCC 9 high Swiss Pairs 8th February 2025
MCC - 9 High Swiss Pairs next event is on Saturday 8th February, click for details
Championship Pairs Sunday 16th March 2025
Leading pairs are eligible to represent the County at the CORWEN PAIRS and Inter-County Edgar Foster Cup Click here for details and entry form
SSCBA Sim Pairs was played on January 29th
3 clubs, Eccleshall, Newcastle and Wrekin took part. A sprinkling of Stafford players took part, results here and commentary here
SSCBA virtual BBO county on line group at 7 p. ..........
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Bridge Timer |
Timer has had a bit of a change after Flash was withdrawn but back in action now ready for long suffering Friday night players to test!