Staffs & Shrops C.B.A.


Midlands No Fear 8-High* Swiss Teams

Saturday, 30th January 2021, 2 p.m.

On RealBridge (not BBO)


On RealBridge you get to see and talk to your team-mates and opposition - it is as close to face-to-face as we can get.

Inter-County bridge events have always been for the most experienced players - but this is about to change. This event run by the Midlands Counties is the first to widen the opportunities for representing Staffs & Shrops to players of all standards. The game is hosted on RealBridge (and its worth coming just for this if you haven't tried it before) so that you can see and talk to your team and to your opponents. Some practice sessions on RealBridge will be arranged in a few weeks' time, though you can explore that yourselves.

*Entry is restricted to participants at NGS grade 8 or below, so that everyone has a comfortable game.  To find out if you are eligible, go to .

Please consider making up a foursome and coming along (if you need help with team-mates just ask; and if Swiss Teams is new to you just ask).

It will be around 25 boards, starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday 30th January 2021. S&SCBA offers free entry to this event.

Email your entry (names and EBU numbers) to Paul Cutler on as soon as possible. His telephone number is 07939 977499.

Judy Mitchell.