Bracknell Bridge League
Release 2.19q
Participating Clubs and Teams (2024-25 Season)


Bracknell Forest


Dianthus (Woking)

Loddon Vale
Yateley and Hawley


Useful Links

Bridge related links.
This page specifically contains links to National and County associations,  local Bridge Clubs and other sites or pages that may be of interest to Bridge players.  Please note that the inclusion of a site on this page does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of the site or any products sold on the site.  Please email if you have any suggestions for sites to add to the list.

National Associations

Local Clubs

English Bridge Union Ascot Bridge Club
Welsh Bridge Union Bracknell Forest Bridge Club
Northern Ireland Bridge Union Bradshaw Bridge Club
Scottish Bridge Union Camberley Bridge Club

Crowthorne Bridge Club
Finchampstead Bridge Club
Loddon Vale Bridge Club
County Associations Oakingham Bridge Club
Berks and Bucks County Bridge Association Woodley Bridge Club
Surrey County Bridge Association Yateley and Hawley Bridge Club

Other Bridge Resources

On-line/Computer Bridge.  The EBU has links to both the free Bridge Base Online and the subscription based Bridge Club Live web sites for on-line play.  It also has reviews of various apps and software programs that enable you to play bridge on your computer, phone or tablet. Click:

Mr Bridge.  Mr Bridge publishes a monthly magazine which contains a mixture of interesting bridge articles and advertisements.  However, the site also has a library of free-to-access past articles covering a wide variety of bidding and play topics. Click:

No Fear Bridge.  No Fear Bridge is a subscription based site that aims to provide a variety of online activities to make learning bridge easy and fun.  A free two week trial membership is offered and there are free links to articles on Acol Bidding and other general bridge topics. Click:

A NEW BRIDGE MAGAZINE. A new, completely FREE, magazine edited by Mark Horton.  Contributors include: David Bird, Alan Mould, Larry Cohen, Alex Adamson & Harry Smith, Sally Brock, Julian Pottage, Liz McGowan and Kit Woolsey. Click: