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50th anniversary
In November 2001 we celebrated 50th anniversary of the club. The photographs, Phil's hands and other material included here are from the album presented to Ted Nesom on this occasion.
  Picture Gallery

Photo Album created by Liz Blande
Click here to download


11am - Arrival at Chartwell. The Party Begins...

Tony Conway, Jan Johnson and Mike de Winter


Bert West and Dennis Kendall


Derek Patterson
Denis Russel & Elizabeth McKeone
Liz Blande & Mike Rafferty


Yvonne & Tony Chalkley
Rose Meehan


Len & June Curtis
Trish Dean & Petra jackson


Don & Glenda Gibb
Marjorie Woodhouse & Bob Bruty


Henry Greenberg, Ann & Don Mitchell
Oscar & Jane Lines, John Davy


Kerry McDonald & Ron Ellwood


Jenny Jakes, Bill Marle, Beryl Nightingale


Phil Bailey, Barbara & Mark Howarth


Norman Gunn & Jean Brayton


Peter & Alison Burt


Brad featherman & Marian Hunt


Jim Maloney & Alan Smith


Beryl & Frank Clinton


Patrick Ryan & Pat Cockett


Harry & Gwenda Evans


Jackie & Neil Wotherspoon


Tony & Julia Price
Wendy & Gordon Lane


Jan Johnson
David & Jo Lightfoot


Mary Williams & Bob Kendall


Chris & Sue Morgan
Elaine & Doug Johnstone


Ann Gray, Myrtle Keane


Elaine Wilmot & John Condon


Adrian Lis & Pauline Parker
Hilary & David Powell


 Farnborough Hands - A Personal Selection Prize Winners

Mark Howarth & Derek Patterson


Bob Bruty & Marjorie Woodhouse


Peter & Alison Burt


Jane Lines & Len Curtis




 Championship Pairs

1st Prize - North/South - Phil Bailey and Barbara Howarth


1st Prize - East/West - Liz Blande & Mike Rafferty


2nd Prize - North/South - Henry Greenberg & Tony Conway


2nd Prize - East/West - Mary Williams & Dennis Kendall


3rd Prize - North/South - Marjorie Woodhouse & Bob Bruty


3rd Prize - East/West - Mark Howarth & Derek Patterson


"Now what would Derek bid with this!"


"I'm not sure I understand my partner's bid!"




Eat, Drink and Celebrate

Cutting the Cake

Barbara Howarth, Mike de Winter, Marian Hunt


Pauline Parker & Adrian Lis, Hilary & David Powell
Elaine & Doug Johnstone, Mary Williams & Bob Kendall


Ron Ellwood & Kerry McDonald, Norman GUnn & Jean Brayton
Beryl & Frank Clinton, Petra Jackson & Vernon Hughes, Trish Dean


June Curtis, Jane Lines, Len Curtis, Dennis Kendall
Don & Ann Mitchell, John Davy, Bill Marle, Oscar Lines


Alan Smith, Jim Maloney, Elaine Wilmot, John Condon
Beryl Nightingale, Jenny Jakes, Bert West Peter & Alison Burt


Bob Bruty & Marjorie Woodhouse, Harry & Gwenda Evans
Tony Conway, neil & Jackie Wotherspoon, Don & Glenda Gibb


Wendy Lane, David & Jenny Kerr, Gordon Lane, Marian Hunt
Brad Featherman, Pat Cockett, Henry Greenberg, Patrick Ryan


Jo Lightfoot, Derek Patterson, Barbara Howarth, David Lightfoot
Sue Morgan, Mark Howarth, Chris Morgan, Jan Johnson


Rose Mehan, Ann Gray, Denis Russel, Elizabeth McKeone
Liz Blande, Mike Rafferty, Yvonne & Tony Chalkley, Myrtle Keane



  Frolicks at Fifty
Frolicks at Fifty

The National Trust property of Chartwell (Sir Winston Churchill's former home), hosted one of its more unusual gatherings in November.

Around 80 members of Farnborough (Kent) Bridge Club spent the day celebrating the Club's 50th birthday. Some of us had already had earlier practice in celebrating 50th birthdays but not, I suggest, on this scale. Regrettably, no founder members were present although we did have a couple of stalwarts who joined in the 1950's and were there strutting their Bridge stuff to great effect.

The day commenced at 11 a.m. with mulled wine before a 'fan' session of pre-dealt boards culled from Phil Bailey's collection of Farnborough hands over the years. Some of the results, although hilarious first time round, were even more hilarious when presented again and unrecognised.

The opening leader against seven no trumps duly cashed the first twelve tricks (a 12 card spade suit missing the nine!) but hadn't doubled as the auction was so raucous she did not realise she was on lead. It was agreed that declarer's carding reading was top class in keeping the right card at trick 13. For myself, another hand saw me scoring plus 50 for defending a part score on a hand I played 10 years ago and bid a making slam.

Although we like to think that some of our members can actually play this fiendish game (we did win the Garden Cities competition this year), we aim to be a friendly club and humour is never very far away. Our Chairman, Marian Hunt, recalled one of her biggest embarrassments when an opposition player dropped a card which seemed then to disappear into thin air. It was actually lodged in his trouser turn up, but Marian's way of drawing attention to this was to exclaim "What's that in your trousers? " Cessation of play all round the room.

A buffet lunch was followed by a 'proper' pairs competition in the afternoon and a gala dinner at night. Needless to say, bars were open all day and there was even a 24 person individual for the die-hards last thing at night.

Our thanks to everyone at Chartwell for their superb service throughout the day. Time now to take it easy for ten years before we hit the 'Sexy Sixtieth'.

Mark Howarth

November 2001

  50+ Committees
  Farnborough Bridge Club
  President Chair Secretary Treasurer M. Captain Committee members
51 - E Harris L Smith M Hatcher Lloyd-Ward Carter Earl Stapley D Hopper -
52 - E Harris L Smith D Hopper Lloyd-Ward Carter Earl J Coates Mrs Boxwell -
53 - E Harris L Smith D Hopper Lloyd-Ward H Vickers Tawn J Coates Mrs Boxwell Mrs Smith
54 W Warman E Harris L Smith D Hopper S Hopper H Vickers Tawn J Coates Mrs Boxwell Mrs Smith
55 W Warman S Hopper L Smith D Hopper Lloyd-Ward H Vickers Tawn A Davey Mrs Boxwell W Cox
56 W Warman A Linsley L Smith D Hopper Mrs Davey Mrs Warman MsDavies Mrs Salter Mrs Boxwell W Cox
57 W Warman W Salter L Smith D Hopper Mrs Davey A Linsley MsDavies E Harris Mrs Boxwell W Cox
58 O Brennan W Salter L Smith D Hopper S Hopper H Vickers Mrs Harris E Harris Mrs Boxwell G Jones
59 O Brennan W Cox L Smith D Hopper A Davey K Leveritt Mrs Harris S Hopper K Sheridan G Jones
60 O Brennan W Cox L Smith D Hopper A Davey Mrs Wright D Stowell E Harris K Sheridan G Jones
61 E Harris Mrs Wright L Smith D Hopper S Hopper J Maxwell D Stowell J Coates Mrs Salter Mrs Coates
62 E Harris J Coates L Smith D Hopper S Hopper J Maxwell Mrs Harris R Mitchell Mrs Salter Mrs Stallard
63 E Harris Rowbotham L Smith D Hopper Mrs Salter Mrs Harris J Coates R Mitchell H Woodward Mrs Stallard
64 E Harris Rowbotham L Smith D Hopper S Hopper Mrs Harris J White D Laird H Woodward Mrs Stallard
65 E Harris H Woodward L Smith D Hopper N Salter B West J White J Cross D Laird SJ Hopper
66 E Harris H Woodward L Smith D Hopper N Salter B West J White J Cross D Laird SJ Hopper
67 ES Harris D Kendall L Smith D Hopper W Servante B West N Salter J Cross H Woodward A Blakemore
68 SJ Hopper D Kendall L Smith D Hopper W Servante B West ES Harris L Martin K Leverritt CJ Harrison
69 SJ Hopper S Hitch L Smith D Hopper D Kendall Mrs Smith ES Harris L Martin M de Winter CJ Harrison
70 SJ Hopper S Hitch L Smith D Hopper D Kendall D Kendall ES Harris L Martin M de Winter CJ Harrison
71 Mrs Wright M de Winter L Smith D Hopper N Salter AD Stidolph E Nesom Mr Hare H Griffin F Hart
72 Mrs Wright M de Winter L Smith D Hopper S Burton Mrs Smith E Nesom Mr Hare H Griffin D Carlisle
73 D Kendall H Griffin E Nesom D Hopper S Burton AD Stidolph S Hopper L Martin A Blakemore M Blakemore
74 D Kendall H Griffin E Nesom D Hopper S Hopper AD Stidolph K Sheridan L Martin A Blakemore M Blakemore
75 D Kendall M de Winter E Nesom S Evans N Mackenzie L Soane K Sheridan M de Winter A Stidolph H Griffin
76 D Kendall M de Winter E Nesom S Evans P Bailey L Soane K Sheridan J Churchill A Stidolph Fred Jackson
77 D Kendall P Bailey E Nesom S Evans P Bailey L Soane K Sheridan J Churchill D de Winter Fred Jackson
78 D Kendall P Bailey E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey L Soane B Howarth J Churchill S Evans Fred Jackson
79 D Kendall F Jackson E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey L Soane B Howarth J Churchill S Evans O Lines
80 D Kendall F Jackson E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey L Soane B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner H Poole
81 D Kendall H Poole E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey L Soane B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner D Mitchell
82 D Kendall H Poole E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey L Soane B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner D Mitchell
83 D Kendall O Lines E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey H Poole B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner D Mitchell
84 D Kendall O Lines E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey H Poole B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner D Mitchell
85 D Kendall D Mitchell E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey H Poole B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner O Lines
86 D Kendall D Mitchell E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Patterson B Howarth J Churchill J Skinner J Sivayogan
87 D Kendall J Churchill E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Patterson B Howarth D Mitchell J Skinner M Williams
88 D Kendall J Churchill E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Patterson B Howarth D Mitchell J Skinner M Williams
89 D Kendall D Patterson E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey C Cundy B Howarth D Mitchell P Jackson M Williams
90 D Kendall D Patterson E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey C Cundy M Howarth D Mitchell P Jackson M Williams
91 D Kendall M Howarth E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey C Cundy D Patterson D Mitchell P Jackson M Williams
92 D Kendall M Howarth E Nesom M de Winter D Patterson C Cundy J Churchill P Bailey P Jackson M Williams
93 D Kendall B Balkwill E Nesom M de Winter D Patterson D Mitchell B Howarth P Bailey P Jackson M Williams
94 D Kendall B Balkwill E Nesom M de Winter D Patterson D Mitchell B Howarth P Bailey C Cundy M Williams
95 B Balkwill D Mitchell E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Reading B Howarth J Johnson J Lightfoot P Brayton
96 B Balkwill D Mitchell E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Reading B Howarth J Johnson J Lightfoot J Brayton
97 D Mitchell B Howarth E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Reading M Hunt J Johnson J Lightfoot J Brayton
98 D Mitchell B Howarth E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey D Reading M Hunt J Johnson J Lightfoot A Conway
99 B Howarth M Hunt E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley T Dean J Johnson D Lightfoot A Conway
00 B Howarth M Hunt E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley T Dean H Gibbons D Lightfoot A Conway
01 B Howarth M Hunt E Nesom M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley T Dean H Gibbons D Lightfoot A Conway
02 M Hunt T Dean L Blande M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley A Conway H Gibbons J Kerr D Lightfoot
03 M Hunt T Dean L Blande M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley A Conway H Gibbons J Kerr D Lightfoot
04 M Hunt T Dean L Blande M de Winter P Bailey A Chalkley A Conway H Gibbons J Kerr D Lightfoot
05 T Dean T Conway M Howarth J Johnson S Burton A Chalkley N Selway H Gibbons J Kerr J Hunter
06 T Dean T Conway M Howarth J Johnson N Selway A Burt T Nesom C Kempton J Kerr J Hunter
07 T Dean T Conway M Howarth J Condon N Selway A Burt J Hunter C Kempton T Nesom M de Winter
08 T Conway A Burt L Blande J Condon N Benn B Howarth V Hughes J Hunter C Kempton M de Winter