Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
Club & annual competitions
26th Jul 2024 14:34 BST
24th Jul 2024 13:37 BST
News from the committee
17th Jun 2024 11:37 BST
28th Apr 2024 10:17 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024
News from the committee
Committee News and updates

Here you can find details of recent committee meetings and some key documents about the club.  If anyone has any questions or any of the items mentioned, or if they would like us to discuss anything in particular please can you email  Thank you.


     CM minutes June 2024.doc

     CM Minutes Feb 2024.pdf

     CM Minutes Jan 2024.pdf

     CM Minutes Oct 2023.pdf

The most recent constitution

     Constitution January 2022.pdf

The minutes of the annual general meeting held in 2023

     AGM Minutes 2023.pdf

And a copy of the member survey from 2022

     Member survey results Jan 2022.pdf