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Click here to see the EBU poster of upcoming competitions.

18-21 July = Scarborough Summer Congress

8-11 August = Summer Meeting Eastbourne

10 August = Online 9-High Pairs on BBO for less experienced players, i.e. a national grade score (NGS) not above nine.

27-29 August = Northern Midweek Congress

OBA Competitions


Sat-Sun 17-18 Aug 2024 = Congress (Abingdon School F2F)

Sun 29 Sept = Wallingford Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs

EBU diaries

An EBU diary is circulated to all eligible members each year with the August magazine.  Anyone who wants a copy must opt in, e.g. by changing your account settings at My EBU. Click on 'Account' in the top right corner, select 'My Details', and then in the page's 'Account Settings' section, under the 'Magazine/Diary Preference' option use the drop down list to make your choice.

Any changes to the information printed in the diary are listed on the EBU's diary changes page.

Membership forms are available, complying with our obligations under Data Protection Regulations. If you haven't signed one, copies are available on club nights. Ask the Director. There are also simpler forms for visitors - one form for EBU members or another for those who aren't.
If you play at the club without signing the form, your agreement to its contents will be inferred. 
News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

  October Bulletin Entry

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 8th October in the Vale Room, ahead of a shortened session of bridge. Formal nomination for the appointment of Officers of the Club or Committee Members, and of issues individuals wish to raise under Any Other Business, should be notified formally to the Secretary or Chairman at least a week in advance.

On Friday 4th October, 7 for 7.30pm start, Menagerie Bridge Club are hosting a 'Play with an Expert' event on Realbridge for Blewbury and Wantage Clubs. If you would like to take part, and have not already done so, please contact the Chairman.

Blewbury will be hosting joint Realbridge sessions with Wantage Bridge Club at 7pm on October 10th and 24th. Wantage will be hosting similar joint events on October 3rd, 17th and 31st.

Hopefully, Social Bridge sessions will run on Friday evenings on October 11th, 18th and 25th

The Wessex League season is about to start again. Blewbury are in Division 1 this year. Finn Clark is running some Sunday afternoon online Seminars again - 'How to win Wessex League Division 1 matches'. If you are interested please contact Finn -

October 31st sees the end of our competition year. A new set of competitions will begin on November 1st.


Last updated : 18th Sep 2024 08:58 BST

Blewbury Bridge Club AGM 10 October 2023

Apologies:  Jill Allen, Ken Angus, Sarah Donne, June Downey, Ann Iverson, Martin Keogh, Jane Lennox, David Long, Vionne Thornhill, Alan & Clare Wagner

In attendance: Michael Allen (Chair, MA), Diane Bell, Jayne Castle, Deirdre Cochrane (Treasurer), Malcolm Cochrane, Jo Condliffe, Christine Ewing, Colin Field, Joyce Gibbons, Bruce Gibson, David Hollick, Alison Jarratt (Secretary, AJ), Jayne Knight, Mick Moore, Shirley Moore, John Moss, Hazel Nixon, Dermott Paddon, Hilary Strang, Susan Tuffnell

  1. Chairman’s report

The minutes of previous AGM were adopted unanimously.

Matters arising:

  • Suggested keepsake prize: committee decided to buy branded pens and these have been purchased as prizes and for use at other events.
  • Mike Brown suggested to play Realbridge -covered by agenda item
  • Directors – thanks to Dermot and Diane for stepping up
  • Chairman will stand down in 12 months time.  Club needs to succession plan for this.
  • Sessions: invitation to join with Wantage has been taken up and is running regularly.
  • Funbridge – continues regulary
  • Christmas party – Tuesday 12th and Friday 15th December 2023
  • Bank payments for F2F – Hilary does this but wishes to step down.
  • Partnership host – now covered by Michael Allen.  Sarah Donne looking after membership, thanks for this.
  • Village Hall warm space – did happen, we gave a donation towards the running costs.
  • Publicity – covered by agenda.
  • EBU diary – remember to opt in if you want one.
  • Tuesday handicap individual.  Thursday competitions, Friday prize night not economically viable.  With 3 tables we lose money, but provides a service so understood and accepted. If there are less than 3 tables it’s cancelled.
  • Membership forms renewed last year, please notify club of any changes as they will not be recirculated this year.

Chairman’s report and future plans

This has been our first full year since lockdown so we get a full picture of our accounts and financial performance.  Major thing for the year has been the loss of Richard, great loss for club and personally.  Crisis with laptop – memory was full and maintenance work by AJ – MA asked the minutes to record his thanks for this – we had to upgrade Scorebridge.  Quite a bit of work, now up and running.  MA took over as partnership host.

We bought a new laptop recently, MA is building it, loading software etc. Q from Dermot – can we clone it?  Probably not, but more familiar with it all now so should be quicker.  Attendance: we were doing OK on Tuesdays with 5 tables, but dipped recently in the autumn, hopefully only temporarily.  Friday F2F social struggles some weeks, often cancelled due to lack of numbers, remains under review, but is a useful way into club bridge.  Thursday BBO/Realbridge with Wantage doing well, numbers much better, has been a suggestion from Wantage that we change to Realbridge (see agenda later).  Funbridge continues with a small number of dedicated afficionados. All formats will continue as long as there is demand.

On the 7th November we will run our annual Children in Need pairs.  Wantage will run theirs on Thursday 9th so the alternate hosting of weeks will swap between Wantage and Blewbury, with the Blewbury session on Thursday 16th, then fortnightly thereafter.  Normally this night would be a Blewbury night, but we have swapped for Children in Need.  In lieu of Christmas party, we will have refreshments at 2 F2F sessions – Tuesday 12th December and Friday 15th December. 

We now have 3 directors aside from MA: Dermot, Diane and Colin, thanks to them.  3 potential new directors – EBU training course dates have been a problem, so the OBA are trying to set some up.  MA to chase. 

Finances and admin: We went cashless with new financial arrangements in place via online banking, or cash via MA as Chairman.  For the BBO sessions, BBO take a cut, EBU take their cut, then we get a cut.  For Wantage sessions, players pay them directly. F2F sessions are tracked by Hilary to work out what’s been paid vs played – players from the same household are separately accounted for so we have a clear record for each individual.  We won’t ask for new membership form this year – please let us know if any details have changed.  MA wishes to record thanks to Sarah for keeping membership records.

Cups and awards – Tuesday male and female handicap pairs.  There is only one qualifying person for handicap individual so it cannot be awarded this year.  There are insufficient numbers on Fridays for meaningful rankings.  We have a secondary affiliation to Berks & Bucks Bridge Association, so we can run a night where we can qualify for their Waller Bowl Pairs event.  Question as to whether we want to field players – see later in agenda – we would need to run a qualifying session.

Warm Space – no word if this is being repeated this year – we made a donation to support their running costs last year.

Publicity – recruitment drive needed but no volunteers so far. A team is needed with a project leader.  Blewbury clubs and societies event in September went well, attendance from village was down but we didn’t have a great response.  Thanks to all helpers, committee members.

Pleas: please arrive in good time, around 7.20pm.  We know some aren’t able to help but director needs to finalise table numbers and movements. Playing discipline – please don’t make suggestions or complaints at the table – go via the director.  Leave issues to the director to handle.  Respect the decision don’t seek to do their job yourself.  Please do not discuss hands in a loud voice – sound reverberates round the room and discussions can be heard.  Best not to read out results of previous hands – offer Bridgemate to other players.  If you wish to make note of % - repeat quietly at table.

Person on lead, lead before writing contract or putting away cards.  Let opponents know system when you sit down or they will presume you are playing standard ACOL.  Please don’t come if unwell.

Treasurer’s report

Deirdre circulated accounts and audited accounts passed to MA. Funds are kept with HSBC and we get a monthly statement.  DC makes all the payments out and in and analyses them.  Assets of £12,945.25, up £800 on last year.  Club is financially v healthy.  MA pointed out that we have “overs and unders” of £414 table money at the year end so the surplus should be reduced by that amount.  Table money started May 2021 post covid.  Malcolm raised issue of opening balance of table money – Hilary confirmed it was immaterial.  But take account of this year’s opening debtor of £414.

The club was recommended to adopt the accounts. Thanks Deirdre for preparation.  Proposed Colin, Seconded Christine. Adopted unanimously.

Team Captain’s report

We played in Wessex League Division 2– played 6, won 3 lost 3, so will stay in Division 2.  Dermot stood down, thanks for his contribution to Wessex League for 5 years. Finn Clark has taken over as captain.  Finn has been running online seminars on Sunday afternoons.  Interesting sessions, thanks to Finn for running them.  MA recommends attending them, well worth doing.

Election of officers and committee

AJ continuing as Secretary.  MA standing as Chair for one more year only.  Approve Michael (Chair), Deirdre (Treasurer), and Alison (Secretary).  Proposed – John Moss, Seconded – Colin Field. Unanimously carried.

Colin, Mick, Sarah continuing as committee members Proposed – Hazel, Seconded Bruce.  Unanimously carried.

Hilary is wanting to stand down – thanks from the club for all her work over 10 years.  We will need someone to take over the monitoring of table money on a spreadsheet.  No volunteers at the meeting. 

Matt Wright has stood for the committee Proposed – Colin, Seconded – Bob, carried unanimously.  We will discuss with him how he is able to contribute.


Colin, Dermot, Diane – thanks to all. 3 others have offered to be trained, MA will chase OBA.

Subscriptions and table money

No annual membership fee proposed.  Table money recommended to remain at £2.50.

Sessions, competitions and trophies

Wantage have suggested that several members prefer Realbridge, MA canvassed opinion of members by email and received a mixed response. Slight preference for Realbridge but changes depending on whether we use self alerting on Realbridge.  A view was put forward that if such a facility is there so should be used – it prevents unauthorised information.  Wantage started with it but it lapsed as people didn’t remember to self alert.  Question – do we change to Realbridge?  Dermot: Screens work really well on Realbridge – could use them properly.  People are alerting properly with screens. Social aspect – all 4 players visible at start, during play only see one member of opposition.  Worth trying.  Bob asked how many didn’t want Realbridge?  3.  Both clubs have dissenting comments – why not leave it?  With self alerting 6 in favour.  Jayne suggested a vote.  AJ commented that with bridge clubs struggling for membership, we should work together with other clubs to ensure the maximum number of people were interested in playing.  Hilary mentioned that it would be more effort on the table money accounting side.

The matter was put to a vote: Change from BBO Thursday to Realbridge  - in favour 8.  In favour of keeping BBO - 2.  Abstentions – 9, the majority of whom abstained as they do not play online.  Majority is therefore for moving to Realbridge.  There is potential to attract Wallingford players on Thursday nights.  Dermot will help roll this out but with additional help please – training needed.  Thanks to Dermot for offering.

Afternoon session – can’t get enough on Friday night as it is, demonstrates little demand and this will not be pursued at present.

Waller Bowl (Berks and Bucks Pairs tournament) – should we field a team?  Any interest in getting involved?  4 people interested in trying to qualify.  If not interested in Waller Bowl, should lapse affiliate membership of Berks and Bucks.  Register a regular Tuesday session and we can try to qualify people.  How many can qualify for it?  A couple from a club of this size.  Qualifying heats by December 31st, final is 18th February 2024, face to face in Windsor. MA will designate one session before Christmas as a Waller Cup qualifier for those who wish to enter.

Publicity and recruitment

Clubs and societies event held in Blewbury Village Hall in September.  Recruitment activity is needed – need to push membership.  Difficult for a small club without teaching capacity at present.  Wantage and Wallingford are offering teaching – we should be encouraging newcomers from their clubs.

Equipment & Website

New computer is work in progress, website is running OK

Dates for 2024

AGM 8th October


Thanks to Michael for all his help for many, many years.


Last updated : 23rd Oct 2023 07:24 BST

Privacy Notice for Blewbury Bridge Club

What personal data does Blewbury Bridge Club collect, and what is it used for­­­?

Who is your data shared with?

Where does this data come from?

How is your data stored?

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

Who has access to your data?

What is the legal basis for collecting this data?

How you can check what data we have about you?

Does Blewbury Bridge Club collect any “special” data?

How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

How long we keep your data for, and why?

What happens if a member dies?

Can you download your data to use it elsewhere?




What personal data does Blewbury Bridge Club collect?

The data we routinely collect includes members’ names, addresses and email addresses. We collect this data directly from our members when they join the club.

For some of our members we may have additional information such as committee memberships, teaching qualifications, DBS checks done with the member’s knowledge and permission, or tournament director roles. We may also keep information relating to disciplinary matters and sanctions.

We collect the scores from games you play, which are displayed on our results pages and used in maintaining the EBU’s National Grading Scheme (NGS) and the Master Point scheme. 

What is this personal data used for?

We use members’ data for the administration of your membership; the communication of information, and the organisation of events. We provide your data to the English Bridge Union (EBU) for their use as explained in the section below.


Who is your data shared with?

Your membership data is passed on to the EBU, of which you become a member when you join Blewbury Bridge Club. The EBU shares data with its associated charity, English Bridge Education and Development (EBED), since it shares offices and data systems with them, and also with Oxfordshire or any other county that you may have nominated as your county of allegiance.

Information from your results is also passed on to the EBU for use in its master point and NGS schemes and, unless you have chosen to have your NGS grade kept private, this may also be used for stratification and handicap purposes.

Some of your data will be available for use by Bridgewebs acting as a Data Processor on our behalf. They are not free to pass this on to other organisations that are not connected with Blewbury Bridge Club.

Your personal data is not passed on by us to organisations other than those indicated above, whether or not connected with bridge.



Where does this data come from?

Data for most of our members comes from them when they join Blewbury Bridge Club or when they update their information either directly or via their EBU record.

The information held by the EBU may be updated by your club if you have given it permission to change your record. You can change this permission on My EBU by going to Account -> My Details.

If you are a direct member of the EBU, you will instead have provided your personal data directly to us when you joined Blewbury Bridge Club, or when you updated your record with us.

Scoring data comes directly from the results of the club games in which you play.


How is your data stored?

This information is mainly stored in digital form on computers and in the form of written documents stored at the home address of the Membership Secretary. We use Bridgewebs as our data processor for this purpose. Any information that is stored remotely is stored in compliance with the GDPR.


Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we do not have a statutory requirement to have a Data Protection Officer. The person who is responsible for ensuring Blewbury Bridge Club discharges its obligations under the GDPR is Sarah Donne.


Who has access to your data?

Members of the committee of Blewbury Bridge Club have access to members’ data in order for them to carry out their legitimate tasks for the organisations.



What is the legal basis for collecting this data?

Blewbury Bridge Club collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation and participant in an internationally recognised and regulated, competitive mind sport.

For some data, such as that relating to financial matters, the basis for its collection and retention is to comply with our legal obligations.

Similarly, personnel data is kept in compliance with our legal obligations.


How you can check what data we have about you?

If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you should contact Sarah Donne.

You can contact us with a “Subject Access Request” if you want to ask us to provide you with any other information we hold about you. If you are interested in any particular aspects, specifying them will help us to provide you with what you need quickly and efficiently. We are required to provide this to you within one month.

There is not usually a fee for this, though we can charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative cost of providing the information if a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or for requests for further copies of the same information.


Does Blewbury Bridge Club collect any “special” data?

The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “special categories of personal data”.  

We do not record any such special data of these categories, the only data we record relates to the disabilities of members who have explicitly requested it to be recorded for the purpose of giving them stationary positions in our competitions (which we aim to do wherever feasible). If you wish to change this data on your record you can do so at any time by contacting Sarah Donne.

How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

There are various ways in which you can limit how your data is used.

·         If you wish you could become an “anonymous” member. This would involve you having a pseudonym with an EBU number under which you would play. If you do this however, you would not be able to access any EBU membership benefits such as the magazine or playing in EBU tournaments.

·         You could maintain your club membership with your correct name but with limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting you. You could for example simply maintain an up-to-date email address, but of course this would limit what we and the EBU are able to provide you with in the way of written information, so you would not be able to get English Bridge in printed form or any other benefits that require a mailing address.

·         You do not need to provide us with your date of birth unless you wish to enter age-limited (junior or seniors) events or gain concessions based on age.

·         If you do not want your NGS grade to be public, you may choose for it to be kept private. You can change this option as often as you wish.

·         You may choose not to appear in master point promotions lists.

·         You may choose not to receive information emails from Blewbury Bridge Club (we do not send any out on behalf of other organisations).

·         Any of these options can be implemented for your club membership by contacting Sarah Donne.

·         Any of these options can be implemented for your EBU membership by logging on to My EBU, going to Account –> My Details and editing your record there, either to correct erroneous data or to delete information you do not wish us to have. If you need any assistance with this you may contact the Office Manager



How long we keep your data for, and why?

We normally keep members’ data after they resign or their membership lapses in case they later wish to re-join. However, we will delete any former member’s contact details entirely on request.

Since underlying statistical data, like scores from bridge games, continues to be necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was originally collected and processed, results from events used for the NGS are not deleted by Blewbury Bridge Club or the EBU although they will no longer be attributed to a player who does not want their data to be kept.

Historical ranking lists and prize lists are required for archiving purposes and names cannot be removed from them.

Other data, such as that relating to accounting or personnel matters, is kept for the legally required period.


What happens if a member dies?

We normally keep members’ information after they die. If requested by their next-of-kin to delete it we will do so on the same basis as when requested to remove data by a former member.


Can you download your data to use it elsewhere?

Your session data that is held by the EBU can be downloaded as a csv spreadsheet. You can do this by logging on to My EBU and in your Sessions list, clicking on “Download as CSV”. To access data held by Blewbury Bridge Club contact Sarah Donne.


Last updated : 27th Sep 2022 12:06 BST

Please refer to the Village Hall Safeguarding Policy as follows

Last updated : 15th Sep 2022 10:58 BST
  Infection Prevention Requirements

Instructions to Players for Face to Face bridge 

  1. No cash will be used on playing nights
    1. Members will be required to pay by bank transfer.
    2. Details of the club's bank account and how to pay may be obtained from the Chairman/Treasurer.
  2. Vaccine
    1. All members who intend to play F2F must have received a second dose of anti-Covid vaccine at least 2 weeks prior to their first live session.
    2. Anyone displaying cold or fever symptoms should not attend the live club sessions
  3. Sanitiser
    1. Please note that gel-based hand sanitisers are strictly BANNED from use in the Club, due to the possible detrimental effect on the Dealing Machine if gel were to be transferred to it via the cards.
    2. Only alcohol-based sanitisers should be used and the Club will supply at least one dispenser per table.
    3. As few members as possible should handle chairs and tables at the start and finish of the session. Hand sanitiser should be used before and after handling any furniture.
    4. Similarly, sanitiser should be used before and after touching doors to the Vale Room, kitchen, toilets, storage cupboard, etc.
    5. Also, hand sanitiser should be used after moving tables and before touching any equipment or cards on the table.
  4. Kitchen
    1. The kitchen will be banned from use for the present, other than emergency water supply
    2. Note that no refreshments will be supplied by the club initially, until sessions have been ongoing successfully and one or more suitable volunteers been found to maintain supplies of tea, coffee, milk, biscuits, etc.
    3. Members should bring their own refreshments and drinking water.
  5. Bidding Boxes and boards
    1. Sanitiser should be used before and after handling boards, playing cards or bidding boxes.
    2. Members are reminded to avoid touching their faces as far as possible after handling boards and cards
  6. Airborne virus
    1. Masks may be worn at all times indoors, apart from when drinking or eating, if an individual player wishes to.
    2. In the event that infection rates nationally, or locally, increase substantially, then at least one window and the doors to the lobby and outside may be kept open to facilitate a draft.
    3. Members should be aware that the room may therefore become chilly in the autumn and winter months.
Last updated : 11th Sep 2022 08:59 BST

MARCH 2020
I have decided that, faced with the impending threat of a rapidly increasing Coronavirus epidemic, we should temporarily suspend all playing sessions of Blewbury Bridge Club immediately. There are also good reasons why we should not wait for Government Advice before acting.
A bridge Club, despite being a relatively small social gathering, has particularly critical issues when faced with such a virus.
1) The age profile of the members is such that a significant proportion can be defined as 'at risk' of serious illness/death. Quite a number may well have underlying health issues which seems to be an important consideration.
2) It is impossible to maintain 'social distancing'. Not only do we come close to each other when moving about the room, but we sit barely a metre from each other. The room is also, as you will be aware, quite cramped, which exacerbates our contact with each other. Furthermore, the biggest risk of passing on a virus is the manner of our activity - we all handle the boards and many sets of cards, which are a prime candidate for carrying germs.
3) We are playing in a school. It seems that children are less at risk from this virus than older people, but they will, undoubtedly, be spreading germs on hard surfaces all over the school. So increasing the risk to our members. 
The available evidence is that we are about 2 weeks behind Italy - even if we only experience 50% of Italy's problems it will cause great difficulties. It is reported that the Government is drawing up recommendations that the elderly avoid public gatherings. As I mentioned above, I believe bridge club activities hold particular additional hazards not faced by normal public gatherings.
The government is delaying issuing more draconian measures because of the economic impact - they are not thinking of the elderly as the first priority. I think we must do that. Also bear in mind that this is different to seasonal flu - there is no inoculation and the hidden incubation period/ease of spread makes it very dangerous.
For these reasons I am taking immediate action. I trust you will all support this difficult decision.
I will keep you informed of developments.
With no sign of an imminent return to normal life the club will continue to be closed for face-to-face play. However, a Virtual Blewbury Club has recently been created on Bridge Base online, with club sessions on Tuesday and Thiursday evenings. We also have dedicated club sessions on Funbridge, 10.30am-1030pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a similar Novices session on Fridays. 
Last updated : 13th Oct 2020 10:45 BST

Tom Le Cren Cup - Stephen Quinn

Marjorie Le Cren Cup - Shirley Moore

Pari Parsu Cup - Richard Brodie and Michael Allen

Blewbury Bridge Club Cup - Diane Bell

Roy East Cup - Fiona Jack and Jane Lennox

The Bird Salver - Dermot Paddon and Diane Bell

Shield for the Most Improved Player - 

Last updated : 30th Sep 2020 18:52 BST



  1. Playing Discipline. Please do not make suggestions/complaints in a loud voice from the table – direct any such issues quietly through the Director. Please do not make directing decisions or try to sort problems out unless you are the Director for the evening. Leave such issues to the Director, whatever you think – if you are at the table where a decision is made it is always possible to ask a question at the appropriate moment but you must respect the Director’s decision and not seek to do his/her job yourself.
  2. PLEASE PASS ON YOUR BOARDS WHEN YOU ARE MOVING.  Please place boards in correct order before passing them on and find out where they should go – don’t just leave them anywhere.
  3. Would the person due to make the opening lead PLEASE lead BEFORE writing down the contract in their score card, or indeed putting away their bidding cards.
  4. Please ensure you wash up and dry your own cups in a timely fashion.
  5. Dummy to pass on bottom board when their table is finishing late
  6. Help to set up from 7pm is always welcome.
  7. Also at the end in packing things away. 
  8. Please report to the club by 7.20pm.
  9. PLEASE be considerate when other tables are still in play and keep conversation, particularly conversation about the cards played, to a minimum and at a LOW VOLUME. 
  10. Let your opponents know your basic bidding system when you sit down, unless you have a convention card or are playing standard Acol.
  11. Keep a scorecard.

Last updated : 17th Feb 2020 17:34 GMT



Constitution and Rules


Name and Objectives

1. The name of the Club shall be The Blewbury Bridge Club.

The objects of the club are:

  1. To promote and further interest in the playing of Contract Bridge.
  2. To promote the mutual acquaintance of and social intercourse amongst its members.



2. The membership of the club will comprise Ordinary Members who have paid their annual subscription in the manner provided for in these rules.


3. Only fully paid up Ordinary Members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting of the Club.



4. Any Ordinary Member shall be entitled to introduce guests to the Club except previous Members who have been asked to resign by the Committee.


Club Management

5. The affairs of the Club shall be under the management of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and four Committee members who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, all to hold office for the ensuing year.  Nominations for election to the Committee may be made verbally before or at the Annual General Meeting.


6. The members shall vote for the candidates at the Annual General Meeting and those with the majority of the votes shall be elected and shall be advised accordingly by the Secretary within one week of the meeting.  In the event of a tie between candidates a further vote shall be taken for the candidates in that tie.


7. The Committee shall meet at least twice a year and shall be responsible for the general management of the club, in particular:


a) to authorise such expenditure of Club funds as they may deem necessary;

b) to consider the amount of the annual subscription, entrance fee, table money, visitors’ fees, match fees and any other charges they may deem necessary and to propose changes to be placed before a General Meeting;

c) to co-opt Members to fill casual vacancies on the Committee until the next General Meeting;

d) to take whatever disciplinary action over members they may deem necessary;

e) to appoint Sub-Committees for the general running of the Club;

f) to wind up the Club (ref. Clause 26).


8. The Committee shall have power to enter into contracts, leases and other financial commitments on behalf of the Club within available funds.  Commitments which would cause an excess over these funds shall not be entered into without the approval of the Members at a General Meeting.


9. At Committee meetings three members shall constitute a quorum.  Should there be no quorum present the meeting shall be adjourned to a date to be agreed upon by the Committee members.  In the absence of the Chairman the members present shall elect one of their number as Chairman of the Meeting.


Annual General Meeting

10. The Club’s financial year shall run from 1st September to 31st. August.  As soon as practicable, and in any event not more than three calendar months after the end of the financial year, there shall be a meeting of Members to be known as the Annual General Meeting under the direction of the Club Chairman for the purpose of transacting the following business:


a. to receive the Secretary’s and Chairman’s reports;

b. to receive and approve the Annual Accounts;

c. to consider proposals submitted for inclusion on the Agenda;

d. to elect a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members for the following year;

e. to conduct any relevant business.


At least fourteen clear days’ notice of the date of the meeting shall be given by display on the Club notice board.


11. In the absence of the Club Chairman the members present shall elect from their number a Chairman of the said meeting only.  (This rule shall also apply to an Extraordinary General Meeting).


Extraordinary General Meeting

12. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Committee at any time or by any ten Ordinary Members upon giving notice in writing to the Secretary, signed by all of them and clearly  stating the purpose of the Meeting.  The Secretary shall then arrange for the Meeting to be held within one calendar month of the date of receipt of the requisition and shall give Members not less than seven clear days’ notice of the date, time and purpose of the meeting in the same manner as prescribed for an Annual General Meeting.  The business of the meeting shall be confined to the discussion of the matter for which the meeting was called.



13. At all Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings each Ordinary Member present shall have one vote only, except that in the event of an equality of voting the Chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.


Secretary and Treasurer

14. The Secretary shall be responsible, under the direction of and with the help of the Committee, for all the business of the Club and shall conduct all correspondence, send due notice of all meetings to the Members concerned and keep all Members informed of all matters of interest to them.  The Secretary shall maintain the following records:


a. Register of Members

b. Minutes of all meetings

c. Files of correspondence



15. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies paid to the Club, for making all necessary payments as authorised by the Committee and obtaining vouchers therefore so far as is practicable. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all transactions, shall produce such accounts for inspection as required at any Committee meeting and shall deposit all monies received in such Bank or Banks as the Committee may authorise.  The accounts shall be audited annually.


Bank, etc. Signing Powers, Investments

16. All payments out of Bank, etc., accounts shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Secretary.  It shall be the Secretary’s responsibility for advising Banks etc., when a change in this office takes place and or forwarding specimen signatures to them as required.


17. Surplus monies shall be invested in Stocks, Shares, Property, etc. only with the approval of Members at a General Meeting.  Between General Meetings the Committee may authorise the transfer of surplus funds to interest-earning bank, etc., accounts as considered necessary.


Annual Subscriptions and Table Money

18. The Annual Subscriptions to the Club shall be payable in advance within one month of the commencement of the playing year (1st November).  Any Member who has not paid his/her subscription twenty-eight days after it has become due shall be considered in arrear and if it not paid within a further twenty-eight days shall cease to be a Member.  No Member in arrear shall be permitted to use the Club.  However, in cases of special hardship the Committee may, at their discretion, excuse payment of such Member’s subscription for such period as they think fit and the Member shall not during such period forfeit the privileges of membership.


19. Changes in the subscription shall be made only by resolution and approval at a General Meeting.  Any alteration in fixing the amount to be paid as table money shall be left to the discretion of the Committee.


20. New members joining within the last 3 months of the playing year (Aug, Sep, Oct) will be required to pay the full annual subscription which will cover their membership for 15 months, i.e. they will not have to renew until 1 November the following year providing the annual subscription is not increased. In that event they will be asked to pay the difference at 1 Nov in the current year.


Responsibilities of the Club and Members

21. The Club shall not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury sustained by any person whilst on the Club premises or engaged in any of the Club’s activities nor shall any person have any claim against the Club or the Committee (including the officers) for any action taken in accordance with the Club Rules.


22. The Committee may require any Member to make good any damage or loss caused by his/her actions or neglect to any property for which the Club is responsible.


Disciplinary Action

23. Should any Member have any cause for complaint against another Member he/she shall communicate this in writing to the Secretary for submission to the Committee.  After such enquiry as may be necessary the Committee shall take such action as they deem fit, provided that a Member may be required to resign from the Club only by a two-thirds majority of the whole Committee and only after he/she has been given ample opportunity to answer the charges against him/her.


Notice of Alterations to Constitution and Rules

24. A copy of the Constitution and Rules and all alterations thereto shall be affixed to the Club Notice Board and shall be binding on all Members. 


25. The Constitution and Rules shall be altered only by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present at a General Meeting.  Written notice of intention to proposed alteration and particulars of the proposed alteration(s) shall be given to the Secretary (for inclusion in the agenda) not later than twenty-one days prior to the Meeting.


Winding Up

26.  In the event of it being necessary to wind up the Club the Committee shall be empowered, after approval by the Members at a General Meeting, to take whatever action may be necessary to realise the assets of the Club and to distribute any surplus proceeds, after payment of all debts, amongst the Members entitled thereto in such equitable proportion as the Committee may decide.


Last updated : 18th May 2018 14:52 GMT



  1. Either North or South should be responsible for entering the contract and lead into the Bridgemate.
  2. It is recommended that this is done before play of the hand commences but not if the person responsible is on lead.
  3. At the end of the hand the Person Responsible should promptly enter the result and press OK.
  4. He/she should then hand the Bridgemate to whosoever of East or West is nominated by that pair to check the Bridgemate entry.
  5. That Person, and it does not matter whether it is East or West, should check the result and, if satisfied that is correct, should then turn the Bridgemate to face the rest of the table and, only then, press the agree button at the top.
  6. If not agreeing the Bridgemate should be passed politely back to whoever input the result with an explanation of what is wrong.
  7. On pressing the agree button, the only announcement that should be made by the player checking and agreeing the result is the %age score for North/South, i.e. ‘So much % to North/South’, AND THAT IS ALL.
  8. The OK button may then be pressed to check other scores, but again ONLY such that all other parties may inspect them if they wish.
  9. Finally, the Bridgemate should be passed back to North or South.
Last updated : 8th Oct 2015 16:54 GMT