9High Corwen - Qualifier Sunday 9th March |
Any 9-High pair that played in a Gentle / 9-High or 18 boards or fewer duplicate in the weeks 17th November, 1st December or 5th January 2025 have qualified to play in the Oxfordshire 9-High Qualifier on Sunday 9th March. The top 4 playing in this will qualify for the 9-High Corwen (an inter-county event of two sessions each of 18 boards on 31st May 2025, BBO & RealBridge). To enter for the 9th March event, please CLICK HERE
Thank you to those who played in the match against Gloucestershire last Sunday. It was the first time that we have fielded a nine-high team and that seems to have gone well. I hope all the players enjoyed it. The match was very close with Gloucestershire narrowly beating us by 22 imps. Congratulations to Kevin and Ruth Carter who came out the best of the OBA pairs in the cross imps.
Click HERE for a report on the match kindly prepared by Chris Wilson.
The A team victory was most impressive because Gloucestershire have a number of home international players, and have been unbeaten this season, so congratulations to the A team.
In the B Team Finn and Stuart seemed to have been enjoying the day and as a result OBA now top the Division 2 table. In second place come Worcestershire who we happen to play in February.
Midland Counties Teams - v Gloucestershire on Sunday 19th January |
The first match of the New Year will be against Gloucestershire on Sunday 19th January. The selectors are pleased to announce the following teams: RESULTS
A Team: Abbey Smith and Robert Procter, Alan Wilson and Nick Smith, Charlie Bucknell and Jonathan Davis, Denis Talbot and Kathy Talbot
B Team: Amr El-Kashef and Martin Illingworth, Chris Wilson and Nicholas Lee, Christopher Whitehouse and Mary-Ann Sheehy, Finn Clark and Stuart Forsyth
C Team: Gillian Lonsdale and Nigel Wilkes, Krys Kazmierczak and Sandra Nicholson, Liza Furnival and Lorna Swadling, Malcolm Currie and Peter Litchfield
Reserve: Alison Jackson and Peter Jackson
9-High: Richard Crawford and Diane Mitchell, Cliff Hones and Patricia Hones, Kevin Carter and Ruth Carter, Sarah Gregory and Peter Kiff
Reserve: Lesley Sixsmith and Anna Wright
This is the first time that the county will be fielding a 9-high team. It goes without saying that the aim is primarily to enjoy yourselves and to make sure that the opponents do so also, whilst wondering why they have come second. We are delighted to have received many expressions of interest in the 9-High and plan to see more pairs playing for the County in this event both in the remainder of this year and in years to come.
Match versus Worcestershire (away) on Real Bridge on Sunday 9th February |
The selectors are pleased to make the following selections for the match against Worcestershire on Sunday 9th February 2025:
A Team
Abbey Smith and Robert Procter, Alan Wilson and Nick Smith, Henry Rose and Jonathan Davis, Ian Angus and Tom Rainforth
B Team
Chris Wilson and Matthew Covill, Christopher Whitehouse and Mary-Ann Sheehy, Finn Clark and Malcolm Cochrane, Graham Orsmond and Jackie Fairclough
C Team
Gillian Lonsdale and Nigel Wilkes, Krys Kazmierczak and Sandra Nicholson, Lorna Swadling and Peter Finbow, Malcolm Currie and Peter Litchfield
Anna Wright and Lesley Sixsmith, Bridget Watson and John Cecil, Ian Van Maanen and Michael Allen, Nick Stubbs and Raymond Connew
Reserve: Erika Syba and Rob Blundell
 To play in Oxfordshire events (regular monthly events i.e. Senior Pairs, BBO Pairs Ladder or Thursday Teams) or the occasional Sunday events e.g. Harwell Cup, Handicap Pairs or Mixed Pairs) all players must either be Primary Oxfordshire members or Associate Oxfordshire Members. The committee discussed and decided this recently.
Oxfordshire welcomes players from other counties and at no cost, we ask you to register for Associate Membership.
To check Primary Oxfordshire membership click: NGS (ebu.co.uk) - you should see OXF by your name.
[Note the County Pairs and Presidents Cup are only open to Primary OBA Members. All Blue Pointed and the Congress are open to all so no associate membership is required for these events]