Welcome |
Welcome to Blewbury Bridge Club!
We play face-to-face in the Vale Room at Blewbury Village Hall, with duplicate bridge on Tuesdays (7:30 pm) and often a Social Duplicate Bridge evening on Fridays (7:30 pm but currently suspended for the summer). We also play online on RealBridge on Thursdays (7:00 pm). Please be ready to play ten minutes before any start time! Visitors are always warmly welcomed.
We also run Funbridge sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please contact the Chairman for further details.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Blewbury bridge Club will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 8th October in the Vale Room at Blewbury Village Hall, ahead of a shortened session of bridge.
Any nominations for Officers of the Club or members of the Committee should be notified to the Secretary or the Chairman at least one week in advance of the meeting.
Likewise, any items for discussion under 'Any Other Business' should also be notified in advance,
Michael Allen
Blewbury Bridge Club
♠ ♥ Wallingford Bridge Club ♦ ♣
(EBU members only)
at Wallingford Bridge Club
Roke and Berrick Salome Village Hall, OX10 6JJ
On Sunday 29th September 2024
Arrival: 10.45am for an 11.00pm start
6 x 6 board rounds
Sandwiches and cake for lunch, after Round 3
Finish: approximately 5.30 p.m.
June Booty
will be our director
Cost: £16 per player
Prizes: 1st place £50, 2nd place £40, 3rd place £30
Entries: From 22nd August, click Entry Form (preferred) or email: swisspairs@wallingfordbridgeclub.org.uk
Blewbury Bridge Club online sessions are now on Realbridge every fortnight, alternating with Wantage Bridge Club, who kindly invite us to join them on those nights. Wantage's website will have the RealBridge log-in link, either here or here. (Effectively, they're joint events.) We'll need the name and EBU number of anyone who wants to play. Send to Dermot Paddon at djmp99@gmail.com. For payment details, see panel below.
If you want to play in Wantage's sessions, they'll need your details too. If in doubt, contact the Blewbury Chairman.
Wantage upcoming sessions on Realbridge: September 19th, October 3rd, 17th and 31st.
Blewbury upcoming sessions on Realbridge: September 26th, October 10th and 24th.
For Blewbury Bridge Club sessions (both face-to-face and on Realbridge), payments should be made directly to the Club’s bank account. You don't need to pay separately for each session, but can instead pay a lump sum (say £5, £10 or £20 for instance) as a credit which will gradually deplete as you play sessions.
Table money will be £1.50 per Thursday RealBridge session and £2.50 per face-to-face session (both Tuesdays and Fridays). Combined payments are no problem. We'll monitor funds received against sessions paid regularly.
The club's bank account details are as follows
- Account name : Blewbury Bridge Club
- Sort Code : 40 19 35
- Account number : 21305107
You'll need a reference with the payment that identifies who you are and the purpose of the payment, to distinguish from receipts from other Members or from yourself for other purposes (e.g. subscriptions). In the 'reference' line of your BACS transfer, please enter the following
- First two characters: TM
- Next six characters: Membership number – your EBU number
- Final characters: Your surname (or as many letters at the start of your surname that will fit in the remainder of the bank’s reference)
Please leave spaces between these three pieces of information.
Example: TM 405145 Allen will be the reference for me.
If making transfers from the same bank account to cover more than one member, please make separate transfers with each member's number reference and surname.
If anyone can't use this payment method, please contact the Chairman and we'll make alternative arrangements.
Blewbury Bridge Club regular events |
Our programme of regular Blewbury Bridge Club sessions is as follows
Tuesday evenings - F2F bridge in the Vale Room at the Village Hall - 7.30pm
Friday evenings - F2F Social Bridge sessions in the Vale Room at the Village Hall, to be confirmed weekly in advance by email - inform the Chairman if you would like to be included on the circulation list.
Thursday evenings, 7.00pm - Club session online on Realbridge, from 26 October 2023, alternating with RealBridge with Wantage Bridge Club
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.30am-10.30pm - Club Funbridge sessions
Fridays, 10.30am-10.30pm - Club Novices Funbridge session.
It is hoped to re-start the very popular
- most Fridays in the Vale Room from 7.30pm.
The first session is planned for Friday 13th September, at 7.30pm in the Vale Room.
and thereafter on the 20th and 27th September.
please inform the Chairman if you wish to attend, at
Relaxed pace
Fewer Hands
Expert advice on hand if needed
Plenty of Chat!
bring a bottle if you wish!