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BBO Information
Bridge Base Online Virtual SSCBA Club

Opened 10th June 2020

Please note if you are playing for the first time in this group (or have not played for some time) you will need to notify John Withers on in good time. Preferably  contact John 10 days ahead of the event you are planning to play in for the first time but at least 4 or 5 days ahead so that you can be set up on the system before the session starts. You would hope to have had a confirmation from John that you are on the list well before the game start time. 

The volunteer directors may not find it easy to let a player in at the last minute, we are very lucky to have them so please make their life as easy as it can be.


SSCBA is setting up a virtual “Club” with the help of the EBU and BridgeBaseOnline (BBO), and intend to hold  sessions on a Wednesday evening (a traditional County night).

Our first Club session was played on  Wednesday, 10th June 2020, at 7 p.m.

If you are already registered with BridgeBaseOnline (BBO)you will not need to read all the information below, most of which relates to registering and playing on BBO, but we would be grateful for any help you can give to those who need it to register with BBO.  You will, of course, have to let the Membership Secretary know that you wish to play in this Club, as outlined below under Next Steps. 

We invite you to register with BBO now, if you are not already registered, so that you can become familiar with using it and have practice sessions on your own or with friends before going “live” in a club environment.      

If you would like personal help on registering with BBO, please contact by email or by phone one of the people below, giving a contact telephone number;  or you can ask anyone in your own club you know could help you.

Click How to create your BBO account for help to do that.  Please include your normal name.  Not mentioned in the attachment, is the area called "Other" where you could put a brief summary of the system you play.    (Take no notice of the last line, suggesting you look elsewhere on the web for more – I’ve taken this off the Cheltenham Bridge Club’s website!)"

After you have logged in correctly you can then begin to play:  choose Casual, where you can play solitaire or make up a table with friends, with no fee payable.  At the start we suggest you play solitaire just to get used to using it, and when you are ready you can “start a table” to play with friends.   See Starting to Play.

See Guidelines for Play:  it covers chatting, alerts, undoing mistakes, losing connection, as well as when you are actually playing at your new Club.

When the Club is set up and we are nearly ready to start we will contact all the players who have registered with us, sending out instructions on how to join in the game.

There is a lot of easy-to-use information about BBO on the Cheltenham Bridge Club website.


If you would like to be a member of this “Club” please email the Membership Secretary –  John Withers on, with your real name, your BBO user name (exactly as you print it), EBU number, contact telephone number and email address.   (This has to be done also by those players already registered with BBO.)

This is important, because only members of the County who have registered with this Club will be allowed to play in these sessions for now, which is why we need to keep a register;  and the EBU will need to have this list of names & EBU numbers of our playing members. 


1.   The County will pay £40 to the EBU for providing a Director and a Host who will set up the game and generally help us to run various competitions and deal with money from BBO.     Results will go to the EBU for master points and to the County’s website.

2.   The players will each pay BBO$3 (about £3) for each game.     To see how to set up an account with BBO, click Money into BBO Account, but this doesn’t need to be done immediately.   It is recommended to you put $10 or more in this account rather than pay each time.   BBO will keep a proportion (30% now, but increasing later), the rest goes to the EBU, who will take P2P from that and forward the balance to the County.

Details on how to join the session of Club bridge will be sent to those registered with our Membership Secretary and will be put on our website.

Those willing to help you register with BBO are:

Pam Booth Jones
John Withers
Paul Cutler
Judy Mitchell –  01743 235374
Ann Sleightholme 
Geoff Davies
James Vickers


We hope to have information about future events, such as leagues, in due course, and they will be announced on the County website.

We hope to hear from you very soon, and keep safe and well

Judy Mitchell

S&SCBA Secretary.

If you would like to be a member of this “Club” please email the Membership Secretary –  John Withers on, with your name, EBU number, user name, contact telephone number and email address.   (This has to be done also by those players already registered with BBO.)

Guidance for Bridge Base Online

Here are links to the documents which will help you to start playing with BBO:

How to create your BBO account (despite what it says in these instructions we do want you to put your real full name here, and we would like to you give a summary of your system under ‘Other’. This would have to be altered if you play a different system with another partner.)

When you are ready to join the on-line virtual Club you should register with the Membership Secretary, John Withers, on, giving: 

  • your name,
  • your user name,
  • EBU number if you have one,
  • contact telephone and email address.
  • which section you wish to play in Staffs & Shrops Online Bridge Club or the NoFears Online Bridge Club

Only those who have registered will be able to play at the Club, and we need to know which group you wish to play in.

If you have any questions or need any help, please get in touch with one of these listed below:
Judy Mitchell –  01743 235374
John Withers -  01384 271089
James Vickers  - 
Paul Cutler –  07939 977499
Pam Booth Jones –  01952 222421

Judy Mitchell
S&SCBA Secretary.

01743 235374