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Bulletin 84-85 No 4


Referring back to Issue No.3 you may have found it strange to read about getting your A.G.M. notification 'a bit early' when, in fact, you got it too late. The E.B.U.'s distributors decided that an enclosure dated 'March' should be held over until May. One thing the EBU did do well (with Staffordshire's help, naturally) was the Green Pointed One Day Event. This added to our coffers and the money will be used to replace some of our trophies, etc.

The Bearn Semi-Final has been under fire for some years now. It's critics will be pleased to hear of it's demise; it will be replaced by a 22 pair Final. To ensure that all clubs will know their entitlement of qualifiers, they must inform the Committee by November 30th of the number of entries they expect from their club (this may be a 'guesstimate).

The suggestion that 'Shopshire' be incorporated in our County title failed to muster sufficient support. Personally I found the arguments a bit vague and the lack of a vociferous Shropshire contingent (they did speak, but not loudly) probably led to a conservative conclusion.

The 'no smoking' rule imposed. by the E.B.U. was discussed at length at the A.G.M. and it was decided that Staffordshire was in favour. This does not affect, in any way, our own County competitions. (But those who have been given a fag-end will soon want a cigar).

The County Committee have decided that the Third and lower divisions of the League will play 24 board matches instead of 28. It is expected that this will guarantee a half-past ten finish, which may encourage more players to give teams of four league bridge a try.

COUNTY RESULTS 1984 - 85 (for other results see Bulletin No.2.)

Bearn Cups:   Flitch   Summer Pairs
1. P. Leese, R. Martin   1. Mr & Mrs Simpson   1. D. Moir, I. Slater
2. B. Cooke, I. Slater   2. Mr & Mrs Soar   2. A. Belcher, J. Eadon
3. P. Poxon., P. Burton   3. Mr & Mrs Brookes    
Division One       Division Two       Division Three       Division Four
1. R. Beech   1. B. Nicholls   1. R.J. Brandon   1. S. Anslow
2. M. Harris   2. P. Jones   2. D. Cole   2. S. Hiscock
3. A. Bloxham   3. J. Eadon   3. S. Green   3. J. Maddock
Winter Pairs.   Staffordshire Cup
1. R. Biddlecombe, M Boulton   1. R. Beech, D. Beavon, G. Link, J Fawcett
2. H. Goodwin, R. Martin   2. S. Hiscock, F. Baker, A. Soar, J. Soar
Ladies Pairs Mens Pairs Newcastle County Pairs
1. G. Derry E. Watterson       1. A. Bloxham, G. Davies       1. M. Swale, R. Stubbs
2. J. Maddock, B. Tams   2. J. Day, F. Dumbleton   2. J. & D. Mills
3. M. Rowley, P. Cookson   3. H. Goodwin, K. Holtom   3. A. Sadler, D. Baxandale

Harold Goodwin's team was playing in the fourth round of the Hubert Phillips teams of four; on one board Harold obtained a score of 60. How?
Honours count in this competition: Opponent's played in one notrump just making and Harold claimed 150 for holding four aces:


A lot of experimentation is being done with two and three -level openings, and it is not uncommon to find that your opponents have put some of them to exotic, and often, esoteric uses.

The Opening Bid of Three Clubs
is a popular choice for treatment because it is the least effective pre-empt and it leaves room for exploration at the three level. The club suit is also the bane of Big Club systems and certain, difficult to bid, hands with long clubs can be dealt with by releasing the three club opening from its normal pre-emptive role.

Let us define a three club opening as being,
  1. 12 - 15 high card points.
  2. 7+ card club suit of quality, i.e. AKQxxxx, AQJxxxx, KQJ10xxx or better.
  3. If the suit is solid (AKQ10xxx or better) then the hand will contain an outside ace or king - without an outside control you can open a gambling three notrumps.
  4. If the hand contains two aces then one of them is the ace of clubs.

This is a difficult hand to show in a Big Club system, and isn't so easy in Acol either. Defining the hand is simple. Devising a system of continuations that are reasonably efficient is the hard part. After much sweat and toil (and an occasional peek at other people's ideas), I have come up with the following scheme:

1. 3NT, 4C, 4H, 4S, 5C, 5D = to play
2. 4NT = ace asking: 5C = 0 or 1; 5D, 5H, 5S = ace of the suit bid + ace of clubs.
3. 3D
= partner I am interested in 3NT (sometimes a slam) but have no guard in diamonds.
Opener Bids-
  3H= has a diamond guard, but doesn't have a heart guard.
  3S = has both red suits guarded, but not spades.
  4C = has no diamond guard.
4. 3H
= as the 3D response, but has no heart guard.
Opener Bids:  
  3S = has a heart guard, but no spade guard.
  3NT = has both majors guarded.
  4C = No heart guard
5. 3S
= no spade guard.
Opener Bids:
  3NT = has spade guard
  4C = no spade guard
As you can see the scheme so far involves the partnership in bidding 'none-guards' up-the-line. You might think that bidding guards directly is easier; it isn't.
Partner opens 3C and you are sitting with:

and simple addition convinces you that 13 tricks are there for the taking. But the pessimist in you can see two losing diamonds. Never fear, the solution is at hand - first bid 3D. Opener replies 3S showing diamond and heart guards, but (surprise, surprise) no spade guard.
Unfortunately you have agreed that, for notrump purposes, Qxx or J10xx will do for a guard, Now you must bid 4D (i.e. rebid your 'no guard' suit) which becomes an asking bid in diamonds:
Step 1. = Q or J ; Step 2. = Kx ; Step 3. = A

No problem.

What if opener denies a guard by bidding 4C? Then 4D is an asking bid and, Step 1. = 2+ losers ; Step 2. = singleton ; Step 3. = void . How do you try for 3NT and then get to play in a suit other than clubs?
Over openers 4C rebid you simply bid your suit. If it is a major then opener must judge whether to play it (say with Hx or xxx), or retreat to 5C.
If it is diamonds then with support opener raises or cue-bids a major suit control on the way to 5D, and without a fit bids 5C.
Remember that by definition the club suit will play well opposite a singleton honour or two small, and often across from a singleton or even a void.

The final question is "How do I get to play game in a major when it is right or 5C when that is best?" A direct 4D does the trick:
  Opener Bids:    
    4H = can stand hearts - if responder has spades he bids them and opener chooses the final spot.
4S = can stand spades - responder passes or bids 5C
5C = can't stand either major.
So there it is: a comprehensive but essentially simple alternative to the mundane pre-empt. I just can't understand why I'm letting you in on it. Generous to a fault, I guess.  

Let us look at some (carefully chosen) examples.

xxx       QJx       3C 3H #1  
A   10xxx   3S #2 3NT  
xx   AKJ   P    
AKJ10xxx   xxx        
~   AKxx   3C 3D #1  
QJx   xxxx   3S #2 3NT  
Kxx   109x   P    
KQJ109xx   Ax        
Qxx   Jx   3C 3H #1 Here you intend to sacrifice against the enemy game so some misdirection is in order - serendipitous finale.
Ax   xxx   3NT P
x   Axxxx      
AKJ10xxx   Qxx      
xxx   KQJxx   3C 3H #1 4C always denies a guard. 4S is an attempt to play there (opener may retreat to 5C)
Qx   Jx   4C 4S
K   AQ10xx   P  
AKQJxxx   x      
x   KQJxx   3C 4D (can you stand a major?)
Kxx   QJ10xx   4H P
Kx   Ax      
AQJ10xxx   x      
A   KQx   3C 3H #1  
xx   xxxx   4C 4D (how does playing in diamonds grab you?)
Qxx   AK10xx   4S #4 5D
AQJ10xxx   x   P  
QJ   AKx   3C 3H #1  
x   xxxxx   4C 4H #5  
Qxx   AKxx   4NT #6 6C  
AQJ10xxx   K   P    
xx   KQJxx   3C 3H #1  
Kx   Jxx   3S #2 3NT  
xx   AQ10x   P    
AKQJxxx   x        
  • #1 no guard in this suit
  • #2 has guard, but not in this suit
  • #3 has both majors held
  • #4 cue-bid agreeing diamonds
  • #5 asking bid in hearts
  • #6 singleton


Or, the Saturday night I felt a sore throat beginning; on Sunday morning sneezing and a runny nose began. At the start of the Final my bones started to ache in sympathy with my head. I was in the ideal state to play bridge! Some unkind souls might attribute our success to the presence of my cold, stating that the quality of my bridge when I am fit would not be sufficient to lead to a winning score. These comments are (I hope) merely sour grapes.

The Final was in two sections. First a 10 table scrambled Mitchell, and after tea, two 5 table Howells. Paul Leese (aka Bellapel) and myself had built up a comfortable lead from the first section and we started the second half with high hopes.

The first board, against Geoff Davies and Arthur Bloxham, saw us holding the following cards:

Kx     Jxx 1C - (2C) - 3C - (3S)      
AKxx   QJxx 3H(4H)   end              
AKxx   x                    
J10x   AKQxx                    
1C was Precision and 2C was a G.D. special purporting to be the black suits. 3C was what partner wanted it to be and 3H over 3S showed the state of my health. I corrected to 4H, and partner, divining that I was to play the hand, passed. After a spade lead even I couldn't make less than 12 tricks.
The second board saw me being dealt the goodies again:
AKxx   x P - P - 1D - 2C      
AQ   10xxxx P - 3C - P - 3D      
xx   KQx P - 3H - X - 5C      
AJ108x   KQ9x end                  
Arthur's non-vulnerable, third in hand opening on J10xx gave me a problem which I solved with a top heavy overcall; boy was I feeling rotten. Again I wrapped up 12 easy tricks and those two scores looked miles under average.
A poor start and it did not appear to get any better in fact we left without waiting for the result, confident that we had blown it. One good board, from the first half, sticks in my mind:
KQxxx   Axx 1S - 2H              
Kxx   AQ10xx 3H - 4NT              
Kxx   Ax 5C - 5NT              
Qx   AJ 6C - 7H              
I held the responding hand and decided to take it easy with a quiet 2H to start the ball rolling. The raise improved my hand and, after checking on aces and kings (5C/6C = 0 or 3) I settled for the safer (?) contract of 7H. Everything behaved O.K. and at the time (two rounds to play) it was a top.

Stafford Bridge Club Results

Pairs Championship       Individual Championship       Mixed Pairs Championship
1. C. Atkins E. Atkins   1. S. Anslow     1. B. Cooke A. Belcher
2. A. Bloxham G. Davies   2. J. Barrett     2. A. Sowter L. Wood
3. D. Down D. Sartain   3. D. Alderson     3. L. Heydon D. Jamieson
Handicap Pairs Championship   Shelley Teams Championship
1. J. Bache S. Anslow   1. A. Bloxham, G. Davies, D. Downs, D. Sartain
2. A. Mallett I. Slater   2. A. Tabbernor, P. Tabbernor, G. Derry, E. Watterson
3. D. Jamieson E. St John Jones                
Club Teams Championship
1. A. Bloxham, G. Davies, D. Downs, D. Sartain
2. R. Beech, B. Cooke, A. Mallett, R. Perry

Alsager Bridge Club Results and Report

Riley Trophy : J. Hartley, Robbins.       Alsager Bearn : B. Kitchenham, I. Pendlebury.
Mixed Pairs (Edwards Trophy): D. & E. Brookes       Mens Pairs: R. Bruce, L. Horsley.
Ladies Pairs: M. Nanning, D. Proudlove.       Rubber Bridge K.O.: A. Edbury, E. Gibbins.
First Division Champions and Winners of the Swiss Teams.
G. Robinson, I. Pendlbury, A. Poole, R. Stubbs
Second Division Champions :       Knockout (Swiss) Pairs.
M. Horsley, R. Bruce,       =1st. R. & G. Blake R. & G. Blake  
J. Whitelock, D. Owen         J. Maddock, D. Newton  

The most significant event of the season was the formation of the County Inter-Club Teams by Mike Horsley, the Club Captain. This years competition will take place on Sunday 1st September at Alsager B.C.

At County level, the best result was achieved on the last day of the season when Joyce Maddock and Barbara Tams came second in the Ladies pairs. In the League, Joyce's team narrowly missed promotion from the Fourth Division.

Dennis and Elsie Brookes finished third in the County Flitch, and Shiela Allport and Dennis Bell came fourth in the Swiss Pairs. Shiela and her Sandbach teammates came within two imps a place in the Semi-final of the Staffs. Cup. Martyn Harris' team with Barbara Kitchenham and Ian Pendlebury, finished runners-up in the First Division.

At National level Barbara Kitchenham and John Rudolf were third in the Regional Master's Pairs. This was the first time they had ever played together. Barbara and Pauline Rudolf finished sixth in the National Women' s Pairs Ian Pendlebury, John Smith and the Rudolf's finished second in the B.B.L. Swiss Tams at Buxton.

Tollemache Final
    V. P's        
1. North West 54 Lost 20 - 0    
2. Hertfordshire 42 Won 15 - 5    
3. Staffordshire 37        
4. Dorset & Wilts 35 Lost 11 - 9    
5. Derbyshire 32 Won 13 - 7    
B. Topley, P. Tottenham, G. Link, J. Fawcett, R. Beech, D. Beavon, G. Davies, A. Bloxham

Shrewsbury Bridge Club Results

Pairs Championship: A. Brandenstein, S. Frost   Individual: I. Haston    
Teams of Four: F. Greasley, P. Kibby, M. Knapton, I. Blackburn.

A new event, The Open Shropshire Teams of Four League, was successfully organised by Brian Nicholls. 16 teams entered playing 7 times during the winter months, with Malcolm Mitchell's team winning by one point in the last match. Malcolm also captained a team in the Sullivan Powell Challenge competition which qualified for the Final to be played in London.

RUFFING FINESSE - a device for discovering that the normal finesse would have worked.
TRUMP REDUCTION - having your trumps drawn by the defenders so that they can cash their outside winners without the danger of ruffs.


After I had been persuaded to accept the job of County Membership Secretary in May last year, I realised that the County Association was within reach of two milestones:

  1. to improve upon the County's best ever year of 273 members, which was achieved in 1975.
  2. to achieve a membership of at least 301, at which point the County would be permitted a second E.B.U. delegate and a third entry in the Reg Corwen Trophy.

In 1983/84 the County had 262 members, which meant that the second milestone represented an increase of about 15%. Over the previous 5 years the average increase had been only 2% per annum.

The first target was achieved early in November and the second by mid-December. The final figure was 307 members, representing an increase of 17% over the previous year. Neither target would have accomplished without the considerable efforts of Club Representatives, who collected the subscriptions. The following people deserve recognition for their efforts on behalf of the County:

  • Basford - Roy Martin
  • Chasetown - Alan Tabbernor
  • Newcastle - Harold Goodwin
  • Newport - Steve Hiscock and Arthur Wilkinson
  • Oswestry - Norman Vossey
  • Sandbach - Shiela Allport
  • Shrewsbury - Judy Mitchell
  • Stafford - Geoff. Davies
  • Tettenhall - Paul Barrow
  • Wolverhampton - Barbara. Johnson

(Editorial Comment: I'm sure all of the above will agree that being badgered, bullied, and pestered by Ian also had a lot to do with their success. Strange that Alsager don't get a mention - their Club Rep. must be pretty hopeless!)

Analysis of Membership Change:

  1. New Members - Over 40 new members joined the County in 1984/85. A large part of this increase was provided by Shropshire (Newport in particular). In 1983/84 there were about 20 Salop residents in the County association, whereas there are now over 50.
  2. Conversions from, other Counties - Normally members leaving the County will balance members joining from other Counties. However, in 1984/85 the County gained ten extra members in the exchange. This situation is unlikely to be repeated in future years.
  3. Non-renewing members - The E.B.U. has a drop-out rate of about 12% pear annum, with Staffordshire's rate being about 10% in recent years. However, in 1984/85 the drop-out rate was reduced to 6%. This reduction was probably brought about by an earlier start to subscription collection.

Conditions Which Helped to Increase Membership:

  1. English Bridge - The new magazine has a considerably better format than the old Quarterly, Sir issues for an E.B.U. subscription of six pounds is good value.
  2. S.C.B.A. Bulletin - The Bulletin reappeared in August 1984 after an absence of over a year. As it is now distributed with English Bridge it reaches more County members than previously.

General Comments :

Over half of Newcastle 's 120 members are also members of the E.B.U. Shrewsbury and Stone are similar in size but only one-tenth of their members are E.B.U. members. The reasons for this are historical; Newcastle members have been strong supporters of the County for many years, whereas Shrewsbury joined the County about 4 years ago and Stone rejoined the County after an absence of many years.


Given the low E.B.U. membership in many clubs, there is no reason why the County membership should not increase to 400 within a few years. However, based on the performance of the County over the previous decade, membership could easily drift back to 250.

[Editorial Comment- Under the heading "Conditions which help to increase membership" we should also consider County competitions. The County Committee must get these right, because for those who don't care to play in E.B.U. events the County bridge scene is of paramount importance.]


  1. Bearn Cups (0pen Pairs)
    1. Initial entry fee is currently 70p.
    2. Clubs may use any method to produce a ranking list of their entrants.
    3. The County designates the number of qualifiers from each club; this is calculated from the expected number of entrants (i.e. the number of £1.40's sent to the County).
    4. A 22 pair final, comprising the qualifiers, is played in late April or early May.
    5. Green points are awarded for the final.
  2. Staffs. Cup (Knock-out Teams of Four)
    1. Entry fee is £2 per team for each match won i.e. if you lose a match you don't pay.
    2. All League clubs are automatically entered in the first round draw, unless they express a wish not to be included. Non-league teams who wish to play rust contact the League Secretary.
    3. Team captains are notified of whom they are to play and whether they are drawn home or away.
    4. 32 board matches for the early rounds. 40 for the Semi-final. 48 for the final. For a complete 3 set of rules see the League Secretary.
    5. Green points are awarded throughout.
  3. Flitch
    1. Restricted to married pairs only, only one of which needs be an E.B.U. member.
    2. Entry via the notice posted on your club notice board.
  4. Restricted Pairs
    1. Restricted to County Master and below.
    2. Entrants do not need to be members of the E.B.U.
    3. Entry via your club notice board.
  5. Ladies Pairs, Mens Pairs, Mixed Pairs, Individual
    1. Entry via club notice board.
  6. League Teams of Four
    1. Entries to any member of the League Committee.
    2. New teams will start in the lower divisions.
  7. 'Top Club' Multiple Teams of Four
    1. Run during the Summer months on specific Wednesdays. See your club notice board or your County Representative.
  8. General
    1. Staffs. Cup, Leagues, 'Top Club' - inquiries to the League Secretary.
    2. All other competitions - inquiries to the Competitions Secretary.


Holding the South hand in a recent Dawes inter - county match against Warwickshire Phil Topley opened the bidding with 1H.

J5 His partner, Peter Tottenham, responded 2C and raised the 3H rebid to 4H. West, another Grandmaster, emerged from the woodpile with a confident double to conclude the auction. His opening lead of a middling spade was not the best available for the defence (the jack fetched East's king) but on the assumption that West holds QJI09 of trumps and one of the two top club honours - with both he surely would have led one, and with neither on what is he doubling? - can you convert your four loser hand (two trumps, a club and a diamond) into a ten winner hand?
  West East  
8742 K1096 The full hand was as expected and took but a short time to play. Club was led towards Dummy at trick two, West playing low and East beating Dummy's queen with his king. The spade return was aced, the heart ace confirmed the trump position, and a spade was ruffed. A low club was ruffed in hand and a diamond led to the ace. A second low club was ruffed in hand bringing down West's ace. A diamond to the king and the losing diamond discarded on Dummy's winning club.
QJ109 ~
Q2 J654
A96 K10872

The beauty of the hand lies in the fact that if West holds four or more clubs (so that the ace cannot be ruffed out) Declarer continues as before and simply ruffs Dummy's last club before cashing his remaining top trump. He is now left with a losing trump and a losing diamond but he has made ten tricks: AK of trumps, AK of diamonds, AQ of spades, one spade ruff in Dummy and three club ruffs in hand. At trick 12 he still has three winners outstanding against him (two trumps with West and a diamond with East), but the opposition have run out of time and East's winning diamond is ruffed by West's winning trump. It does no good for West to rise with his club ace at trick 2 as this permits Declarer to take a ruffing finesse against East's club king to obtain a diamond discard.

The moral of the story? Well it could be not to double Grandmasters, or if you do to make the correct lead; alternately it could be to keep an eye on the Grandmasters if you wish to improve your game.

(Editorial addition: Captain Turf played this hand, undoubled, and on the lead of the queen of hearts. Taking this he led the 10 of diamonds, queen, ace, small and then finessed the spade, cashed a spade and ruffed his last spade in Dummy. Back to hand with the king of hearts he led the three of diamonds to the king and played the nine of diamonds in the manner of a man contemplating a ruffing finesse.. Not giving any­thing away R.H.O. smoothly played low and discovered he had given Declarer his tenth trick.

Grandmaster would, no doubt, infer from his partners diamond cards that his jack would hold (and/or recognise an entryless Dummy) - the moral being that if you wish to make rotten contracts keep an eye on Grandmasters... and avoid playing against them!)

Newcastle Bridge Club Results

Young Cup (Pairs)   Glover Cup (Individual)
1. J. Brandon, K. Holtom         1. R. Stubbs    
2. R. Martin, A. Poole         =2. J. Day    
3. J. Mills, R. Talathi         =2. D. Patterson    
Grosvenor Cup (Multi partner)          
  Open Result: 1. A. Moss     Handicap Result 1. R. Lyttle.
    2. P. Jones         2. F. Dumbleton
    3. M. Harris         3. R.J. Brandon
Rowley Trophy (Handicap Teams of Four)
1. M. Rowley, P. Cookson, J. Brandon, R.J. Brandon
2. R. Martin, P. Jones, P. Leese, A. Moss.    
Vernon Cup
1. R. Martin                
2. P. Leese                
3. E. Gane                

Newport Bridge Club Results

Teams of Four: P. Baker, S. Hiscock, A. Soar, J. Soar
Championship Pairs: N. Simpson, P. Hiscock
Individual: J. Lewis

Basford Bridge Club Results

Pidduck Cup:   1983/84   1. E. Gane 2. J. Baum
    1984/85   1. J. Perkins 2. A. Keeling.
Miller Cup:   =1. J. Barlow, J. Perkins
Osbourne Cup:   B. Tams


Away match played on Sunday, 16th June 1985. The First Team were represented by:
A. Bloxham G. Davies   Sta.
M. Harris I. Pendlebury   Ncl/Als
A. Mallett D. Sartain   Sta.
M. Ballantine E. Hartland   Wol.
    Lost 8 - 4
The Second Team were represented by:
D. Davies J. Wellsbury   Wol.
R. Biddlecombe K. Boulton   Wol.
H. Stubbs M. Jordan   Ncl.
H. Goodwin M. Swale   Ncl.
    Drew 6 - 6

Away match played on Sunday 14th July 1985 The First Team were represented by:
A. Bloxham D. Downs   Sta.
R. Beech D. Beavon   Wol.
M. Ballantine E. Hartland   Wol.
D. Moir P. Brereton   Shr.
    Lost 7 - 5
The Second Team were represented by:
D. Davies J. Wellsbury   Wol.
P. Leese A. Moss   Ncl.
C. Draper L. Burnley   Wol.
H. Goodwin R. Martin   Ncl.
    Won 9 - 3


Charles Foster and Barbara Ellis finished second in the Championship Pairs at the Bedford Congress held in June.

QUESTION: In how many ways can you score 710 in Duplicate Bridge?
ANSWER: 1NTXX (V); 1NTXX +1(NV); 2CXX + 1 (NV); 2CXX (V); 3SXX (NV); 4CX +2 (NV); 4CX (V); 4S + 3 (V); 4NTX + 1 (NV); 5S + 2 (V).

QUESTION: In how many ways can you score 1470 in Duplicate Bridge?
ANSWER: 6NT + 1 (V); 4NTXX + 1 (V); 4NTXX + 3 (NV) ; 3DX + 4 (V) ; 2SXX + 4. (V) ; 1SXX + 5 (NV); 1SXX +2 (V).

Chairman Derek Davies   Vice-Chairman  
Secretary Arthur Bloxham   Treasurer Bob Beech
Captain Arthur Bloxham   Minutes Secretary R. Stubbs
Bulletin Editor Roy Martin   Master Points Secretary Roy Martin
EBU Representative Ian Pendlebury   League Secretary Martyn Harris
Membership Secretary Ian Pendlebury   Results Secretary Basil Cooke
Auditor Basil Cooke   Competitions Secretary  
Secretary Martyn Harris   County Captain Arthur Bloxham
County Chairman Derek Davies   General Member Harold Goodwin
      General Member Alan Tabbernor
County Secretary     Membership Secretary  
Arthur Bloxham     Ian Pendlebury  
9, The Meadows     44b, Ravenscliffe Rd  
Salt Nr. Stafford     Kidsgrove ST7 4HX  
Tele: 08897 434     Tele: 76 73022  
League Secretary     Results Secretary  
Martyn Harris     Basil Cooke  
13, Hughes Av     182, Sandon Rd  
Cross Heath     Stafford  
Newcastle     Tele: Stafford 47253  
Tele: N/C 612804        
Alsager Basford   Chasetown Newcastle
Newport Oswestry   Sandbach Shrewsbury
Stafford Tettenhall   Wolverhampton Crewe

RULES AND ETHICS - 1985 Yearbook

The major change this year concerns the alerting procedure:

You must alert any bid which is

(a) Conventional e.g.s an Acol 2C opening, Stayman, Benjaminised 2D, etc.

(b).Natural but which is used by the partnership in a way that their opponents may not anticipate e.g. 1C - 1H- 2D, you play Sputnik doubles after an overcall and although 2D is natural you have agreed that the bid is non-forcing. You must alert the 2D bid.

But you do not alert any bids above 3NT if your partnership has previously bid i.e. cue-bids, Gerber, Blackwood, splinters etc. However pass, double or redouble where they fall within the categories (a) and (b) above must still be alerted.

Double of any bid at the one, two or three level (when partner hasn't bid) is defined as for take-out. If it is a penalty double, you must alert.

Double in circumstances other than above is for penalties i.e. if partner, or yourself, has previously bid (or passed to show values) then double is for penalties. If it is for take-out in your methods then you must alert.

Editor: Roy Martin, 1 Baron St, Fenton, ST4 3PH.