Codiac Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
Tournaments & Programs
8th Feb 2025 12:03 AST
WELCOME BRIDGE PLAYERS - BBO Games and Face to Face 506 854 9733
2nd Feb 2025 11:12 AST
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Need a partner

for an upcoming game?


If a Member. Go to Membership tab on left and click on find a partner

Club Phone: 506-854-9733


Tournaments & Programs
Bridge Site Tools to Improve

Use the Bridge Tools on this site check your results and compare  see which pair has your number.

If you are interested in improving your game, even just a little bit spend a few minutes after a game, go on the website and look at your results.  Look at the hands that appear normal where you scored poorly to figure out what went wrong.  Do you know that most bad scores are from slipping just one trick, either on play or on defense?   If you can’t find your error, save the hand and ask someone to help you

Amherst Seasonal Event Dec 10 th

Amherst Duplitate Bridge Club

52 Croft Street, Amherst

Dec 10, 2024


Christmas Dinner and Bridge $30.00

1:00 pm Bridge Game


                     $20.00 gift certificates for 1st place East and West

Door prizes

5:00 pm Turkey Dinner



Please pay before Dec 1st

By email


Weekly Games in Codiac/Shediac/Fundy & Valley

Weekly Face to Face & BBO Games  last modified Jan 15, 2024

Monday Codiac Face to face @1:00PM        

Tuesday Codiac 1:00PM Social Bridge

 Wednesday Codiac 1:00PM Social Bridge and MAH JONGG

Friday Codiac Face to face @1:00PM       

Codiac Phone Number  506 854 9733


Better Bridge Tip

Bridge Quiz - Preempts and the LAW!

We're probably all familiar with preemptive opening bids. Simply put, a weak 2, 2, or 2♠ bid shows a hand with a good six-card suit, and not enough to open the bidding. It shows a hand that's valued not with point count, but with the number of playing tricks available as declarer.
Preemptive three bids show a good seven-card suit and six playing tricks as declarer. A preemptive bid at the four level shows a good eight-card suit and seven playing tricks. The instructions for making an opening preempt are fairly clear.
What's usually missing is how to respond to partner's preemptive opening bid. Fortunately, we've got a four-word slogan:
Count Tricks, Then Trumps.
After partner makes a preemptive opening, chant this slogan while tapping the table, and then repeat several times.
Count Tricks
As responder, if you can count enough tricks in your own hand to put the partnership in a game contract, bid game.
Count Trumps
This uses the law of total tricks. As responder, compete to the level corresponding to the number of trumps in the combined hands. The best way to understand this is to download and print the quiz and then the answers.
Have fun with this. It'll be much more relaxed at the bridge table when there is a preemptive auction. 
Seasonal Event November 30 1pm

Need a Partner


If a Member. Go to Membership tab on left and click on find a partner