Learn Bridge
1 pm Weekly Saturdays October 5th to October 26th
Four-Lesson Course • Each lesson is 2 ½ hours long.
1) The Basics
2) Notrump Opening Bids and Responses
3) Major Suit Bids and Responses
4) Minor Suit Bids and Responses
The four deals are played in the first hour, then a break.
In the second hour, the bidding concepts are introduced.
Where: Riverview Place Mall, Codiac Bridge Club
Who: Certified Bridge Instructor Brian Maciver ( Ruby Life Master)
How: Preregister Now as Spaces are limited
(Min 16 -max 44 people per Session)
Call: Brian 506-874-5156 or
bdmoftheheap@yahoo.com (preferred)
Each Lesson is FREE per person.
So Come out and See if Bridge is for you.