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Welcome to Galway Bridge Centre
Una Walsh R.I.P.


It is with much sadness that we advise members of the recent passing of Una Walsh, Una was a colossus in the context of bridge, not just in Galway, or the Western Region, but throughout the length and breadth of Ireland. She was a regular supporter of several local clubs in Galway city but it is her role as an administrator of the game for which she will be best remembered. She served as Hon. Secretary of the Western Region from the early 1970s until her appointment as Hon Sec. of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland in 1991, a position she held until 2002. She also served at national level as President of the CBAI 1978-79 and President of the Irish Bridge Union in 1979-80.

As Hon. Secretary of the Western Region she worked selflessly and tirelessly to encourage clubs to join and she also promoted participation in Regional competitions. 

At the table she was always courteous to partners and opponents alike. 

Una especially looked out for the interest of novices and intermediates. She also lent her efforts to promoting bridge in local schools.

Una was a strong supporter of the campaign that saw the development of the Galway Bridge Centre, it's existence today being evidence of her efforts and those of others that travelled the same journey.

She also took over the editorial duties of the Irish Bridge Journal when her brother Paddy passed away.  Together the published the IBJ for approximately forty years. It was a labour of love for both of them.

In respect of the administration of the game, be it at club, regional, or national level, Una was fearless, and with her a spade was always a spade...and not a club, a diamond, a heart, or even a no-trump! She always spoke her mind and said her piece. Differences with others never lingered.

Truly it can be said...she was one of a kind.

Funeral arrangements can be found here: 

Paul J Scannell, 2nd October 2024

Last updated : 3rd Oct 2024 03:13 BST
Tom Monahan R.I.P.

It is with much sadness that we advise of the recent passing of Tom Monahan a regular presence at the Galway Bridge Centre where his genial and pleasant manner coupled with that welcoming small and a head full of funny stories/anecdotes entertained all who met him. Pictured here with Kay Scarry, his regular partner on Monday nights at the RTC Bridge Club.

Tom passed away on 24th July and the funeral was held on 26th July.

Further details and condolences page at

Paul J Scannell, 28th July 2024


Last updated : 28th Jul 2024 17:08 BST
CBAI Masterpoints for Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO) / The Sunday Game @ Galway (BBO)

Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO) is run under the aegis of the CBAI (Contract Bridge  Association of Ireland). and as such awards Masterpoints in accordance with the CBAI Masterpoints scheme.

Masterpoints are awarded to all members of the CBAI and also to members of the other Home Unions, i.e. N.I.B.U (Northern Ireland Bridge Union), E.B.U (English Bridge Union), S.B.U (Scottish Bridge Union), and W.B.U (Welsh Bridge Union), with whom the CBAI has a reciprocal arrangements re awarding of Masterpoints. 

Note that, at present, the CBAI does NOT have a reciprocal arrangement with the ACBL or any other N.B.O (National Bridge Organisation).

The Process:

We keep track of the the Masterpoints won by all players and at the end of the CBAI Season we forward the list of winners together with accumulated Masterpoints to CBAI HQ which in turn will forward to members via their club. In the case of other Home Unions the data is forwarded to the respective HQ.  

What we require from players is the following:

A) CBAI (or NIBU, EBU, SBU, WBU) membership number.

B) Real Name.

C) BBO name...helps to differentiate players that share the same Real Name!!!

If you have not already provided the necessary details to us then please send same via an email to:

Note that we also submit Masterpoints in respect of competitions run by Galway Virtual Bridge.  

Closing date for submission of Masterpoints to CBAI is 31st July 2024.

N.B.  Recipients will receive Masterpoints earned during the 2022-2023 season as well as the 2023-2024 season given our inability to process Masterpoints at the end of the 2022-2023 season.


Paul J Scannell, 18th July 2024

Last updated : 19th Jul 2024 19:13 BST
56th European Team Championships - Good Luck to Joan Kenny and Louise Mitchell

Click the following link to follow the fortunes of Irish teams competing in the 56th European Championships currently taking place in Denmark (24th June - 4th July).

56th European Team Championships

We especially send our best wishes to Joan Kenny and Louise Mitchell who are playing on the Irish Ladies team.

Paul J Scannell, 25th June, 2024

Last updated : 25th Jun 2024 15:51 BST
Bridge Classes for Beginners

Bridge Classes for Beginners

Galway Bridge Centre

St Mary’s Road

Commencing: Tuesday, 1st October 2024 @ 7.30 pm

For further information contact :

Anne        086 8791743

Marlene   087 1335830

Last updated : 6th May 2024 14:39 BST
CBAI Simultaneous Pairs on Friday, 8th March

Summer Bridge @ Galway is pleased to announce that it will run the annual CBAI Simultaneous Pairs on Friday, 8th March 2024

Register in the usual way and remember that this is a National Event which is run simultaneously at clubs throughout the country, both Face to Face and Online.

National results can be viewed online at the eCats Bridge website


Paul J Scannell, 4th March, 2024

Last updated : 6th Mar 2024 23:08 GMT
In case you missed it! Gay Keaveney podcast on Salthill Media

NOTE: This interview runs for 1 hour. Click link hereunder to access the podcast page and then click on the 'play' button.

The Galway Podcast | Salthill Media

Episode 33. A wide ranging interview with the Tournament Director of Galway Bridge Club: Gay Keaveney. 

Gay discusses his achievements in competitive bridge, his role as tournament director, the challenges and achievements, how bridge is misrepresented as an older people's sport, how and why people of all ages could and should get involved in bridge, the history of the bridge centre and the ingenious way in which they acquired the building, Michael O'Kane, the late Paddy Walsh and his son David who runs Lapteck in Galway city centre, the social aspect of bridge, the two halves of the game (bidding and playing), being called upon for advice by other tournament directors, Fergal O'Boyle, why you should play a simple game and other topics.

Last updated : 26th Nov 2023 23:19 GMT
Summer Bridge Live has ended. Winter Clubs re-opening @Galway Bridge Centre

Please note that LIVE Summer Bridge @ Galway has now finished and consequently Winter Bridge Clubs will commence the 2023-2024 season at the Galway Bridge Centre on the week beginning Monday 25th September.

Players should check with their club for further details.

The Galway Bridge Centre looks forward to welcoming back members in all clubs, especially those that took a break from bridge during the summer months.

And we welcome potential new members including those who have not played in a club at the Galway Bridge Centre before.

Looking forward to seeing friends, old and new, next week and in the coming weeks and months.

Paul J Scannell, 22nd September 2023

Last updated : 22nd Sep 2023 12:56 BST
Live Summer Bridge @ Galway Bridge Centre

Please be advised that, commencing Monday, 5th June, LIVE bridge will be available at Galway Bridge Centre on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, throughout the summer months until local clubs resume in September. Sessions start at 7.45pm. All welcome, especially visitors to Galway.

Paul J Scannell, 1st June, 2023

Last updated : 1st Jun 2023 17:33 BST
Eileen Murphy R.I.P

It is with much sadness that we report the passing of Eileen Murphy, a long-time member of the Galway Bridge Centre Club. Eileen together with her late husband Paddy, was a popular member of several Galway bridge clubs including The Grattan, The Galway Bridge Club, The Tribes Bridge Club. She always sported a cheerful smile with which she disarmed all who met her. 

She played regularly until recent years and enjoyed a couple of regular partnerships. In the early years she played with Breege Duffy while their respective husbands (both named Paddy) also enjoyed a regular partnership which was sometimes referred to as 'The 2 Paddys'.

After Breege, passed away Eileen embarked on a partnership with Kay Heskin. Together with Paddy, the three could often be found enjoying a little tipple in the bar after the weekly game.

Eileen's legacy will be her fun personality and good humour.    

Memorably she was a member of the Galway squad that won the Ballina Congress T/4 in 1980 (see photo from cover of the October 1980 issue of the Irish Bridge Journal)

A selection of photos featuring Eileen, together with Paddy, and Kay Heskin.

Click link for funeral arrangements.

Paul J Scannell, 30th May, 2023

Last updated : 30th May 2023 17:11 BST
Galway Congress 2023: 3rd - 5th February 2023

It's back! LIVE! Same venue...different time of the year!



































Last updated : 22nd Jan 2023 18:18 GMT
AGM of Galway Bridge Centre Club

The AGM of the Galway Bridge Centre Club will take place on Friday, 2nd December 2022 at 7.30pm in the Galway Bridge Centre. Your presence would be greatly appreciated.

Anne, McElwaine. Secretary. 14th November 2022

Last updated : 14th Nov 2022 14:57 GMT
Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs - Friday 11th November 2022

This evening Summer Bridge @ Galway hosts the Friday session of the Autumn 2022 IBU SIM Pairs.

After the event has completed you can view National Results, Hand Records, and Expert Commentary via the following links:

Link to National Results National Results
Hand Records 2022-11-11-IBU-SIMS-Fri-HandRecords.pdf
Expert Commentary 2022-11-11-IBU-SIMS-Expert-Commentary.pdf


Paul J Scannell, 11th November 2022

Last updated : 14th Nov 2022 14:51 GMT
Sean Glynn R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Sean Glynn who died earlier this morning.

Click here for tribute by Paul Scannell.

Funeral arrangements can be viewed on this link:   Click here for funeral arrangements

Note also that there will be a live streaming for those unable to attend:  Click here for live streaming of funeral service

Paul J Scannell, 17th October, 2022

Last updated : 20th Oct 2022 01:10 BST
Galway Bridge Centre - Live Face to Face Bridge

Live Face-to-Face Bridge will commence in the Galway Bridge Centre  on Monday 3rd October 2022.

Anybody wishing to attend please inform your Club Secretary.

New members welcome.

Anne McElwaine, Galway\ Bridge Centre, 21st August 2022

Last updated : 21st Aug 2022 18:07 BST
Changes re role of Robots partnering a human!


Summer Bridge @ Galway and The Sunday Game @ Galway recognise the choice of those players, who, for whatever reason, opt to play with a Robot. While appreciating the clear benefit that this offers to those who choose to play with a Robot we are also aware of the fact that some players have expressed concern about playing against Robots.

We are now about to implement a change to the way in which Robots are used in these Human/Robot partnerships. Specifically, we will implement a change to our competitions which will require the human partner to play all hands that are initially contracted by the Robot. In essence this means that where a Robot is initially deemed to be declarer the human will TEMPORARILY switch place with the Robot partner and will then play the hand. Upon completion of the hand the human and Robot will be re-seated in their original positions for the start of the next hand.

This will happen for each and every hand where a Robot is initially deemed to be the declarer upon conclusion of the auction.

We hope to implement this change ASAP.

Given that this will be a major change from current practice we envisage that some players, especially the Robot's human partner, may initially be confused and not realise that they are declarer and not dummy! Opponents should be alert to this situation and should take the following actions if necessary:

a) Prompt the human via chat to Table (or private message) and remind them that they, and not the Robot, are declarer for this hand. 

b) If the above referenced prompt does not produce the desired response then please contact the TD.

A Human playing with a Robot should be aware that they will automatically declare ALL hands that his/her side contract.

Also, the Human should be aware that their original hand becomes dummy. Declarer may need to re-appraise his/her line of play given the re-orientation that takes place when he/she swaps places with the Robot for the duration of the play, especially if the opponents during the auction.  


1) At the start of play the Declarer's screen will now show the Robot's hand at bottom of their display and dummy will be positioned at top of their screen. This means that the Human/Robot hands have been switched and declarer should thus be aware that the defenders hands have also been similarly re-orientated and declarer should accordingly mentally switch any bidding by the opponents.

2) The change will not impact the defenders whose screens should continue to display the original layout with respect to the orientation of the four hands as at the start of the auction.

3) Upon conclusion of the hand the Human Player will be re-seated in the position that they occupied at the start of the round.  

Please note the following screen captures, recorded by Robert Delargy, which illustrate the Human's (Robert) screen during the auction and also at the start of play.


The image above shows Robert in the West seat and his Robot partner has opened 1NT.  Robert made a transfer bid of 2♥  and the Robot bid 2♠  which becomes the final contract.

Robert now assumes the role of declarer and his screen is now reflected by the image above, Note that Robert, as declarer, is now holding the Robot's hand and the defender on declarer's left leads ♥ A. Note also that this defender was originally on Robert's right DURING THE BIDDING, as shown in the first image.

NOTE: The defenders screens will remain the same throughout bidding and play.

Paul J Scannell, 20th August 2022

Last updated : 20th Aug 2022 19:28 BST
Summer Face-to-Face Bridge @ Galway Bridge Centre

Summer 'face-to-face' bridge will commence in the bridge centre on Monday June 7th at 7.45pm.  We would like to welcome and see all our members back in the fold. This initiative may determine the future of the live game of bridge going forward.

Anne McElwaine,

Secretary, Galway Bridge Centre

Last updated : 22nd May 2022 22:57 BST
83rd Galway Congress - Friday 15th April - Mon 18th April

Please be advised that the 83rd Galway Congress will take place over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. 

Note: All events are single session with a start time of 19:30

As a consequence, Summer Bridge @ Galway will not operate on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 15th, 16th, 17th April and will resume normal service the following week.

For further information about the 83rd Galway Congress click this link.


Paul J Scannell, 8th April, 2022

Last updated : 8th Apr 2022 15:15 BST
Summer Bridge @ Galway Ukraine fund-raiser
Summer Bridge @ Galway Ukraine fund-raiser

Summer Bridge @ Galway will run fund-raising events, in support of the Ukraine humanitarian crisis, on BBO on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Entry fee 5BB$. All proceeds to be donated to the Irish Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. All events start at 7.45 pm. All welcome.

Paul J Scannell, 22nd March 2022  

Last updated : 6th Apr 2022 16:20 BST
Galway Bridge Centre is re-opening


Commencing Monday, 31st January 2022 the Galway Bridge Centre will re-open for face to face bridge... 

Players are requested to wear a mask upon entering the building and whilst moving around inside but masks are not required while playing at a table. Screens will still be in operation.

Players are also encouraged to use the sanitising units located throughout the building. 

Hopefully this is the start of a return to normalcy for all.

Paul J Scannell on behalf of Galway Bridge Centre, 24th January 2022

Last updated : 6th Apr 2022 16:20 BST
Bridge Lessons for Beginners

A series of Bridge Classes for Beginners will commence on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 at 7.3opm in the Galway Bridge Centre, St. Mary's Road.

[Note: The start date is 22nd February and NOT 2nd February as prevously advertised.]

For further information please contact:  Marlene  087 133 5830 or Anne  086 879 1743.


Paul J Scannell, amended 30th January 2022

Last updated : 6th Feb 2022 23:16 GMT

Summer Bridge @ Galway will continue to offer online bridge via BBO throughout the Festive Season on Friday, Saturday, Sunday...including Christmas Day, subject to there being a sufficient number of players eager to play!

Competitions will start at the usual time of 7.45 pm unless otherwise stated.

So, if you have had your fill of festive fayre and fancy a game of bridge with your friends at Summer Bridge @ Galway you know where to find us.

And remember that online bridge via BBO will also be available via Galway Virtual Bridge on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  all sessions starting at the usual time of 7.45 pm unless otherwise stated.

And we take this opportunity to wish all of our patrons a Safe and Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2022.  


Paul J Scannell, 19th December 2021

Last updated : 25th Jan 2022 13:37 GMT
Brian Place (Avogadro1 on BBO) - R.I.P

It is with much sadness that we learned of the recent passing of Brian Place, a regular and popular player in the Galway, and wider, bridge-playing communities. Brian hailed from Eastbourne and graduated as a Chemist initially working in the Pharmaceutical Industry with GSK and Pfizer before crossing the Irish Sea and taking up the position of Head of Science at the newly opened Galway RTC in 1972 where he remained until his retirement. Brian was also a founder member of the RTC Bridge Club which used to meet in the Corrib Great Southern Hotel. In the early days he played with his then wife Susan. In later years he established a regular partnership with his daughter Fiona. With the advent of Covid-19 Brian played regularly online under his BBO name Avogadro1. [I have often thought of the BBO pseudonym that Brian chose and wondered if it was related to Amadeo Avogadro (1786-1856), the Italian scientist who, according to Wikipedia, was 'most noted for his contribution to molecular theory now known as Avogadro's law, which states that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will contain equal numbers of molecule.' It strikes me as an appropriate choice of BBO pseudonym by an erudite man who also had a wonderful, even sometimes wicked, sense of humour, who was simply taking the opportunity to pay homage to his scientific background!  And was Brian piqued, but pleased, that an Australian bridge player had beaten him to the use of Avogadro in 2007 leaving Brian to append '1' for his choice of BBO pseudonym when he first joined the BBO bridge army in 2020.]

In addition to playing regularly, Brian also gave bridge lessons in Claregalway where he introduced his daughter Fiona, amongst many others, to the game. Photo below shows Brian in full flow with Fiona in the forefront listening attentively!

Brian of course was an absolute 'charmer' in the fine old tradtional sense of the word. Gentlemanly and courtoeus to an extreme, he always had a pleasant word for partners and opponents alike. And as a BBO TD, I became used to receiving, without fail, a private 'Thank You' from Brian towards the end of each online session. But not for Brian a simple 'Thank You'....he always expressed himself in lengthier sentences of a more flattering, but genuine, nature.

Our sympathy to Fiona and the extended Place family in particular his wife Annette and former wife Susan.

May he Rest in Peace.

Click link for details of funeral arrangements as per


Paul J Scannell, 16th November 2021

Last updated : 30th Dec 2021 17:37 GMT
IBU SIMS PAIRS - Commentary and analysis

Click links below for commentary and expert analysis of the individual IBU SIMS sessions. Commentary and analysis will only be available upon completion of the event.

2021-11-01-IBU SIMS - Monday.pdf

2021-11-02 - IBU SIMS - Tuesday.pdf

2021-11-03 - IBU SIMS - Wednesday.pdf

2021-11-04 - IBU SIMS - Thursday.pdf

2021-11-05 - IBU SIMS - Friday.pdf

National Results and Rankings can be viewed on the ECats Bridge website via the following link.

Ecats Bridge website for IBU SIMS 2021


Paul J Scannell, 5th November 2021

Last updated : 30th Dec 2021 17:36 GMT
Galway Bridge Centre - AGM

Please be advised that the AGM of the Galway Bridge Centre will be held on Friday, 3rd December @ 7.30 pm in the centre.

Your presence would be welcomed.


Anne McElwaine, Secretary, Galway Bridge Centre

Last updated : 28th Nov 2021 19:23 GMT
Galway Bridge Centre - update re Bridge Centre and online bridge

The Directors of Galway Bridge Centre wish to advise all patrons that Galway Bridge Centre is re-opening to clubs on Monday, 8th November @ 7.30 pm.

Online bridge @ Galway Bridge Centre will continue on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 7.45 p.m.

Note that Summer Bridge @ Galway, previously scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, will cease with immediate effect from midnight on Thursday, 4th November.

Galway Bridge Centre would like to extend sincere thanks to the hundreds of players from Galway and throughout Ireland and further afield who have supported the Galway Bridge Centre since the online service commenced in September 2020. Galway Bridge Centre also extends thanks to Emily Deavy, Robert Delargy, Miriam Moloney, and Paul Scannell who directed the online competitons on BBO. 

For the benefit of those who would like to continue playing online during the week, with long established and new-found frineds, a new CBAI virtual club, Galway Virtual Bridge, will host competitions on BBO on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Competitions will start at 7.45 p.m. Entry Fee will remain 3BB$. All welcome. Further information available at:


Paul J Scannell, 3rd November 2021

Last updated : 3rd Nov 2021 16:21 GMT
Live Bridge @ Galway Bridge Centre

Live bridge returned to the Galway Bridge Centre on Monday, 25th October, when 22 players particpated in the first 'face to face' game since the lockdown closed the Galway Bridge Centre all those months ago. Live bridge was also held in the Galway Bridge Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Photos: Robert Delargy

It is envisaged that live bridge will be avalable at the Galway Bridge Centre on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the next two weeks after which time a determination will be made as to whether Live Bridge will continue to be available at the centre or whether resumption of Live Bridge will be deferred until a later date.

Click link below for results of the Monday session.  


Paul J Scannell, 28th October 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:42 GMT
IBU Simultaneous Pairs - Monday 1st November through Friday 5th November

Galway Bridge Centre joins with many other bridge clubs throughout the land in hosting the annual IBU Simultaneous Pairs which raises funds to support players representing Ireland in international competitions. Many Galway players have benfitted from this event down through the years including Isabel Burke who has featured on Junior Irish teams in recent times.

So, we look forward to seeing you partipate in these events next week. A separate competition is held on each night (Monday - Friday) and local results will be posted on the Galway Bridge Centre website with natioanl results avaialble via the eCats Bridge website. Also, available will be hand records and commentary re bidding and play of each hand provided by leading experts as follows:

Monday - Paul Delaney;  Tuesday - Brian Senior;  Wednesday - Paul Delaney; Thursday - Brian Senior;  Friday - Enda Glynn

Paul J Scannell, 27th October 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:42 GMT
Making 4Hx ...mcgopro is the man!

Recently I was 'kibbitzing' and came across the following gem.

Most E/W pairs reached 3NT making 9-11 tricsk but at 5 tables E/W declared 4H, usually with East as declarer. At 4 of these tables declarer failed to make the contract but the fireworks took place at the fifth table where South Doubled the final contract! As can be seen, declarer appears to have FIVE losers via 2 hearts, 2 diamonds, and ♣ A and N/S looked like they were headed for a huge score on the board. BUT, they reckoned without 'mcgopro' who was at the helm as declarer. Unfortunately, for the defense, South made an opening lead of ♣8 (M.UD...Middle Up Down from three small cards.). North won with ♣A and continued with a club to declarer's ♣K. Declarer now tested the trumps by cashing A and then K, getting the bad news as North discarded  ♠ 4.  Declarer, perhaps getting a slight shock at the adverse trump break briefly took stock and then played three rounds of spades ruffing the third round with dummy's 6. Watching live I kept my fingers crossed that declarer would find the right continmaution and mcgopro did just that by leading ♣Q from dummy whilst discarding a small diamond from hand. Declarer then continued with another club winner from dummy and discarded another diamond from hand as South ruffed with 9. South belatedly found the diamond switch but declarer rose with dummy's A and continuned with ♣7 whilst discarding his last small diamond from hand. South could ruff with 10 but declarer was now left with Q8 whilst South held J, J and thus could not deprive declarer of the last two tricks!

And so decalrer wrapped up ten tricks for a score of +790 and 96%. At another table East scored +1150 for 3NTx+2!

Could the contract have been defeated? Yes...N/S had two chances to beat the contract. An opening diamond lead from South (perhaps unlikely) would have scuttled the contract as N/S would now score at least 1 diamond, 2 hearts, and 1 club. But North also had a chance to beat the contract by switching to a diamond at trick 2. Now N/S will score at least one diamond. North's club continuation assisted declarer by setting up dummy's club winners whilst  A was still available as an entry to the winning clubs. 

Declarer's success in the face of the bad trump break and potentially losing diamonds was to cash both of dummy's top hearts thus leaving 6 with which to ruff his third spade and then use the established clubs as secondary trumps, effectively disposing of his diamond losers whilst South had to ruff with master trumps! Note that declarer needs to be able to ruff his losing spade with 6 (NOT with A or K which would promote a third trump winner for South) AND then use dummy's winning clubs to discard losing diamonds from hand. Well played declarer. Take a bow! 

Click the link below to replay the hand from trick one to the end....simply click the 'next' option below the hand diagram to move through the play of each card.

Paul J Scannell, 27th October 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:42 GMT
Summer Bridge @ Galway - Participation & Performance - the numbers!


Hereunder are links to data re Participation and Performance in respect of Summer Bridge @ Galway.

Data covers the period 31st May - 17th October. Click a link below to access the data:

Participation:  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

Performance:  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday


Cumulative Leaderboard data is available via the following links:

Participation - all days,

Performance (MPs - Mon,Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat only)  N.B. This is a large data display and will require scrolling both horizontally and vertically in order to view all the data!

Performance (IMPs - Thursdays & Sundays only)  N.B. This is a large data display and will require scrolling both horizontally and vertically in order to view all the data!


Paul J Scannell, 19th October 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:42 GMT
Gold Cup Q/F - Final result

The Irish team consisiting of five Connacht players (Gay Keaveney, Enda Glynn, David Walsh, Ciaran Coyne, Donal MacAonghusa) and Peter Pigot (Dublin) suffered an agonisingly close loss of 1 Imp over a match of 64 boards. Cruel. The final stanza saw the scores for the eighth boards tied at 24 imps apiece and so the English squad go through to the semi-final stage on the basis of the 1 imp lead that they carried into the last stanza!

But well done to the Irish squad for getting so far in what is Great Britain's premier T/4 competition.

Paul J Scannell, 16th September 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:42 GMT
Brendan King R.I.P.

It is with much sadness that we report the death of Brendan King who passed away yesterday evening after a brave fight with cancer that had plagued him for several years. Brendan joined The Tribes in the early 1990s and forged a bridge partnership and friendship with Roddy Wyer. Work commitments took Brendan away from Ireland for several years but the pair resumed their bridge partnership when Brendan returned to Ireland in the early 2000s. Brendan was elected Secretary of the club for the 2019-2020 season, a position that he conscientiously filled until ill health forced him to step down in late 2020 wherupon his good friend Roddy stepped into the breach.

Brendan enjoyed his bridge and was a competent player. In the 1993-1994 season he won the Geraldine O'Flynn Trophy in partnership with Roddy and teammates, the late Hugh O'Neill & John Stack.

Brendan & Roddy also won the club's Corn na dTreabh Trophy in the 2017-2018 season. 

Brendan's bridge was not confined to the Tribes Bridge Club and he formed a sucesssful partnership with Fiona Place with whom he played regularly on Wednesday evenings in the Galway Bridge Club. They also competed in regional events and at congresses around the country.

But, for those who knew him, Brendan will be remembered not so much for his exploits at the bridge table but rather for his gentle and friendly manner together with warm smile and genial disposition to all he met both at the table and away from it. Brendan was both a gentleman and a gentle man.

We extend our sympathies to his wife Angie, daughters Sarah and Fiona, and the extended family.

Click this link to for details re funeral arrangements.

May He Rest In Peace

Paul J Scannell, 1st September 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:41 GMT
Mary Burke R.I.P

It is with much sadness that we report the recent passing of Mary Burke (Renmore).

Mary was a member of a number of Galway bridge clubs and regularly played several nights a week in the Galway Bridge Centre where she more than held her own at the bridge table. But Mary will be rememerbed for more than her prowess at the bridge! Her warm personality and genial manner endeared her to partners and opponents alike. Mary always had a greeting for all and a awarm smile perpetually creased her face. She will be missed by all who knew her, including regular partners Anne McElwaine and Marcella Mitchell, and especially Margaret Walsh with whom she enjoyed a long-standing partnership over 35 years during which time they played in Galway and at congresses all around the country and even occasional trips abroad!

The Galway Bridge Centre and its members extend sympathy to her children, Pat, John, Wynn, Karen, Maria, and the extended family.

Click here for link to page on which includes details re funeral arrangements and also provides access to a section where messages of condolence can be posted.

May She Rest In Peace

Paul J Scannell, 1st August, 2021

Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 01:40 GMT
Freda Flavin R.I.P.


It is with much sadness that we report the recent passing of Freda Flavin, a long time-supporter of the Galway Bridge Centre. Freda was a founder-member of the Tribes Bridge Club back in 1971 and played regularly in the club until the 1985-86 season. She also played in several other clubs and all with whom she inter-acted, both at the table and away from it, were unanimous in their appraisal of Freda as a polite and gracious lady, always with a hospitable greeting and a warm smile for partner and opponents alike.  Her loss to the bridge commuinty in Galway will be felt by all who knew her.  Deepest sysmpathy to her extended family.

Paul J Scannell, 15th June 2021


Funeral arrangaments as per

Requiem Mass on Wednesday 16th June at 11 a.m. at the Church of Christ the King, Salthill. Livestream link for Mass:

Following Mass Freda will be laid to rest alongside her beloved Jim in Rahoon cemetery.

Family flowers only please. Donations, if desired to Galway Hospice.

Link to death notice on

Last updated : 27th Jun 2021 22:38 BST
Watch “Aces & Knaves” – Fundraiser for Irish Junior Bridge

Watch “Aces & Knaves” – Fundraiser for Irish Junior Bridge

Click link below for detaIls.

Paul J Scannell, 7th June 2021

Last updated : 27th Jun 2021 22:37 BST
Yeats Country Charity Bridge Congress Friday 11th to Sunday 13th June 2021

Yeats Country Charity Bridge Congress Friday 11th to Sunday 13th June 2021

Click this link for further details and to enter.

Paul J Scannell, 7th June 2021

Last updated : 27th Jun 2021 22:37 BST
Summer Bridge at Galway Bridge Centre - All Welcome to our friendly and challenging games!

The Committee of the Galway Bridge Centre is delighted to announce that it will be resuming its traditional Summer Bridge service commencing on Monday, 31st May, 2021.

Members of all Galway Bridge Clubs, in particular those that are normally hosted at the Galway Bridge Centre, are encouraged to continue playing during the summer months until winter clubs resume in late September.

And of course, over many years, Galway Bridge Centre has always extended open arms to visitors to the city and will continue to do so in this virtual format during these unprecedenetd times for players all around the world.

Summer Bridge at Galway will be available online at BBO (Bridge Base Online) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, all sessions starting at 19.45.

Entry Fee:  3BB$ per person.

Host ID: CBAI 125548

Format may vary and will include Matchpoints (MPs), International Match Points (IMPs).

Games will typically consist of 24 boards with either eight rounds of 3 boardd or twelve rounds of 2 boards.

Looking forward to seeing you at the table in a game of Summer Bridge @ Galway Bridge Centre.


DIRECTIONS: From the Bridge Base Online Home Page select Competitive under Featured Areas and then click on Virtual Clubs and then click on CBAI & NIBU - Ireland. This should giive you access to a list of competitions that are Pending, Running or Complete (see tabs at top of list). Scroll down through the list to find the entry that correcponds to: cbai125548 Pairs Summer Bridge @ Galway

Click on the competition and the proceed to Register. N.B. You will need to provide your partner's BBO Username at time of registration AND partner will need to be online to confirm the registration request.


Paul J Scannell on behalf of Galway Bridge Centre.

Monday, 17th May 2021

Last updated : 27th Jun 2021 22:37 BST
Paddy Murphy - Guard of Honour at Bohermore Cemetery

Given the current restrictions re attendance at churches and funerals it has been suggested that a Guard of Honour by members of the various Galway Bridge Clubs would form at Bohermore Cemetery circa 1.45pm on Wednesday, 1st July 2020. All are welcome. The usual Covd-19 precautions to be observed by all participants..

Paul J Scannell, 30th June 2020

Last updated : 30th Jun 2020 14:46 BST
Paddy Murphy - R.I.P


It is with much sadness that we report the recent passing of Patrick J (Paddy) Murphy, long-time member of several Galway City Bridge Clubs over many years. 

Paddy was a core element of the Galway Bridge community for a very long time. He loved the game and was an active member of several city clubs including Grattan, Galway, Tribes.

Undoubtedly one of his most famous successes took place at the 1980 Ballina Congress when Paddy captained his three female team-mates to victory in the Congress Team of Four Championship. The October issue of the Irish Bridge Journal featured a lovely photo of the winners on the front cover...



Paddy was not only a bridge player but also an active supporter of the various clubs of which he was a member. He was a regular attender at President's Dinners and Christmas Parties organised by the various clubs.

Paddy was also a founder member of the Action Committee that that brought about the purchase of the Galway Bridge Centre. He was a former Chairperson of Galway Bridge Centre Ltd. 

But most of all Paddy was an exmeplary member. His gentle nature, gentlmanly manner, happy smile, warm and cheerful greeting, will be what he will be most remembered for by the many who had the good fortune to sit at his table. And for some he occasionally shared a joke or funny story. He never uttered a cross word to partner although he was quick to criticise himself for any shortcomings in his own bidding, play or defense.

Truly it can be said that he was one of a kind.

We extend our sympathies to his wife Eileen and children Evelyn, Mary, Brenda, Philip.

May he Rest In Peace.

Click here for direct link to notice on


Paul J Scannell, 30th June 2020


Last updated : 30th Jun 2020 14:46 BST
Galway Bridge Centre Closed

Due to the current circumstances relating to Coronavirus, the decision has been taken my Management in the Bridge Centre to close the Bridge Centre until further notice.
Mind yourselves.

Last updated : 30th Jun 2020 13:25 BST
Galway Easter Congress 10-13th April 2020


The Galway Bridge Congress Committee apologises for the inconvenience this decision may cause but deems it the prudent option in the interest of the health and safety of the many bridge players from all corners of Ireland, and abroad, who have regularly supported this popular congress.

The next Galway Bridge Congress will take place at Easter 2021 when we hope to meet once again at the Ardilaun Hotel. 

The 82nd Annual Galway Bridge Congress was scheduled to take place in the Ardilaun Hotel from Friday, 10th April to Monday, 13th April 2020.

Paul J Scannell, 18th March 2020

Last updated : 19th Mar 2020 13:01 GMT
The Galway Bridge Centre

Welcome to the website of The Galway Bridge Centre, home to several clubs based in Galway city.  

The Galway Bridge Centre is host to bridge clubs that play during the winter months on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

During the summer months (June, July, August and early September) The Galway Bridge Centre runs bridge evenings on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. NOTE. Play starts at 19:45.

The Winter Clubs that are based at The Galway Bridge Centre include those listed hereunder. Note that several clubs (highlighted with hyperlink below) have their own website.  Check individual clubs for details re start time etc.


♠  The Grattan Bridge Club

  The RTC/GMIT Bridge Club


  The Barry Bridge Club

♣  The Claddagh Bridge Club


   The Galway Bridge Club

   The KST Club


♣  The Aran Bridge Club 

♠  The Tribes Bridge Club


More information re the clubs is available via the Clubs option on the Main Menu

Last updated : 7th Nov 2019 14:09 GMT
The Sunday Game @ Galway (BBO)
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
The Sunday Game @ Galway (BBO)
25th Oct 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
26th Oct 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
27th Oct 2024
The Sunday Game @ Galway (BBO)
1st Nov 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
2nd Nov 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
3rd Nov 2024
The Sunday Game @ Galway (BBO)
8th Nov 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)
9th Nov 2024
Summer Bridge @ Galway (BBO)