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Risk Management
Risk Management

Documents on managing the risks posed by the pandemic to participants in face to face bridge and approaches to managing them.

BridgeWebs Booking System
Yes there is a booking facility in Bridgewebs.
The club needs to set the maximum number of tables. There is only one limit which is applied to all events.
In "Club Administration", select Settings, then Members, in "Bookings" Features set your limit in "Maximum Tables...." (and the other settings).
When setting up a bookable event, in the calendar entry "Title Section", set booking required to "Yes". If you have other, non bookable, events in the calendar, I recommend you set them to Booking Required=No and Find a partner=No.
I have created a YouTube video showing players how to book into an event:
You are welcome to share this link. It is not available on a general search in YouTube, but is available to anyone with the link.
If players need to change or cancel their booking, it is quite possible, but not terribly obvious how to do it. So it's worth knowing how you can do it for them.
In "Club Administration", select Membership, then "Find a Partner". Top right there is box with a drop down menu of all members. Select the member you want to act on behalf of, and then look for the event in the list. Check out the text at the top explaining the meaning of PR, NP and PL. You must click "Confirm" to save any changes.
Face to Face in the New Normal

On Monday 13th July 2020 at 2pm, twelve members of Rugby Village Bridge Club sat at three tables in the same room
and played eighteen boards in a three round two-winner Mitchell movement.

Weeks of research, planning, procurement, documentation, preparation, and communication preceded that day.

Rugby Village Risk Assessment

From July 2020 to end October 2020, Rugby Village Bridge Club, along with some other bridge clubs, ran face to face bridge sessions.

Risk Assessment updated 10th March 2021 in anticipation of opening for face to face bridge to reflect the availability of vaccination.

RVBC 2021 03 10 Risk Assessment Version 4.pdf

Rugby Village F2F Movements and Boards

From July 2020 to end October 2020, Rugby Village Bridge Club, along with some other bridge clubs, ran face to face bridge sessions.

Click below to see our approach to minimising risk from the choice of movements and the management of boards.

RVBC Boards and Movements.pdf


Rugby Village Player Briefing Summer 2020

We are reopening on 17th May 2021. Here is a link to our updated Player Joining Instructions:

2021 05 Anon Face to Face Player Briefing.pdf

From July 2020 to end October 2020, Rugby Village Bridge Club, along with some other bridge clubs, ran face to face bridge sessions.

Click below to see the briefing we sent to players when they booked to attend.

RVBC Sample Player Joining Instructions


Each pack of cards is used only once in a session

We don't move the boards.

We have room for only four socially distanced tables.

We deal four sets of identical boards and put one at each table.

We even put the boards into the order they will be played so North only has to take the next board, by the North end, and put it in the middle of the table. After it's played, North removes the board and puts it on the "played" pile.

We are using a teams of four movement. We seat the players as moved for the first match. We play three x six board matches so we only have to move them twice. This movement qualifies for EBU master points and NGS input.

At the end of the session we collect the sets of boards (wearing disposable gloves).

We take them away for redealing (sanitise hands before and after).

We bring them back to our bridge room and put them in a cupboard for one week's quarantine. They are removed and placed on the table using disposable gloves.)

Cross Table Screens
Cross Table Screens

The story of the purchase, use, success and problems is told in these four documents:


RVBC 1 Buying the Screens.pdf

RVBC 2 Setting up our screens for bridge.pdf

RVBC 3 Using the Screens.pdf

RVBC 4 Second session Screen Handling.pdf


I've been asked, and I believe the screens do have to be as tall, and as wide, to provide real mitigation at a distance of around a metre.

We allow players to remove face coverings once everyone is sat at the tables. Face coverings rapidly become uncomfortable. If the screens were any smaller, I think we would have to retain face coverings throughout and frankly, I wouldn't want to play then.

The regulations in England are still 1m plus mitigation. Proper sized screens are good mitigation.

Our tables are separated by nearly two metres, and no one faces anyone at an adjacent table.


Risk Assessment and the Practicalities

We produced a Risk Assessment document using the Health and Safety Executive form. The two main risks of spreading the virus is touching contaminated surfaces and breathing in contaminated droplets. Detailed breakdown of those risks and of their reduction and mitigation followed and then the policies, processes and actions that implemented the risk reduction and mitigation measures identified in the controls. This told us what to buy, how to inform and manage players, how to prepare for the day and what to do on the day.


The venue had been deep cleaned. Signage had been installed throughout. Hand sanitiser and cleaning materials were available in the room and in the toilets. Doors were propped open. The room was well ventilated, and in some places, a bit cold. Entry to, exit from, and movement inside the room were all arranged and marshalled to avoid bunching and pinch points. The tables were well spaced out (1m+). Each table was crossed by Perspex screens. Each table had its own set of boards. Each set of cards was used only once. Players touched their side of the board. East / West took their bidding box with them when they moved. Scoring tablets were handed only by North. Furniture and equipment had been quarantined or cleaned and laid out using disposable gloves. Players wore face coverings when moving in the room. Coat hooks were distanced, and boxes provided for handbags and hats. No catering; no cash.


This is not just about meeting regulations; it is about keeping people as safe as possible.


Bridge is a force for social good. The intellectual stimulation and the social contact give a lot of pleasure and support the mental health of participants. I have worked to keep the identity of the club with weekly newsletters, online teaching, an informal club competition online and playing regularly with many pairs online. Even so, the active membership has dropped. I cannot see many online only clubs surviving. To carry on, the problems of face to face bridge needed to be tackled.

Players are sent a briefing before each event.

The New Normal

Many players have very good reasons to avoid any unnecessary contact and will not return to face to face bridge for a long time if ever. Others have lost confidence in going out. However, there are some who are in a position to play where appropriate Coronna virus mitigation measures are in place.

Going Public

I shared the work I was doing. The resulting publicity, correspondence, assistance, and challenges has been fascinating. Talking and exchanging ideas, is the way to a positive future.

The Future

No one knows what the new normal will look like.

We may be living in the presence of the current, and of other viruses indefinitely. Getting together in the same room for any activity may be something we will always think about carefully. The capacity of publicly shared indoor space may be greatly reduced. Use of equipment and premises may always be managed with transmission in mind.

We can’t wait for the return of the old. We have to go to meet the new normal. Let's be optimistic; let's try new things; let's solve the problems. I am happy to share our experience. Stay safe and stay well.