The number of clubs in the database has risen to 883. (736 active).
The number of club face to face sessions noted on all 861 is 1,335.
56 clubs revisited during the last fortnight. Most of them were reviewed well over a year ago. Sadly there were another handful that ceased playing, but a few new active clubs were added. Table money was increased at some clubs, but many kept it at previous levels.
Starting to review table numbers for a second time. Small sample so far, but table numbers seem unchanged, not growing, but not falling.
The number of club sessions analysed in detail has reached 1639 from 700 clubs, but 599 posted table numbers on their web site.
This has now reached the level where it seems reasonable to estimate the number of player sessions, playing duplicate, in all clubs in the database.
It's around 70,000.
The detail captures day of week, time of day and the average number of tables in the last three sessions.
Dormant and defunct clubs are forming a big section (3% and 13%), they are now being excluded from data about active clubs.
Newly discovered defunct and dormant clubs are being included in the database as they come to light to try and assess the long term impact of Covid.
However, they are excluded from activity statistics.
My estimate would be that 25% of clubs that were active pre-covid have folded. Smaller weekly clubs were hardest hit.
Players at many clubs are almost back to pre-covid levels, but most are around 50-60%. Many clubs have critically low table numbers.
It is still clear that weekday morning sessions, where offered, are popular!
The club offer proportions are steady. There is still a slight and steady rise in clubs offering Face to Face sessions only
as opposed to offering online only, or a mixture of face to face and online.