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Roman Key Card Cont'd. The Trump Queen Ask
Roman Key Card Cont'd. The Trump Queen Ask

RKCB – The Queen Ask

By way of introduction to the Queen Ask, here’s a recap of the RKCB responses, the 30/41 variety.

     5♣       0 or 3 Key Cards

            5        1 or 4 Key Cards

            5        2 Key Cards, without the Queen of Trumps

            5♠        2 Key Cards, with the Queen of Trumps.

Whenever we have 2 Key Cards, the responses also allow us to show or deny the Queen of trumps (QT).  But, when we don’t have 2 Key Cards, the presence of that QT remains a mystery.  Which is why they invented the Queen Ask:

After an RKCB response of 5♣ or 5, the cheapest non-sign off is the Queen Ask.


The auction goes as follows:

            1        4♣

              4NT     5


4♣ was a Splinter, agreeing Hearts.  Then, after the 5 RKCB response, 5♠ is certainly the “cheapest non-sign off”, so it has to be the Queen Ask.  These are the responses:

            6        Returning to the trump suit denies the QT

            5NT     This shows the QT

What about responses of 6♣ and 6?  Can we not give them a useful meaning?  Yes, of course, and the most common meaning is for side-suit bids to show the QT and the King of the bid suit.  So, the full set of responses in this auction would be:

            5NT     QT, but no side-suit King.

            6♣       Shows QT and K♣

            6        Shows QT and K (and denies K♣)

            6        Denies QT (and says nothing about side-suit Kings)

            6♠        Shows QT and K♠ (and denies both minor suit Kings)

Queen Ask in Action

Opener            Responder

♠ KT653         ♠ AQ4

8                   A96

A5                K7632

♣ KQJ83        ♣ A2

    1♠                   2

    3♣                  3♠

    4NT                5

    5                   6

    7♠                 Pass

In the above auction, 3♠ was forcing (and stronger than 4♠ directly).  4NT was RKCB in Spades, of course, and 5  showed 0 or 3.  Now, 5 is the Queen Ask, and 6 showed the QT and the K (and denied the K♣).  It looks like 7NT might make, but 7♠ has some extra chances (for example, if Clubs break 5-1, we can maybe make our 13th trick by ruffing out the Diamonds).

Extra Length

When we have a 10-card fit, possession of the QT becomes less important, because, on usual breaks, the enemy’s QT will come down in two rounds. So, we can pretend that we hold the QT whenever we have reason to believe that our side has a 10-card fit.  Here is an example:

Opener            Responder

♠ KJ865          ♠ AT432

K5                A87

KQ7             A432

♣ AQ7             ♣ 6

    1♠                    4♣

    4NT                 5

    5                    6♠

    7♠                  Pass

Here, we have another Splinter sequence, with 4♣ showing Spade support, game-going values, and Club shortness. 5showed 0 or 3, and 5 was the Queen Ask.  Responder does not have the QT, but, if his side is playing 5-card majors, then he knows that the partnership holds at least 10 trumps, making the QT an unnecessary luxury. So, he bids 6♠ in response to the Queen Ask, pretending to have the QT, and denying all of the side-suit Kings.

So that concludes our mini section on RKCB.

A word of advice though, as with any form of slam bidding; cue bidding controls is far more effective and natural in locating specific controls (how often have we heard, ''sorry partner I had no way of finding, if you had the Ace opposite my void or the other Ace'') Or some other foolish comment from the person asking for Aces, when they also holds a void?

Also with minor suit slams, you may get a little too high when using RKCB (but this also applise to other varieties of Blackwood). So before 'crashing into 4NT RKCB....THINK!! there any response that is going to embarrass me? If yes, then cue bid, or find some other bid to describe your hand, as obviously 4NT asking for Aces is not the right bid!!

So why not give it a go with your favourite partner? Try it out. it is quite simple and easy to follow, it is just a matter of getting used to something different. Good Luck, and if does happen to all go wrong.....then please don't come running to me complaining!!!!!

Seriously though once mastered you will find it easier to judge, those decisions of when to bid slam and when to stay out.