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Congratulation to the winners of the president's prize 2024:



Kelleher Cup
Kelleher Cup

Well done to the winners of the Kelleher Cup


Apologies for late posting of full results, Eddie.



Well done to player of the month for 2024

Fedelma Martin




Thanks to all members who attended the club's AGM on 31st May 2023 

Our new president is Gerry Flynn, hon secretary is Bernie Murphy, hon treasurer is Kay O'Kelly

Further committee details will be notified shortly


AGM 2024

The club’s AGM was held on Wednesday 29th May, thanks to all members who attended

After serving on the committee for several years, Kay O’Kelly has resigned as hon treasurer and Jennefer Kelly is taking over this role.  Huge thanks to Kay for all her work over the years

Your new committee for 2024/25 is:

  • Gerry Flynn – President
  • Ann Monaghan – Hon Secretary
  • Jennifer Kelly – Hon Treasurer
  • Anne Cooke
  • Kathleen Fitzgerald
  • Fedelma Martin
  • Pat Mortimer
  • Bernie Murphy
  • Kay O’Kelly
  • Phyllis Troy

Turkey competition

Well done to the winners of the Turkey Competition:   Kathleen McHenry and Fedelma Martin

President's prize

Congratulations to winners of the President's Prize 2023 - 

Angela Simpson and Fedelma Martin



We are all very sorry to hear of the death of our friend, Mary Kelly..  Mary was an active member and loyal supporter of St Therese's for many years, though she hasn't played in the club for some time.  On behalf of you all, we send sincere condolences to all Mary's family, in particular to her sister, Margaret.  Mary's funeral mass will be in St Therese's church at 10am on Saturday 11th May

May she rest in peace 





CBAI guidelines September 2021

The government published its updated roadmap on the re-opening of society on Tuesday evening, and the revised public health measures contain good news for bridge clubs. It is also most welcome that, for the first time, the provisions make specific reference to bridge as an activity in its own right.

From 20 September, organised indoor group activities, specifically including bridge clubs, can open for up to 100 patrons, provided:

  • they all have proof of immunity (i.e. are fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 within the past six months), and
  • appropriate protective measures against COVID-19 are in place.

In addition, bridge classes can take place as above, or without proof of immunity provided that participants can be contained within pods of up to 6 people, suitably distanced, with no intermingling of the pods.

We have published our assessment of the appropriate protective measures here previously. We are recommending that:

  • Each club should appoint a COVID officer responsible for managing the club’s approach, communicating it to members, and dealing with any issues that arise
  • Perspex table screens should be used at all tables; if screens cannot be used for any reason, then players should wear face masks throughout
  • Players should wear face masks on entry and exit, and when moving around, but masks are not necessary at the table if screens are being used
  • Playing rooms should be well-ventilated
  • Tables should be spaced out to ensure that players are suitably distanced, and players should avoid congregating
  • Equipment should not be shared amongst the players where possible – sharing cards is unavoidable for most clubs, but players should use one bidding box throughout, and only North should touch the boards and the scoring equipment
  • Players should sanitise their hands regularly, using an alcohol-based sanitiser

It is also essential that any member infected by, or showing symptoms of, COVID-19, should NOT attend live bridge under any circumstances.

The government notice also indicates that a further reduction in restrictions is planned for 22 October, and that revised guidance and advice will be provided at that point. The document stresses that this easing of restrictions is based on:

  • The effectiveness of the ongoing vaccination programme
  • Continuing protective measures against COVID-19 being implemented
  • Personal responsibility applying where regulations are discontinued
  • Self-isolation for those infected or with symptoms

and notes that it is expected that some restrictions will remain until at least Spring 2022. It is important to note that the COVID virus has not disappeared, and that we need to remain vigilant. Our members are most likely to return to live bridge if they feel that it is safe to do so. Each club committee must be confident that the club can protect its members appropriately before taking the decision to re-open for live bridge. Ultimately, it is the club itself that is responsible for the safety of its members, and failure to adhere to public health regulations, or a negligent approach to member safety, may invalidate the club’s insurance cover. But provided suitable precautionary measures can be put in place, we now have a blueprint for clubs to adopt in terms of re-opening. The CBAI too hopes to re-open for live bridge events shortly, starting with the Duais an Uachtarain (President’s Prize) across a range of venues on 25 September. Watch this space for further details.

Finally, we include below for completeness a full risk assessment document for bridge activities. While some of the risk-mitigation policies discussed therein have now been overtaken by the government’s revised guidelines, the document will remain a useful guide to clubs in assessing their individual circumstances. Many thanks to Seamus Costello (Secretary, North Eastern Region) for his work in putting it together.


Congratulations to winners of Kelleher cup


Full results are now posted, apologies for the delay

Message from CBAI re CHEATING on BBO

To all St.Therese's BC members playing on the CBAI BBO Well Bridge Club platform

The CBAI requires that all players on their BBO platform read the "Ethical play on BBO" document on the menu to the left of this message. Because of the unfortunate prevalence of cheating during online play, anyone who wishes to participate in our BBO games must read this document and follow the directions given. These directions include confirming to me that you have read the document and ensuring that your real name appears in your BBO profile. Instructions for how to add your real name on BBO are given in the "How to add your real name to BBO profile" document in the menu. Whilst there is no suggestion whatever that anyone in this club is playing unethically it is an unfortunate fact that there are players who communicate with their partners during play or otherwise behave dishonestly when playing online. Please confirm to me when you have read this document. Regards, Bernie 

A History of the Club by Bridie Cormican