Stourbridge Bridge Club and Stourbridge Institute Bridge Section
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
17th Sep 2024 22:54 BST
July Minutes
11th Sep 2024 14:59 BST
May Minutes
20th May 2024 13:56 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

Following the vote at the AGM, table money will increase from 11th July 2024 as follows:-

Members £3 (£1 for Director/Scorer)

Visitors £4

Our next Social Bridge event (afternoon bridge followed by evening meal) will be on Saturday 2nd November. Further details soon.

July Minutes

Stourbridge Institute Bridge Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting 10th July 2024

Present: Linda Wright, Georgina Lineker, James Taylor, Gavin Tringham, Glo Jackson

Apologies: Margaret Hanson, Fiona Hahn

Election of Chairman: Linda Wright was proposed by Georgina Lineker and seconded by James Taylor and unanimously re-elected as Chairman.

The minutes of the committee meeting of 8th May 2024 were approved online.

The minutes of the AGMs of 18th June were accepted.

These minutes with a draft watermark to go on the noticeboard – GJ

Matters Arising

  • Table money increase

From July 11th table money for members will be £3, visitors £4 and directors and scorers will pay £1                                                

  • Bridge Fund

Margaret Hanson and Fiona Hahn to look into costings for Tablets and Bridgemates

Chairman’s Report

  • Calendar of Events 2024/2025

Social Bridge

Saturday September 21st      2pm

Christmas Party

Friday December 13th


Tuesday June 10th

JT to print the notice for Social Bridge

Secretary’s Report


  • Discovery magazine only online                                                                                       


  • Revised format for Roving County Phillips Pairs. The committee decided that we will host the event only on Tuesdays since Friday bridge sometimes has to be played in a small room.
  • Inter Club Teams
  • Malvern Congress: October 26,27

Members lists/records

  • JT to produce a list to be checked for members’ details.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Everything is up to date.
  • On-line banking is working well.

Media Co-ordinator’s Report

  •  Social Bridge and Christmas Party details to be emailed to members and the dates put on the website.

Rota Co-ordinator’s Report

  • Rotas are up to date to the end of July.

Competitions Secretary’s Report

6 pairs of our students entered the WCBA Chairman’s Cup and did remarkably well. Congratulations to:-

Fiona Hahn and John Salisbury - 1st                                                                    

Pat and Ken Smith - 2nd                                                                                        

Karen and Dale Matthews - 4th

Resources Co-ordinator’s Report

  • Scorecards have been ordered.
  • MH to order new movement cards then to laminate.

Any Other Business

Dates of next meetings


  • September 11th  
  • November 6th
  • January 8th
  • March 12th   -     Committee meal
  • May 14th  
  • AGM June 10th    Tuesday
  • July 9th