Shadwell Bridge Club
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Welcome to Shadwell Bridge Club
2024 Shadwell Shield Winners

Many congratulations to Helen Dickinson and Keith Darley, who are this year’s Shadwell Shield winners.

2024 Shadwell Shield Winners
Shadwell Village Hall
Shadwell Village Hall

Shadwell is a friendly and inclusive  Bridge Club in North Leeds.

We hold two sessions each week.

1). We play Face to Face Bridge at Shadwell Village Hall on Friday evenings.  Please be there by 7.00 pm for a 7.15 pm start.

The Club runs a cashless system, utilising tokens purchased in advance by members.  One token per session.  Tokens are sold at the rate of 5 for £10 or 10 for £20.   Please pay by BACS, if you use this facility, or by cheque made payable to Shadwell Bridge Club.

Shadwell Bridge Club 

Sort code: 30-98-93

Account no: 02533842

Visitors are most welcome. Table money for visitors is £3 (BACS or cheque)   Visitors are encouraged to seek membership after a few sessions.  

2).  We also run an Open duplicate tournament starting at 7.00pm on Monday evenings on Bridge Base On-line.  You do not need to be a member of Shadwell Bridge Club to play in these BBO tournaments.  However if you have not played with us on-line before, you will need to contact our Tournament Director at or 07974 066822 to provide your BBO username and contact details.  Our tournaments cost only BBO $1.5 each. 

♠   ♣ ♠   ♣ ♠   ♣ 

Competition Winners 2023-4

Competition Winners 2023-4

Our congratulations go to all our competition winners:

Roy Mitchell  Memorial Trophy:  Eileen Armstrong and Nathan Hamlett

Shadwell Shield winners : Helen Dickinson and Keith Darley

Friday Night winners:  Helen Dickinson and Keith Darley

Monday Night winners:  Hilary Swann and Tony Swann


29th July 2024
On-line Monday Duplicate
Bridge Base On-line 7.00pm
Director: Christine Hartley
2nd August 2024
Duplicate Bridge
Shadwell Village Hall 7.15pm
Director: Paul Kaufman
5th August 2024
On-line Monday Duplicate
Bridge Base On-line 7.00pm
Director: Tony Swann
Duplicate Bridge
Director: Sheelagh Pickles
Scorer: Tony Swann
On-line Monday Duplicate
Director: Tony Swann
AGM and Duplicate Bridge
Director: Angela Buckley
Scorer: Keith Darley