Oswestry Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Oswestry Bridge Club online duplicate sessions are currently restricted* to 
(i)     club members 
(ii)    close relatives, partners or spouses of Club members
(iii)   beginners who have been taking lessons with John Davies
(iv)   guests invited by Club members to be their partners for specific sessions
(v)    visitors by prior arrangement
Because individuals in groups (ii) - (v) must pay in advance for their sessions it is essential for them or their sponsor to contact the treasurer prior to registration with BBO.  Assuming you are eligible to play and want to register with BBO, here is a video which explains how to do it.

.*The Club has always welcomed visitors to our bridge evenings, but the number of places available is limited and it is essential to book ahead.  For further enquiries please go to the Contact Us page or clicking the heading of this paragraph: (1) Eligibility.


This page will be updated one day before each duplicate bridge session so that people can play as soon as they have emailed me (Mike) with  their details.  I can be contacted at either  at or via  Contact Us on the website.
If you are able to offer some help to anyone who hasn't played BBO online before, please let me know and  I will put a "P" by your name (P = practice provider).

Please check that the spelling, numbers and spaces in your username are correct when I put your username on the website, e.g Is the username of Lady Josephine Bloggs 
"J  Bloggs22"  or actually " jbloggs23 " ?

You are strongly advised to test it by signing into BBO as soon as is convenient.  Unless your username and password are absolutely correct you will have trouble signing in.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the "forgotten password" tab on the BBO website and follow their instructions.
After registering you should complete your profile, which means means adding  the name your friends know you by and a brief summary of your bridge system.  You can do this  by following these instructions*. it enables people to see them if they click on your username.

* The speaker in the video talks very quickly but you can slow him down by using the little cogwheel at bottom of the video and choosing 0.75.
