Web Site |
Welcome to the website of Bridge on the Edge, based in St. John's, NL, Canada. In 2016 we became a player owned bridge club. We support a respectful culture, both at the bridge table and in all BOTE communications, for the enjoyment and growth of all members.
Please check with any Board member if you need additional information.
Members who want to use the member's functions (ie bookings etc), please ensure you've accessed the site using the bridgeweb link bridgewebs.com/onedge/.
Lorne Warren |
It is with great sadness that we inform our membership of the death of Lorne Warren on September 7th 2024. Lorne was a long time member of Bridge on the Edge, willing to play with anyone that asked him. He had a relaxed playing style and just loved the game, didn’t get hung up on results. Lorne was also a reliable substitute at Supervised Play and could always be counted on to show up, when asked, if he was available. Lorne will be greatly missed, he had a wonderful sense of humour and made everyone at the table feel welcome and at ease.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and other friends who will miss him. Arrangements are being handled by Barretts, once we have further information we will post them here.
Supervised Play Resumes |
After a long, wonderful summer it’s time to head back to the bridge club and more fun at the table! Bridge on the Edge is pleased to announce that the popular Supervised Play will resume on Monday 16th September in the same format as last year. The sessions will start at 9:30am with a short lesson from Tom Dale, followed by 2 hours of play with expert help available on bidding, play of the hand, defence or any other bridge related issue. Cost will be $10 for members and $15 for non-members.
Very importantly we ask that you PLEASE pre-register for these sessions on our website at the latest on the Sunday evening prior to the session. Our instructors try very hard to ensure that there are four players at each table and cannot guarantee you will be able to play without pre-registration. If you cannot register on our website please email superplay@bridgeontheedge.ca to let us know you plan to attend. Also we would like to emphasize that this is not beginner lessons, all participants should have an understanding of basic bridge principles.
We also ask that if there are any club members who would be willing to fill-in to make up the table numbers that they contact Deirdre at superplay@bridgeontheedge.ca or at the club.
Thanks to all, we’re excited to see this program restart and look forward to welcoming all our super players back to the club!
See you at the club.
P.S. Don’t forget to register!!!!!!!!!!
Mentorship Program |
“Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults… It’s the only way we can grow.” – George Lucas, Film Director
Over the years, one of the consistent goals of all of BOTE’s leadership endeavours is to grow the game within the club and also to attract new members. This objective can be accomplished in a number of initiatives and our various Boards, our diligent Club Manger, and our individual Club members have all contributed in many valuable ways.
Perhaps, one of the more enduring successful ventures has been our Mentorship Program. For some unexplained reason, most new players (and even some of us older ones) have a strong sense of insecurity about Duplicate Bridge. If this angst is rooted in fear, then Mentorship goes a long way to instilling and increasing self confidence.
Newcomers to the game do not have a lot of access to a wide selection of partners, so this program fosters inclusion, creates trust and adds a huge personal touch to our game. What a wonderful feeling of security it must be it for a mentee heading to any game, knowing they have a knowledgeable ally and someone ready to help them develop signed up as their partner. .
From a non personal point of view, the instructional part of the weekly exercises provides an enormous set of advantages. There is the transfer of a number of skills, (be it bidding, play or defence) in a one on one relationship; there is also exceptional feedback provided in terms of written notes, emails or after game discussions. Our Mentors, who have devoted countless hours to studying and analyzing this game, are also quick to identify structural weaknesses and offer advice on how to correct them. As well, the partnership arrangement is designed to encourage adaptability, broaden the student’s interest in the game, and strengthen their base knowledge.
As our Mentorship Program unfolds over time, the building blocks of information start to solidify and the array of bridge concepts begin to take shape. As one of the mentees from the fall program said "”I, for one, found the experience very rewarding. My mentor was very committed and interested in my development. I was extremely thankful for her patience, support and guidance."
But perhaps, in any learning environment, there is no stronger motivational principle than gentle guidance and sustained encouragement?
In terms of the future, Mentoring establishes a relationship for further assistance and advice; in terms of the present, it sends a strong message - You do belong here - you are one of us! And you can do it!
For additional information on this please see the ACBL Bridge Mentoring Program Handbook.
“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” - Chinese Proverb