The Nottingham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Cashless Payments
30th Jan 2025 15:42 GMT
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Saturday 8 February 2025 2pm

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Sunday 23rd March 2025 2pm

Cashless Payments
Cashless Payments




What is it for?

It’s the way that we collect table fees and annual subscriptions. We also use it to credit hosts and reimburse people who provide milk etc.


How much are the table fees and annual subscription?

Our table fee is £2.50 for our face-to-face drives and the annual subscription is £10 for the calendar year.


How does it work?

On the right-hand side of the club’s web site, click on “Members Area” and log in. If you haven’t used this before, there’s a document explaining how to do so. (Click on “access members.docx”) to read it.

Click on the “Payments A/C” tab to see your statement. It lists all the fees sessions and any credits or debits to your account, adding up to the total at the top of the page.

You get a statement each month saying how much you owe (underpaid), or how much you are in credit (overpaid). You can pay into the system at any time. We much prefer bank transfers! If you haven’t used the system before, please make sure you are using the correct account. We have set up a special one for the cashless system:

          Sortcode: 40-35-19
          Account number: 51248219

Also add your EBU number as your reference.  Just the number, don't put the letters EBU, your name or anything else at all.

The system can only cope with one person at a time! So, if you want to pay for two people, 
you must make separate transfers for each person, using their EBU number.

If you can’t use bank transfers, you can deliver a cheque to the club made out to The Nottingham Bridge Club, with your EBU number on the back. The trouble with cheques is that we have to input the information manually … and have been known to be human and make errors. We do not accept cash: that’s even more prone to human error!


How often should I pay?

Some people make quite a large payment and wait until it runs out, then make another. Others pay what they owe each month. It’s up to you. We do keep an eye on balances and if the amount you owe looks like it is building up, then we’ll send you a reminder that it’s time to make a payment but otherwise are happy for you to be always paying in arrears.


What about annual subscriptions?

Our Tuesday tournaments on BBO are “members only”, so by playing you will have agreed to be a member and your statement will show the annual subscription.

Similarly, members playing in our face to face drives will also be charged their annual subscription the first time they play in the year. If you are not playing in this way, but wish to pay your subscription, let us know and we’ll bill you via the cashless system.


How does this work for visitors?

We are happy for visitors to play with us up to three times each calendar year, free of charge. After that, you will start to pay table fees and be billed for your annual membership subscription.