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2016 - 2017 President James Cavanagh
  CHARITY NIGHT 2017 - 5 May 2017

On Friday 5th May 2017 the club hosted its annual charity event, this year monies raised will go towards the Care of the Aged.  A very good night was had by all members and we were joined by visiting members from other Inishowen Bridge Clubs.  A delicious supper was served before the game which was provided by members of the Club.  There was also a draw on the night, tickets being very much sought after for the array of prizes on hand.  A very big thank you goes out to all involved on the night to make it such a tremenduous success for such a very worthy cause. 

Winners on the Night were

In first place - Shaun McNutt and Jim O'Sullivan

Second - Paddy McKinley and Gerry O'Keeffe

Third - Eileen Farren and Mary McClenaghan

Clare McGuinness, Manager of Care of the Aged Moville being presented with a cheque for monies raised at the Charity Event, pictured with Hon President Paddy McKinley and Hon Treasurer Alexis Lafferty


  FOYLE HOTEL SHIELD (30 September 2016)


FOYLE HOTEL SHIELD  (30 September 2016)

Congratulations to Mai Mooney and John Francis Lafferty on winning this competition

2nd Shaun McNutt and Jim O!Sullivan

3rd. Paddy McKinley and Gerry O!Keeffe 



FOUNDERS' TROPHY (14 October 2016)

Congratulations to Christine Bell and Cliff Wade on winning this competition

2nd John McClenaghan and James McLaughlin

3rd Colette McCool and Ted McQuilken


Congratulations to Shaun Coll and Ita O'Sullivan on winning this competition

2nd Dodo Guckian and Kathleen McCay

3rd Mary BH Doherty and Paddy McKinley


This annual Charity Event was again a tremenduous success, raising a total of €1200 which will be shared between the RNLI and the Cardiology Department of Letterkenny University Hospital.  A hugh thanks to James in securing sponsorship and to all of the sponsors for providing such valuable prizes for the event.  A big thank you also to all involved in the provision of foods, planning, organisation and deliverance of the beautiful supper provided on the night and especially to all of you who attended, making this event so successful.  Well done to all concerned!!! 



Congratulations to all of our members who featured in the winners enclosure at the weekend in the 41st Donegal International Bridge Congress including

James Cavanagh and Atholl Stewart 3rd in the Inter B pairs

Mary BH Doherty and Kathleen McCay Area Master winners

Colette McCool and Cliff Wade 2nd in Open Pairs on Friday Night

Anna Carr and partner 6th in Saturday Night Gala Open Pairs

Shaun McNutt and his team in coming 2nd in the Congress Teams


For those of us who were not winners on this occasion, be proud to know IT IS PARTICIPATING THAT COUNTS!!!!





On Friday 19th May 2017, Mr James Cavanagh, Honorary President, hosted his very successful President's Night.  The evening started off in Inish Fusion Restaurant where a delicious meal was served from a wide selection of starters, main courses and desserts.  A very popular choice from the menu on the night was the beautiful fresh haddock and monkfish, which was generously sponsored by John McClenaghan.  After much eating (and some drinking) we drifted to the usual venue for a happy, lighthearted and relaxing game of bridge, everyone trying to get their hands on some of the lovely prizes on the night.   Naturally we could not all win but we did our best and the winners were ..............................

In first place, with 64.06% were Congress Secretary Anna Carr, and incoming CBAI President, Jim O'Sullivan, being presented with their prize by Honorary President James Cavanagh

In Second Place, with 63.28% were the dynamic duo of John McClenaghan and James McLaughlin

in Third Place with 61.61% were the two Buncrana Babes, Paddi Doran and Betty O Loughlin

and the Special Prize on the night went to Margaret Casey and Liam Doherty

  Remembering Pat (Patricia) Friel

On Wednesday 3rd August 2016 we sadly lost one of our long time loyal members of the Club.  Pat had been coming to play bridge with us for near on 20 years and was an inspiration to all of us.  She was an extremely genuine and humourous lady who thoroughly enjoyed her game.  She is sadly missed by all of the club members and more especially her long time bridge partner, companion and dear friend Kathleen McCay.


“What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.” -Helen Keller




Congratulations to John Grant and John Francis Lafferty winners of the Good Friday Trophy 2017

being presented by Vice President, Paddy McKinley

2nd  Liam and Margaret Doherty

3rd  Andrina Kelleher and Kathleen McCay

  BANK OF IRELAND TROPHY - 3rd March 2017

Congratulations to

Paddi Doran and Betty O'Loughlin winners of the Bank of Ireland Trophy 2017

2nd John McClenaghan and Jim O'Sullivan

3rd  Alexis Lafferty and Tom Scott


  MEEHAN CUP 2017 - 17th February 2017

Congratulations to

Andrina Kelleher and Kathleen McCay winners of the Meehan Cup 2017

2nd  John Francis Lafferty and Mai Mooney

3rd  Alexis Lafferty and Tom Scott