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Some helpful guidelines when playing on Galway Virtual Bridge
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Galway Virtual Bridge has been established for players from Galway and environs, and friends, who would like to play bridge online, in particular while the threat posed by Covid-19 remains strong and deters many from resuming face to face bridge.

We like our competitions to be environments where players can enjoy a good game in a friendly atmosphere and we have found that the following guidlines can help to achieve that objective.


1) Where possible, please complete registration as early as is practicable. ..........

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Alerting during the bidding
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Although online bridge differs in several respects to Face2Face bridge one aspect that is common to both is the requirement to ALERT. Note that whereas online bridge eliminates several of the situations that can bedevil face to Face2Face, e. ..........

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Claiming during the play of a hand
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One feature that BBO provides is the means for Declarer OR an Opponent to make a claim before the play of the hand has been completed. ..........

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How to Call the Tournament Director on BBO
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At some point during a game on BBO you may find it helpful to Call the Tournament Director. ..........

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How to use Chat Manager especially for Brief System Summary
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Chat Manager is a simple and easy to use feature offered by BBO which can be used to speedily communicate with opponents at the Table and is especially useful in terms of presenting your System Summary at start of each round WITHOUT having to type the summary each time. ..........

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Welcome to Galway Virtual Bridge
Happy New Year from all of us at Galway Virtual Bridge


With best wishes from Miriam, Paul, Robert.

IBU Simultaneous Pairs 2024


Galway Virtual Bridge is pleased to announce that it will offer the annual IBU Simultaneous Pairs, a major fund-raiser to support Irish teams competing in international events.

On this page we will present a link to the ECats Bridge website with access to the National Results for each event over the coming four days. Also provided are links to hand records and expert commentary for each event. Simply click the relevant link in the table below.

Day / Date  Link to ECats Bridge Hand Records Expert Commentary
Mon, 4th Nov Click here 2024-IBU-Monday-Hand-Records-003488.pdf 2024-IBU-Pairs-Monday-Commentary003488.pdf
Tue, 5th Nov Click here 2024-IBU-Tuesday-Hand-Records-004138.pdf Videos of Hands 1-26
Wed, 6th Nov Click here
Thu, 7th Nov Click here


N.B. Links will not become active until play has been completed.

NOTE: 'Kibitzing' on Galway Virtual Bridge will be switched off for the duration of these events.

Also, a frequent question is why my Club score differs from my National (Overall) score. Click here for explanation


Paul J Scannell, 4th November 2024

Una Walsh R.I.P.

It is with much sadness that we advise members of the recent passing of Una Walsh, Una was a colossus in the context of bridge, not just in Galway, or the Western Region, but throughout the length and breadth of Ireland. She was a regular supporter of several local clubs in Galway city but it is her role as an administrator of the game for which she will be best remembered. She served as Hon. Secretary of the Western Region from the early 1970s until her appointment as Hon Sec. of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland in 1991, a position she held until 2002. She also served at national level as President of the CBAI 1978-79 and President of the Irish Bridge Union in 1979-80.

As Hon. Secretary of the Western Region she worked selflessly and tirelessly to encourage clubs to join and she also promoted participation in Regional competitions. 

At the table she was always courteous to partners and opponents alike. 

Una especially looked out for the interest of novices and intermediates. She also lent her efforts to promoting bridge in local schools.

Una was a strong supporter of the campaign that saw the development of the Galway Bridge Centre, it's existence today being evidence of her efforts and that of others that travelled the same journey.

She also took over the editorial duties of the Irish Bridge Journal when her brother Paddy passed away.  Together the published the IBJ for approximately forty years. It was a labour of love for both of them.

In respect of the administration of the game, be it at club, regional, or national level, Una was fearless, and with her a spade was always a spade...and not a club, a diamond, a heart, or even a no-trump! She always spoke her mind and said her piece. Differences with others never lingered.

Truly it can be said...she was one of a kind.

Funeral arrangements can be found here: 

Paul J Scannell, 2nd October 2024

Galway Virtual Bridge Loyalty Reward Programme 2023-2024

NEW... as at 29/09/2024 

Congratulations to new centurions Eugene Gath, Joseph O'Keeffe and Michael O'Brien who join Frank Gallachoir, Mary Santry, Phyl Sherrard from last week bringing the total to SIXTEEN, all of whom have played 100+ times in Galway Virtual Bridge competitions...and several more hot on their heels!

And six new entrants at the 25pt level.        

A total of 171 players have now received a minimum reward of at least 5BB$ in our 2023-2024 Loyalty Reward Programme which continues until 7th November 2024.

N.B. There is just over one month to go before the current Loyalty Reward Programme ends.

Paul J Scannell, 29th September 2024


Masterpoint returns for events run under the auspices of Galway Virtual Bridge / Summer Bridge @ Galway / The Sunday Game @ Galway have now been submitted to the CBAI. 

Note that the CBAI recently reached a decision whereby, in future, Masterpoints will only be issued in line with the traditional CBAI calendar, i.e. 1st September to 31st May. 

Note also that Masterpoints are only provided to registered members of the CBAI (or members of the Home Countries, NIBI, SBU, WBU, EBU) who have provided us with a real name and membership number.


Paul J Scannell, 2nd August 2024

Galway Virtual Bridge Loyalty Reward Programme 2023-2024

NEW... as at 10/07/2024 

FIFTEEN payees this week, including seven players who achieve the 25 pt mark and receive a first payment. 

Congratulations to our latest centurion... James Ward who has reached the 100+pt mark for the third year in a row!.

A total of 138 players have now received a minimum reward of at least 5BB$ in our 2023-2024 Loyalty Reward Programme which continues until 7th November 2024.

Paul J Scannell, 10th July 2024

56th European Team Championships: 24th June - 4th July

Click the following link to follow the results of the 56th European Championships currently taking place in Denmark (24th June - 4th July).

56th European Team Championships

We especially send our best wishes to our two Galway gals, Joan Kenny and Louise Mitchell, who are playing on the Irish Ladies team.

Paul J Scannell, 25th June, 2024

John Comyn R.I.P.

It is with much sadness that we advise members of the passing of John Comyn, legendary bridge correspondent of The Sunday Independent for more than 50 years.

John was an enthusiastic and very effective promoter of the game both in terms of attendance at Congresses around the country and through his bridge column with the Sunday Independent. John was also instrumental in establishing the Rothmans Kings, a team of top players who travelled the country playing challenges matches against local selections.  And the Rothman Kings had a very high success rate!

John of course was primarily a sports journalist with a big interest in horse racing. Eventually he became head of sport for Independent. Newspapers.

John was a regular presence in competitions run by Galway Virtual Bridge / Summer Bridge @ Galway / The Sunday Game @ Galway until the end of 2023 when ill-health prevented him from further participation.

 Funeral details: Death Notice of John Comyn (Rathfarnham, Dublin) |

Our sympathies to his wife Anne and the extended Comyn family.

Paul J Scannell, 5th June 2024

Galway Virtual Bridge Loyalty Reward Programme 2023-2024

NEW... as at 04/06/2024 

Okay...a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Lee Barton who becomes the first player to reach the 100 pt mark in our current Loyalty Reward Programme and has thereby accumulated a total prize of 50BB$!  And his wife Lucille is about to join him on the 100 mark!  

And Joe Walsh and Frank Browne are in the nineties!  And several others are in the eighties!

The issue that had bedevilled us last week seems to have been resolved and the Loyalty Reward Programme listing/ranking seems to be accurate once again! 

Paul J Scannell, 4th June 2024

CBAI Simultaneous Pairs 2024

Coming this week...CBAI SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ... 4th - 7th March, Galway Virtual Bridge will be running the annual CBAI SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS, the major revenue source for funding Irish teams in international bridge competitions.

Click the link below to access the Home Page on ECatsBridge for the Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs to access Overall Results, Frequencies, Commentary on hands.

ECatsBridge CBAI Simultaneous Pairs Home Page

Below are Quick Links to Overall National Results and Expert Commentary. NOTE: Links will only become active after each session is completed.

Day National Results Expert Commentary
Monday Results Commentary
Tuesday Results  Commentary
Wednesday Results Commentary
Thursday Results Commentary


Paul J Scannell, 4th March 2024

Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs 2023 - Links for National Results, Hand Records, Expert Commentary

Galway Virtual Bridge is pleased to announce that it will offer the annual IBU Simultaneous Pairs, a major fund-raiser to support Irish teams competing in international events.

On this page we will present a link to the ECats Bridge website with access to the National Results for each event over the coming four days. Also provided are links to hand records and expert commentary for each event. Simply click the relevant link in the table below.

Day / Date  Link to ECats Bridge Hand Records Expert Commentary
Mon, 6th Nov Click here 2023-004617-IBU-Monday-Hand-Records.pdf 2023-004617-IBU-Pairs-Monday-Commentary.pdf
Tue, 7th Nov Click here 2023-005294-IBU-Tuesday-Hand-Records.pdf 2023-005294-IBU-Pairs-Tuesday-Commentary.pdf
Wed, 8th Nov Click here 2023-006268-IBU-Wednesday-Hand-Records.pdf 2023-006268-IBU-Pairs-Wednesday-Commentary.pdf
Thu, 9th Nov Click here 2023-007159-IBU-Thursday-Hand-Records.pdf 2023-007159-IBU-Pairs-Thursday-Commentary.pdf
Fri, 10th Nov Click here 2023-008614-IBU-Friday-Hand-Records.pdf 2023-008614-IBU-Pairs-Friday-Commentary.pdf


N.B. Links will not become active until play has completed.

NOTE: 'Kibitzing' on Galway Virtual Bridge will be switched off for the duration of these events.

Also, a frequent question is why my Club score differs from my National (Overall) score. Click here for explanation


Paul J Scannell, 6th November 2023

Celtic Nations SIMS Pairs 2023 - Monday to Thursday

Galway Virtual Bridge is pleased to announce that it will offer the annual Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs, a major fund-raiser to support Junior teams competing in international events.

On this page we will present a link to the ECats Bridge website with access to the National Results for each event over the coming four days. Also provided are links to hand records and expert commentary for each event. Simply click the relevant link in the table below.

Day / Date  Link to ECats Bridge Hand Records Expert Commentary
Mon, 4th Dec Click here 2023-Celtic Nations SIMS Monday-0042238-Hand Records.pdf 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS Monday Commentary.pdf
Tue, 5th Dec Click here 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Hand Records - Tuesday.pdf 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Tuesday Commentary.pdf
Wed, 6th Dec Click here 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Hand Records - Wednesday.pdf 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Wednesday Commentary.pdf
Thu, 7th Dec Click here 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Hand Records - Thursday.pdf 2023 Celtic Nations SIMS - Thursday Commentary.pdf


N.B. Links will not become active until play has completed.

NOTE: 'Kibitzing' on Galway Virtual Bridge will be switched off for the duration of these events.

Also, a frequent question is why my Club score differs from my National (Overall) score. Click here for explanation


Paul J Scannell, 8th December 2023

Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs 2023

Galway Virtual Bridge is pleased to announce that it will offer the annual IBU Simultaneous Pairs, a major fund-raiser to support Irish teams competing in international events.

Events will be run on Galway Virtual Bridge on Monday (6th Nov), Tuesday (7th Nov), Wednesday (8th Nov), and Thursday (9th Nov), in conjunction with other online services, as well as the many clubs that will be offering a face to face option.

A session will also be offered on Friday (10th Nov) courtesy of Summer Bridge @ Galway


1) For these events 'Kibitzing' will NOT be available for the sessions offered by Galway Virtual Bridge.

2) Results will be uploaded to the ECats bridge website for inclusion in the overall national results. The ECats website will also provide detailed results where players can compare their performance in the local club competition with their performance in the national event.

     Note: Your percentage score in the club competition may differ from your score in the national event.  For some it may increase whereas for other it may decrease! Click this link for explanation. 

3) Expert commentary, arranged by IBU, will be provided for each session via a PDF uploaded to the Galway Virtual Bridge website. 


Paul J Scannell, 6th November 2023


Coming next week...CBAI SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ... 6th - 9th February, Galway Virtual Bridge will be running the annual CBAI SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS, the major revenue source for funding Irish teams in international bridge competitions.

Click the link below to access the Home Page on ECatsBridge for the Celtic Nations Simultaneous Pairs to access Overall Results, Frequencies, Commentary on hands.

ECatsBridge CBAI Simultaneous Pairs Home Page

Below are Quick Links to Overall Results and Commentary:

Day Results Commentary
Monday Results Commentary
Tuesday Results  Commentary
Wednesday Results Commentary
Thursday Results Commentary


Paul J Scannell, 9th February 2023

John Comyn pens his last bridge column for the Sunday Independent...

John penned his first article for the Sunday Independent on Sunday, December 12th, 1971. That amounts to 2670 articles!  John also contributed bridge articles to the Irish Independent, including session results for then current Irish Trials!

John wrote 'Doubled Up - Laughing at the game of Bridge' in 2010, which is a personal reflection of his bridge adventures over the 60 years that he had been playing bridge up to that time. An entertaining read which is filled with anecdotes of many of the Irish players that were prominent in the game during those years, many of whom are sadly no longer with us. And John was the inspiration behind the legendary Rothmans Kings, a team of players that also included Pat Walshe, Micheal O'Briain, and Donal Garvey, later joined by others. John had asserted that all good bridge players came from Dublin which prompted a T/4 challenge from Paddy Kiely (Cork). After the match was played, the Kings winning, additional challenges were issued from teams all around the country. John reckons that the Rothmans Kings played 70+ matches and lost only two!  Some record! 

John sat opposite various partners over his bridge playing career and all the time promoted the game in the pages of Ireland's foremost Sunday newspaper.

John, with his wife Anne in Warsaw in 2006 at the European Team Championships, where John was a member of the Ireland Seniors Team.

John has been a huge supporter of Galway Virtual Bridge since it first launched on November 8th 2021.

Enjoy your retirement, John. It has been well earned...and we look forward to your continued presence on Galway Virtual Bridge.

Paul J Scannell, 5th February, 2023

Galway Virtual Bridge celebrates its First Anniversary...

We started out one year ago on Monday, November 8th 2021...

We would like to say a Big Thank You to all who have supported us over the past year.

To celebrate the occasion we are offering a Free Lottery Draw which will occur after each of the eight rounds of the games taking place NEXT week, i.e. Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, and Thursday 17th.

The winner of each draw will be the player seated at the table and position as indicated by the draw, e.g. Table 3, South; Table 15, East, etc.

We extend our sincere thanks to the team at CBAI Head Office who administered all of the draws. 


1) No player can win more than one prize on any single night.

2) Where the initially designated winner is deemed ineligible (previous winner or a Robot) then the next player, using the cycle N, E, S, W, becomes the winner. If no winner at the initially designated table the winner will be selected from the next higher numbered table. 

3) Each winner's BBO account will be credited with 10BB$. 


Thank you for supporting Galway Virtual Bridge in our inaugural year.


Paul, Miriam, Robert - 8th November 2022

Sean Glynn (Loughrea) R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Sean Glynn (Loughrea) who died om Monday morning.

Click here for tribute by Paul Scannell.

Funeral arrangements can be viewed on this link:   Click here for funeral arrangements

Note also that there will be a live streaming for those unable to attend:  Click here for live streaming of funeral service

Paul J Scannell, 17th October, 2022

Changes re role of Robots partnering a human!


Galway Virtual Bridge recognises the choice of those players, who, for whatever reason, opt to play with a Robot. While appreciating the clear benefit that this offers to those who choose to play with a Robot we are also aware of the fact that some players have expressed concern about playing against Robots.

We are now about to implement a change to the way in which Robots are used in these Human/Robot partnerships. Specifically, we will implement a change to our competitions which will require the human partner to play all hands that are initially contracted by the Robot. In essence this means that where a Robot is initially deemed to be declarer the human will TEMPORARILY switch place with the Robot partner and will then play the hand. Upon completion of the hand the human and Robot will be re-seated in their original positions for the start of the next hand.

This will happen for each and every hand where a Robot is initially deemed to be the declarer upon conclusion of the auction.

We hope to implement this change on Monday, 22nd August 2022.

Given that this will be a major change from current practice we envisage that some players, especially the Robot's human partner, may initially be confused and not realise that they are declarer and not dummy! Opponents should be alert to this situation and should take the following actions if necessary:

a) Prompt the human via chat to Table (or private message) and remind them that they, and not the Robot, are declarer for this hand. 

b) If the above referenced prompt does not produce the desired response then please contact the TD.

A Human playing with a Robot should be aware that they will automatically declare ALL hands that his/her side contract.

Also, the Human should be aware that their original hand becomes dummy. Declarer may need to re-appraise his/her line of play given the re-orientation that takes place when he/she swaps places with the Robot for the duration of the play, especially if the opponents during the auction.  


1) At the start of play the Declarer's screen will now show the Robot's hand at bottom of their display and dummy will be positioned at top of their screen. This means that the Human/Robot hands have been switched and declarer should thus be aware that the defenders hands have also been similarly re-orientated and declarer should accordingly mentally switch any bidding by the opponents.

2) The change will not impact the defenders whose screens should continue to display the original layout with respect to the orientation of the four hands as at the start of the auction.

3) Upon conclusion of the hand the Human Player will be re-seated in the position that they occupied at the start of the round.  

Please note the following screen captures, recorded by Robert Delargy, which illustrate the Human's (Robert) screen during the auction and also at the start of play.


The image above shows Robert in the West seat and his Robot partner has opened 1NT.  Robert made a transfer bid of 2  and the Robot bid 2♠  which becomes the final contract.

Robert now assumes the role of declarer and his screen is now reflected by the image above, Note that Robert, as declarer, is now holding the Robot's hand and the defender on declarer's left leads ♥ A. Note also that this defender was originally on Robert's right DURING THE BIDDING, as shown in the first image.

NOTE: The defenders screens will remain the same throughout bidding and play.

Paul J Scannell, 17th August 2022

BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
16th January 2025
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
20th January 2025
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
21st January 2025
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
22nd January 2025
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
23rd January 2025
BBO Pairs @ Galway Virtual Bridge
Galway Virtual Bridge


Galway Virtual Bridge has been established for players from Galway and environs, and friends, who would like to play bridge online, in particular while the threat posed by Covid-19 remains strong and deters many from resuming face to face bridge at this time.

Galway Virtual Bridge offers a venue for individuals to gather and play bridge online with fellow Galwegians, native or domiciled, and friends from further afield, who enjoy a friendly and competitive game for which Galway Bridge has become known since the start of the lockdown.

Competitions will take place on BBO (Bridge Base Online) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wenesdays, and Thursdays. Competitions will be listed under the name Galway Virtual Bridge (BBO hostname: CBAI125674) and can be found on BBO under Virtual Clubs\CBAI & NIBU - Ireland.  Alternatively simply use the BBO search option with the word 'Galway Virtual' OR 'Galway Virtual Bridge' OR 'cbai125674'. 

Unless otherwise stated compettions will start at 7.45 p.m.

Entry Fee is 3BB$. All welcome.

Galway Virtual Bridge is brought to you by Miriam Moloney, Robert Delargy, Paul Scannell, all of whom have previous experience in delivering online bridge via Summer Bridge @ Galway and The Sunday Game @ Galway.

Paul J Scannell. 3rd November, 2021

updated 21st February, 2022

86th Galway Congress: 14th-16th February, Ardilaun Hotel

So, you do you fancy playing with a Robot? Do you know the Robot's System???

The following hand arose recently during an online game in Galway. 

As dealer with the West hand, and playing with a BBO Robot partner,  you open 1. North Passes and East bids 2NT which is automatically alerted as: 'Jacoby -> support; balanced -- 4+  ; 13+ total points'.  South Passes and it is your turn to bid. What do you bid and why?

Paul J Scannell, 22nd June 2022   [UPDATED]

At two tables the human players bid 3♥. At both tables, East (BBO Robot) jumped directly raised to 7 despite missing an Ace!!! No, the Robots had not gone wild...the two humans had failed to appreciate that their 3  re-bid promised 18-21 hcp!!! Both West's should have reboid 4  which shows a minimum hand. Why did the two BBO Robots not use Blackwood? Simple...the Robots could count and knew that their 20 hcp when added to West's '18-21 hcp' meant that E/W held all four aces and all four kings!!! Justice was not served when both Norths faield to find a spade lead.

Also, at another table, the human partner opened 1, the Robot partner bid 2NT (Jacoby, as previously explained) and the human partner who clearly didn't read the description of the Robot's bid, simply PASSED!!!!  A Small Slam was missed through not understanding the Robot's bidding system and failing to read the description of the Robot's bid!

Congratulations to Mary Santry (Santrym1) and Anne Phelan (dancinanne) who correctly re-bid 4 over the Robot's 2NT response. Howver, when the respective Robot's followed up with 4NT (Roman Keycard BlackWood) both humans failed to make the correct bid of 5♠  which shows 2 keycards AND the  Q!!!   At one table, the Robot partner Passed the human's response of 5  which showed 2 keycards BUT denied ♥ Q!!!

The one thing that many humans can be accused of when playing with a Robot is not reading the decsriptions of bids made by the Robot and, in particular, not reading decsriptions of their own bids before they make a bid!!! It is one of the features of BBO that a player who is playing with a Robot can hover their cursor on any and all bid options BEFORE selecting a bid, and in each case a description of the bid is shown!!!  So, when it is your turn to bid, hover your cursor over possible choices and read the description that pops up on your screen. Finally, click on the bid that best reflects your hand in accordance with the Robot's system!!!

If you envisage playing with a Robot you would benefit HUGELY from setting aside a mere 25 minutes to watch the following video by Peter Hollands which discusses four aspects of the Robot's approach to the game:

1) How they work

2) Understanding the descriptions that automatically accompany each bid made by the Robot or its partner (you!). Do you know the difference between HCP and Total Points as frequently used in descriptions of bids by Robot and partner? Do you know the meaning of the + (plus) and - (minus) symbols which are featured in many of the bid descriptuions?

3) Leads, Signals, Bidding. Understanding the Robot's approach to leads, signals and bidding.

4) Capitalizing on mistakes when defending against a Robot

Click here to view the video  [Thanks to Robert Delargy who found the video link.]

Paul J Scannell, 22nd June 2022

Are you familiar with standard 'interior sequence' leads?

As North, you find yourself on lead against 3NT after the bidding sequence shown above, West having opened a Strong 1NT. You decide to lead a club and the question is... 'which card do you choose as your opening lead?'

Paul J Scannell, 22nd June 2022

At eleven tables North opted to lead a club and only one player found the correct lead...♣ 10!  Well done WillFarmer. The other Norths incorrectly, and to their cost, led ♣ 3. This holding (Q109x) is one of the standard interior sequences where the lead of the 10 promises the 9 and a higher honour other than the J, i.e. A109x, K109x or Q109x. Note that South can now auromatically follow with a small card if declarer does not play ♣ J from dummy. N/S will duly make 2 club tricks and declarer can be restricted to a single club trick, ♣ A.  

At all other tables where North led ♣ 3 declarer could play low from dummy and South was forced to rise with ♣ K, declarer winning with ♣ A and now leaving dummy with ♣ J86 sitting over North's ♣ Q109 from which declarer will duly score a second club trick!!!

Another standard lead interior sequence features the lead of J from AJ10x or KJ10x.

Note that although these interior sequence leads are standard it does not automatically follow that the lead of a J or 10 is always reflective of an interior sequence as these leads can also be singletons or doubletons!!!  Caveat emptor! 

Paul J Scannell, 22nd June 2022
