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The Constitution and Appeals Procedure

1. Title

The title shall be Evesham Bridge Club hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.

2. Objective

The purpose of the club shall be to encourage the playing of bridge by its members and others in a friendly environment. In addition, members wishing to play more competitively may be supported and encouraged.

3. Officers and Committee

The officers of the club shall be Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. A committee shall be formed comprising the officers plus at least four other elected members of the club.

The committee may co-opt additional members as deemed necessary.

The Officers for the following club year will be nominated by, and from, the current officers and committee members. The Club Members will be informed officially on the notice for the AGM and a vote of the membership will be taken to elect those officers nominated by the committee. If a vacancy for an Officer cannot be filled by the current Committee members then nominations for this position will be taken from the club membership. This will follow the same procedure for nomination and election as for a committee member.

Officers of the committee must be nominated and re-elected each year. However, if there is a committee or club member who wishes to take over the position, then the current Officer must stand down.

The committee shall have at least 3 meetings during the year.  A quorum shall consist of   5 committee members including at least two of either the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.

The committee shall be responsible for the day to day operation of the club including its financial management. However, no single item of new expenditure exceeding £500 may be entered into without the members’ approval at a general meeting. The Officers and committee members shall not be liable, either personally or jointly, for the liabilities of the club. All members shall be equally responsible for any liabilities incurred during their time of membership.

4. Membership

Membership shall be by subscription, payable at the beginning of each club year. The year shall run from November 1st to October 31st each year. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid by 31st December shall cease to be a member unless the committee consider there are special circumstances.

Each member shall notify the Secretary immediately of any change of postal address, telephone number or e-mail address.

Table money for members and visitors shall be fixed by committee and notice of change will be displayed on the club’s notice board giving at least 14 days’ notice.

The club accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of members’ personal property whilst on the premises of the club.

5. Meetings

The club shall meet regularly for play, as decided by the committee.

An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year during October for the purpose of receiving reports from its Chairman and Treasurer, election of the Committee for the following year and consideration of motions submitted for debate. The AGM shall also fix the rate of annual subscription. Notice of the AGM and a copy of the previous year’s minutes will be displayed on the club’s notice board and web site at least 28 days before the meeting.

The committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if they deem it necessary. An EGM shall be called following receipt by the secretary of a written request proposed and seconded and supported by 20 percent of the membership. The request shall detail the business to be discussed. Notice of the EGM will be displayed on the club’s notice board and web site at least 14 days before the meeting.

6. Nomination for Committee and Motions for Debate

Any club member may stand for election as a committee member for the club. Nominations, proposed and seconded, indicating the person’s willingness to stand shall be received in writing by the secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the AGM.
Similarly, motions for debate, proposed and seconded, shall be received in writing by the Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the AGM.

Voting on any matter raised at general meetings, including the election of committee members, will be by a majority show of hands of those attending the meeting. The Chairman’s declaration of the result of such a vote will be final. The quorum of any general meeting will be 25% of the club membership.

However, at the Committee’s discretion, a call for a Full Vote of the whole of the membership, including voting by proxy addressed to the Secretary, may be initiated for elections or any specific topics raised.

7. Alteration to Constitution

Alterations to the constitution shall only be made at an AGM or a properly convened EGM called for the purpose. A change shall require support from two thirds of the votes cast. Members unable to attend such a meeting may vote by proxy provided they do so in writing to reach the Secretary before the date of the meeting.

8. Playing Disputes and Misconduct

Playing disputes shall be resolved according to the laws of contract bridge as adjudicated by the Director or appointed session organiser. The Director may apply a penalty or issue a warning to the member if appropriate. Notification of the details of the dispute and warning must be submitted by the Director, to the Secretary, within 7 days. A third warning issued to a member must be in writing and any further infractions, within 12 months of the written warning, will be referred to the main committee and may result in membership being suspended. 

A member has the right to appeal for a review of any ruling made at the table by a Director which, in the first instance, should be lodged with the Director at the end of the session.  The Director has the option to call on members of the appeals committee present at the time to assist in making a decision immediately. If the dispute cannot be resolved at the time the Director should complete an EBU Appeal Form with the full details of the hand and ruling in question and submit it to the Appeals Committee. (See Appeals Procedure below)

In the event of a complaint regarding the conduct of a member:  The Director should be called, and has the authority to assess the complaint and award immediate board penalties if deemed necessary. If a future violation is incurred at the same event then disqualification from     participation in that event may occur.  If a complaint is submitted in writing to the club committee, then the committee will pass this complaint to a ‘Conduct Committee’.  This Conduct Committee will consist of three or more respected and experienced members of the club. They will collect evidence from both sides and their decision will be reached after due deliberation and delivered to the protagonists. Their decision will be final.

In cases of serious misconduct, the main committee shall have the power to suspend an individual’s membership and, if necessary, to recommend their removal from the club. Full details should be supplied which will be investigated and discussed by the committee.  The committee decision will be made by majority vote and the decision will be final.

All other disputes shall be decided by the Committee whose decision shall be final.


1.1          All appeals must initially be made through the Director – Law 92 (C).

1.2          An appellant should provide immediate verbal notice of possible Appeal but certainly no later than 48 hours after the score was first published on the web site, and within 72 hours thereafter to provide a written statement to the Appeals Committee setting out the grounds of the appeal. No Appeal outside of these time limits will be considered.

1.3          An appeal will not be heard unless both members of a pair or the Captain of a team concur in appealing and for this reason the written appeal should be signed by both players (Law 92 (D)) and sent to the Director of the session.

1.4          The Director will refer the Appeal to the Appeals Committee Chairman. In so doing, the Director should also provide his / her record of events giving rise to the dispute.

1.5          The Appeals Panel will consider the matter, usually within 4 weeks, and advise the Appellant of the outcome. 


2.1          The Appeals Committee will consist of each and every Club Director, plus at least

                  three experienced Club members.

2.2          The Appeals Committee may, at its own discretion, co-opt other club members onto its Committee if it deems it necessary.

2.3          The Appeals Committee will elect its own Chairman.

2.4          The Appeals Committee Chairman, on receiving notice of Appeal from a session Director, will as soon as practicable, convene an Appeal Panel. The Appeals Panel making the adjudication is to comprise a minimum of three members of the Appeals Committee, to include at least one Director of the Club (not involved in the disputed decision).

2.5          The Chair will ensure impartiality e.g. if an appellant was at the time partnering a member of the Appeals Committee that partner could not sit on the Appeal Panel. 

2.6          The Committee should be required to keep its own notes and records of Appeal decisions and it will not be bound by its own previous decisions.

2.7          The Appeals Panel will make its decision within one month of the written statement of appeal being received and communicate to the Director first involved.

2.8          If the Director changes his original decision he will notify the scorer of any amendments necessary and the Appeals Committee chairperson will communicate the decision to the Appellant.

2.9          Should the Director not change his decision despite a recommendation so to do by the Appeals Committee, the Appeals Committee chair should communicate to the Appellant only that the Committee has met but agreement with the Director involved has not proved possible and that therefore the Appellant is advised to appeal to higher authority if still aggrieved.

2.10        No reasons or “thought processes” etc. should be revealed to an Appellant and the Appeals Committee’s deliberations should remain secret. For that reason it should not report to the Evesham BC main committee any of its findings and no officer of the Evesham BC committee should be a member of the Appeals Committee except in the capacity of Director or player and they should not discuss Appeals in Evesham BC main committee.

2.11        The Appeals Committee may recommend to the main Club Committee the introduction of penalties for Appeals without merit (usually a refundable deposit) if experience shows this to be advisable.

NOTE: it is unlikely that the full Appeals Committee will need to meet regularly or at all outside of hearing a formal Appeal but that is a matter for them to determine.  


In order for a resolution that the Club shall be wound up to have effect, at least two-thirds of the votes cast on the resolution must be in favour and in addition the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution must exceed one half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting at which the resolution is put.  To be eligible to vote a member must have been a paid-up member for 5 years.

If a resolution that the Club be wound up is effectively passed, the Committee shall be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Club and,  unless the winding up has been initiated with a view to amalgamating the Club with some other club (in which case surplus assets and funds may be transferred to such other club), any surplus assets and funds shall be distributed equally among the members, or, if this impracticable, shall be transferred to a charitable organisation of the committee’s choice.