East Norfolk Bridge Club
Release 2.19p
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Improvers Hands

From Monday 17th January 2022, there will be a dual functionality


1) Daily Hands in Room E (for Education) of the Teaching Area are now available on the BridgeClubUK Bridgewebs site

Click here to access the site



2) Wednesday afternoon Hands (14:00-19:00) in Room C of the Teaching Area enable you to practice the following topics:


Playing in NT





We are grateful to Bridge for Pleasure for providing the above hands such that all of us can enjoy and improve our Bridge.

More details about Bridge for Pleasure can be found at https://www.bridgewebs.com/bridgeforpleasure/


















The following hands have been loaded into Room E (for Education) of the Teaching Area of Bridge Club Live at three different 'Time Slots' such that hands can be played at any time of the day.

You can either use this as a 'stand-alone' teaching aid by 'bidding the hand' then revealing how the experts would have bid it or get together with three other friends and bid & play the hands. For the latter you will need to speak to your BCL Bridge Teacher for the PIN to enter the Teaching Area or email us at bridgeclubs@eastnorfolk.org.

Some students who regularly play Social Bridge are using these hands to "warm up" by playing a couple of hands and then discussing them (using the new Audio Video System) before playing in the Social Bridge room.

There are multiple hands per 'Slot' for every weekday, giving Students the opportunity of playing more than 200 boards with comprehensive analysis of the Bidding & the Play.

Time Slot Monday Tuesday    Wednesday   Thursday  Friday    
0900-1400 Suit Contracts Doubling   Weak Unbalanced Hands Playing in NT Competing with 1NT Opener    
1400-1900 Suit Overcalls Take-out Doubles Strong Unbalanced Hands Stayman Defence    
1900-2359 ECats_21_Mo ECats_21_Tu ECats_21_We ECats_21_Th ECats_21_Fr  


Practice Room in the Teaching Area

The hands that were available in last week's Coaching Corner are automatically transferred to the Practice Room on the following Tuesday morning.

These are the "Double Dummy" Analysis of the hands that are presently in the Coaching Corner

Coaching Corner 11th Jan 2022

These are the hands that are in the Practice Room of the Teaching Area

Practice Room 11th Jan 2022

We are grateful to ECatsBridge, the EBU & Bridge for Pleasure for providing the above hands and all the Bridge Teachers who have given their time freely and written the Commentaries such that all of us can enjoy and improve our Bridge.

We are equally grateful to Douglas Wright/Nick Wallbridge & Celia Jeal for providing the "Double Dummy" Analysis of the Coaching Corner and Practice Room Hands

ECatsBridge run regular charity Simpairs event, the last one that was hosted by BridgeClubLive in aid of Children in Need helped ECatsBridge raise even more money; at the time of writing they have raised an incredible £1.16m over the 18 years that they have been running these events - further details at http://www.ecatsbridge.com/sims/cin/default.asp 

The English Bridge Union (EBU) run regular SimPairs - further details at https://www.ebu.co.uk/sim-pairs

More details about Bridge for Pleasure can be found at https://www.bridgewebs.com/bridgeforpleasure/










Hands that were originally available before 17th January 2022 - commentaries available for "self improvement"

The following hands have been loaded into Room E (for Education) of the Teaching Area of Bridge Club Live at four different 'Time Slots' such that hands can be played at any time of the day.

You can either use this as a 'stand-alone' teaching aid by 'bidding the hand' then revealing how the experts would have bid it or get together with three other friends and bid & play the hands. For the latter you will need to speak to your BCL Bridge Teacher for the PIN to enter the Teaching Area or email us at bridgeclubs@eastnorfolk.org.

Some students who regularly play Social Bridge are using these hands to "warm up" by playing a couple of hands and then discussing them (using the new Audio Video System) before playing in the Social Bridge room.

There are multiple hands per 'Slot' for every day of the week, giving Students the opportunity of playing more than 750 boards with comprehensive analysis of the Bidding & the Play.

Time Slot Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1000-1200 Mon10* Tues10* Wed10* Thurs10* Fri10* Sat10 Sat10
1300-1500 Mon13 Tues13 Wed13 Thur13 Fri13 Sat13 Sat13
1600-1800 Mon16c** Tues16** Wed16** Thur16** Fri16** Sat16 Sat16
1900-2100 Mon19 Tues19 Wed19 Thur19 Fri19 Sat19 Sat19

* These hands are from the 2021 ECatsBridge Summer Simultaneous Pairs Charity Matches

**  Specific topics covered:-

                              Suit Contracts

                              Suit Overcalls


                                                       Take-out Doubles

                                                                                Weak Unbalanced Hands

                                                                                Strong Unbalanced Hands      

                                                                                                       Playing in No Trumps


                                                                                                                                 Competing with 1NT Opener

