Dunfermline Bridge Club
Release 2.19p
Recent Updates
Monday Afternoon results
17th Sep 2024 02:13 BST
Home Page
12th Sep 2024 13:02 BST
Tournament Director Rota
3rd Sep 2024 17:50 BST
Real Bridge
15th Jul 2024 19:03 BST
Grand Slam Rollover
3rd Jul 2024 12:15 BST
Competition Winners
21st Jun 2024 09:51 BST
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2024
Looking for a partner or play as a visitor?

If you are looking for a partner, both members and visitors, please contact Jane Robertson on 07456 184784 or by e-mail


Committee members 2023-24

The committee members for 2023/24 are: -

President - Fiona McElhinney

Secretary - Sue Smith

Treasurer - Nicola Dean

Committee members -  Jane Carnegie, John Allen, Sue Smith, Margaret Innes, David Dunn, Jane Robertson, Irene Marshall and Averil Mckinley

Thank you to all past committee members for your contributions to the club and its members.  

Suggestions Wanted

We are seeking suggestions to improve the content of this site.  Thank you to all of you who have already provided suggestions.  They are very constructive and will be taken on board over the next few weeks.  Please continue to submit your ideas, they are most welcome.

Please send suggestions to Jane Carnegie by clicking this link.

Welcome to Dunfermline Bridge Club
Welcome to Dunfermline Bridge Club
Welcome to Dunfermline Bridge Club

Are you new to the area or want to take up bridge again after a break from playing? We are a friendly club and play at the club on Monday afternoons, Tuesday & Thursday evenings. We also play online on RealBridge on Monday evenings over the winter period. New members are welcome.

On Monday afternoons play is from 1pm to 4pm and you don't need a partner. Someone will be there to play with you.  Tuesday & Thursday evenings are from 7pm to 10.30pm and you do need a partner.  Monday evenings (when played) are online from 7pm and you do need a partner.  Partners can be arranged.  Please contact Jane on if you want further information.  We look forward to seeing you.

Last updated : 1st Sep 2023 15:50 BST
Dunfermline Bridge Club Facebook Page

Dunfermline Bridge Club Facebook Page is a new development to keep people informed and help promote the club among Facebook users.
It is 
being overseen by Averil McKinley. 
Please like and follow us on Facebook via the following link.

Last updated : 17th Jul 2024 23:17 BST
Grand Slam Rollover

Results are now in the link Grand Slam Rollover on the left hand side.

Last updated : 3rd Nov 2022 12:52 GMT
Bridge Beginners Classes Resume Sunday 15 September

Beginners' class resumes this Sunday afternoon, 15 September. If you know the basics and would like to learn a bit more you are welcome to join us. This term focuses on competitive bidding - overcalls and doubles. First lesson is free with no commitment.
For more information please email

Festival of Bridge Tuesday 10 September

Thanks to everyone who helped make Tuesday evening such an enjoyable night and particulary those who contributed a lot of time and effort  to make it happen.

The winners on the night were:
N/S - 1st Sandy Greenhill and Sheila Pitcairn; 2nd Sheila Imrie and Helen Allan         
E/W - 1st Tony and Marianne Hasler; 2nd Bill Bald and Ian McRoberts
Tony and Marianne recorded the highest overall score between N/S and E/W with an impressive 69%.

Dunfermline Bridge Club Cup Winners
Dunfermline Bridge Club Cup Winners

The Dunfermline Bridge Club AGM and prize giving was held on Thursday 31 August. The picture shows those who attended the meeting and who were awarded prizes.



Monday Evening Real Bridge

Over the summer, Monday evening RealBridge has now been suspended due to falling numbers. The intention is to restart in Autumn, but a date has still to be set. 
Bridge is still available at the club on Monday Afternoon.
Milnathort Bridge Club run sessions on Monday Evening, which some from the club attend. Speak to Sandy Greenhill or Bob Robertson for more information if interested.

Club fees due 1 April 2024
Club fees due 1 April 2024

The subscriptions for the new season are due on 1 April 2024. The club membership fee is staying at £25.00 and SBU fees will be £12.00, total £37. You can pay by cheque, in cash or preferably by bank transfer. Please note that your membership will lapse if it is not renewed by 31 May 2024.


Finlay Stalker winners

Congratulations to Bob Robertson & Ian McRoberts (yes it's that man again) on winning the Finlay Stalker Trophy. Well done to Dave Dunn & Willie Davidson on coming 2nd and Betty Bielska & John Bielski on coming 3rd.

Bridge Costs for 2023

After the festive period Bridge is now back at the club as normal on Monday afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Please note that table money has been increased to £3.00 due to the increased electricity costs.
The cost for non-members on Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be £4.00.


Special occasions
Special occasions

Do you know a club member who will be celebrating his or her 80th or 90th birthday soon?  Although we are not able to meet at the club at the moment the committee would like to celebration the occasion with the member.  If you know someone, or it might even be you, please let Jane Robertson know the details.



The club's Master Points are now uploaded directly to the MEMPAD.  There are some paper Master Points in the cupboard for some players.  You should now submit your paper Master Points, after checking that there are no more in the cupboard, to the address on the MEMPAD webpage. You can find this by going to the SBU website and clicking on MEMPAD in the top right hand corner.  See the details below if you haven't already accessed MEMPAD.

You will need to register to be able to access your personal details.  The MEMPAD system can be accessed at or at  You can request a login to MEMPAD by clicking on the Contact SBU button and it will generate an email to the Master Point Secretary.  Complete the details required and ask for a login.
Director: Jane Carnegie
Scorer: Jane Carnegie
Director: Andrew Carnegie
Scorer: Jane Carnegie
Director: Sandy
Scorer: Jane Carnegie
Director: John
Scorer: Jane Carnegie
Director: Bob
Scorer: Jane Carnegie