Dereham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Members - Partner Guarantee

Members A quick note to remind you all that you are all welcome with or without a partner.

No Partner? No Problem! just be at Meeting Point for 6.20. We now operate a partner guaranteed service for club members !


DEREHAM BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  We meet every Wednesday in the month 18.20 for 18.30 start.  We welcome players of all ranges of ability but it DOES help if  you have had some experience of playing Rubber Bridge, or whist.  We meet in  pleasant surroundings at Dereham Meeting Point, (which has very good free parking facilities).  We can cater for up to 8 tables. 

DEREHAM U3A BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  (Our associate club) Dereham U3A Bridge Club meet on Thursday afternoons every month (except the 2nd Thursday) at 2:15pm at Meeting Point.We are a very friendly club for beginners and experienced players who enjoy a relaxed friendly game, (we all learn from each others mistakes) . For more information please contact Penny Pomfret at:;



on line bridge

Monday sessions start at 6.30 p.m.

Please log in by 6.25 at the latest..

the link is below:

Useful Links



Declarer Percentages

Average Individual Declarer Percentages - up to 25.1.2018

The table below is taken from the "Scorecard" analysis. The figures are only a guide and are influenced by factors outside the control of the declarer e.g

1. Experience level of partner

2  Quality of opposition

3. Quality of Opening Lead

4. Some of the results from which the average is calculated are from a very small number of hands played making them unreliable

5. Accuracy of traveller

The fact the list is only a guide is confirmed by the fact that some very strong players do not appear on the list.

Top 10 - the figure in brackets after the percentage is the number of results available from which the average is calculated

1. Fiona Bradford 71.0% (1)

2. Richard Stratton 66.8% (21)

3. Chris Mallon 64.4% (13)

4. Peter Bond 64.1% (15)

5. Fred decruz 62.6 (11)

6. Di Ball 62.5% (21)

7. Barbara Morrison 62.0 (1)

8. Sue Day 60.0% (1)

9. Jane Odell 58.6% (18)

10. Michael Essery 57.4% (5)


