Dereham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Members - Partner Guarantee

Members A quick note to remind you all that you are all welcome with or without a partner.

No Partner? No Problem! just be at Meeting Point for 6.20. We now operate a partner guaranteed service for club members !


DEREHAM BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  We meet every Wednesday in the month 18.20 for 18.30 start.  We welcome players of all ranges of ability but it DOES help if  you have had some experience of playing Rubber Bridge, or whist.  We meet in  pleasant surroundings at Dereham Meeting Point, (which has very good free parking facilities).  We can cater for up to 8 tables. 

DEREHAM U3A BRIDGE CLUB DETAILS:  (Our associate club) Dereham U3A Bridge Club meet on Thursday afternoons every month (except the 2nd Thursday) at 2:15pm at Meeting Point.We are a very friendly club for beginners and experienced players who enjoy a relaxed friendly game, (we all learn from each others mistakes) . For more information please contact Penny Pomfret at:;



on line bridge

Monday sessions start at 6.30 p.m.

Please log in by 6.25 at the latest..

the link is below:

Useful Links



The Revoke

NB. For any transgressions of the Laws of Bridge you are always advised to call the Director.




1. Like most Whist -based games in Bridge when a card is led to a trick you have to follow suit, 

    and if you can, take the trick with a higher value card of the same suit.


2. A REVOKE occurs if you discard a card of another suit when you still have a card in the led 

    suit in your hand


NB. In this context a DISCARD means the play of a card of ANOTHER SUIT to a trick when you don't have a card of the led suit




4. A Revoke is ESTABLISHED, when, after the revoke, the Offending Side has played a card or indicated a card to be played, to the next trick, or there has been a claim or concession.


5. If the Revoke is ESTABLISHED there is a basic penalty of ONE trick from any tricks won by the Offending Side AFTER the offence occurred, so one trick is transferred from the offending side to the non-offending side.


NB.If no more tricks were won by the offending side AFTER the Revoke, none are transferred.


However if the Offender won the Revoke trick (this can only occur in a Suit contract if Offender won by trumping the trick instead of following suit to that trick ) that trick is also forfeited bythe Offending Side and transferred to the

Non-Offending Side at the end of play.


The maximum penalty for an Established  Revoke in any one suit is therefore 2 tricks


6. If the Non- Offending side still feel they have been damaged by the Revoke in spite of penalties they should call the Director at the end of play.


7. If the Revoke is noticed before playing to the next trick it is NOT ESTABLISHED and must be corrected by playing a card from the correct suit. The first card becomes a Major Penalty Card, is left face up. and must be played at the first opportunity. Lead restrictions may also apply.