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Bude Bridge Club Committee


The Club Committee for 2024/25

 Chairman: Steve Clifton

Vice Chairman: Chris Nichols

Secretary:  Val Ridding

Treasurer:    Tom Salt

Committee Members:,  Mary Hicks, Rosemary Kemble, Tertia Salt, Ian Curtis, 


The Directors' rota for this year:

Tuesdays:  Chris  Steve and Neil

Mondays: Chris, Alan, Robert and Neil

EBU Royalty 2024
EBU Royalty 2024

The Club has several members in the 'Royalty and Honours' of the current EBU National Grading Scheme as of 1st October 2024.

King:  Nick Newell

Queen: Steven Clifton

Jack:  Chris Nichols

10: David Clarke.




Congratulations to Robert Waterhouse promoted to the rank of County Master by the EBU.



All sessions (Mondays and Tuesdays)   £3

Visitors £4

EBU and Ecats Events

(Members Only)   £5


Annual subscription: £5

Contact Us
Contact Us

To contact us, please contact the Club Secretary 

Val Ridding on       07760284097

Mr. Bridge Quiz
Mr. Bridge Quiz

Try the 'Mr. Bridge' quiz!

Updated every Tuesday.

North Cornwall Bridge Clubs
North Cornwall Bridge Clubs

As well as Bude, there is also an EBU affiliated club at Wadebridge.

Their  website is

BUDE BRIDGE CLUB (est. October 1977)
Welcome to Bude Bridge Club
Welcome to  Bude Bridge Club

Bude Bridge Club meets for Face-to-face Bridge on Tuesday evenings and Monday afternoons at the Parkhouse Centre.

Tuesday evenings - Duplicate Bridge with Masterpoints - please arrive at 6.45 for a 7 p.m. start.

Monday afternoons - relaxed Duplicate bridge without Masterpoints - please arrive by 1.45 for a 2 p.m. start.

A cup of tea and biscuits will be available,

HOWEVER, please note that visitors are asked to book in advance to avoid a half table.

Please contact Val Ridding if you need a partner for Tuesdays (see below for details)

Members’ Breakfast at the Weir
Members’ Breakfast at the Weir

All Club members are invited to meet for a chat in a sociable setting.

Do come and join us on the first Wednesday every month from 10 am at the Weir.

Join us for breakfast or just a coffee. Share your ideas about events and Club organisation.

The next open breakfast meeting will be on Wednesday, November 6th @ 10 am.

Partner Finding
Partner Finding

Do you need a Partner for Bude Bridge Club?

Tuesday evenings are friendly-competitive, with Masterpoints, and Val Ridding organises partners for those who need one.

Her phone number is 07760-284097.

Monday afternoons are more relaxed, no Masterpoints. Should you need a partner, please contact Tertia Salt on 07702-902161

Interesting Hand of the Week

Impressive bidding from a new member to find the Game with only 18 combined High Card Points....

10 tricks made for + 590…..

If South doesn’t lead their Ace of Hearts, how does East avoid a second Heart loser?

East is going to lose two Spades and the Ace of Hearts, so to avoid a second Heart loser, they must lead the 10 of Hearts from hand.

If South ducks or goes up with the Ace, no problem.

If South plays the Jack, East nest go up with the King and finesse the Nine on the way back.

Excellent play….

October Bidding Problem of the Month

This was a recent hand that was tricky to bid. How do you continue after partner has replied 2 Clubs to your one Heart opener?

A perfect hand for cue-biding!

East bids 3 Clubs, setting the trump suit.

West bids 3 Spades (Ace of Spades), East 4 Diamonds (first round control), West 4 Spades (King of Spades), East 4 No Trumps (Roman Key Card Blackwood).

West bids 5 Spades (2 of the 5 Aces plus the Queen of Clubs).

East can now safely bid 7 Clubs, knowing that their Hearts will provide all the discards needed.

In the play, a Diamond is led. East ruffs, draws trumps in 3 rounds, takes 6 rounds of Hearts, discarding all West's Diamonds and Spade losers, and leaving West's Spades and Clubs to mop up the rest of the tricks.

Grand Slam bid and made.

Latest Tuesday Result
Latest Tuesday Result

well done Anne and Annie winning well out in front with 59% (with 4-way tie for 2nd place on 50%)

Latest Monday Result
Latest Monday Result

 Congratulations to Peter and Doug, winners on October 21st with 64%

EBU Autumn Sim Pairs
EBU Autumn Sim Pairs

 Congratulations to Robert and Bob, winners locally and 58th out of 284 pairs  in Britain..

Full results on the EBU website, under 'Competitions' and 'Sim Pairs'

Grand Slams 2024/25
Grand Slams 2024/25

Grand Slams bid and made in 2024/25:

Chris and Steve 18th June.

Forthcoming EBU and Club Competitions 2024
Forthcoming EBU and Club Competitions 2024

The Handicap Pairs continues on the first Tuesday every month. See 'Competitions' for the latest positions BEFORE HANDICAP is applied.

Future  national events this year include:


These events are for a Bude Bridge Club Members ONLY

EBU Autumn Pairs, Tuesday, October 8th 2024

Save the dates!


Handicap Pairs 2024
Handicap Pairs 2024

The Handicap Pairs continues on the first Tuesday every month.

Results each week will be sent to the EBU and then adjusted by Handicap to find a monthly winner.

The monthly winners will receive free entry to the following week’s session.

Handicaps as based on the Pair’s average over whole of 2023, rounded to the nearest whole number.

(For the monthly prize only, there is a further handicap of 2% for previous winners).

The current position can be found under 'Competitions'.

Monthly prizes  this year:

January:  Mike Newman and Rob Irish

February.  Mike and Rob

March. Andrew Moss and Bob Bennett

April:  Ann Bennett and Rob Waterhouse

May:  Mike and Rob

June: Linda and Fiona

July: Peter O and Mary Hicks

August:  Neil and Sarah

September: Andrew and Jonathan 

October: Ann and Annie

Cornwall County Bridge Association
Cornwall County Bridge Association

Bude Bridge Club is affiliated to the Cornwall County Bridge Association.

Click here to visit their web-site.

28th October 2024
Monday Pairs
Director: Neil Trenaman
29th October 2024
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Steven Clifton
4th November 2024
Monday Pairs
Director: Alan Pearce
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Chris Nichols
Scorer: robert waterhouse
Monday Pairs
Director: Neil Trenaman
Scorer: Chris Nichols
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Steven Clifton
Scorer: robert waterhouse
Monday Pairs
Director: Chris Nichols
Scorer: robert waterhouse
EBU Autumn Pairs
Director: Chris Nichols
Scorer: Chris Nichols
Monday Pairs
Director: Neil Trenaman
Scorer: robert waterhouse