Welcome to Bude Bridge Club |
Bude Bridge Club meets for Face-to-face Bridge on Tuesday evenings and Monday afternoons at the Parkhouse Centre.
Tuesday evenings - Duplicate Bridge with Masterpoints - please arrive at 6.45 for a 7 p.m. start.
Monday afternoons - relaxed Duplicate bridge without Masterpoints - please arrive by 1.45 for a 2 p.m. start.
A cup of tea and biscuits will be available,
HOWEVER, please note that visitors are asked to book in advance to avoid a half table.
Please contact Val Ridding if you need a partner for Tuesdays (see below for details)
Members’ Breakfast at the Weir |
All Club members are invited to meet for a chat in a sociable setting.
Do come and join us on the first Wednesday every month from 10 am at the Weir.
Join us for breakfast or just a coffee. Share your ideas about events and Club organisation.
The next open breakfast meeting will be on Wednesday, November 6th @ 10 am.
Partner Finding |
Do you need a Partner for Bude Bridge Club?
Tuesday evenings are friendly-competitive, with Masterpoints, and Val Ridding organises partners for those who need one.
Her phone number is 07760-284097.
Monday afternoons are more relaxed, no Masterpoints. Should you need a partner, please contact Tertia Salt on 07702-902161
Interesting Hand of the Week |
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Impressive bidding from a new member to find the Game with only 18 combined High Card Points....
10 tricks made for + 590…..
If South doesn’t lead their Ace of Hearts, how does East avoid a second Heart loser?
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East is going to lose two Spades and the Ace of Hearts, so to avoid a second Heart loser, they must lead the 10 of Hearts from hand.
If South ducks or goes up with the Ace, no problem.
If South plays the Jack, East nest go up with the King and finesse the Nine on the way back.
Excellent play…. |
October Bidding Problem of the Month |
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This was a recent hand that was tricky to bid. How do you continue after partner has replied 2 Clubs to your one Heart opener?
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A perfect hand for cue-biding!
East bids 3 Clubs, setting the trump suit.
West bids 3 Spades (Ace of Spades), East 4 Diamonds (first round control), West 4 Spades (King of Spades), East 4 No Trumps (Roman Key Card Blackwood).
West bids 5 Spades (2 of the 5 Aces plus the Queen of Clubs).
East can now safely bid 7 Clubs, knowing that their Hearts will provide all the discards needed.
In the play, a Diamond is led. East ruffs, draws trumps in 3 rounds, takes 6 rounds of Hearts, discarding all West's Diamonds and Spade losers, and leaving West's Spades and Clubs to mop up the rest of the tricks.
Grand Slam bid and made. |