What do you open as East?
A gambling 3 No Trump usually promises a solid 8-card minor and an outside entry.
Too strong for a pre-empt, possibly, so a sensible 1 Diamond.
South may be tempted to bid 2 No Trumps, to show both majors, but maybe too weak!
West bids 2 Diamonds, showing a weak hand with Diamond support
North, with this powerhouse, Doubles.
East is now in competitive mode and bids 3 Diamonds (maybe looking at the vulnerabliity)
South now bids 4 Hearts - the void in Diamonds is a real feature of the hand.
North is excited, looking for a slam, and bids 4 No Trumps (Roman Key Card Blackwood, asking for Aces)
South realises the importance of the Diamond void and skips the usual 5 Diamond response (no Aces) and jumps straight tro 6 Hearts.
West and North both Pass, and East thinks....
6 Hearts is 1430, 7 Diamonds down 5 Doubled is only 1400.....
They bid 7 Diamonds. It is duly doubled and goes down 5, but East has saved the day!