Blue and White Books |
Last updated : 15th Dec 2013 10:26 GMT |
The Master Point Scheme |
Local Master 100
Club Master 200
Area Master 500
District Master 1000
County Master 2500
Master 5000
Advanced Master 7500
*Master 10000
**Master 15000
***Master 20000
****Master 25000
*****Master 30000
Tournament Master 40000
Last updated : 5th Mar 2014 13:45 GMT |
Last updated : 19th Jun 2015 15:20 GMT |
. |
Last updated : 19th Jun 2015 15:20 GMT |
When to Call the Director
If an opening lead is made from the wrong hand, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
They will give you the 5 options.
No action should be taken until all the options have been given and considered.
The options are considered by the DECLARER ONLY, without consulting their partner.
LEAD OUT OF TURN (LAWS 53, 54, 55, 56.)
If there has been a Lead out of Turn, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
They will decide whether the Lead has been accepted or not.
They will then give you the options.
No action should be taken until all the options have been given and considered.
CALL THE DIRECTOR. They will give you the options.
No action should be taken until all the options have been given and considered.
If a revoke is thought to have been established, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
The Director will decide whether the revoke has been established.
If it has NOT been established, the Director will tell you what the Law says about Penalty Cards and subsequent play.
If the revoke has become established, then play continues.
At the end of the hand, if the Director has deemed that the Revoke had been established, THE DIRECTOR IS CALLED BACK to make rectification.
If a call is made out of rotation, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
This may be quite complicated, so please be patient while the Director explains.
Unauthorised Information can be given accidentally in many ways.
When a player considers that an opponent has made such information available and that damage could well result, they may announce that they ‘Reserve the Right to summon the Director later’.
If the opponents dispute the facts, CALL THE DIRECTOR IMMEDIATELY.
When a player has substantial reason to believe that bidding or play has been affected by the Unauthorised information, CALL THE DIRECTOR at the end of the hand.
If a player doesn’t want the board in the centre of the table, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
It is needed so that all players can check the Board Number and the vulnerability.
DUMMY (LAWS 42 and 43)
Dummy is very limited as what they may do.
In brief, Dummy plays the cards as the Declarer’s agent and must generally keep quiet except to prevent any irregularity by Declarer.
If they exceed their limitations and you feel damaged, please CALL THE DIRECTOR.
CLAIMS (LAWS 68, 69 and 70)
If a Claim of tricks won (or lost) is made, play ceases.
Players may NOT ask for the hand to be played out.
The Claim MUST be accompanied by a full description of how the hand would be played in order to win the claimed tricks.
If the Claim is then disputed, either because the Claim is incorrect, or, if no description is given and there is an alternative play that would not give the same tricks, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
Announcing is compulsory (5B2). Announce only partner’s calls, never your own.
Announce the range of a 1 No Trump opening bid. Say, for example, ’12 to 14’. If relevant, also say, ‘May contain a singleton’.
Announce if your partner responds with Stayman or a Transfer after a 1 No Trump opening bid. Say, ‘Stayman’ or ‘Hearts’ or ‘Spades’ (NOTE: Alert, don’t announce, 2 Spades if it is a transfer to Clubs).
Announce the strength of your partners opening 2 of a suit. Say ’Weak’, or ‘Strong non-forcing’ or ‘Strong forcing’. If it is a Precision 2 Clubs, announce ‘Intermediate’.
If it is a strong Acol or a Benji 2 Clubs, ALERT, don’t announce.
So long as their side has not led or played to the next trick, any player (except Dummy) may, until they have turned their own card face down, require that all cards just played to the trick be faced. Thereafter, the cards of quitted tricks may not be inspected.
A player should maintain a courteous attitude at all times.
If you are concerned about your opponent’s conduct, CALL THE DIRECTOR.
Last updated : 18th Sep 2016 10:12 GMT |
Jean Hemmerle |
The club are sad to hear of the passing of one of our dear founder members, Jean Hemmerle.
Jean was a much-loved member always cheeful and full of fun.
She was an excellent card player and for many years developed a formidable partnership with Mary Hopgood.
Jean will be greatly missed.
Last updated : 1st Apr 2017 09:21 GMT |
Grand Slam Champion! |
Linda Ashworth was crowned Grand Slam Champion 2017 for successfully bidding and making 3 Grand Slams during the season, each with a different partner.
The 'John and Bill Grand Slam Decanter Label' adorns a well-deserved bottle of gin.
Last updated : 2nd Dec 2017 13:58 GMT |
Mix and Match Champions! |
Maureen Fallows and Bob Bennett were convincing winners of the Leslie Davis Mix and Match Cup.
Last updated : 2nd Dec 2017 13:58 GMT |
Club Champions 2017 |
At our recent Annual General Meeting, Steven Clifton and Alan Biggs picked up the John Ridding Club Championship.
Alan also won the Clifton Trophy with Rob Mabley.
Last updated : 17th Jan 2018 22:20 GMT |
Team winners |
The winners of the Club Teams Championship 2017 were Stephen Smith, Ann Bennett, Micheline Smith and Bob Bennett.
Micheline and Stephen also won the Noth Coast Wine Handicap Pairs, and Bob joined Maureen Fallows in winning the Leslie Davies Mix and Match Trophy.
Last updated : 17th Jan 2018 22:21 GMT |
Sad News |
It is with sadness that we learned of the passing of Jacqueline Russell, aged 94, peacefully last Sunday.
A long-time member of the club, Jacky was a feisty bridge player, known for her unauthodox bidding and masterful card play, winning the Club Teams Championship in 2003 at the age of 80!
She continued to play at the club until well into her 90s.
Last updated : 24th May 2018 13:38 GMT |
Club Champions 2018 |
Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols with the John Ridding Club Championship trophies.
Last updated : 30th May 2018 19:28 GMT |
Grand Slam Champ! |
Mary Hopgood was our Grand Slam winner this year, bidding and making twice as many Grand slams as any other member.
Last updated : 30th May 2018 19:30 GMT |
Wednesday Champions |
Hilary Doren (pictured) partnered Gill Lowe to win the Christine Carey Trophy.
Last updated : 30th May 2018 19:30 GMT |
Mix and Match winners 2018. |
Linda Ashworth teamed up with Paul Creighton to win the Mix and Match trophy 2018.
Last updated : 3rd Apr 2019 17:57 GMT |
Thank you! |
Many thanks to all members who helped raise a magnificent £95 for the Cornwall Air Ambulance at the Bude Heritage Day last weekend.
Last updated : 5th Aug 2019 10:05 GMT |
Letter to EBU Magazine, December 2018 |
Lovely Cornwall
'On a recent, extended and lonely babysitting holiday in the Bude area, I phoned and asked if it was possible to play at the local bridge club. The response was immediate and very welcoming: partners were organised at short notice and I can recommend Deb Delvalle and Ann Bennett (who organises partners) and all the members for their friendliness and warmth towards a 'bridging stranger'. Their kindness changed the time spent there to a lovely memory'.
(English Bridge magazine Issue 280, page 59)
Last updated : 31st Aug 2019 11:44 GMT |
Brian Relton |
We are very sad to learn of the death of Brian Relton on September 9th.
Brian was a member of Bude Bridge Club for many years, serving as Chairman and Director.
He was responsible for the success of the later Bude Bridge Congresses at the Strand Hotel, organising with his quiet manner and great efficiency.
As Chairman, he updated the Constitution and introduced a more organised playing environment.
Brian was a very accomplished bridge player, winning the Club Championship in 2002, 2008 and 2009, and the Teams Championship in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006.
He played for many years in the Cornwall C Team with his wife Elaine, with both Dave Voller and Linda, and Chris and Jane, winning the Western Counties League in 2017.
When he and Elaine moved to Newquay, he was honoured with Life Membership of the club.
His attention to detail was second to none and he will be greatly missed.
We all send our heartfelt condolences to Elaine and the family.
Last updated : 1st Oct 2019 12:33 GMT |
Inaugural Beryl Mardon Trophy winner |
Maureen Fallows is the first-ever winner of the new Beryl Mardon Cup for service to the club, voted on by the members.
Last updated : 5th Apr 2020 12:45 GMT |
Collian Bowl Winners 2019 |
Annie Quartermain and Rob Irish were awarded the Collian Bowl 2019 at the AGM.
AGM photos by Bob Bennett
Last updated : 5th Apr 2020 12:45 GMT |
Latest Wednesday Result |
Wednesday bridge will continue when the Parkhouse Centre re-opens.
♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️
♠️ ❤️ Click HERE for analysis of some recent tricky hands. ♦️ ♣️
Latest hand added 22 May 2020
♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ ❤️ ♦️ ♣️
Last updated : 1st Feb 2021 09:17 GMT |
Annual General Meeting 2021 |
The Annual General Meeting will be held 'virtually' on Tuesday, April 6th, starting at 6 p.m.
Bob will be sending an email to all members, who can login to the Zoom event from 5.45 p.m.
All members should have received an email giving details of the AGM, the Acting Chair's Report and the Acting Treasurer's Financial Statement.
We are seeking nominations for the Acting Committee, to make decisions until such time as we are able to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The present members of the Acting Committee are:
Acting Chair: Chris Nichols
Acting Treasurer: Stephen Smith
Acting Committee members: Maureen Fallows, Steve Trenner, Neil Trenaman.
Last updated : 6th Apr 2021 20:41 BST |
Alan Merchant-White |
It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Alan Merchant-White last Saturday (July 3rd).
I'm sure we all join with Deb's tribute:
'We can't imagine what Wednesdays will be without him. He was so welcoming, and so engaging....
and we all became doublers because of his sometimes outrageous slam tries. We were all shown how it's possible, with the right hands, to make slams with a lot fewer points than the books said...'
A gentleman of memorable culinary skills, artistic genius, generous heart and a great sense of humour. Sadly missed. Rest in Peace.
Last updated : 2nd Sep 2021 18:36 BST |
Falmouth Salver |
We are delighted that two of our members have won the Falmouth Salver 2021, the first major County tournament of the year.
Playing online from Stratton, Chris Nichols partnered Steven Clifton in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands against 23 other pairs throughout the County and beyond.
Their winning percentage of 70% was the highest in the competition's history.
Last updated : 6th Oct 2021 17:51 BST |
In Memorium |
Alan Merchant-White
It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Alan Merchant-White on July 3rd.
I'm sure we all join with Deb's tribute:
'We can't imagine what Wednesdays will be without him. He was so welcoming, and so engaging....
and we all became doublers because of his sometimes outrageous slam tries. We were all shown how it's possible, with the right hands, to make slams with a lot fewer points than the books said...'
A gentleman of memorable culinary skills, artistic genius, generous heart and a great sense of humour. Sadly missed. Rest in Peace.
Peggy Cann was a founder member of the club and had a wicked sense of humour!
She was a delight to play with and against and was always complementing the opposition on good play.
‘Oh, well done!’ could always be relied on if someone made a difficult contract.
Such a lovely lady, sorely missed.
George Booth, a staunch member of the club for many years, has also sadly passed away.
We will remember him as a true gentleman of the bridge table, always calm and polite with a gentle manner and lively sense of humour.
Kathleen Bence was a regular at the club until recent years. She had a very competitive style and always complimented others on good play. She passed away peacefully in December..
Our thoughts are with their family and friends.
Last updated : 6th Oct 2021 17:51 BST |
Club Champions 2020 |
David Clarke and Steven Clifton are this year's Club Champions, pictured here receiving their virtual John Ridding trophies.
They also teamed up to win the Clifton Trophy.
Last updated : 6th Oct 2021 17:52 BST |
Team Champions 2020 |
Sarah and Neil Trenaman teamed up with Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey to win the club Teams Championship for the third successive year in 2020.
Neil was also winner of the June Justice Individual Championship.
Last updated : 6th Oct 2021 17:52 BST |
Members who would like to play Online during the Corona crisis can contact our Covid-19 Secretary:
Chris Nichols is the club's crisis co-ordinator.
Please contact him on 01288 355075
or email
Last updated : 2nd Nov 2021 17:29 GMT |
Bude Bridge Club LIVE! |
We have started face-to-face bridge again! Come and join us on Tuesday evenings from
7 - 10.30 p.m. - arrive by 6.50, please at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude
This will be competitive bridge with Masterpoints.
Please observe all COVID precautions:
Bring a mask, in case your partner or opponents are COVID cautious (there are over 50 cases at present in Bude)
Keep socially distanced as much as possible - we shall spread the tables out as much as possible.
Bring your own drink and mug - biscuits will be provided.
£2.50 pp table money (£3 as from January) - no visitors at present, please
as well as continuing on WEDNESDAYS
(please arrive 1.45 for a 2pm start playing until 5ish)
when Duplicate Bridge is played in a relaxed environment (no Masterpoints) - 18 to 21 hands or as time permits.
All levels welcome including beginner players and those coming back to our great game - this is the place to start!
If you need a partner for a Wednesday session call Deb on 01840 230510
Please bring you own drink and mug - biscuits will be provided.
Table money £2.50 per person.(£3 from January)
Last updated : 14th Dec 2021 11:17 GMT |
Handicap Pairs 2019-2020 |
Winners of the wine prizes for this season:
September: Maureen Fallows and Ian Curtis
October: Noreen Heslop and Margaret Swayne
November: Terry Abbott and Neil Trenaman
December: Paul Creighton and Alan Biggs
January: Annie Quartermain and Tilly Peck
February: Jenny Tregarthen and Linda Ashworth
March: Mike Newman and Rob Irish
Last updated : 19th Apr 2022 18:13 BST |
The Annual General Meeting 2022, scheduled to be be held on Tuesday, April 19th, has been postponed until Tuesday, April 26th at 6.30 pm..
All members are encouraged to attend, and to stay afterwards to play (finish by 10 pm)
All necessary paperwork will be circulated to members by email prior to the meeting.
Please note that the Prizegiving of trophies for the 2019/2020 season has been postponed until all winners are present.
Last updated : 27th Apr 2022 09:13 BST |
Wednesday Winners |
The Wednesday Champions 2017 were Alan Merchant-White and Ian Curtis, winning the Christine Carey Trophy.
Last updated : 11th May 2022 18:23 BST |
Forthcoming Events |
Keep checking here for the latest news.
Last updated : 19th Oct 2022 07:59 BST |
Tony Priday Award |
Club member Chris Nichols has been awarded the Tony Priday Award by the EBU for services to bridge during the pandemic.
Last updated : 1st Dec 2022 13:47 GMT |
Trophy Winners 2019/2020 |
In case you have forgotten, the following Trophies will be awarded at the 2022 AGM.
The Roll of Honour for 2019/2020 was
Club Champions: David Clarke and Steven Clifton
Teams Champions: Chris Nichols, Jane Koldewey, Neil and Sarah Trenaman
Collian Bowl: Tertia and Tom Salt
Handicap Pairs: Maureen Fallows and Ian Curtis
Winners of the wine prizes for the season:
September: Maureen Fallows and Ian Curtis
October: Noreen Heslop and Margaret Swayne
November: Terry Abbott and Neil Trenaman
December: Paul Creighton and Alan Biggs
January: Annie Quartermain and Tilly Peck
February: Jenny Tregarthen and Linda Ashworth
March: Mike Newman and Rob Irish
Clifton Trophy: Steven Clifton and David Clarke
June Justice Individual Champion: Neil Trenaman
Jug of Bridge Wisdom: Not awarded
Beryl Mardon Memorial Trophy: Deb Delvalle
John and Bill Grand Slam Bottle: Alan Merchant-White, Steve Trenner and Chris Nichols
Last updated : 22nd Dec 2022 10:36 GMT |
Competition Winners 2019/2020 |
The John Ridding Club Championship
Steven Clifton and David Clarke
Teams of Four
Neil and Sarah Trenaman, Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols |
Collian Bowl
Tertia and Tom Salt |
Handicap Pairs
Maureen Fallows and Ian Curtis |
Doris and Frank Clifton Trophy
Steve Clifton and David Clarke |
June Justice Individual
Neil Trenaman |
Jug of Bridge Wisdom
(See News Page)
Gill Lowe and Tim Benson |
Beryl Mardon Memorial Trophy |
Deb Delvalle |
John and Bill Grand Slam Bottle
Alan Merchant-White, Steve Trenner, Chris Nichols |
Last updated : 22nd Dec 2022 10:38 GMT |
Season’s Greetings!
From us all at Bude Bridge Club,
a Very Happy, safe and healthy Christmas to you all!
Last updated : 31st Dec 2022 10:10 GMT |
Christmas Events |
The Club will be holding two Individual events in the week before Christmas.
On Tuesday evening, December 20th, members will compete for the June Justice Individual Trophy.
Mince pies and a cuppa/glass of wine during the break.
On Wednesday afternoon, December 21st, the competition is for the coveted ‘Jug of Bridge Wisdom’.
Please arrive early (1.15 for 1.30 pm) for a shared ‘late lunch’ - please let Hilary know (01288-341117) whether you’re providing ‘sweet or savoury’.
No partner required for either event.
Last updated : 31st Dec 2022 10:11 GMT |
Seasons Greetings! |
A Very Happy 2023 to All!
Bridge recommences in 2023 on Tuesday, January 3rd (Handicap Pairs) and Wednesday 4th.
Last updated : 6th Jan 2023 12:00 GMT |
Top Ten Club |
Top Percentages for 2022
1. Linda and Deb. 79.17%. September 7th
2. Chris and Steve. 73.75%. April 12th
3. Chris and Steve 73.61% August 9th
4. Robert and Chris 72.22% October 12th
5. Chris and Steve 71.25% Feb 22nd
6. Rosemary and Steve 71.20% July 5th
7 = Neil and Sarah 70.83%. Feb 23rd
Deb and Linda. 70.83% April 20th
Mike and Rob. 70.83%. April 26th
10 Pauline and James 69.79% December 7th
Last updated : 2nd Feb 2023 14:19 GMT |
2010 Mary Hopgood & Jean Hemmerle
2011 Mary and David Hicks.
2012 George Booth and Paul Laming.
2013 Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey.
2014 Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey.
2015 Steven and Charles Clifton.
2016 Steven Clifton and Linda Ashworth.
2017 Alan Biggs and Robert Mabley.
2018 Alan Biggs and Robert Mabley.
2019 Steven Clifton and David Clarke..
2023 Steven Clifton and Chris Nichols
Last updated : 25th Mar 2023 21:13 BST |
News Update |
Coming to Bude Bridge Club soon - a change of day for afternoon bridge.
As from April 17th, ‘relaxed’ Duplicate bridge will be held in Rooms 2 and 3 at the Parkhouse Centre on Mondays at 1.45 pm instead of Wednesdays.
Tuesday evenings will continue as usual.
Hope to see you all there.
Last updated : 3rd May 2023 15:57 BST |
Please note that the Extraordinary General Meeting of all Club members scheduled for Tuesday, August 1st at 6.30 p.m. at the Parkhouse Centre has been cancelled.
Last updated : 1st Aug 2023 22:49 BST |
Sad News |
We are very sad to hear of the passing of Charles Clifton on July 10th.
Charles was ‘double champion’ of the Club in 2011, winning both the Club Championship (with brother Steve) and the Teams Championship (with Jenny Tregarthen).
Charles and Steve were again Club Champions in 2013 and 2015.
Charles was a real ‘gentleman’ at the bridge table, kind to opponents with a gentle manner.
We send our condolences to all his family.
Last updated : 7th Aug 2023 18:44 BST |
Annual General Meeting April 2023 |
Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving
For Chair’s report, see under AGM Minutes.
Prizewinners included
John Ridding Club Champions: Steve Clifton and David Clarke
Frank and Doris Clifton Trophy 2020: Steve Clifton and David Clarke
2023: Steve Clifton and Chris Nichols
Teams: Neil and Sarah Trenaman, Jane Koldewey, Chris Nichols
Handicap Pairs: Ian Curtis and Maureen Fallows
june Justice Individual 2020: Neil Trenaman
2023: Peter Oldfield
Collian Bowl: Tertia and Tom Salt
Beryl Mardon Memorial: 2020 Deb Delvalle
2023: Bob Bennett
John and Bill Grand Slam: Steve Trenner, Chris Nichols and the late Alan Merchant-White
Last updated : 23rd Sep 2023 11:02 BST |
Mix and Match 2023 |
An exciting competition saw 13 pairs competing for the Mix and Match Trophy.
Top North/South were Ann and Andrew, with Rob and Geoff top East/West.
Thanks to Bob for Directing, Deb for organising, and all club members for providing a superior cream tea!
Last updated : 1st Nov 2023 12:43 GMT |
Sims Pairs 4 Turkey and Syria |
Congratulations to Mick and Jim, winners of the local heat of the Ecats Pairs for the Earthquake Appeal on Monday, April 17th
However, internationally, Sue and Chris took the honours, 47th out of 434, with Rosemary and Vicki 48th.
Full international results can be found on the Ecats website.
ECatsBridge - Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal (
The joint winners at the Club on Tuesday, April 18th were Mary and Jim, Rob and Linda.
Well done, Jim, for winning both heats.
Nationally, Linda and Rob were 31st out of 391 pairs, with Chris and Steve in 54th.
For the latest positions, please click here:
ECatsBridge - Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal Tuesday (
£289 was raised for the UNICEF fund for the Earthquake Appeal
Thank you, everyone!
Last updated : 7th Nov 2023 09:12 GMT |
Coronavirus |
Last updated : 30th Apr 2024 10:06 BST |
Learn to play Bridge - Autumn 2022 |
Last updated : 30th Apr 2024 10:09 BST |
Cruising! |
Two of our members are on a magical 107 night world cruise on the Queen Victoria.
Bahamas, Panama Canal, San Francisco, Hawaii, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia..
On to Vietnam, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, South Africa, Tenerife and finally Madeira - then home!
Last updated : 30th Apr 2024 16:29 BST |
Top Ten Club |
The Top Ten percentages for 2024:
1st. Nick and Janet 82.29% April 22nd
2nd. Linda and Peter O. 72,22%. March 4th
3rd. Neil and Sarah 69.64% April 30th
4th. Rosemary and Vicki 69.44% April 1st
5th = Ann and Rob W 69.05% April 2nd
5th = Pamela and Chris 69.05% May 6th
7th. Tertia and Val. 68.75%. March 11th
8 th. Chris and Peter R 68.52% April 8th
9th. Rosemary and Vicki 68.25% May 6th
10th. Peter R and Chris 68.08% May 13th
Last updated : 29th May 2024 12:30 BST |
A Welcome to All! |
Bridge is for all ages and experience - Come and join us!
(not our actual membership….)
Last updated : 29th May 2024 17:07 BST |
Roll of Honour |
Roll of Honour
Club Championship – Mary Francis Cup
1991 Simon and Angela Ainger
1992 Veronica Thres and Nora Routledge
1993 John Justice and Bill Walton
1994 Simon and Angela Ainger
1995 Simon and Angela Ainger
1996 Tad and Eva Sochanik
1997 Frank and Doris Clifton
1998 Ray Bird and Alan Curtis
1999 Brian Rogers and John Hudson
2000 Ray Bird and John Justice
2001 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols
2002 Brian and Elaine Relton
2003 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols
2004 June Justice and Linda Ashworth
2005 Alan Merchant-White and Dave Lincoln
2006 Linda Ashworth and Dave Voller
2007 Linda Ashworth and Dave Voller
2008 Brian and Elaine Relton
2009 Brian and Elaine Relton
2010 Roger Alway and Chris Nichols
2011 Steven and Charles Clifton
2012 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols
The John Ridding Club Championship
2013 Steven and Charles Clifton
2014 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols
2015 Steven and Charles Clifton
2016 Alan Biggs and Carole Reid
2017 Alan Biggs and Steven Clifton.
2018 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols.
2019 Alan Biggs and Paul Creighton
2020 Steven Clifton and David Clarke
2022 Steven Clifton and David Clarke
2023 Bob Bennett and Rob Irish
Teams Championship
1991 Wilf and Nora Routledge, Dick and Joan Godden
1992 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols, Marian Grimshaw and Pat Clark
1993 Veronica Thres and Nora Routledge, Dick and Joan Godden
1994 Veronica Thres and Nora Routledge, Dick and Joan Godden
1995 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols, Marian Grimshaw and Pat Clark
1996 Ron and Paula Mansfield, Tad and Eva Sochanik
1997 Ray Bird and John Hudson, Dick Godden and Paul Laming
1998 Ray Bird and John Hudson, Dick Godden and Paul Laming
1999 Ray Bird and Mary Barr-Hall, John Hudson and June Justice
2000 Lillian Roger and Godfrey Newcombe, Brian and Elaine Relton
2001 John Justice and George Dunkin, Dave Voller and Linda Ashworth
2002 Maureen Keane and Ursula Wilde, Brian and Elaine Relton
2003 Maureen Keane and Ursula Wilde, Jacqueline Russell and Brian Morgan
2004 June Justice and Mary Barr-Hall, Ray Bird and Brian Relton
2005 Linda Ashworth and Dave Voller, John Ridding and George Dunkin
2006 Brian and Elaine Relton, June Justice and Mary Barr-Hall
2007 June Justice and Colin Hollister, Mary Barr-Hall and Elaine Relton
2008 June Justice and Colin Hollister, Elaine Relton and Alan Biggs
2009 June Justice and Colin Hollister, Elaine Relton and Alan Biggs
2010 Jane Koldewey and Chris Nichols, Alan Merchant-White and Dave Lincoln
2011 Jenny Tregarthen and Charles Clifton, Ian Edwards and Alan Biggs
2012 Mary Hopgood and Sylvia Rogers, Brian Morgan and Brian Rogers
2013 Jacqueline Russell and James Sim, Brian Morgan and Brian Rogers
2014 Steven Clifton and Dave Clarke, Ian Edwards and Alan Biggs
2015 Steven Clifton and Dave Clarke,Alan Biggs and Carole Reid
2016 Steven Clifton and Dave Clarke,Alan Biggs and Carole Reid
2017 Bob Bennett and Ann Bennett, Stephen Smith and Micheline Smith
2018 Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey, Neil Trenaman and Sarah Trenaman
2019 Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey, Neil Trenaman and Sarah Trenaman
2020 Chris Nichols and Jane Koldewey, Neil Trenaman and Sarah Trenaman
Last updated : 7th Jun 2024 11:12 BST |
Maureen Fallows |
We are very sad to hear of the passing of Maureen Fallows on July 17th, aged 91.
Maureen was born on June 4th 1933.
She died peacefully at home after a short illness. At her own request, there was no funeral.
Everyone at Bude Bridge Club remembers her cheerful personality and her untiring work for the Club.
Maureen was still playing an inspired hand of bridge at 86, winning the Handicap Pairs with Ian Curtis in 2020.
The Club’s respect for all the unheralded tasks she undertook brought her the unanimous votes of Club members to be the inaugural recipient of the Beryl Mardon Cup.
Our thoughts are with her family. She will be remembered with great affection.
Last updated : 1st Oct 2024 09:24 BST |
Bridge lessons |
It’s that time of year again!
We are planning to run beginners’ bridge lessons, starting in September.
Lessons will take place on Monday mornings at 9.30 am using a PowerPoint presentation on Zoom.
This is followed by bidding and play on Realbridge, with EBED teacher Steve Clifton to coach and support.
If you have family or friends you think may like to loin the fun, please put them in contact directly with Steve by ‘phone, email, text or WhatsApp.
Last updated : 1st Oct 2024 09:24 BST |
Linda Ashworth |
The Club is devastated to hear that Linda Ashworth has passed away, peacefully, at Barnstaple Hospital on Wednesday, November 13th.
Linda was a highly respected bridge player, founder member and a Life Member of Bude Bridge Club, serving for many years on the Committee and as Club Chairman.
She played many times for the County, partnering June Justice and achieving the rank of 10 Star Premier Regional Master.
Later, she partnered Dave Voller to great success.
Linda won the Club Championship in 2004 with June, and in 2006 and 2007 with Dave, the Clifton Trophy in 2016 with Steve Clifton, and was part of the Club Championship-winning Team in 2001 and 2005
Linda will be remembered with great affection by all our members. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.
Last updated : 5th Dec 2024 09:54 GMT |
Book Review |
‘The Cardturner’ by Louis Sachar
if you’re looking for a book for a young person that is interested in learning the basics of bridge in a novel about teen romance, this book is great.
It deals with a brilliant but grumpy bridge master who goes blind and has to rely on a teenager to play his cards for him. The bridge player has one last opportunity to be a National Champion.
Will he succeed?
The book deals with the very basics of bridge, through hand assessment, bidding, Best Behaviour at Bridge, some common Directing situations, imp scoring, some basic conventions, partner play etc.
There is a clever code that lets readers skip the technical bits and still follow the story.
Usually £7, but available cheaper from Amazon and also on Kindle.
Last updated : 24th Dec 2024 18:55 GMT |
Last updated : 29th Dec 2024 09:22 GMT |
Last updated : 15th Jan 2025 08:55 GMT |
Children in Need 2024 |
Bude Bridge Club played in the annual Ecats Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs in November.
On Monday, the leading pair in the Club were Chris and Robert, but were overtaken Nationally by Mary and Peter, 247th out of 1811 pairs.
Only Mary and Peter scored Masterpoints -545
On Tuesday, the leading pair in the Club were Chris and Steve, and nationally they were 37th out of 1297 pairs.
Several pairs won Masterpoints - Chris and Steve 723, Neil and Sarah 438, Bob and Robert 301 and Ann and Annie 82.
For our Club's results click on the Ecats website.
£250 raised so far for Children in Need. Thank you all!
Last updated : 15th Jan 2025 08:56 GMT |