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16th Jul 2024 07:42 BST
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2024 07 16 Bridgel News July 2024 - Online and In Person.pdf
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15th Jul 2024 09:02 BST
2024 07 15 BFP Edit Ross on Interest Rates.pdf
15th Jul 2024 09:00 BST
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Manage Bridge
How to start a bridge club

A duplicate bridge club can be an extremely simple affair.

You need:

Somewhere to play

At least eight players

Two tables for them to sit at 

A plan for the number of hands you are going to play

That number of packs of cards and devices "boards" to store them in and pass them to other tables/the othertable

Some paper to score on

..... now form a club

Large Print, Full Instruction, Table Cards with Guide Card for the TD.
Large Print, Full Instruction, Table Cards with Guide Card for the TD.

We are developing a set of highly usable and accessible table cards and movement guide cards.

The table cards will be really useful if you are not using a scoring system, or using a scoring system whose movement instructions are difficult to see or difficult to interpret.

The movement guide cards let the TD see at a glance what the features of the movement are, where the sitting pairs are, where the relays are, what position the boards start in etc.

The first set are a balanced three quarter Howell for four full tables. We can e-mail the associated Scorebridge movement file as well.


Offer of the month
Offer of the month

Have a free set of one A4 Laminated Movement Guide Card and four A5 Laminated Table Cards when you complete the club survey and register for the Bridge Fair.


We have extensive experience of this tablet based scoring system. It's now a year old. Our experience, and that of some other clubs, is available here to registered users. Register by completing the form above.

Some thoughts on club bank accounts

2024 07 15 BFP Edit Ross on Interest Rates.pdf

Manage Online Bridge
Virtual Venues - Organisers View
Bridge Base Online
Access to BBO is through the EBU. The EBU can train a member(s) of your club for £100, or possibly free. This is not clear. Alternatively the EBU can provide an organiser/director at a fee.

Clubs can set "table money", paid in $BBO for their sessions, and this is collected by BBO, a their fees subtracted, and the balance passed to the EBU who then pass it to the club.

The club will pay EBU Universal Membership (P2P) for each player.

Clubs create lists of the members BBO names to limit their events to their members. The members register with BBO for free.

The EBU worked hard to create an environment for clubs to play with members online and this was the quickest way to do it. However, newer options may suit some clubs better..

Bridge Club Live
BCL provides "Face2face" club rooms available in various time slots on a weekly basis. There is an initial fee (presently £100 plus VAT) for set up of the room. There is a scheme to rebate this fee based on usage of the f2f room.

Clubs must collect any payment from their members separately.

Players must have a full membership of BCL and must be listed as a member of their "F2F" club.

Users of BCL F2F rooms can be EBU Affiliated OR non affiliated clubs, or informal groups.

Clubs can download files from BCL for sending to the EBU if appropriate, and for loading to BridgeWebs or other results services.

Any bridge organiser can register with RealBridge for free. There are free taster events for players, and free briefings for organisers.

Organisers create and run events at will.

The charges are 30p per player for events with few boards and 40p per player otherwise billed by RealBridge to the organisers.

Players do not (cannot) register with RealBridge. The organiser sends the players a link allowing them to join the session. 

Clubs can download files from BCL for sending to the EBU if appropriate, and for loading to BridgeWebs or other results services.