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was the sum raised at Blewbury Bridge Club this week for Children in Need.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Congratulations to Finn Clark and Mike Brown who currently stand 5th out of 1,146 pairs with 70.43% at Wallingford Bridge Club's Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs held on Wednesday evening.

Also to Malcolm Cochrane and Michael Allen who currently lie 9th out of 1,274 pairs with 68.37% at Blewbury Bridge Club's own Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs held on Tuesday evening

Click here to see the EBU poster of upcoming competitions.


OBA Competitions


Handicap Pairs, Sunday 10th November

Sun 1 Dec 2024        Swiss Pairs Championship

Sun 12 Jan 2025    Mixed Pairs

Sun   2 Feb 2025, Thu   6 Feb 2025 , Mon 17 Feb 2025

      County Pairs Semis


EBU diaries

An EBU diary is circulated to all eligible members each year with the August magazine.  Anyone who wants a copy must opt in, e.g. by changing your account settings at My EBU. Click on 'Account' in the top right corner, select 'My Details', and then in the page's 'Account Settings' section, under the 'Magazine/Diary Preference' option use the drop down list to make your choice.

Any changes to the information printed in the diary are listed on the EBU's diary changes page.

Membership forms are available, complying with our obligations under Data Protection Regulations. If you haven't signed one, copies are available on club nights. Ask the Director. There are also simpler forms for visitors - one form for EBU members or another for those who aren't.
If you play at the club without signing the form, your agreement to its contents will be inferred. 
Match report 2023 November 15
2023-24, Division 2, vs. Summertown

A convincing win for Blewbury!  Congratulations, everyone!

IMPs 107 vs. 48
VPs 17.32 vs. 2.68

Also, it was a good team performance.  No one had a negative Butler score.


Diane Bell & Shirley Moore +0.01
Malcolm Cochrane & Michael Allen +1.42
Matthew Wright & Ian Van Maanen +0.19
Stuart Forsyth & Finn Clark +1.60

Here's the RealBridge link to look at the hands.  There were some interesting deals tonight.

HAND 1 = +4 IMPs

HAND 2 = -7 IMPs

Dealer has a strong hand with a 8-card club suit.  One Summertown pair bid it 1♣ 1 3NT, which I kinda like but would have been better with less wobbly clubs.  3NT shouldn't make, but it's clearly an extreme hand where a slip could be catastrophic.

HAND 3 = +7 IMPs

Everyone played 1NT.  Our pairs both made it and theirs both went off!

HAND 4 = +11 IMPs

Blewbury declared this board at all four tables, either in 4♠ (making) or in 5♣-2.  The simplest auction was a 3♣ weak jump overcall by East and an immediate 5♣ raise by West (holding KQ1032 of clubs).

HAND 5 = +9 IMPs

Take a look at Stuart's declarer play in 4 here.  The best bit is that it's completely logical, given the auction, and any other play would have been incorrect.  (A club lead would have beaten the contract, though, and the 4-1 declarer was unlucky enough to play it the other way up, with a different lead.)

HAND 6 = +9 IMPs

I'd been expecting this to be flat...  but then Diane and Shirley scored 1050 in 5x+1.  Even the overtrick is amazing.

HAND 7 = -2 IMPs

HAND 8 = +7 IMPs

Mike and Malcolm made 3NT as N-S for a game swing.  Anyone who opened the West hand made it impossible for North-South to reach game...  and, for what it's worth, I think West has a clear weak 1NT opening or equivalent, with two aces, a king and lots of useful tens and nines.

HAND 9 = +5 IMPs

HAND 10 = +1 IMP

HAND 11 = +3 IMPs

HAND 12 = +10 IMPs

One of those occasional teams hands where aggression gets punished!  Blewbury made two spade part-scores, while Summertown went off twice in 4♠.

HAND 13 = +12 IMPs

Matthew and Ian beat a 3NT contract that succeeded at the other tables.

HAND 14 = -8 IMPs

Should South bid 4♠ over 4, with KJ94 of trumps sitting over declarer?  I actually have some sympathy for the bid, but pass was the winning option here.

HAND 15 = +12 IMPs

Totally bonkers.  I made a 3♠ overcall that's somewhere between "frisky" and "insane", Stuart very reasonably competed to four and South failed to double when holding a 17-count with ♠AK98 and a partner who's bid at the four level.  North then went off in an unbeatable 5♣ (doubled!), when she just needed to ruff a diamond in dummy.

HAND 16 = -9 IMPs

Stuart and I let through a beatable 3NT contract.  Probably my fault for not giving Stuart better signals.

HAND 17 = +1 IMP

HAND 18 = -1 IMP

The IMPs make it look like a quiet board, but it wasn't.  The key for South is to overcall 1NT on a 16-count with excellent holdings in East's suit...  but that wasn't an option at the table where Diane (East) opened 1♠.

HAND 19 = -6 IMPs

HAND 20 = -10 IMPs

One table missed game after what looks like confusion over whether 1 1 2NT 3♣ is forcing or not.  My personal opinion is that if you've started with 1 1 2NT, it's probably easiest to assume that all continuations are game-forcing unless responder immediately passes!

HAND 21 = +10 IMPs

Mike and Malcolm pushed their opponents up to 5-1 in an auction where it was unclear who could make what.  East-West thought they were taking insurance against a vulnerable game.

HAND 22 = -2 IMPs

HAND 23 = -3 IMPs

HAND 24 = +6 IMPs

Our opponents played in 1NT+2, but Stuart and I did nothing clever.  Our opponents underbid all by themselves.  Afterwards, they were saying "I should have used checkback to see if you had five hearts" and not (as they should have said) "I should have bid game with my chunky nine-count opposite a strong no-trump".