Belmont Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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31st Jul 2024 22:51 ESTA
Honour Board
4th Jun 2024 16:30 ESTA
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11th Apr 2024 09:39 ESTA
News Page
11th Apr 2024 08:32 ESTA
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Pages viewed in 2024

Results of President's Trophy are available under NEWS PAGE.

You can make a booking by:

1. Clicking on the BOOKING & PARTNER tab.

2. Click on an event with (Booking) next to it.

3. Click on Use Calendar to make bookings/Find a partner.


Table fees - $6 for members - $7 for visitors

Membership fees:

Joining fee - $10 

Annual membership fee - $15

Payment using online transfers encouraged.

Bank details:

Belmont Bridge Club

BSB:   650 000

A/C :   521 308 801

News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Bridge For All
Bridge For All

Lessons are available for Beginners and Improvers.

Last updated : 11th Apr 2024 08:32 ESTA
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Adele and Cynthia

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:06 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Anne and Denise

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:09 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Carol and Maxine

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:12 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Cathy and Norah

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:19 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Colleen and Wendy

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:22 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Di and Pam

Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:25 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Di Shirley and Eileen

Last updated : 7th Dec 2023 07:26 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Graeme and Bette

Last updated : 7th Dec 2023 07:25 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.


Last updated : 6th Dec 2023 20:36 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Jack and Leina

Last updated : 7th Dec 2023 07:24 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Lynn and Anne

Last updated : 7th Dec 2023 07:20 EADT
2023 A.G.M.
2023 A.G.M.

Margaret, Dennis and Terry

Last updated : 7th Dec 2023 07:23 EADT