The following Tips/Conventions are classified as follows: * - for improving players who want to come above average in the club. ** - for players who want to win their club championship or compete in 'tournament bridge' *** - for more established players aspiring to win an area or national event
* Benjimized Acol * Ogust Responses To Weak-Two Opener * Negative Doubles * Opening With Five Clubs And Five Spades
** Jacoby 2NT Responses To 1 Major ** Five Card Puppet Stayman ** Defence to Weak Two's ** Halmic Defence to 1NT Doubled ** Losing Trick Count ** Splinter Bids ** Splinter and Cue Bids (Overview) ** Lebensohl (over Interference over 1NT) ** Michaels Cue Bids ** Roman Key Card Blackwood ** Check-back 2 Clubs Over 1NT Rebid ** Weak Jump Responses
*** Defence To Two Suited Overcalls *** Multi Two Clubs (Benji) *** Smith Peters