Allestree Bridge Club is probably one of the youngest Bridge Club in Derbyshire, affiliated to the English Bridge Union and Derbyshire Contract Bridge Association.
The Club was established in 1990 by Derek Povah and celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 12th Sept 2015.
We play at the Momorial Hall. 1 Cornhill Allestree. Derby. DE22 2GG
Histrory of Memorial Hall
The Hall was initially constructed in 1904 as the Allestree Institute and was re-named The Allestree Memorial Hall in 1962. The Institute building, and the land on which it had been built, was purchased in 1957 with money raised by Allestree residents in a Memorial Fund established in remembrance of Allestree villagers who had lost their lives in the Second World War. Having fallen into a poor state of repair, the building underwent major improvement during 2006, with financial assistance from the National Lottery, Allestree Bridge Club, Derby City Council and the Land Fill Environmental Group. Allestree Memorial Hall now provides a very acceptable venue for local Allestree Clubs and Societies, including the Allestree Bridge Club.