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New Laws for TD'S
New Laws



A call that replaces a withdrawn call is a comparable call, If

1. It Has the same or similar meaning as that attributable to the withdrawn call,

(A difference in meaning will be either in term of strength or distribution)


2. Defines a subset of the possible meanings attributable to the withdrawn call,


3. Has the same purpose (e.g. an asking bid or a relay) as that attributable to the withdrawn call.

B. No Rectification: When a call is cancelled (as per Law 29B) and the offender chooses at his proper turn to replace the irregularity with a comparable call, then both the auction and play continue without further rectification. Law 16C2 does not apply, but see following.

C. Non-Offending Side Damaged

If following the substitution of a comparable call [see Laws 27B1(b), 30B1(b)(i), 31A2 (a) and 32A2 (a)] the Director judges at the end of the play that without the assistance gained through the infraction the outcome of the board could well have been different, and in consequence the non-offending side is damaged, see Law 12C1(b)].he shall award an adjusted score


Only change is ;-

(b) Offender may make any legal call at his correct turn .(before offender must pass every time).

And (i) When the call is a comparable call, there is no further rectification. Law 26B I.e( lead restrictions)does not apply, but see Law 23C.(non offending side damage)

(ii). When the call is not a comparable call, offenders partner must pass when next it is his turn to call. Laws 16C/26B/72C may apply.

LAW 16C= Information from Withdrawn Calls and Plays.

LAW 26B= Lead Restriction Declarer Requires to Prohibits any one suit.

LAW 72C= Awareness of potential Damages, Director awards an adjusted score.


A. RHOs Turn to Call

When a pass out of rotation is made at offenders RHO turn to call, the offender must pass when next it is his turn to call and Law 72C may apply. I.e ( Awareness of potential Damage )

B. PARTNER or LHO’S Turn to call

PASS Out of turn On Partners turn. EXAMPLE. 1

1. Partner North is dealer,  South passes out of turn (not accepted)

2. Now North opens 1H - --East Passes

3. SOUTH can either PASS or bid 1NT /2H / 3H would be considered comparable because call shows less than opening value. 1S or 2D would not because they are unlimited


RHO’s Turn to call. If opponent passes, offender must repeat the call out of rotation, when call is legal there is no rectifications

-If that opponent makes a legal bid/ Dbl/ Re Dbl offender may make any legal call

. PARTNERS or LHOs Turn to Call

PARTNER’S turn to bid (before partner must pass every time)


B 1. Offenders partner may make any legal call at his proper turn, but Law 16C2 applies (extraneous info)

B 2. Offender may make any legal call at his correct turn if it is comparable no rectification.

Not comparable then declarer require to lead OR prohibit any one suit.


1)North opens 1NT--South bids 2D transfer to Hearts before East can bid, West not Accepted this.

a). Now if East - Pass in which case the offender South must repeat his bid then there is no rectification.

b)-If East bids 2S, South could bid 3H or 4H  because both shows 5 Hearts and is therefore SUBSET of the original 2D and there is no limitation of points held.

c)-If South doesn’t make a COMPERABLE CALL then partner has to pass at his next turn and law 16C/26B/72C may apply.

EXAMPLE ( Similar Strength)

1. East is dealer South opens 1H out of turn( not accepted)

2. Now- East opens 1S---South overcalls 2H

3. 2H doesn’t have exactly the similar meaning as 1H opening

4. Opening bid shows about 11-20 Pts and overcall about 9-16

5. We can accept the meaning as ‘similar‘ i.e, it is comparable

EXAMPLE; East is dealer South opens 2S -(showing 5/4 Spades & a Minor ( Not accepted)

   eg -East opens 1H------South if now bids 2S  shows similar strength but only showing Spades, this is  not  accepted as a 'similar meaning' it will not be a comperable call.

EXAMPLE- Similar Distribution

-North is dealer, but South opens 1H out of turn(not accepted)

-North now opens 1H----East Passes---South bids 2NT game forcing at least 4 card support should be accepted as being a comparable call.Both calls shows a Heart suit


EXAMPLE- Subset of Meaning

1.East is dealer

2. South opens a Multi 2D out of turn (not accepted)

3. Now East open 1D----2H from South

4. It is  accepted because it is comparable ( subset of 2D) South has shown which Major suit he holds.


A. Unintended Call

1. If a player discovers that he has not made the call he intended to make, he may replace it no matter how he becomes aware provided partner has not bid. The second (intended) call stands and is subject to the appropriate Law, but the lead restrictions in Law26 do not apply. 

There can be no subsitituation of a call after offenders partner has bid or the auction ends before it reaches the players partner.

2. If the player’s original intent was to make the call selected or voiced, that call stands. A change of call may be allowed because of a mechanical error or a slip of the tongue, but not because of a loss of concentration regarding the intent of the action.

3. A player is allowed to replace an unintended call if the conditions

described in A1 above are met, no matter how he may have become aware of his error.

4. Mistaken Pass: eg 1NT--P--2D( Hearts opener says) --P and opener passes. my bid was transfer says responder. opener calls TD.

On the face of it, opener's Pass was not unintended and TD should not allow the change, take opener away from the table and ask what they were trying to do when they took Pass card from bidding box.TD is likely to accept mechanical error i.e pulling out wrong card from the bidding box. pulling out adjacent card such as 2D rather than 2H but unlikely to accept that 2H should be corrected to No Bid. This was not a mechanical error but was because of loss concentration and so cannot be changed.

-Pass could be unintended if opener intended to bid stop 3H or pulled out Pass card instead of stop card. 

LAW 27: INSUFFICIENT BID is corrected with a comparable call.

1). eg ; 2NT--P--2C  3C stayman is accepted it has the same purpose enquiring about 4 cards Majors is allowed.

     -If LHO accepts 2C bid he now can bid at Two level. eg 2NT--2C--2H

2) eg; West opens 2NT----2H overcall by opponents not accepted & replaced by 3S 5+ Spades. At Souths opening lead declarer can prohibit lead of H/S or Clubs.

3) eg, North   East   South  West

           1H----- -P-----4NT---- P

           5D----- -P--- --4NT- -insufficient bid not accepted by West South can replace the 4NT with 5NT it is comparable & has same purpose as that Attributable to the withdrawn call that is asking bid.

4) Example;   Similar Strength.

North opens 2S--East bids 1NT 15-17 (not seen 2S) now 2NT is comparable similar meaning.

  over Weak 2’S bid of 2NT Showing 15-18 or 14-16 but  not if  it shows 12-14

5) eg; East opens 2H----2D from South--West not accepted

1- South can make a Comparable call 2S/2NT/3C or 3D

2-A 2D means a Weak 6 card majors OR a strong Minors or 18/19 balanced.

3.Three above bid are all Subsets of the original being the follow on choice of options

6) eg; 1D--P--1C  not accepted. Allow offender to bid at lowest sufficient bid i.e 2C which specifies the same denomination, than bidding goes normal.You also be clear that the offender does have the option of making a different bid and that silence partner. 

7).eg; 2NT--P--2S  not accepted  offender is allowed the correction but 2S bid specifies more than one denomination. The 3S bid is not comperable call because it only promises Spades,so the change is allowed but whatever East says West will have to pass throughout.

REVOKES: The New Rules. 61B3

As you know Dummy is allow to ask the question every time declarer fails to follow the new suit 'Having none partner?'. Now the rules have been changed to allow defenders to ask the same question, so we should be able to reach a game of Revoke-less bridge. So all players to get into the habit of asking the question 'Having none partner' every time partner fails to follow the suit 1st time( at the risk of creating Unauthorized informatiom).


Yes but there is no penalty if dummy revokes. Example: Declarer ruffs from dummy several tricks later,it turns out that  card in dummy is hidden behind another suit (Law 64B3) and is of the suit that was ruffed.There  is no rectification for this revoke but if non-offenders have lost out the director restores equity under Law 64C assign an adjusted score.

WHEN A REVOKE IS ESTABLISH; How mant tricks did the offending side win from the revoke trick onwards  ( including the revokde trick?

A) NONE--NO PENALTY,     B),  ONE; ONE TRICK TRANSFER.       C).TWO or MORE -Did the revoke card wikn the revoke trick?--YES---PENALTY TWO TRICKS transferred, NO- PENALTY -ONE Trick transferred

Declarer is liable to penalties for revoking in exactly the same way as the defenders.                                                                                                                                    If  Declarer revokes & dummy wins the trick, Declarer deemed NOT to have won that trick for the purposes of assessing a penalty.


A statement made by a player during play as to claiming or conceding a specific number of tricks is a claim or concession.

A claim to further win a specific number of tricks is a concession of the remainder of any other tricks yet to be played

• A player concedes ALL REMAINING tricks on abandoning his hand

.Law 68D2 gives two  choices for the objecting side call the TD or suggest that play continues. Law 68D2 (a) says that when the TD is called he applies Law 68D2(b) (i)says that if anyone objectys to play continuing, the TD is called and we are back to Law 68D2(a) and hence to Law 70. Law 68D2 does not allow the TD to offer the play continues.

REGARDLESS OF THE ABOVE IF A DEFENDER IMMEDIATELY OBJECTS WHEN PARTNER CONCEDES 1 OR MORE TRICKS NEITHER A CLAIM NOR A CONCESSION HAS OCCURRED – Play continues and any exposed card IS NOT A PENALTY CARD – BUT – may be the subject of unauthorised information to the partner of the defender who exposed it.

A claim statement made at this point is of the utmost importance. A claimant has just this one occasion to give him / herself the best opportunity not to jeopardise their claim. The claim statement should include

  • Identify if there are any outstanding trumps held by opposition and how they would be nullified
  • • The line of play or defence
  • Order in which cards would be playedFace the hand (opposition would need to see what cards are held to decide whether they agree or otherwise.

 D. AT THIS POINT PLAY IS SUSPENDED (instead of Play Ceases)

If ALL 4 PLAYERS (including Dummy) agree the claim as stated is correct then the hand ends and is scored accordingly with relevant claimed / conceded tricks apportioned. Law 69) (see Law 79 re Correction period)

If the claim is DOUBTED BY ANY PLAYER (including Dummy) there are 2 options

1. On request by NON CLAIMING SIDE – Play may continue if ALL 4 PLAYERS AGREE.

The Prior claim is Void and not subject to further adjudication by a T.D. The result at the end of playing out the hand is the final result and cannot be the subject of further scrutiny.

2. If no request by non claiming side to continue play as at 1 above OR no agreement by all 4 players then the T.D. must be called. The hand has ended and will be adjudicated by the T.D. according to the exact claim made. No further action should be taken until the T.D. arrives at the table.

T.D Considerations and Procedure
T.D will try to establish the most equitable result to both sides, but any doubtful; point as to the claim will be resolved against the claimer Procedure
1. The claimer is requested to repeat his exact statement of claim made at the time of the claim.
2. The T.D shall not accept from the claimer any successful line of play not embraced within the original clarification statement if there is an alternative NORMAL LINE OF PLAY that would be more unsuccessful
3. The opponents are requested to identify their objections to the claim (but the Directors considerations are not restricted to just the opponents objections)

4. The Director does not accept any part of a defender’s claim that depends on his partner selecting a particular play from among alternative NORMAL PLAYS
5. The Director may request the players to place their remaining hands face up on the table.
6. When a trump remains in one of the opponent’s hands, the Director SHALL award a trick or tricks to the opponents if:

   a. Claimer made no statement about that trump, AND
    b. It is likely that the claimer, at the time of his claim, was unaware that a trump remained in an opponent’s hand, AND
    c. A trick could be lost to that trump by any NORMAL PLAY Unstated lines of Play
The Director shall not accept from the claimer any Unstated line of play which depends upon finding one opponent rather than another with a particular card, unless an opponent has previously failed to follow suit of that card prior to the claim being made, or would subsequently fail to follow to that suit on any “
Where order of play e.g. “from the top down” is not specified in the claim the Director shall deem a suit to be played in accord with the Regulating Authority e.g bottom up or none specified for discard etc
A concession will stand once made except within the Correction Period under Law 79c where
• A player had conceded a trick his side had in fact already won, OR
• A player has conceded a trick that could not be lost by any Normal Line of Play of the remaining cards e.g. having a master trump remaining.

LAW 72 - GENERAL PRINCIPLES Law 23 moved to Law 72C.

C. Awareness of Potential Damage

If the Director determines that an offender could have been aware at the time of his irregularity that it could well damage the non-offending side, he shall require the auction and play to continue (if not completed). At the conclusion of play the Director awards an adjusted score if he considers the offending side has gained an advantage through the irregularity.

Procedural Guide to the EBU National Grading System (NGS)


NGS allows one player (or one pair) in an event to choose in advance not to be graded for that event. This was introduced to allow hosts or mentors to opt-out when partnering a particularly weak or unfamiliar player. This is limited to a maximum of one pair in a session, though either or both players in the pair can opt-out.

The use of this facility is not encouraged, as a players NGS grade is not adversely affected just by playing with a weaker partner and our analysis has shown that the negative effect of playing with an NGS Procedural Guide unfamiliar partner is very small. However if a host or mentor does wish to exclude the session from their grade, it is recommended that their partners results are still graded as this will allow a new member gradually to get enough graded boards to have an official grade. To use the exemption the host must use a form on each members MyEBU members area which, in addition to selecting the appropriate option in the scoring program, must be filled on each occasion that they wish to be exempt. This has to be done as soon as the host knows they will be playing and in any case no more than 30 minutes after the start of the game (this 30-minute leeway is only offered for the benefit of hosts who are not confirmed to be playing until the end of the first round of the game). The use of this form becomes mandatory on 1st August 2017.

Form can be found on line go to  MY EBU---Utilities--Register NGS Exemption

 New Blue Book and White Book 2017

The annually updated Blue Book and White Book are now available to be downloaded from and the Bridge Warehouse will have some printed copies of the Blue Book available for sale.

The White Book is primarily aimed at tournament directors and organisers. Most of the changes this year have been due to the new Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017, which have affected a number of references and rendered obsolete some quoted minutes

The White Book is primarily aimed at tournament directors and organisers. Most of the changes this year have been due to the new Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017, which have affected a number of references and rendered obsolete some quoted minutes.

There are a couple of significant changes to the Blue Book of which players should be aware. The first relates to announcements of short minor openings. As before, if your partner’s minor-suit opening might be shorter than three cards long, you should make an announcement of the form ‘Could be two/one/none’. However, if it is possible for the hand to have an outside five-card suit, such as if you open 1with a 3352 shape, then you should extend the announcement to say ‘May be two and may have another five-card suit’ or ‘May be two and may have five diamonds’ as appropriate.

A second change is that clarification has been made that, due to their potentially unexpected meaning, you should alert ‘a non-forcing new suit response, to a non-forcing suit opening at any level, below game, unless responder has previously passed, bids over a natural NT overcall, or makes a double jump’. This now includes situations such as non-forcing change of suit responses to opening pre-empts.

Finally there is a new, simpler and wider definition of a ‘strong’ hand (for the purpose of regulating agreements) and a new approach to disclosing strong opening bids. The old ‘ER25’ regulation no longer applies and instead, to be considered a ‘Strong’ opening bid or overcall, the minimum allowed by agreement is: (a) Any hand of at least 16 HCP; or

(b) Any hand of at least 12 HCP with at least five controls.

An Ace is counted as two controls and a King one. There are 12 controls in any one deal.

So any hand that conforms to this may be opened with a strong, artificial bid like a Benjamin 2, but it may not be described as ‘strong’ without further explanation if it may be made with a hand that would not historically have been considered worthy of a forcing opening, such as a balanced or semi-balanced hand with fewer than 18 HCP, or a hand with a lot of playing strength but limited high cards.

This must be disclosed clearly both on the system card and in response to questions, by describing it as something like ‘a strong, artificial opening but may have less high-card strength than traditional strong hands’. This applies even though the minimum agreed strength must be in line with (b) above.

There is no restriction on the strength of a natural two-level or higher opening bid but similar requirements for full disclosure apply.

So there is now greater freedom to open a wider range of hands as ‘strong’ (though this should not be taken as a recommendation to open all hands within the limits as strong bids!) but greater responsibility to ensure that your opponents are properly informed about your style.

STOP CARDS:  Use of stop card,before making a jump bid.A player should place the Stop card in front of them,then place their call as usual. The Stop card should be left on the table for about 10 sec.Their LHO should not call untill Stop card has been removed. If Stop card removed prematurely then LHO must pause for about 10 Sec before calling. 


 The stop card is not a bid-it doent identify a number or denomination.Thus a player who has pulled out the Stop card is entitled to change their mind and make a call (Player can put his Stop card back). on the other hand player takes the Stop card than pulling 2C out of box & put face up on the table,then realise wrong bid & try to take both 2C & Stop card back. Opponents callsTD,TD asked what he/she is try to bid? If wants to  take 2C bid & stop card back and want to bid 1C,this is not accepted bid of 2C is made, If player has pulled wrong 2C card out of the box instead of 2D, 2H or 2S Director can allow that.


eg-South is dealer East- puts Stop card South called TD.

 Stop card out of rotation ( No call has been made)  The stop card is not a bid-it doesn't identify a number or denomination.So displaying a stop card at the another players turn is not out of rotation. There is no requirement for the offender to make his intended call.Player can put Stop card back and auction starts with dealer. Offender can make any legal call when it reaches their turn.Unauthorised Information is available to partner in either case.Which could suggest various things-the non offending side should be encouraged to recall the T.D at the end of the hand.

MISTAKEN PASS: Declarer opens 1NT---P----2D,  P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        P-------P

 North Announces his partner's 2D bid as transfer to Hearts, and then mistakenly passes South said you said my bid was transfer to Hearts 'oh' says opener and called TD.Law 25A3 says that opener is allowed to use partner's remark to prompt opener to change his call. Is opener allowed to alter his call from pass to 2H?

can this be changed;? If this Pass is unintended then it can be changed before the opening lead is faced but Laws 25A1 requires that the original call was unintented  but not if it was loss of concentration then Pass cannot be changed. The rule, we would have to hear what opener tells the TD,it may be necessary to talk to opener away from the table and ask whaty they are trying to do when they took the Pass card from the bidding box. Law 25A2 'A change of call may be allowed because of a mechanical error or a slip of the tounge

-1NT----P----2D (Hearts)---P

   P--- -   -P

Mechanical error is hard to rule for,given the distances between Pass and 2D. A mechanical error is basically pulling out the wrong card from the bidding box. This is not the mechanical error but is lack of concentrations or opener wants to play in 2D THIS CAN NOT BE CHANGED.

-East  opens 3D South said pass West examined his hand and approched the box and touched the green pass but didnt pull it. Instead he instantly pulled out the 3NT  card and placed it on the table. N/S objected called TD. A call is not made unless the card is taken out of the box clear of the other cards.Touching a card doesnot make a call. West is allowed to make their mind and bid 3NT. East has unauthorised information from dithering but thid is no consequence  here, because East will pass and become dummy.

SLOW BIDDING AND PLAYING OF THE CARD: There are no time for making each call but there are usually times allowed per board (commonly 7.5minutes) and slow pairs can get boards taken away from them if they fail to start in good time, either on the current round or on future rounds. if they are entirely to blame for this, the board should be scored 60/40 to you, and repeated offences could also generate as further procedural penalty.
