Membership of the Club shall be open to all bridge playing residents of Derby and its surrounding districts.
Acceptance for membership shall be at the discretion of the management committee.
Table money for Members £2.50 per person, Visitors £3.50 per person ( until they become members)
Joining procedure is as follows-
Obtain and complete an 'Application to join form' from the T.D. This must be signed by a proposer -any current member of the club.
Club Secretary completes the paperwork, contact them or e-mails the new member advising them they are a member, asking them to pay the joining fee currently £10 and subscription currently is £5 every year.
He also provides them with a copy of the constitution & By -laws of the club.
All members must belong to English Bridge Union( EBU).If the new member does not already belong to the EBU the club will arrange this and obtain an EBU number, there is no charge for this.
Simon Jackson