Yateley & Hawley BC
BBO Duplicate
BBO Duplicate
F2F - Championship Teams (3/6)
BBO Duplicate
Wed 25th Sep 2024
F2F - Beryl Doughty Cup (6/12)
Director: June Booty
Wed 25th Sep 2024
Director: Vivek Radhakrishnan
Thu 26th Sep 2024
BBO Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Wed 2nd Oct 2024
Director: John England
0 0 0 0 0 0
All time hits
Release 2.19r
Bridge Diary of an Addict
21st December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-11.48 16/18 42.95 0 National Master King 59.15




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Kievs, fried new potatoes, asparagus, carrots and broccoli for dinner, yum!!!

On to Farnham after eating, arrive early and set-up the tables.

It's free tonight and mince pies and wine too, normal bridge session but the club's way of saying "Merry Christmas".

Jill and I never seem to do well at Farnham, yet we do everywhere else.  So it was tonight crying

Pleased to see Barbara & Simon joint top with Colin & David at YHBC tonight, the last session until next year now.  CBC still open Thursday and Friday (27th and 28th December).

Our last hand of the night is interesting, how do you bid this?  The Grand is only makable if you risk keeping a trump to ruff the 3rd  - a strong club and only 2 pairs found a slam at all, some not in game - any ideas???

I must say, I struggled and invented bids and then punted it anyway, would genuinely love to know the answer....

A friend ready my diary last night and has offered to take the old units to the dump for us tomorrow, very kind, thanks Simon!

A shame this was not a better session but still, can't win them all.  Another year done for me (in terms of Bridge), YHBC on the 2nd Jan then Teams at CBC on 3rd Jan our the next sessions I can make.

As some of you may know, I wrote this mainly for the Improvers group - confession time, I indulged myself after a while and now I feel the indulgence should end now the group has, temporarily, disbanded.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my bridge exploits, my life and a bit about what an addict is like!  With any luck, some of my ramblings may have been useful, I may have helped advertise events and boost attendance and kept people "aware" of Bridge.  For others, a discreet way to be nosey!!!  All is fine with me!!!

I shall continue playing and doing admin etc and hope to see you all at the Bridge table soon............................................................... ..............................................................

Coffee with friends in the afternoon and Christmas get together tomorrow night

The Highs and Lows:

7     We didn't make a  trick, 110 still wouldn't have improved the % much though
9   I mis-bid here then time ran out and I conceded as any negative score would be the same result, sorry partner, we should have found 5s
10   Well bid partner, I played it quite well too
11   I got this totally wrong
12   I didn't spot the double of 3 was penalties, sorry again
13   Hard to find the slam, Ops didn't take the A so I discarded it on the long
16   Hard to bid game here, well played partner though, not all made 10 tricks
17   I got the trumps wrong here, should lose the first and pin the second
18   I should ruff the 3rd , sorry
22   Ops didn't bid game (which is there) and others are crashing down - not fair!
23   Partner lost a trick by playing the s, leave these for the Ops to start or duck the first to pin the second
24   I need to give partner a ruff, I didn't spot it, sorry
25   Ops got into a mess after their partner jumped and I doubled
26   We were the only pair to find the right defence here!  I asked for a so I could make my K and partner got a ruff
27   Here is the hand of the night.......  How should this be bid and SHOULD I have punted it?
21st December 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+3.92 2/7 55.56 20 National Master King 59.65




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home, then helped Dorothy and picked up some pressies from her to take to the club.

Then into the office for brunch and to say Happy Christmas to my Manager and a few others that were in the office.

Onto bridge (early) and helped set-up.

We had a terrible session, both felt quite down as nothing worked and we both made countless errors - look at scores and we are 2nd!!!  Everyone else must have suffered as much as us!

We were saved by our last 2 rounds really I think, almost every hand a top or bottom though, only brief comments below....!!!

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1     Ops missed game and a slam
2   Ops didn't compete and let me play and make 2
3   We defended well
5   I played well here
6   Ops bid my suit, I put a cheeky bid in and was left there, it is all we can make!
7   Pass or bid onto 3NT partner, part score in a minor cannot be a good score when you can defeat Ops vul....
11   Well bid and played Ops
12   Ops should be in the other major....
16   We defended well
17   Ops were too ambitious, partner signalled for the  by mistake but it didn't matter
18   Pass 2NT partner....
19   Well bid Ops
20   Well defended Ops
21   Good bidding and play
22   I should bid 4 not 3NT, sorry partner
23   Good defence here
24   Well played Ops, only one other made 12 tricks which is a little unfair on us!
20th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+6.83 1=/16 62.50 33 National Master King 59.47




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

The quiet week continues, feels odd as it was supposed to be a hectic week, half day again today but time to sort things out.

I have taken a hammer to the old kitchen units so they can now be taken to the tip when we have time and a large car!

Cleaned and tidied the house and more bridge admin (sorting teams for Jan - NICKO, CBC, YHBC, Surrey League and 2 BBL teams!!!).

Also gave IT support to John over the phone and set-up a daily timer routine for our Christmas lights using Alexa!

Our lodger got McDonalds for dinner on his way home, not the healthiest of meals but nice once in a while.

Headed off to the bridge club, early as always!  Not much set-up to do but put a lot of chairs out and the score cards.

Val wasn't well but came to play with Sylvia and would have stayed if no partner for her, it wasn't needed in the end as Arun needed a partner (they did quite well too, in the points, well done both).

Val also wished everyone a very merry Christmas - get well soon Val.

We had a good night tonight, joint top (went up as the last hand was scored!) - we had 1 disagreement (I think I was more in the wrong here but 6NT does make....  Not fair though, it is very hard to make).  1 bad overcall that worked for the Ops!  1 poor play by me (mainly as I was expecting partner to bid again so played "disgruntled") and 1 bid after a hesitation.  A lot of good things though which made up for it.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2     I bid at the 2 level so expected partner to bid again, I then played the hand terribly anyway!
7   Well played partner, the extra trick was brilliant against strong Ops
9   I decided to bid after Ops opened with a weak 2 and we stayed at the right level.  I got the s right to make it.
11   Ops hesitated and their partner bid on - now, he has a 9 count which was fine but it left a bad taste just the same.
12   I played well here
13   We didn't think this was a sacrifice but it turned out to be a good one!
17   Well played partner, lucky nobody touched the s!
18   Well bid partner, I did well to make it seems as I was allowed to set-up a to discard a from my hand
19   I thought about bidding on in s (but probably 6!) - good job I didn't and well played partner to make it.
20   Ops didn't set-up the s and I got back in after the A had been played
23   I was jovially told off by Ops for opening here but it helped partner to bid the slam, well bid partner!
19th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-1.09 2/12 53.73 30 National Master King 59.15




Playing with a regular partner in round 9 of the Beryl Doughty

A half day with work and then Bridge admin and working on my convention cards.

I did dinner tonight for me and the lodgers (chicken and chips), simple but tasty!

We had a fair amount to take to the club and also collected John from the round the corner to save him from driving.

Judy made some delicious mince tarts for everyone, they went down really well too, I had the choc 'n cherry one and it was delicious!

Bridge was a roller-coaster tonight, some silly errors (me mainly) but some great bidding and play too.  A lot of fun which is half the battle.

We are now 2nd in the Competition (6 points behind) so need to try and get a 67+ score in the next 3 months....!

Nice to see Chris play tonight, he said he was coming and I said to him this afternoon "we will both do well tonight" - we came 1st and 2nd between us (though he did much better than us!).

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4     Good double Ops and good  switch too
7   Ops opened light and I doubled, I was slightly misled by partner in the play and didn't switch to a , we should have defeated this for a top
8   I managed to make an over-trick here for a good score, lucky not to get a lead
13   I wanted to bid 2 over Ops 1NT but couldn't as we play APSTRO.  I couldn't get this out of my head and so bid 3 after Ops bid 2 - why did I do that!!!
14   Good double partner and well done for passing my 2
15   Accurate bidding here and well played partner
17   I missed a trick here
18   The slam was hard to find here but only 1 did and only 3 of us made 12 tricks.  Getting the right was the key here
19   Ops were in the wrong contract but how often is a minor better than NT
20   Well played partner, 2 tricks more than par here!
18th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A N/A N/A 0 National Master King 59.19




As I am now fairly quiet this week, I took the day off (still with laptop on and kept up to date with e-mails and a few work bits)

I went to lunch with Jo & Margaret (clearing up some of our weekend leftover cheese and pate!).

Helped Margaret out with a few bits and came home.

A bit of Bridge admin, corrections, home page cleanse for both CBC and YHBC and my own schedule too.

Vee then took me to the Toby Carvery for our work's do and collected me at 10pm too.

The meal was good, the banter was great and I ran a quiz too (me reading questions this time so voice now a little croaky!!!).

All good fun and home at a reasonable time too.

Vee went to our Neighbours for Carol singing, drinks and nibbles (I was invited too but was out).

I think we are very lucky to have such a good set of Neighbours.

Playing at YHBC in Round 9 of the Beryl Doughty tomorrow (as is Vee & Val)

17th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-10.35 13/19 45.45 0 National Master King 59.19




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A busy but good day at work, maybe my last day in the office as nobody else there now!!!  No point going in if nobody there....!

Have decided to take tomorrow off as meetings have now been cancelled due to lack of attendance with holidays.

A nice pasta meal tonight then off to Bridge (early as always to set the hall up).

We have had a few issues as a pair and tonight was better in terms of no real arguing but we didn't get it right tonight.  Some was the Ops doing good things but some was us.

We had a bad first round and that never helps really.

Pleased to see William do better tonight (even if he didn't pass my lead test at our table!)

Coffee and Cake for lunch then works Christmas Meal tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

6     Over a weak 2, partner bids 3, Ops jump to 4 and I bid 5 - I am better off passing but I didn't picture the  holding as it was
7   Ops ignored the fit and bid 4, if partner leads the singleton we take this miles off, I can understand why she didn't on this bidding though
8   Ops lost track of the s and let me ruff and make my J (as well as a  and a )
10   I trapped East here and put a tough decision on what to lead near the end, the is what is needed for them but not easy to see so I was given the freely
11   Ops pushed too high and we defended well
12   We didn't get the defence right here, I need to push a through
13   Needs a lead, not easy to find though
14   Very hard to defeat this but we need to play 2 rounds to take dummy's entry out
16   I must bid 3 here, sorry partner
20   I need to play my Q (early on to take the contract off or 2 tricks from the end to hold it to 9 for a good score)
23   Ops were very unlucky, right contract, wrong player - if by East, they are home and dry AND I managed to find the lead!
16th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A N/A N/A 0 National Master King 59.61




Shopping this morning then cooking and sorting the house ready for tonight.

Vee didn't need a hand making the lemon meringue so I had a bath and relaxed for an hour, I needed it!

We did a good spread and got through a fair number of bottles (champagne and Prosecco) - had a great night with our neighbours and they appreciated the invite too.

House all cleaned and back together by 10pm too!

Pros and Cons of a "school" night, early start and finish so time to clean and clear but nobody got carried away and no 3am finish!

A busy but lovely weekend - hectic week to come then Christmas!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

15th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A 3/4 711 0 National Master King 59.61




Playing with friends Socially.

I received the next CBC Rota and have uploaded it to the CBC website now.

Had a small lie in until 8am today then watched TV for a bit before heading to our friends Les & Jennie.

We stopped at Waitrose to get Jam Tarts but they had none - oh no crying

Instead, we got a (large!!!!) tray or profiteroles and some double cream!

We had a brilliant day with Les & Jennie, 10:30 until 15:30 with a quiche and salad followed by profiteroles and coffee (bridge in-between!).

Lots of chat and banter and all were on good form (I may have been a little abstract but hey....!).

Jennie is not well but was so up and cheerful and refuses to let anything stop her, she is amazing and we both left in such admiration, both are wonderful people.

We had a lot of fun and the Bridge was fairly close but Jennie won, then Vee, then me then Les.

Straight onto my Dad's after that to drop off the equipment left at the CBC party and we had a long chat with my Aunt & Uncle who had just got back from the US.

They lead such a busy life, at a party tonight then up to Preston tomorrow and onto the Lakes then down to Devon for Christmas before going back to France, hard to keep up with them and I thought we were busy !!!

Home for an hour then off to our friends Christmas meal.  We didn't hold high expectations as it was at the Crown & Cushion in Minley.  However, it was really good food, service and company - we really enjoyed it!

Tired when home and watched TV for an hour before Vee went to bed.  I am writing this (!) then will watch comedy for an hour and an early night.

Christmas Drinks with our Neighbours tomorrow

14th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-4.26 7/14 50.00 0 National Master King 59.61




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A light meal then back out tonight.

I left early as traffic was bad and frosty conditions, no problems at all though so arrived very early and put all the chairs out.

We had fun tonight but a lot didn't work, sobeit, we laughed and had no arguments.

Playing socially in the morning then a Christmas Meal with friends tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     I showed at least 5s and partner didn't support with 3 - I still thought for ages and should have bid on, my fault mainly I think.
4   I should have bid my suit, 3 - Ops probably go on to 3 then....
11   An interesting hand - We bid to 5 but Ops showed the majors and went to 5, I then bid 6 and Ops bid 6 - I double, Ops redouble (a top is a top and a bottom is a bottom!) - not often seen though, a round 1000!
14   We should let Ops play in 2
15   I need to play my K so North can't get in, not obvious though
16   Ops didn't find the ruff, phew!
20   Ops missed the slam, 3NT score better too
22   We missed the slam but only 1 other pair made 12 tricks, well played partner
14th December 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-5.22 7/11 48.75 0 National Master King 59.78




Playing with a regular partner at the CBC Afternoon Party.

Worked at home so more flexible on timing as I picked Dorothy up at 11:45 for the Party (starting early!).

We had a nice group for a chat pre-bridge and lovely Ploughmans, thanks Frances and Sylvia!

All excellent and another raffle too.

Bridge was not brilliant but not terrible either, neither of us felt up to it today.

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1     I could have made this as I was given a  trick - now back to my hand, last trump round and I don't lose the ruff, drat!
2   Ops didn't take the second as I played the J
5   Well bid and played
8   Not partner's finest play
10   Partner could have made this but should only ever be 1 off
11   We got lucky here, bidding and play
13   Good defence partner
14   Partner needs to play towards her K for the 8th trick, turned a top into a bottom (harsh this game sometimes!)
16   Sometimes, everything is right and you get all that you want...!
17   We didn't defend well this time
21   The only hand I was cross on, partner can see we need to take the trump of the table to stop the ruff...
23   We put Ops under pressure and took it one off
24   Partner can do a little better here, the clues were in the bidding
13th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A 2/14 702 0 National Master King 60.00




Playing with a friend at the CBC Evening Party.

It was "bring food in" at work today so we had a feast set-up in one of the offices, yummy!

I have been asked to do a slightly more traditional quiz for our works night out next week, I had planned on using the Quiz I did for YHBC, oh well!

We left as soon as Vee home and washed/changed etc (he looked very nice in his Indian Suit, I put a shirt and tie on too!).

We helped set-up the hall but most of the work had been done, amazing job all!

I really enjoyed it tonight, partner had a few issues (not bridge related) and I helped (or hope I did) to calm him down and made him e-mail me when he got home (which he did - all is well, phew!).

We had a good game of cards too, some nice scores and some helpful leads (William.....!) - I offered some help on leads at our table, hopefully in a nice way.  I am rooting for William, he is polite, charming and very bright, I hope he does well for a long time to come.

With Margaret on her own tonight, I persuaded John to come out and play - it was easier for us to switch partners as I play with John and Vee plays with Margaret, tonight was just about fun and not about being cut-throat so it worked out well.  Vee enjoyed the party and did well at bridge too.

We came 2nd (beating Andy & Alistair by 1 point!) but a long way behind Barbara & Val (they had 745, we had 702).  Well done girls!

Nick & Rachel won EW too, a good night for all my partners!!!

I have added a note to the CBC home page and a dummy result to the Results page for the party.

Playing at the CBC Christmas Party tomorrow and YHBC in the evening

The Highs and Lows:

1     Easier to set-up but still, HUGE thanks to Val, David, Geoff, Moira, Jim, Vee and Linda for setting up the hall
2   Great food!  Thanks Dad!
3   Great Company, thanks Partner mainly but a good atmosphere and good bridge!
12th December 2018

Sylvia Rose:

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Win 20-0 54 National Master King 60.00




Playing with Team Mates in a Sylvia Rose match.

A few meetings with work and chores at home but nothing major today.

Toasties for dinner then Vee and I go to different Bridge Clubs - Vee played with Val at YHBC (and did well, half way just under 50%) - results HERE

Trevor presented Jill with the Dorin Salver at YHBC tonight (Vee took it home for me as I will have it for the first half and Jill for the second half).  We also have the boards here for the Affiliated Club Teams of 8 in January.

I helped set up all the tables at Farnham as I arrived early then settled down for the match.

We didn't feel we had started too strongly but our Team Mates did!  37 up at half time.

Nick & I were very good in the second half and we won by 77 in the end (20-0).

Playing at the CBC Christmas Party tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     Ops bid a slam against us, Team Mates were in game
7   Ops were in the wrong contract and we took it off 2, Team Mates made 3NT
9   We had a mis-understanding and ended up in 2s when we had a major fit, fortunately, Team Mates made 3NT+2
12   Ops were too ambitious and I doubled for 300, Team Mates stayed in a part score and made it
18   We made 3NT, Team Mates took 4S off at their table
21   We made game, Team Mates made a false sacrifice for 800!
22   We pushed Ops up and took game off, Team Mates made 4
23   We made 4, Team Mates held Ops to 3
11th December 2018


A nice day today, all is falling in to place at work ready for Year End, fairly quiet week now and then a busy one next week!

I made Carbonara tonight, was tasty too!

Left early tonight as playing in our club's Annual Chris Moore tournament.  Chris used to be one of my partners back when I played seriously and he died on court a few years back (I wasn't playing badminton then).  So sad.

His Son works at BAE in the same building as me and plays at the club, he was there tonight too - he only won one game though, his last game with me and he was so thrilled he game me a hug!

I did quite well, 3rd overall and only lost 1 game, not bad.

We had nibbles (all provided something) and a LOT of raffle prizes, we raised over £200 tonight for the Heart Foundation.

Playing at Farnham in the Sylvia Rose tomorrow (as Vee & Val play at YHBC)

10th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-1.86 7/20 53.47 6 National Master King 60.00




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A good day at work today including Pizza for lunch from our Boss (with Christmas music!).  We are not going out as a team this year so he wanted to treat us, very nice.

Have been helping Surrey out a bit today with their website, the Webmanager is being quite responsive and it is starting to look good.

Omelette and wedges tonight then on to Bridge early to set up all the tables and chairs.

I stay away from the Scoring set-up but a few little issues (wires not plugged in!) which I sorted.  No real issues other than our Tab lost signal on the last round but I was able to re-submit our scores.

Val announced the win Jill & I had in the Dorin Salver (as well as David & Colin and John & Keith's great results) - unfortunately, neither of us lived up to the hype tonight!

It is fair to say, neither me or my partner enjoyed the session tonight and a few arguments.  I would rather enjoy the session and come last than fight.  I think we will resolve the issues but was quite heated tonight.  We got a reasonable score all considered.

Good to see Simon & Dennis top, well done both!

Playing in a club Badminton Tournament tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     We play Full Transfers and had a disagreement.  I completed the transfer to say I was weak with no interest.  Partner then bid 3NT (she has a nice hand).  No issues with that but we need to have a get out.  I believe that 3 (breaking the transfer) invites to game and partner can then sign off in 3 if weak or 3NT or 5 if strong.  If I bid 3, I want to stop there.
3   Ops mis-bid and it worked out well for them!
5   Ops missed the Slam.  I think East has a strong opener here though.
9   We stopped at the right level (although the matrix says I can only make 6 tricks!)  I got the s right and wasn't forced in s though.
11   I asked for a  and partner thought I wanted a , unfortunate.  I should have bid 4 but partner only bid once so I wasn't sure we were strong enough.
13   After 3 passes, I opened 4 - if I had opened 1 we may have found the better 4 contract - we were in game at least though!
19   Partner played the Ds in the wrong order so it went wrong trick 1 here, unfortunate but I can see why partner didn't want to play the J first.
20   We missed game here but not many made 9 tricks, partner played it perfectly
23   Well bid Ops!
9th December 2018

Social Teams:

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A 4th 101 0 National Master King 60.06




Playing with my life partner in social teams.

Shopping this morning (big wine bill this time leading up to Christmas!!!) and after lunch, we went to Longacres for a Tree and a few extra decorations.

It was extremely busy but we managed to park ok and got what we wanted.  We didn't want a real tree but wanted a nice fake tree to keep.

Vee put it up almost on his own, I helped a little.  It looks good!

I have moved the smart plug to the Tree lights so they now turn on/off with voice command or from our phones!

I have e-mailed Surrey about a number of issues and possible improvements on their website and queried the notes on the Dorin Salver winners (we get free entry to a one day event between Oct18 and Jul19, We are in Dec18 now!!!).

To their credit, the webmanager has addressed some points today and will look at the others this week.

Jill & I are still over the moon about winning the Salver, Jill has now won this twice (I don't know of anyone else who has done that) and have added that comment to the YHBC and CBC home pages!

We play in a social teams group once every 2 months and this was our Christmas Special.  We normally all take some food for a feast but we order Chinese for this one.

We started well, winning 18-2 and 16-4 on round 1.  Then we missed game, didn't defend well and I messed up a slam!

We finished well though winning 17-3 and 14-6 where Marilyn out-played Tony to make 3N+3 (we took him off!) and Pippa out-bid Sheila raising to game where she stayed in a part score, well done girls!!!

A good night and a productive day but another weekend with very little down-time!  Start again tomorrow for another busy week....

Playing at CBC tomorrow

8th December 2018

Surrey League:

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Win 18-2 81 National Master King 60.06




Playing with Team Mates in our second Surrey League match.

We caught up with some TV this morning then off to Basingstoke Christmas Shopping and seeing my Niece and Great-Niece and dropping off pressies.

A full day out in the end but not a bad day.

Home for dinner then Simon picks me up and onto Alan and then Jo to get to Woking for 7.15pm.

The match was really pleasant, all good humour and a great spread - hospitality was perfect.

Ops made a bidding error on the first hand against Simon and I, I doubled for 1400 - they never really recovered after that.

Playing Social Teams tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2     Team Mates were too ambitious and went off in a slam, Ops made 11 tricks in game
3   Team Mates bid game, we held Ops to 8 tricks in a part score
7   Our first hand of the night, I open 1, Ops double, partner bids 2, Ops bid 3 then 4 and I double.  My left hand Opp had 16 HCPs but only 2s.  Their partner only had 4s and I was 5/5 in the Majors!  1400, ouch
9   We defeat 3NT, Team Mates make 3NT +1
13   Team Mates made 9 tricks in a part score, we could have defeated 3NT but partner didn't think he would get back in so discarded his winning !!!
15   I made 4, Team Mates held Ops to 9 tricks in a part score
20   We defeat 3NT, Team Mates make 3NT
21   Team Mates went for a slam that wasn't there, Ops made game against us
22   We defeated 4 by 2, Team Mates made 9 tricks in a part score
7th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A 1/11 525 0 National Master King 60.06




Playing with my life partner in the YHBC Christmas Party Bridge (and the Party!!!)

Just time to do my afternoon Diary entry, add 2 members for CBC and change the home page (new Promotions) and roll the Rota on etc as Vee finished the Samosas and had a shower - then I got washed and changed and loaded the car....

We arrive at 6pm and help with the set-up, quite a few helpers arrived early and it went quickly and well.

We had 11 full tables and sat as larger tables to socialise, quiz and eat!

I gave copies of the Quiz to each table and Vee and I enjoyed the quizzical looks as the room completed them.  They all found it a bit tough and I think some of the categories were too "open" or "vague", apologies all.

See for yourself, perhaps try over Christmas with your friends and family?

Quiz (to download) in the Main menu, Christmas Party or HERE

Answers (to download) in the Main menu, Christmas Party or HERE

We all had plenty to eat and drink and the raffle went well too, not sure how much we raised but I think all were very generous!

Alan thanked everyone and Val F thanked him too!  Quiz answers and Jean & Bobbi's table won the Quiz (a small bottle each as a prize!).

A quick clear of the room and we are a Bridge Club again!

Vee and I helped Margaret & Andy out on the first round by giving them 2 nice scores then we played well for the rest of the night.  Pleased Margaret & Andy won NS and we managed to win EW too!

Waiting on 2 clubs to submit results today for the Surrey Sim Pairs.  Jill and I are currently top for the week with 70.08% and in line for the Dorin Salver depending on todays result, keep track HERE

Playing in our second Surrey League Match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     Lots to Eat!
2   Quiz went well!!
3   Bridge went well!!!
7th December 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-5.89 7/9 47.94 0 National Master King 60.06




Playing with a regular partner in The Surrey Sim Pairs for the Dorin Salver.

In the office today and a relaxed day with good banter.

Straight to Bridge from work and found Partner feeling under the weather, I would have totally understood if she had stayed home and rested for tonight's party.

We didn't have a great day and analysis won't be available until later (due to the Sim Pairs Hands being played elsewhere tonight).

I am also pushed for time as have CBC admin to do and the YHBC Christmas Party to prepare for and get to!  All adds up to no analysis today.....!

I have added a dummy calendar entry for the Sims Results (HERE) but the results won't be live until tonight as more playing the hands.

Well done John & Keith, a HUGE score today, may rival Jill and my score on Wednesday for the Salver (we are back to top so far this week as Horley had entered results but not played the Sims, it was an error and hands wouldn't have matched, good spot Jill!).

YHBC Christmas Party shortly and playing in our second Surrey League Match tomorrow

6th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+0.87 4/19 57.10 18 National Master King 60.32




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

In the office today and had 1 really positive meeting where my ideas were listened too!

It has been a tricky day as I am on O2 and had no data all day, trying to help out with Convention Cards and keeping on top of things was not easy today.  When I got home and my phone came to life, I had over 60 messages to deal with (emails mostly but texts and WhatsApp too!).

Gammon and Chips for me and our lodger as Vee had Curry again.  I peeled a bag of potatoes ready for him though and Vee then made the Samosas for the party tomorrow (frying tomorrow!).

I have printed the Quiz and bought puddings and prizes, all set I think.

We had a solid night tonight, a few great bids by the Ops and a couple of bits we could do better but overall, enjoyed.  I started to get critical again though and tried to stop myself, it's no good when I get cross or in a mood!

Understanding the Tabs better each session too, no errors with Names NS but still some East and West the wrong way round, we checked all the names entered at the start too so we could eliminate the human error part (which is where the NS Name errors were coming from I think).

I have taken a photo and a video of turning the Tabs off too as I think we can now work out another minor issue, all getting closer!

All Sims results submitted for last night now, we have dropped to 2nd unfortunately but I am still pleased with our result.

I arrived early to help and stayed at the end to help too!  Just Val and I at the end and we scored, cleared and had a chat, we work well together!  So pleased Sylvia did well with Linda tonight, I gave her a hug before she left.

Playing at CBC tomorrow then YHBC Christmas Party in the evening!

The Highs and Lows:

2     I reversed as I valued my hand high, not a good decision!
3   Well bid partner, I played it carefully too
4   I opened strong here in 4th seat and was surprised when partner went looking for a slam having passed to start with but well thought out and bid partner - a few bid slams but nobody else made it (only 1 other pair made 12 tricks, key was playing for split honours in s
6   I couldn't do anything after partner made a penalty double, not partner's fault either, just a nightmare hand
11   Ops didn't find the best contract and didn't manage the trump split well enough
12   Well bid Ops, we defended as well as we could but couldn't touch it
16   Well played partner, the extra trick was crucial here
19   This board didn't suit our system, had we used a 2 suited defence we would have found the s, unfortunate
20   A dodgy double but it paid off this time
22   Ops missed the slam (and game)
23   Good double partner, I left it in as I felt partner's points were on the right side, they were (so were the s!!!)
24   We pushed Ops up too far and I was mean enough to double again, sorry Ops
5th December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+11.27 1/22 69.71 48 National Master King 60.27




Playing with a regular partner in a round of the Surrey Sim Pairs - Dorin Salver.

Only worked the morning today as it's a quiet week with work.  Good job too as ache from last night's Badminton!

I made Steak and Chips for me and our lodger (Fillet Steak and Triple cooked Chips too!), was yummy!

Vee made a quick Curry but it took longer than he thought and he ended up a bit rushed, I offered to help but there wasn't much I could do.  It was fine though.

Our Echo Dot arrived late this afternoon (Alexa device) so have set that up and can now turn the lights on and off in the front room with my voice or my phone!  Not really needed but it amuses me...!

We set up a lot of the tables and chairs tonight and sat away from each other (normally best not to play against each other if we can!).

Some really tricky hands tonight but we got some help and we both bid and played well - just a few slips from each of us but generally it was good.  When I saw the results, I was shocked at how well we had done though.

I have added the Sims Results to a dummy calendar entry on YHBC HERE 

I must confess, I am secretly pleased with playing 10 hands and averaging 82% as declarer, if only I could bid and defend to that level!

4/7 clubs submitted at time of writing this but we are currently just ahead of the 69.67% set on Monday - could easily drop as the other scores come in though.

Val & Vee enjoyed their evening too but didn't get any luck or help at all.

Penny had a tough night with director calls but handled it brilliantly and finished just inside the points too, well done!

Margaret did well at Woking this afternoon, still not sure about serious bridge after a party though.  It also meant she couldn't play tonight (both Sim Pairs hands!) so I helped fix Marion up with Norma (they had 50% tonight)

Simon won his League of 8 match tonight too, well done!  Once score submitted, I think that should push them to top of Division 2!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     Ops didn't find the  ruff and I cross ruffed most of the hand to get home
2   Ops pushed too high and we defended well
3   I played well here though Ops gave me the Q for free
5   Well played partner, she cross ruffed everything and made an impossible contract
6   I had some help with the s and got the s right (the 6 won the first  I played!)
9   I need to push on with the s, sorry partner
11   Ops opened strong and then their partner transferred and jumped to 5, a little odd and we took it 1 off, a gift you could say
15   Partner can cross ruff this to get home I think but should certainly be 1 off not 2.  She was so cross with herself for going 2 off, it happens, you were brilliant the rest of the night partner
17   We pushed Ops up to far
19   I did well to make the extra trick as I was allowed to get a away
20   I played well here, everything worked - should I open 1 or 1NT though?  Jill agreed with me that 1NT was a better description of my hand.  Playing the 8 and letting it run was particularly pleasing on this hand!
24   We stopped in exactly the right spot here, well bid partner.  I had to work hard to get it but still!
4th December 2018


Not too busy today and stayed home so only booked half a day.

Sorted out some Bridge Admin including the Sims from CBC last night, the EBU showed us that if the results don't auto-submit, click the button at the bottom of the club's EBU P2P submission to include them, simple!

Results are now added to the County results and a home page box added to CBC.

We had Pitta Pizza tonight then Vee sorted out our Christmas present ordering and a bit on the YHBC Party plus finishing the quiz (I had written most of it with 2 sections left for Vee).

Badminton was good tonight, won most of my games and most were 21-17.  I had a ripple of applause at the end of one game where I finished with a thundering kill at the net to win the game!

Playing at YHBC in the Surrey Sims tomorrow (as is Vee & Val)

7 Clubs entered:

Acacia Bridge Club
Caterham Bridge Club
Horley Bridge Club
Oxshott Bridge Club
Tudor Bridge Club
Woking Bridge Club
Yateley and Hawley Bridge Club

3rd December 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-7.46 11/20 49.17 0 National Master King 59.75




Playing with a regular partner in The Surrey Sim Pairs for the Dorin Salver.

In the office today, new Copier arrived and was simple to register on, nothing else major today.

A nice meal of Pasta Bake then off to CBC.  Arrive early as always and help set-up.  The Tabs had no issues but plugging the power lead into the unit helps.....!  We got there though and no issues again.

I was off form tonight though, play was awful if I am honest.  I was doubled in 4s which makes 11 tricks but I went off !

I have added a dummy calendar entry for the Sims Results (HERE) but unfortunately, our results won't submit to the county event, not sure why and have tried several times.  I have e-mailed the Surrey Chairman and the EBU to try and get help in fixing this.

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2     We pushed the Ops too high
5     I doubled 2, partner took it out as too weak, I understand that but I really want it left
6   I didn't take my second to give Ops an extra trick
7   We put Ops under pressure and having pushed them higher than they wanted to go, took it one off
9   Well bid Ops
10   I was too ambitious here
11   We missed 6 but at least found game, a lot didn't - I re-bid 1NT with a singleton K which partner was not too happy about but I felt it was ok and needed protecting, Ops rarely lead A without the K, more likely partner has something in s or Ops lead 4th highest - a gamble though, I admit
13   We can make 5s it seems, we were outbid though and so was everyone else but we got the defence right
15   We pushed Ops up again, fortunately, 4 doesn't make our way
19   Ops never found the ruff but I then forgot to finesse the 10 to go 1 off, terrible play, sorry partner
21   Well played partner
23   We didn't start the s so Ops lost 2 s and the A
2nd December 2018


A nice day today.

I did the shopping on my own as Vee made a lemon meringue pie (my favourite!).

I then prepared lunch for me and my friend as Vee went out for the day and I played 2 games of TTA (Through The Ages) - I should have won the first game but made a tactical blunder on my last go and lost by 10 points!

I won the second game by quite a distance though, great fun on both games!

John C then came over in need of Tech Support which Vee sorted for him, all back up and running again!

Then TV and dinner followed by Lemon Meringue!!!

I noticed the Hampshire Swiss Pairs results HERE

It may have been ok to attend as it turned out, only one team missed out on points but all very strong teams.  I think we made the right choice not to go (one of our team mates actually had a house emergency too, very lucky to be home for it - perhaps it was fate....!).

I learned of some sad news today too though, Erica Currie (Farnham) lost her battle with Cancer this week, I had a lot of time for her and liked her a lot, will miss her and all she represented.  She lost her Son, Richard, a number of years ago and I have played in the Richard Currie event every year since I started playing bridge.  A sad loss.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

1st December 2018


Our handyman came over today to trunk some of the cables behind the fridge and seal the ceiling in the back room for us ready for painting, only charged us £10 too!

We headed to the shops to get ingredients to make a lemon meringue pie (Vee making it in the morning as I do the shopping) then caught up on some TV

On our way out, I happened to see that Vee didn't notice something as we were driving, then said "That is why they call you the un-noticer!" - he came back with, "No they don't" and immediately I said, "ah, you haven't noticed then....!!!!" - Vee thought I was hilarious............(well, maybe I did!!!).

Our friend picked us up to take us to the Skittles and Christmas meal with my Badminton club tonight (a little late as he went to our old address first!!!).

We had a great social night, Vee knows most of the badminton club and all had good banter throughout.  None of faired too well at the skittles (I got the wooden spoon, it turned out to be a really nice prize, a relaxing bath muscle soak!).

We also won 2 raffle prizes from 2 strips, though declined the second one.

A nice day and evening today.

Playing TTA (a board game) with friends tomorrow

30th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+8.85 2/7 62.85 20 National Master King 60.07




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Vee sorted dinner (Chinese!) and then off to Bridge....

I arrive early and set-up all chairs and some of the tables then check if anyone needs Christmas Party Tickets (updated notice on YHBC home page now for the Charity, Yelabus)

Judy sold a few more Raffle Tickets too.

We had a fun night, no real issues though both made a few blunders, enjoyed the night and close to winning too!

Badminton Christmas Meal & Skittles tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

6     I should be one off if I play the trumps correctly, a chance of making it if I play low to the Q too, sorry partner, not my finest hand!
7   A good sacrifice, well bid partner
9   A little ambitious Ops, I wasn't brave enough to double
11   I think pass 2NT partner, I have stayed quiet for 3 bids
12   When in hole.....!  Bad luck Ops
13   Ops missed the 3NT contract
14   Ops bid too high when their partner made a limit bid, I think just 2
15   We found the best contract here and were allowed to play there!
20   I had the chance to make 2 more tricks if I got the s right, Ops need to start with a though, I was very lucky
21   Partner opened 1NT with a poor 5 card major, that is our system - Ops didn't expect a 5 card major in his hand and got a little upset by it, we didn't do anything wrong though and he let it go
23   Partner made a small blunder with the K but Ops would have had a good score for 9 tricks too
24   We defended perfectly here, a passive lead from me and good card sense from partner
30th November 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+9.93 1/12 63.71 40 National Master King 59.67




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

In the office today but not too busy and got away a little early to help set-up.

Tabs worked well today but 2 units stopped (including ours!) but we sorted them (between Alan C and I) and nice to know we can solve problems now.

I have a running banter with Anne Gooding about how well dressed she is, last night her shoes didn't match and she didn't do well - she came up to me at the start of today's session and called me a Terror!!!  I asked why and she said she felt forced into finding matching shoes today!!!  Still, look at the results, she won with Tricia today, perhaps the shoes matter!!!

We had a nice session today, a few gifts and lucky bids but we had fun and everything seemed to work - I fell off the rails at the end but that was because Anne was wearing the right shoes, not my fault...!!!

We played 26 boards and it over-ran slightly so I had to rush off as taking Dorothy home and have to eat before going out again, so lucky we have a great team at the club and they sorted the scores, names and clearing without me - I was meant to take the Tabs home but Val kindly took over, thanks all.

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1     Ops pushed on to 4s despite partner showing a BIG hand, I doubled (bit mean, sorry Ops)
3   Well bid Ops
4   I was a bit pushy here and paid the price
5   Ops were too ambitious
6   I played well but Ops didn't take their second  trick
7   Ops didn't take the second  and I got the right
8   I had to make an extra trick as we were pushed up, I made 2 extra tricks!
9   Ops found the right contract (5) then bid on, I doubled
11   Ops are better off in s
12   Partner needs to play all the s and not open the ♠s, then end play Ops....
15   I made an extra trick but not many in game
18   Ops missed game
19   Lucky again here, we are the only NS playing - not a good double though partner but it worked this time!  When partner doubled, I expected an opening hand AND 4s, not just the 4 part....!
21   Well played partner, Ops never touched the s so they went away!
23   Well bid Ops
24   Well bid Ops!
29th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-4.72 6/14 51.74 0 National Master King 59.20




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

In the office today, attended a presentation on the new global system.

Glad to see Alan, Jill, Simon & Andy won against their nearest rivals in  BBL Division 2

The Christmas parties are all going well with tickets and raffle tickets and catering - Tabs worked well (again) and we finished in the top half - a negative for NGS but enjoyed tonight and pleased all is going well for the club now.

A few niggles with the Tabs still, mostly with the names on the movements - not a big deal though and I think all members like the Tabs and no issues with using them.

Nice to see David & Alan top, they deserve a good win!

We mostly did the right things tonight but some bad luck, odd scores and a couple of errors held us to just over half way.

Vee went to the Ballet tonight (to watch I think!) and loved it.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

6     We should push to 4 here but hard to know and we don't want to push them into game, they can't make game as it happens!
7   We were in the right contract
8   Most make 11 tricks, I cannot when Ops take 3 tricks!
10   Ops were too ambitious and I doubled
13   Ops pushed us up
17   Partner took the A freely, need to get off lead with any card and wait I think
20   A brave bid by me but it paid off - Ops need to unblock the s though and I am in trouble then
22    lead needed but I bid NT over Ops bid so Partner naturally played a for me, my fault
23   Good defence here
24   Well bid Ops but need to lose a  to make it instead of taking the 3 tricks first
28th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Win 14/6 81 National Master King 59.41




Playing with a regular partner and Team Mates in a BBL match.

Vee dealt the boards for us so we have a hand record HERE.

Vee hosted the final Improvers Session at  YHBC, only 2 tables but Val & Vee both played which was nice, they have put a lot of hard work into the Group and it is sad to see it stop.  I am sure it will start again though and hope enough players have got the "bug" now and will carry on playing in the club(s).  Well done Val & Vee for running the group.

Glad to see most of my partners do well tonight at  YHBC  too, mainly Simon & Jo, Margaret & Lesley and Barbara & John!

I have put the house back in order, done the washing up and uploaded the last Improvers session.  Also corrected the names at the YHBC main group and re-loaded P2P and updated the Find-A-Partner and Roster.  Now tonight....

I hosted (no Vee tonight to help me!) - I laid everything out and was ready for half time too, fortunately we were 2 boards ahead which gave me time to put the oven on and make a pot of Tea and get coffee ready.  Just sausage rolls, chicken bites and cakes tonight, simple but adequate!

The Ops liked the house and said it was a nice venue.

We played fairly solidly as a team but 7 Imps down at half time.  We can make that up.

Fortunately, we turned it around and won by 20 Imps overall with a good second half!  A few good doubles helped.

We noticed 4 singleton Ks tonight - I commented that you "Notice" those - there were also 4 singleton Qs and 7s but you don't notice those as much.  Interesting how the mind works though.

We are due to play as a Team on Sunday too in Romsey but only 9 teams so far and likely to be run as Multiple-Teams - if it is, we are not too keen and may pull out.  A shame Hampshire doesn't advertise their events, we all need to support these or they will die out.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3     We competed too high here, I messed up too and went 1 more off than I should
4   I went off 1 more than I should here too but should have left Ops to play!
9   Ops bid game against us, Team Mates stayed in a part score
12   We bid game, Ops missed an Ace in sorting their cards against Team Mates so missed game
15   Ops opened 3s with 9 points, fair enough, 3 of them was a singleton K though.  They pushed to 5s a sacrifice but went too far off for 1100 - we can make a slam but only 980 and hard to find (Ops didn't bid it against Team Mates)
20   I made a tricky part score (says I can only make 8 tricks but I made 9 (I was in 3 so needed to!) - Ops went off 200 against Team Mates
24   Ops pushed too high and I doubled for 500 - Team Mates took Ops down 100 too!
27th November 2018


A great day today - it took me 2 attempts but finished my new model for work, they were expecting ideas and a blueprint so were stunned when I delivered a working model day 1!

I cooked sausage and chips for dinner, simple but nice.  A few scones after too (Thanks Margaret!).

We had some deliveries from Amazon today too, I have finally downloaded the App and was actually quite impressed, it tracked the delivery and when the circles lined up I went to the front door and opened it just as he was about to ring the bell!

Played a match tonight for my Badminton club and it was awful, I played ok but not brilliant and the other 3 were not on form either.

Monday's match was at home vs CBC members and have left the front room set-up as have another tomorrow (also against CBC players and one of my regular partners!!!).

Playing in a Division 1 BBL match for CBC as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

26th November 2018

Surrey League:

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Win 13/7 81 National Master King 59.41




Playing with a regular partner and Team Mates in our first Surrey League match of the season.

Vee dealt the boards for us so we have a hand record HERE.

Not only did Vee deal the boards and the food & drinks, he also collected one of the Ops for us too, he is a super-star!

In the office today and another busy day and a new project to work on too, designing a new Auto Report for Orders and comparing to last month with value and timing deltas, should keep me busy!

A nice Pasta dish for dinner and prepared the house for the match, Vee home tonight so he did the half time food and drinks for me (a great spread too, thanks Vee!).

As we all know each other and both teams are friendly, we scored quickly at half time and all stayed in the kitchen to chat, eat and drink.  We find ourselves 6 Imps down at half time though (2 big hands to them and 1 to us).

A glass of wine and a smoke and we start again - nothing majorly wrong and this time 1 big hand each but we also have 3 moderate hands our way to turn the match around, to be honest, Margaret making 4 on board 23 when only 9 tricks on (and Team Mates taking Ops 1 off) won the match for us, well done all!

The match was played in great spirits and was a fun and pleasant night, no issues all night and no raised tempers from anyone, nice.

Interesting results at CBC, Sylvia and Linda doing well again and Simon & Dennis top with a great score, well done all - hope the Tabs worked tonight, will find out tomorrow no doubt!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     We have 25 points but cannot make game.  Ops made it against team mates with Alan's double getting a  lead - good thought Alan but not this time.
7   I was bold here and pushed to game (it's not really there but I made it somehow with Ops giving me the 9th trick as I squeezed) - Team Mates made a part score too!
12   Ops bid game, Team Mates didn't
14   Team Mates bid game, Ops didn't (and we held them to 9 tricks too!)
16   Ops bid game, Team Mates didn't (this is swinging one way then the other!)
23   Partner shines and makes an unmakeable game, Team Mates defeat game at their table
25th November 2018

Day Off:

Washing and shopping first thing then out to the Quays for Sunday lunch (a birthday meal for our lodger, we all have our birthday's in November!).

Saw the latest Harry Potter spin off at the Cinema with our lodger tonight, was really good - we don't go to the Cinema often and enjoyed it but felt the film was a filler ready for the next film.

Seen the Middlesex Results.

Nick & I pulled out of this as our team mates couldn't make it and neither of us really felt up for it, no other local players entered but am still interested (odd I guess!).

First Surrey League match tomorrow at my house

24th November 2018

Day Off:

A relaxing day today, done very little!

Have cleaned and tidied and done the shopping list and meal planner for next week and watched a few films.

A little bridge admin and waited for the Middlesex Results.

Nick & I pulled out as neither of us could face a day of bridge with so many matches this week and next.

2 of our local pairs attended and Colin and David were in the first half and had 4 wins out of 7, well done both.

Lunch out with Vee and Lodgers and Cinema tomorrow

23rd November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+7.18 2/9 61.36 18 National Master King 59.41




Playing with a regular partner in the Mixed Pairs Cup

We had Pizza tonight (well, half and the rest saved for lunch tomorrow!).

Both Vee and I playing tonight so we watched the Chase then headed off.  Arrived early and got everything set-up and sold some more party tickets and raffle tickets.

It was nice to see 3 pairs split up tonight to form Mixed Pairs, really showed the spirit of the club, well thought out Alan.  

We had a miserable start but largely bad luck (though some bad judgements too!) but it picked up and we felt we had done enough to not disgrace ourselves.

It turned out better than we thought and came second, crucially, behind an all male pair so we won the Mixed Pairs Cup!!!

I only played 4 hands (those that know me will know I tend to play more than that!!!) and Marion played 10, she was on brilliant form and carried us home, some amazing 3NT plays, well done partner!

I joked with Arun about wearing a dress or transitioning to a woman - he came back immediately "I will think about it....!"

Vee had a great time with Marjie but the scores didn't reflect their mood - they enjoyed it though.

I felt sorry for Jill & Alan who sat in the wrong place and ended up chasing no cards all evening through the Howell, it can be a cruel movement but I think we have all been there.  It is a measure of their ability that they still had a reasonable score for it!

I have updated the Hall of Fame with tonight's scores too.

Have pulled out of the Congress this weekend - 2 of our team mates had already dropped out and I have been so busy/stressed I think I need a weekend off - am lucky to have an understanding partner, thanks Nick.

Day off tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     I knew partner would ruff the  so played the 2, I want a  back, it never came....
3   Well bid and played Ops
4   A Grand Slam available and I am in 5x minus 1, phew!
5   Too expensive to bid on when vulnerable partner
7   We missed 6 but so did everyone, it doesn't look on either but everything is right - partner played brilliantly to make 11 in 3NT though
8   Well played again partner!
9   Well played again partner!
10   I spotted partner wanted a , Ops could still make their contract but we put a lot of pressure on
13   I played well here
14   Well bid and played partner, not many points but we had the tricks
16   Ops helped a little by playing the A freely, partner played well though
19   Partner could have made this but it wouldn't have been a great score anyway, Ops didn't bite and bid!
21   I bid well here and partner played extremely well to make the extra trick
23rd November 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+4.09 1/9 59.95 30 National Master King 59.13




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked this morning then left slightly early to help set-up the Tabs.

All worked well today and no issues, phew!

We had a good session with a few blips and managed to come out on top - needed a good session!

Found out that our new team won their first ever league match last night, well done Karen, Steph, Moira & Jim - so pleased!

Playing in YHBC's Mixed Pairs after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2     Nobody else found game and partner played exceptionally well getting the s right
3   Only 1 other pair found game - it's not there but we both made it
4   I played reasonably well here
5   We pushed Ops up and defended well
9   We pushed Ops up here too
10   Ops were trying to push me up, I doubled instead....!
11   Too ambitious partner...
12   I was pushy here but felt my s would either make or not, a gamble that paid off and partner squeezed Ops to make 2 extra tricks!
17   I should have made 8 tricks but got the wrong at the end
19   Ops stopped at the right level, we could have got it off if partner had used the 9 to ask for a  though....
21   Ops missed game
22   Well bid and played Ops
26   I did as I should here
22nd November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Lost 8-12 0 National Master Queen 58.93




Playing with a regular partner and Team Mates in a Division 1 BBL match.

Worked at home this morning and our lodger's birthday - I made time to take her to work (only Farnborough town) but saved her walking in the icy conditions.

I also made time for coffee at Jo's to see her new carpet and furniture and have a catch-up.  Having worked extra yesterday, I felt I was owed a more relaxed day!

A busy night tonight with a lot going on:

  1. Our BBL match
  2. Tabs being used at CBC (successfully I hear but still some glitches, haven't heard the details as yet)
  3. CBC members playing for Lily in BBL at Ascot (they won, well done all)
  4. CBC members playing in a Berks League of 8 match against the top team (they won too!)
  5. Karen, Steph, Moira and Jim playing their first ever league match in Surrey Division 3, not heard how they got on as yet but will update here when I see....Fingers crossed).

We had dinner a little early tonight so I could make it to Margaret W's where Tricia met us too and I drove to Ascot (meeting Jill there).

No traffic issues and driving was fine there and back, the car-park was jammed though and a bit tricky leaving at the end, with 2 teams of 4 and Ops plus a league of 8 and Ops, it was a full night!

We had a good first half with 2 blips and were 16 Imps up then had a couple of swings against us to lose by 6 overall - a shame but we all played quite well against a very tough team.  We are at least off the bottom now in the league!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     Partner needs to switch to a  trick 3 to defeat 5s - no real clues though
2     Ops stayed in a part score, Team Mates more ambitious and off 200
7   We defeated 4 by 400 and Team Mates made +170
11   We made game, Team Mates defeated Ops
12   We made game, Team Mates defeated Ops
19   We chose the wrong game and went off, Ops made 3NT against Team Mates
21   I lost to a singleton K to go down in 3NT, Ops made it against Team Mates
21st November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-3.42 4/13 53.30 10 National Master Queen 58.93




Playing with a regular partner in round 8 of the Beryl Doughty

Another busy day and my meeting did not run smoothly but coped (just about).

Curry again tonight, still very tasty!

Vee hosted the Improvers (2 tables) and I played in the Beryl Doughty.

Not our finest night, neither of us on form so was pleased to be in the points overall!

Pleased to see my friends top (well done Jo & Simon) and a great score from Marianne & Rosalie (only just behind us).

I noticed Pamela was ahead of Alan tonight (she won with John G), it didn't go down too well when I pointed this out though, I am naughty!!!!

Playing in a BBL match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     Not many open 1NT with 11 but we do - it worked here!  I did well to make it though
7   Ops pulled the wrong card out (the 10 instead of the Ace) so I made 11 tricks instead of going down 1.  We should have bid stayman though partner....!
14   We let Ops make an extra trick, I switched to a  later on, I think I should have led a from the off
16   Ops were a little ambitious here and we defended well
20   I bid terribly here, I just couldn't envisage partner passing but of course, she can!  I didn't play it well either - well done Margaret & Lesley on bidding the slam though, the only pair to do so!
22   Partner made a weak jump overcall (a limit bid) - don't bid again after this and let me double 4....!
25   Ops didn't return the  for a ruff so I made an extra trick - not many in game anyway though
20th November 2018


Another busy day today but finished at 16:30 as had Val coming over to go over the Tabs.

I miss-interpretted the note last night about the Tabs working - they did get them to work but not the movements.  It then dawned on me that if the Pads worked with the same movement, it must be the files on the new scorebridge club we created.....!

We got them working and realised the issue with the movements (we hope!) and also worked out a few other issues with the set-up - I am in another match on Thursday but hope all goes well.

Val left around 18:30 and I made chicken curry in record time, Vee had already got the veg dishes ready and the rice and made me a coffee!

Lovely curry (same again tomorrow!).

Badminton was good tonight but only 10 of us there (and only 2 other strong players) - I did well but had mostly close games as we tried our best to even up the sides.

The clubs have had no guidance on GDPR and I realised tonight they are doing it wrong!  Will send links and notes to the EBU and our own Policy!

I have also set-up a new CBC menu item for "External Teams" as a few have asked who plays where, links to the results there too.

In the office tomorrow for my main monthly meeting that I run - hope my new reports work and go down well!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow in Round 8 of the Beryl Doughty as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

19th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
N/A Lost 17-86 0 National Master King 60.25




Playing with a regular partner in Round 1 of the NICKO.

A hectic day today as my Boss asked for "some" changes to my monthly reports, I had to re-design everything!!!  I had my day-job stuff to do too and borrowed another laptop in the office so I could do both at the same time (and my phone for some Bridge admin!) - manic.

I got there though and all done, just!

Home to grab a chicken pie before heading straight out (not even changed from work) and we meet Colin at David's who drives me, David and Alan to South Bucks.

We got there just before 7pm and started dealing the hands (shuffle and deal) and all set.

2 key disasters in the first half but it can be turned around - a nice half time spread and a smoke and 2 more key disasters in the 2nd half!

We were out-played tonight, Ops psyched against us (more below) but even without that, it would have been a loss.

Pleased to see Sylvia did well tonight with Linda at CBC, she deserves some good results.  I hear the Tabs worked tonight too, a relief!  Will hear more about tomorrow no doubt.

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

6     Partner opens 3 - I know this can be very weak sometimes but I have a really good 15, I thought for ages then passed.  Good choice, 3NT goes down (as it did at Team mates table) and we make +130
7     Partner opens 1NT, Ops double - we have no rescue and -1400.  Ops have a strong 1NT and so opened 1 and our Team mates make 3NT, just unfortunate system differences
12   Ops open 3 (weak), I hold 19 points, 7s to AKJ10, singleton A, singleton  and AKxx in s - I double.  Ops now bid 3 with 2 points and 1  (no alert).  When I bid 4 over partners 4 he thinks it's a cue bid, I re-bid 5 and it is passed out.  A psyche and a half but nothing can be done about it!
20   Partner goes off in 3NT and Ops made it against team mates
22   I didn't see that I need to lead a half way through so partner is end-played and we allow Ops to make 3NT, team mates stayed in 2NT which just made (as it should)
18th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-27.04 62/62 16 VPs 0 National Master King 59.08




Playing with my life partner in Richmond's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs

Not our day today, we had a nice lunch though!  The first time I have finished last in an event but it had to happen sometime!

We didn't win any matches, mostly Ops did good things, a few errors by us and a few wrong choices but not much - just not our day!

Not enough to write about, will dust ourselves off and be better next time!

Playing in Round 1 of the NICKO tomorrow

17th November 2018


A relaxing morning and we wrote our shopping list watching Lego Masters!

Off to lunch with Dorothy & John, Dorothy provided a nice lunch and good conversation followed by rubber bridge.

We cut for partners and I played with Dorothy - she never gets any points but today she did!  We defended really well and also had points when we needed them (including a slam).

We joked about playing for money at the start, wish we had done so!!!

We went straight to Val's after to drop off the Tabs charging unit (I am not at CBC until Friday next week as have matches on Monday and Thursday).

A nice chat with Val & Keith with wine for me (Tea for Vee who was driving) then on to Tesco for the weekly shop.

A few corrections came in for YHBC Friday night so I did those (pushed us up a fraction too!).

Back home for a late dinner and caught up with a few Grand Designs recorded.

A nice Birthday, albeit a few weeks late!

Playing in Richmond's Swiss Pairs with Vee tomorrow

16th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+4.19 2/15 59.55 24 National Master King 60.25




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Vee was home late tonight so I said to get take away later with the lodgers and I had ham & cheese toasties (was nice!).

Not in the best of spirits and fell asleep watching TV too - then made myself cheer up and went to bridge.

I sold quite a few Christmas tickets at the start of the night and we settled in for the session.

We started off making a couple of errors but they didn't turn out too bad, only 3 bad scores overall and we had some nice defence too!

We both enjoyed the night and had a few laughs, just what I needed after today.

Playing socially tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2     Partner finessed the K looking for the over-tricks, good idea but not this time
3   Well bid partner, even made an extra trick in the play
4   We got the defence right, everything Ops tried failed and we took advantage - I felt sorry for them as I think I would have played it the same way
10   Partner jumped to game (saying, no more!) - I didn't listen, sorry partner
11   Well bid Ops
13   I was pushy here but it paid off, if Ops cover my J when I finessed, they take me down, lucky
15   I played this well, lucky Ops didn't attack the s though
16   We were the only pair to bid game, partner didn't approve to my jumping to game but I maintain that she made a free bid of 1NT after Ops over-called and so she should have 8/9
20   A poor double by me here but we managed to get the defence right and made 2 tricks
22   I opened with this hand (rule of 19) and Ops were in actual pain when it was passing out in 2 - they knew they had to do something but didn't know what and passed, sorry Ops
16th November 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-13.35 10/12 45.08 0 National Master King 60.07




Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session.

A hectic day at work, manage to leave on time to get to th club in time to set-up the Tabs.

Margaret away this weekend so playing with a friend.

All fine but having set-up, the Tabs won't start - so frustrating.  We abandon them again and use the old Pads.

I was so fed up, didn't play well, wasn't charming and partner didn't enjoy it, we don't play together often so should make the most of it but all wrong today, sorry partner.

I didn't agree with all of partner's bids and my play was dreadful - so bad I am not writing up the hands!

Pleased to see Val and Michael do well today as well as Dorothy & Margaret - Tricia & Anne back on form too!

Main thing is, apologies partner - forget the bridge, I should have been cheerful and allowed us to enjoy the time, no excuses, I am embarrassed sad

Playing again after dinner.

15th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+4.12 1/8 61.11 82 National Master King 60.64




Playing with a regular partner in the  John Warren  Final.

A busy day at work then a light dinner and off to the club early as taking my laptop (as a backup), monitor and the Tabs.

A lot of work has been done to ensure tonight works (scoring 2 sections with the new Tabs and 1 laptop).  Alan arrives early too and between we set it all up and no issues at all!

Then we start playing..... The boards don't match, the movement cards do not match the movement selected!

We now try to re-do the movement but it turned out to be the actual cards that were wrong and now all is in a mess.  We can't score manually either as we don't know the pair numbers or boards or where to go!

Alan Coales to the rescue!  I have the idea to get the table cards on screen so we can see them there, as we stumble through the first move, Alan then writes out each table card and where to move to and we are now all set, thanks Alan!

A Tab in the Plate section loses signal and Alan resolves that (he worked out how to retrieve the last round scores and entered the contracts in the new Tab too).

As we finish, Alan starts scoring up and I join him to make it quicker - between us we scored up, re-did the scores for last week (at Quali-Final rate) and scored both sections tonight and loaded to the EBU.  I re-did the event names on the web and added the Roll of Honour names.

Without Alan, it would have been a complete mess, thanks so much Alan!

It ended up as a "Green Take-Over", both directed, both won!  Tim with Marie and Jane with me!  Well done both and well done for coping with the Directing at both ends.

Val & Ann bid and made a grand slam tonight (nobody else did, we were in 6!).  We had a fairly consistent night though and more good than bad overall, surprising as I had written the night off from the start and tried to simply enjoy the cards!

Jane and I have now won this twice and 2nd last year too, thanks Jane!

Will use the Tabs again tomorrow and should be no issues - have decided to use Bridgemates next year from my own scoring kit in my bag and Tabs for the Plate section, will be easier separately as we can then "turn it off and on again" if needed!

Close to midnight when we finally left the club but all worth it in the end.

Our team played a tough match in the BBL tonight too but didn't quite win unfortunately, lots of matches coming up before Christmas now too, busy times ahead.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2     A helpful lead and skilful play
5   Well bid Ops
6   Well bid partner, we missed 5s but it is very hard to bid anything with my hand
9   Ops missed game
11   I forced partner to bid and she made it!
13   Needed a  lead
16   A good sacrifice here
17   I played well to make the extra trick, Ops refused to ruff with the Ace so I got my losers away on the s
18   We defended well here
19   The only pair to bid game
14th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+7.50 1/12 63.83 40 National Master King 60.46




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session that was also part of the Children In Need Sim Pairs

I have added a calendar entry with windows into the National Results and also our club results re-scored nationally (or click HERE)

A good day at work (at home) and a visit from my friend at work who has finally got round to seeing our house!

I made Spaghetti Bolognaise tonight, was very nice!

Surrey had its annual Chairman's Lunch today too, our clubs were represented and all said it went well with good discussions and the bridge was ok too with all our pairs in the middle, well done all.

Off to Bridge and had a lot of boards to take with us (plus the Party tickets and raffle tickets and our laptop for the Improvers!).

We are not making much progress with ticket sales so far, need to try harder ASAP.

Vee hosted the Improvers with Val and had 3 tables (plus a half who moved up to the Main group and did ok).  Well done to Michael (our newest member) and Sally for just beating Vee & Val.

Colin & Jill did brilliantly and are now close behind Marion & I in the Wednesday ladder plus 3rd (as I write this) nationally in the Sim Pairs.  Marion & I, John & John and Trevor & Barbara are all currently in the top 100 too.

We had a great night in terms of declarer play and bidding (82% for Marion's declarer play, brilliant!) but our defending needs a bit of work.

I have now uploaded the results to the EBU (using the Charity Sim Pairs code as it's not charged by the EBU for this event).

A really fun night, with each session, Marion is "getting" my humour more (is that a good or bad thing?!!!).

Playing at CBC in the John Warren Final tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1     I had a helpful lead and so made 3  tricks and only lost 2 s at the end
2   Partner was brilliant here, only 1  stop but she got everything right (mainly the s)
3   A very tough contract, I can be end played but declarer didn't see it fortunately, put me in with a and I am stuck
5   Ops under-lead their Ace and so didn't get a ruff
6   Ops didn't bid this right, we weren't sure what to do either so passed
7   Ops doubled my 3s (Take Out) and had nowhere to run to, unlucky Ops
11   9 tricks are very hard to find here but partner did, the only one to do so!
13   Well bid and played partner
15   A low level contract but they all count, this one can't be made but partner made it (a few others did too)
16   Ops stole my bid, I thought I would be clever, it didn't work!
20   We can defend better here
21   We need to attack the s, I am not a fan of leading 4 from KQ sequences and it didn't work here
23   Partner jumped to 3NT and I then added pressure by jumping to 6NT, partner made it!
24   Good switch partner
13th November 2018


Half day at home today, Vee had the day off too.

I had my annual health check, all perfect (other than I smoke and need to lose weight!).

Tesco once I got home with Vee and we also did some Bridge club shopping as we had time.

Vee got a few more sets of boards dealt for YHBC and I did some members admin for both CBC and YHBC and we had a Roast tonight as we knew we had time.

The Roast was delicious, especially the roast potatoes, the oven here is so much better than our old one!

Badminton after dinner and I played quite well and am sweating a lot less, must be getting fitter somehow!  Only lost 1 game (which was a close game) and really enjoyed the session.

Playing at YHBC in the Children In Need Sim pairs (Extra £2 minimum) tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

12th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+1.20 3/17 58.12 21 National Master King 60.12




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A good day at work and back to normal after the weekend!

I submitted the P2P for YHBC and CBC Friday sessions and our Director at Worthing has submitted all ours too, a bumper crop to look at tomorrow (and a few diary entries to go and amend the headings for tomorrow!).

I cooked simple food from the Freezer as Vee knew he would be late home tonight, he only just made it home in time to say goodbye to me as I left for Bridge!

I have now added a Christmas Party notice to CBC home page and the AGM minutes to the Members area.  Val has started selling party tickets too (I have mine and Vee's!).

The new Tabs worked tonight, quite a relief!  Val, Sylvia and I now know the process and I think we are now fairly confident - they were nice and clear and I think they go down quite well with the members.

We had a nice night tonight with a couple of blips, close to winning so it was a shame to have been good all night bar those.

Stayed to clear up and take the Tabs home for looking after and charging ready for Thursday.

The P2P wouldn't go at the end of tonight's session so I submitted from home.

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4     Game wasn't there on this hand and we were the only pair to stay in a makeable part score, good judgement partner
5   Ops were too ambitious
6   We didn't bid the slam but not everyone made 12 tricks
10   I thought I had 15 points here and 6 s, I only had 10 points - when I found myself left in 1NT I gulped, then made it!
11   Ops bid on freely, tempting but the part score is all that is there
12   I didn't finesse the Q, turned a top into a bottom here, sorry partner
15   I bid to the level of the fit after the double, didn't work this time
16   A good sacrifice, I hate letting Ops play in 2 of a major so will take action if possible!
18   Well played partner, lucky the Ops blocked the s but beautifully played
21   Well bid Ops
23   I got the trumps right and Ops didn't get the  ruffs going
11th November 2018

Worthing (4):

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+3.21 3/16 60.71 24 National Master King 60.07




Playing with a regular partner in the second of the Worthing sessions (social weekend but Master Pointed)

Have been sent the results file so linked in the purple title above.

Last day today so we cleared the room and packed before Breakfast, had a nice breakfast again and then got dressed and loaded the car (with Margaret's and Linda's cases too) and settled the bill.

Bridge again just after 10am but a bit of a mess with people showing up who said they wouldn't play and others playing who arrived 25 minutes late!

To his immense credit, Paul (the Director) handled it all very well and moved everything round and sorted the boards, tables and pairs to enable the first round to carry on as if nothing had happened.  We kept to time too!

He also arranged for the Remembrance Service to be on a radio and we stopped to listen to the Last Post and a 2 minutes silence, we got a bit emotional here.

Bridge was good mostly but a few silly errors such as Vee telling me he had an Ace and a King but had no Aces......!

I was astounded to make 3NT on our first board, 21, when I had 5 points and no s and Vee had 9 points with 7s to the Ace, 8!  Nobody touched s, Ops set-up my 's and 's for me and 9 tricks rolled in....!

We had a few impossible 3NTs today which we both made and Vee played out of skin to make 3s on board 15 - all in all, we did well - all 4 scores above 60% and averaged 64.68%

A really nice lunch after bridge (Smoked Salmon then Roast Beef for me) then prize giving.

We won a few of the sessions but only claimed 1 prize, Paul handled this really well too allocating the prizes well and with good humour too.  We also won the overall prize so have 2 bottles of Prosecco, 1 bottle of champagne and a box of nice chocolates!

A lovely weekend and great company, had a good time with Margaret & Linda, very sociable.

A good run home, just over an hour and all sorted by 6pm (unpacked, washing on, changed clothes, made drinks and fed the Cats!).

Have also uploaded the minutes from the CBC AGM (viewed under the AGM Info tab when logged in via Members Only) and have changed the Pics on YHBC home page to the Remembrance Service (thanks to Rosemary & Marjie for attending on behalf of the club).

A nice postcard from Alan & Pamela arrived too, they are having fun (despite the Bridge!).

Hoping to get the new Tabs working again at CBC so will be at the club early to trial them again - should be ok.....!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

10th November 2018 (Evening)

Worthing (3):

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+13.08 1/15 69.84 30 National Master King 59.94




Playing with a regular partner in the second of the Worthing sessions (social weekend but Master Pointed)

Have been sent the results file so linked in the purple title above.

A nice meal but the main was not quite right for a few of us, good overall though.

Bridge again tonight and 1 pair didn't show so we had a 3 board sit out, not a big deal though.

We had a couple of issues tonight where I got a bit cross but it turned out better than I thought with another win and a good percentage.

It included a 1700 and and a small slam bid, a few other good scores too....!

A nice few drinks tonight and good banter - last day tomorrow....

Worthing again tomorrow

10th November 2018 (Morning)

Worthing (2):

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+6.02 2/16 63.49 30 National Master King 59.44




Playing with a regular partner in the second of the Worthing sessions (social weekend but Master Pointed)

Have been sent the results file so linked in the purple title above.

We had a lie in and then a good breakfast at 08:30 then started bridge at 10am (shuffle and deal).

A few blips today and Vee could have bid and played a little better on a few, we missed a slam on 13 but nobody bid it (I made all 13 too) and missed a Grand Slam on 14 but only one other bid the slam

Second today but still a good %, Margaret & Linda did a little better today too.

A nice buffet lunch then walked into town - had a good wander and looked at a few galleries - Margaret liked the look of the little mice in the display window and we decided to get her one secretly - gave it to her when back at the hotel and she squealed!!!  She deserves nice treats though.

Relaxing for a bit now then dinner and bridge again tonight.

Worthing again tonight

9th November 2018

Worthing (1):

NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+8.48 1/16 64.68 36 National Master King 59.21




Playing with a regular partner in the first of the Worthing sessions (social weekend but Master Pointed)

Have been sent the results file so linked in the purple title above.

We had a nice morning then drove to Margaret's and fixed her Laptop then Linda arrived and we all went off to Worthing (Vee driving).

We stopped at the Owl at Kingsfold on the way and ate far too much!

Arrive at Worthing with a few hours to kill so checked in to our rooms and then walked along the sea front (no rain but fierce wind!).

We needed Poppies and bought some at M&S, nice ones too - they only had 1 left but the girl serving said I could buy the one she was saving for herself, very kind!

An hours rest in our room then down for wine and canapes and then dinner - very nice!

Before we go down, I correct a name for the CBC results this afternoon (and sent a Congrats notice to Val & Linda who did very well coming 4th!).

I had Prawn & Crayfish, then Beef Bourginion then Chocolate Tort, yummy!

On to Bridge - shuffle and deal and an arrow switched Mitchell (same each session).  We started with Margaret & Linda who were very kind to us!

We were sensible throughout with just 1 playing error by me and 1 by Vee and managed to win!

Have loaded the Hands for YHBC as saw they were missing and sent Congrats to my friends who did well.

Drinks at the bar after but not many of us - early night then breakfast tomorrow (at 08:30 too, practically the afternoon!).

Worthing again tomorrow

8th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
-7.24 8/17 49.84 0 National Master Queen 58.88




Playing with a regular partner in the John Warren Qualifier.

I worked this morning then took the afternoon off to resolve the Teams scores at YHBC last night (which I did with John Gatrell, thanks John!).

Cats annual vaccinations at 5:15 so I got them in their boxes (not too bad this time) and no issues.

We had Mushrooms in Stilton on toast for dinner, really nice!  Then I took the new Tabs to CBC (early to help set-up and prepare for the session).

All was going well and all settings done, Sylvia set up the Tabs and then.............Nothing!  We tried for 40 minutes overall but no joy.

We switched back to the old Pads (with Alan Coales' help) and got the session complete, albeit with No-Play for my table and Sylvia's at the start.  A Pair also left early and didn't play the final round and there was another mix up and a fine.  Short on numbers too so only 8 pairs qualified for the final.

We stayed at the end until just gone midnight and had some hints of life from the units but not on all and no real clues to what went wrong, will try and resolve on Monday when I am back.

My bridge was terrible too, not a good night all in all.  It only gets a green highlight due to us qualifying for the Final (more pleased at how well Sylvia & Linda did though, the green thumbs up is for them!).

Off to Worthing for a Bridge Weekend tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3   Partner opened 3 and it got messy from there, Ops had s and s and chose the wrong suit, I was mean and doubled
4    I threw my away so couldn't get back to partners hand, sorry partner
8   I should bid 2 here and hope we stay there
11   3NT or 5?  Chose wrong here
13   I opened 5 (not sure I should but 3/4 both seemed wrong).  Partner wisely raised it
14   Ops were too ambitious
15   Well bid Ops
18   Ops were too ambitious
19   Well played partner!
22   Well bid Ops


7th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+1.33 2/10 +47 30 National Master King 59.16




Playing with a regular partner and Team Mates in round 4 of the YHBC Teams Series.

A good day today (in the office) and Mac n Cheese for dinner, yum!

Vee ended up playing in a team tonight as one didn't show and Val took the Improvers, it would have been better to have the 3 team mates in the Improvers and have 3 tables and 9 - we know for next time.

John Gatrell kindly collected the club equipment and came over to my house at lunchtime today (Thursday 8th) and we worked out that Table 4 had an extra set of results (I think from a previous session).  Once removed, the scores all make sense!  Phew....!!!

I have now re-done the event, submitted for P2P, re-done the Teams Results file and loaded to the Competitions section and analysis (below):

Playing at CBC in the JW Qualifier tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3   We bid and made game, Ops stayed in a part score against Team Mates
4    We did as we should, Team Mates defended brilliantly to take Ops off 2
10   Ops missed game against us
11   Ops bid the slam against us
15   I defended poorly to let 6 through, drat, sorry all.
22   We held Ops to 10 tricks in game, Team Mates bid and made a slam (nobody else bid it!)
24   We were the only pair to bid and make game (it is not really there but partner played brilliantly!)


6th November 2018


Not too busy today so stayed home and worked on CBC admin alongside work - have added 2 downloadable convention cards to the menu and cleaned up a bit (AGM items etc).

Vee came home from work and set-up the Diwali candles and marks by the front door, our neighbours Son was intrigued and came over to watch too (he is 9).

Time for a cuppa and get changed then we picked Margaret up and went to Jo's for a nice evening.

We had a long chat and a nice Chinese take-away (too much food and we all have doggy-bags!!!).

We enjoyed a bottle of champagne and a BIG bottle of Prosecco between the 4 of us (thanks Val F for the Prosecco!).  I only had a glass and a half as was driver.

Birthday's now done for another year (or 2 if we can get away with it, don't need the numbers to keep adding up anymore!).

Playing in a Team at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

5th November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs   Rank Grade
+9.50 1/11 61.88 40 National Master King 59.09




Playing with a regular partner after the CBC AGM

A busy day at work for me but came home early as Vee at home today (Family came over for lunch and he worked at home).

We had an early dinner then off to CBC to set-up for the AGM, didn't take long as quite a few arrived early to help.

The AGM was well organised and quite quick, no major issues or objections.

I forgot to mention the introduction of a new Friday Ladder Competition, I was so stressed about the new Tabs being used tonight!  Not a big deal and really, it is a Friday announcement any way.

So pleased to see Alan Coales get recognition for all his amazing work for the club, even tonight, he wasn't playing but helped set-up and helped with the new equipment for the first few rounds to ensure all was ok.  He will be missed from the Committee but I suspect (and hope!) he will continue to help.

Everyone took to the new Tabs extremely well, they are quite intuitive.  I think it was all quite positive.  The Frequencies hadn't come out as I had expected (ie 4 pairs made 3NT rather than 4 lines of 3NT making) but will tinker with that.  Will also abandon the lead check as importing the hands is not worth the effort (especially when it goes wrong!).  Other than that, I was pleased with how well it went and glad we had spent the time going through them and testing them - it helped to have 7 "experts" too!

Our night was good too, I was worried I would let partner down as my mind was elsewhere tonight but only a few blips and we won our first session with Tabs!

We stayed to clear up,took the Tabs home and also dropped shopping off for Dorothy before a birthday drink - HAPPY BIRTHDAY VEE!!!!!

Birthday meal with Margaret & Jo tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   Partner made just 1 declarer howler and 1 defensive howler, this was the declarer one....!
4    I felt stayman was the right thing to do with this hand, it paid off this time
10   We bid game, not many did
11   We missed the slam but so did everyone, unlucky for doubling Ops
12   We did as we should, others did not
15   Here is the defensive howler....
17   Well bid Ops
18   A close call here, we just got away with it
22   Nobody rescued the Ops here, bad luck Ops
24   We pushed Ops up, still not brave enough to double but a good score


4th November 2018


The morning after..... Actually, not bad for us - our Neighbours didn't enter the land of the living until 6pm!!!!

We sorted the house work, went to the shops for supplies (main shop done online this week) and then hosted Poker all afternoon (Vee won 2 of the 3 games, well done Vee!!!).

Got dressed up and then taken to Farnham for a Thai meal at the  Giggling Squid  then back to ours for coffee and cake.

A heavy weekend this one but good fun, must be a stone heavier now though!!!

The  Club Pairs Challenge  Final today too, Simon & Margaret best placed from our local pairs, well done both.

Sorted out the bins, washing up and washing (Ironing gets collected in the morning) and some more CBC admin bits.

Work tomorrow then get to the club early to help set-up the AGM and also the new scoring equipment, hope all goes well (we have all put a lot of effort into it so am hopeful).

Playing at CBC (AGM, 7pm) tomorrow

3rd November 2018


Caught up with This Is Us as always first thing then had the CBC Sub-Committee over to run through the Bridge Tabs for the last time before we start using them Monday (at the AGM, 7pm start).

The session went well although I had to use my own laptop and a few gremlins crept in at the start, useful in some ways as we sorted out issues and no more about what to do if things go wrong!

I have also added the Programme to the CBC menu now, Trophies and Roll of Honour available in the menu too and members numbers and emails accessed via the Members Only area (due to Data Protection).

Margaret came round in the afternoon for a glass of Prosecco and had a card and scones for our lodger (his birthday!) and a lot of pressies for us too!

We went over to our neighbours for a few glasses of Champagne at 6pm then onto Wings in North Camp for a Birthday meal.

We had an amazing meal then back to our Neighbours for more drinks and cheese - bit too much to drink but just about ok!

Playing Poker then out for another Birthday meal tomorrow

2nd November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs
-1.37 4/7 +4 0




Playing with a regular partner and Team Mates in the qualifier for the President's Salver.

Not our finest performance tonight but top 4 qualify and we made it (just!).

Have rolled on the YHBC site and added the hand file name, some doubts about which hands were used though - will check and validate ASAP.

A bottle of champagne when home, taken all day but finally celebrated my birthday!

Hosting the final session on the CBC Tabs then a Birthday meal out tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

7   A good sacrifice here as Team Mates made game
13    We tried for game when should have stayed in 3, it's teams though - close call
18   We defended well to take off the Ops as Team Mates made game
25   I couldn't make game but it was there, still hard to see it though
27   I made a penalty double of Ops 2 and partner thought I had points too, I can't have on this auction, we ended up doubling Ops into game


2nd November 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs
-6.63 10/13 47.35 0




My birthday today and a nice day at work (although I left late as wanted to get cakes for the office and traffic is awful after 8am!!!).

Had a huge bottle from Val (to share with Vee) and 2 bottles from Dorothy (1 each) and some cards - wonderful friends at the clubs!  I took some sweets in today and all went too!

Bridge today was not good though, a shame but just didn't work.

So happy to see John & Dorothy at the top though, well done both!

I have re-loaded the hands from CBC last night as they didn't display correctly when loaded last night and have added 2 new members to CBC and sent a welcome e-mail.

Teams file loaded too, well done to John, Philip, Steve, Andy, Keith & Alistair!  3 in a row for their team (albeit a slightly new line-up this year).

As it is my birthday, I am not going through the bad scores (my diary, my rules!)........

Playing after dinner in a team for the President's Salver at Farnham

The Highs and Lows:

2   Ops made a preference on the major, better in s
6    I played well here
7   Ops didn't finesse the or take out my last trump
14   We pushed Ops up
18   We bid and made game
26   Ops didn't take their or  trick....


1st November 2018


NGS Place Score MPs
N/A Win 17-3 54




Playing with a regular partner in a Division 2 BBL match.

A day off today (although I still did 3 hours work!).

Chiropractor appointment at 9am then a few work items came up, then lunch and worked on CBC calendar as Linda & Val had made a fantastic job of putting the 2019 programme together (all now online on the CBC website).

Fajitas for dinner (I made the chicken, Vee the veg) then off to pick up Jo.  I offered to drive as Jo is on my way, was still coughing a lot tonight and felt a little drained, was worried about how I would do against a tough team.

Fortunately, we all played well with not many errors.  The Ops had a few system issues which cost them but we bid and played well too.  They are a nice team and capable of beating anyone when all working, it just didn't go there way tonight.

Have re-loaded the CBC results for tonight to show the X-Imps (Well done Geoff & Frances for topping the X-Imps and the event with Sylvia & Linda also a creditable 4th in X-Imps)!  Will finalise the series once David calculates the final table.

Also moved the Rota on for CBC and cleared the Find-A-Partner.

The October Promotions are now up on the EBU site (HERE) - 1 for each club, well done Tricia Mackintosh and Anne Thain!

Although not our members, pleased to see William's team mates promoted this month (Berks & Bucks section), well done to Dominic Cooke & Jack Lawrence!

Quite a few cards stacked up waiting for me and Vee too, will open mine in the morning (21 again tomorrow - well, 20.5 twice tomorrow!).

Playing at CBC then in a team for the President's Salver at Farnham tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4   Neither of us could find a bid so quietly took Ops off in 1N, we had game on, they bid it against Team Mates
6    We held Ops to a part score, Team Mates bid and made game
13   Ops competed when they could have left us in a part score and we defended well to take it off 400
21   Ops had a bidding issue here and went to 4S without a fit and we took it off 400
22   I bid 6NT and made it, had to find the QC which dropped as a doubleton - Team Mates held 3NT to 10 tricks
23   We missed game, Team Mates had their 1 blip of the night going off 800


31st October 2018


NGS Place Score MPs
N/A Draw 10-10 34




Playing with a regular partner in a Division 1 BBL match.

An average day working at home and also set-up ready for the match tonight as I hosted.

Our handyman also came and fixed our roof and the flush in the downstairs WC

Have added a note on YHBC about the Christmas party and added our Chairman's' picture to the home page too!

The match went well with a few blips, 15 up at half time but 15 down in the second half resulting in a draw, a few silly things could have swung it for us, still, our first points of the season!

2 Tables in the Improvers and a big score posted by Kevin & Geraldine!  Vee also made a start on the Christmas tickets and raffle.

Have added the hands to the Main group, rolled on the Rota and home page and scored the Improvers

Playing in another BBL match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3   Partner made 11 tricks in s and Team mates took Ops off in their contract
7    We bid and made game, Ops made 9 in a part score
8   We were doubled in an unnecessary contract, Team mates made game to save some of the score
24   We let game through having pushed them to 5s (we should have taken it off really)


30th October 2018
30th October 2018


Worked at home today (and staying home until Friday) as nobody in the office and I am coughing more again today and want to keep germs to myself.

Vee made Toad in the Hole tonight, was very nice.

I still went to Badminton and I think it did me good to sweat, only lost 1 game too!

Division 3 in Surrey saw it's first home derby today, well done Geoff and team, bad luck Penny and team.

Heard from our YHBC Chairman today too, he is having fun in Tenerife (see picture!!!)

Playing at home in a BBL match for CBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

29th October 2018


NGS Place Score MPs
+8.92 1/18 64.80 36




Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session.

In the office today (though not many others from my team were!).  A few issues today but generally, a good day and got my weekly reporting done.

Mac 'n Cheese tonight (yummy) then off to Bridge.  My partner is away today so an irregular partner stepped in.  He doesn't make it down often so it's good to get him a game at the club.

I have added a session summary at the top (and for last week's diary posts too) as a reference for me more than anything.  The diary post is normally around 23:30 to 00:30 (depending on when I get home and what I have to do before the diary update), the NGS will be updated the morning after once calculated by the EBU.

Tonight was good fun (other than 1 system error I made and a few doubtful bids), good fun and good bridge generally, shame Mark doesn't come and play more.

Tonight's score has also tipped me over last year's total for Master Points in a season, a new club record!  I know I shouldn't be proud (and it is really a recognition of the quantity of games I play rather than any ability) but still, it has cheered me up after a week of being un-well!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    This auction quickly got out of hand, 1, P, 1, 2NT, 3, 5, 5, 6, X - Ops wanted to double my 5s too, lucky escape!
3   We didn't defend well and Ops declared well, not a good combination for us!
4   We missed game but nobody else made 11 tricks
8   Partner played well to make the over-trick, Ops do better to take out the trumps I think
11   Well played partner, good end play to gain a trick (if Ops push a through dummy at any point it's finished though!)
13   Ops jumped to 4, I could only double now
14   Ops defended well, I made all I could but most are making 9 tricks, sorry partner
15   Good defence again here
19   Ops missed the fit
20   Ops switched from the s and discarded a to allow an extra trick for Partner
21   I was in the right contract making the right number of tricks
22   We missed game but so did everyone else and partner made more tricks, well played
23   Ops were too ambitious


28th October 2018


A busy but good day today.

Finished the laundry and a few house chores, did the weekly shop and had lunch then off to Basingstoke to go bowling with a few friends.  We haven't been bowling for a long time and it showed!

I won the first game and one of our friends is a very good bowler but he only got 99 (we all like to get 100 as a minimum).  Fortunately, I got 140 but the computer gave me an extra go twice so I got away with a few scores!!!

I would have won without them though so no big deal.  The second game I was second but still got more than 100 (102).  We used to regularly get close to 200 so quite poor by our old standards.

Back from bowling and our cats are making a lot of noise, they tend to start wanting dinner an hour early but today it was really early (the clocks went back!!!) - nobody ever explains to cats that the clocks change.....!!!

We then head over to our old house where the family who bought our house cooked a nice curry for us, they also gave us a gift box of specialist coffees, they are such a nice family.

I had a slightly awkward moment when we had dinner as they all eat with their hands (as Vee does), I use cutlery and it dawned on me that I would have to use my fingers too, which I did.  I confessed half way through though and used a spoon after that...!  I also found it odd that Vee and I ate at the table with their 2 grandfathers but the ladies were all in the kitchen - the ladies don't eat until after the men have!  Something I have never come across, seems so odd these days but we respected their culture.

We all chatted for ages (even after we said we need to go!).

Playing at CBC tomorrow

27th October 2018


We had our family over tonight (my Step-brother and Step-sister and their partners), cleaned the house, did the laundry and Vee made a cake (Victoria Sponge).

We had a nice chat and a few drinks and ordered pizza for everyone - was a good evening - we had set the lounge up with extra chairs but ended up staying in the kitchen all night!

A few of our local players ventured to Petersfield today for their Swiss Teams and both teams were joint 6th, not bad considering 17 teams entered and a few featured well on the X-Imps - well done all.

Bowling in Basingstoke then dinner at our old house tomorrow

26th October 2018 (Afternoon)


NGS Place Score MPs
(0.43) 3/9 53.36 10




Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Woke up and felt worse again but had to go the office today as I was running the monthly meeting on HDVC across 5 sites.  It went well fortunately (despite my coughing).

Finished in time to get to bridge and we got through the session!  I wasn't as cheerful as normal and lots of coughing around the room, the mood was a bit sombre.

We had an ok session (will be down on the NGS but in the points).  I am now 10 points off last year's record....

I actually did ok considering and partner bid well mostly but a few odd blips, still not bad and I actually feel better for playing.

Dorothy also not feeling great so John came out to play with Margaret W and also had an ok session, good to see John playing more.

Derek is not feeling great and I am not 100% so we have decided not to play tonight, I can't risk spreading my germs to Derek if he is already low.

Family coming over tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4    We kept forcing declarer with s and then drew trumps to make the last
6   We got the defence right here
9   Ops didn't take the K to allow me to make 11 tricks
12   I played well to make 11 tricks but Ops didn't play the A to give me 12
13   Partner put me into an impossible contract, she forced me to bid and then forgets I am only promising 6 points...  1NT was her re-bid
14   Partner played well here
16   Poor double by me
17   Not a good lead Ops....
21   Partner should only be 1 off here.....
22   Ops were too ambitious
23   I did well to make 7 tricks here...!
24   Pass my  bid partner....
25   Partner showed a much stronger hand than she had, 2NT or 3 is the contract


25th October 2018


A night off last night and an early night but still not great today.

Much better than yesterday though and less coughing, think both Vee and I are coming through the colds!

I cancelled bridge again tonight and my partner was very understanding, thanks Barbara.

I really wanted to play but didn't feel up to it and also don't want to spread any lingering germs, hopefully all ok tomorrow.

I am in the office tomorrow (no matter how I feel) as presenting the monthly reports as usual, then bridge in the afternoon and evening (all being well).

Well done Alan & David for winning - I see Jo played for the 4th time this week (and did well again), both Margaret's in the points too and above 50% for Val too.

Playing twice tomorrow (fingers crossed!)

24th October 2018


Not well today, worked at home but took the afternoon off and soaked in the bath.  It helped but still coughing, sneezing and constant runny nose, not good.

I decided to cancel playing tonight as didn't think I would play well and also don't want to spread germs.  Vee also has the same cold and stayed home too.

Margaret kindly came and picked up the hands for the Improvers and Val ran the session on her own.  I think there were only 5 plus Val so just social bridge and no scoring (which actually makes our lives easier on this occasion but a shame for the group).

Good to see my partner's top both directions (Jill with Colin and Barbara with John), well done both.

Great to see Marilyn 2nd with Winnie too, well done both!

I have updated the home page, Find-A-Partner and added the hands to the session description as usual and had a quick look at some of the results.

Will try and get an early night now though.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

23rd October 2018

Lady Rose:

Playing with a regular partner and team mates in the first round of the Lady Rose

I worked at home in the morning and some more CBC admin too.

One of our team mates had to pull out this morning but we had a substitute, thanks David for stepping in.

A close match and all square at half time but team mates made 2 blunders in the second half and we lost by 9, good fun though (despite a cold!).

Hands were pre-dealt and HERE for reference.

Nick has a lovely house in Fleet, superb setting and hospitality, thanks Nick!

Not feeling well enough for Badminton tonight so will stay home and rest.

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    Ops stayed in a part score, team mates found game in a minor
5   We stayed in a part score and made it, team mates took game off
6   I doubled Ops into game
8   Team mates made a bad sacrifice
15   Team mates in the wrong contract when a slam was on
17   We defeated a slam as Ops bid the wrong slam
24   Team mates in the wrong contract when game was on


22nd October 2018


NGS Place Score MPs
(7.18) 12/20 48.15 0




Playing with a regular partner in the Final of the Monday Championships

A busy day at work and rushed home for the handyman (checking our lounge roof as there seems to be a small leak).

Cooked curry tonight (I make the chicken curry, Vee does the rest!) and was yummy.

A fair amount of YHBC and CBC committee work throughout the day too and more when home tonight too.

Our session tonight was not bad, we just didn't shine.  Not many tops or bottoms!

Well done Nick & David for winning the Monday Championships, David Pinder second here and also second in the Thursday Championships, close on both

Playing in the first round of the Surrey Lady Rose tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

10    I should pass 1, I just felt there may be a better contract, alas, no
16   Bidding errors here, both at fault - we could have had Ops in 2 doubled too!
19   Ops were in a good contract but needed to ruff a to get home


21st October 2018


Between us, we did the shopping, washing and cleaning and had lunch and dealt 2 sets of boards (an Improvers set for Wednesday and a set for my Team on Tuesday).

I did the hands as Vee made Samosas for tonight but I needed help with the dealing too!

Social Teams tonight, 6 Pairs form teams each round and the top pairs wins - more about socialising and eating though (we all take something to eat and share).

We started off well (20-0 and 19-1 for the first round!!!) and stayed in front until the last round where we lost to 0 and 4 and came 2nd!

Good food and company and a lovely night - bins out when home and another weekend done!

Playing at CBC in the Final of the Monday Championships tomorrow

20th October 2018
20th October 2018

Day Off:

Day off today.

We packed a lot in though....

Caught up with This Is Us (our usual Saturday morning routine) and another stunning episode.

Then off to our old house to collect post and have a chat.

Back home for lunch then Alan & Pamela came over with all the YHBC boards, cards, laptop, printer and dealing machine as we will do the next stint of dealing for YHBC (well, Vee mainly).

My office is still quite useable with the extra equipment in (picture above), quite pleased with how it fitted in.  We expected we would have to find homes for the kit and bring it out to use and put away again but it all fits and there is still space in front of the printer for my work laptop!

I tend to work at home with my laptop on the left (or the club laptop) and my work laptop on the right.  Both laptop screens in use all the time and I switch the main monitor between them when I need a second screen - all works quite well and enables me to multi-task and get 2 days work done in 1 (well, almost!).  I can at least keep an eye on all e-mails plus have my phone in use for everything else.

We then sorted through all our paperwork and filing, cleared out parts of the house and put all office things in the office (stationery, envelopes, staplers, paper etc).

I have also been working on YHBC and CBC committee work today and got a lot done there too.

Caught up with Australian MasterChef, had dinner and watched TV with wine tonight.  Nice to be together with a cat each relaxing.

We have a few sets of boards needed for next week to get done plus cooking for tomorrow's event and shopping and weekly chores to do tomorrow.

Playing socially with our regular Teams group tomorrow

19th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Had Sausage and Chips from the Chippy tonight, easy and nice (John's influence as he said he would get fish and chips on his way home!).

Straight off to bridge after and had a fun session but it just didn't quite work, nothing in particular and neither of us made any really daft bids or play, just not quite there tonight.

We did have one huge score (2200!!!) but of course, it is only one board - I had a suspicion it would be 100% though....!

Taking over the YHBC Dealing Machine tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    We did all we could but needed to be in 6NT
3   We got the defence right here, we made 2 s, a ruff and Q
4   I played this quite well
7   We need to let Ops play here
9   I tried to be clever and placed the  honours in each hand, they weren't and I lost entry to my tricks in dummy
10   Well bid and played Ops, we need to make declarer start the s though
11   I think partner needs to play the J from dummy and East covers, then we only lose 1
14   We need to compete to 3 here
15   Ops got a bit carried away
17   I made what I should, others didn't
22   This hand made the night!!!  I open 1NT, pass, 2, pass, 2, 3!!!!  Partner now bids 3NT, Ops bid 4 to compete (thinking there is a distributional hand in South), I double, South redoubles!!!!  2200, Wow!


19th October 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked from home today so I could collect Dorothy and we arrived early (having tried my new route!).

Set up the tables and started playing, was a nice fun session.  A few silly errors each but mostly good or very good.

Pleased to see Jean & Bobbi high up and Christine & Rosemary, well done all!

Quite a few noticed that John was not Margaret!  It is clear that she has been missed this week, back to normal next week.

Playing again after Dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2    Partner overcalled 1 and I have 4 HCP and 5 s so I jump to 4 (where he plays), my bid is simply the level of the fit but I didn't expect him to make it, he played so well he got an over-trick too!
3   Good defence partner, my s came good in the end!
4   Partner took my double out so I put him to game, our best score is 3 doubled....
5   Ops did as they should, not everyone did though
7   Hard to find the Grand but I think partner should have converted to NT - still, not many bid the slam at all so a good score!
8   I did as I should here
9   We play 5 card majors so missed our fit
12   Ops got into a mess here.....
22   This should have been a good sacrifice for Ops but nobody else bid 4 our way
23   Ops missed the slam and didn't throw a  on the K - Had I lead the A, we hold it to 11 as partner gets a ruff!


18th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another non-stop day today trying to juggle life with work and bridge and bridge committee work!

I got a full days work done by lunch time so spent a few hours on AGM items, preparing e-mails and a guide to the new Bridge Tabs (now available on CBC website under the Club Management menu and also in the AGM Information tab when logged in as a CBC member.

Iain came over for dinner again (I cooked Spag Bol) then we all went to bridge (Vee played with Iain).

So pleased to see them get a good score (although not high up) - like us, an OK score but not great position.

Really pleased to see Val & Pitti and Sylvia & Linda joint 3rd too!!!  More friends topped the pile though, well done Margaret & John (I am playing with John tomorrow afternoon too!!!).

We had a roller coaster session, I was daft on some hands and partner could have done better on some too, all fun though and we smiled throughout.

Well done to Alan & Marion, Jill & Colin tonight too, a good win in the BBL

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Partner can do a bit better than this but doesn't improve the score drastically, best to leave Ops in 3
4   Partner made a mistake and couldn't rectify it, she was apologising throughout the hand - it happens, no problem!
5   Ops could pass 4X and get a joint top, glad they didn't!
6   We had this off, near the end I am given my K and then I have a choice of playing a to guarantee they make the contract or a  for a chance partner has the A (She does!) - what did I choose.....
7   Ops thought they had 5/5 in the reds by mistake and so ended up in the wrong contract
10   Well doubled partner, it says they can make it but not the way it was defended
14   Ops bid s and their partner didn't lead them to get 2 s and a ruff, well played partner too
15   Well done partner for the over-trick!
16   I need to under-lead my A to get partner in so I can get a ruff to defeat this, difficult
17   Well bid Ops
18   We have game on but only one pair made 12 tricks and nobody bid game so Ops sacrifice didn't turn out to be good
20   I only bid once partner....!
24   Well bid Ops, shame partner is a good player, if she makes a bad lead (A) it would have been better, what a frustrating game!


17th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 7 of the Beryl Doughty Cup

Vee hosted the Improvers with Val and had 2 tables - a new guy showed up tonight too and I think there was a bit of renewed hope for the group too as more have said they are coming next week!

I am so pleased that the group may survive, it is a vital group and Vee and Val have put so much into it too, well done all!

Barbara & Gillian were set to move up to the main group but saw the need for them in the Improvers tonight and helped out by moving back to make a movement possible - they got their reward for their kindness by winning!!!

I worked at home this morning and then did some CBC work for the AGM and a new Friday Competition.  I also made a start on notes for the new BridgeTabs and a 1 page table guide to hand out at the AGM.  I still found time to see my friend and cheered him up and he gave my hair a quick trim too (he is also our barber!!!).

Young Iain came over for dinner then off to do his homework (for the course he is on, not school!).  He is here for dinner tomorrow too then playing with Vee at CBC.

Tonight was really enjoyable, I am too cheeky at times and pushed it a little tonight but I think (hope!) that my partner likes my sense of humour now (or ignores it and humours me!).

We would have been top if I had behaved myself on the last hand, all pass to me and I have 18 HCPs and 6s, I could open 1 (wrong) or 2 (correct!) - if I open 2, partner relays, I say 2 all pass - good score - I did neither and opened 4s for a bottom, sorry partner.

We have still consolidated our top spot for the series but Barbara & John are hot on our heels and Sheila & Peter still have 1 low score to improve on so could jump quickly, we need a 70% score!!!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    Ops avoided the trap of NT's
4   We defended well here, Ops mis-played the s and gave partner a trick
5   I open 2 (weak) and Ops bid 2NT (meant as the minors) - this wasn't understood so after the 4 raise from partner, Ops bid 4 and partner doubled.
6   I was idiotic here, open 2 Ian and listen to partner.... GRRRRR, sorry partner
8   Partner played well here, 11 tricks are on but not everyone made them!
10   I was lucky here, if Ops carry on with the s I am stuck, phew!
11   We defended well to make our tricks, a tricky lead from me but it turned out to be the best lead allowing partner to make 2 tricks, I then made my K later
12   Well bid and played partner
16   A tough choice here, do I double 4 or put partner to game in s, on this occasion, I chose correctly (due to the vulnerability)
18   I opened 3 (terrible!), partner bid 3 (much better!) and was nearly there too, the finesse and she is home but how do you know if the Q is from QJ or singleton?  We were better to let Ops get in a mess anyway as it happens, sorry partner, I should not open here!
20   Well bid partner, 6 was very hard to find.  Ops defended well to put the pressure on but it was makeable (as partner said at the time)
21   Ops doubled my 1NT then got into a mess and I doubled them, we defended well too forcing the ruffs so I could draw trumps
22   I opened light but 2 suited and partner jumped to 2NT (I thought this showed a good raise) so I jumped to 4 and then made a mess of the play too!
23   Ops got a bit carried away here


16th October 2018


Day off (with some conference calls with work as laptop on all day!).

I started the day with my Chiropractor appointment at 9am (went well and feel better now).  Then I was due to have coffee with a friend but he couldn't get out, I didn't have much time as it happened so was a relief.

I went to the garage to get supplies for the day and had lunch then started the CBC sessions.

First was Val, David & Alan to go through the new Friday competition, we think we have the bones of it done now but I need to work through the practicalities of setting it up and running it.

Then the rest of the Tabs committee arrived and I took them through how to set-up the session and what happens when it goes wrong and how to use the tabs.

I think it went well and all grasped it fairly quickly and liked them.  I will do a 1 page note sheet to hand out to the members for the AGM session and give a quick speech on how to use them and why we have switched.

Vee came home as we were winding up and then made dinner and ate.  Just in time for 4 friends to come over for a Teams Tactics talk and to play bridge as Vee and I observed and commented.

I think it went well and some useful discussions.  Overall, they felt more comfortable with playing in the league than before we started - I hope they do well but more importantly, I hope they enjoy it!

A busy day but useful, I hope!

Playing at YHBC in Round 7 of the Beryl Doughty tomorrow

15th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A hectic day today, by the time I sat down at home, I fell asleep!  Only 10 minutes though but was tired!

Our friend is down this week so have fixed him up with my partners this week (but he can no longer make Weds), still, Jill tonight and Vee Thursday.  So pleased they did well tonight too, must have been Vee's cooking (he joined us for dinner tonight!).

Pleased Val & Shirley did well too, well done both!

We had a few disasters but generally good tonight, in the points again and am now within 50 of the club record.

Chiropractor session tomorrow morning, then coffee with a friend then Bridge Tab training with CBC then helping friends with Team Tactics in the evening (a busy day tomorrow!!!)

The Highs and Lows:

1    Partner didn't approve of my bidding but I think I have to show both suits and we wended up in a good contract
2   Well bid Ops, I gave a trick away by not realising partner's J was a singleton
3   Well bid Ops, it seems we should have competed but both too flat really
8   Well played partner
11   I made 10 tricks, as I should - others didn't
13   Partner can play better here
14   I think 1 should be opened with a singleton ....
15   Well bid Ops
16   Ops didn't find the right defence and partner played well
18   We are in the right contract and partner made an extra trick
21   My turn to find the extra trick, Ops found the killer lead and then switched suits, phew!
23   We stayed low enough here and partner played well to make it - made the Ops ruff with the master trump as she got a loser away, well played


14th October 2018


Vee went off at 04:30am to take Margaret to the station and then came home, started the washing and fed the cats and back to bed!

I let him lie in and went to do the shopping at 09:15am (the earliest I can leave as Tesco doesn't open until 09:30, tills at 10am).

I get home and Vee is up and we put shopping away and start on the prep for lunch - we had my Niece, her partner and her daughter (my Great-Niece!) here for the afternoon.

We had a lovely meal and a good time, they left just before 5pm and Scarlet (my Great Niece) was a pure delight, lovely to see them and she is learning letters and numbers now so much more interesting to talk to!

So well behaved too.

A lovely day today - will keep an eye on the Woking Swiss Pairs and update YHBC and CBC with the results link to their results and will add to this entry if any local pairs did well too.

Woking Results now up - mixed results for our local players, topping these were Julie & Richard (also winning the Non-Expert prize I note, would have thought them both above Non-Expert!), well done both.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

13th October 2018


Watched the next "This Is Us" first thing (our Saturday tradition now it seems!) then had Chris & Carole over for social bridge.

We had the hands from last night (where they played) and went through some queries, bidding systems and play techniques (such as, play the suit if a singleton in dummy).

We all enjoyed the session and had some Lemon Drizzle cake that Vee made!  They made a chocolate cake too which we will have tomorrow!

A bit more TV this afternoon catching up with the Australian MasterChef then shopping for tonight.

Friends came round at 7pm for Poker, had 3 games, all social and fun.  I was 2nd in one game but neither of us did an awful lot, mostly about the chat and drinking though!

Vee went to bed as soon as he was out of the 3rd game (getting up at 4am to take Margaret to the station!).

Family here for a Roast tomorrow

12th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session, also a one-off event for the Greta Clark Cup

After a nice dinner (albeit rushed) and having set-up the YHBC Club Weekend form online and done the diary entry for this afternoon (as well as bridge admin for CBC and YHBC), I head over to our old house.

We had a letter about the fridge we left for them and so took it back to them in case they want to extend the guarantee.  We had a nice chat and want to arrange a get together soon too.

8.5 Tables tonight (partly helped by a few Farnham players as their hall was closed tonight), good to see attendance up though

Bridge tonight was good mostly, a few real wobbles but some exceptional moments too - some issues should have been avoided (pass partner......!!!) but not bad.  Nick & Graham won tonight but Graham is not a member so the the Cup went to Colin & David, well done both!

Have updated the Hall of Fame for them and the Cup listing is above too.

Playing socially tomorrow morning then Poker in the evening

The Highs and Lows:

1    We found the right contract and partner played it well
3   I land up in an impossible contract!  My only line is to get the s to come good - I play them well and Ops ruff the third  as their partner plays the winning K - I now have the s set-up and can catch all the s, phew!
4   Well played partner!  Ops ducked the K so never made a trick
5   If partner passes instead of doubling, Ops go to 4 and now we can double!
8   Perfect defence partner!
9   Well played partner, I maintain that my plan of doubling 5 was still worth more though....!
13   Partner was good for extra trick, well played
15   Partner got the s wrong, unfortunate
17   Ops let me make my singleton K
18   I blocked my , should only be 1 off but I fear we should have been in 2 making 2 really
19   Pass partner!  Let me double the s.....
20   Partner played well to make 6 tricks here and a great save against makeable contracts for Ops
21   Partner was good for the extra trick, helped by Ops playing the s in an unusual way though!  We needed the extra trick this time too as I pushed for the slam and so had to play in 5s
24   Partner made a bad claim, he had 9 tricks there if played out but not the way he claimed, there was no rush partner....


12th October 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A busy day in the office then off to Bridge.

A nice session today, partner didn't have many points and only played 1 hand.  I had some nice hands and we played and defended well today.

A close session but just pipped a very good pair for the win!

63 Points to go for the club record on Master Points now.

Making dinner with Vee tonight, I am doing chicken and he is doing veg to go with it (he has a Veggie Pie).

Playing again after Dinner in the Greta Clark Cup at YHBC

The Highs and Lows:

3    Partner started with the K and then switched, I still don't know why!  Ops then made at least one more trick than they should as we took out the s for them!
5   We defended well here
8   Ops played well to make 8 tricks but missed their 3NT contract
10   We missed the slam but no-one else made 12 tricks
11   We pushed Ops up and I doubled
16   A good sacrifice here
17   We did well to defeat this, Ops didn't pin my so I got a  ruff and the master
18   Ops didn't find game
23   Ops did well to make 10 tricks but we pushed them up and took it one off
24   Ops found game, not everyone did - the slam was hard to find


11th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the Final round of the Thursday Championships

Worked this morning then off to the CBC Committee meeting.  Nothing major but a lot of discussion, held at Moira's house and it was a beautiful house (and garden!).
Traffic coming home was terrible though, raining caused delays and accidents and took a lot of us an hour to get to our homes - not much time between that and bridge tonight!

YHBC had a BBL match tonight and won, well done guys!  Results HERE
You can also see the Teams schedules and results on my "Ian's Teams" Page on YHBC HERE

We had some real disasters tonight but seemed to have pulled off a win, couldn't believe it!  Not enough to catch the leaders though, well done Marie & Robin!
I have updated the Hall of Honour HERE , Competition page is also HERE

I am now within 100 points of the Master Points record too (a record I set!), have until the end of Nov18 to get it so am hopeful

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops didn't find the slam and I found the only lead that looked dangerous, they ducked to ensure the tricks but actually, they didn't need to.
5   A tough contract for Ops and we defended well
6   Great defence here, partner was alert enough to remove the trumps early so we could take our tricks
8   Where was my  ruff partner.....!
9   Ops opened 1 and we missed our game in s!  Not the best contract but partner could have made it as Ops ducked 3 s
10   I played well to make this, a low contract but they all count!
12   Partner opened 1NT, I bid 2 (Stayman) and Ops double.  Their partner thinks they are doubling the 1NT and showing a big hand, they were just showing s - they rescue to 2, I double, they rescue to 2, I double - mean, sorry.
14   I doubled Ops transfer bid for the lead, partner then bid up to 4 - he played it well to only go one off too!
15   Partner played brilliantly here, he bid 1NT over Ops s and I bid 2s as a transfer to s as I was so weak - great play partner!
17   I could do better here but we missed our fit, mostly my fault I think, sorry partner
19   Ops missed NTs as they didn't see the K in their hand
20   Ops bid too high here, partner ruffed my winning too but it didn't really cost!
22   Ops system let them down
23   Partner can play better than this


10th October 2018


Playing with a new partner in a regular club session

I stayed home today as my shoulder was still bad (should not have played the badminton match last night!).

I worked in the morning and had a bath in the afternoon, it eased my shoulder but I think I need to book a chiropractor session - the bath made me very sleepy though.

I wasn't awake enough tonight and partner made a few silly errors too, still, it was fun and we had an ok score so no harm done!

Vee hosted the Improvers with Val but only 1 pair turned up, they played socially until 21:30 and called it a night, Margaret kindly offered to take me home after so Vee didn't have to wait an hour for me.

Margaret came in for a quick drink too which was nice.

Playing at CBC in the final of the Thursday Championships tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    I got the  wrong here
6   Ops defended well and he could have been 1 off but no change to the score
7   Ops missed game by raising the minor instead of bidding the major
8   Partner tried to give the Ops a good score by playing his Q under their AK but it still worked out well as Ops should be in s!
9   Partner jumped to 2, I didn't know what to do, I could have played it slightly better but this was never going to go well!
10   Ops had a mis-understanding and we were mean and doubled
11   Ops let partner ruff the second  and set-up a discard, well played partner
12   Ops bid too high in the minor, 3NT was the contract
13   A helpful lead here, well played partner
14   Well bid Ops
18   Well bid partner!  Asking if I had a stop was perfect as if I said no, retreat to 3, nobody else found game
20   I need to switch to my s here rather than trying to set-up partner's s
21   Ops defended well to defeat this but they need to be in 4s
23   Ops could play a little better but they bid too high here
24   Partner needs to let the J run to make this


9th October 2018


Worked at home as had the handyman here for the last time.

He fitted 2 backing plates to hide open wires behind the fridge, fixed the socket to the wall, fitted in a new light outside (solar), fixed 3 doors, fixed the downstairs toilet flush and advised on the plans for next year, all for £50!!!!

We are so lucky to have found him!

Had a match tonight, my shoulder was still tense and I didn't play well, we lost by 34 points (within 30 is 2-1, we lost 3-0) - a shame and I felt I let them down tonight.

Playing at YHBC with another new partner tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

8th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session which is also for the Greta Clark Cup

A busy day at work then soup for dinner and out to bridge.

I leave early to help set-up and also bring the club laptop back.

A solid night tonight, just a few wobbles - we were placed but no cup tonight, well done Jane & Keith!

I have set the competitions to automatically update with the results pages and you can go back through the years too (the blue link above).

Have also updated the roll of honour - HERE

Playing in a Badminton match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops doubled and didn't get the defence right, I was very lucky!  Having been naughty and overcalled with a 4 card suit (to push Ops up), I was very lucky to get away with this
4   Not many found the correct defence, our Ops did
5   Partner played brilliantly to make the extra trick, only 1 pair found game which was hard to find
8   Brilliant again from partner here making an extra trick by setting up the
9   I did as I should on this board
10   I need to lead a  here, I nearly did too - partner ducks the first one and we defeat this, sorry partner
16   The last hand for us and partner was too bold putting me up, Ops defended well too
18   Ops bid well but didn't get the play quite right
20   Ops didn't find the  lead.  Some also didn't open with my hand but I think 5 s and 11 HCP is an opening hand
22   We pushed Ops up here, they did well to only go 1 off though


7th October 2018


We had a relaxing morning and then went to Tesco for the weekly shop.

Margaret and her granddaughter arrived before we got back but only by about 5 minutes - showed Stephanie round the house and had a cuppa and a chat for an hour then they went off for lunch and we played bridge with 2 friends.

A close game, Vee and I split up and Vee won by 500 over 24 hands!

Really nice and relaxing day.  After they left, Vee mowed the lawn (borrowed a mower from his brother).

Lots of matches to be arranged now and made a start on the Surrey league as the draw came out today.

Playing at CBC for the Greta Clark Cup tomorrow

6th October 2018


Watched the most emotional episode of "This Is Us" this morning, really is such a good series.

My Sister came over to see us and the house then we took her out for lunch, was nice though Vee's meal was a bit heavy (with a starter too, it was a bit much).

Nice to catch up with her though, we don't see each other very often.

We sorted out some house chores and emptied the chest freezer into the new freezer (exciting!), nice to see things in their correct place though.

I drove to the pub for a friend's 40th party - it was much better than I expected!  Vee had a few drinks and was fine (though on the edge I think.....!).

A nice day all in all!

I also noticed this morning my grade now finishes with 8.88 - the lady I played with last night ha sa number plate with 888 as it's numbers - I thought that was quite a coincidence (funny the things I spot!).

Playing Bridge with friends tomorrow

5th October 2018


Playing with a new partner in a regular club session.

Finished off the Soup for dinner, still good!  Then on to Bridge with a new partner!

We have had a lot of fun with Jane on holidays (Vee and Viv too) and she asked me a month or so ago if I had any Friday's free.  Alas, I don't have many free dates so have tried to fix her up with others (mainly Jo and they did well).

I had this one free though and so off we go.....

I wasn't on form tonight and Jane had a busy day and was a little tired and we are a new partnership, add to that the worst hands I have seen for a long time and only 5 tables so likely to be skewed scores and it is clearly a recipe for disaster............  Fortunately not, a good set with very few blips!

One blip I won't forget for a long time though.....  Hand 22 (not in the write up below), Ops are in 4 and half way through the play the 7 is played from dummy, low from partner, LOW from declarer and then me - I hold 8, 4 in s and am thinking we play reverse count so I must show the doubleton by playing small first......... I play the 4!!!!!!!  Agggghhhhhhh!!!!!!

Lunch with my big Sister tomorrow then a 40th birthday party with friends

The Highs and Lows:

2    We pushed Ops up nicely then I doubled - it should go off but I didn't defend too well - I think the easiest line though is the K lead from partner and then a switch but I ended up giving a ruff and discard
4   Lucky here, Ops discarded a and I got the s right
5   Partner jumped to 5 - Ops doubled then took it out to 5s - I pounce!
7   Ops missed a slam - good for them as most were not in game!
8   Partner played exceptionally well to only go 1 off here, I didn't offer much as dummy!
10   We defended well here
11   Partner played well to make the over trick, some went off
16   I made both my s as ruffs and partner ended up with the winning , well defended
17   Ops made a phantom sacrifice which was too costly as it happened anyway
18   We were in the right spot here, partner still had to play well to make it though
20   Ops had the points but partner had the s....  Why did nobody else take this off 3 though?
23   Well played partner!
24   Great defending again here, we took our tricks


5th October 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another busy day (in the office today).

Still managed to print off a new convention card for another new partner next Wednesday as well as finalise matches for the Lady Rose and NICKO.

We had a pleasant afternoon with 1 major error each and a few wobbles, generally good though.

I stayed on at the end to help pack up and take the laptop home for finalising the new Tabs set-up.  Margaret kindly took Dorothy home.

Playing again after Dinner (with a new partner!)

The Highs and Lows:

1    I think I played this quite well....!  The lead helped me though.
4   We missed the slam, only one pair found it - I did well being in the right nomination though
5   Nobody else found the right game
9   Ops never found the s, I looked for the slam but chickened out as I could only ask for key cards in s in our auction (I needed an Ace or K)
12   Ops pushed us up but fortunately, 1 off was just ok for us
13   Not many found game
14   We stayed at the right level, one pair made an over-trick
16   Ops decided on NT instead of the s, I think I agree too, just didn't work for them here
19   I asked for a ruff and partner switched to a trump....
20   Partner bid s so Ops never found their tricks - an interesting event in this hand, I played a second (having lost to the Q earlier) and both Ops played a , I asked, no s?" to East who said "Ah, yes", at which point, West also said "Oh, me too!" - I have never seen a double penalty card hand before!!!!
21   Partner signalled for a and I played my K - I should play a low one showing the honour or, simply carry on with my s
22   Partner played this really well, Ops discarded a and she was waiting for it and set-up dummy!
24   I was cheeky and overcalled 1, partner raised me to 3 and I made it!!!  Sorry Ops, bit too cheeky, even for me - Ops led away from the K in the play though which I ducked to my Q allowing me to make the contract.


4th October 2018


Playing with a regular partner and Team mates in a Division 1 BBL match.

Another day at home today but working and waiting - new Fridge arrived today and could be between 7am and 7pm - they narrow it down at 7am to 3pm and 7pm and it arrived at 5.30pm!

Our handyman was due to come back to fit panels over open sockets behind the fridge and attach the old socket to the wall (plus fixing our doors) but unfortunately he broke his finger last night so has postponed.

The fridge is now in though and looks good, much bigger too and we are happy!

Had home made Stilton & Celery Soup tonight (some for Margaret and our neighbours too!).

I drove tonight, picked Margaret up and then onto David's (Alan met us there) and on to Bracknell.

We had a tricky start and partner kept over-bidding and our defence was not great.  Second half was better but not by enough.  Only reviewing swings of 7 or more but we had a number of plus scores in the second half.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Session 1: (6-45)
3    We let 3NT through when only 8 tricks are there, Team mates went 2 off too
9   I messed up the play on this hand went off in a cold game
10   I valued my 11 count as good and so opened 1NT, partner had a great transfer hand and so put me to 2, then she bid 3 so I thought game was there - we need to stay in 2, she had a flat 10 count!
Session 2: (32-26)
16   Ops bid a slam against team mates missing AK, unfortunately, our Team mates didn't fin the  lead - we made 12 tricks too but were not in the slam
17   We both made a part score for a double plus
21   We made a sensible major game, Team mates defeated an ambitious 3NT
23   Partner messed up the play on this hand went off in a cold game


3rd October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session which was also the  Greta Clark Cup (Weds)

A hectic day today!

We have a handyman, who is very good, booked in for today.  He was scheduled to start at 10am but was delayed until 2pm!  He kept me informed though.

I worked at home and 1 meeting turned into 4 anyway, was glad to be on my own without the power being turned off as it happened.

I had actually booked today off completely but agreed to attend 1 call for an hour, it then spiralled!!!

The handyman took out the cabinet next to our oven and the integrated fridge (we still have the fridge plugged in but emptied it into cool-bags after bridge so all set for tomorrow).

He also took out the old shower downstairs and installed a new one (all works!) and replaced the ceiling rose in the dining room and installed the shade for us.

We had a few issues turning the water off as there is a second stop-cock for the extension in the ceiling hatch outside the bathroom, who knew!  Well, we know now!

He has looked at 4 door handles too and saved us money by telling us it is not the handles but the way they have been put up.  He is coming back in the morning to fix the frames for us (no charge!).

I paid him cash and asked if he wanted extra for the other bits he has done, he said no, he reduced the bill in fact!  We are not letting him go!!!

Vee was a star tonight, he got home as the handyman left - I was planning to have the house clean and tidy but everything was delayed - I had cleared everything but not cleaned - he cleaned as I made him a cup of tea.

He then set to making the soup ready for tomorrow (as I have to leave early tomorrow night) and he made dinner tonight (just Toasties but still) - I am so lucky.

Only 1 table in the Improvers tonight - Vee played with them and sent Val home for a rest, it is not looking like we will continue with the group but will see how it goes over this month.

Finally, on to tonight......

Jill and I have both suffered with health recently but both on form tonight (though my shoulder is playing up).  We had a solid night and bid and played well throughout - the only red scores were unlucky and out of our control.

Pleased to see Arun & Derek near the top, they would have been 2nd just behind us if we hadn't defended so well on the very last hand against them!

Tonight was a Cup event too which is a bonus.  Really enjoyed tonight, Jill was rock solid and I knew exactly what she had in the bidding and play, nice.

The Wednesday Ladder looks interesting now too....

Vee drove home early too as Jill had kindly offered to take me home (it is just about on her way), thanks again partner!

Playing in my first BBL match tomorrow for CBC

The Highs and Lows:

5    I think we are right to be in game here, just unfortunate that we cannot get the  away in time, partner did her best setting up the long  but not in time
6   We found game here, I was very lucky North didn't win the  and trap my second , it would have been all over then!  I was banking on the s but when they didn't break, I had to set-up the s and hope - I got away with it
7   I played quite well here, guessed the s and Ops set-up the s for me
10   Well bid Ops
12   I had 1 point and won 3 tricks!  I found the right lead (not hard!) and Ops let partner win her Q so she could get me back in with her 3rd
13   Ops should pass and leave me in 2 - we had a gift
18   We missed the slam but were in the right nomination - I opened 1NT with a reasonable 11 but I didn't support partner's s when I knew she was 5/5 or better in s and s - if I had, we would have found 6
20   We bid game, not everyone did
21   Well bid partner, I was only really bidding to show what I wanted led, good judgement to bid up to 3 though - I played it reasonably well to only go 1 off too
24   We were in the right contract and partner played well to make it too, it was not as easy as it looked


2nd October 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a club Teams event

Worked at home this morning then had some of CBC committee over to help set-up the Bridge Tabs.

The session didn't go too well as we couldn't get them started, at the very end I realised we had too many tabs running and so "computer said NO"!!!  Would have been helpful for the error message to have told us this but hey!

They actually work very well and I used them tonight at Ascot, nearly there - Vee and I will play with ours at the weekend and then have another Committee session to go through them.

We didn't shine tonight but got the system right (mostly!) - a couple of defensive slips and a better second half than first.

Enjoyed the night and our Team mates did well.  We had our moments too, will be a negative for our NGS but a fun night.

Need to get more dates with Chris to keep going with Precision.

Playing at YHBC in the Greta Clark (Weds) tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

The Highs and Lows:

10    Team mates went off in game
11   Team mates doubled and defended brilliantly!
13   They didn't bid game against our Team mates
14   I made an extra trick and wasn't doubled, Team mates defended perfectly AND doubled!
17   Team mates didn't bid game
19   Poor double by partner when he knows this is a shapely hand
25   I played this quite well
26   Great sacrifice partner!
32   Good double from partner this time, I didn't take my A though crying


1st October 2018


Playing with my life partner in a regular club session.

A busy day at work, carried on when home too.

Vee cooked a nice dinner (Quiche, fried new potatoes and veg) and then we headed off to CBC early to set-up.

A poor start but we picked up and ended with a respectable score - I was well behaved too and we kept calm!

Lots of comments about seeing Vee play too which was nice (he is the nice one of the 2 of us!) - a good run for him too, Anne, Rob and now me, so pleased for Vee

Finalising the Bridge Tab set-up and playing at Ascot tomorrow in a club Teams night (Precision)

The Highs and Lows:

1    Partner had a nice hand and passed throughout, I showed strength too - he apologised as he put dummy down and looked glum when I made 12 tricks - I said nothing though
2   I jumped to 3NT and Ops doubled, I thought for 2 minutes and decided to jump again to 6s (now I know more about the hand), Ops doubled again - Vee played well and made it!  We had a good score anyway as we were the only pair in a slam
3   I made a tricky game but it seemed clear cut at the time
8   Partner should put me back to my first suit, perhaps I shouldn't mention my grotty s though?
13   We defended well here, Ops were better leaving us in 1NT though
14   I made a terrible lead, should lead a trump
16   Partner never mentioned his s!!!!!
18   We took our tricks here (eventually!), partner thought they were playing in s and so switched after the 2nd !!!  We got it back though
23   I had a bit of luck here and played well too, 1NT, X, 2 (transfer) - well bid partner
24   Odd here - same auction as the last hand but this time Ops double (penalties but not realised by their partner) - they went to 3s and we defended really well


30th September 2018

Met Cup:

Playing with a regular partner and Team mates in the Met Cup representing Surrey.  We didn't have a good day as a team but our B team Won and A team were 2nd, well done both! 

B Team Results  A Team Results

Vee did the shopping today and the garden (with Margaret's help!) and the lady who purchased our old house made some Indian treats for Vee and delivered them for him too!

I drove to David's where Colin picked us up to drive us to and from the venue, Jill met us there.  Thanks for driving Colin.

We didn't feel we had done too badly and we had a reasonable X-Imp for the first half (13th out of 36) but the second half we were 34th out of 36, sorry team.

To see our scores, click the purple link at the top and then session 1 or session 2.

Playing with Vee at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Session 1:
7    This was unlucky, the Q finesse could be taken either way (some had a  lead too!!!) and partner guessed wrong
9   Not many made game here but partner did!  A helpful lead meant no  losers
14   I didn't know what partner's double meant and didn't feel I was strong enough to bid 3 over partner's s so I agreed s
22   We defended perfectly here and took 4 off - Ops finessed both KQ and partner won them both!
Session 2:
5   I forgot we played Lebensohl so supported partner's s - of course, she didn't have s!!!  I should bid 3NT if I realise what is happening
6   Partner can play this better
8   I need to switch to a trick 2 and we do better
10   Ops got into a mess and we defended well for an extra trick too


29th September 2018

Day Off:

Watched a really emotional This Is Us this morning and then Vee went to meet family and I went to Barbara to help with her laptop and a few technical issues (not all bridge!)

I helped her with most things but couldn’t work out how to keep the light bright without the power lead - did everything else though and sorted out the one drive links for her and got a non bridge file working - took nearly 3 hours but am happy to help

Watched lots of master chef episodes when Vee home (and some wine!)

Early night as a full day tomorrow!

Playing in the Met Cup for the Surrey C Team tomorrow

28th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Watched Taskmaster and had Pizza tonight then off to the club.

June's partner didn't turn up (I think it was a mix up) so John Walker kindly raced over to play (they got above 50% so not bad on the fly!)

9 Full tables too, good turn out.

We had a lot of tops and bottoms tonight and it really was a roller coaster - partner was brilliant and "not brilliant" in equal measure, great fun though!

A coat and a jumper were left behind tonight, it was very hot in the hall and a lot came with jackets etc and took them off early on - I have sent an email out and both have been claimed!

Started too feel much better last night, a little achy but head started to clear by the end of the night.

Dorothy gave me some medicine too (a big bottle of red wine!!!) which has been depleted a little too....!  Thank you Dorothy

Helping Barbara with her laptop tomorrow and relaxing the rest of the day!

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops open 1, that is all I have so I pass, we defended perfectly cross ruffing most of the hand, well played partner!
3   Partner showed me a very strong hand in the bidding, then dummy went down....
5   Ops meant the double as take out and it was left in for penalties
6   Well bid Ops - they showed 5 key cards, very rare and Colin was able to work it out too, some would have assumed 2 key cards automatically and passed
7   Ops were mean and doubled me, others didn't get the double
8   Ops didn't return the lead for the ruff, phew!
9   We didn't take our s, not the best lead either, away from a King
10   I should open 1 here rather than downgrading my hand to 1NT
11   I played well here, Ops helped by not continuing the s and playing the Cs for me
12   We were in the right contract
16   I was mean and pushed the Ops up and then partner was brave and doubled
17   Well bid partner, great sacrifice
22   Ops were in the right contract
25   We defended well here, Ops could have ruffed s before playing the trumps though
26   We tried to push the Ops up but they wouldn't go!  I meant my double as penalties but 2s makes!  Partner could have played a little better than 3 off though
28th September 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another hectic day at work but finished in time for bridge!

A fairly solid performance and no tempers or moods (from either of us!) - just our defence that needs work

I took Dorothy home after (as usual) and traffic was quite heavy but not too delayed.  Also have a set of boards from today for David to re-deal which I shall pass on tonight at YHBC.

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1    Well bid Ops - I didn't think 5 would be a good sacrifice so not much we could do here
4   A good sacrifice but nobody bid and made game EW!
7   A good sacrifice!
8   Well played partner, lucky not to get a  lead
10   Well played again partner making the extra trick
13   Well bid Ops
17   Ops pushed us into game here, was glad they did!
18   I miss-played this but even 1 off is a bad score as Ops need to bid on and let us double them!
19   Well bid Ops, we let a trick through too
21   We got a good score for simply taking our tricks
22   Ops got their defence to 1NT wrong, I shouldn't have opened 1NT and the play was odd - other than that, a standard hand!
23   I opened 4 - Ops bid 4 (cheeky) and I bid on, 4 doubled could have been interesting and 5 doubled even more so...!


27th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Took the day off today as feeling very low and still have a constant mild headache - work laptop on and still did 3 hours or so (which I shouldn't have!).

Took my cat to the Vet this afternoon and they kept him in - I picked him up at 6pm with a £240 bill!  He seems a lot better but waiting on blood test results tomorrow or Monday to see if it is his kidneys or not.

I had prepared dinner earlier so got home from the Vets and ate quickly before heading out to CBC (with the laptop so I had to go!).

I had set everything up with a duplicate club on the laptop so as not to confuse the system with the new settings for the Bridge Tabs but forgot to put the % back on!  Nobody seemed to mind too much and fixed it at the end of the session.

We had a roller coaster session tonight but more was good than bad!  I had a few moments where everything was too fuzzy to think, partner did too as it happens!

Pleased that Margaret played with Marion again, and did quite well!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    I didn't play this well, I should play a low  from dummy to my 7 (which I had planned to do) but chickened out so went 1 off.  Fortunately, Ops are making more at other tables
5   I should pass 2!
10   Ops had a misunderstanding and I debated if game in would score more than doubling, I went for the double and it paid off
14   Ops can make game but our sacrifice was not a good one - some managed to go off in s too!
15   I forgot Gerber and was signing off in 4, fortunately, this showed 2 key cards (which I had) and partner put me to 6NT - I had a kind lead and made it but not sure I should have (everyone in 3NT made 12 tricks though)
22   We should make 11 tricks and did, others only made 10
23   Partner played well here and we stayed in the right contract


26th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the first Sylvia Rose match.

I ran the monthly Management meeting today at work, first one with my new system implemented and it went well.  Some improvements needed but at least all are interacting more with it!

We ordered our new American Style Fridge-Freezer tonight too, arrives next Thursday.

Just time for Pasta and then on to Farnham!

Vee was to host the Improvers but only 4 Improvers there with Vee and Val.  Rob is a strong player so they decided that he should play in the main group and Vee played with him (did very well too!!! - their results HERE

Val played with the other 3 socially until 21:30, lets keep hoping the numbers pick up.

CBC had it's first BBL match in Division 1 too, unfortunately, a tough start, bad luck team - their results HERE

Well done to Margaret & Lesley for winning at YHBC tonight!  Their results HERE

I also fixed Barbara up with David as I knew he was free and Barbara asked if I knew anyone - considering it was their first time together, just under 50% wasn't bad.

A busy day and the key people in my life all in different places tonight!

Our match was a game of 2 halves, some silly errors and judgements and we are 14 down at half time.  Some good bidding by Team mates and an 1100 on our side scores 32 in the second half for a nett win (14-6 in VPs)

Simon is in a team for the Sylvia Rose too - they won the first half but lost the second half (largely due to his partner passing 1 when they play 5 card majors with a short !), they had never played together before though.

All the Teams I play in can be seen on my page in YHBC HERE, each section links to the latest results too if you click the section.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1  H2  I open 1NT and Ops play "DONT" over 1NT so Double (single suited hand).  Partner has values and s and bis 2s, Ops double (with 6 points and 6s), I bid 2 as I don't know what to do but have 4 s.  Ops bid 3s in reply to their partner's double and my partner doubles (I alert, penalties).  Ops rescue to 3s and doubled again (alerted, penalties).  5 off for 1100!  Did you follow the bidding?  Tricky huh!
2 H2 Ops stay in a part score, Team mates bid a vulnerable game!
11 H1 We missed game, Ops bid it at the other table
14 H2 Ops stay in a part score, Team mates bid game!
15 H2 Partner takes a gamble, wrong this time partner for -400!
18 H2 Partner makes 11 tricks in 2, Team mates defeat 4
22 H2 Team mates missed game


25th September 2018


Day off today though I still did a lot of work at home.

I also had some of the CBC committee over for coffee & biscuits as we set-up the new Bridge Tabs.

It took longer than expected but we got there!  Looks good but a few niggles to iron out.

It was nice to have a chat today too and David hadn't seen our new house before and was impressed.

Our new sofa arrived as they were here too and looks good - the glass for the fire arrived tonight and completed the front room!

We have ordered a new shower for downstairs and I will order a new Fridge-Freezer tomorrow to arrive for the 4th October after the Handyman has been to complete a few jobs we need doing.

Hopefully after all that, we can relax and save money!

I didn't lose any games at badminton tonight, to be fair, it's because I stayed home to relax!!!  I fell asleep on the sofa too as low on energy - I think I made the right decision to stay home.

Playing at Farnham in the first Sylvia Rose match tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC

24th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 9 of the CBC Monday Championships

A manic day at work but completed everything in time, always chaos when I finish building a new system on the day of implementing it!

A simple supper of Toasties tonight then out to Bridge.

Arrive early as usual (after looking at Fridges with Vee!) and set-up the tables and chairs with a few others.

Only a few real errors tonight but middling scores most of the way, slightly under par but I am still not feeling well.  Partner was very kind and said we could still go home if I am not up to it.  I was grateful, nice to know it would be fine to cancel bridge but decided to stay.  Half way through, we both wished we had gone home!!!

Not a disaster though and a few useful discussions.  We realised we play bidding over a double differently - after partner opens and Ops double, I play that my bids are a level higher than I would have bid - partner plays reverse (so a jump is weak and the next level is strong).  Neither of us are wrong but need to be on the same page.

Neither of us declared well tonight but our defence was good, that is a sign of a good partnership I think.

With 1 event to go in the series, the leaders cannot realistically be caught, we could still come in the top 3 (just) but can only try our best.

3 new members tonight, things are picking up with numbers but we do need them all to come regularly!  Have taken the laptop home to do a bit of admin and for setting up the new Tabs tomorrow!

Playing Badminton tomorrow and setting up the new Bridge Tabs for CBC

The Highs and Lows:

2    I played terribly here, I should get out for 1 off but tried to put East in with a  honour so I had the lead into my hand, it didn't work!  I should take my 3 tricks and run for 1 off
5   Ops didn't find game
7   We stayed low and I played well to make my contract
9   I jumped a level to high with my pre-empt, sorry partner
11   I had no points but no s either, on 1 from partner I decided to bid my 6 card suit, then my 4 card suit and partner put me back into a quiet 2 - I made it (some how!)
14   A poor sacrifice in the end as not many bid and made game (as they should have!)
20   Ops were too ambitious here, partner jumping to 4 pushed them though!
21   Ops didn't have the same understanding of the jump after the double and so bid on after they bid 3s - we quietly defeated 3NT for a good score


23rd September 2018


Playing with a regular partner and team mates in the Surrey Swiss Teams

Not our finest effort today but enjoyed most of it.  We won 3 matches (well, 4 but the last 2 were in the triple and count as half each).

We really won another as had a bad Director decision on match 4 (yet again!) - have decided that if we need a director again, we will ask for a different one to the one that came to our table.

Both pairs made blunders, I went off in a few games (so did most, but not at the other table unfortunately).

We finished on a big high though, especially with partner making 5x and team mates bringing home a plus too!  Also had a board where we got +800 and team mates got +1100 (shame it was on the same board in some ways!!!).

I text Vee when Colin dropped me off at David's (thanks Colin for driving) and he got a light supper ready for when I got home.  Vee also did all the house chores, ordered the weekly shop and put all the clothes away from the weekly wash - I am so lucky to have such a good partner!   Vee is still pleased about yesterday and even more since he saw his NGS went up 1.6% from the session!!!

Playing at CBC in Round 9 of the CBC Monday Championships tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    A tough contract which possibly cannot be made, partner does better to ruff the second club with the 10 though - Ops stayed in 3 against Team mates
7   Team mates missed the NT game, so did our Ops but Team mates went off in their part score
9   We should push to 3 here
13   I made an impossible game as Ops under lead their K  and I put the Q from dummy to win the trick
14   Team mates missed 3NT
18   We bid and made a slim game, Ops made a part score against Team mates
19   Good defence took partner down here, relies on getting the Q right and the clues all pointed to the wrong hand, bad luck partner
22   I made a mess of this hand and went down 1 instead of being plus 1, sorry all - I plated for a 2-2 trump break and got it wrong
23   Auction goes:  1 (Ops), 3 (Me - both majors), 3 (Ops), 3 (Partner), 4 (Ops) - partner asked what the 4 meant after Ops bid 5 on his turn and was told they didn't know.  We pushed this and called the director and he didn't ask East to leave the table so we could ask the bidder.  We were damaged here as with no information, I lead my A before the singleton went away - of course, it showed first round control which Ops didn't inform us of before my lead.  This is not allowed and the director did nothing about it and let the score stand!!!  Still cross now
26   Ops were too ambitious and partner doubled - even more ambitious against Team mates and they doubled too, +800 and +1100 on one board!!!
29   Team mates had a good sacrifice and I made 3NT on a long minor (bid by partner).  Ops didn't find the right lead, it could have gone off - take the luck when you can though!
35   We missed our 3NT game, not enough points but it makes and they bid it against Team mates
39   Most went off in game here, as I did - they made it against Team mates though
42   Partner didn't find the K lead to defeat game, would have been a double plus
50   Partner had a highly distributional hand and was pushed up to 5 - Ops doubled but partner had a void and a great suit (made better with my 4 card support) and it rolled in, well played partner!  Team mates made 170 too for a double plus!


22nd September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the Surrey Swiss Pairs

A long day today and Partner got very tired, a few odd bids and play today but I think partner was just not feeling it.  At the end of the session, she asked if I could play with someone else tomorrow as she couldn't face it - it's not a problem, bridge is not worth getting ill for.

Lots of local players today, most of us were middling with a few in the top 3rd (Andy & Robert, Trevor & Barbara and Keith & Tim).

Vee played with Ann and they loved the day - they won 4 out of 7 and topped the middling group of us, well done both!

We won 3 out of 7 and some of the losses were close - a few odd bids avoided and we would have won 5 I think.

Not great but not bad either.

We invited Ann and Margaret in for a drink after and had a nice chat.  As they left, our neighbours came over for more drinks and a chat!!!

Playing in the Surrey Swiss Teams tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Not many found the right contract, we did
4   Ops jumped and I felt we had the balance of points and I had 4 trumps so I doubled - I kept playing trumps to make them earn their own tricks and we took them 2 off
11   4 is our contract but they bid 4 - I should double now for an OK score but thought we should be in game so bid on
23   Ops had a system blip and ended up to high, we defended well for an extra trick though
24   I bid 5 and Ops didn't double, they went to the 5 level themselves off 2
27   I jumped in s (weak) and partner jumped to 5 - not a bad bid but just not quite there
29   I messed up the play and should have bid 3 (not 4)
30   Ops were too ambitious and partner punished them
32   Ops missed game (and a slam)
33   I should pass 2, sorry partner
37   Partner opened 2NT with 19 and a singleton  with 6s, you can't blame me for not knowing that shape for 2NT and passing with 4 points
38   Ops missed the slam
45   Ops let us make the first and so only made 11 tricks
49   Ops showed a 6 card major and partner jumped to 3NT anyway, I could do better but I can't make this


21st September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A tough day at work but finally completed the new reporting system as I was building so should be ready for Monday.

Have been trying to find a pair for 2 lovely ladies at Camberley who are improving rapidly and so keen.  Jim & Moira have said yes so they have a team in Division 3 now, great news and I wish them happy and successful bridge in the league!

Still not feeling great, constant headache and tummy trouble.  Had a message from Margaret to say she was having a tough morning too so I suggested we cancel as I wasn't well but had a reply saying "see you there" so that was that.

A few more errors today but more good than bad overall.

Pleased to see my friends top, well done Dorothy & John

My partner for tonight was happy to cancel so I have the night off to try and feel better ready for the weekend.

Playing in the Surrey Swiss Pairs tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    A poor double, sorry partner
6   Ops bid a marginal game but it's not there if we find the right defence, fortunately, we did
7   A low level contract but I made the most of it
10   We pushed the Ops up too far and then doubled, sorry Ops
12   Partner played well to make 11 tricks, not everyone did and some didn't bid game
13   Well played Ops
16   I did well to make an extra trick, Ops didn't attack s and set-up the Q for me
17   We found game!
19   Partner can make this by not touching the  and end playing East
20   Nobody found game, we made the most of our part score though
21   I went all on my own but only to the 2 level, I should only have been 1 off but it doesn't improve the score much
23   I showed 4/4 in the majors and gave partner the choice of a 7 card fit or a 9 card fit and she chose the 7 card fit!
24   Ops played a on trick 9, my only route back to dummy to make the s - phew!


20th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

One of my partners was directing tonight and had no partner (due to my own diary mishap).  I asked my regular partner if she would mind and was fortunate that she could find a partner (they did well, as did we so all worked out).

I wasn't feeling good today and wanted an easy day but had 5 conference calls and a whole new system to design and implement ready for next week - chaos!

Felt a bit brighter by the evening and keep smiling.

Marie is a very good player and we did well as a pair - both had some tough contracts to make and made them!  I messed up a couple of NT hands and 1 bad bid by partner, the rest was good.

Margaret played with Vee tonight and enjoyed it but they were not given any gifts at all.

Vee and I stayed at the end to help and also make sure Val wasn't left on her own.  No deal file for the session so we cannot load the hands.

I have a copy and will scan in tomorrow from work and upload as an attachment, not brilliant but better than nothing.  We will load them as soon as we can though.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

5    Ops had 23HCPs between them and pushed to game, not unreasonable to be honest but we defended well and took it 2 off
9   Well bid Ops
10   Ops opened light and their partner went to 3NT, we took an extra trick as partner made her singleton Q
14   We managed to get the  ruff in time to defeat this
15   I managed to make an extra trick here and needed too as I was pushed to 5 - a  lead makes it very tricky - with the A lead, I was able to get the 2 s away on my KQ
16   I put partner into a tricky game as she had bid weakly - no lead and 12 tricks made, well played partner!
17   Ops didn't find game
18   Ops didn't find game
19   I played well and Ops didn't take the A
21   We pushed Ops up and took it 1 off
23   I open 1NT, partner bids stayman, Ops double.  I bid 2, partner bids 2NT all pass.  I think this should show a stop in s - it did not......!  We can make 3// but not s or NTs


19th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 6 of the Beryl Doughty

Tonight was also a Berks & Bucks Sim Pairs event, results on our calendar and HERE

Vee hosted the improvers, only 2 tables again and Simon offered to help too.  Hope we get more attending as Vee & Val have put so much into the group.

We had a nice pasta dish with garlic bread tonight followed by Apple Crumble & Custard, yummy!

Nice to play with Marion tonight, spirits were high after a solid performance this afternoon at Woking and we had a fun night.  Never any arguing and both just play and enjoy.  Marion even enjoys my sense of humour (or, puts up with it well!!!).

Great to see Margaret & Lesley top tonight though Barbara & John are our leading pair in the county - I partner or team up with them all so pleased for them all!

We made a few blunders each but nothing major, a solid performance.  Currently top in the Beryl Doughty but early days (the threat is still Sheila & Peter.....!).

A little late with my Diary tonight as stopped to get Petrol at Tesco on the way home and then adding the Sim Pairs notice to the home page and Calendar, scoring the Improvers session and dealing with emails.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Great defending here partner, found the best lead and we timed the s well too.
6   Not a good score but Ops were heading for the 6 slam - this was actually the best score we could at the table.
8   Ops had 1 chance to finesse my Q and didn't take it, unlucky Ops
13   Well bid Ops, we should have taken 1 more trick though
18   I thought I had played this well but hadn't realised I could only make 8 tricks - Ops never touched the s so they went on the long s


19th September 2018 (Afternoon)


Day off today as agreed to get a practice session before the Met Cup at the end of the month.

We did well today but some tricky hands and a few bad bidding sequences.  Generally good though.

Playing at YHBC after dinner in Round 6 of the Beryl Doughty

The Highs and Lows:

2    Unfortunate, partner opens the major from equal length suits and s would have been better here
3   My fault for opening 1 instead of 1, silly Ian - I did well to be one off with a 6-0 trump split though
4   We defended well to get a few ruffs early on to defeat the contract, useful for me to play a low card asking for a return to get another ruff too
5   We were in the right contract
6   I should settle for a part score here, sorry partner
7   Not many found the right game
8   Not many found game!
12   I should be 1 off here, sorry partner
14   We missed game but nobody found it and we were in the right suit at least
15   We didn't find our  tricks to defeat this
16   We defended well here
18   I should bid 3NT over the weak 2 (showing the minors), partner passed as she has the majors - I missed this
19   I opened 3s and Ops doubled forcing their partner to bid - partner then pounced on 4 and 4!
20   I did well to make this, Ops played the A freely so I didn't need to lose my K
25   Partner made an extra trick here, well played
26   A tricky contract but it is always there, others didn't bid game or went off.  Fortunately, 3NT doesn't score as well either


18th September 2018


Taking today and tomorrow off work.

Ordered glass for our fire in the front room (thanks to the recommendation of Judy).

Made progress with the new Bridge Tabs at CBC and the NICKO teams for CBC.

Helped out with the Subs and Accounts for YHBC and cleaned the house!

Toad in the Hole tonight, yummy!

Badminton was good tonight, the first match of the season for the Men's 4 team and I played well, won most of my games and good scores on the rest.  Unfortunately, we lost by 12 points (266 - 278) but we still pick up a point from it and was a good workout, suffering a little now!

Playing at Woking in the afternoon and at YHBC in round 6 of the Beryl Doughty tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

17th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

In the office today and a busy day, lots of staff on leave (cheaper now schools are back I guess!).

A nice meal of Mac 'n Cheese then I head to the club early to set-up.

I lay out all tables and most of the chairs and bring the set of boards David dealt along with instructions on which sets to use this week (and NOT to use the black set that has not been re-dealt yet!).

An average session tonight but quite a way below par to be honest - we didn't start too well and found it hard to recover.

Pleased Margaret did well tonight, she has had a few things go wrong recently so hopefully a good bridge session will help.

I stayed at the end to score and help pack up too.

Playing in a Men's 4 Badminton match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Unlucky with the trump split, we need to be in 4 but not easy to find
2   Well bid Ops
3   I can make this by playing a low  to my J early on as there is a favourable split but I didn't see it.
6   Well bid Ops
8   Ops did as they should but others didn't
9   Ops were too ambitious here
11   We defended brilliantly getting the cross ruff going
17   Not an unreasonable contract but just not there, others were more cautious or allowed to make it
19   We defended well but Ops gave me a they could have ruffed
21   Ops gave me a ruff and discard to allow me to make 10 tricks, a bit lucky


16th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner and team in the Herts & Essex Green Pointed Swiss Pairs

Fellow YHBC members played in a Hants event too, middling but much better than us!!!!

I had breakfast and went to M&S to get supplied for the break then Alan C picked me up and we met up with Simon at David's (Simon drove us all).

A great run, just over an hour and then time to relax and chat before bridge.

We started well, winning the triple (just luck of the draw we started here) then won a match where team mates were convinced they had thrown it away.

However, no further wins and not much to report on after that I'm afraid!

David said he enjoyed the whole day, I was glad to hear that, to be honest, enjoying playing is really the main part of these events.

Vee had Margaret round for a chat and glass of wine and he got all the house chores done whilst I was out too, he's a good boy!

A light dinner when home and watched 2 episodes of Australian MasterChef then diary....

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

10    Team mates got carried away with the long s.....!
12   Partner made an impossible game by cross ruffing the whole hand, team mates defeated their Ops by playing a round of trumps
13   Partner made another impossible game!
19   Our system failed us, we didn't get to show our major and missed the correct game
20   Partner made 9 tricks in 1NT, team mates defeated 3NT by 2 (interestingly, 8 tricks are possible!)
22   We missed the slam and I played poorly to only make 11 tricks
28   Partner explained his holding, I explained mine and I had the strong hand and signed off in 3NT, partner then bid 4 to look for more and I didn't know why (still don't really) so we missed game (3NT is the contract)
29   Partner jumped to 3NT with a singleton S, 5s is the contract here (team mates defended well to hold their Ops to 10 tricks)
43   Team mates missed game
47   Team mates missed the slam
48   Partner bid 2NT to show the minors, with 2 poor suits and only 7HCPs, perhaps pass is a better bid?  End of a long and frustrating day though and I can understand the frustration


15th September 2018
15th September 2018


We tried to do too much this morning, thought there was time to watch This Is Us (which we did, one of the best episodes so far too!) but.....

We had to clean the house, re-organise furniture, clean cups and plates, wait for Iain to wake up to say goodbye to him and go and get a cake (pictured!!!).

The lady who purchased our old house makes cakes for a living from home and she did a really good job for us - we are friends now and helping each other when and where we can and I mentioned the meeting and she offered to make us a cake!  She didn't want paying for it but I still gave her something!

I got back just as people arrived, Vee was at the door in his dressing gown as Rosemary & John arrived though!!!!  Mildly embarrassing for him but no big deal!

The committee meeting went well though went on until gone 2pm but we covered everything and no major issues, not appropriate to discuss in length here but....

Vee & I both picked up more duties though but we can cope with it.

The Improvers was discussed at length and Vee has a plan and committee approval now too.

YHBC liked the idea we have implemented for tracking members and payments at CBC, I will get together with our Treasurer soon to enable the same process.

We watched more TV in the afternoon after putting the house back together and washing and drying up then dinner and relaxed.

I have been working on an excel file for Team cards for CBC and think I have finished that now (though not fully automated yet, it has the right detail and info).

My plan with the excel file is to enable a teams database to then be selected on the front page to then populate table cards for any movement - once done, I may even give it to the EBU (if they want it).

Playing in the Herts & Essex Green Pointed Swiss Teams tomorrow

14th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session that was also a qualifier for the  Surrey Club Pairs Championships

As I get home from taking Dorothy home from CBC, our friend from Scotland is here, Iain.

He has only been here 5-10 minutes but I arrive as Vee is concluding the house tour!

Great to see him and catch up on events.

We order Chinese and carry on talking then I drive us to YHBC (he is playing with Vee tonight as I had already arranged to play with Nick).

It was doubtful that Vee would make it home on time and Jill had very kindly agreed to be on stand-by if needed, really appreciate the gesture even if not needed in the end.

Vee and Iain enjoyed their night but some odd scores and bad luck where Ops did well against them but the rest of the room didn't bid game or a slam - they were not far of 3rd despite the score below 50%.

We had another roller-coaster but more were good than bad again and had a much bigger score than we deserved!

Great to see Margaret do better tonight too and earn points so she has qualified for the Surrey final with Simon if they are free and interested.   Unfortunately, it is my birthday weekend and I doubt I can make it (I qualified Monday too!).

YHBC Committee meeting tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    We were in a better contract than most, partner actually could and should have made 12 tricks but only 1 pair did and it is risky to try for it
4   Ops never touched s so I mad 12 tricks, we should have been in 6s though but nobody was
6   Partner didn't take the finesse, unlucky
7   I think N could be NTs here, tough as it denies 4s though, only 2 pairs found 1NT
13   A good contract but partner needs to play Q trick 1, then A and a low and 9 tricks made
14   I bid weakly and partner still raised me to game - I made it some how too!  I lost a early when I still had space and so got my losers away in time
18   Ops kept competing with each other, in the end we decided to double every bid they made and then defended perfectly
20   I was in the right contract here making what I should
21   I was too ambitious here and I should have asked partner to bid too, better in s (and a part score!), I was too wild here
22   Not easy to find game, I don't have any Aces but do have a nice hand, I open 1, partner bids 1, I raise to 3 and he decided to go for it - good decision partner!
23   Ops got their system wrong, it happens and we happened to gain from it, unlucky Ops


14th September 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A busy day with work today and just finished in time to get to Bridge, heavy traffic too.

Not a good day today, partner went wrong on the first board and she often fails to recover from that, unfortunately, today was one of those days.

Playing again after dinner (as is Vee)

The Highs and Lows:

4    The last hand of the session and I risked it all here for a good sacrifice, this did not work out well though!
5   Partner told me she had a 4 card major, very confused trying to find it.....
7   Partner forgot we bid 2NT after a weak 2 to find out more so we missed the 3NT contract
8   I downgraded my hand here, it stopped us overbidding and partner played well too
9   Partner played well to make an extra trick
10   We were in the right contract making 11 as we should
11   Partner opened weak (limit bid) then bid again, afraid we got we deserved here
14   Ops ruffed a winner by mistake giving us an extra trick in defence
15   Partner bid 4 (past 3NT), we had no choice but to be in the wrong contract
16   Ops made a good sacrifice here, unfortunately, no NS found (or made) the  slam
17   We were in a nice 5 (not doubled), partner bid again to 5 which Ops then doubled, we would have had a great sacrifice here
19   I doubled this and partner had bid s, so I know to lead a through and we must not lead a , I signalled for s and nothing came - turned a top into a bottom
23   I didn't take my Ace
24   Ops were in the right contract


13th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 9 of the Thursday Championships

Worked at home as had smart meters installed, 8am and took him until 10:30am but didn't interrupt me too much.

I was asked to help with a website too, built a new one in Bridgewebs (as that is what I know) even though it is not Bridge related, hope it looks ok.

We had our handyman over tonight to quote for more work so decided to cook Tesco Finest meals, unfortunately, I didn't think much of mine so didn't eat much of it, Vee's mac n cheese looked much nicer!

At the club early and discussed the new Bridge Tabs, welcomed Val back from her holiday and sorted out a few bits of admin.

We didn't start off too well tonight, partner could have played better but we made up for it on the second board.  A night of ups and downs and not great, amazed to see the score was ok!

We are not going to catch Marie & Robin who have the title already but 2nd place is very close!

We are playing again at YHBC tomorrow so will try and get it right then!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops missed game (and a slam), they played it well though
4   A terrible bidding sequence (by both of us) but I punted the slam in the end and it paid off
7   I need to overtake partner's K to hold this to 10, sorry partner
9   Not an easy lead for partner here, unfortunate
14   Ops missed game, we defended well too
15   Partner should open 1, not 1NT - as it happens, the play would have got us a good score if my 10 had been thrown away to unblock the suit!
16   Ops were too ambitious here, a  lead gains another trick too I think
19   Ops missed 3NT, we defended well to defeat 2 too though
20   Ops allowed partner to ruff a , then played the wrong to promote my J
22   A good sacrifice though we nearly pushed Ops into the slam, phew!
23   Well bid Ops
24   Not a good sacrifice, I should be a bit stronger for my jump overcall, sorry partner


12th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 3 of the YHBC Teams Series

Vee hosted the Improvers, 2 tables again (just enough), huge score for Sue & Kevin, well done both!

I said goodbye to my neighbour at work who is moving to Head Office (cakes today though!)

Quiche for dinner with home made wedges, nice!

My team didn't need me tonight so I formed a scratch team of friends, we did quite well! Really appreciate them all coming out, they are good friends

Really pleased that my own team did well without me too, we are well placed in the teams series (only played 2 of the events but our average is 10% clear of the field so far).

The cards were NS tonight but I felt David & I got the defence spot on most hands.  I missed 3NT on the last round and let a game through early on.

Our team mates were amazing, they claimed to have missed a slam (they didn't bid it against either though so no damage) and bid game that wasn't there on a hand where I feel they should bid game.

Diary is late as I have loaded the Improvers results and submitted the P2P, re-loaded Teams with X-Imps, downloaded scores and calculated the Teams Series, updated my Teams scores online (HERE), updated my own diary and organising a badminton match plus other e-mails (and a ciggie and glass of wine!).

Playing at CBC tomorrow in round 9 of the CBC Thursday Championships

The Highs and Lows:

6    We defended well to hold Ops to 10 tricks in 3NT (not material in teams though) but our team mates took 1 off doubled for 800!
8   Partner made this tricky game (played by West), Ops defeated theirs (played by East).  Interesting here, with 10HCP, I hate bidding 1NT (partner says it is right to do this with 8-10 over 1), I prefer the stronger hand to play and on this occasion, the lead is much better for us this way.  I bid a semi-natural 1 and then raised to 3NT
11   Not an easy game here but I made it (as most did) but our team mates defeated their Ops!
14   I opened 1NT here, I know, not many would but I valued it as such.  Partner transferred to s and Ops bid 2!!!  I then pass and partner doubles, Ops bid s, I double, Ops now rescue in South to 3s, partner doubles and North tries 3NT and I double - (all alerted until the final double as ALL were penalties).  Team mates also were doubled but in a more sensible contract
15   Team mates made a quiet 1NT+1, our Ops opened 1 and partner doubled, all pass - we defeat 1 for 800!
16   Ops missed the slam, our team mates bid the slam!
22   Partner made 3NT, team mates were defending a part score and held it to 8 tricks too
25   I should enquire about the stop here, sorry for being cowardly partner


11th September 2018


A good day today with more deliveries for home (new cigarette bin for the garden and new TV remotes) and had Stilton & Celery Soup again with 3 cheese bread, yummy!

Caught up with more TV with Vee then off to badminton.

I set-up the posts, nets and shuttles and put benches out then started playing - only lost 1 game which was a tight game, felt good!

I see Margaret has her Life Master credited as the monthly points went on today, it should show in the Rankings list tomorrow, well done again Margaret, official now!

Playing in a scratch team at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

10th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session (also a qualifier for the Surrey Club Pairs Challenge Final)

A quiet day at work and Vee had the day off so I cam home at 2pm and relaxed.

Home made soup for dinner (Stilton & Celery) and took a bowl for Margaret tonight too!

I arrived early and set-up the tables and chairs and settled down for bridge - a good night and enjoyable too with only 1 red score.

We are getting together tomorrow to discuss a few system ideas and how we both bid in certain situations.

We have qualified for the Final of the Club Pairs Challenge  but not sure if we will enter, it is our Birthday weekend and we have a meal with our neighbours on the Saturday (with a LOT of wine planned!!!) - will see a little nearer the time....

I have been asked to add grid lines to the summary below as it is not always clear which hand the description refers to (depending on what size screen you have), see if this is better.....

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    I dislike the Ops being allowed to play in 2 of a major, partner had doubled so I put a cheeky bid in and it worked, 1 off
5   There is no game available but most made game - we defended well to take this 1 off
7   Partner played well for the extra trick, the  through twice from Ops helped
8   I did well to make this, I had set-up 7 tricks with the s but decided to try and make an over-trick, disaster!  Fortunately, only 1  was taken and I still got home
9   I made a penalty double of 3 but partner thought it was take-out, we need to firm up on these doubles - not an issue as we hadn't discussed it and just one of those things
10   Not all bid game and not all made it, I downgraded my hand in 3rd seat to 1NT then upgraded once I knew partner had 11 and 4s
11   Partner made her singleton K and a ruff, unlucky Ops
16   I was West on the last round, I played well here squeezing the Ops at the end to hope a was discarded, it was - 9 tricks
19   Ops were in the right contract but we defended well and took out their trumps
20   Ops need to jump, they missed game
22   We defended well holding this to 9 tricks, Ops had a choice on which way to take the finesse and guessed wrong, unlucky Ops


9th September 2018


Breakfast and TV as washing starts followed by Tesco (early) and home to finish the washing and dry outside.

Then a light lunch and off to Basingstoke to play Poker with friends (we both played well and I won a game, only played 2 today).

We played cards against humanity after (a very silly game, bit rude/crude too but all good fun!).

Home to finish chores and put bins out etc then starters from the Chinese as we finish catching up with TV.

A nice day!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

8th September 2018


A relaxing morning watching MasterChef then went to the Aviator to meet up with friends and had a lovely lunch for Jo's birthday.

They didn't charge for the second bottle of wine and a beer and gave Jo a Happy Birthday plaque and chocolate!

Nice to chat and laugh and food was good too.

More TV when home and didn't really do a lot, nice to relax with Vee though.

Playing Poker with friends tomorrow

7th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Or so I thought.................

Due to a major accident involving an air ambulance, Jill couldn't make it and called me to say she would keep trying.

At that moment, I asked my partner if he would play with Alan instead (Jill's partner) as he was directing and had come with Pamela.  It just didn't make sense for him to go home or wait around as a non-playing director.

I waited for Jill as we would be the half table so a 3 board sit-out but she couldn't get through so I came home.  I had already played today and so will spend the evening with my 4 best friends (Vee, Nemo, Pepper and Vino!!!)

Hope Nick and Alan do well in my absence as a last minute pairing (they play together anyway so should be fine)

Very tight at the top, first 6 all within 4% - pleased to see Jo & Jane do well tonight

Lunch with Bridge friends tomorrow

7th September 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A busy day at work and just got out on time for Bridge.

After last night, I had decided I have to keep up-beat and keep the mood light - I made jokes and funny comments all day and the session was much better!

Partner must pass my penalty doubles and I made 2 phantom sacrifices, other than that all was good.

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops missed a  trick
3   Ops refused to take their A
4   Better in s and probably a phantom sacrifice
5   We found game, not many did
9   Too ambitious Ops!  That said, I doubled 3 for penalties, lucky escape!
10   Ops need to win the first trick, then the Q is still a guard after losing the K
13   Ops should agree s rather than s as they didn't have 2 more s than s
15   We were in the right contract
16   A phantom sacrifice, sorry partner
20   I should double here but I wasn't confident, a good score though
23   Ops missed game
24   Too ambitious Ops


6th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 5 of the Chairman's Shield  (note, the schedule will be updated in a day or so)

A great day today, had my hair cut, went to Tesco to change a remote for our new lights (without the receipt) and they could not have been more helpful, so pleased at how good they were and now we have a working remote!!!

Had our windows cleaned inside and out too, they did a good job!

2 meetings for work, both went really well.

A nice fish pie for dinner too!

Bridge was not so good though, our team mates did quite well but we did not perform well.

Vee played tonight too, he enjoyed the session and did quite well as a pair too - not bad considering they had never played together before!

I have loaded the X-Imps and updated the Find-A-Partner and the Rota, now watching "This Is Us"

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    We were in game (as we should be), I made 12 tricks as Ops revoked but they were not happy about it and it is teams so I let it go.  Team mates were allowed to play in 2 - great score!
4   I played well to make this impossible game, Ops did well to make their 4 for a double plus
7   We were in the right contract (I made 2 extra tricks too), Ops were in a part score against our team mates
9   Our team mates missed game
16   Good defence, we should have been in 3NT (partner forgot 3NT showed AKQ) but 4 should make too, very good defence though
19   I had to go up with the K on trick 1, not easy
20   A phantom sacrifice, perhaps I should pass or double Ops in 4
21   I was too ambitious
28   We bid game, Ops were in a part score against Team mates and they held them to 9


5th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another busy day but sorted some house things as well as a full day at work.  Pasta for dinner then off to our old house to collect post (and have a nose at the changes!).

They have re-done the kitchen and floor and painted throughout, looks nice.  They want to have us over for a meal soon too!  They were not sure how the heating worked and Vee showed them.

On to YHBC after that where Vee hosted the Improvers (2 tables, enough for a session but we really do need more).

I played with Jill (first Wednesday of the month) and we had a good session tonight, only 2 bad boards and some were exceptional, I really enjoyed the defence of 1NT, we could not have been more in tune on that hand!

I had a ruling against me where Ops both hesitated and they were allowed to score for their contract - tonight, another pair both hesitated and they were not allowed to keep their score on hand 8!!!

As it happens, I agree that it should not be awarded but it seems really unfair to me that this is to stand and mine is not - a harsh game this!

Great to see Margaret & Simon at the top, well done both

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

5    Perfect defence here, delighted at how in tune we were, well done partner!
17   I played better than everyone here for a bottom as we were too high, I should pass 3 and see what happens, sorry partner
18   A great score for a pass out!  I think West should open 1 though
19   I played this well!  Partner played the next hand equally well too (though not quite a dark green for a mention)
22   Ops were too ambitious, I wanted to double but didn't think I could count all of my tricks in defence
23   Well played Ops, dropping the Q was the right play - I think a lead is better from me too though


4th September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the EBED Sim Pairs

A good day today and Steak & chips for dinner (I cooked for me and our lodger).

I drove to Ascot and made good time, arrived early and set up the room.

We had a great start but a few errors crept in.  I missed the 9 on the very last hand too, I did the same last night - perhaps I could request this card be removed from the pack!

Not a huge score but against a strong field, not too bad.

The hands downloaded from the EBU didn't show the makable contracts grid, I downloaded them and re-processed with Dealmaster and sent to Chris P who kindly reloaded them.  I feel they are improved a lot with the grid of what can be made and find it useful.

Well done Margaret, good score at Woking tonight!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    A helpful lead for the over trick, well played partner
2   I should pass or double 3, sorry partner
4   Partner can do better than this, strong defending though
6   I should pass 3, sorry partner
8   I needed partner to overtake my J to play the Q through dummy, still, the double was enough for a join top
9   I missed the 9, I hate that card!!!!!  Cost me 3 tricks at the end, sorry partner
11   We defended this as well as I have seen any contract defended all year, well done partner!  I did well to take out the trumps but a great lead and signal
12   Another helpful lead allowing the extra trick
16   Not a good sacrifice partner, Ops don't make their game, unfortunate
17   It looks like we need to push Ops up here
18   We talked the Ops out of game!
19   I think partner needs to bid his s here
22   Ops were too ambitious and we defended well
24   The only hand of the night we defended badly, though, I think Ops played well
26   I played well here


3rd September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A good day at work today and a nice meal tonight (Kievs and Veg).

My regular partner couldn't make it tonight and Jill kindly stepped in for me, thanks partner!

We had a lot to do tonight, I played 14 of the 26 hands and partner played 3, I made a mess of a couple but generally we did ok.  2 hands which we could and should have done better on near the end would have put us 2nd instead of 5th too, shame.

Vee played too but neither of them felt they played too well - very tough hands though.

Playing at Ascot tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    I wasn't;t strong enough to bid here but felt I had a free bid over Ops 2 - I didn't expect it to pass after that though and we landed in the only makable contract
6   Making the extra trick is always key in duplicate and the lead gave me the momentum here along with Ops signalling with the 10 early on (a key card they cannot afford to discard)
8   We get a good score for being in the right contract making the right number of tricks
12   I should have only gone 2 off here, I should play 2 trumps as I did then 3 s and discard a on the 3rd  (Ops can trump but with the master)
15   Well defended Ops, I should have ruffed the s early though and made 10 tricks (not 8!)
16   We get a good score for being in the right contract making the right number of tricks
19   Partner needs to play a after the 2 s, not a - we need to take the entry off dummy and avoid me being end played
22   Well defended Ops, we were in the right contract but tough defence
23   A good sacrifice here over 4s - a bonus that I made it!
26   I was certain the 9 was played on the first round of trumps so I then lost to it on the 2nd, sorry partner


2nd September 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Richmond's Blue Point Swiss Pairs

Shopping and washing first thing then Simon picked me up and on to Lightwater to collect Margaret & Jo.

The ladies catered for us all too, nice lunch, thank you both!

Bridge was not good throughout, some marginal things, some were just errors.  A little bit of bad luck too.

Still, we won 2 matches and finished on a high, try again next time!

Apple Crumble and custard waiting for me when I got home.....!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    I got carried away, should have bid 3, sorry partner
2   I did well to only be 1 off, this is a NS contract really
3   Partner needs to continue with the lead
5   We were pushed too high
6   If I start with a minor, we can take 2 Aces, I thought the trump would do no damage
7   I think I should have made this, I played 3 rounds of s to get a discard but North only had 2 s
8   Ops got carried away here
10   I pushed too hard here
12   A tough hand to play, was pleased to make it, a lot didn't
13   I was really pleased to make this when it wasn't really possible!
15   I wasn't able to offer much help partner, sorry
16   Very hard to bid the slam, not everyone made 12 tricks though
18   I forgot Stayman was still on after Ops double, sorry partner, we missed our fit
19   After the 1 (not entirely legal) bid from North, I felt 3NT was on, sorry partner - the play could have been a little better also
28   I disagreed with the bidding - 1, 1, 2, 2 - I now think partner has a good hand with lots of s - I think 2 should be passed or, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3
40   I should have made this and not try for the 10th trick with the S finesse, sorry partner
46   Well played Ops
47   A freak hand here, sorry for being mean Ops
48   A tight double partner, well defended though, especially end playing declarer to make the last 2 s
1st September 2018

Social Bridge:

Caught up with our favourite series "This Is Us" this morning, if you haven't seen it, do try and watch series 1 and catch up with series 2, it is really the best series on TV (in my opinion).

Finally cleared all the rubbish by the side of the house and from the front shed today, loaded both cars and went to Camberley waste and recycling centre.

Lunch and bridge at Dorothy's with John (his birthday on Monday!).

We had a nice lunch prepared by Dorothy and a good chat with some lovely wine then played rubber bridge.

I partnered Dorothy and Vee with John - they had all the cards, most unfair!!!  It was John's birthday so can't complain!

We did lose 1 rubber but won on points though - I doubled Vee in 2 and we took it off 3 for 800!!!

John put Vee into a slam on the next rubber though and he played it well to make it - a well deserved win for them both

More TV and a take away with wine tonight.

Playing in Richmond's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs tomorrow

31st August 2018


Playing with an regular partner in a regular club session.

A nice meal of Pie, Veg and fried new potatoes, yummy!

Arrived at bridge early and set up, 8 full tables which is much better (though an odd movement tonight!).

We did well tonight and had some fun too (though most people didn't realise I was joking half the time!!!).

Some blunders but fortunately none of them caused a red score, so a sea of green below!

Nice to see Alan & Jo at the top ans Margaret & Simon 2nd, bodes well for Sunday....!

Playing socially tomorrow for John's birthday

The Highs and Lows:

3    I was lucky here, a tight contract with very few points, having lost 3 tricks, I play towards the K, it holds!  I then throw my other  away on the now set-up J, phew!
4   Ops were a little pushy here, it needed to be 3 off to beat our game score though
5   Not quite sure why we didn't double this, 4 off was good enough though.
6   Partner played perfectly here, the revoke by Ops helped but 9 tricks were made anyway which was a top in itself
9   I felt I had to double here, it was tighter than I thought though
10   Partner had a bit of help here but excellent play ducking 2 s to make 3 tricks from the suit!
24   We were lucky to be allowed to play in s, South has a huge hand with distribution - I don't think we can bid to game though without help


31st August 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A quiet morning then pick up Dorothy and get to the club early.

A chat about last night and the consensus seems to be 4 -2 for board 4.

Bridge today was not good, perhaps I wasn't in the best mood but neither of us got it right.

Well directed though with minimal fuss or issues and very quick (there is a function tonight so they wanted us out ASAP and we obliged!).

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

4    A bad double by me, sorry partner
5   A bad double by Ops!
7   Partner showed a 6 card suit by overcalling 2, Ops double, we wait to find out what the suit is and partner passes!!!
9   Partner missed a trick here, should only lose 2 s I think
10   Partner showed me 4 s with the double, better to pass and let me double showing 4 s and then partner could bid a minor or pass for penalties
11   Partner played well making an extra trick
12   My instincts were to jump straight to 6NT after partner opened, it relies on 2 red Ks being in the right place but I wish I had trusted my instincts!  Still, we were in NTs not s for a good score
13   Another bad double by me, sorry partner
14   I played this well to make 9 tricks, the 10th was given to me when West pulled out the Q by mistake so I didn't lose a
16   Not a good lead partner, I will play a when I can
17   I pushed too hard here but partner could have made it if she keeps a , not easy though
19   I did well to make 11 tricks
20   I got lucky the s behaved and no early played!
24   I should have lead the A here or the Q (probably the Q actually), sorry partner


30th August 2018


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session.

My week off continues but I ended up doing quite a bit of work as urgent queries and requests came in!

I did a few bits round the house and had fish n chips for dinner!

Arrived at the club early to discuss the Subs due for CBC by 1st October and how to handle them - will send a club email soon....

Had a quick chat about our system before we started and then forgot we play High to encourage so messed up an early defence, sorry partner!

A couple of blunders each but generally, we were very good tonight and I think we both enjoyed it, we are team mates but only played 1 session together before a few years ago.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Odd bidding here, Ops said they had long s and their partner jumped to 3NT, I was confident of defeating this but felt if I doubled they would go to 4s
4   Our last hand of the night and we needed the director.  We reserved our rights as partner opened 3 and Ops paused for 3 minutes (I counted) and then grudgingly passed.  I pass and Ops then consider and bids 3.  Now, I admit that the hand is worth a bid but not after the pause.  With the pause, I would now consider the hand to have no points and no support, vulnerable, I am losing 6 tricks so 2 off in any contract versus possibly defeating EW in their contract or a part score.  I do not believe they can bid.  After a chat with the director and one other director, the decision was marginal with comments that 2 of us would not bid and also, Tim Rees would never bid in that situation.  We should have asked 4 or more others of similar standing to the South player but nobody was left!  It was ruled to be 3 down 1 and I think this should stand.  I wonder if this entry will provoke any comments and should we go to the EBU on it (South said he was happy with the decision).  The other point here, if you pause for a LONG time, double or bid after it - pass makes it very difficult for partner....
5   I did well to make 10 tricks here, I am not sure I can do it on any other lead
6   I think I should have doubled here rather than bidding my long s - I didn't like my hand with the singleton K, partner could still have made 3NT but it doesn't improve the score much, we need to be in 4 - mainly my fault I think
9   Partner can take 2 Aces here, not normally a good plan to start with and Ops declared very well - others took the tricks and got a good score
11   I played low to encourage the , sorry partner, forgot we play High to encourage!!!
18   Partner did very well here, perfect play - the lead was demanded in the auction but it actually helped us!
21   We defended well to keep this to 10 tricks, it is what we should do but others didn't defend as well


29th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

I didn't do much today, sorted bits round the house, watched TV and revised Precision (not well enough!!!)

I made Spaghetti Bolognaise for dinner and it was tasty!

Vee hosted the Improvers, 2 tables - big score for Barbara & Gillian, well done!

We do HAVE to get more people for the group though, will keep trying and I think Vee is thinking of asking all members for help in finding new players (of all standards) or we may have to fold the group for a while.

We had a good night but could have been great, some careless errors.  Only 1 system error in terms of memory and a few hands where better sequences were possible but memory let us down.  1 choice of bid didn't work for us too but that was just bad luck.

Alan had his eye Operation today and all went well (eventually!), he hopes to be ok for Friday's session.

I made an announcement about Margaret getting enough points for her Life Master too, so proud of her!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    I need to switch to a  instead of giving partner a  ruff, sorry partner
5   I made an extra trick here and needed to as I was in 3 (pushed up by the Ops).  Ops could have got a  ruff but I managed the Q and got the timing right
6   Ops never found the s, lucky
8   Ops were too ambitious and partner was mean!
9   I had a play to make 9 tricks here by losing a early on, instead I lost trump control.  I should have downgraded my hand for the singleton K though and should not have been in game
10   We defended well, I should have left them in 2 though for a top, sorry partner!
11   I forgot about 2 and 2 here so when partner answered my question about strength and support, I counted 2 as 2 up from 1 (in my head, I went 1NT, 2!!!!), partner was awake enough to jump to 6 though, thank you partner!
12   We were in the right contract making the right number of tricks.  Partner was right to ask how good my hand was, I said it was of no use and we stopped.
13   Ops transferred here, with a 10 count I would have passed, we defended well though
15   Ops didn't take the A to let me make this
16   Partner was wrong to raise this, he doubled and I bid at the next level - with a flat 13, pass unless I jump or cue
17   Ops went wrong with the so didn't make the over trick
19   It seems I should have made 12 tricks here, nobody did and we were in the right contract for a good score.  I lost 2 s when I could have ruffed 3 of them by the look of it
21   Ops did as they should, others did not!  We gave a trick away with the lead though but I bid s, without 1 of the top 2 honours, I should not overcall, sorry partner
24   I played well here getting the right early on when still time to get back to the s


28th August 2018


Taken the week off this week as we are quiet and most of my colleagues are away.  Still checking and replying to e-mails though.

Trying to sort out a friends birthday meal today (nearly there) and also bridge dates and commitments.

Vee made Omelette tonight, was very tasty with triple cooked chips!

Our Annual fun badminton tonight, 6 games to 15 randomly drawn (though always levels or mixed) - after the first round, a winner plays with a loser each round.

I won 3 lost 3 but the losses were close so I was 4th overall (24 players, top was 88 and I had 78/90) - good fun but exhausted now!

Playing Precision at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

27th August 2018

Surrey BH Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the Surrey Bank Holiday Blue Point Swiss Pairs

A relaxing morning for us and at 10:30, Vee goes to over to Margaret's to help her fix a few things around the house and bring her to ours ready for me to drive us to Oxshott (Margaret like my new car!).

Margaret made sandwiches for us both (which were delicious at half time).

A good showing from CBC / YHBC at the event with 7 pairs turning out.  Big well done to William who came 9th with Dominic (the best placed pair from our clubs)

We had a good start against club-mates then it went a bit wrong.  We won 2 matches after the break and lost the last against club mates (Simon and David got the leading Non-Expert prize by beating us though, so some good came from it!).

More importantly, the 3 wins today was enough to get Margaret over the line for her Life Master!!!

This is a major milestone for Bridge and I am so proud of her for getting it (her Ex-Husband stopped playing just short of his life master!).

We had a meal after to celebrate (Vee joined us) and then took Margaret home.

Well done Margaret!!!

Playing badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    We defended well and Ops didn't declare as well as he could
9   I bid 3 but Ops bid on - not much we could do
13   I played very badly on this hand
14   Partner's turn to play badly....!
16   I kept quiet here but partner said she had a  stop, I never saw it.....!
19   I should leave Ops in 2, sorry partner
23   I played poorly again here, we didn't bid game either but it is marginal
24   Not many made this (or were left to play in it), was quite pleased here!
25   Ops went to 3NT with a singleton , I even put a "slightly" cheeky bid in with my 6 s and he still went.  We took the first 6 tricks!  Chatting outside with Simon about it and I said that someone bid 6NT on it and made it, "Who wouldn't lead a 6 card suit though?" I ask - it was Simon who made it and his Ops were stood next to me at the time..... Whoops!
26   Partner bid well but her play didn't match the bid!
27   Ops were brave to bid this and I was mean to double it
32   Ops were too ambitious
34   Ops were in the wrong contract
36   Brilliant play by partner, helped by Ops not unblocking the s
38   Partner kept on bidding here, not doubled but too ambitious - I weakly supported to 2....
42   Ops were in the wrong contract and we defended well
43   Well played Ops
44   I thought this would be a good sacrifice - I think I was wrong....!
46   Well played Ops


26th August 2018

Day Off:

Tesco first thing for the weekly shopping and made mushrooms in a stilton sauce on toast for lunch (3 cheese crusty loaf too, yummy!)

Fixed the mat to the carpet at the top of the stairs (to try and distinguish between the layers as there is a step at the top of the stairs) and finalised some items for CBC.

Val came over for a chat and a glass of wine - was good to talk (you never get to chat too much at the bridge clubs!)

Vee made a veg lasagne for dinner with some triple cooked chips

A nice relaxing day

Playing in the Bank Holiday Surrey Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs tomorrow

25th August 2018
25th August 2018

Day Off:

A good day today, sorted out a lot of admin and "things" for CBC, Val has worked very hard too despite being short of time and it's appreciated.

Vee worked with my Dad today so I built the remaining 4 chairs, sorted the packaging, hoovered and cleaned and did a bit of shopping.

I am pleased with the chairs (2 pictured above, using those as we wait for the 2nd sofa to come for the front room).

We now have 8 comfortable chairs ready for Bridge matches!

I also put the last 2 pictures up (hopefully in the right places!!!), 1 is pictured with the chairs, the other is in our bedroom.

Vee was given a selection of cakes (made by my Dad), Brownies, Victoria sponge and Lemon drizzle - all delicious (and all gone!!!)

TV and wine for the rest of the evening!

Day off again tomorrow

24th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Pizza for dinner and made 2 of the dining chairs (Vee made 2 more whilst I was out, I will make the other 4 tomorrow).

Tonight was fun but frustrating, 7-1 and 4+3!!!

Day off tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Partner made the best lead possible and then didn't give me a ruff!
4   We missed game but will settle for 800
5   Ops were too ambitious
7   I missed a trick as let the 10 win, still, Ops have bigger scores on (just)
11   I could have made this if I don't ruff high, sorry partner
13   Partner thought I had the K and 2 Aces, I showed 2 key cards and the Q....!
16   We missed 7NT here!!!  Still, so did everyone else
20   We didn't defend well here
23   I got away with this, a through and Ops then catch my Q and I am off, phew!
24   Well bid Ops
24th August 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A great day at work today and our dining chairs have arrived (before our lodger left too!) need to put them together later...!

Bridge today started badly and if partner goes wrong early on it's hard to recover from.

Just one of those things, we had some good hands too.

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

The Highs and Lows:

Not today (again), I kept fairly calm at the table and still am - I don't wish to upset anyone with comments here, truth be told, the issues were worse in my head than they really were any way!

23rd August 2018
23rd August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Day off today as expecting new sofas and foot stall and 8 new dining chairs.  Logged on to work laptop too and dealt with emails.

Sofas arrived but unfortunately, the 3 seater would not fit.  I actually think another 2 seater would have been better anyway but we cannot amend the order so now need to get the window out and a new delivery date, help!

Looks good though (picture above).

Had the option to pay another £140 to change the 3 seater to a 2 seater and wait another 5-7 weeks, cancel everything and get 70% back or re-schedule the 3 seater and remove the window.

We like the Sofa's so not sending them all back, £300-£400 to remove the window and put back so decided to pay to amend the order and wait for the 2 seater.

Dining chairs coming tomorrow, my lodger is here until 1pm so hope they arrive in the morning!

I made spaghetti & meatballs tonight, was really good!

Bridge was good tonight too, some shaky scores but some great (and some gifts!)

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    We defended well here but Ops revoked too
2   We were mean here and pushed Ops up, 3 was a good contract too so they couldn't win
4   Ops didn't open 1 here (I would have!) and so we end up playing, it's still a good contract to be in but Ops made their singleton K (I would have played the same way too) so 2 off was not good.
5   We can make 3NT but never finding it.  Partner did well to make the best biddable contract I think
8   Well defended Ops
9   This hand is worth a look if you have time.  How often do you get a joint top for Ops bidding a slam?  I think this could be bid:  2 (Strong), 2 (Relay), 2 (Strong with s), 4 (Control, agreeing s), 4 (cheapest control), 4 (next cheapest control), 7NT (knows the s can only be the K or a void, if void, must be 2 long suits).
12   A gift from strong players is always nice, thanks Alan!  I cannot make this, keep forcing me in s and I struggle to reach dummy and lose control....
14   Partner played brilliantly here, doubleton lead from Ops though, very rare does it work and it just helped partner set up the s, a taking out the entry to dummy and it's all over
15   I was pleased with this, a at any time and I lose 7 tricks though
16   Ops got a little carried away, we do make 4s though....
21   I think I should be left in 2s here, well done Margaret Watson though, making 3NT was amazing!
22   Well played partner, a tough hand and made the most of it, the extra trick turned it from a good score to a great score!


22nd August 2018


Playing with a regular(ish) partner in a regular club session.

Vee played tonight with Kevin in the Improvers HERE - they did rather well too.....!

Better to see 3 tables but we still really need 4 - 6 tables to make it more meaningful.  Vee and Val have written a note for displaying on the tables asking for more players (friends, family, players in classes or U3A etc) - hopefully we will get a good response from this as will need to think seriously about the group if not.  It has folded 3 or 4 times before and come back stronger after a break, will see what happens.

I had a good day at work, I run a monthly meeting for the senior staff and it went well again this month.

Alan & Pamela gave us some beetroot from their garden tonight too, perhaps Vee will make a beetroot cake?!!!

I played with David tonight, he hasn't been on a Wednesday for a few years (other than the odd game) and am hoping to encourage him to come back regularly.

We had a few errors each and the Ops were good a few times, generally fairly solid though but just under par overall.

Jelly and Ice Cream after I finish writing this....!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Not our credit here, Ops made a good game try but it is not there, others are being allowed to make 5 of a minor
4   I missed a trick as decided to change strategy half way through and cross ruff, got away with it just.  Other tables are making NTs EW, unlucky for our Ops
6   I doubled for take-out and it was left in.  A good contract for us but I need to lead a trump, sorry partner.
11   Partner opened light and I had aspirations of game, we stopped in the right spot though - most passed out
16   I was too ambitious here, 4 is the right spot (even if some make 11 in NTs)
17   Well bid Ops, I had a chance to defeat it though if I keep all 3 s and discard my s
18   We defended well here
20   I played quite well here but had a favourable lead.  I expected to lose the first trick (setting up 2), it happened to win!
22   Well played Ops, I should have left them in 3s though!
23   A bit of luck here, East played a  after winning the giving me the 9th trick, phew!


21st August 2018


A day off today but still had my work laptop on and did a fair amount!

Added a note to last night's diary to thank our neighbours for mowing the lawn for us, we have some really good and kind neighbours!

Mac n Cheese for dinner and Vee has made Jelly for pudding tomorrow (Jelly & Ice Cream!!!).

Badminton was good tonight, lots of games and mostly good but I ran out of steam as so humid.

Set-Up a "Rota" group for CBC to use within BridgeWebs tonight too, will show David how to use it soon.

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

20th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 8 of the CBC Monday Championships

A busy day at work today and had a good day too.  I logged in when home though and did a little more to tidy up loose ends and write a report for a colleague.

Cooked Sweet & Sour Pork tonight, yummy!

As I left work, a message came through saying our Sofas are ready too, now arriving on Thursday so will be home (and hope they fit through the doors!)

Our outside light now seems to be fine, think it was put on upside down which is why we couldn't get the dials to work properly!!!

When I got home, I also found that one of neighbours had mowed the lawn for us too, looks really good!  I went over to say thank you and had a nice chat, they didn't want anything for it but will take a few bottles round soon and/or take them out for a meal.

Bridge tonight had some great play by us both but the Ops were good on some hands too - our defence still needs a bit of work, it used to come naturally

We are in the top 6 overall in the series but not as good as we would like.

Vee played tonight too, practice for Guildford (Surrey's Green Point Swiss Pairs - enter HERE) - they enjoyed the night and did ok too, only a few boards different and 50%+

Playing badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

5    Working out 4th highest, I play low and run to my 10 - 12 tricks are now a lay down after the Ops discarded a  in South
6   Partner played this brilliantly, Ops overcalled with 2, I know we have the balance of points but I cannot double (penalties), I don't want to pass or bid 3 so 2NT was my only choice left - thanks to great play, my poor bidding was rescued!
9   We defended well here
11   I open 1NT and partner transfers to s - I complete and partner bids 2NT - I now think we have 24HCPs and 9s so I go to game, I don't think the bidding is wrong and I tried to make it - just unlucky
13   Losing the first  to set-up 3 tricks and then getting everything right here, well played partner
15   Ops played away from his K half way through here, I guessed right and only lost 1 too
18   We need to win a few s here
20   Well played Ops
21   Ops ducked a and I then discarded the other on the s for the extra trick
23   A tough hand here - do I pass 2X or bid on, I felt I was too weak to pass the double with partner being a passed hand
24   Ops played the A trick 1 and was late picking up, partner then thought he had lead the A on trick 2 and played a , it is now a penalty card and so we didn't make the - bad luck
19th August 2018

Social Bridge:

Washing and cleaning done in the morning then a light lunch.

Social bridge with Les & Jennie at 1.30pm and great to see them.  They have both had health issues recently and looked really well.

We had lots of chat, drinks and scones!

Short on time today so played 18 hands (6 with each partner) and I had a lot of hands with 15+ HCPs and so I won overall.

The point is not who wins though, it is to socialise and play nice bridge - only 1 hand was doubled (I doubled Vee for 500!) so all was kept friendly and all enjoyed it.

Vee had to go to work just after we got home but back around 8pm for a late dinner.

Playing in Round 8 of the CBC Monday Championships tomorrow

18th August 2018


Chores this morning ready for Vee coming home.

Martin came round to play our board game after lunch (he was winning through most of it but I finished well to win by 27 points in the end!) then Vee got home just after 4pm.  Great to have him back and Pepper (one of our cats) is now curled up on his lap!

We had friends round for a take away and games tonight, ate too much but enjoyed Catan (the game!)

Caught up on some of the recorded TV together with some Prosecco after that!

A good day!

Margaret arrived safely in Wales too (visiting her children).

Playing social bridge tomorrow

17th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A nice Fish & Chips dinner tonight with Margaret and both lodgers (Lauren went to get it for us too as Margaret and I had a chat and a glass of white in the garden).

I set BBC2 for Margaret's car radio too!

Arrived at bridge early and got all the tables set-up.

An unlucky night in many respects but some bidding could be improved too, I didn't know what to do on so many hands tonight!

Vee home tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Sorry partner, I felt this would be a good sacrifice, if North had just one more  it would have been too!
5   I need to lead a  here but very hard to find it.  I also fell asleep and didn't make my !
7   I didn't agree with partner's bidding here and think she regretted it too, I was a passed hand so partner took charge, opening 5 left me no-where to go though, I still considered bidding 5NT though to see what partner would do and I think she would have raised me to 6NT
17   I couldn't work out how to play this hand and made a mess of it, strong defence though
19   Great bidding and the only pair to find game!
22   I jumped to 4 as had nothing to spare, worth looking for it though and I unfortunately had the keycards to encourage partner but didn't have the right shape (or another honour!)
17th August 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Started work early (in the office today!!!) - my car is so nice to drive too!

A full day and pushed to leave in time for Bridge, managed to get new convention cards printed though.

The EBU have resolved their website issues so the P2P has now been submitted for last night.

Today, we played the hands from last week again!  An error due to needing the 27 board set 3 times in 2 weeks and them being left in the club, a shame but it happens.

It means the scores cannot be submitted to the EBU for Grading or Points (we didn't do too well anyway as it happens).

We had so many errors today, it was frustrating and hard to keep calm and not shout (I didn't shout but everyone knew I was not happy).

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

The Highs and Lows:

Not analysing as the session doesn't count and don't wish to upset anyone with comments here - we both know what the issues were and both at fault.

Being the only pair in game on 14 was good though (partner's good bidding) and making 3NT (plus 1!) on 21 was exceptional partner!

16th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Day off today (though had work e-mail on all day and responded to a few queries).

My car arrived and I love it!  Nothing flashy but my first ever brand new car and it runs really well and has a few gadgets and a turbo!  Am happy!!!

Cooked Cottage Pie with steamed veg for dinner (me and both lodgers).

Enjoyed bridge tonight, a few blunders but generally good and in good spirits.

Although not quite a top or bottom for analysis, board 9 is worth a look - what do you open here?  Ops opened 1 against us, I think 3NT is a good opener here - it is certainly not a strong 2 hand though (needs to be 12+ points with 5 controls (Ace is 2, King is 1) or any 16+ hand.  An interesting hand though....

There seems to be an issue with ScoreBridge or the EBU tonight, had a call when I got home to see if I could send the results but I had the same error message.  Have emailed ScoreBridge and the EBU to see what the issue is and if it can be resolved.  Have added a bulletin on the CBC website.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops found a good contract
10   Partner played well to make this, cross ruffing and timing the trumps was excellent
16   I took a silly risk finessing the  on the opening lead, I should be 1 off for a good score, sorry partner
18   I took a punt here that my 8 s would work for me, they didn't!
20   We were in the right contract and no  lead
23   A friendly lead here, partner didn't need much help here but that was just enough!
15th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in (Round 5 of the Beryl Doughty)

Another day at home today and finished about 2pm.

Margaret played at Woking (summer party too!) and then came over to mine early.  We watched quiz shows and had a chat then she took me to YHBC (we played with different partners).

Margaret also waited for me and took me home after, assuming my car arrives tomorrow, I should be back to normal now and am so grateful to have her as a friend.

Jo played tonight with Julie (and did well too, well done) and delivered a big box of Cat Food for me (well, my cats, not me!)

I set up some tables and chairs and the Improvers laptop, was pleased to see 2.5 tables tonight so an event could be played, great score Carole & Jen too, well done!

Val kindly directed as I was playing in the main group and Vee in Yorkshire (Whitby today!) and she had a productive evening playing the hands with the sit-out pair each round.

Really nice to see John & Delores back after so long away, welcome back!

We had an amazing start tonight, the first 4 rounds (hands 5-12) were all tops as we played them, they all stayed good too!  We both wanted to leave it there and go after that start!

Very middling after that but enjoyable and our start carried us home to 2nd.

We are now a pseudo 2nd in the Beryl Doughty too behind Sheila & Peter (both pairs have only played 3 so far so it looks like we are not doing that well) - we need to get a 70% score to stand a chance of the title though....

I scored the Improvers and submitted the P2P for both sections as needed to find out a guest's name (thanks for replying so quickly Joyce!).

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Great defence here, the  lead prepared partner's Q and my C switch generated a lot of s!
4   I squeezed and played to the end here, Ops squirmed especially on the 12th trick and he stared at me until he discarded the wrong card, sorry Ops!
5   Nobody found game here, partner bid 2 over Ops 1NT showing s and another - I bid s, partner raised to 3s and I valued my void as useful and went up
6   Ops announced that I was a nuisance here!  I jumped to 3 (to play) and they had no clues of where to be - I was mean to double the final contract, sorry Ops
7   Ops doubled me, a good double but they didn't get the defence right, needed to get the ruffs going
10   We have a  slam on here, fortunately nobody bid it (and didn't make game either mostly) so our penalty double worked well
11   We are in the right contract
12   Ops need to lead s I think to take us off
13   I should have bid 4s but scared of pushing Ops to game - I also need to switch to s to hold it to 9, sorry partner
17   Partner can do better here
23   Well bid Ops
14th August 2018


Another good day today with working at home and getting things done.

My car is being paid to me tomorrow (the old one that is, just in time for the new one to arrive!).

My office chair has had the base replaced and the old one taken away.

The cats are now using the cat tree now I have moved the lounge round a bit - they have a view out of the garden now instead of a view of me, I think they prefer looking at the garden!

Pizza for dinner, quick and easy but nice!

My friend Martin picked me up tonight and gave his chairs back too, he played well but hadn't played for a year and so played 4 games.  I haven't played for 5 or 6 weeks so only played 7 (won 6 of them!)

Really enjoyed it and played well (mostly).  My serve was either amazing or terrible though, need consistency.

My lodger put washing on at 6pm and I said "will it be done by 22:30 for when I need it", he said yes.  I get home and he forgot to dry his clothes!!!!

Lucky I stay up late, I don't like leaving it so will put it on in a few hours when he has finished.......

Vee in York today and said the weather has improved and enjoying it.

Playing at YHBC tomorrow (Round 5 of the Beryl Doughty)

13th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another day at home today and got all my work done plus more, less distractions at home when I am in my office.

Had Gammon egg and chips tonight (I cooked), was really nice, gourmet chips (frozen) triple cooked and delicious!!!

Margaret picked me up at 6.30pm (am so grateful) and we set up the chairs and tables ready for the session.

I sat near a door by the balcony NS but we had to move, it did us good by the look of it though!

A good night, a couple of wobbles but generally good (with some gifts).

Playing Badminton tomorrow (my friend is picking me up)

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops made an odd lead, the 2 when holding 4 to 7, misled their partner and set-up 12 tricks for me (I played towards my KQ twice making both)
7   Penalty double at the 2 level, spotted by my partner and a top!  Some made 9 tricks though, all I have to do is play out trumps (I had 5 trumps, Ops had 4 each).
8   Partner played well here, I think only 9 tricks possible if Ops switch to a
9   We were in the right contract and Ops helped by leading an unsupported Ace
11   I think partner should pass here instead of opening a weak 2, I then open 4 myself and we may be able to play there - as it happens, 1 off in 5 was a good result as Ops make 6s!
15   Well sacrificed Ops
18   Ops helped me here by playing the A freely, another and I have to ruff and lose 2 s
19   Not a good sacrifice Ops
20   Not a good sacrifice Ops
23   Not many were in game here (we had 25 points) - key was partner's long s and she valued her hand correctly to put me up
12th August 2018

Day Off:

Early start today as Vee is away it is my job to feed the cats (05:40 this morning!!!).

I also do the first load of washing and start cleaning the house.

Watched some of the Multi-Games and had it on in the background as I completed jobs around the house - a real shame about the GB women in the diving, they had it won by a mile and threw it away on the final dive crying

Helped Val with some CBC admin today and we are getting close with a few things now.

Vee wanted some saucers for the plant pots for the indoor plants, I ordered some and they arrived today.......... I got the wrong ones!!!!  These are about 6cm wide and not big enough to hold any pots we have, have ordered some bigger ones now (they only cost £1.15 so not the end of the world!)

Had Tesco deliver as I have no car at present, they arrived on time with all items.

A lovely roast dinner with my lodger and his girlfriend at the Quays tonight, ate too much though!

Relaxing for the evening though may play my game for a few hours (not played it for a long time)

Playing at CBC tomorrow (with Margaret as my Taxi!)

11th August 2018

Bridge Chat:

We caught up with "This is Us", a US drama series we like then Vee finished packing and left around 9.30am for the week (Yorkshire).

I cleaned and hoovered ready and went to the shops for a few bits ready for guests and watched some of the European Multi Games.

Barbara, Marion & Margaret came round for drinks, nibbles and a chat (they provided some of the food too!).

We had a feast and a good chat.  Went through the conventions and amended some of our cards and discussed ideas.

I think it was worth it and hope we continue to have some chat sessions, good company too!

I showed Barbara how to use the Bridgewebs email facility too which also went well!

Will finish off the wine and watch TV for the rest of the night, had a message from Vee saying arrived safely!

Day off tomorrow, taking my lodgers out for a meal in the evening

10th August 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another day at home today and had a good day too.

No car now so Margaret kindly picked me up (as well as Dorothy, took us both home too!).

We arrive early and set-up and have 9 full tables.

Just before we start, my car documents arrive by email and so I sign them electronically and the new car is on it's way (Thursday 16th).

We had a good session today, some avoidable scores but some were really good!

Vee and I are went to my Badminton's club annual BBQ after so not playing at YHBC and this afternoon's diary late as went soon after I got home!

Kerry has an amazing house in Tilford, 10.6 acres and is huge and beautiful, really, really lovely - they are lovely too and very kind and generous with it.

We arrived at 6pm and stayed until 9.30pm but wanted to leave early so Vee could pack ready for his break and also spend some time together!

I tried to get the last 3 hands from today into my Deal Master but it wouldn't work, have typed them up instead and Alan Brown has kindly offered to try for me after he gets home from Bridge, watch this space (and many thanks Alan in advance!).

Was so pleased for Sylvia and Alan coming top EW today, I congratulated them as soon they finished too, well done both!  Also nice to see Ray back (and only just behind us too).

Hosting a Bridge chat about conventions and ideas tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops never found the  ruffs or a  lead
4   We held this to 8 tricks and it makes 9, bad for us though as nobody in game and nobody made 9!!!
5   I was too ambitious here, sorry partner
6   Ops can make in game in s or NT, we held NT to 8 tricks
10   Ops play a strong NT so they missed their optimum contract
11   I can only make 11 tricks here but Ops revoked on trick 5
12   Partner made an extra trick here, well played!
13   We have game on here but defended well enough to get a bigger score
14   Lucky here, Ops need to switch to a , to his credit, he knew that too but his hands were ahead of his thoughts
17   I should have jumped with my hand here as it is worth 17 really, we missed game but most did - I made more tricks in NT than the others though
19   We are in the right contract and partner played perfectly
20   We landed into a good contract but not by good bidding!  I did well to make this it seems, I don't think I did anything particularly good to make the extra trick
21   Pass partner!!!  I doubled the Ops in 4 and wanted to leave it there....
22   I felt Ops had a big hand here and this would be a good sacrifice.......... It was not!!!!
23   Ops agreed s then jumped to 6, they can make it too from East but he let us both ruff ( and a )
9th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 8 of the Thursday Championships

A mixed day today.  Our new Sofa's have been delayed until the end of Sep18 but my car maybe ready early next week!

I am lucky that I am able to work at home so will stay at home until my car arrives.

I made Spaghetti Bolognaise tonight, was really nice!  A bit cooler today and some rain too, a relief!

A few new players tonight (both of whom I think will join and become regular players).  I felt a little bad that I played my best on the 2 hands against 2 of the new players, sorry!

We are now 3rd in the Championships (narrowly behind 2nd) but Marie & Robin are miles clear (helped by a score just under 74% tonight, well done both!).

My partner thanked me tonight too, Tuesday's result has now given him enough points for Life Master (a major achievement and will be on the September rankings) and tonight's score has promoted him to King again (and me back to Queen), well done Nick!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    I felt I had played this well, I finessed the  on the second trick and it worked!  Only lost 1 and Ops discarded the s so I was left with the last  on trick 13
3   Partner opened 1NT (11-14) - I have a miserable hand so rescued with Stayman and had to bid 2 when he said no!  I played this as well as I have played any hand for a while to make it
4   Sorry Ops, I got this right - Ops could have taken a and should cover my Q when I let it run too
5   The only time 11-14 let us down, much better not to open here
6   Partner played brilliantly here despite a terrible split!
8   Partner did well here too, timing was perfect throughout
13   Not the best lead Ops.....
15   I should re-bid 3 here, not stop 2NT, sorry partner - I did not describe my hand well
25   We defended well here, Ops really should have been in 3NT though
8th August 2018


Playing with an new partner in a regular club session.

Early start today as had to drive my car to the garage for 7:30 so started work first then went to the Garage.

I dropped the car off and waited for the taxi I booked (they had booked it for tomorrow!!!) I phoned for a new one and made it home in time for my conference call.

A busy day with work and also lots of calls about the car, house maintenance and broadband (most were not good news).

The garage are claiming it is not their fault with the car and I gave up - in the end I said, don't repair it and pay me less for it.  They bought it off me for £1250 in the end, every little helps.

At least it is done and have a new 3 year lease car coming in the next 2 weeks (Margaret has offered to be my taxi service next week too, she is so kind)

Not many in the Improvers so Val went home and Vee looked after the 4 of them with social and instructive bridge.

We had a fun night and got on well, Pamela was in need of a partner and I had kept the night free (to rest or host the Improvers!).

Not much went wrong and we had some gifts!

Playing at CBC tomorrow in Round 8 of the Thursday Championships

The Highs and Lows:

1    I had 9 tricks and tried for 12, in doing so I went 2 off - sorry partner.  As Ops ducked 2 s, I now have 2 s and 5s to make 9....
3   I made a mess of this getting the  wrong, sorry partner.  Ops have game on but nobody bid it!
8   Well bid partner!
9   Unlucky with the split Ops
10   Well bid Ops
11   4 is safer but I played well to make this
12   Partner took the finesse too deep into the contract, at that stage, A then finesse is better
13   Well played partner, not everyone made 12 tricks here
14   Ops missed my low and played low by mistake, this was a bad double and I was lucky it came off
15   Partner declined my jump, quite right with 6 points - I played well though
17   A rare lapse by this particular Op, 1 off would still have been good for us though
23   This should have been good for Ops as we make 5s, unlucky Ops
24   Good bidding by partner here - I played well for the extra trick, nobody touched s until the last 2 tricks when I surrendered
7th August 2018

EBU Fox Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the EBU Summer Festival "mid-week" event, the Fox Pairs

Worked at home today (becoming more frequent now, but no working car so easier for now).

Loads going on at work with organisation changes and things not being done properly, I am having to sort a lot out (most of which is not really my responsibility but....)

Vee kindly made mash last night so I had that as an early dinner on my own with Fish and parsley sauce (nice!).

Margaret came to our house and left her car here and Simon drove us to Richmond - I finalised my new car before we left (a lease option for 3 years, just an Astra like Vee's).

We arrived really early but got parked and settled.  We had a friendly start and was all pleasant and fun, we also helped our Ops out and hope they had a pleasant session.

A few bad boards, mostly of our own doing!  Generally, quite good though.  Finished 10th locally and 21st overall with 5.21 Blue Points (1.73 Green Points equivalent).

Link to the EBU event is above (in purple), the hand numbers below link to the hands we played (as scored using Pianola) and other links below too:

Richmond Event

Our Scoreboard, EBU Combined

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    We were in the right contract, I opened 2 (weak), partner has 3 s and minimal hand so bid 3 (to stop Ops bidding) and there it stopped.  Ops took forever to defend and after hours of thought, made the wrong play too!
2   Ops were too ambitious here
4   I forgot the Q was still out - should make 11 tricks and I only made 9!
5   I made an adventurous bid!  It was doubled and Ops partner was playing with her phone the whole time (was the last round and she had lost interest I think).  I won the lead then played the 5, ducked, I duck and the 5 wins!  I play the 8, ducked, I duck and J wins - next I play is the Ace and it crashed the QK (why didn't they play high on the first !!!)
8   If I can see all the cards, I make 10 tricks - will settle for 9 when doubled though
14   Ops did as they should, played very well but 10 tricks are there - not many did it though
17   Ops doubled my NT and then took it out into a bad contract, we were lucky
19   I can only make 8 tricks here, Ops need to hold up the A until the 3rd round
20   Well bid Ops, we let a trick through too but wouldn't have improved the score much
21   We did as we should here
23   Ops over-bid here
25   Good penalty double partner, we get 1 more trick if I can get a  ruff but perhaps I am greedy!
26   Partner played well, Ops defended poorly - they both kept a  at the end too and Nick had a !!!
6th August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not a good day today - too hot, my car only just made it to work (spilling oil all the way and hug puddles as I parked with steam coming off the bonnet!).

It was booked in for Weds morning anyway but am now asking them to buy the car off me and will try and get a new one.

Dinner was nice, Hot Dogs.

Great to see Ruth & Nigel back, they did well too!

Vee and I both played tonight (neither of us did particular well with our partners).  Between us, we set up all the tables and chairs as arrived early.

I made 2 bad bids tonight (one against Vee!!!), other than that, Ops did the right thing against us.

Day off tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    Well bid partner, I opened 1 here (6 loser hand and a good  rebid), Ops jumped to 4 and partner bid 5 - I would double 5 so we were on for a good score here regardless
4   Ops opened 2 (natural and strong), I think partner should double here (showing the majors) and I pass
8   Only 2 others bid game (one was pushed to 5 and went off)
14   Well played partner!
15   I should pass here and double 3NT if they get there or bid my suit if they don't reach game
16   Not many bid game here
17   Partner didn't see my double of the 2 stayman - I can see we need to sacrifice so chose my longest suit, sorry partner
18   Ops did as they should, others did not
22   We gave a trick away here, I think it needs a trump lead or switch to stop the ruff
23   Ops gave a ruff and discard for the extra trick
24   Only 1 other in game here and why are they not all in s?
5th August 2018

Day Off:

Day off again today

Chores in the morning followed by Tesco, got some lamp shades for downstairs and a new lamp for the hall, looks nice.

Sorted the kitchen ready for a new fridge but need some help taking the old one out (it is integrated).  Will wait until we can sort that before we order a new American style one.

Took our lodger and his girlfriend to the Quays tonight, walked there and back!

It was hot but a good walk and a great meal (Roast Beef, extra Yorkie and cheesecake for pudding) - Vee and I shared a bottle of wine too, nice.

Playing at CBC tomorrow (so is Vee!)

4th August 2018

Day Off:

Day off today, Vee working in the afternoon with my Dad and I had Jill coming round to see the house and have a chat.  She showed me the plans for a house she is looking to buy too, looks great!

The new BBL fixtures are now out too, have updated the BBL site and also my own teams schedule (look under Bracknell League on the YHBC site and then "Ian's Teams".

I am now likely to play some matches for both CBC and YHBC (different divisions) so have combined the fixtures!

Planning a quiet night with Vee and a bottle later!

Have heard about the Funeral date for Patricia, Monday 13th August and have updated the home pages for both clubs (YHBC and CBC).  David has asked that people let him know (directly or via the clubs) if they are planning to attend.  I suspect there will be quite a lot of bridge players wishing to pay their respect to Patricia.

Shopping and chores tomorrow and out for a meal with friends in the evening

3rd August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

I set up all the tables and chairs as arrived early and was very hot at the end!

Not our finest session, too many errors though looking at it, mostly Opps doing well, our declarer play was good (though both could have done better!)

Day off tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Partner opens 1NT (11-14), Ops bid 2 and I enquire for a stop, the S lead actually gave a trick, good play though partner
6   Partner played well to make this, losing an early  was the key I think
7   I signalled for a and partner discarded 1, a lead takes the contract off too.....
8   Partner jumped to 4 as a weak jump overcall, double for T/O and it was left in, lucky!
9   We need to compete in s here, I should have bid 3 over 3 when Ops doubled
15   Ops were in the wrong contract
16   Well bid Ops
17   I bid this as a sacrifice but partner made it!  Looks like he should but not easy to find 10 tricks
18   A bad double by me, I doubled 1NT and kept doubling, should leave them in 3 (for a top!)
19   Leave me in 2 partner.....
21   Ops pushed too hard here and we got the defence right
22   Easier in s here but I think partner can make this (despite what the matrix says), he played the 8 and it held, now play low and duck again and the Ace catches nothing
23   I played well here
3rd August 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home (not planned!) as needed to get my car booked in to the garage again and sort out the broadband at home.

Vee had the day off too and got some gardening done.  We both had lunch then off to bridge.

Vee had hoped to play with the host, 5 singles turned up!!!!  He got a game with Arun and did quite well other than 2 rounds (Angela & Colin and John & I)

We had a good session with solid play bidding and defending.  I made a mess of one hand as did partner so honours even (though his declarer play was 1% better than mine!!!)

Playing at YHBC after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

4    Ops didn't find the C switch and revoked on a  (winning the revoke trick and giving a 2 trick penalty), I was on for 3 without the revoke so would have been a joint top without it
5   Hard to find game here but we played in the right contract and partner played well to make it.  Good bidding partner
7   I should have doubled here but I did last week and they were cross with me, didn't have the heart to do it again....
15   Very odd bidding by Vee's partner with no  stop, good lead partner
19   Partner supported my s but only at the 2 level so I passed, most were in game and I got the s wrong too so only made 10 tricks
22   It looks like I missed a trick here but was pleased with my 11, most made 9 or 10 so not an easy hand
23   Partner needs to play towards Kx here I think, his only blip all day!
2nd August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home early this morning then a drink and chat with Jo (my Monday partner), a bit of shopping ready for the CBC meeting and prepare the house.

Val came early for a quick tour (I think she approves of our house!) and the others arrived by 13:30

Lots to discuss and debate and finished around 16:20 - tidy up and cook curry (I do the meat, Vee does the rest!) - was yummy, same again tomorrow.

Bridge tonight was hot but I was there early and secured a NS by the door, a bit of a breeze and easy to go out for smokes!

We regretted the door situation at the end though as flying ants, flies and bugs invaded us!!!

A good night tonight, just one blip - both played well and bid well, was fun and in good spirits too!

I may stay home tomorrow too as need to sort my car (again, leaking oil now!) and also need to fix the broadband

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops can make 9 tricks but we defended well and they didn't try to set up the s
3   Partner made a weak jump overcall and Ops doubled for take out, it was left in - they have game
4   10 tricks possible but nearly impossible to find them - partner did well to make this (some went 2 off!)
5   Our 1 blip.....
9   I passed first time so when they re-bid s I could double, thank you for passing partner!
12   Not sure how we find game, nobody did though and I made my tricks
14   The over trick is everything in pairs, well done partner!
19   Ops didn't pick up my Q, odd considering the bidding
22   Ops were a little ambitious and very unlucky that everything is wrong for them
1st August 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home today as not many in the office this week and it is easier at home now with my office set up.  Got loads done and finished early.

A nice pasta bake and off to bridge, the road is now open along Chapel Lane into Fernhill Road (but Vicarage road is closed).

Vee hosted the Improvers (2 tables, well done Fred & Kevin!) with Val.

Alan announced the sad news about Patricia Pinder passing away yesterday at the start of the session and we held a minutes silence, I will miss her a lot as am sure many will.

We had an average night, I played poorly on 2 hands and bid very badly on another!  Partner played brilliantly to compensate!

Hosting the CBC Committee meeting in the afternoon and playing at CBC in the evening

The Highs and Lows:

2    A tricky hand this, partner doubled for penalties and we should have taken it off - I need to cover the J and it promotes partner's 10 - sorry partner.  The matrix says it makes but we would have it 1 off at that point
7   Ops played well here, my  lead was not great as it turned out
8   Ops bid 2NT in the middle of the auction with his s and 3 points so his partner went to game, not a great bid by Ops but we thank you.
13   Partner played perfectly here to make this, nobody else made 11 tricks
14   I made the right choice here - do I use Michaels 5/4, do I bid my s directly or do I double - I doubled and we stayed in the right contract
18   I bid game on my own, silly mistake, I should let partner show me her hand (which was nothing) and then let the Ops get in a mess instead, sorry partner
20   I should be 1 off here but also wonder if I should downgrade my points when asked to 6 with a doubleton Q
31st July 2018

Hubert Phillips Plate:

Playing with a team in the Hubert Phillips Plate

Margaret and Simon came to mine and we had a drink before heading off and Simon drove us to London (Young Chelsea).

Corneliu met us there - we discussed systems in advance and again on arrival.

A good journey down and we had coffee on arrival, all pleasant and all there before 7pm.

I started with Margaret and we had a solid start, I made 1NT on our first board when I had a flat 12 count and partner had 3, was pleased with my play!

I bid a slam and we defeated the Ops games, all good - score up and team mates come home with +800 and we had +700, a nice start!

I then play with Simon and we have a good set until the last hand where he bid 3 for no reason (I think) and off 800 (doubled) - Margaret & Corneliu didn't get on and had a bad set - now we are down.

A break for some food and drink and then the last set - this was a roller coaster!  Double and Re-double all over the place, partner made 4xx for 1080 on one hand - not enough to win though and lost by 3000 overall (doesn't matter if by 10 or 1000000 though, it's a knockout!)

Simon drove Corneliu back to Staines too, an eventful journey with a few wrong turns, more again on our way home!!!  A long day.........!

Still, an experience and we all had something we enjoyed from it.  My play was pretty good tonight.

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

30th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A good day at work today (though sad news from my friend who sits next to me who has a better job offer and moving to Head Office - great news for him but sad for me as we have a laugh).

We had a nice evening tonight, not just because of the scores but we felt more in tune and it was so much nicer to play in a better atmosphere (cooler too!).

Hubert Philips in London (YC) tomorrow, round 1 of the Plate

The Highs and Lows:

1    Hard to make the grand (squeeze in s and leave an entry in s in dummy I think) but we were in a slam, most just in game and 1 in a part score
2   Ops did exactly what they should, others let through more tricks, not fair on Ops but we defended as we should
5   Ops were too pushy here, should stay in 2s
7   I think a  lead holds this to 11 but matrix says they always make 12 which they did!
18   We missed the slam here, how do we know the K is a singleton and A on side?  We had a good score making all 13 though as the s went on the s
29th July 2018

Richard Currie:

Playing with a regular partner in Farnham's Richard Currie Swiss Pairs

Chores in the morning (including cleaning up after the BBQ, though most was done on the night).

Corneliu was in the area and so popped in for a coffee and a chat and then drove Margaret and myself to the event.

It is fair to say, we did not shine today!  Pleased to see Nick & John do well and Simon & David too.

I have queried the scale used for the event as I think it should be County (more than 36 boards, 2 sessions and open to all), will see what happens!

As most of our matches were bad, just the good bits below....

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

17    Ops made a poor double and then defended badly too
30   Ops missed game
34   Just a part score but I made more tricks than anyone in the room
38   Only 2 pairs found a slam, we were in the NT slam.  To be honest, mainly as partner bid 3 after my 2NT bid (transfer to s but she meant it as natural!!!) - after I super accepted, she then jumped to 6NT (made up for the first bid!!!)
44   Ambitious Ops, partner kept her nerve to take this off, well done partner
28th July 2018


BBQ today- went to Costco today for the first time with Martin and got all we needed (and more!)

Friends came round between 2 and 4 and one of friends cooked all the food for us (as expected!)

Had a lovely time and our friends and neighbours were pleased with our new house and enjoyed the day with us

Playing at Farnham tomorrow in the Richard Currie Swiss Pairs

27th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Fish & Chips with Margaret before bridge (Vee and a lodger had Indian).

A middling night for us, some good some bad but not many extreme hands (only 5 reds and greens!) - we both enjoyed the session, partner made a couple of playing errors but generally we both played well and got the defence right overall too!

BBQ and House warming for our friends tomorrow (weather permitting!)

The Highs and Lows:

7    Partner kept bidding here and thought 4NT was sign off (and then 5NT!!!)
8   Ops jumped straight to 6s!!!  It stands a chance but Ops hadn't noticed partner ruff a  and then under ruffed - needed to finesse my Q too to stand a chance
11   Ops opened and then passed their partner's re-bid - very odd - we defended well but they need to be in 3NT
12   Partner should make this, he needs to play the K on the first round of s as Ops played away from their Ace - with only 1 , it is the best option and it works!
13   Ops discarded the 7 so their partner didn't play a (the play mcKinney) - I was lucky!
27th July 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

My Desk Fan has arrived!  Not much else to note today.

Bridge today was good but could be better, partner didn't follow 2 basic rules and that's when I am upset, if Ops beat us or we make judgement errors, that is fine but second player plays low and forcing bids cannot be passed!  Rant over.....!

I took Dorothy home after and then Margaret came to ours (fish & chips before bridge at YHBC).

Margaret also collected cat food for us which was kind (cannot have our cats starving!).

Disposable cups to take to YHBC as the last from CBC not being used now.

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops opened weak 2 and then bid again after I overcalled, if you open a weak 2, say nothing more unless partner tells you to - they paid the price this time!
2   Not many in game but we could have held it to 9 at least, play low partner!
4   We missed game here but most did, I made more tricks than anyone else though getting the s away on my long s
5   Partner opened 3s and I debated for a while, then evaluated that 4s should make and bid it - well played partner
6   Good double partner
12   We missed our A, not all bid the slam anyway though so was always a bad board for us
13   Ops didn't bid so we were left in a bad contract
15   I played well here
20   Ops missed a trick, we defended well though
21   Partner forgot my was good and so went off 1
23   We were in the right contract here
26th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home today as a bridge partner wanted to come over for coffee and a chat, it didn't pan out but not a problem (just as easy to work at home as it is in the office, however, the office is fully air conditioned!)

I changed a light bulb (all by myself!) and replaced a shower caddy as well as meeting my work commitments!

Didn't eat much of dinner as too hot to eat (not a bad thing really!)

Arrived at bridge early again to set-up most of the tables and chairs and stayed at the end to help too.

A tough night for the director (some players do not listen and then go wrong, frustrating for all of us!).

Home just in time to say goodnight to Vee

Our night didn't sparkle but some hands were the Ops doing well, some were us though!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

5    I need to play my A, partner then signals she likes it - hard to play A from AQ though so I played a , cost us 2 tricks
6   Partner can play this better
8   This turned out to be a great sacrifice so it wasn't intended as such!
9   A triumph for the 11-14 NT range!
11   Well bid Ops
13   Ops open weak 2 and I bid 3 (I didn't use any of our defensive bids so I want to play in 3), I can understand why partner raised me but I just wanted to play in 3
20   Well bid Ops
21   Unlucky Ops, we got the defence right here too (partner made both her s as ruffs)
25th July 2018


Playing with a regular(ish) partner in a regular club session

A busy day today as I present to the board once a month and today is that day!

All went well though and I had high praise from some senior staff too - left on a high and came home and all was too hot (nice and cold in the office!).

Just Vee and I for dinner and we stayed in the front room where it is cooler at night.

Slightly later than normal to bridge as we stayed home to watch the end of the Chase, they won £30k each, that would pay for a few sofa's for us!!!

We help set-up and get the Improvers section ready but only 6 turned up, Vee played in the main group (and did well) and Val hosted a social night for the Improvers who finished early too.

We had a good night but if my partner had been concentrating and played to the level he should play at, we would have won by miles....!

I did get a little sharp with him too and apologised for it, it is purely because I expect so much from him and he took it well, in fact, he said he liked constructive comments and to be shown where he could improve!

Only the second time we have played Precision and to be honest, we got the bidding right (mostly, ignore my 7NT!!!).  It was the card management we struggled with tonight.

In doing my diary and going through the hands, I spotted we had put in 3 tricks on board 2 - we actually made 8 tricks (going off 3), the correction improves our score a bit!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops opened 1 and their partner bid 2 after my double - I think with 3s you should always support - we get a good score for taking s off
3   An ambitious bid by me and bold play got me home.  Ops realised they had to stop me ruffing the s and played a trump, excellent play but unfortunately they then played the Q which Ops partner won with the A setting up my J, phew!
5   I open 4 here (Texas transfer), partner completes it (denying a slam interest) and Ops double - they didn't expect my hand to be quite so good, unlucky Ops
8   Ops open 1, passed round to me - I have to take action and cannot double with my shape so I bid 2 (not a great suit but I HAVE to bid), we compete up to 3 and get home with a good score
10   Well played partner, although I maintain you didn't have to let the first go, could discard your later on the long
12   Partner needs to lead a towards my K here, or take trumps out, not his finest hand
13   Not a good sacrifice Ops - we defended well though
14   I must pass here and let partner double, sorry partner - just trying to even the score in errors....!
16   Partner played well here, really well! Losing the first was critical I think, great planning ahead
17   I was a passed hand, partner jumped on to 4 - not too bad, but then played less than perfectly.  Ops transferred as a rescue and he had it in his mind that the other hand had 5s!!!
20   Hard to find this slam, will need to give it some thought - my initial thinking is that I should bid 4NT over partner's jump to game (Ops opened weak 2) - then he knows I have values and can value his hand - still, making 13 tricks was better than most, well done partner!
21   Hard to get this right but forgetting the K was still out was not the best plan....!
22   Whoops - my error here, bidding was 1C (16+, any shape), 7NT, my bid is 6NT and partner raises with 20+, sorry partner
23   Better played by North here, good lead Ops - partner lost control of the s and then it all went wrong, well done Ops for ducking the A on the first round though
24th July 2018


Too hot!

Decided not to go to badminton tonight (not playing next week either as I am in a bridge match), hopefully will be cooler by the time I go back to it!

Made a stir fry tonight, was really nice!

John came over with some laptop and iPad issues, solved them all and had a glass of wine.

Just relaxing for the rest of the night.

Playing at YHBC tomorrow (Precision, round 2)

23rd July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 7 of the Monday Championships

Started work very early this morning as working at home and had a handyman coming at 9am and deadlines to meet.

I got all the work done, sorted out the house and cleaned too!

I didn't have a break though and no time to eat lunch so I didn't bother, just had dinner (Chicken Omelette!)

Our bathroom looks much better with some shelves up and a mirror on an arm that can fold away, shelves in lodgers room, holes in cabinets for plugs and cables, a new outside light and waste pipe secured.  He was very good and quick too.

I arrived at bridge early to help set-up (I put almost all the chairs and tables out in the end!), stayed at the end to pack up and help Val too (as did Margaret and Linda).

Bridge itself was not great but the atmosphere was better, perhaps we are unlucky sometimes.

I noticed Anne was dressed immaculately and all co-ordinated - I commented to say you must be doing well, they were and did!!!  I noticed a long time a go how well co-ordinated she was and she won the session, whenever she wears something the wrong colour they do not do as well..... Coincidence I am sure but it is true almost all the time!!!

6th in the ladder now and all very close but quite a few top pairs haven't played 6 times yet....  We have 4 scores to improve on and only 3 more events, will keep trying though!

Playing badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    A good double partner, I just need to take my 3 tricks!, we need to be in 5s though but Ops bid well
6   Ops got a bit carried away here, our defence was good too though
7   Partner can do better here
8   Partner did better here!!!  Looks 9 tricks are available but hard to find them (only 1 pair did)
10   I pushed too hard here I think
12   Ops have game on but only 1 pair bid it!
13   I pushed too hard here too, a few others did as well but perhaps I need to show more caution
14   I played well here
15   Not the best defence and stunning play by partner
16   I did as I should here but only 2 others managed the same
18   1NT by me, stayman by partner, double by Ops - I do not have a 4 card major so pass and let partner decide - I can't see how we escape here unless partner bids 2s and I pass or correct (or Ops come in)
21   I played well here
22   Well bid Ops
23   Ops talked us out of our game and we didn't defend as well as we could have
22nd July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the Dorset Swiss Pairs

A busy day for our household, I leave for Dorset (drive to Nick's and he drives us there an back).

Vee goes to Tesco and then into London to have a day out and watch a dance group

1 Lodger goes to work

The other lodger and his girlfriend goes to the Beach for the day!

The lodger at work is home in time to feed the cats, the rest of us all get home at 9pm

We had a great start winning the first 2 matches, it all went against us after that.

I made a bad double when I had the Ops suit, partner made an error or wrong judgement each match thereafter.

Some great defence though and an amazing 6+1 by me and 3NT+4 by partner (when we both had a singleton !!!)

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1: Won 14-6
2    I bid 3 after opening 1NT, I must pass and let partner speak - we then find 3
3   We pushed Ops up a level and got a plus score (not many did)
Match 2: Won 15-5
9   We missed game, fortunately Ops doubled me for a better score!  Not many found game looking at it
10   Partner can play better here
11   Ops need to stay in 3s but we defended well to take 3NT down 2 - I held up the A
Match 3: Lost 0-20
19   Partner reversed so I thought he had 16+ (not 14), not entirely my fault here
Match 4: Lost 6-14
22   We need to bid onto 3s and should have held Ops to 2s but I need to play K from Kx
25   Well bid and well played partner
26   I missed a trick here by playing towards my Q and the singleton A won - I need to play small from my hand and then I don't lose 2 s
Match 5: Lost 9-11
31   We defended well here getting a ruff
34   I had 17 points but couldn't guarantee taking 1NT off so I should not double, this is a hard hand
Match 6: Lost 9-11
38   Partner opens 3s, I have a void and 19 points with 7s - I bid 4NT (1 keycard), 6 - A lead (I ruff) and 13 tricks made!
40   Superb defending here to take Ops down 3!
41   I got cross here (not massively but partner knew I was not happy) - I saw the auction and then bid 3NT, a great contract.  Partner bid on to 4 and went down
Match 7: Lost 7-13
47   Ops interfered so we avoided NTs - missed the slam too!
21st July 2018


We are both out tomorrow so did washing and cleaning today.

Shopping list done and Vee will go to Tesco in the morning before he goes out, I am off to Dorset for the Swiss Pairs.

John came round at 11am to see the house and have a chat, was good to see him and it sounds like he is going to try and make more of an effort to come out to Bridge again which is excellent news!

We walked to the Quays for lunch and it was really nice, chicken and mash for me.

Finished putting pictures up in the afternoon and decided we want a series of canvas pictures to make up a landscape when viewed together for one wall in the back lounge.

Vee made pakoras at 6pm and we took some to our neighbours who then gave us some eggs (they keep chickens) in return!

Ian & Martin then came for games at 7pm, I was winning the first game and needed 1 point but couldn't get it and Vee won.  Ian then won the second game.

Playing at Dorset (Green Point Swiss Pairs) tomorrow

20th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not our night!

A couple of errors, but Ops beat us tonight.

I had 5 choices and got them all wrong!!!

1 member rejoined and another joined tonight, all added to the EBU and club and emails sent out welcoming them.

Day off tomorrow!

The Highs and Lows:

1    Well bid Ops
2   Partner lost to the singleton K, unfortunate
6   Ops missed game but only one other made 10 tricks - some let us play in 1!!!
9   I should pass 3 here, fortunately other tables did worse than us or let 4s through
11   Ops played well here, I think I should have bid 3 though
23   Ops got the s wrong here and we defended well
20th July 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in the Hazle Willis Cup

A busy day at work and then off to Bridge.

We had a few more deliveries at home and our lodger took care of them for us.

Well done to Norman & John, Jim & Moira, Cup winners today!  I have updated the roll of honour.

Today is scored on aggregate points, akin to Teams.

We were close to retaining the trophy for the 3rd year in a row but just missed out, a few chances to do it too, still, generally good today (I also checked the %, we had 60% if scored on Match Points).

Took Dorothy home after bridge and then diary and food.  I also corrected results files from yesterday and today and re-submitted for club and EBU.

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

The Highs and Lows:

7    Only plus score!
8   Only plus score!
9   Although Ops can make a slam, we were on course to defeat this with a through, partner didn't see the opportunity unfortunately but not easy
15   Not many bid game and we are vulnerable, has to be in game here - I got the s right to make this
16   Great sacrifice here, I bid 2 (level of the fit) and Ops didn't compete
17   Good double, good defence
19   Ops missed the slam
22   A bad double, sorry partner
19th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not much going on today, have re-arranged the dining room and now more room to sit at the table, more pictures on the wall and a new clock for the kitchen.

We had an average night tonight, in the points though.

Some bad luck where Ops bid a slam or game or even opened against us where others hadn't

6 hands made 12 tricks tonight, only 1 slam bid on those and it was Ops against us!  None were easy to call though

We had a Surrey Youth playing with the Surrey Youth Officer tonight, they did well too, always great to see the younger players doing well.

Not as well as Val & Anne though, well done girls!!!

Board 1 had a split board for 2 pairs who had the hand wrong (not sure who put the cards in the wrong slot though) - when this was adjusted, quite a change in ranks.

I have also re-done the event as I noticed Derek was in twice!  All corrected now.

Playing twice tomorrow, Total Points Cups in the afternoon

The Highs and Lows:

1    Most passed this, Ops did well to open and got a good score
2   I defended poorly here
3   Bidding misunderstanding here, I doubled Ops 1NT and partner bid 2 - I paused then announced as stayman (as it was last night with a different partner) - wrong!!!!  I played my way out of trouble though
4   I had to keep quiet here with my 5 trumps in case Ops escape
5   I stand by my choice to bid stayman here, 2 can be made for a good score too
8   I need another to either ruff or promote my trump
10   We got the defence spot on here, Ops helped by discarding a  from dummy on the 4th enabling partner to run her suit
12   We defended well here and kept the pressure on, Ops can make this but it was the last hand of then night and they lost concentration
14   Ops opened 1NT, partner doubles and Ops rescue with a transfer to s - I double (showing s) and transfer is completed - partner doubles 2 - I think I have to pass now -we need to be in s though....
16   Ops discarded too many s as I squeezed for the 12th trick
19   Not our best defence here, well played Ops though
21   Only 2 pairs bid the slam, 1 was against us!
23   I made 12 tricks, as I should - others didn't
24   Ops got the  wrong, unlucky Ops
18th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 4 of the Beryl Doughty

Vee had a long day travelling with work and is coming down with a cold too.  He still came and hosted the Improvers with Val and they had 3 tables again, good to see!

Great to see 70% for Chris & Carole too!

We had a solid night tonight, most things worked well (only 1 red score), we are consistent too, played 2 rounds of the competition so far and 61% on both (currently leading the pairs who have played 2 times but we need 4 to count by the end of the season).

Partner played 10 hands tonight and played brilliantly on all of them (well, maybe 1 was under par) which was a major factor in our overall score!

The winners had 75% tonight though, can't compete with that!!!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    We have a tough minor game to go for which most did not make, 200 worked out ok though
4   I think partner should pass here and we double anything Ops bid - tough call though as we have a vulnerable game on - turns out not many bid game and not many had a good enough doubled score
7   We had a bit of incident here where the director got the ruling wrong on an insufficient bid but I got it wrong too!!!  As it happens, we should have been allowed to play in 4s for a joint top instead of a 2nd - but no complaints.  Lesson learned though, consult the book or another director if not sure
8   I bid all on my own here, found a tough trump break and managed to get out for 2 off, Ops have a part score on so it worked well for us
14   Brave bid partner, not any found game!
15   Ops can play a little better but partner made a good lead that cost nothing and didn't help the Ops
19   Partner played brilliantly to make this, very tough contract
23   I am not strong enough to bid 2 here and partner has no way of knowing I have 5, unfortunate - Ops defended well here too
17th July 2018


Worked from home today and a busy day with 3 conference calls.

Had 4 deliveries scheduled today and also had to close a window in our old house for the new owners who had left it open!!!  Collected our post too.

Jo came over for half an hour in the afternoon too for a coffee and a bridge chat (also some more cat food!)

Pitta Pizzas tonight then put suitcase in the loft and swapped mattress over (our lodger wanted a softer one and we wanted a harder one)

Badminton was very hot tonight, I pushed too hard at the start winning the first 4 games (all very close) but then ran out of steam!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow in Round 4 of the Beryl Doughty

16th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A good day at work today (quiet with a few on leave this week).

Firmed up our next Hubert Philips match (we are now in the Plate event, tough London team at Young Chelsea).

Booked the handyman for next Monday (23rd)

Cooked a mixed grill for a lodger and myself (yummy!)

Jo and I have had a few tough months (mainly personal lives) and bridge needs to be a good distraction - we did well overall tonight but not on all hands.

If it goes wrong, I think we have to stop arguing on the night as it is causing a strain, I like and respect Jo so much and we have to resolve this part.  Invited her for coffee tomorrow as working at home and can take a break.

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    We missed a trick but Ops bid too high giving us a good score
3   I got my losers away on the s for an extra trick
4   Ops should be in 4s I think
6   We need a switch but hard for both of us to do it
8   I got the s right here and used the s as entries to dummy to keep getting them right
10   I thought partner had 5s, my mistake, sorry partner
13   We defended well here
15   We defended well here
16   I meant my double as take out looking for s
17   I think this plays better in s and a it happens, better with East on lead - just unfortunate
19   Pass, Pass, Me - I decide to open 4 - a helpful lead and some skill in declarer play and 10 tricks made (most made 10 but too but didn't bid it)
15th July 2018


We did our chores first thing then went to drop the chairs Barbara lent us for our bridge gathering and helped her with an IT issues.

Then Tesco for the weekly shop and home to unload the shopping and back out to look at Sofa's (we liked the first one we saw, viewed the rest and then bought them!)

Should be 5-7 weeks for delivery but another job done!

New Cat Post arrived today and a mirror for the bathroom (still need the handyman to confirm a date to do our jobs).

Our friends arrived at 1pm and we showed them round the house then played 4 games of Poker.

6 of us and I was 3rd in the first game then won the next 2!  Tanya was 3rd in each of the first 3 games too.

Vee won the last game on an incredibly lucky hand making 3 wins out of 4 for the home side and £50 profit (paid for take away for us all!)

Playing at CBC tomorrow

14th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the London Metropolitan Bridge Association Swiss Pairs

Simon picked me up at 10:45 and we had no issues getting into London and were allowed to park at the venue (quite a privilege!)

We had an hour before bridge so I treated Simon to chicken and chips and then we started bridge.

Vee was working today with my Dad but had a good day.

We had a good day but it was marred by some director decisions that we still feel were not good.  We appealed one and they found against us, a little cross but not much we can do - they gave our deposit back though!

Ops mi-informed us of what their double meant and we were done out of our  contract - it was very clear we should and could have bid it with the right information but they disagreed.

A few other incidents too but won't go into details.

We won 3 matches and drew one (though we had 51% so had the moral victory!).

We were 50th out of 70 in the end, last match was a disaster, had we won that we would have finished quite well (even higher had the appeal gone our way!)

Playing Poker with friends tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1: Lost 5-15
2    Not a good lead partner, trump would have been better
3   I punted this but it paid off
4   Well played Ops
Match 2: Draw
8   Partner made an extra trick (which he needed to!)
9   I played perfectly here and fooled the Ops into thinking I had 1 !!!
11   I was dumb here!
12   Well played partner, I should have passed 3s though!
14   Partner pulled out the wrong card on the second  and it ruined our defence - it happens
Match 3: Won 15-5
15   Ops were too ambitious here
17   Ops were too ambitious here!
19   I should make this, good defence and poor play by me
Match 4: Lost 16-4
24   Not a good sacrifice here
26   Ops mis-informed us and damaged us - appeal was rejected
Match 5: Won 13-7
29   Well played partner
31   Ops were a little ambitious - good lead partner
32   Ops commented that their partner and my partner had s, this clogged my mind and I thought he did - not fair, director disagreed
34   We are in the right contract making the right number of tricks
Match 6: Won 15-5
37   Ops used Multi Landy to show a 6 card suit, then bid on - bad luck Ops
38   Partner won the first  and switched to a , I cannot understand this....
42   I am the only one bidding and making this
Match 7: Lost 0-20
43   My fault here, felt it would be a good sacrifice.........NO!
46   I don't agree with partner's jump to 4
47   I want to double the Ops but didn't get the chance, partner was right though, I shouldn't have bid to start with
13th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We walked to our take-away place, 3 in a row (fish & chips, Indian and Chinese - we had Chinese)

Both playing tonight, Vee had a much better time than last time and enjoyed the session but was disappointed in the rank

We had a miserable evening and didn't get many good hands, partner especially - we didn't feel we had done too well but I think everyone else had a worse evening!

We did have a few nice scores too though and both declared well

Missed some great tennis (though I was watching bits and tracking scores!)

We found out the road was open for access too, easier route home tonight!  Not posting on home page though as don't think it is guaranteed

All in all, not the worst Friday the 13th!!!

Playing in London tomorrow at YC in their Green Point Swiss Pairs

The Highs and Lows:

2    Ops were in a reasonable contract but it doesn't make, others stopped lower or made it though
4   We defended this really well
9   Ops can make this but didn't mange the trumps right
10   I was too ambitious here, I paused and was going to pass 2 but changed my mind, sorry partner
12   Ops needed to double or bid 4, lucky for us
13   Great sacrifice here
14   Good defence here holding them to 9
15   Ops sacrificed here and we do make our game, vulnerability wrong for them though
17   Well bid and played partner - glad I competed up to 4 now!
18   Not the best double partner, Ops in the wrong contract, we had a top for 5 making, but not doubled!
20   Ops didn't see the 10 was run and so didn't cover it, lucky here
22   Sorry partner, I was too adventurous here
23   The previous board had an impact on this one, we bid too high now too low!  Ops revoked though, I made 11 tricks but score shows 10?
24   Great sacrifice partner!
13th July 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Ordered some shelves, a mirror and a new cat post today (have to keep our furry masters happy!)

A little cooler today and even some rain on my way home (taking Dorothy home as we are nearly neighbors now).

Started by swapping cars over and chairs and taking a bridge table from Richard & Julie as a house warming gift, very nice of them !!!

Generally we were good today but a few wobbles, enjoyed!

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

3   I got the s right and made an extra trick here
5   Partner did well to make this, harder if Ops push a through
6   Ops didn't get their bidding sequence quite right and I made a cheeky overcall with my 6s
9   I made an extra trick here as Ops didn't take the A
10   I made an extra trick here for a good score, East needs to keep a  to avoid letting me throw everything away on the long suit
11   Partner bid at the 3 level freely, I was expecting a few more points.....
12   I managed 2 extra tricks here, I needed them as we missed our fit!
13   Ops cannot make game so this was not good
14   Good sacrifice but not enough bid game
17   Partner opened 2 (weak), this is a limit bid, I don't think you can bid again after a limit bid and I want to double 5s!!!
18   We need to take our  tricks, bad lead from me, sorry partner
20   Ops were a little ambitious here
21   Right contract, right number of tricks
12th July 2018


Playing with a scratch partner in Round 7 of the CBC Thursday Championships (although we are not part of the series)

Both our normal partners were away tonight so we teamed up - we played together about 5 years ago and know each other well (very well it looks like with the Bridgewebs display of names!!!)

My desk arrived today so my lodger helped put it together before Bridge, looks good (big but good!), nearly there now, just a few jobs booked in with a handyman and new sofas to look at this Sunday.

Andy Fry asked me if I could find him a partner for tonight and I came up trumps with Keith, they won by a fair distance, well done both!

We had a good night tonight, both enjoyed it and felt relaxed with no bidding misunderstandings (although I did make a mess of a few!) - we both declared well and defence was generally good too.

Only one issue with partner which was where I asked him to switch suit on the opening lead and he didn't, minor issue though and no problems after that!

At the start of the session, we seemed to get a good board followed by a bad one (or vice versa), a few ended up as both good in the end fortunately

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    I made a mess of the bidding and play here, sorry partner
5   Ops can make 12 tricks, we held it to 11 but others did better
6   We are in the right contract and I managed an extra trick (as a few others did too)
12   Lucky not to get a lead here
16   We are the only pair in game here, sorry Ops - well played partner and also for bidding on, I invited with 3s and he went up (I had shown the majors already and he picked my best one)
17   I missed a trick here but looking at the score, the double saved me!
21   We stayed in the right contract here
23   We needed to stay in NTs by the looks of it, I panicked here
24   We pushed Ops up and doubled, phantom sacrifice for them as it turns out as we don't make our s
11th July 2018


Playing with a new partner and team mates in round 2 of the YHBC Teams Series

My new Monitor and keyboard and mouse arrived today so set-up my home office (just waiting for the desk!!!)

My new chair was so comfortable too, really happy with the new set-up - we just need a few bits of work doing (have a quote now too) and to get new sofa's then we are done!

Shame about the Football tonight, really hoped we would get to the final, still, a good effort.

Tonight, only 2 Improvers (plus an already established Improver team) so Val & Vee teamed up with them and they joined the main group.

Both "Improver" teams did quite well and improved on last time (for the established team) and the new pair enjoyed the challenge and are considering the main group for pairs too.

Vee enjoyed playing with Val and they had a good start against our Chairman!

I have calculated and uploaded the team series file (blue link at the top)

We had a good night and only the second time we have played together as a pair (we won the Christmas "fun" bridge session).

Some excellent bidding apart from me going on to 5 and being doubled, I must pass and let partner double!  Great play too apart from one hand when partner needs to take his 4 tricks against 4s.....

We won tonight as a team, largely on 2 big wins

Great to see Geoff & Frances win at the Woking today, well done both!

Playing at CBC tomorrow (Club Championships but my partner is away)

The Highs and Lows:

2    I should not bid 5 here, either pass and let partner double 5s or, if I am brave, I double and let partner pass or correct
4   Most were in 4s here but I was mean and doubled
6   Best defence is hard to find here, A lead followed by a low (nobody would do that!) but we must at least take our 4 tricks partner
12   Ops missed game, team mates were not in the right game but they made it!
13   Ops bid 3s with a flat hand and 4 points (supporting their partner), I think this is too weak to bid (saying something coming from me!!!) - team mates made 10 tricks but only 8 there really
14   I think this is a close enough slam to bid, partner was lucky Ops carried on with the s to give a ruff and discard though - team mates defended well to take 5s off
17   I doubled Ops who had got too high and our team mates stayed in a part score and made theirs
19   I made this as Ops discarded the so couldn't reach their partner's hand - team mates defeated their Ops NTs
20   We bid game here, Ops stayed in a part score
21   We defended well to take this 2 off and team mates defeated Ops in 2s too
10th July 2018


An un-eventful day - sorted out arrangements for Saturday's Green Point pairs in London though.

Still too hot and 2 more weeks at least until we get to sensible temperatures!

We booked a handyman to come and see the few bits we need doing around the house but he was running late so I had gone by the time he got here but Vee said he was fine and will send a quote

I am no longer walking distance from Badminton which meant I had to drive and then take glasses off on arrival - took my eyes a while to adjust and then sweaty on the way home - still, not too bad

Badminton was ok but I was not stunning tonight, still, good to run around!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow in Round 2 of the Teams Series

9th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Another hot day today and a hard day at work - also booked a handyman to come tomorrow to see the work we want doing (just shelves and a bit of adjusting for some units etc and fixing the washing machine waste properly)

I made hot dogs for dinner tonight, they were surprisingly good!

Arrived at CBC early and set-up half the tables and most of the chairs, was really hot when done!

We had a cool(ish) table but still far too hot and both of us were on edge and a bit bad tempered, think we both made errors too, still 50%, could be worse

Playing badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    We didn't get the bidding right here
3   I had lots of ways to make this and got it totally wrong, sorry partner
6   Ops saw partner had no s but carried on with them from dummy instead of getting to hand and finessing again
7   Ops can do better here though we put the pressure on with the defence
11   Partner had nerves of steel to make this, Ops played away from their K and partner played her Q which held, phew!
12   This was 100% for Ops when we played it (on round 2!) and I said at the time, this will be a good board for us in the end, it was!  We defended well here
18   I doubled 4, partner didn't think we had enough to take this off and our vulnerable game scores better, close call and no argument from me, it just didn't work this time
20   Unlucky here, I could have ruffed a  on trick 12 then won the last trick with the K to get this one off - declarer should always have made 10 as it happens and it was a bad double by me but we had a chance
21   No  lead or switch so I only lost 1, phew!
22   Partner opened weak 2 and I decided my hand was worth game so bid it directly and partner played it well - not many in game
8th July 2018

Open House:

Tesco delivery so no pressure to do shopping!

We went to B&Q and Sainsbury's to take back a few items and get lights for the garden and a few other bits

We had friends over from 2pm to see the house and have drinks and nibbles and the last few left at 9pm! 

Was a great day and think everyone likes the new house!

We have some great friends and lots of bottles and cards and great to see everyone!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

7th July 2018

BBQ & Social Teams Bridge:

Playing with my life partner in a regular social teams event

The summer event is traditionally a BBQ at Ruth & Nigel's then Bridge at Tony & Sheila's - Nigel did really well with the BBQ and we all supplied something to go with it.

Too hot for me but kept in the shade and was a good day, plenty to eat and drink!

We finished watching the England match and was pleased to see them win again, now in the Semi's for the first time since 1990!!!

Bridge started off really well, we won 20-0, 16-4, 18-2, 13-7!!!

It went south after that though!!!  Ian N & Mary won and was great to see them do well, well done both!

Having a few friends over tomorrow to have a drink and a few nibbles and let people see where live now

6th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the final round of the Accumulator Cup

I decided not to have dinner, no appetite in this heat - will get something after Bridge!  Ordered Tesco online ready for the weekend

Only 4 tables tonight, heat, football, holidays - all more sensible than those that turned up tonight I think!!!

I was not feeling up to bridge tonight but couldn't let partner down - as it happens, I did - declarer play was not good (well, bidding judgement was not good!)

I didn't seem to have many hands I could do much with, passed more tonight than I have in a long while, still.....

I think we both felt the heat really, lucky to come out of the session with 50% to be honest!!!

Well done Marion & Alan, winning the Accumulator Cup!!!  Hall of Fame now started for this season

Playing bridge with friends in our regular 12 tomorrow with a BBQ

The Highs and Lows:

3    Ops can play better, we defended well though
5   Ops bid on for no good reason here
6   Ops were a little ambitious here - I thought we make 4 but it seems only 9 available
8   Well rescued partner!
9   Ops missed a slam but did better than most
12   I should leave 3s here, bad judgement, sorry partner
14   Ops did what they should but others didn't
15   We were set to defeat this but the H lead ruined my holding, not easy for partner though
19   We defended really well here - I was lucky to make my J to take the 4th  though
20   Ops made an extra trick by playing well, we were more damaged by other declarers not doing well!
23   Ops need to be in 3NT here
25   I overcalled s, if we had a  lead we defeat this
6th July 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

In the office today (early start and 1pm finish) then on to bridge.

Vee finished early and cleared rubbish to the tip.

We had an up and down start to the session but then got fairly steady to get a good score - I felt my declarer play was better today too!

Our defending needs a bit of work still but the rest was good.  We did have a bit of luck too....!

It was really hot today, I do NOT like this heat!!!!

Playing in the final round of the Accumulator Cup after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1    Partner made a good lead then switched, disaster!
2   Ops got a bit carried away and we defended well
3   This needs a trump lead - Ops played the trumps out until the last card and we didn't keep the
4   Hard to bid the grand slam as it relies on the K being in the right place and the 10 too (which I finessed)
6   A good sacrifice as it turns out - only 9 tricks on for Ops but most seemed to make 4 - 100 is bette than 140 too though
10   We need to push on with our s here
11   We pushed the Ops up (I don't like Ops to play at the 2 level if I can help it)
12   I played well here
13   12 tricks are a lay down here but only 2 other pairs made 12 and one was not in game
15   I was very lucky here, Ops need to take their s, I got 1 away and let them ruff with a master as he other one went
16   Great play by partner, needs a  lead to get a ruff I think
18   I played quite well here!!!
19   I was under pressure here and didn't take the finesse as I was settling for 1 off, if the fails then I am miles off - wrong decision as it turns out
24   A good combination here, partner played well and Ops didn't defend very well - They need to lead a  I think and not take the A freely after the trumps are out
5th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner and Team mates in Round 4 of the Teams series

Another day working at home but managed to a full day this time!

Our new office chairs arrived today (hassle unpacking them and huge boxes!) but another job done!

Our lodger put hooks on the doors upstairs for us whilst we were at bridge, another job done!

I cooked in the kitchen for the first time (Vee does most of the cooking) - we made curry and I made the chicken curry.

Bridge was good tonight, both pairs were above average and we were 2nd and 3rd on X-Imps - if we had a bad board, team mates did well and vice versa - well done Team!

Purple link at the top for the session, blue link for the league table

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    Ops pushed too far and let my singleton K make - team mates stayed in 3 making
11   Partner played this really well, caught the K and threw 2 s away on the s (second was lost but gained a trick), team mates only went 1 off in 4 for a good score too!
13   Well bid and played partner!  Partner bid 3NT (after 1, 2) and they stayed in 2NT against team mates
18   Team mates bid the slam, Ops didn't against us - this was mainly due to an odd 2 rebid by South (no alert and it was a singleton A) - I made a comment but let it go
4th July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Worked at home today (or that was the plan!!!) - the house got in the way.

I had another £80 B&Q trip and spend nearly 3 hours on the phone sorting out gas and electric (too dull a story to go into but very frustrating!!!) - all sorted now but meant I couldn't work in the afternoon.

Washing machine leaked when I put the boards back too, we need to seal the pipe joint I think.

The road closure didn't cause any problem getting into the club and most were early rather than late but some didn't park in the club car park and so were asked to move their cars causing a delay to the start.

Vee hosted the Improvers tonight and back up to 3 tables, close at the top too!

We had a frustrating start where most scores were bad for us and not our fault (mainly!) - but a lot of them improved as they were played by more pairs and we had some good boards later on too.

We made a detour to the old house after bridge to take the bins in for the new owners as they couldn't get there today - we are all very friendly and it's nice to be nice (no effort for us either really).

Good to see Margaret & Keith do well at Woking this afternoon

Playing Teams at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    A good sacrifice, Ops can do well in either minor
2   Well played partner!!!
5   Ops bid and made what they should here
11   I need to push a  through trick 2, sorry partner
16   We bid and made what we should here
19   We pushed Ops up and then doubled (bit mean)
24   Ops got a little carried away and partner doubled
3rd July 2018


Worked from home today part time as had a packed day!

More work calls came in than I was expecting as well as:

Jo came to see the house and liked it - we discussed bridge too and some of Monday's hands in detail

Cleared the remaining boxes

Sorted the paperwork and office

Removals came to clear the boxes

Took our lodger to town for work to save her walking

Owner of our old house came with our mirror and post and we gave her the paperwork for bits in the old house

New Washer / Dryer delivered (at 6pm!!!) and they refused to instal it as we cannot find the waste pipe!!!!  There is just a hole in the wall........!!!!!!!!

With that and the heat, I decided to stay home tonight (no washer means I cannot wash my kit after badminton too!!!)

I watched the England match, what a tense game - well done England though, winning on penalties, who would have thought it!!!!!!

I ordered a new desk and chair for my office (chair comes Thursday and Desk in 7-10 days), also looking at sofas for the front room too - lots of money going out, need more coming in soon.......!

Our new neighbours have sent a text to the previous owners to see if they can help with the waste pipe - they had a washing machine there before so it must work somehow - we are just nervous about letting water and waste simply go under the kitchen floor!!!

Our other lodger face-timing his Dad to try and sort the washing machine as we speak (11pm).....

.....Success!!!!! Between us all, washing machine now attached to waste pipe (through the hole in the wall under the dishwasher and to a pipe that was wound around the sink u-bend) - run a quick wash and no leaks, fingers crossed!!!  We have put a bucket under the pipe joint for now and will do some full washing tomorrow to test it, phew!!!!!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow - watch out for road closures

2nd July 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Another hot day today and busy at work (good air conditioning though!)

Our cat (Nemo, my picture on bridge profiles) escaped tonight from one of the lodgers rooms onto the extension roof!  He came back in though!

The family that bought our house came over today to bring post and they bought our washing machine off us too (getting a new washer/dryer tomorrow) - our lodger showed them round and they loved our new house!

Bridge tonight had a lot of really good things from us both but a few disagreements and bad luck too - we are getting together tomorrow for coffee as I am at home waiting for the washer/dryer

Most of the issues are due to us both being distracted by things in our personal lives - hopefully both coming through now though and just need to get back to winning ways

Great to see Margaret and David win tonight, well done both!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1    11 tricks are available but you have to play well to make them and partner did!  I made the right choice not to be in NTs too
7   We didn't find game but we did avoid the NT trap for a good score!
8   Partner's only real error of the session - near the end, don't take the A, play a to end play declarer I think
9   I made the wrong lead here, 6 tells partner how the suit lies, I am used to strong 10 leads but it is not our agreement, sorry partner
10   I decided to look for the slam which then took us too high, sorry partner
12   We defended well here to hold this to 9 tricks, partner discarded the 6 so I had count on the suit and was safe to play my 10 and 7 for 2 tricks
13   We had a lead out of turn and Ops rightly banned a lead - it is the only lead that takes the contract off unfortunately
15   I had a choice between 1 or 2s as my opening and opted for 2s as my hand really wasn't worth any more - I had to play well to make it but Ops helped by not giving a second ruff
18   Ops could make this if they are bold but it is very tricky, we defended well though
19   I tried to explorer in this hand to find out about partner's s but couldn't establish if there was a shortage so rather then 6, I opted for s (knowing it was a 4-3 fit but it should outscore 5s) - it turned out well due to partner's great play but still not sure how we find 6
20   I was going to make a weak jump overcall but realised we play intermediate just in time, then I felt I had to continue the bid as I went for the box and couldn't think how to correct my error, I MUST bid 4, sorry partner
1st July 2018

SCBA AGM & Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Surrey's mini Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs (AGM at half time).

We built a new bed in the morning for one of our lodgers and got shopping ordered - I then showered and changed and Simon picked me up to go to the Bridge event

Vee had a pleasant afternoon with Margaret, they walked down to the Quays, 20 minute walk, and enjoyed a glass of wine - Vee also gave another tour of the house now it is all unpacked!

We had a tough start where the Ops bid games most didn't, could have won round 2 but didn't then won the matches either side of the AGM

The AGM was fairly quick and went smoothly

We got beaten by a good pair then a narrow defeat on the last round.

Colin & David were leading until the last hand where they dropped a little, they were the only pair to beat the winners (Frances & Jeffrey though) - well done both!

Quite a few pairs from our local clubs and a few good wins for all of us (most of us were up and down each round!)

Vee had dinner ready for when I got home and we all sat in the dining room to eat, nice!

My Dad came over to view our house tonight too and was impressed and wished us many happy years here!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

5    We need to be in s here or defeat this by more, I need my ruff I think
8   Partner can make this if he plays a low  as Ops have a singleton K but not easy - we need to be in NT for a good score though
9   We gave a trick away, I need to switch to a trump trick 2
10   Ops didn't get the defence right here
12   I had the choice of leaving 4 doubled in or bidding game - I couldn't be sure we would get enough for defending and bid game, I played it well but 12 tricks are there
14   Partner made an extra trick here for a good score
16   Ops bid weakly here but they were stronger than they showed - they need to push on to 4
18   Ops were too ambitious here and we defended perfectly (I made 3 of my s!)
19   Ops miss-bid here, he meant to bid 2 - we defended well though
21   I should have gone 1 off but still not as good as defending Ops, I only overcalled 1 and partner kept competing, grrrrr
22   I was gifted an extra trick as Ops didn't take their , I got the right too due to a rule I follow (the Q follows the 9, thanks Jo!)
24   We were right to defend here
25   Wrong hand playing here, simple as that 
26   We had the chance to double Ops 3 or play in game - wrong choice but it's a tough call
28   We were too ambitious here
32   Not my finest bid here - need to pass and let the Ops get into a mess
34   Ops didn't see their partner bid and so didn't realised the points they had - partner made a cheeky (VERY cheeky) overcall and was left to play in it - how often is going down 300 a good score.....!
35   Ops defended well, 4 is a good contract but not there - most made it though!
36   Partner opened 1 (16+) and I responded 1 (0-3 points), Ops double, partner redoubles and I left it in (it's my only 4 card suit).  It shouldn't make but Ops didn't take their A - a top for no work at all!
30th June 2018

Day Off:

No bridge today

Vee was at a family friends 80th (which went on longer than he thought it would!)

I went out with one of our lodgers and got some more bits for the house and some supplies and finished off setting up the office (including banging my head twice!)

Our neighbours came round in the evening and we got through a few bottles of red as we got to know each other and they are a really nice family (same age as us too but with 2 young kids, 8 and 10)

Nice to have good neighbours and think we will become friends too!

Playing in the Surrey mini Swiss Pairs tomorrow

29th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 2 of the Accumulator Cup

A busy day today and arranged for Margaret to play with Margaret (B&W!!!) so had time to sort the house out.

We unpacked the rest of downstairs first thing this morning then had an issue with the downstairs toilet, it keeps filling - not leaking but creates a noise throughout the house - will sort next week!

Had the front door lock changed and new keys cut and resolved the hot water (needed the gas turning on and set to "once" - now works!!!

Then went to ProCook in Basingstoke and got a lovely set of induction pans (£700 worth for £270) and Nandos for lunch

Then to B&Q to get a new shower head for downstairs shower room, new doorbell, new handles for a chest of drawers, hose fitting for the outside tap - fitted and fixed all of those too!

Also dropped a key off to our ironing lady to start again next week

Got home and the washing machine leaks and nowhere to vent the tumble dryer so took the decision to buy a new washer/dryer and went for a top end one - that's being fitted on Tuesday (we did a load of washing Wednesday before we moved so not much to do before then).

Sorted the rest of the house and then bridge.......

I don't feel we did much wrong and only 2 red scores, 1 was Ops good bidding, one I maybe pushed too hard.

We are well placed for the Cup in 6th but the leader is quite a way ahead - will try our best next week in the final round!

Was pleased to see the Margaret's do well at CBC, only CBC results posted so far so cannot compare yet.

Visitors tomorrow, Neighbours, lodger's Dad, my Dad!

The Highs and Lows:

4    Harsh on Ops here, we defended well but still gave a trick away, most let 3NT through though!
6   Ops overcalled my 1NT and we defended well, partner made her singleton  too
9   I did well to make 10 tricks here, Ops need to take the A entry out instead of setting up the s for me
10   Partner played well here setting up the s - Ops could have done better too though
11   We defended well here
12   We pushed Ops too high here
13   We took our AK, nobody else did - good lead partner
19   Well bid Ops
21   We defended well here
22   I pushed too hard here, looks like 3NT makes though
28th June 2018

Day Off:

No bridge today

We moved house, so a morning of chaos as we are packed up and move - cleaning and sorting as we go - had 4 men come to pack and move us (plus another when we got to the new house).

All went well, our buyers came over at 12 Noon too and we had a good chat and welcomed her to her new house, she seemed really pleased!  We offered to take her bins out next week for her and bring them back in.

She will keep our post for us and message when worth collecting (or she will bring it over).

We were unpacked by 3pm and Margaret came over for a glass of champagne with us in the garden and gave us some bulbs for the garden too.

We had a chat with the neighbours and will get together soon, they seem nice.

Both lodgers settled in too and we are all happy - a few niggles and bits to sort out but we have no major issues other than the boiler which we will get sorted tomorrow.

I may not play tomorrow afternoon in the Sim Pairs (unless I am needed) but we have more visitors coming and things to sort out.

Really pleased to see a CBC pair currently top of the Surrey Sims so far this week (in line for the Dorin Salver!) - well done Max & David!!!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow

27th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session and also the Surrey Sim Pairs

I had my monthly meeting at work where I prepare and run the session for all the Senior staff, had loads to do besides that but got it all done.

We were going to make a pasta bake for dinner but hadn't kept the pasta to one side and it has been packed!  Freezer food in the end!

So hot tonight but I chose a cool(ish) table and we had a fun night, not a great score and a few little bits to iron out but some good bits too.

I agreed to add a notice to the home page about the road closure, this will affect us at YHBC for 6 weeks or so!!!

Good to see Chris (another partner of mine) making a guest appearance and doing well!

Only 5 in the Improvers section so Vee played with Kevin and the other 2 pairs, 1 pair watching as the others played - they discussed the hands and play and played socially until about 9.45pm

Moving House tomorrow, day off (Friday too) to settle in

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops are in the right contract but defended perfectly
9   Ops missed game (or slam)
11   Well bid Ops, partner didn't take her A though, when Kx is in dummy I think you need to take it as it it never going to catch the K
15   We defended really well here
17   We could have taken this off but I didn't get my ruff
18   Ops sacrificed but we got the defence just right to get a good score
19   Partner reversed so I bid to game, I think 1, 2 is the limit of the hand for partner
20   Ops missed game here as we interfered with s
23   Our first hand of the night, partner started off well getting to dummy with a  but then didn't take the  finesse
24   I played this well, hard to get to game and it seems i doesn't always make
26th June 2018

Hubert Philips Bowl:

Playing with regular partners in the Hubert Philips Bowl

A day off today but it was non-stop!

Packing started at 9am, 1 guy arrived and blitzed the house - everything is boxed up now!

A few errors in terms of things he shouldn't have packed, including my bridge stuff (twice!!!) which I rescued

He packed my convention cards too and didn't re-find them but Alan printed some new ones for the match

Took a few chairs and the bridge table to the house with one of our lodgers and showed her round (first time viewing the new house!)

Then went to Waitrose to get supplies for the match and lunch for us both

Packing finished around 3.30pm then I showered and changed and went to the house with the remaining chairs and shopping

Got everything set-up and then showed Margaret the house, think she liked it!

Opps arrived early, then Alan, then Simon - Alan had the other bridge table and score cards and bidding boxes (Thanks Alan!)

Shuffle and Deal so just a brief summary below:

The match started off really well, Margaret & I did everything right and only gave away 90 twice (it is aggregate scoring and we bid all our games and defeated the Ops in theirs)

Unfortunately, our team mates had 2 costly boards and we were down after round 1.

Alan & I net and we were just on the plus side overall, a couple of loose bids but mostly good.  Simon & Margaret were flat too

Simon & I for the last round and we had a good set (including doubling the Ops for 800), this time Alan & Margaret had 1 error going off 200 when game was there, but they did well on every other board that set

After the match we had a bottle of win between us and was very sociable, our new kitchen works really well!

Margaret was superb tonight, she made all the drinks, sorted the food, made sure everyone was comfortable, refreshed drinks, made scones (yummy!) and washed up at the end - Ops asked if she was my Mum!!!!!

Truth be told, we are not related at all but Margaret IS family and very precious to me (well, most of the time......!)

Playing in the Surrey Sim Pairs at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers


25th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 6 of the Monday Championships

Started work early this morning to pack 2 days work into the morning!

I had no break, no lunch and got it all done, though took me until 14:30

Then on to Frimley High Street to collect the house key, on to Aldershot to collect and pay for car.

Dorothy's next to pick up 2 chairs for tomorrow's match and she gave us a lovely house warming gift too, very kind.

On to the house next and I cannot get the key to work!!!  The Agent takes 30 minutes to arrive, but he sorts it (it's a sticky lock and you need to pull it towards you to open it)

I check the house over and all is in order, phew!

Then home to cook meatballs and eat them!

Vee went to the house tonight too to drop a few bits off, take meter readings and check water and electricity etc

He also discovered we need new cooking pots and pans (induction cooker!!!)

After all that, Bridge!!!!!  Unfortunately, a step too far and neither of us were on form - it wasn't helped with the heat and the movement that was set-up in a chaotic fashion - I was cross by the end too and took it out on partner, sincere apologies frown

Good to see my other partner's doing well though (Nick B and Margaret B)

Playing in Round 1 of the Hubert Philips Bowl tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3    Hard to get the defence right here, we did less badly than others!
4   Partner can do a little better
5   Ops were in the right contract
6   Ops were too ambitious
7   Ops miss-bid and it paid off!
9   I am in the right contract here
12   We need to be in 4, if I don't bid, partner can bid her second suit
17   We were in the right contract
18   Partner didn't play as well as she could here
21   I didn't take the first  trying to set-up more, I need to take the Ace then let them in
22   I didn't get the defence right
24   We pushed Ops too far
24th June 2018

Day Off:

No bridge again today

Shopping (with the lit via our new App!) then lunch

After lunch we went to the Tip to get rid of the house stuff we don't want to take with us.  We went as the England match started as we felt most people would be at home - we were right!!!

Although not football fans, we are patriotic and I was pleased to see England win 6-1 (though we missed the middle 4 goals!).

Watched the Tennis final too and not a lot else really!

Waiting for Bridge results, Coventry was up 1 minute after the event finished, still waiting for the Wanborough Cup results - will add some comments when live

Playing at CBC tomorrow in Round 6 of the Monday Championships

I have a manic morning getting my weekly reports and analysis done as well as the monthly chart model for work then:

Collect House Keys

Take car back to Aldershot and get my car back (having paid the damage!)

Collect chairs for the match on Tuesday (thanks Dorothy!)

Get the house ready for the match

Eat dinner

Play Bridge!

23rd June 2018

Day Off:

No bridge today but have sorted out some partnerships and a little admin

We have cleared the house today of all things we don't want to take with us as well as a bit of a clean and tidy

Will go to the tip tomorrow to dispose of quite a bit!

The rest of the day has been relaxing watching TV and films and Pizza!

Another day off for us tomorrow but good luck to those playing in events:

Wanborough Cup


County Teams Final

22nd June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 1 of the Accumulator Cup

We defended well but I didn't play too well, some bidding could be better too.

Vee had a fun night but poor score

The next 2 Friday's count as a total for the Accumulator Cup so, not the best start, but can build on 50%

Sorting through the house at the weekend ready for moving next week

The Highs and Lows:

1    We were in the right contract - 1NT (11-14) and I used stayman to exit into any better contract
7   I didn't drop the doubleton Q - I should have done as even if it is wrong, I need to stop the ruff
13   Well bid Ops
16   I was torn between raising partner to 2 or 3, I think I made the wrong choice
17   A competitive auction and I doubled as 4 was likely to be a top if it made so double in case it doesn't
19   Ops were a bit ambitious, I couldn't be sure enough to double but a good score as it was
20   We defended well here, Ops didn't quite get the distribution right and took a few wrong choices (letting me ruff a )
22nd June 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

With the house now finalised, I paid the balance owed today.  Looking forward to starting a new life next week now and can finally get excited!

I also paid the removal company this afternoon and had a call about my car, they have done the work but want to test it on Monday so I will be picking up the keys to the new house and getting my car on Monday!!!

We didn't start off brilliantly (though some boards got better by the look of it) but we had a very strong finish (moving from 4th to 1st in the last round!

Partner made some excellent bids and played well too (mostly!)

Playing at YHBC after dinner in Round 1 of the Accumulator Cup

The Highs and Lows:

1    Ops played the wrong card on trick 1 by mistake and so partner won with 8 and now can throw a away on the A and lose 1 - well played partner
4   Ops played this perfectly until the end when they let me make the A - their s were now good, unlucky Ops
5   Partner played this well!  Ops didn't take their winner at the start and so 11 tricks made!
6   Ops opened 1 and I bid 1NT (16 with s stopped) - when they bid s again all I could do was double
12   I pushed too hard here, sorry partner
16   Ops lost a  in their hand during the bidding and so supported s in error
19   I need to lead a  at some point here, gave a trick away
22   We defended really well here and ended up taking the last trump out and playing off our winners
23   A little lucky here, I played well cross ruffing the whole hand but a trump lead takes me off
21st June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I had the day off today sorting out all the address changes, moving utilities, TV licence, Council Tax, Electoral register, phones, broadband etc etc - a lot to do but I got it all done!

There was a correction for YHBC on Wednesday which I have now done too (P2P and submitting to the club).

I heard early enough tonight that nobody could get to the club on time so I went early.

"H" let me in and opened up and I then set up the tables and chairs as a few arrived early too to help.

All sorted and no issues.

I stayed at the end with Alan to score and tidy and lock up too.

I was not on form tonight, a shame as partner was!  Sorry partner, you carried us through to a good position though and I will do better tomorrow (1st round of a cup series at YHBC, Vee playing too).

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2    Partner played this really well and the only player to gain a plus score!
3   Ops doubled for take out and it was left in - I can see why but it didn't work out as my trumps are all over the Ops long suit.  Well done for not trying to "rescue" me partner!
7   We had game points and it says I can make this contract, sorry partner - they defended well though
8   Ops opened light and it got in our way, well bid Ops
10   Ops made a good attempt at game here - I wanted to double but felt they would run to 4 so quietly defeated the contract instead
11   We defended well here, Ops could have end played me though but I think they thought too long and then made the wrong decision
12   Ops made an extra trick here, I think a trump lead may have worked better as it happens
13   Partner invited me to game and I declined - nobody found game though but I did make an extra trick
15   Ops missed the slam here - I should have played another  though to hold it to 11 tricks the way it was played at our table
16   I supported partner after an overcall and hoped that "one, two, that will do" would stand, unfortunately, partner jumped to 4 - I think I should have passed though
17   There's only 11 tricks available here and that's all we let the Ops take - everyone else made 12 - partner was the only one to lead a  though, good lead partner
19   Ops didn't know how to value their hand, not easy as 21HCP with a singleton K and 4-4-1-4 shape - they missed game though
20th June 2018


Playing with a new partner in round 3 of the Beryl Doughty Cup (we are not in this though)

A manic day today, a quick story to lead up to it.............

Last Christmas, we decided we had been in our house long enough.  Parking was becoming tricky, we were out-growing the house, not able to host matches and mortgage quite low.

All things added up to a move!  Nice and easy these days................. Not for us!!!!!

We sold in the first week of January to a lovely family who offered on the spot.  They have been friendly and kind and supportive and flexible, the perfect buyers!!!

We offered on a huge and beautiful house in Ash Vale, over our limit but just about ok.

This was sailing through nicely until the mortgage in principal was reduced by £100k at the last minute and we couldn't now afford it crying

We found a new house in Mytchett and in a lot of ways, a more normal house and perfect for us.  Not much of a chain and plain sailing...........

It took over 3 months to get to exchange with lots of issues, lies, miss-understandings, change of chains etc but.........

We have EXCHANGED!!!!!!

New house next week, complete on Monday but staying on until Thursday 28th due to removal company availability and our buyers are fine to let us stay on the extra few days.

You cannot believe what a stressful time this has been, so relieve we are legally done now and nearly there!

My car needs a new chain on top of the Head Gasket and Cylinder so now close to £1500 to fix it but should be back tomorrow afternoon (I have a courtesy car until it is fixed)

Vee hosted the Improvers at YHBC tonight and had 2 tables, another tie for the top!  He was able to direct as 2 full tables and I saw him helping a few of them, nice to be needed as can be a bit dull if they simply play!

We had a good night tonight, a few rare auctions where things were not discussed but we dealt with them and Tony is a very good player, we both enjoyed it tonight and only made 1 or 2 mistakes between us.

Well done Barbara & John, a new pairing and coming together by the looks of it!

Great to see Linda and Pennie do well and Rosalie and Marianne were respectable in the middle.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   Ops were too ambitious here and I doubled
2   Ops stopped in the right contract here
8   We were in the right contract here, nobody else was - partner doubled the 1NT overcall and I felt it was takeout (I was wrong though and realised after), still, we would have had a top either way here
9   We couldn't get a good score here but partner's only error for the evening not giving me my ruff to defeat the contract
10   Ops did exactly what they should, others did not
13   I got this wrong, I wanted to bid 3 to probe for NTs, I should have too, sorry partner
16   We found the major fit here and partner made an extra trick getting the right to throw a  away
17   We stopped in the right contract here, I used stayman to find a major fit and it worked well
23   We got the defence just right here, I needed partner to get in and play a , I found the only entry and was really pleased when partner worked out I must want a  (not the  back!), well done partner
19th June 2018


Another day of frustration - again, we had news that they were now ready to exchange.  An hour later and we found out someone in the chain doesn't have enough money for their deposit so we couldn't exchange!!!

Following that, no news about what happens next

No news on my car either

I nearly didn't go to badminton but was glad I did, won 7 out of 9 (losing 21-19 on both games I lost).

As I have a home match (Bridge, Hubert Philips Bowl) next Tuesday, I felt I needed a backup plan and our YHBC Chairman has kindly offered to host for us if needed, very kind of him, thanks Alan!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow with a new partner as Vee hosts the Improvers

18th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We started to Exchange on our house this morning and then all went quiet - I had a call in the afternoon saying there was a delay further up the chain (first we knew of any more in the chain!!!)

Very frustrating!

Tonight was generally good, a few errors and some Ops doing well but generally we did ok.

Nice and pleasant throughout and we get on well as a pair.

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   I played this well, everything went away on the s
4   I should have bid 2 not double, sorry partner.  I think partner could have taken the double out though an then I bid 2, possibly both wrong here!
8   Ops didn't finesse my K and didn't ruff a
14   Partner did well to make an extra trick here
17   I played this well
18   Ops didn't take the  finesse and were a little too high here
20   We were in the right contract and made what we should, others made more though
22   A phantom sacrifice here, sorry partner
23   Ops bid and made what they should, others did not!  Harder on a  lead but a major is normally a better lead
17th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner and friends in the Berks & Bucks Swiss Teams

Better than yesterday and 2 wins, not a great day though and we felt for our team mates who had almost no hands to bid all day.

We had a pleasant day and good food and nice of Richard to drive us all.

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4   I opened a weak 2 and partner is on lead.  I am unlikely to hold anything outside my suit as an entry so I think a lead is better here and we defeat the contract
13   Ops missed game here
22   Ops missed game here
34   Partner made a good lead, then when she won K, switched suits, I didn't realise AQ was stiff in declarers hand and so lost my J and they made the contract
41   I thought for ages and then made the wrong decision, I should have played A and ruffed a , trumps out and back to the s then lose 1 , sorry all
16th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the Berks & Bucks Swiss Pairs

Our worst session ever, now winning a match, will be better tomorrow

I provided the lunch though which was nice and partner dropped me off at a pub in Heckfield for a friends 40th and was great to catch up with some of friends, Vee joined me too (nice also as I hadn't seen him all day too!)

Great to see Alan & Nick do well, John & Philip too

Playing at Windsor in the Swiss Teams tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

21   I was allowed to play in the right contract and made what I should
30   Ops were too ambitious here
33   Partner played well here, Ops had 5 s and she played well to take enough tricks before letting him have the last few!
42   We took down a good contract here as Ops didn't;t notice me ruff a !
49   I made an extra trick here by getting the s right, amazed nobody else did
15th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Our worst night to date (I think!) - not much worked I'm afraid.

Not many tops or bottoms though, just consistently under par

Playing at Windsor in the Swiss Pairs tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

7   I played the A first, if I just play a small , I can then trap the J
11   I did well here just because I wasn't doubled or pushed to the 5 level, it was unlucky not to make but mirror red suits!
14   We had learnt our lesson by this board and didn't race off to 6NT, partner did well to make an extra trick
21   The grid says 9 tricks are all that are there, but, if partner ducks the  on trick 2, I think 10 tricks are there
15th June 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not a good day today.  The car needs a new cylinder too so another £1000 or £250 to get it skimmed (I have gone for the cheaper option).

No news on the house either and bridge today was not amazing either!

Playing at YHBC after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1   I played this well - Ops held up on the A and so never made it
3   Partner did well to make the 9th trick here, we also stopped Ops finding game with the weak jump overcall which I raised
4   Partner bid up to 3NT but I didn't think it wise with my shape so bid the correct 4 contract
5   Ops missed game here, we defended well to hold them to 9 tricks anyway though
6   I opened weak and partner went straight to blackwood, if she bids 2NT, we get to stop in 4 (I made an extra trick but couldn't make 2 extra tricks)
9   My 3 showed the majors..........
10   We were the only pair in game here, thanks to partner continuing the bidding, well bid partner
16   I need my  returned here for a ruff
18   Partner must pass 2 here
20   I was too pushy here, it has a chance, but not if they take their aces on trick 1 and 2!
23   I opened 1NT (slightly light) and after the double, partner must bid her lowest 4 card suit as so few points, not pass
24   I doubled Ops 1NT and then we double anything else they bid, we defended well too
14th June 2018



Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Our first session playing precision (in FULL!!!)

The system was fine, we remembered it really well (all things considered) - I announced a Texas transfer incorrectly then realised my error.  Partner bid after a penalty double (not system issue really!) and I opened light with my weak 2s (knowingly though).

Our defending was really good throughout and I think my play was fine - not partner's best night if honest but he had a long day and a lot to do with the system (writing, reading, printing and learning).

I really enjoyed the challenge and was good to get most of it right - shame our play didn't quite match up but it's a learning curve and will make more dates to keep trying and working it all out.

Tops or bottoms on almost every hand so s lot to do and watching the final of the Best Home Cook (our friend Philip is in the final!!!)

Car is going to cost me £900 to fix (and not worth trading it in so I have no choice).

House is still not exchanged and now found out the Removal company cannot do the 25th if we do move then

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   I opened 1NT with 2 doubletons here but my s were good.  I played this just right - lucky not to have a lead though
2   I played well here
3   Texas transfer opened here and I agree with it.  Only 9 tricks on though, shame
4   We defended well here but Ops were in the right contract - we do better to bid 3s but not if they double us!
6   Not a good double here partner - better to leave them in 3s......
7   Ops got too high here and I doubled, we defended this really well too
9   Ops got carried away here and partner doubled
10   I opened light here but it was a good sacrifice - I played well to only go 1 off too
11   Ops can play better here, we got lucky - passive defence worked well here
12   All I had to do was hold up the to round 3 and the suit is blocked, careless play, sorry partner
13   Ops didn't get the s right and we defended passively for a good score
14   Ops got a bit carried away here
17   We were the only pair in the right contract
19   We did as we should but most made this (it cannot be made though)
20   Ops missed the slam and s score better if not in the slam
21   Well bid Ops
24   Cross with partner here, he knows we have an 8 card  fit and he ignore me and keeps bidding his s, not good partner
13th June 2018


1 Day until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I was promoted to National Master today, it has taken a while but am pleased to have made it!  Rankings for YHBC members can be seen HERE

We had a solid session tonight, some luck, some gifts, but generally we did well.  I messed up the last hand as I hadn't realised that 1, 1, 1, 1 was natural - drat.  We would have won without that error.

Vee hosted the Improvers at YHBC tonight and had 3 tables but a main group player was held up and couldn't make it so Bobbi played with Andy in the main group and Vee then went through the hands with the sit out pair.

This actually worked out quite well as he was able to help each pair as they sat out and went through each hand with them (bidding and play).

The Improvers had a 3 way tie at the top tonight!

The house is still not exchanged, my car is in the garage and testing proved no fault (there IS a fault!!!!), I also asked them to give me a price for exchanging the car too and they forgot!!!  They said they will call me in the morning.

Uploaded BBL AGM minutes and Committee minutes later tonight too

Playing at CBC tomorrow and my first session using Precision......!

The Highs and Lows:

1   I think I should have doubled here but fortunately, our defending was good enough to cope with not doubling
2   I got this wrong, also tried to back out and couldn't - sorry partner
5   We were the only pair playing EW, doubled too.
8   An extreme hand here where top NS was 5x making and EW was 5x making - fortunately, we were the right end of this!  Ops could have got a ruff to take it off
9   I had a lucky lead here and I got it right too.
14   How do we find 6 here?  We settled quite happily for the result on the night but for a congress, perhaps this needs some thought
17   Ops were too ambitious here, they played well to only go one off though
22   Ops bid too high and I doubled, we got the defence right too
23   Lucky here, Ops didn't lead a  and freely played the A for me
12th June 2018


2 Days until Precision

Worked from home today and a lot going on, worked a bit later too as was home!

Vee made a Veg Lasagne tonight which was yummy!

Frustrated with car, house, bridge and my cat (Nemo not well but picking up at last) and I took it out on the court tonight, I was a fierce player tonight!!!

Suffering now though, ache all over and still hot after a shower!

Taking my car to garage first thing tomorrow and we hope to exchange on the house too (will see if that happens!)

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

11th June 2018


3 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I drove to work this morning as only 1 mile from home but there was a trail behind me as I parked up and no water again.

Booked the car in on Wednesday morning though I may just trade it in.

I am lucky I can work from home tomorrow so only one journey to Aldershot to do.  I drove Vee's car to bridge tonight.

We should be exchanging on our House on Wednesday and move in on Monday 25th June - will wait and see if it happens this time!

We had a good night tonight, just a few blips by me cost us a win but a good score.

Margaret and I stayed at the end to go over locking and opening each door and gate and setting the alarm etc.  Val is on holiday now so we are backups!

I played North and West tonight but Bridgewebs doesn't cope with this option, have asked them about modifying the view.  Also spotted a strange "Partner?" in the calendar too, also asked about this as I cannot find a setting to fix it!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2   Partner played really well here to make the extra trick - a  lead makes it tricky I think
7   Ops ruffed low by mistake so I made my over-ruff - we had defended well to take this one off which would have been a good score any way though
11   Ops got a little ambitious here and I was mean and doubled, I managed to end play declarer in dummy too, sorry Ops
14   I made an extra trick here by getting the s away on the s
17   We missed 3NT here, not easy though
18   I didn't count my hand properly and when I realised I had 20 points, I tried to make it right and failed - I then went off more than I needed to trying to make it - sorry partner
20   I found the only lead to let Ops make this, sorry partner
23   Ops missed the 3rd in their hand so didn't support to the major fit, unlucky Ops
24   Good bidding here, I bid s and jumped in s and partner then looked and we found the slam - not the easiest to make but ruffing out the s gets us 12 tricks
10th June 2018

Surrey League Final:

4 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner and my Team Mates in the Surrey Division 2 League Final.

We did shopping and got food for the team and then Vee took me to Alan's where we all met up.  Margaret kindly drove us all as my car is not trusted at the moment.

I was given 3 cases of boards to take with us and waited at the end to return them (passing back to Trevor on Wednesday).

Our team mates did quite well but we let them down, sorry all.

Not our finest effort today.

There was no lunch break either, we just had to eat where we could, not ideal and with loads of food, we just didn't eat a lot of it, so, dinner tonight!

Geoff's team did well in the Division 3 Final only losing one match but there was a clear winner there.

Playing and scoring at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1:  Lost 1-19
10   Our first hand of the day and partner got a little carried away with her hand here
12   Partner was right to double here but we defended poorly, Ops played a from dummy and I have the top left, partner must not ruff here
Match 2:  Drew 10-10
17   I over valued my hand here, sorry all
18   Ops pushed too hard and I doubled here.  There was a small incident too, Ops called for "A diamond" and then wanted to change their mind and ask for the Ace, we called the director and they agreed that the a small Diamond must be played.  We could have got one more trick here with a  ruff but partner thought it would be over ruffed
Match 3:  Lost 7-13
25   Ops missed game here


9th June 2018

Oxford Swiss Pairs:

5 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in Oxford's Green Pointed Swiss Pairs

Not our finest efforts today, we both were a bit off and, in some ways, not surprising considering the start.......

I picked Nick up at 10am and drove down to Oxford - unfortunately, my car started flashing up warning lights and so we pulled off at Chievely services to have a look.

The engine was smoking, and everything was really hot, no oil and no water left!!!  We filled up the oil and water and I carried on to Oxford (driving slowly and carefully).

We made it there but looked again and no water in the 30 minute journey to the venue!  We were both shaken up by this journey and I think it did damage our moods and thinking.

My declarer play and bidding was the main thing that let us down today but partner was not shining either (though was on better form than me mostly!).

We had a tough start and some awful hands to deal with and then carried on in round 2 and 3!!!  Before the break we played 2 young boys (both under 12) and they looked depressed.

It was tough going for them and they lost the first 3 matches 20-0, we also won 20-0 against them and we felt so bad for them.  We had a lot of luck and they did well on most hands against us until a crucial card on each, of all the pairs we played, we both felt it would have been nice to have them win - we just couldn't do anything wrong and offered them advice and congratulations on the bits they did well.

We won the next 20-0 too and the last match 11-9, so 3 wins out of the day.  Not great but, all considered, a good effort!

Playing in the Surrey League Division 2 Final tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1:  Lost 0-20
1   I didn't agree with partner's bidding here and we got into the wrong contract
5   Ops got a bit carried away here and we got the defence spot on
6   This is very hard to make and Ops defended perfectly, a lot did make it though
Match 2:  Lost 2-18
9   We needed to push on here (and defend better!)
10   A great double here, unfortunately I didn't switch to a trick 2 as partner asked me too, sorry partner
11   I bid 4 here when Ops had stopped in 4, if I just pass we get a good score!
12   We defended well here holding this to 8 tricks
Match 3:  Lost 4-16
15   I did well to make 8 tricks, unfortunately I needed 9!!!
17   Partner can play better here.....
20   Ops mis-claimed here and the error was not throwing a high from his hand so he couldn't get to dummy for the rest of the tricks, one off I'm afraid
Match 4:  Won 20-0
22   We were in the right contract making the right number of tricks here, not many others did - partner got the timing of the s perfect to make it though
23   Ops didn't lead their A and partner threw my other on the to make 12 tricks
25   I am so lucky at times, I was forced into a nightmare 3NT, I cannot get to my hand at all here!!!!  Fortunately, Ops lead a !!!  I then saw 4 s thrown away and so I claimed all 13
26   Partner got everything right here under pressure from the opening lead
Match 5:  Won 20-0
30   Ops missed game here
31   Partner made a brave overcall here with 6 points but it allowed us to find the right game
33   Hard to find game here, not many did.  Partner did well simply making more tricks than most (only 2 others made 11 tricks!).  I commented at the time that he played this brilliantly
34   Partner opened 1 (announced by me as "could be short"), Ops then bid 2NT (announced as s and s) - they jumped to 4 and we all were mystified and reserved our rights.  The director then came and we discover the bid was meant as the minors - we play and then the director comes back and allows us to amend the contract to 4 doubled - we did this in a nice way and Ops commented how well I handled this, I hate calling the director and tried my best to be nice
Match 6:  Lost 2-18
37   Why did I bid here, even I don't know!!!  I should simply double the Ops 2, sorry partner
40   Partner didn't take his A to take this off
41   Ops were in the right contract but we defended perfectly here getting a cross ruff going before Ops could get going
42   Ops need to push on with their s but ours didn't!
Match 7:  Won 11-9
47   I felt we were losing the match and took a flier on the slam here, not to be!  The only makeable slam seems to be 6, sorry partner
8th June 2018


6 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I didn't have time to eat beforehand so had a kitkat and packet of crisps and then on to bridge!

Found out it is is partner's Birthday tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barbara!!!  Alan announced it too (she went red!)

We had a steady session today with some excellent hands and not many bad ones, a nice birthday present for Barbara!

Playing at Oxford tomorrow in their Swiss Pairs

The Highs and Lows:

4   10 tricks are available here but nobody else made it, Ops could make 5 though (the Brown(e)s made 5 doubled!!!)
6   Ops pushed too high here, I think North needs to double 2 rather than bidding a suit to keep the level down.  We did defend well too
11   Ops played away from their K and I won with the Q to make the extra trick needed here
15   Ops didn't find game and we defended well to hold it to 10 tricks
16   Well bid partner, supporting ms s over your long s was great - I cannot see how we find the slam but nobody else made 12
17   I was cautious here and didn't bid 4 as partner had said nothing, this proved to be wise as we go down lots in anything!  We then defended well to defeat a makable 4
23   Partner's only real blunder, need to start the s earlier to make the 9th trick
8th June 2018 (Afternoon)


6 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Dorothy returned our container, filled with sugared almonds!!!  Thanks very much

Not good today and still no news on the house either, grumpy angry

Playing at YHBC after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

1   Partner got Key Card wrong here so we didn't find the right contract - 3 Key cards and the Q for us is simply 5 (we cannot show the Q), not easy though
3   Ops bid and made what they should
4   Ops missed NTs here
5   I found the wrong lead here, sorry partner
10   We didn't find the s
11   Ops psyched here opening with the West hand, they are allowed to do it but leaves a bad taste.  partner didn't switch to a  on my high card to take them off either
12   Ops cached the A freely here, must leave the guard in place - we then got the s right and took this 3 off
13   I upgraded this to 11HCP as I had 5s and it worked well here
15   3 is not a great contract but I pre-empted here and not sure partner should try and rescue
17   Ops pushed too hard here and we got the defence right
19   I played this very badly, sorry partner
20   Partner should be one off here if play high on trick 1
21   Ops bid and made what they should
23   A good sacrifice here (not doubled either)
7th June 2018


7 Days until Precision

Playing with a regular partner in round 6 of the Thursday Championships

Great to see Margaret and Margaret doing well again, great score tonight!

We are now 2nd in the series but it's close and a lot have not played 6 yet so we have a bit of work to do really.

Tonight was nearly a great night but we fell short on a few boards and didn't quite get on the same page a few times.

We are playing together on Saturday in Oxford's Swiss Pairs so was a good practice and a few things came up which was useful.

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   We are in the right contract making the right number of tricks
3   We didn't find the slam but it is a very tight one and the pairs who bid it went on - partner did well to make 12 tricks I think, end playing West 3 cards from the end
4   We have 3NT here missing 4 Aces, very hard to find!  I don't know why I didn't double here though, not like me!  Good score though
6   I played well here but Ops got the timing of the wrong enabling me to lose the last  and run the s
9   We pushed Ops by bidding 5, lucky not to be doubled here
15   I pushed too hard here, sorry partner
17   We managed to make an extra trick here as Ops let us make 2s
20   Partner tried to make this contract but settling for one off would have been better as Ops defended really well.  Not easy here
6th June 2018


8 Days until Precision

Playing with a now regular partner in a regular club session

I had a message from Simon this afternoon saying he was stuck in traffic and could I find a partner for Charlotte - I managed to fix her up with the Director and they did well, all were pleased!

We didn't have a great session tonight, mainly my play but like to think Ops did well against us rather than me being bad!

Vee was hosting the Improvers at YHBC tonight but we had 2 half tables and nobody wanted to move into the Main group so Vee and Val played in the Main group.  They were middling and ok %.

The Improvers were 3 tables again and good to see Barbara & Gillian back on form (bidding a Grand Slam too!) as well as Carole and Ann doing well.

Good to see Margaret & Keith and Geoff & Frances do well at Woking this afternoon

The house is still not exchanged, we are both getting cross now!

Playing at CBC tomorrow in round 6 of the Thursday Championships

The Highs and Lows:

2   Ops are in the right contract making the right number of tricks
3   We play lebensohl, after Ops interfered with our 1NT I wasn't sure if I should bid 2NT asking partner to bid 3 or bid it direct as a forcing bid - I decided I was good enough with my void to bid it direct and we found the right contract
6   We defended well here
8   Ops found a pair that are willing to use penalty doubles at the 2 level and they had no escape
10   Ops tried to get in the way after my strong opening, not a good idea this time
12   Ops pushed me up too far, good bidding Ops
13   Ops in the right contract making the right number of tricks
16   I meant my double as take out here but fortunately we defended well and had a good score from it, phew!
18   Ops can do better here, partner found the best lead though
21   Ops did as they should but I would have been better passing 1NT
24   I cannot make this but enough did to make the score bad for us
5th June 2018


9 Days until Precision

A lot going on today, forecasts at work and house frustrations - the Sellers say they are ready to exchange but their Solicitor says they need a week or so, we are aiming to move on the 18th so cannot wait a week or so!!!

More news tomorrow I hope!

Badminton was really good tonight, I played well and won most games - we had 8 visitors tonight too, really packed!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

4th June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I was scorer tonight and the movement went wrong due to the pads being placed on the wrong tables (not me!), then wrong again as the missing pair was now wrong, and wrong again as I was told the wrong table again!

Still, we got through it and all worked after that and scored it the end using Sylvia's hotspot (as my phone didn't want to play!)

We had a good night until the last round where we got 2 zero's, still, in the points and above average.

Partner was on good form tonight, I messed up a few times

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   We stopped Ops getting to dummy after the first 2 s and defended passively to wait for the tricks
2   Ops made an odd lead and then didn't take their A
11   A bad double from me here but it paid off somehow
13   Ops were in the right contract (through a bidding misunderstanding!)
15   Partner got everything right here making an extra trick with the s
22   Partner made an extra trick as Ops didn't attack the s
23   Partner played brilliantly but unfortunately, 1 step too far
24   I wish I hadn't bid my s here, a  lead is the natural lead from partner and then we defeat 3NT, sorry partner
3rd June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Richmond's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs

I drove today and we had an easy run and parked easily, Margaret kindly provided a great lunch too.

We had a few issues to start where I made a forcing bid and it was passed and then a few defending issues which cost us the first match.  A few more issues later, mainly defence again and it was a tough day.

We won 2 matches so not all lost and some bits were really good.

Our friends also won 2 matches each (Colin & David and Penny & Susan, they drew one too).  We all found it quite tough.

As a lot of hands played and the bad ones we already know about, just the good bits below!

Playing (and scoring) at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

7   I got the s right here as well as the s - all just worked here
8   I played well here getting each finesse right until the end where the K failed but he had to lead straight back to my hand - Ops never touched the s!
12   We defended well here making an extra trick
13   Ops set up the s perfectly, then forgot to take them, as soon as she called for the she went, "oh no"
19   A good sacrifice by Ops but not many bid game our way
31   This looked like a good sacrifice by Ops but we don't make 4s
32   Ops could have settled for 1 off here but tried to make the contract and so we took it 2 off as the finesse fails, unlucky Ops
33   Lucky here, this should have been a good sacrifice by the Ops but fortunately not many bid 4s our way
47   Partner opened 1 and I bid 2, then 3 from partner and now I know at least 5s so we have a fit and with my shape, I think a slam maybe there - I get the wrong answer and back out.  5 is all that is there but partner plays the s perfectly and sets up the hand to make 12, great play partner
2nd June 2018


No bridge today but some more bridge admin for the BBL and some house chores.

I forgot to unhold my diary entry for yesterday afternoon (again!), I am getting old sad now visible though

I went to the Cinema with one of my lodgers (who works at the Cinema!), free tickets and reduced food and drink, nice!

Vee dropped us off and picked me up after the film which was really kind (he is not a Star Wars fan).

The film was not really a Star Wars episode and it wouldn't detract from it if you didn't know the saga but it was an amazing film just as it is - really enjoyed it and worth seeing.

Playing in the Richmond Swiss Pairs event tomorrow (it is at Capacity too)

1st June 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We had 9 tables tonight (including 2 of our Improvers who held their own with an acceptable score and did some great things, it's all experience).

We had a roller-coaster night which left us just on a positive (not for NGS but in terms of %).  Good fun and a good learning curve for us too, we had a lot of fun tonight even when it didn't work!

A really close session to be honest, although 5th, we were not far off top, 1 more top and 1 less bottom and it's a win, so not bad really!

Lovely to see Charlotte again too, she visited once before and I put her with Simon (they won last time), they hit it off so much that they tried again tonight (with Simon travelling back from London and Charlotte from France!!!) - they won again too, well done both!

Although he didn't play, Vee won at Bridge tonight too, he made our old Bridge table good with a new baize!!!

Cinema tomorrow to see Solo

The Highs and Lows:

2   We had a slight error in bidding here and I was virtually pushed into 6NT.  I opened 2 planning to re-bid 2NT (19-20), partner jumped to 3 showing a positive bid and honours in s (not necessarily long s).  I bid my 5 card suit now and partner bids 4.  Now, I think there is AK and long s (I have AK) so I think we may have a chance at a slam.  I ask and am told 1 Ace but now cannot sign off so I bid 6NT hoping we don't have AK against us.  dummy goes down and partner says "I should have bid 4" - correct!!!  Still, no  lead and s discarded on the long s and 13 tricks made, phew!
5   We didn't find the switch here, sorry partner, my fault
10   Ops got the s wrong and having been forced in s to remove their trumps, this was costly
12   Ops didn't find the s and so I threw them away on the s having got the K right
19   Well bid Ops
20   Ops opened 3 here, I think it is too strong to open 3 and I would open it 1.  South then jumped to 3NT and we quietly took this off with a superb lead from partner
21   Ops used Gerber and bid showing 1 Ace but South thought it was 2 Aces, partner played High on my Ace lead so we found the first 3 s
23   Sorry partner, phantom sacrifice - I think you can double the 4 though to stop me bidding
26   Partner played this brilliantly and Ops didn't find the ruff
1st June 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A fun session today and an amazing start (we started with Board 5) but it tailed off a bit (largely Ops doing well).

We defended well today which is normally our weakest point.

Great to see John back today (shame the score wasn't so good but a scratch pairing is always hard).

Another bridgepad glitch today but we spotted it and sorted it out between us.

Playing after dinner at YHBC tonight

The Highs and Lows:

3   We need to let Ops play here but partner jumped to 2 (weak), I decided to rescue as had no s (I think it was the right decision) but sill not good
6   Ops pushed too far here and my s came good in the end
8   Ops were a little ambitious here but we needed to defend well to take it off
9   Partner excelled here, got everything right and timed each card perfectly, well done!
10   Ops were too ambitious here and I was mean, sorry Ops
19   Partner can play better here really, from my viewpoint, I think she thought the last  was good and so lost tempo
22   A poor double here but fortunately Ops let me ruff a  to take this off
31st May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the End of Season Pairs

Not a bad night really but we suffered with Ops bidding well against us when others didn't!

Some great things and bad things ourselves too.

Well done Margaret B & Margaret W a creditable 4th!

We has our team photo taken as Margaret W and the rest of us lined up for the shield - I was given a bottle of wine for setting up the website too which was very kind of them

I loaded the results tonight and linked to CBC and YHBC too (as well as updating the BBL site, adding the winners names and a note on the home page - also updated the CBC Rota, 7 tables there tonight which was good considering we had 2 tables worth of CBC players).

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   Well played Ops
2   I bid my s twice, didn't think I could go to game on my own
6   Hard to find 7 (though Bruce & Jennie did!) but was pleased to make 6NT, odd that Ops let my finesse work then I took the A and crashed the last 2 s on each other, lucky
10   I should be 1 off, I got the s wrong here
11   Ops got the bidding wrong here
18   Well played partner, lucky the Ops didn't take their 3rd  though
19   Partner had a tough decision on the s, the finesse was needed but hard to know
20   Sorry partner, I should have left the Ops in 2s
21   Hard to bid game here but partner did well bidding NT and played well too
24   Ops missed game and we defended well here
26   The matrix says I can only make 8 tricks but I had a play for 9 and dismissed it, sorry partner
30th May 2018


Playing with a now regular partner in a regular club session

I feel much better today, I think sweating it out at Badminton last night really helped.

We had a night of tops and bottoms (some were extreme!!!) - overall, partner played brilliantly, made 1 defensive error (lead against 3NT) and the rest were my judgements that were off.  A fun night and above average overall.

Very tight at the top NS in the main group, Colin & Jill were miles ahead our way (well done both, Colin is now cementing his Ace!!!).

Great to see Marianne and Rosalie doing well in the main group, settled in nicely!

Vee hosted the Improvers at YHBC tonight and there was 3 tables again, another huge score for Sue and Rob, well done both!

We had some news on the house today, the people buying the vendors Dad's house pulled out this morning!  This could have been horrific but we think it actually adds some closure to this now as the vendors are going to honour the sale and move into their Dad's house.  We don't have full news as yet and not sure if they are still buying the house they want, we wish them well and hope all works out for them (they have a lovely family) but our first priority is our own family and so, with a bit of luck, we will know this week and hope to exchange ASAP now.  We are all still heading for Monday 18th June to move in and they have answered our queries too.

Playing at Finchampstead tomorrow in the BBL end of Season Pairs

The Highs and Lows:

1   Good bidding Ops, not much we could do here - played well too, if they take the doomed  finesse we take it off but they don't need it and Ops worked it out well
3   Well done for bidding game Ops
4   The board was switched round here, this was actually partner playing and she much better than I would have done, well done partner!
6   I am too pushy at times, sorry partner
7   Ops got too high, I should have doubled really but felt we had a good score without making them feel bad
8   I should have passed 2NT here, sorry partner
11   We gave a trick away with the s but I think we should have taken the trumps out
13   I could have lost 1 more trick here but no lead
14   Partner bid and made what was there, others defended poorly.  However, playing towards the K would have generated 1 more trick
15   Ops revoked here giving me 2 tricks back, to be fair, without the revoke I had made 4s which was a top also so in a way, I am glad it made no difference - Ops tried to let me rule at the table and got upset with me when I refused and said the Director has to be called - it wasn't anything detrimental, just the fact that Directors are there to direct and must be called
17   Ops bid over my NT, I am not allowing the Ops to play at the 2 level where possible so I double for T/O and Ops get pushed up a level, this is competitive bidding
18   I jumped in s then bid s, as we use Michaels, I cannot have 5s or I would have shown this, I think partner needs to correct to 5s but still a bad score, I must pass 4s, sorry partner - still, it was good to come up for the theory of what partner doesn't bid, good learning point
20   Some made 6 here but in theory, Ops can take 2s - we got the defence just right here, sorry Ops
21   An impossible contract made, great play partner!!!  Well done throwing the away on the ruff and discard given by Ops
22   I bid s partner.......!
23   Pass out to partner, I feel 2 is the bid here but Benji is new to partner so she opened 4 - I look at my hand a quickly jump to 6 as I have a 7 loser hand
24   I opened 3 here (our card says 6 card suit) and partner bid 3NT, I considered taking this out as my suit was not great but then thought "Top or Bottom", partner played brilliantly and Ops missed the  signal so 9 tricks rolled in, well done partner
29th May 2018


Still not feeling great (seems to drag on these days) but a busy day at work, then dinner and badminton.

No more news on the house which is frustrating.

Lost my first game 21-19 tonight then won the rest (though it cost a lot in strength!) - on the final game I smashed and got it slightly wrong which twinged through my arm - I played through it though but that was my last game so finished early just after 10pm.

It was really humid tonight too so feel drained now!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

28th May 2018


A nice gathering today at the Monkey Puzzle for a friend's 40th (another friend who I have known since I was 11).

A few drinks and the heat made me a little tired (also, I am getting old!).

Mushrooms on toast with a stilton sauce when home

Spent time today to read Reese (Precision) too, now I need to re-read it whilst making notes!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

27th May 2018


Shopping in the morning then lunch and cleaning the house (not easy in the heat for me!)

We then decided to walk to my Dad's (only 10 - 15 minutes but in the heat, I was feeling it towards the end).

We had a lovely time with my Dad and Niece and Great Niece and then a huge roast beef (vegetable pie for Vee) with all the trimmings and huge home made Yorkshires - yummy!

Lemon Meringue for pudding too and a bottle of wine!

Home just before 7pm when our friends arrive ready for Poker.

We play 3 games, the first game was nip and tuck and lasted a while with us all in for most of it, our friend Andrew won that game

Then Vee won a game (he had a great start then was deadly quiet for most of the game until he pounced at the end!)

The last game I nearly went out but came back and doubled up when I took Vee out and then went on to win with 2 lucky hands (one we calculated the odds and was a 3% chance to win, I had K and 3 and our friend Boz had A and 9).

The flop came down 9, 8, 9 (so I had nothing and Boz had trip 9's, 3% chance to win the hand) - next card was the 5 so I now had 18% chance to hit a and win (but not the A which would give Boz a full house).  The last card was the 2 so I win with a flush!!!!  Amazing luck but I'll take it to win the game!

All played in great spirits with really good banter

Drinks at the Monkey Puzzle tomorrow for a friends 40th birthday

26th May 2018

Social Bridge:

Cash and Carry in the morning to get some bulk supplies then lunch and off to Les & Jennie for social bridge.

24 hands playing 8 with each partner - really good fun and nice to see them again (it has been a while!).

Jennie won by miles with a good last round and Les was second (despite going off 1700 for 5X minus 6!!!!)

We had Proseco and Bellini cocktails (not me) and a nice lemon tart and coffee and a long chat after too - lovely day.

Home for a take away and watching the Horne Section (recorded from Thursday)

Meal at my Dad's with my Niece and Great Niece then Poker with friends tomorrow

25th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not a great night, partner didn't show me his points a few times and I miss-played a 5 contract as well as a few sacrifices that didn't pay off!

Playing social bridge tomorrow with friends

The Highs and Lows:

8   Whoooooopppppssssss!!!!!!
11   Ops were too ambitious here but had a small system malfunction
12   I played well here but Ops need to hold up the A to stop me making use of the long s
14   Well bid partner, the grand is very hard to bid and needed 2 finesses to work (which they did)
17   This could have been made, unlucky partner
25th May 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I worked from home today as still feel run down.

We had a poor start today and I made some poor judgements, partner didn't count the s which were key to a 4 contract and didn't take A on one hand to give me a ruff, some others were good though

So pleased to see Tricia back after a long absence, welcome back

Great to see Margaret & Dorothy top today with a huge score!

Nice to see Jean & Bobbi doing well too (Colin & Angela were ahead of us too but their last score knocked them down)

More GDPR from a few more members forms at CBC - this should now be done by the members by logging in and making their own choices.

Playing at YHBC after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2   I chose the wrong slam here, sorry partner
4   Ops didn't draw trumps so I got a ruff in - this score was omitted from the original file but I have added it late tonight
5   I should have settled for one off but tried to make the contract
6   Ops carried on with the s rather than a  switch so 12 tricks made, well done partner
10   I think we were in the right contract here but it just doesn't make, someone did though!
13   Partner played well here, lucky not to get forced in s
14   Ops didn't find game but did play well, we needed to take our s
15   Ops were too ambitious here
16   I was too ambitious here but made more tricks than most
19   Ops played well here but were in the wrong contract
20   We were in the right contract here, I wanted to cue 4 over Ops opening 3 but wasn't sure if partner would understand that it asked for a major so I simply bid both suits
23   I was lucky not to get a  return here when South got in
24th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

I didn't feel great today and just felt washed out, I didn't cancel bridge as hadn't played with my partner for a while and we are playing next week in an event.

I didn't make the right choices a lot and early on I made 2 terrible errors, sorry partner.

Great to see the Margaret's do well tonight

I have cleansed the members only areas on CBC and YHBC today and caught up with the paper forms for CBC tonight too.  If you now log in using the members only area on either site (I can set a password for you if you can't recall or haven't set one up), the tabs at the top in the main section now show the account where you can amend your settings and details (save top left after) and then there are tabs to show members details and committee pages (only visible if you are a committee member).

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   I found the right lead here, we take the first 4 tricks on a lead
2   Ops didn't finesse partner's Q
4   I was lucky here, Ops couldn't exit with a in the end so the s were set up ready to throw my loser away - if Ops delay taking the A though, I cannot make use of the long s
6   Good lead partner, I threw my winning s away in the end though to keep my winning black cards
7   I gave a trick away hoping Ops would finesse to my K so I kept my s and shortened my s - they didn't finesse so I was wrong here
12   I should have discarded both winning s here and kept the s
22   I did well to make the extra trick here, Ops made a mistake with 2 cards to go
23rd May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not our finest session (again), hard to work out what is going wrong but my play was either amazing or terrible and got the bidding wrong too often (though sometimes Ops bid well)

Vee hosted the Improvers at  YHBC tonight and there was 3 tables with Vee directing.  A welcome return to Ian N who came top with Rosalie, well done both.

Vee had no car tonight so Margaret picked him up and took him home, very kind of her.

I also notice we have a new member of the "Ace" club, well done Colin!!!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4   We stopped in the right spot here
5   We missed a trick here
6   Ops in the right contract
7   Unlucky Ops,  I was the only one to double
10   Ops in the right contract here and 9 tricks are on
11   This was actually played by North (not me) and a great sacrifice
12   We did well to be cautious here, although 10 tricks available, very hard to make them
13   We missed game here, partner bid 1, 2 - I think if one of us bids s we will find game
14   Ops discarded the s as I played all the s so only lost the Ace
16   Sorry partner, my fault - not a good sacrifice
17   I have never played worse than this!  I took the  finesse (singleton K won!), even without that, I should go up with the Ace and sort the trumps as this is clearly a distributional hand, sorry partner
22   Ops in the wrong contract
26   Partner never bid the sad
27   Partner got the s wrong here
22nd May 2018


A day off today and I finally updated the members databases for YHBC and CBC ready for the GDPR on the 25th May.

I have updated the settings based on the replies to date for the GDPR forms on each site and the members area on each site now displays the members list with only data authorised for display by the members.

This is only visible by other members by logging in (access via the main menu on each site using EBU number and password, I can set a new password on each site if any member has forgotten or not set one up).

Each member can now modify their settings at any time through their own members page too, there are a set of "Opt In" choices they can complete and then save.

After a homemade stir fry (chicken and veg in sauces with noodles), badminton was really good tonight but won about as many as I lost, more energy though but some tough close games

Playing at Farnham tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

21st May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in Round 5 of the Monday Championships

A busy day at work today and cooked Steak and Chips for dinner, our lodger was very excited!!!

No real house news (again).

The hands have finally been loaded for Saturday's event so the links now work to each hand and our session (see 19th May entry below).

We had a great start tonight with 7 tops out of the first 9 but then it went wrong and I got grumpy, sorry partner.  Still a good score overall but a shame we couldn't maintain the early pace

We are now up to 6th in the Championships but need a few more good scores to challenge

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   I did well to make this, not as good as 1400 but still!
4   A good sacrifice here!
6   Poor double here, sorry partner
7   Ops can make 4 and nobody bid it and nobody else made 10
8   Ops can make 2 but I should have taken the first 2 s not switching to a low !
9   Ops got the timing of the s wrong here allowing us the temp to set partner's hand up
14   We needed to be in 4 here or doubling the Ops!
16   We were in the right contract here and the only pair in the room who was, partner played it perfectly too
17   Ops played this well but fortunately, they were in the wrong contract
18   Ops forgot they were in NTs here and so I made my s (good lead partner)
19   We did well to stop in 3 here and partner played it well
21   Ops got a little ambitious here
22   It says we can only make 9 but I think if I had finessed the and thrown my away on the 3rd East ruffs but now their trumps are shortened
23   Ops hadn't realised the s were good so we made our s
24   A tough contract here and only makes if partner ducks the 3rd  when played by East to my 9, almost impossible
20th May 2018

Day Off:

Chores in the morning then nothing for the whole day!  Just relaxed and ordered pizza for dinner.

11pm and starting the analysis for yesterday (results only published tonight)

Playing at CBC tomorrow (Round 5 of Monday Championships)

19th May 2018

Avon GP Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Avon's Green Pointed Swiss Pairs.

My partner couldn't play (wanted to watch the Royal Wedding and I support that, she had a lovely day and still offered to play if I couldn't find a partner, she's a star!) and so Marion kindly agreed to play (her first Green Point event!).

We got settled in and found our seats and started with 2 friendly and nice guys.  We had a good start and moved up.  The next match we had in the bag until the last hand when I made a blunder!

Won the next 2 before lunch though including a round of me opening at the 4 level or higher on 3 boards and a match against a Grand Master (Chris Cooper, Val's son) where we bid and made 3 slams!  We needed them here though as even with those, we only won 11-9.

I took lunch for us both (and Simon), M&S special!  We had loads to eat and drink all day!!!

After the break we had a small incident and then a match against a pair who were quite unpleasant and took 7 minutes to play a card!  We didn't win any of the last 3 but we both enjoyed the day.

Simon & David had a tough day with strong Ops (lots of Grand Masters!) but were pleased to beat an old rival of Simon's, Roger Sweet - sweet!

So pleased partner enjoyed it and she played brilliantly too.  Many thanks to Simon for picking us all up and driving there and back (a lot in one day).

Day off tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

Click HERE for our scorecard and each hand number below to view the hand

Match 1: (Won 15-5)
3   Ops sacrificed here but we don't make game (some did, but generally we don't) so 300 was a good score
7   Ops can make 3s and we defended brilliantly to take this 2 off
Match 2: (Lost 7-13)
8   I opened a weak 2 here when I should have opened 1 (rule of 19) and then re-bid s (I was 5/5), sorry partner, this lost us the match
9   Ops sacrificed but we got them off 4 (which we needed to), if they had gone off 3 it would have been a top for them, tight margins in this game
12   A mis-understanding here, I thought partner showed at least 16 for doubling then re-bidding 1NT and so I pushed to game with my 9 points
13   Partner opened strong (2NT), I had 5s and 2 points and transferred to my suit.  Partner was disappointed to not be in game but relieved when dummy went down!  Most didn't make this and partner did (against a VERY strong pair too), well done getting the s right
Match 3: (Won 16-4)
21   I opened 4 here and there was nothing Ops could do.  I played well too
Match 4: (Won 11-9)
22   Sorry partner, I should leave Ops to play in a part score as you had bid weakly and I had a weak hand, my fault here
23   I think I bid well here but partner had to play it against fierce Ops and played well
Match 5: (Lost 3-17)
29   I couldn't cope with a 5 nil trump split (missing AKQ too!) - Ops actually lead out of turn here and the director was called.  He gave all the options rapidly to partner who was flummoxed by the choices and so decided to let the lead stand and for me to play, this was the right decision in the circumstances but it would have been better to keep partner's hand hidden really
33   Ops defended really well here, I have a feeling 3 is a safer contract though
34   Partner played this brilliantly maximising the hand.  Ops could have taken 2 s but partner didn't give them the chance
Match 6: (Lost 2-18)
36   We could have defended better here
38   I should have made this but Ops took 7 minutes to play a card and lost it and threw my hand in, bad behaviour by me here and I should have called the director and not acted as I did, sorry partner
40   Ops were too ambitious here
Match 7: (Lost 6-14)
44   We bid game here, a lot didn't
48   We defended well here to take 3 off, a lot passed the hand out and more made 2 or 3 than didn't
18th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Great to see Margaret & Simon get a huge score, Marion & Patrick too (bodes well for tomorrow!!!) - we had a roller coaster but salvaged an ok score in the end.  Well done Jill & Colin too!

Playing in the Avon Green Point Pairs tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

6   Partner did well here but Ops won trick one, then took AK instead of losing a  and then getting back in with a to make the rest
7   Looks like I should make this, I lost to the doubleton Q, drat!
9   We defended well here
11   Only 3 pairs bid game here, it always makes I think though Ops have 4 tricks in theory
12   I think I missed a trick here but others didn't make 12 either and some made 9 or 10
13   Partner took a gamble here and if I had a  honour it is a good contract, alas.....
14   Ops over-bid here and although I had 3 points, I had a great defending hand and we got it just right
15   I did well to make an extra trick here but could have made 12 tricks if I had crashed Ops K
16   Partner did well here, odd that Ops didn't take the A though
20   Partner played this brilliantly, unfortunately, we should not be declaring on this board!
23   Ops could have defended better here
18th May 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A busy morning at work then on to bridge - looks like we are all pushing for the 18th June for the move date now too, more news Monday I think

We both played ok today, not much that was exceptional (good or bad), just a nice pleasant session.

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2   I think partner can make this by getting the  right but it does say only 6 tricks available - just good defending
3   We got a little carried away here and I went 2 off trying to make the contract, should have settled for 1 off
4   Ops didn't find game
5   We are the only pair playing NS and the only pair in game!  OK, I have 3 points but with partners bidding, this is now a strong hand
6   Unlucky for Ops here, they played the K and called for the A on the same trick, they had bid perfectly and played brilliantly until then, it all went a bit wrong after that.  I said to them that they must forget it as it was perfect other than 1 card and this was the first round, I think they listened as they went on to do well!
8   Well bid Ops
10   I gave Ops a chance to make this by not leading my , we got it back though fortunately
11   I did well to make this, a 3rd for West to ruff or promote a trump takes me off
14   Well bid Ops, I think partner could bid 4 here to push them up but not easy and Ops could just double to get a top if we do!
17th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

No further house news today despite asking again for a date - frustrating but will all come good soon I am sure!

BBL AGM tonight and we sent Alan Coales as our representative to push for reduced number of matches (once per team rather than home and away), will advise once we know the outcome and, as I administer the BBL site, will publish minutes ASAP.

Another tough session with terrible hands to deal with and I was not on form (bidding at least, my play was ok).  We had tops or bottoms on most boards, fortunately the tops out-weighed the bottoms!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   Ops took the finesse the wrong way
2   I doubled the 4 contract and partner raised me to game in , I didn't think I could make this but I cross ruffed mainly and got it just right
4   Ops lead gave me the 12th trick as I have to lose a on any other lead, don't lead away from a K or an A in a suit contract unless it is partners suit
8   I made an extra trick here, the lead set-up my winner to get the  away
9   Partner played well here to make this
10   I did well to make 8 tricks here I think
11   Whoops!!!!!!!!!
12   I doubled to show the red suits but I am not strong enough, if I pass, Ops end up in 3 which is much better for us
13   I wanted to double here but felt I may only win 1 trick, Ops didn't finesse the
15   It looks like I should have made 10 tricks here but felt I did well to make 9, nobody made 10 though
16   Ops made 9 tricks as they should, others didn't
17   We are better off leaving Ops in 4 here
18   I wasn't sure what to do here but ended up doubling with my shape and it paid off
21   We were in the correct contract and I played it as I should
23   I let the 2nd  win and ruffed the 3rd, wrong way round! 
16th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session that is also round 2 of the Beryl Doughty Cup

Vee hosted the Improvers with 3 tables and won the session with a good Improver, well done both!

Great to see Jean & Bobbi doing so well tonight, well done both!

We had a good night too, a few mis-understandings but generally good and really enjoyed the session.  Marion has also agreed to partner me on Saturday in the Bath Green Point Pairs event, thanks for stepping in!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2   A good double but I played well here to make it, sorry Ops
3   Not many in game and some went off, partner made 11 tricks superbly!
6   Ops were in the wrong contract and we defended well
7   A mis-understanding here, at the start of the session we took out all complex doubles so when partner doubled 2 I took it as take out.  Partner meant it as a take out to 3 and I thought it was a normal take out!
9   I had a bit of help here but the s were useful to throw away the losers and squeeze the Ops
10   We were the only pair in the slam that made it, though 12 tricks are always there and a lot did make it
12   Partner played brilliantly here and even if Ops had ruffed with the Q when they should, it would not have changed the %
16   I only had 4 points but decided any contract would be better than 1 so I bid 1, partner jumped to 3!!!!  I couldn't go up but we had a good score for being in s
17   Partner played well here making an extra trick throwing away 2s on the s
22   I bid 2 after the double to stop Ops bidding but I shouldn't bid really, this score was my fault
26   Ops got a little carried away here, partner didn't think she could double and I agree - 4 off was good enough for a good score though
15th May 2018


A stressful day today, still no news on the house but one party is away until the 14th June so we cannot move on the 25th!!! Frustrating

Sausage and mash tonight and Vee made yummy Yorkshire puddings to go with it, nice!

Not much energy tonight but I played well and lots of comments about my smash and kills, good touch shots too - lost 2 games and won the rest!

Well done to Julie & Richard at Woking tonight, they are on a good roll at present!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

14th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session that is also for the Dave Withers' Cup

Our new phones arrived today so an hour setting up and transferring from old phone, all done though!

Still frustrated with how slow the house move is going, still no date confirmed and no more information angry

A poor start and a night of tops or bottoms but fortunately, more tops!

We both played well but I don't think I bid brilliantly tonight

Well done to Julie & Richard who won the cup tonight, a close finish though!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

1   We could have had Ops in 5 but we both felt we pushed them too far, very distributional and a good contract, drat!
3   Ops found the right lead for me here, very lucky
6   Some made 10 tricks but I don't think it is there
7   Partner played well to make an extra trick but most passed out here, or me, I opened 1 (showing 11-15 and no 5 card major)
8   We were the only pair in NT here, didn't find game but still
9   Ops made a take out double and it was left in, phew!
10   Hard to bid the game but we were in the right contract really which was enough
13   At the time, I felt we could do nothing about this as Ops played well.  Now I look at it, if partner switches to a trump, Ops then have to start the s themselves and can now only make 10 tricks
14   Wrong slam here, I should have bid 6, as it was pairs, I felt we needed to be in 6NT, we would have been the only pair in a slam for a top had I bid properly!
16   Phantom sacrifice here
17   Well played partner, 10 tricks are available but not easy to make them
21   Ops had in their mind to finesse my Q and suddenly didn't. it unravelled from there, unlucky Ops
22   Partner opened weak (2) and with my points, I felt 6NT would make so asked for key cards and then raced off, I should have bid 2NT Ogust and stopped in 3NT, sorry
24   Lucky not to have a  lead here
13th May 2018


After a nice breakfast (coffee, warm pan-au-chocolat and full english for me!) we checked out and drove home.  Vee did all the driving this weekend and did 300 miles (round trip), worth it though!

Home just after noon and chores done and shopping ordered, relaxing for the day now and watching for the 2 events results:

Berks: Waller Bowl

Well done John & Pamela finishing 7th in a tough field

Surrey: Mary Edwards

Jill & David were in the points for YHBC

We had a minor issue with the hands file at CBC Friday and with Alan Browns' help, we have now uploaded a file with the makeable contract grid and able to fix the next 2 files too, thanks Alan.

Playing at CBC tomorrow (Dave Withers Cup)

12th May 2018


A nice breakfast this morning and relaxing for a few hours until Vee checked the invites and realised the service was at 11am not 1pm!!!  As it was 10:30 at this point we now panic and rush out of the hotel!!!

Vee had also written down the wrong post code so we went wrong too, madness!!!  Arrived at the church at 11:30 and fortunately (in a way), the Brides car had a puncture and so was late, we got there just in time and no issues, phew!!!

Service was lovely, when we were asked if we will support the couple, we all said "We Will" and then one of the kids said - "Oh, yes, we will!!!), was so cute!

On to the hotel next and we check in (stunning hotel HERE) and have Pimm's in the courtyard, so lucky with the weather which stayed dry until we went in for dinner.

3 courses, fish, pork and brownie with coffee and free flowing wine.

We were on a table with no kids and all commented on it, we had a great time and got to know everyone and had quite a laugh (even with my joke about all Scottish people starting out as a scotch egg!!!).

We danced (a LOT) and had a great time, the bride and groom were able to enjoy it too and there were no negatives at all, truly lovely all weekend.

Driving Home tomorrow

11th May 2018


Dinner then driving to Huntingdon - 2 hours so not a bad a journey and a bottle and a half of wine and Fish Finger sandwich later (plus loading the newsletter for Val to issue for CBC) and all good!

Lovely hotel and nice room and, although expensive, a nice wine went down a treat!

Shame Margaret didn't do so well tonight but almost exactly 100% for the day with the 2 results combined!

Well done Alan and Marion though, nice card with no red scores!  Hope I do as well on Weds when I play with Marion and Friday when I play with Alan, I will know I am the weak link if not!

Breakfast booked for the morning (Full English)

Off to the wedding in Rutland tomorrow

11th May 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

An enjoyable session today and partner was on good form (other than not evaluating a hand with 4 points as good enough to respond with!)

Stayed after the session to sort out the GDPR for the club and think we have resolved this now!

Not playing tonight as off to a Wedding for the weekend.

The Highs and Lows:

2   The lead helped here but I think I should always make 11 tricks, others didn't though
7   Not many bid game here - I was a passed hand but after partner opened a weak 2, my hand is now worth game
8   Ops played really well here finessing my Q
10   Well bid Ops
11   I played well here and managed the trumps well too leading up to the Q
13   Partner played well here to make the extra trick
18   Perfect defence here and partner was great in playing a trump trick 2 instead of returning the - Ops let me in with the J so I then took out the trumps and played a  to partner's hand
19   Not a bad contract here but it needs some help from the Ops and we didn't get any!
20   Unlucky for Ops here, I think we have 6S on (certainly 11 tricks) but nobody bid game our way (other than us) so the sacrifice was not good
21   I played quite well here having decided to take partner out of 1NT with stayman
24   We were too ambitious here but not unreasonable bidding
10th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 5 of the Thursday Championship

Not a great start as I messed up 3 hands in the first few rounds, just poor play really and no excuse.

It didn't help that my partner kept having a go at me and I eventually said he was getting at me too much and it calmed down after that.  We then had a good second half!

Great to see Vee playing again, hope he comes more often

Playing at CBC tomorrow after work then off to a Wedding for the weekend.

The Highs and Lows:

2   I played for the drop and nearly finessed but then thought I should play for 2/2 - wrong, sorry partner
3   Unlucky Ops, doubling my 5 was the way to go here
4   Excellent play here, a lead was needed to hurt us I feel
5   Good double partner, I should have played a instead of the to get one more trick but the double did the job
8   The one 4 contract that cannot make, I made!!!  All the others which were possible and I didn't make but still!
10   Really well played here partner, well done!
11   I think partner should raise to 3 here, not 4 - I then go up with a reasonable hand and pass with 11 - here, I would pass
12   Sorry partner, another of my famously bad doubles!
14   Ops doubled my 1NT and then we turned the tables and kept doubling everything they bid (including 2 redoubles!) - unlucky Ops that I hold the wrong hand for you, also felt so bad for doing this against Vee, sorry Vee
17   Ops can make this - they discarded a on the instead of a and then ruffing the
18   Ops let me make my singleton K, unlucky Ops
21   A good lead from partner here enabled us to take 3s, 1 and 1 - a lot made the contract though and I think the key is the s as they break 3/3
24   I made a balancing double over Ops 2, best result is if partner passes but we need to let the Ops play and go down here as it happens
25   I was too pushy here but partner opened and I had an opening hand
9th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not a great night again but really enjoyed it (tempted to make it a green thumbs up for that reason!!!).

We bid a slam that not everyone did but a few hands I pushed too hard and a couple we didn't push enough, will get this game right one day....!

We seemed to be top or bottom on almost every board, so just under 50% is about right.....

Vee hosted the Improvers at  YHBC tonight and there was a 3 way tie for the top and Vee was close behind but only 2 tables again.

An Improvers team played in the main group Teams for the first time, finished last but hope they enjoyed as it is all good experience and Teams is a different tactical game to Pairs, I am happy to offer some advice if wanted.

Great to see 2 of our CBC players do well at Woking today, well done Pam and Connie!

Playing in Round 5 of the Thursday Championship tomorrow (as is Vee!)

The Highs and Lows:

2   We missed the contract here but it turned out to be a good sacrifice!
3   I played well here but bidding game was the key more than the play
5   Ops didn't bid game and we defended well to hold it to 10 tricks
6   Partner missed a trick here which cost, 1 off would have been a good score
7   Only 4 of us in the slam here, 1 went off too!
8   I pushed too far as a sacrifice then played very poorly
9   Ops opened 3 and I pushed to game, should settle for a part score
10   Partner opened the multi 2 and I enquired (only 14 count but a strong hand), only 3 were in game!
11   I was too pushy here and played poorly too
13   We pushed Ops up and doubled
14   No interference here so we couldn't do anything to improve the contract
15   Multi 2 opened and Ops overcall 2 so I bid 3 (I felt if I bid to the level of the fit they would compete in 4) - this was good enough as it happens
17   I was too pushy with my 19 count here, sorry partner
21   Ops did well to bid game here and played well too
23   I needed a  through here to stop the 12th trick
24   I was too ambitious here and went looking for a slam rather than settling for 3NT, sorry partner
26   Ops opened 4s and we didn't feel we could do much here and quietly took it 2 off
8th May 2018


Another busy day and lot of Bridge emails as well as work and trying to push for a move date

Badminton tonight and it was so hot, only 10 of us as there was an away match and the rest felt it was too hot!!!  Still, only lost 1 game despite having no energy from the start!

Playing at Farnham tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

7th May 2018

CBC & YHBC Swiss Pairs:

Playing with my life partner in the 2nd Annual Swiss Pairs organised by CBC and YHBC

We started early collecting the catering items from my Dad and buying sandwiches for lunch.

We then set the hall up from 11am and Val Foster arrives shortly after to help set-up.

Between us we get everything ready and Gary (the Director) then arrives and I assist him in setting up before changing my shirt.

Vee checks everyone in and assigns seating positions and 2 players are a little late but arrive just in time (so the host pair were thanked for standing in and then they went).

We had a nice day and I think most enjoyed it - a great success, a lot of work to organise and put it on but worth it I think.

Vee played really well today too (mostly) and we won 3 matches, drew 1 and lost 2 (the losses were bad though!).

My friend Margaret played with a county player but for the first time, it didn't quite work for them but they were the only pair to bid a Grand Slam (out of every round and every pair)!

Great to see our close friends top - well done Margaret and Dorothy!!!

2 Junior pairs played too and they were 1st and 2nd at one point but 1 pair fell away at the end and the other finished joint second (they didn't actually lose any matches, just 1 draw at the end)

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows: 

Match 1:
4   Partner didn't see the Ops bid 1, he then bid 2 and I alerted and said "No" and he then went to 3NT anyway (as he had the s), Ops then doubled to give us a top as partner played well
Match 2:
7   We need to push to 4 here but I was worried about pushing them into game, if they had of gone 4 though it would be a top for us!
11   Ops made a game force bidding sequence and stopped before game, odd here.
12   I did well to make this, Ops have 4 tricks to take but timing is very tricky, the lead helped me though
Match 3:
13   Not partner's finest play here, should lose a then take the tricks....
15   I should double 4 here, if partner doesn't like it, he could still bid 5, sorry partner
18   We were pushed too far here and Ops defended well
Match 4:
21   Partner played well against a good pair.  Although 11 tricks are possible, not many made them!
Match 5:
25   Ops missed the slam here
28   I bid 3 here and partner was a little ambitous going to 3NT!
29   I made an extra trick here, I got the s right dropping the Q rather than finessing and Ops never took the A
Match 6:
31   We need to be leading s here!
33   Partner played well here to only go one off, we also stopped Ops finding 4
36    We didn't defend too well here, partner needs to take the A rather than ducking it and then K and give me a ruff
6th May 2018


40th Birthday party today.

I woke up with a bad cold but had a Lemsip then went to Tesco to do the weekly shop and was ok by the time we got back.

I decided to drive today and let Vee drink (we were going to get a taxi as only in Farnborough but I felt I didn't want to drink with my cold)

Our friend (Boz) loves food and has bought a pizza oven and also had a whole pig roasted on the BBQ, lots to eat including a "cheese" cake and salads and loads of pizzas!!!

Unlimited drink too (soft for me but loads of Pimms, wine, Gin and beers) - about 50 of us there and a hot day, was a really good party!

We left after 10pm (arrived at 2pm) and was mainly family left by then.

I did some final bits ready for tomorrow too, Val has printed off the entries list (though another pair has had to drop out today due to a bug that is going round).

All the catering items are at my Dad's and we will pick those up at 10:30 tomorrow on our way to the club.

The director is arranged and arriving at 11:45, so plenty of time for us to set the hall up and then for Gary to set the computer and table slips etc.

YHBC & CBC Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs tomorrow, check in at 12:30-12:45 for 1pm start.

5th May 2018


One of our friends, Margaret W, invited us for a cheese and wine lunch with a few others - we arranged to pick up Dorothy and Margaret and stopped to get some flowers as a thank you.

We had a lovely day and nice conversation (not much about Bridge!) and then a wonderful spread of cheese and bread and biscuits with wine flowing constantly, yummy!

Tea and cake in the garden after that with more chat and a fun napkin game (numbers and letters where you need to fill in the words represented by the letters)

We show Margaret and Dorothy the new house (just from the outside) and then act as IT support for Margaret before coming home.

A really nice day and glad I am feeling a bit brighter today to enjoy it.

Birthday BBQ tomorrow for one of our friends

4th May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We didn't do much wrong but not a good score, mainly Ops bidding well

Vee played at YHBC tonight too and enjoyed but didn't do too well.

Out for lunch tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

3 I must support the s here, sorry partner
5 Ops bid and made what they should
6 Good defence here
7 Well played partner, making the extra trick was needed here!
17 We need to be in 4 here....!
18 I let East win the 9, daft!
20 Well bid Ops, an unlucky double
22 My fault here, I shouldn't have bid 3 after partner doubled and Ops bid
23 We were in the right contract and I played it well
27 A terrible trump split but I coped better than most to only go 1 off
4th May 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not feeling too good today and not in a cheery mood.

We played downstairs today too and it was not very comfortable and a lot of tension in the air, not nice to play today but well done to Alan, Sylvia and Val for making it work as well as possible.

Partner was not on form either so it didn't really work, amazed to get 3rd overall despite the poor %

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

2 I didn't unblock the s but taking the contract down was ok as it happens
10 Partner went to game for no reason here, 1,2 that will do.....!
11 I should lead a here, nearly did too
12 Partner got our system wrong here then tried to correct it on her own
13 Not my best play here
14 Ops pushed us up too high and partner went 2 off trying to make it
16 Not many made 12 tricks but he s throw the losers away so not sure why not
17 Ops played well and then didn't take the last trump out and went 1 off
22 I put a cheeky 2 bid in, Ops doubled and then didn't know what to bid and passed, I made it!
25 We got the defence right and Ops didn't ruff the s
26 Not a good sacrifice, sorry partner
3rd May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the 3rd round of the Chairmans Shield (Teams)

The team I play in didn't need me tonight so I was asked to make up a scratch team with my Monday partner.

All our house paperwork has been received now and been asked about ideal dates to complete - getting closer each day now and currently aiming for 25th May (start of the bank holiday) but not confirmed as yet.

We came 3rd and pleased with our Pair results too (3rd on X-Imps, can view this from the results and menu at the top)

I wasn't feeling too well tonight and partner was a bit low too, so another good result was nice

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

4 I went off 3 vulnerable, not normally a good thing but here, Ops had a slam on!  Our team mates bid game so a good score (only 2 bid the slam)
5 Looks like a poor sacrifice here but 3NT was bid and it looked very close to me, sorry partner, wrong decision by me
7 Well bid Ops, unlucky double though.  Team mates had a bad board here too
10 Ops let me make my singleton K, team mates made their contract
14 Both us and team mates in part scores making!
19 Both us and team mates in part scores making! (not seeing double, same comment as 14!)
2nd May 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Vee was hosting the Improvers but we had a half table in each group so he and Val played in the main group - during the first round we realised there was still a half table!!!!

Rob and Sue continued to do well in the Improvers, good to see.

Marianne and Rosalie did well in the main group tonight too, really pleased for them (though we gave them a good start!!!)

Great to see Margaret at the top too!

We did ok tonight, a few things could/should have been better though but not much wrong and those that we did get wrong were not easy.

Playing in a scratch team tomorrow at CBC (good luck to my "real" team!)

The Highs and Lows:

3 I made a really risky 2 overcall and was allowed to play there!  I played well to make this too
5 I could have played this better, also better if I pass partner's 1....!
6 Ops didn't bid game
7 Partner opened strong (4 loser hand) but it didn't pay off here as we missed the contract
9 We need to take the A and make a  here, not easy - perhaps I should lead a
12 Ops stayed in the right contract doing what they should do
18 Ops were too ambitious here
19 We cannot double here or they rescue to s, good defending though
1st May 2018


Lots to do today, more on GDPR, lots of work issues, sorting out the last details of the house move (nearly there now!) and my Dad's birthday!

I sent a text at midnight to say Happy Birthday and we took a card and a gin and tonic gift box round tonight before heading off to badminton.

I won 6 and lost 2 tonight, so not bad - it was hard work though and lacking energy, think I may be coming down with a cold but am saying "No" to it!

Also arranged our first Hubert Phillips match for 26th June, it is a home match so we need to be in before then!!!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

30th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We had a great night tonight, a few daft things from me but almost all hands were good and a really good score too!

Surprising as I clearly wasn't thinking straight having left my ciggies behind!!!  Perhaps not smoking IS good for you?

We signed the contracts for our house tonight and send them back recorded delivery tomorrow, should be a few weeks now to completion, not there yet but another step closer!

Val wasn't well but came to open up and set-up tonight then went back home, she is such a star, I stayed at the end with Max and Margaret to help Sylvia clear up and get everything sorted.

We bid 2 slams (1 grand!) and also bid a slam on our sit-out (which clearly didn't count but still), we missed 1 that cost us though - quite a slam heavy night!

The last penultimate round had a quiet 2S by partner too though, and that was 94% so just shows, playing every hand well counts, they don't have to be huge contracts to get huge scores!

Was so pleased tonight as both us have had a lot of stress to deal with and a good score and good company was just what we both needed (especially partner who had a declarer play of 93%!!!)

Playing badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2 We were in the right contract and partner played well to make 2 extra tricks, no  lead was fortunate
3 A favourable lead here got the  away and partner got all the cards right to make an impossible contract
5 We defended well here and partner made both her trumps!
7 I kept North on lead each time I lost a trick and got 1 or 2 tricks back each time, worked well.  I missed the K at the end though
8 We didn't bid the grand but did bid a small slam and partner made all 13!  It says you can make all 13 but others made 11 or 12 - I couldn't find out about the void with our system so the grand was too hard to find, we did well enough with 6+1 though
9 We pushed the Ops up in the wrong suit and defended well setting up the ruffs
10 An amazing hand here, partner opens and I have a HUGE hand!  I bid 4NT straight away, we play modified so partner bid 5 showing 1 Ace and 1 King, so I am as confident as I can be for 7 - it could have gone wrong but not this time!
14 Brilliant play from partner here in a tough contract, shows that all the boards count no matter how low the contract
18 Partner was given a ruff and discard here to get the away
22 We bid game here and partner played it perfectly, most did not make 10 tricks


29th April 2018


Shopping and chores today followed by Poker at 1pm

We enjoyed it and great to see our friends - we didn't win though but close on a few games

Playing at CBC tomorrow night

28th April 2018
28th April 2018

YHBC Committee and Comedy Night:

A full day today!

Vee and I are both on the YHBC committee and attend the latest meeting this morning (10:45 to 13:45!!!).

Lunch on the way home then I set to doing my actions (with hoovering in-between and Vee defrosts the Freezer!).

A few issues to sort out with events at the club recently but all now resolved and all my actions done.

GDPR remains slightly confusing I think YHBC and CBC are doing this correctly.

Wash and change after chores and our lodger takes us to Margaret's for a drink and chat then on to Pine Ridge for a meal and comedy night (her birthday tomorrow!)

We took a card, gift and a bottle of pink champagne (which we drank at Margaret's) and then walked over to Pine Ridge

We had a lucky table with 4 great young lads who helped make the night, good food and another 3 bottles of wine and 3 comedy acts (1 great, 1 poor and 1 good)!

Vee and Margaret had a whiskey as I had a ciggie and called a taxi then home - a great night!!!

I also dealt with a lot of email traffic with Gordon at the EBU to deal with GDPR, think we have resolved this now too!


Poker with friends tomorrow

27th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not a great night tonight but some were just unfortunate and partner wasn't "feeling it" tonight, shame but a night out

Good to see attendance up tonight and nice to see Jane & Viv there, keep coming!!!

Committee meeting for YHBC tomorrow then out for a meal and comedy for Margaret's birthday

The Highs and Lows:

2 I was a little ambitious here and unfortunate to find partner with nothing and Ops with a 19HCP hand!
4 We were in the right contract here and lucky that Ops didn't take trumps out as I ruffed the whole hand
5 Ops took the first 3 tricks so I couldn't get a good score
7 Partner could do better here
8 Ops did well to bid game here
10 We were in the right contract here!
11 I didn't attack the s first, I went for the s, wrong decision!
12 I bid strongly here and 3 times on my own, I think partner can raise me to game here
16 Partner needs to keep his s here and trust me for the s
18 Partner played his A on my winning !!!!
19 We need to lead a here, Ops got the losers away on his s
20 Not a good sacrifice Ops, someone made a slam but there is not really one there
27th April 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We had a good start but a few blips stopped us coming top (swapped from 1st to 3rd on the last round!)

Great to see Marilyn and Veronica do so well!

Playing again after dinner

The Highs and Lows:

4 Partner needs to jump here to show how good her hand was
5 I got the s right here and got the s right.  Then used the s to throw the rest away
6 Ops revoked here but were only making 9 tricks (as they should) but others made 10 so was always going to be better for us
7 We are better off in s here, Ops pushed us up too, well played Ops
8 We were in the right contract and I played well to make it
9 Ops need to be in NT here
10 Ops lost count of the trumps here, unfortunate as they bid well
11 Unusual auction, artificial 1 opened, I double for takeout, partner bids 1 and Ops double and it is left in
15 Ops were too ambitious
16 Partner got carried away here, we missed the 4 contract with the jump from 2 to 5!!!
18 We pushed Ops up and then got the defence right
19 Lead the 3 here (4th highest!!!)
23 Ops didn't switch to a  and I got the s right
24 Nothing out of the ordinary but it seems declarer could have made 1 trick
26th April 2018

Surrey League:

Playing in the Surrey League, home match tonight and it is the last match in our section.

Pre-Dealt boards used so see the Hand File HERE

Top going into the last match and a win will see us top of the section, a 9-11 loss still sees us in the Final as one of the top 2 teams.

Last night, Alan and Jo won their last BBL match against a very tough team and Margaret was 2nd at YHBC (I did not do so well at Farnham!)

Day off today to get stuff done and also prepare for tonight.  Also starting to organise our first Hubert Philips match (not entered this before).

I cater (via Waitrose!!!) and put on a good spread for half time (leftovers too!).

In the first half we make a few errors but they cancel each other out and 1 down at half time.  The food revitalises us though and in the second half we gain 23 to win overall by 22 Imps (15-5 in VPs), this secures the top spot for us and we can play in the Final on 10th June.

Camberley have had a great year with teams coming 1st and 2nd in Div2B, 1st in Div3 and currently 1st in Div4 (one match to be played)!

Playing twice tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

First Half:
4 -13 I need to lead a  here but chose a  (4 in each), so Ops make 12 tricks.  Our team mates went for the slam but 1 off (as it should)
5 +13 I made 4 plus 1 and team mates make a vulnerable game for a double swing
10 +6 Ops too ambitious (but is teams) and we take their game 1 off, team mates stayed in 3 making
12 -8 Team mates went off 3 vulnerable on a very unfortunate hand
Second Half:
14 +8 Ops open light (9 points but a good hand) and partner bids 3 (showing both majors).  Ops bid 3NT and I bid 4 with 7 points - it is such a wild hand that I make it!  Team mates sacrifice in 5 for a good score
16 +10 I opened strong and partner was brave and put me to game - it is not really there but a nice lead and I make it.  Ops are in a part score against team mates
17 -6 Team mates made 11 tricks but were not in game
18 +11 I open 2 and partner relays 2, I bid 3, partner bids 3 (genuine suit), I bid 3NT and partner bids 4NT to ask and I jump to 6NT (cold).  Ops are in 3NT against our team mates
25th April 2018


Playing with a new partner after the Farnham AGM

AGM started at 7pm and finished by 7.40pm - nothing major but a new Secretary (welcome Joyce)

Only the second time we have played together, we won last time but not tonight, sadly.

I kept getting the defence or play wrong, sorry partner

Vee hosted the Improvers and had 3 tables again.

Margaret did well tonight in the main group too, good sign ready for tomorrow!

Playing our last Surrey League match tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2 I need to lead a here, sorry partner
4 Wrong lead from Ops and partner played well
5 I got carried away here, after Jacoby by partner I raced off and played poorly too
9 We defended well but needed to push the Ops up a bit
11 Ops bid too high here, the double wasn't needed but....
13 Good lead partner, back in with my A and then run the s (Ops revoked too for an extra trick)
16 Ops stopped in the right contract
20 I opened th multi 2 here (weak 2 in s), Ops doubled as partner bid 2 (pass or correct) and then got too high
24th April 2018


Manic day today and was needed by 4 teams at the same time at work, mayhem but got there in the end

Vee went to the Theatre tonight and loved it (Son of a Preacher Man) and I went to Badminton

Played well but got so hot, was hard work!  Won and lost equally tonight but all close games

Farnham AGM and bridge tomorrow

23rd April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 4 of the Monday Championships

Not our finest session tonight, both had tough days and not really on form.

A shame it was a Championship night.  Well done Margaret and Pitti though, great performance!

Playing Badminton tomorrow

The Highs and Lows:

2 Partner asked for a  and I didn't see it, we should take this off, sorry partner
4 Partner rescued but I think the forcing pass would be better here, after I re-double I think Ops will panic and bid
5 Ops didn't take their A
6 Better played by South here, we need to use puppet stayman I think
8 Not many in game here, I claimed and was wrong though, could have had 11 tricks, sorry partner
16 We were the only pair allowed to play in 4, partner got the s right too
17 Ops over bid here, I wanted a ruff though but 1 off was good enough
18 I should have left partner in 3 here but I thought it was stayman!  Sorry partner
19 Ops were a bit too ambitious here
20 I wanted a ruff here but 1 off was a good score anyway
21 I guessed wrong on the K, playing the 9 trick 1 would have been much better than going up with the Q
24 Ops competed but it didn't pay off for them this time
22nd April 2018

Worthing Weekend (3/3):

We had a lovely breakfast again this morning and cleared our room quickly and packed the car.  All checked out and settled up.

One of our pairs had to get home for lunch so the Hotel arranged for a Worthing pair to join us (they did well too!).

Not our finest session but good fun nonetheless and prize giving after (will post some photos soon)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    I gave partner a ruff but they didn't take it!

Hand 9:    Ops thought they were in NTs so got the play wrong, unlucky Ops

Hand 10:  Ops opened light and we defended well

Hand 13:  We were both too ambitious here but the play was not great either

Hand 19:  Easier in s here but I could have played better - good defending though

Hand 21:  A trump lead was needed here

Another weekend finished and really enjoyed it, it's the group that make it and we are blessed with some wonderful characters.  A pleasant drive home and all un-packed with washing on, back to normal tomorrow!

21st April 2018

Worthing Weekend (2/3):

We had a lovely breakfast this morning, Vee in particular loved the Omelette.

The hotel printed out the results and teams order for tonight for us which I displayed in the Bridge room.

Vee and I set-up a simple shuffle and deal session for 3 pairs who wanted to play for a few hours this morning and they had some really interesting hands and enjoyed it - a few questions after too which we answered.

We spent the day in Brighton and had a nice time, walking round the Lanes, having coffee and a bite to eat and bought some art too (just little bits but nice).

Dinner was really nice tonight - the sauce on the chicken was amazing and the lemon posset was lovely

Teams tonight (as we won last night we are teamed up with the pair who came last) they had a tough time with the stronger pairs but learned a lot and enjoyed it, we discussed some of the hands and what to do afterwards too.

Although 6th as a team, Vee and I were 2nd EW and 4th overall on X-Imps

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 5:    I had no defence to the slam the Ops bid and thought it would make, although 1100 (should have been 800), I still felt this would be a good save against the slam, not to be!

Hand 10:  I was very lucky to make this slam - they made a brilliant lead but didn't follow it up - if they had, they could have had a ruff to take me off.  Just game bid against our team mates

Hand 15:  I made a good sacrifice here and our team mates made their game

Last day tomorrow and bridge after breakfast followed by Sunday lunch then back home

20th April 2018

Worthing Weekend (1/3):

We had a relaxing morning and then drove off to collect Kevin and Margaret and met up with Val, Keith, Pitti and Barbara for lunch in Loxwood (lovely)

A good run down and parked outside the hotel then went for a wonder after checking in (too hot for me)

Welcome drinks and nibbles and then a nice main meal (pudding didn't suit me but the rest was nice) and on to the Bridge.

8 tables this weekend and a good mix of people, lots of banter and good spirits.

I loaded the hands for YHBC too (only 3.5 tables) and loaded our results to YHBC but for Saturday so as not to confuse the YHBC scores (I had an email saying how impressive it was to win a session not yet played !!!!)

I felt we could have done better but the score shows us top, so can't really complain!  Teams tomorrow will be top pair with bottom pair and so on down the list.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    This shows why you never open a weak 2 when holding 4 of the other major, sorry partner, I should not open this....!

Hand 4:     Ops could have made this, we are so lucky!

Hand 9:     Ops didn't double but 2 off is beneath their game score anyway so we were always on to a winner here

Hand 10:   Ops had a blip and transferred to a 4 card suit - they were discussing this on the way to Worthing too, unlucky Ops

Hand 17:   11 tricks are available, I made mine but nobody else did (only 1 other in 4)

Hand 21:  We need to be bidding on here but partner was silent throughout the auction

Hand 22:  12 tricks are available, I made mine but nobody else did

Planning on getting the bus to Brighton with a few others tomorrow, then relax and Bridge after dinner

19th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session.

Day off to make a long weekend and sort out Removal quotes and insurances today as well as some chores.

I find this weather too much and so shorts last night and again tonight, had one comment to say "I hope you won't be dressed like that at the weekend" - well, I will try.........!

We had a good night tonight and didn't do much wrong - a few Ops were good against us but didn't feel we did anything silly and partner played extremely well!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    We should take this off but not easy, our only error that was our own fault but still, not an easy one.

Hand 3:    We were in the right game and played well to make it.

Hand 4:    I did well to make an extra trick but I needed to being in 2NT!  The s came good and I got the s right (playing up to the Q)

Hand 8:    I put a cheeky bid in and Ops doubled (for penalties) but it was left in - I am a lucky player!

Hand 11:  We defended really well here and a great lead from partner.  Ops not in the right contract but we kept pushing the s and took them off.

Hand 13:  We bid to 3 but didn't feel any more was on, I was a bit pushy to double the 4 but it paid off this time

Hand 14:  This was the second hand we played and partner disagreed with me asking for Keycards but I felt this was a special case.  I didn't think I could quite open 2 (3 loser hand but if partner had zero, I could lose 5 tricks).  After 2, 2, 2, 4 I then id 4NT to ask (if partner can offer me 2 tricks, perhaps this IS now a 3 loser hand and 2 are covered).  Even being in the slam, not the easiest to play but watching East throw s I decided the K was offside and so the only way to make this now is to split the points and play towards my Kx after discarding my small on the 3rd  - it worked!

Hand 15:  Partner played brilliantly here and squeezed an extra trick forcing West to keep the right card and they didn't.  As it happens, being in the right game (or game at all) was enough for a good score.

Hand 16:  I had an OK hand but think I bid too much here, I doubled the then the hoping to show both suits - then I bid 3 and I think partner could have bid 3 - may not be brilliant as I over did it, but still better than 3

Hand 22:  Partner did well to make an extra trick here timing the  loss perfectly and Ops not attacking s

Hand 24: Ops did what they should but not everyone did.  I think it is my Qx - Ops nearly finessed it but decided to play for the drop in the end (correctly), others must have lost it.

Vee and I are both off to Worthing tomorrow for the YHBC club weekend, looking forward to it (great food at the hotel and wonderful company too!)

18th April 2018


On the Committee so helped set the hall up and spoke about the GDPR and Improvers and went down ok.

The whole AGM took an hour (including the Trophy presentations) and no real issues.

There was a solo player in the Improvers so Vee played with them (we had agreed to play together but would sit out if a solo player needed a partner).

As it turned out, the main group had a solo player too so I played with them (never played together before!).

We did ok, instant scoring and shuffle and deal each round.  It makes it entirely random but still, we won by a clear 30 points to win a box of chocs each, well done partner!!!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    I bid NT over the Ops and they went to game (with Ax support) so I doubled and we defended perfectly to take it down 4 (1100)

Hand 3:    I messed up the bidding so we got to game in error, a favourable lead and partner made it!

Hand 11:   Ops bid well and 5 would have been a good sacrifice, 6 then converted to 6x was not a good sacrifice for them!

Hand 13:   Ops open a weak 2 and I bid 2 (11 points, 6s) - partner thought I was stronger and bid game - I made it....!

Hand 16:   Ops found a good lead but then switched and I got everything right to make a tight game

Playing at CBC tomorrow

17th April 2018


Busy day at work today as well as keeping on top of Bridge emails and GDPR.

Steak and chips tonight (me and one of our lodgers) then badminton

Played well tonight and only lost 1 game but had to work hard and am shattered now!

YHBC AGM tomorrow followed by instant scored bridge

16th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Lots more on GDPR today and both YHBC and CBC are now approx half way in terms of members submitting their choices!

Great to see Margaret and Val do well tonight as a fairly scratch pair arranged at the last minute, well done both!

We had a good night too with just a couple of blips - helped at the end too and chatting away with Val before we realised it was 23:30!!!  Bit delayed posting this but here it is....

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    Others not making the tricks they should really but partner played well too

Hand 4:     I messed up here but Ops defended well too.

Hand 7:    Such a distributional hand here and we bid bravely - without the ruff I would have made my 5 too - cannot believe the matrix says I can only make 7 tricks, very odd - I lost 2s and the A (they didn't find the ruffs though)

Hand 9:     Unlucky to be doubled here

Hand 11:   Partner got everything right here

Hand 12:   Ops didn't take their A so never made it

Hand 13:   Partner was amazing here and made 2 more tricks than were there, stunning

Hand 14:    I felt West would have 5s (no real reason) and so I messed up the entire hand!

Hand 18:   Partner played well here though Ops could have pushed the s rather than switching suits

Hand 19:   Odd here, I gave a trick away here yet others made 12 or 13 tricks!

Hand 21:   I took a view here and decided not to count the singleton K and didn't like my KX so opened 4 - partner jumped to 6 so now I wake up and re-assess, we missed 7NT because of my initial assessment but did at least find 7

Playing badminton tomorrow

15th April 2018


Shopping and clearing today as well as a lot of shredding as we clear old stuff out including paperwork.

We took our lodgers out for a meal tonight which was nice (Roast Beef for me then Chocolate Brownie).

Playing at CBC tomorrow

14th April 2018


A day off today and nothing planned so we decided to see what other Bridge friends were up to on Thursday night.

A few of us were free so though lunch out may be nice but too short notice to book a table for 7 of us.  Vee then offered to do Curry and everyone agreed!

I cook the Chicken curry (8am!) and Vee does the rest (we shopped on the way home from Bridge last night).

We had a great afternoon and everyone loved the curry (Julie did some sides and paratha breads and Jo and Margaret supplied puddings) - quite a feast!!!

Wine and coffee and lots of chatting (no bridge) and really enjoyed it.

Home for the night to do more work (largely GDPR stuff and some BBL items too).

Chores tomorrow and catching up with TV as well as making plans for the move and checking removal company availability etc.

13th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A tough session tonight, partner had some really tough choices and some leads were not as good as they could be!  I messed up the last hand too but overall it was ok.

Vee had a great start tonight but Ops then did the right thing against him and felt frustrated by the end

Well done Colin & David though, amazing score tonight!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:     Ops were defending 4 but I was in 3NT so didn't return the  lead, I am very lucky!

Hand 3:     Partner would have made this if he crashed Ops singleton K - the clues were there too....

Hand 4:     We should get this off but couldn't see how - Ops played well though

Hand 7:     Too ambitious Ops, I bid 1NT over the 1 so doubled 4

Hand 9:     Unlucky Ops, they didn't see partner play the A and assumed he would play low so the K fell under my Ace allowing partner to make this

Hand 10:    I wanted to double here but they rescue if I do, 200 was ok for a good score though

Hand 11:    Partner played well here getting the s right and setting up a  trick

Hand 14:    Partner!!!!!!!!!!!  Dodgy double but then the wrong lead, my suit perhaps......?

Hand 16:    We did well here as Ops over-bid but still I got it wrong, at the end I just need to play A and Ops ruffs and has to play into my Kx of s

Socialising tomorrow with Bridge friends

13th April 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We welcomed a returning member today, Carole and she did well with hubby Jerrold.

We had a lot of errors and wrong choice today and I did start to get a little upset with partner but joked in the end so hopefully all ok!

Enough good things balanced out the bad and although 5th, it was all quite close at the top

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:     I was in a doubling mood here, sorry Ops

Hand 2:     Ops didn't bid game here

Hand 3:     I made a poor choice here and thought the odds of partner having s or s was high so bid stayman - after the 2 bid I had to then say 2NT - Ops defended well too so even 1 off would have been a bad score

Hand 4:     Ops need to lead a here and then pick up my K, I was very lucky!

Hand 8:     Partner could have played this a little better....

Hand 10:    Ops should be in s here but 3NT is a good contract too, they didn't start with the s though and we were allowed to set-up the s

Hand 11:    A little ambitious from Ops here but I think they were right to be in game, it just doesn't make

Hand 16:    We gave away a trick here as partner played the K in second position (I have the singleton Ace, second player plays low....).  Ops bid well though and was never going to be a good score

Hand 19:    We gave a trick away here not taking 2s - I lead a low  showing an honour, it can only be the Jack so it cannot be right to play a second and finesse it.....

Hand 23:    We were in the right contract and I played it well for an extra trick

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

12th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in round 4 of the Thursday Championships 

Slightly late doing my diary as had some BBL work to do, added Surveys to the home page too - have a look HERE

Not our finest night but not the worst either.

Both of us played some hands below par and a few interesting bids between us!  Still, an enjoyable session and not our worst score so far!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:     Partner played well here and watched the cards closely to decide which cards to keep at the end as Ops both threw a

Hand 5:     Hard to get a good score here but not a great double here when it is so distributional

Hand 6:     Good defence here

Hand 7:     We didn't defend this well at all

Hand 8:     I mis-played this completely, disaster!

Hand 11:   We defended well here

Hand 14:   We missed 7NT here and partner didn't play to his normal standards

Hand 22:   We had a competitive auction and ended up in the right spot

Hand 23:   I had room to put a cheeky 2 bid in here and so we got the right lead to take 3 tricks

Playing twice tomorrow

11th April 2018


Playing with a new partner in a regular session

Vee had to stay late at work so Val agreed to host the Improvers with me setting it up and scoring etc.

4 tables tonight which was great to see and Val ran the group well as she played - she also made her partner play the hands no matter which was declarer, I try and do this when I play with an Improver too - they did well getting 60% too!

Our newest Improver did extremely well tonight too and we think he will join us next week, welcome Rob!

I went to help a friend just past the club before bridge and then took 30 minutes to get back due to the faulty lights at the cross road, just got to the club in time!!!

We will check how they are on Friday and if any issues remain, will email the members before the AGM

Our Surrey League match is the last in our section to be played and after last night's win by Brian Hughes Team (including fellow CBC players) we now know that we need 9 to make the final and any win will put us top of our section.

We had a good night tonight and bid and played well (with just a few exceptions each), fun too!

Special mention to Marianne & Rosalie who scored over 50% in the main group tonight, well done girls, keep it up!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    A misunderstanding here that should have got us a good score but it was our second hand of the night and we didn't defend it well enough, not a problem though and we laughed it off

Hand 3:    I needed a ruff here

Hand 4:    I didn't double as felt they would escape but 3 off was enough for a good score as it happens

Hand 6:    Lucky not to get a return here trick 2

Hand 7:    Partner played this extremely well, lucky the s are blocked for Ops

Hand 8:    A good score for doing exactly what we should here, unlucky Ops that others didn't do the same

Hand 9:    So lucky here, had a lead and I played my highest ones first and so didn't get the switch - the drops and so contract made

Hand 10:  Sorry partner, should have supported the s here

Hand 13:  Sorry partner, I was too ambitious here

Hand 19:  Unlucky Ops, South thought he had 3s but had the  in with them

Hand 20:  A bit of luck here not getting a  lead, phew!

Playing at CBC in round 4 of the Thursday Championships tomorrow

10th April 2018


Day off today as had a Committee Meeting for CBC this afternoon (13:30 until 17:00!!!!) - a lot to discuss including GDPR, finances, competitions, psych's and convention cards.

As a general plea, please can all regular pairs write a convention card and bring to the club sessions, it is in your own interest as:

  • You can review your system before you start play
  • Use it to learn conventions
  • Help your cause if you have a director call
  • Help the Opps if they have a query

I added a deadline for our move too as agreed to host the next Committee Meeting at my new house on 26th July!!!!

Home for dinner (getting sausages on the way home for Vee to make me Toad-In-The-Hole, yummy!!!!) then badminton in the evening.

We saw my Dad after dinner for a coffee and a chat and then Vee dropped me off at Badminton

Played really well tonight (surprising as I had missed the last 3 weeks due to Bridge matches) - lost 2 games 21-19 and 22-20 (we were winning the last game 20-18 too!!!)

Well done Trevor & Barbara getting a score of 68.75% at 3 Counties and Sim Pairs too!!!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

9th April 2018


Playing with an old regular partner (not age old!!!) in a regular session

My regular partner couldn't make it tonight and an old partner kindly agreed to partner me tonight.

I was scorer tonight and not many issues (1 bridgepad to reset and 1 to explain and 1 score to adjust) - Wi-fi didn't work at the end but used my phone as a Hotspot to submit the results and P2P.

We played well tonight other than a few silly bids and both messed up the play on a hand each

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   We did well here but should have taken 2 more tricks, I asked for a and partner didn't play it for me to ruff....

Hand 2:   We over-bid here but I should never had bid 3s, my fault

Hand 4:   Ops made a simple overcall of 1 without asking what my 1 bid was and he had 5 points, this left a bad taste and partner lost concentration trying to work out the hand and lost count of the s

Hand 5:   I made a mess of this, I had the contract and messed up 3 tricks from the end by not ruffing the

Hand 11:  We were the only pair in game here, not on points but distribution

Hand 13:  Lucky double here, they can make 10 tricks though very hard to do it, we were lucky to take it off

Hand 15:  We found the right contract here, nobody else did

Hand 18:  We got carried away a little here!

Hand 20:  I should have made this as they didn't start with a , need to just play 3s to throw the s and then cross ruff, drat!

Hand 22:  Ops have a slam on here so 1 off doubled was a good result, nobody found the slam and most were sacrificing but partner played better than most here

Hand 23:  Ops didn't get the defence right, combined with partner playing well this worked well

Hand 24:  Ops pre-empted and we doubled, defended well and made the most of it.  We do have 3NT on but very hard to bid it and nobody did

CBC Committee meeting tomorrow morning so taken the day off.  Badminton in the evening.

8th April 2018

Surrey County Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Surrey's County Pairs event.

We did really well most of the time today (in both sessions) but we both made some really silly errors as well as little system issue.  Hard going playing 52 boards in 1 day but good fun.

Camberley were also represented in the Committee Cup (only 1 team available and willing out of our 2 clubs).  They finished a very creditable 6th (out of 21 Teams) and Colin & David were very high up on X-Imps too, well done to Colin, David, Alan & Patricia.

The Highs and Lows:


Hand 2:     Ops had a bidding mis-understanding here and we took advantage

Hand 3:     I bid to the level of the fit but this was not the best move here

Hand 6:     Ops were too ambitious here and we found the right defence

Hand 7:     Ops didn't find game

Hand 8:     Partner didn't take the finesses

Hand 9:     I had a choice of going 1 off or trying to make the contract but 3 off if it fails, I chose the latter and it failed....!

Hand 10:   I finessed the near the end here and it would have dropped, I should have made 13 tricks but was still a good score for being in game

Hand 18:   We missed 5 here but only 20 points between us, I hate minors!

Hand 20:   Ops bid and made what they should but we should be bidding to game in , very difficult

Hand 25:   Partner didn't take his K here

Hand 26:   Ops got a little carried away here and we defended well

Just missed the cut for the main final (and 1 place below the Master Points!)

Plate Final:

Hand 1:     We got a good score for being in the right contract!

Hand 2:     We had an issue over checkback here, 3 is the contract and we should have found it, have discussed since though and agreed the sequence should be 1, 1, 1NT, 2 (checkback), 2 (min without 4 or 3), 2, 3, Pass

Hand 5:     Partner played really well here, Ops also didn't ruff the K by mistake

Hand 6:     Ops bid too high here, we got the defence right though

Hand 7:     Most passed out here but I felt my hand was worth 1NT and played well to make it

Hand 9:     Not many found game here but we did, unfortunately partner revoked

Hand 11:    We need to be in 5 here (again!), we didn't defend this very well either

Hand 13:    Ops were too ambitious here and we defended well

Hand 16:    We defended really well here, partner kept pushing the s

Hand 23:    This was a mess!  I doubled and partner felt I must have s as Ops jumped in s - he revoked too costing 2 tricks and this is best forgotten

Hand 24:    We need to be in game here, partner had a 10 count and bid 1NT and we had a mis-understanding over my 2 as partner thought it was stayman (not after his weak NT I think)

Hand 25:    We stayed in the right contract here, others went to game going off

Just missed out on the Master Points again!

Playing and scoring at CBC tomorrow

7th April 2018

Admin & Dinner:

Vee worked today (helping my Dad who is a caterer).  He enjoys it and has a good time with the team.

I spent time working on Bridge admin and amending e-mail references to club e-mail "masks" for YHBC and CBC as well as going through last nights hands.

Watched some of the Commonwealth Games too and organised a meal out for me, Vee and Margaret (no reason) - unfortunately Vee was too late back so we had an Indian Take Away at ours instead, shame but not an issue.

Playing in the Surrey County Pairs tomorrow (event is at capacity)

6th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

I was the only one there at the start so set most things up (Hall was empty so I felt I could go in).

As we start, Derek's partner hadn't turned up so I called Vee who was at home, he was tired but said he would come out to support Derek (and the club).  So grateful to Vee and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful partner!

They enjoyed their session but didn't do well, a lot was down to some odd scores and not enough scores to compare against - lets hope more start coming out the nights are lighter and the Hall (generally) is warmer.

We had a good night, some odd score hurt our early scores but most improved by the end.  Only one red score (my fault!)

Margaret played twice today (as did I) and both scores above 50% today.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:     We defended well here but Ops didn't get the  right (though, with a singleton, should they take the finesse?)

Hand 2:     We pushed Ops up here and took them off, sorry Ops (sorry Vee)

Hand 3:     I didn't take my A here, sorry partner

Hand 4:     I think I played this one well, lost a  at the right time and got the s right - then all fell into place.  Ops only need to play a trump and I think I am off

Hand 10:  Declarer was in Dummy and played a card from her hand.  She then wanted to pick it up but I said I would accept it.  I am entitled to do this but she didn't want to, when she finally played it she then ruffed a winner from dummy and got very upset - I felt bad but rules are rules, perhaps I am too mean now

Hand 21:  I had the worst hand at the table but decided to open - it paid off this time (though I feel I did play it well)

Day off tomorrow

6th April 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Started the session with resolving last night's Teams results (all now done, re-submitted and loaded to the results with X-Imps and to the Competitions menu HERE)

We had a reasonably good session with a few issues we need to resolve but enjoyed it.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Missing AK this was a bit lucky, sorry Ops

Hand 2:   We defended well but how do others make this?  Think declarer needs to hold back on the first and then partner cannot lead a back to me.  Even so, back in with the and a through to me takes it off too

Hand 3:   Ops need to be in game here

Hand 4:   We need to be in game here but partner passed my T/O double.....

Hand 5:   I forced to partner to bid and raised her to game, she looked horrified but played well and only 2 pairs in game making

Hand 7:   Poor defending here, partner needs to carry on with the s, only one left in declarer's hand and he is stuck now once a comes back

Hand 10:  I felt this was a good sacrifice against a slam, making it was a bonus!  I kept my 2 so I could cross to dummy with the ruff to take the second finesse

Hand 11:  I should open this 1, sorry partner

Hand 14:  Not many found game here, indeed, we wouldn't have if Ops had left us in 3 but after 4, I felt I should go for it.

Hand 15:  The lead gave me an extra trick here

Hand 16:  Partner opened light here and I jumped to game, I could have played it better but the switch was a killer with K offside

Hand 21:  Tough hand here, the weak 3 bid made it hard for us - my 3 was to play but I don't blame partner for raising it here

Hand 22:  We need to be in 4 here, partner forced me to bid by reversing so I said 2NT (flat hand, you choose).  Partner bid 3NT so I assumed 2 stops

Hand 24:  This should be played in s, the weak hand needs to control here, we still defended well to defeat NTs though.

Playing again after dinner

5th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the postponed second Chairmans Shield event (Teams)

We all made a few little blunders and a near neutral score overall, not a night where we shone but not a disaster either.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   We found 3NT here, part score in s against team mates

Hand 6:   Ops bid game against us, only 2 others did

Hand 8:   Partner played really well to only go one off here, team mates let game through when only 8 tricks really on, unlucky

Hand 19:  We stayed at the right level here, it felt wrong with 10 points but after partner's double I just cannot see enough tricks for any more - against our team mates they pushed to game and went off

Hand 20:  Team mates went off in game, think they could have made it though.  Our sacrifice would have been good

Hand 22:  I got the  right here ducking when North lead them to make an extra trick.  Ops should be in 4 though

Playing twice tomorrow.

4th April 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Vee hosted the Improvers and had 3 tables (with Vee playing with Val) they played at a good pace to finish at 10pm too.

Well done to Keith and Kevin winning with a great score!

Tonight was the first session of the Season so Competitions are very early days

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:      Good defending here, great lead and I then took out trumps from dummy to make the extra .  Ops let my K make too

Hand 3:      Ops didn't ruff a so we took this one off

Hand 5:      A good sacrifice here

Hand 6:     Wrong lead here but wouldn't help much as others went up to 5 going off more

Hand 7:     I chose the wrong contract here but others made it, the switch killed me though

Hand 9:     Well played Ops.....!

Hand 10:   A good sacrifice here

Hand 12:   Unlucky partner, K drops but no way of knowing

Hand 15:   We need to be in game here but it didn't quite add up to me, I took a while to pass but should have bid on

Hand 16:    Ops bid and made what they should, others did not

Hand 17:   We gave a trick away here - I overcalled s so partner lead them, her natural  lead is much better, sorry partner

Hand 18:   This should be a good sacrifice against 6 (even 4) but not many are in game!

Hand 20:    I feel I played this well

Hand 22:   Wrong slam, sorry partner - all down to my poor choice of opening (2NT instead of 2)

Hand 23:   A good sacrifice and played well too, well done partner

Playing at CBC tomorrow night (postponed Teams event from the snowed off session last month)

3rd April 2018

Surrey League:

Our 4th match of the season against a Farnham team.  I am driver and meet the team at Alan's then drive us all from there.

I set-up and emailed out the GDPR for YHBC today too (General Data Protection Regulations).

I saw great news today that a Camberley Team has won Division 3B in Surrey with a nail-biting finish, the teams in 2nd and 3rd could both have won but played each other and the team that won needed to win 15-5 to tie and they won 14-6 leaving Geoff's team top by 1 point!!!  Well done all!!!

Penny Moody's team are still looking promising for Division 4 too and await the final match in their league to see who wins, fingers crossed.

We are top in Division 2B too but tonight's match was a loss of 16-4 and means we need a 16-4 win in our last match on 26th April to guarantee the section win (top 2 go to the final in June).

First Half:

Hand 5:   We missed a slam here, Ops open a weak 2 and I have 22 points and double.  Partner bids 2 and Ops bid 3 - I jump to 4 as partner was forced to bid and could have 4s and no points, I don't see how I can go on.  At the other table, our team mates supported the s and Ops bid 3s freely.  They then found 6

Hand 7:   Our first hand of the match and partner can play better - unfortunate to go off here but we all kept calm and nothing was said

Hand 8:   I sacrificed when game wasn't on for Ops, sorry all

Hand 9:   We defeat 4 and team mates make theirs

Hand 10:  I make 3NT and team mates defeat their Ops (they need to keep a to take me off and Jo or Alan did just that!)

Hand 11:  We defend well and defeat 3NT, team mates make theirs

17 Imps down at half time.

Second Half:

Hand 21:  I made 4 here and team mates defeated their Ops

Hand 22:  We doubled 4 and they made, it went 1 down for our team mates.  Partner had 4-4-4-1 (singleton ) and opened 1, I think it is better to open 1 here and a lead defeats the contract, unfortunate

A further 11 Imps down in the second half means a loss of 28 (4-16)

Playing at YHBC as Vee hosts the first Improvers of the new season.

2nd April 2018


A packed day today!

Started with Tesco at 9am and then a little bit of TV before picking up Cindy to go to lunch at Judy's followed by some friendly hands with commentary and hints from me as well as a few ideas about bidding and play.

The overriding comments were around how to deal with Opps bidding in a competitive auction.  What does it mean after Ops interfere if you:



Bid NT (at next level or jump)

Cue Bid

Support Partner (at next level or jump)

Bid a new suit (at next level or jump)

All of these options are available, which are forcing or non-forcing?  Which are competitive or constructive?

There are no hard and fast correct answers to these but there are generally accepted uses for these.  If you have a convention card, I suggest you discuss these options and your partnership understanding of each and then ensure you both know what to do with each response.

In Bridge, there is a lot of emphasis on bidding and learning a system (Very important), some focus on card play (but not enough!) and very little on how to deal with a competitive auction (MOST auctions at club bridge and beyond will have some competitive bidding!).

I have agreed to write out some examples and what I would do in these positions and will also search the web for some good reference material - I will send these to our friends but may also include here in our library for others to use if they wish.

After dropping Cindy off, we catch up with Margaret and have a coffee (no more food as Judy had done an amazing spread for lunch!!!)

Then on to our friends for an Indian Take-Away and games, very enjoyable

Home by 11pm and then a bit of work on the YHBC Privacy and GDPR and my Diary!

Surrey League match in Farnham tomorrow night

1st April 2018


A lazy day today just doing house chores and watching TV (plus some admin on BBL and YHBC)

We took our lodgers out for a Sunday Roast at the Hoggett in Hook too, lovely Roast too, yummy!

Playing socially tomorrow with Judy & Cindy with lunch

31st March 2018


Playing games last night and won 2 out of 4 which seems fair!

Poker this afternoon and enjoyed but lost all 3 games (our friend Andrew won all 3!!!)

Take Away and cathing up with TV tonight

Out for a meal with our lodgers for Easter tomorrow

30th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

I was busy this morning building a new website in BW for the BBL, mostly done now.

After lunch, Vee and I both go to CBC to play with different partners and we ended up joint 4th!

We had a roller-coaster session and finished poorly but still, above 50% (just!)

The hands have not been loaded properly so only the first 7 are showing, have asked for the hand file to be sent to me so I can upload and will do as I can - the diary below just from memory without the hands to view!

I have now been sent the hands and loaded, all now ok!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Well bid Ops, we make 4 but not 5, this was the best we could get here

Hand 4:   Partner opened 2NT with a singleton A, we don't do this!  4 is still the right contract but need to manage trumps slightly better

Hand 5:   Partner bid 2 (great bid) then bid 2NT (not so great)

Hand 7:   Not a good bid partner!

Hand 8:   Well bid Ops, we need to be in s I think

Hand 9:    Good sacrifice here, well bid partner

Hand 10:   Ops doubled for penalties but it was a distributional hand and partner made (plus 1)

Hand 11:  I should make this, sorry partner

Hand 12:   Ops need to ruff with K then my J drops

Hand 18:   I played this well, only 1 other made 10 tricks

Hand 22:   I got everything right here including ducking the first  and finessing the

Hand 23:   I opened this 5 and partner bid 6 immediately, missing Q but it dropped as a singleton, phew!

Hand 24:  We need to be in 6 so Ops bid well to sacrifice.  We can take one more trick if partner follows up the lead but still not a good score

Playing games tonight

29th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

I was scorer tonight (we all need to do our bit!).  Finished work at lunch time today so worked on the GDPR (Data Protection) for our clubs and also made a start setting up the BBL on a trial BW site (just to see how it looks and how easy it would be, up to the BBL committee to see what they want going forwards but a start has been made!).

A few blunders by me (including one where the Ops crowed and I got a bit cross at that).  Another issue with a bridgepad too (but we suspect it was the user!)

Overall, a solid performance and 2 in a row as a pair (having had a gap of about 2 months!), if I could only cut out the silly errors.....

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:     I had a choice of opening 1 or 2 here, this time I made the right decision

Hand 4:     Ops overcalled and I bid 1NT they then bid again so I doubled

Hand 5:     Ops too ambitious here and we defended well too

Hand 6:     Partner did well to make this making the best use of my s and discarding a on the 3rd

Hand 8:     I played poorly here, need to leave the as an entry, play to A, then 10 and back over with a to take 2 more s (throwing s) and then finesse again - sounds complex but it wasn't really - I fixated on using the s to throw the s away and so lost my entry

Hand 10:   We defended well here gaining 3 more tricks than possible!

Hand 12:   Ops did well to bid this but I did poorly taking my K on round 2, if I hold up we take them off (if I lead K from KX we do even better.....!)

Hand 13:   I had the chance to double Ops in 3 for 1400 and decided we had a vulnerable slam on so went that route, wrong!

Hand 19:   Ops can only make 9 tricks and we defended as we should, Ops played it perfectly yet others all made more tricks

Hand 20:   Ops open 1 and partner overcalls 2 and I decide I hate this and bid 2 where I play.  I ducked the first S and then got the  finesse right and didn't get any ruffs

Hand 21:   I mis-heard Ops here and thought it was a weak 2, when they ended up in 4 I doubled and we got lucky (though I gave a trick away!)

Playing at CBC tomorrow afternoon (as is Vee and he is playing with my partner from tonight!!!) but no YHBC as it is Good Friday!

28th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Vee hosted the Improvers and we had a new player tonight (he phoned me earlier in the week).  Vee played with him and he settled in quite well and had a good score too, moreover, he said he would come back next week!

Well done to Marianne and Rosalie for winning the Improvers Cup (top pair!)

Tonight was the last session of the Season so I have spent some time finalising the events and updating the Patricia Pinder Cup and Roll of Honour

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    Partner was stunning here, got everything just right and ruffed the second high and took out the trumps, crossed to dummy with the J and used the s to discard the s, amazing play!

Hand 4:    I had to pass 5s here, no reason to bid on at all, sorry partner

Hand 7:    Ops jumped from 2 to 6 here, partner found the killer lead and followed it up for my ruff, Ops got the K wrong too

Hand 8:    Ops opened 5s here, I felt I had to double but didn't quite have the hand to do it, it paid off though - I made a passive lead and it worked well

Hand 13:  I messed up here, I bid 2NT (intending it to play) and partner correctly alerted and explained as Jacoby.  Sorry partner, I am best off passing here

Hand 22:  Amazing hand here, Ops can make a slam in s but nobody found it, we got the defence spot on against s

Hand 24:  Tricky hand for Ops here, looks like s scores best but hard to leave it and also not sure it should make 10 tricks as some did.  We did defend well here though

Playing at CBC tomorrow night

27th March 2018

Surrey League:

Our third match of the season against a woking/camberley team.

A day off today to get a lot of house jobs done and admin - our fridge is beeping as you close the door, turns out it is a broken wire above the door and he didn't have a spare so coming back another time to fix it.

I am driver again so pick each team member up on the way to the match and an early start for me (leaving at 6pm)

David P produced a set of hands for us so have a handout and can be viewed HERE

We did well mostly tonight and some big swings (both ways though).

I am also pleased to report that Geoff's team in Division 3B won tonight too, they could win their section if a key match is a narrow win or draw and have secured a top 2 place either way to make the final, well done!!!

Penny's team in Division 4 are leading too with one key match to go, if they don't win by enough, Penny's team will win division 4 too, well done!!!

Margaret W team (which I play for) has won Division 2 in BBL too - a good year for Camberley in the leagues!

Nick B's team (which I play for) also won the Sylvia Rose teams series at Farnham, really pleased about this as my first time in this

First Half:

Hand 2:   I go one down in a part score, Ops went off -300

Hand 3:   We defeat Ops by 3 in 1NT and team mates scored +300!

Hand 5:   I made 6NT (missing 2 Aces), Ops lead a  to dummy's singleton Ace (I held KQJX) and I then played on s and lost the Ace on the 3rd round.   Ops then lead another which I won and played 2 more to discard dummy's s, contract made!  Team mates took 6 one off by taking both red Aces

Hand 6:   I made 170 (2 tricks more than I should) and team mates defeated their Ops contract

Hand 7:   We passed out and team mates made 2X+1 for 870, well done team!

Hand 8:   I couldn't see how to make 3NT here but the matrix says it should make and they did against team mates

Hand 11:   Ops make game and team mates didn't defeat a doubled part score

19 Imps up at half time.

Second Half:

Hand 15:   I sacrificed against a very thin game and went off too many too, my real error of the night, sorry all

Hand 16:   We make game and team mates defeat their Ops

Hand 20:   We didn't defend as well we could and let a vulnerable game though which was taken off at the other table

10 Imps down in second half but 9 up overall and a 12-8 win, we stay in 1st place with 2 matches to go (next one is next Tuesday)

Playing at YHBC as Vee hosts the last Improvers of the season.  Also the final day for all competitions so keep an eye out to see who wins each cup....!

26th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the third round of the Club Championships

A solid night tonight though we both lost concentration a little.  A few gifts and some good play and defending overall though.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 4:     Ops doubled, only 1 other did!

Hand 6:     Ops didn't take the trumps out so I made 2 ruffs

Hand 10:   A top here but I was still upset as 3 tricks from the end I had a and split tricks, I played K, all I had to do was play a and end play South, I realised the moment the K hit the table!

Hand 11:   I risked everything here on the s breaking 3/3, they did!  I set the s up in 2 rounds and all good

Hand 19:   I didn't take the finesse here and threw a top away here

Hand 22:   Ops opened a weak 2 and then bid 3 after our 3, if you open a weak 2 it is a limit bid and up to partner to raise if it is right - we defended well here and took it 1 off for a good result

Hand 24:   Partner opened 1 and Ops doubled then bid 2NT.  I didn't lead a and partner was not best pleased but I think my line was right and all was well in the end

Playing a Surrey League Match tomorrow

25th March 2018

Portland Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the Portland Pairs (Richmond).

Not our finest day today, partner has only just got back from holiday and both of us got lots wrong today.  We started poorly and was hard to recover.

In the first session we pulled back well to finish on 47%, the second half was not good throughout unfortunately, still - nice to see partner back

The Bourne had their Swiss Pairs today too and a lot of our local pairs entered.  Well done for top 10 places to:

Jill & Colin (2ndd but beat the winners and earned more blue points too!)

Simon & David

Michelle & Andy

Another special mention to Sylvia & Linda who won 3 out of 6 matches (again, the matches they lost were all to zero but still, 3 wins again!)

The Highs and Lows:

Session 1:

Hand 3:     A simple 1NT and transfer but others were pushed up and we were allowed to play at the right level with partner playing well

Hand 17:   Ops got their system wrong and ended up in the wrong contract

Session 2:

Hand 1:     Ops were unlucky here, partner made a take out double and I left it in (at the 1 level) - a top against the overall winners!

Hand 6:     Partner doubled the transfer bid for the lead and I bid 3 pushing ops up too high, we defended well too

Hand 19:    Partner raised my  bid (which was a poor suit) - I end up in game in a 4/3 fit!!!  Fortunately, the s break and I played well to make game when only 9 tricks on.

Hand 20:    A massive fluke here, mis-bidding on both sides and I focussed in the play and watched the 8 discard, I can now split the honours and keep the danger hand off lead, if they attack s I am finished but hey, lucky this time!

Hand 26:    Ops got the play wrong here and allowed us to make 3 tricks, ,  and a

Playing at CBC tomorrow

24th March 2018

Day Off:

Day off today and at the Portland Pairs tomorrow so did all the house chores and shopping today.

Vee had a good session this morning playing with our friend Don (he organised the weekend), well done both!  Results HERE

Margaret got back from her Cruise today will be good to see her again tomorrow.

Clocks change tonight and we start in Richmond at the "new" 12:00

23rd March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Another session where I was off form but between us we had a good result (well done partner!).  I made a few poor errors throughout and partner tried to make me feel better with 2 howlers in the last 2 rounds!

A few gifts and a bit of good play from each of us got us just enough to win the Friday Ladder, well done partner and thanks for another good season (2nd last year and top this year).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    Unlucky Ops, all the cards in the right place for me, end played Ops to give me and extra ad I had the best lead possible

Hand 4:    I risked the contract for te over-trick with the finesse here, I would have looked foolish had it not worked though!

Hand 5:    We defended well here, good lead from partner.  Ops started the s though and partner pounced!

Hand 6:    We pushed Ops up and defended well.

Hand 8:    Ironic here, we are in the right contract but needs to played by partner, I couldn't make this and think it is very hard either way round

Hand 11:  Partner doubled and asked me to bid so I said s and we found the best contract (I played well but took the tricks I should)

Hand 12:  Ops bid 3NT and partner ignored my 10 lead and let them make the contract, I was cross in a cool way but partner was a bit sheepish, his only real error for the night

Hand 16:  Partner valued his hand well here and splintered with 4, I then bid 4 first round control) and partner signed off in 4 but I felt more was there and found partner with 1 key card so up we go.

Hand 20:  Partner made a fantastic squeeze on South here, well, it would have been had he realised he had done it!!!  South couldn't keep the  and the

Hand 21:  Good for an extra trick, partner at his best here (Ops could have taken an extra )

Vee now in Worthing running the bridge holiday weekend for Peggy's old club, hope he has fun.

The first time the 2220 club had used bridgemates and had a text from Vee saying it went well and they were delighted with his directing and the speed of the results being displayed!

Day off for me tomorrow.

23rd March 2018 (Afteroon)


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular session

A session where I was down on myself throughout for not doing the right thing but turned out ok in the end!

Sorry I was grumpy partner, should smile and laugh all the time and not be down and miserable

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    Ops didn't play the A by mistake so partner only lost 1

Hand 2:    Ops have a grand slam on but were in a part score

Hand 5:    Ops didn't concentrate here and played as if she was on the next trick by mistake, it's harsh but we have all done it.  They didn't bid the slam anyway though

Hand 6:    I found a good lead and then switched to capture Ops Q, was pleased with this defence!

Hand 9:    We pushed Ops up and defended well

Hand 10:  I didn't switch to a (from KJXX) but I should have done, sorry partner

Hand 11:  I think I bid this well but partner's one black mark for the day not making it, not easy though

Hand 12:  Ops played well here and made all the tricks they could, others lost the singleton K I suspect

Hand 13:  I made an extra trick here getting the s and s right

Hand 14:  Ops played a instead of ruffing by mistake

Hand 15:  I played well to make the extra trick here getting the s and s right

Hand 17:  I was so lucky not to get forced in s here and I split the  honours

Hand 20:  Partner was brilliant to make this, risky contract though (my fault) but didn't fancy bidding 5 of a minor

Hand 21:  Ops bid the slam and I made the wrong lead

Hand 24:  A very competitive auction but Ops went 1 too far and partner doubled

Playing again after dinner

22nd March 2018


Playing with my BBL team Captain in a regular session

Low on Committee and Directors so Alan Brown stepped up and directed for us (well done on you first game with Nick too, great result!).

I helped Sylvia at the end too and got everything cleared and sorted.

Partner was amazing tonight, I wasn't quite on form (again) but we did ok overall and within 3% of the top.

Our team played it's final match away tonight too (as did 2 other teams) so now getting close to the final standings - League page HERE

With our team doing well to win 17-3 (well done David, Alan and super-subs Julie & Richard) and a draw on another key match, I think we have won the title this year!

We also had my work contract extended today as well as our mortgage offer finally being agreed (a huge relief to us!!!).  We just need to wait for the Vendor to buy a new house and sell their Father's house.  We have until July/August to vacate our house so no major time pressure but we (personally) would like to move ASAP now!

I will now get onto calculating the Waller Bowl qualifiers from the CBC session tonight and notify the players and Berks & Bucks organisers of the results.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    Ops had a big mis-understanding (and disrupted the whole room if honest), we tried to calm them down and succeeded to a degree.

Hand 3:    Partner opened a weak 2 here and it paid off nicely!

Hand 4:    Unusual to go 2 off for 200 and get a good score but partner did better than most here to ONLY go 2 off!

Hand 5:    Nightmare here and I failed miserably (even down to not counting the s so let the Ops ruff my Ace as I didn't take it on the lead!!!)

Hand 7:    Partner got the s right here, great play to make this, well done partner!

Hand 9:    I got a little cross here as I had signed off in 4s (agreeing partners suit).  Ops bid 4 and I passed to let partner decide if 5 or double.  I didn't expect 5!!!  Now I think I have mis-read the position and so I pass.  I made 5 as Ops didn't find the ruff but 5 is the contract!

Hand 11:  A mess here, I should leave Ops in 4 and also play better if I decide to go on, sorry partner

Hand 12:  Ops were too ambitious here.  I know 6 is going off but if I double, I worry they will go to 6 (♠s already bid by East), I didn't know partner would double 6!!!  Still, taking 3 off was good enough for a top

Hand 14:  Ops were restrained here and it paid off (though they have 3NT on, nobody bid it)

Hand 15: We defended this well (though I was secretly annoyed partner didn't lead a  as I had bid them, I let her off as she had a void!!!)

Hand 20:  An awkward hand here but I made the wrong decision to double and should have bid 4

Playing twice tomorrow

21st March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Vee hosted the Improvers who played the EBED Student Sim Pairs tonight.  Shame only 2 tables but they seemed to enjoy it.

Well done to Barbara & Gillian who are in the top 10 nationally so far (event doesn't finalise until first week of April) - I will issue notes, hands and comparisons once finalised.

Our night was not great, some we could do nothing about, some were my fault frown

Well done to Nick Browne tonight who won the Sylvia Rose Teams Series (I have been a part of this team too), amazing result beating the leaders 16-4 on the final match!

The club season is coming to an end shortly and a lot of the cups are still wide open, keep looking a the tables to see how they pan out!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    We defended passively here and it worked, Ops had to earn every trick and partner made most of her s

Hand 3:    Ops didn't take the K giving me an extra trick here

Hand 5:    I played poorly here - should take the first and then go for the s

Hand 7:    Partner missed a trick here, possibly ruff 2 s

Hand 15:  I opened light here but it felt right, I didn't have the guts to bid up after partner jumped though but it was still a good score

Hand 17:  Ops could have played better here, partner lead a  and Ops played a trick 2, not a good plan - we got the defence perfect from here on in (plus an extra trick too!)

Hand 19:  I bid and played poorly here, no excuses

Hand 22:  We need the Ops to carry on bidding here but they were a wise pair

Hand 23:  Ops made all the tricks available, I need to switch to a  early on to hold it to 10, others didn't declare well though which hurt our score

Day off tomorrow then playing with my BBL Team Captain as our team play an away match (our final match - good luck team!)

20th March 2018


Playing with an irregular partner and Team mates in the BBL (Home match)

After a hair cut and dinner, I collect John (who kindly agreed to play despite not wanting to come out at night!)

Was all a bit rushed but we got there and I set everything up in plenty of time.  We had a few issues in the first half but managed to be just ahead overall.  A few bad scores as we start scoring the second too but it got better!

A chat at the end and sorting out the rest of the week then I clear everything and take John home (fixing his laptop again too!).

We don't play together often but really enjoy it when we do, he is still a very strong player and a formidable opponent

Shuffle and deal so no hand file etc but.......

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:     Ops showed a game going hand and we got in the way (going off 1100) which didn't work out for us!

Hand 6:     Ops in wrong game here going off 150 and team mates made 3NT

Hand 7:     Team mates missed game and I went off 800 (should have been 500 but I didn't see Ops ruff at the end)

Hand 10:   Ops in wrong contract and we took it off 300 as team mates made game in a major

Hand 13:   I pushed too far and went 1 off in 5s, team mates went off 200 too.

Hand 15:   We were in the wrong game here so went off 300 and Ops made 3NT against team mates

Hand 16:   I had 10 points but 6s and 6s and Ops open 1 (could be short) and so I jumped to 4s.  Ops double and I see dummy has no s but 4s, drat!  Fortunately, Ops got into a muddle and ended up in 6s doubled

Hand 18:   Ops made game, team mates didn't bid it

Hand 19:   Ops had a misunderstanding here and ended up doubled in 5s for 1400, we quietly took 4s off too (unlucky Ops to find me with no s and partner with 5)

Hand 20:   Partner played well to make this 3NT, our team mates took it off

Hand 23:   I was cross with myself here, I thought for ages about bidding 6NT (partner showed 15-16 and I have 16 with 6s) but I backed out and partner made 12 tricks.  Ops bid the slam but thought there were only 5s and didn't get the play right, phew!

Playing the match meant I missed Badminton and have matches the next 2 weeks too, I won't be as fit and slim as I am today soon (especially as I am now eating the mars bars I won off the Ops)......!!!!

Playing at YHBC tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers

19th March 2018


Playing with my life partner in a regular session

The snow cleared and all was fine tonight and a good turn out considering the weather and holidays.

My partner wasn't feeling to good tonight so asked if I minded missing tonight, never a problem.

Vee was at a loose end tonight too as it happened and there was a host, I said I would go home (rather than the host) if needed but we had an even number so all worked out.

We played well tonight and had fun too, I was on good behaviour (not perfect as I still made a few comments, sorry).

I had a good declarer score tonight too (though Vee had a better score!!!)

We both stayed behind tonight to help clear up and ensure Sylvia not left on her own then I had some admin to do before updating my diary.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    We missed game here

Hand 2:   Ops missed game here!

Hand 3:   We should be in s here so I had to play well to improve things, fortunately, I did!

Hand 4:   So upset with myself here, we kept this to 9 tricks (best in the room) but I doubled it!

Hand 6:   We defended well here to defeat this, we managed to get a  ruff in

Hand 13:  I made the tricks I should here (discarding a  on my 3rd ), not many did though

Hand 14:  A lucky contract to bid but partner played it well, easy to say that if it only works one way, play that way but here he did it perfectly!

Hand 15:  Ops didn't risk the finesse knowing that I had the last

Hand 17:  Ops opened light and then struggled to find the right contract.  We defended well but the bidding let them down here

Hand 18:  I played this well

Hand 21:  We were happily bidding and Ops came in with a good 3 overcall, I double (penalties) and Ops take it out to 3 which I double also (penalties).

Hand 22:  Unlucky Ops, this looked like a good sacrifice but don't make 4 (well, we shouldn't!)

Playing in my last BBL match tomorrow (our Team play the final match on Thursday).

18th March 2018

National Pairs - Regional Final:

Playing with a regular partner in the National Pairs Regional Final (Richmond).

Not our finest session - both played poorly at times and it was a strong field so each error cost.

Just the Highlights today from where it did work.....!

The Highs and Lows:

Session 1:

Hand 2:     Partner played well and Ops didn't defend as well they could, if the duck a  it works out much better for them

Hand 5:     I got everything right here and had room to take every chance (all paying off)

Hand 23:   We have a slam here but nobody bid it and we were not going beyond game, 1100 was a good score

Hand 24:   Something odd here, I counted my hand and had 9 HCPs but the record says I had 14 - I passed and it was passed out, good for us!  Odd though

Session 2:

Hand 6:      A little lucky here, a  lead and then another gets South on lead to lead a  through, it is all over then

Hand 9:     We defended well here, great Q switch partner

Hand 15:   We took the first 4 tricks here and it was a good lead.  Ops under pressure now and so we took another 2 tricks

Hand 18:   Ops need to play a trump here, I cannot really  make 11 tricks - I got the  right too to set-up an entry in dummy

Hand 23:   Ops defended poorly here, I was given this score

Playing at CBC tomorrow (if the weather is ok to open the club)

17th March 2018

Games and Friends:

A relaxed morning then off to see our house and found out about the bath, heating, shed and the chain  - all are fine!

Then on to Dorothy's for coffee and a chat and also sorting out our remaining league matches.  A plea for help from John too and so off to his to solve his PC problems and then home to chill for a bit.

Games and Take-Away at friends in the evening (like we used to!)

We played team games, just lost on Trivial Pursuit but won the 2 games of Movies and TV trivia - nice to catch up with our friends again.

Playing tomorrow in the  National Pairs Heat tomorrow (we are not playing in the Final though, even if we qualify)

16th March 2018


Playing with an new partner in the Final of the Beryl Doughty Cup (we are not in it though)

Well done Derek & Martin for winning the Beryl Doughty in a close finish with Pamela & John!

Really enjoyed tonight and we did well until the last 2 rounds overall (so a green thumbs up despite the overall score!)

Only 5 Tables again though, we HAVE to get more players to break even financially and to get meaningful scores, come and play.......!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    I was in the best contract making the max tricks but others did better, not fair!

Hand 2:    Ops landed in the right contract here

Hand 4:    I opened 2 and should have opened 2, when partner jumped to game in s I had a feeling and so went to 6

Hand 7:    Ops can make this on a compete cross-ruff I think

Hand 10:  Ops did what they should but others didn't

Hand 11:  I mis-played the  here, sorry partner

Hand 12:  Partner played brilliantly here!  Ops helped by ducking the first

Hand 13:  Partner could have insisted on s here (we both felt this)

Hand 14:  I mis-played this badly, sorry partner

Hand 16:   I played this well but Ops didn't take their s

Hand 17:  I thought a rescue was needed here but it would have been better left in 1NT, sorry partner

Hand 21:  Double is not important, they bid a slam so I knew it was top or bottom - we actually would have saved a little by not doubling as another pair made all 13!

Hand 22:  Ops bid and made what they should, perhaps I should have gone to 3 and they may have gone up?

Hand 24:  Ops too ambitious here, careful defending needed but we got it right

Going to our new house tomorrow to measure up and meet the Vendors.  Then "Old School" games with our friends in the evening

16th March 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular session

Nice to see him out of the house too, a lovely man who brightened the bridge room today and played really well too.

One mis-understanding today (my fault) but otherwise, all felt comfortable and right (despite some tricky cards).

My certificate arrived today for being a prize winner in the Annual Masterpoints lists (Regional Master category), £20 too.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    Ops were a little ambitious here and we scored well by taking game off

Hand 6:    Very hard to bid this though I considered 6 but backed out - nobody bid the slam though

Hand 8:    We have game points but game is not there.  I was lucky Ops discarded a  so the Q dropped and I made it

Hand 9:    I mis-understood partners  bid after the double but did say I am not sure (and we have a card!) - Ops were in the wrong contract but can make game in either major and didn't need to lose the

Hand 12:  Ops had an opening hand but best not to open I think, we quietly defended well and got a good score

Hand 16:  I opened this 3 (as is my style) but partner jumped to game, perhaps we were both wrong here but more my fault than his for opening, sorry partner

Hand 17:  I defended badly here missing my second  but fortunately it was enough to double

Hand 23:  We are in the right contract and played perfectly by partner to make the maximum tricks available

Playing again after dinner

15th March 2018


Playing with my life partner in a regular session

Vee asked for a game as hadn't played in a while and my partner cancelled for tonight so we agreed to play.

We had a good start tonight but a disastrous last round dropped us from 57 to 49%

Shame, really enjoyed tonight and Vee and I had fun.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:    Partner didn't take the finesse

Hand 4:    Ops didn't draw the trumps so we cross ruffed as Ops took AK before the trumps

Hand 6:    A friendly lead and I took every finesse as not pressured, all worked

Hand 7:    Ops went for the wrong slam, they were not alone but good score for us

Hand 10:  I bid twice on my own, my fault, sorry partner

Hand 11:  Ops pushed too far and I doubled

Hand 12:  I didn't take my K (second player plays low!), sorry partner

Hand 13:  Ops didn't find the  ruff so I made 9 tricks

Hand 14:  Ops found the slam, not many did

Hand 15:  Not the round to arrow switch!!!  One of the top pairs and 2 tricky hands, this one I bid weakly and partner jumped to game, not this time partner

Hand 16:  There is an argument not to pre-empt unless your suit is very good before partner has bid, this hand is a good example.  I don't blame partner but against this pair with best defence, this was not good.

Hand 21:  Ops didn't find game and we defended well to hold it to 10 tricks

Playing twice again tomorrow

14th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in final of the YHBC Teams Series.

Vee hosted the Improvers but 1 short to make 3 tables - still, Vee hosted the sit-out pair and went through the bidding and discussed the hands so was a useful teaching session for them.

We only had 8 tables in the Teams and 4 teams challenged tonight.  We were 3rd but it was close!  Enjoyed tonight and we did reasonably well.

There was an issue with the memory stick tonight and so the results will be uploaded tomorrow (Thursday 15th Mar18) - I will update the diary then

Playing with Vee at CBC tomorrow

13th March 2018


Played really well tonight, first 4 games back to back and won all 4 though all were close and the last one we were 11 down and won 23-21, love playing with Kerry!

Lost 2 narrow games and stayed until the end and still played well on the last game, stamina is getting there now!

Teams at YHBC tomorrow night as Vee hosts the Improvers.

12th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

Good to see partner again as she has been away for a few weeks (swapping Snow for Sun!!!)

We played well though both could have done slightly better, both tired though.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 4:    Ops cannot make this (though it is a reasonable contract), we got a good score just by defending properly.  If partner plays the KS on first 2 tricks they can make game (must have happened on other tables but partner was on the ball).

Hand 9:    Ops were too ambitious here and also let partner make an extra

Hand 10:  Ops bid and made the right contract

Hand 11:  Ops paused and nearly bid on then passed, lucky for us

Hand 13:  Ops made 12 tricks here as they should

Hand 17:  Poor double, sorry partner

Hand 19:  I made an extra trick here, I did well to catch the Q and then set-up 2s to throw s away

Hand 20:  Ops bid their hand twice here (1NT and then 2) with no bidding from partner....

Hand 21:  I made an extra trick here (as a few others did too), it helped when East played a low  and I guessed right

Hand 22:  Ops bid and made the right contract

Playing Badminton tomorrow

11th March 2018

Hants GP Swiss Teams:

Playing with a regular partner and friends from Camberley in the Hants & IOW Green Pointed Swiss Teams.

Colin drove me and David and Jill met us there.  We all made good time again and settled in.

We had a few wobbles to start and a little despondent at lunch as we lost the first 2 matches and drew the next.

After lunch we managed another draw (should have been a win) but then won the last 3 (finishing on a big high!).  We went from 2nd from bottom to 7th and won the Ascenders Prize!!!

We both did well on our X-Imps too so the NGS should be ok and we got 1.26 Greens for the day (2.26 for Jill and I for the weekend).

I thought this would make me a National Master but mis-counted, I needed 1 to get to 70 and need 75, so still just over 3 points to go.....

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1, Lost 6-14:

Hand 2:   We talked Ops out of 3NT here and defeated their part score but not sure 3NT is really there but our team mates made it!

Hand 3:    I let the slam through that cannot make.  The s was a frozen suit and I opened it, drat

Hand 6:    We defeated 3NT (as we should), team mates made theirs plus 2!!!

Hand 7:   Team mates went for the slam that wasn't there

Match 2, Lost 3-17:

Hand 12:   I was too ambitious with my big hand here, sorry partner

Match 3, Draw:

Hand 17:   We didn't bid game but made 10 tricks, Ops defeated game at their table

Match 4, Draw:

Hand 23:   We bid game, team mates defended a part score and held it to 9 too

Match 5, Win 16-4:

Hand 31:   We defended well here taking every trick at the right time.  Ops let me back in with the Q trick 2 and I then took a  before crossing to partners s then A

Hand 35:   Ops tried to be clever but chose the wrong hand to do it on.  We doubled and defended well

Match 6, Win 14-6:

Hand 39:   Ops missed game and team mate bid theirs

Hand 40:   Team mates in the wrong contract here and game made against us

Hand 42:   We both defeated Ops contract here for a double plus

Match 7, Win 20-0:

Hand 44:   Amazing here!!!  Partner played brilliantly to make this.  If they had taken the A early we would have bid one off for a flat board as team mates had +200

Hand 45:   Ops missed game here and team mates bid it.

Hand 46:   We defended this well, Ops got the  wrong and allowed us back in to take the last s

Hand 47:   We have a slam on here and Ops got in the way, I gave partner the choice to leave the double or bid a major and she chose to pass (close call), fortunately, nobody bid the slam so we have a big score!

Playing at CBC tomorrow and my regular partner is back from holiday too, will be good to see her!

10th March 2018

Hants GP Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the Hants & IOW Green Pointed Swiss Pairs.

We drove separately to this and both had a clear easy run there arriving early.  Just after us was Trevor & Barbara and Linda & Sylvia - a local event!!!

We all started reasonably well and we carried on a steady performance but had 2 bad matches and a narrow loss to a strong local pair (who finished 2nd overall).

Looking at the results, we finished higher but so pleased to see Linda & Sylvia winning 5 out of 7 matches (more green points than us!!!) - well done girls, stunning!!!!

Extra news, we had our offer accepted on the house in Mytchett!!!  We can afford this one and all looks good, fingers crossed we are done now!!!  House link HERE

The Highs and Lows:

Match 1, Win 16-4:

Hand 2:   I made an extra trick here by running the s and squeezing the Ops

Match 2, Win 15-5:

Hand 11:   I managed to make an extra trick here by getting the s right and Ops didn't take their Ace

Match 3, Lost 8-12:

Hand 18:   My fault here, terrible to overcall with this hand, sorry partner

Hand 19:   Ops pushed too far here

Hand 20:   Partner could have made one more trick here to save a bit of the score

Hand 21:   Ops tried for a slam missing 2 Aces, we did nothing here but happy to take the score

Match 4, Win 20-0:

Hand 22:   Partner got this just right, perfect play on the s and Ops never switched to the until the last trick

Hand 24:   Partner played brilliantly here to make an extra trick (which was needed to make the contract!)

Hand 25:   I did well to make this and Ops didn't make the switch so I got my losers away on the s

Hand 27:   We pushed Ops too far here and then doubled

Match 5, Lost 0-20:

Hand 31:   I chose the wrong contract here, 4 or 3N is good, sorry partner

Hand 33:   Ops bid and made what they should, others made a trick more in defence though

Hand 34:   Sorry partner, bad double by me here

Match 6, Win 13-7:

Hand 37:   I squeezed an extra trick here, Ops started the s for me

Hand 41:   I can make this by running the , I chose to use the s to throw my s - sorry partner

Match 7, Lost 4-16:

Hand 43:   Ops bid a cold slam, not everyone did!

Hand 44:   Ops have game on, I made an extra trick through good play but........... This was not a good sacrifice!

Hand 46:   Ops bid game, it is cold but not many bid it

Hand 47:   I made a passive lead and we waited for the tricks to come to us.

Hand 49:   We bid s and partner bid up to 4 and Ops missed the optimum  contract

Playing in the  Hampshire Congress  again tomorrow (Teams)

9th March 2018


Playing with a new partner in a regular session

Marion's partner is away for a month so looking for partners, mine is also away so we agreed to team up.

We had no mis-understandings, some luck too (but not always good!).  Really enjoyed the session and would like to play again if we both free.

I warned her that I am prone to over-bid and ironically, I under-bid more than over!!!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 7:     This should have been a good save against 5 but nobody made it!  Partner could have saved 1 trick too but wouldn't have changed the score

Hand 8:     Phantom sacrifice here, sorry partner

Hand 12:   Partner played this perfectly!  Took a risk playing the 4th but they broke nicely, well done!

Hand 17:   Ops played the wrong card and so we took 2 more s - we were on for holding it to 10 anyway which would have still been a good score for us.

Hand 18:   I couldn't see how to make this so played all the s and watched for discards, then played Q and let it run and all of a sudden, 10 tricks!

Hand 19:   Ops have a slam in s but nobody found it.  I gave a trick away which would have saved the score slightly

Hand 22:   We got the defence just right here - says 12 tricks can be made but nobody did

Playing in the  Hampshire Congress  this weekend

9th March 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular session

We did well today an both declared well (other than me on one hand!) - I cannot seem to get partner to play Attitude on my Ace leads though, GRRRRR

Good to see Colin & Angela above 50% and another solid performance from Geoff & Frances, well done all!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:    Partner played out of her skin to make this, superb play partner!  A low level contract but shows that they all count!

Hand 4:    I did well to make this, Ops didn't count the s to ruff, phew!

Hand 6:    I thought this would be a good sacrifice for Ops as our 3 makes, it seems other tables didn't push as hard and allowed to make NT or 2

Hand 7:    I had an in-between hand here, with 10HCP I can open this 1 or 2.  I decided it had very little merit to it so opened 2 and this worked out well as a sacrifice

Hand 9:    Ops bid s and with 3, I think they should support (despite te 7 s!!!), shame I didn't start with a  for partner to ruff straight away though

Hand 10:   We missed the  slam here (I am not good at bidding minor slams) but made the right choice over s or NTs

Hand 16:   We missed the slam here but not all made it, I played this one sensibly

Hand 19:  I could not have got this more wrong!!!!  Sorry partner, terrible play by me

Hand 23:  Ops could have doubled my 1NT and then found a better contract, we defended well here too.

Hand 24:  Ops played well here right until the end when they didn't capture partner's K

Margaret goes away for a couple of weeks tomorrow, have a great holiday!  Next week a group go for another Bridge holiday too!

Playing again after dinner and in the  Hampshire Congress  this weekend

8th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner in third of the CBC Thursday Championships

We have had 2 mid 50 scores so far, consistent but not electric so far.  Unfortunately, tonight was not good!

Both of us rate our declarer play as an asset, but not tonight.

Margaret and Margaret did well tonight though, well done both!

One plus for the day is that we loved the house we viewed and made an offer, early days as yet but hoping we get it!  Link HERE

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:     I figured the lead was a singleton, so lost 2 s to then end play East for 10 tricks

Hand 6:     Ops didn't finesse the

Hand 7:     I fell for the J and then lost to the 10, drat - we should be in 6 though....

Hand 8:     I should have been 1 off here but finessed the doubleton Q!

Hand 12:   Partner lost a here when they drop and didn't play J on the lead

Hand 14:   Partner didn't finesse the  twice and most made 11 tricks (12 is there too)

Hand 15:   Partner felt I should have doubled here rather than just bidding 1 - we missed 4 - should I bid twice or stronger?

Hand 20:   We got the bidding wrong here and should be in s

Hand 21:   A helpful lead here, then under leading the A helped me to make 12 tricks.  Odd matrix though, how often do you see so few makable contracts!

Hand 22:   Ops bid s so we never found the  tricks, drat

Hand 24:   With the Ops ending up in 2 of a major, I balance with a double and one off is a great result.

Playing twice tomorrow.

7th March 2018


Playing with a regular partner and Team mates in the BBL (Home match)

After Fish & Chips, I drove us to Dorothy's and we set-up ready for the match.

We were leading before tonight but now joint 2nd with 2 matches to go, all very tight!

We were 10 Imps up at half time but lost 49-0 in the second half!!!!

Shuffle and deal so no han file etc but.......

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:     Team mates double their Ops in an ambitious contract and gain 500!

Hand 3:     Team mates didn't bid the slam

Hand 4:     I made 3NT (very tricky), team mates took 2NT off 2!

Hand 12:   We bid game here, team mates Ops in a part score

Hand 13:   We bid a sensible 3 but I felt that if we can make 9 tricks in a minor, why not 3NT.  4 off is why not!

Hand 15:    We pushed to game here but only 9 tricks on, I think we are right to bid slim games but didn't work this time

Hand 22:    Partner forgot Puppet Stayman here and we ended up in the wrong game (doubled) - we had -500 and team mates -430, ouch!

Hand 23:    Both sides in 3NT but cannot be made, team mates let it through unfortunately.  I think here we should have stayed in 2 but wouldn't have saved much of the score this time

Vee hosted the Improvers tonight, only 2 tables but good to see Chris & Carole on top again.  I don't think Rosalie and Marianne can be caught now and I think they have just about made the move to the main group too, keep up the good work all!

Nick and the team had a great win tonight in the Sylvia Rose Finals too, now only 3.5 behind the leaders!!!

Playing in round 3 of the CBC Thursday Championships tomorrow

7th March 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner at Woking as a practice session before the  Hampshire Congress  this weekend.

I offered to drive today so picked Margaret up at 12:20 (she is playing at Woking with another partner).

We didn't do much wrong but not much that was brilliant either, still, a few things came up and that was the idea (ready for the weekend).

Margaret did well today (good sign for tonight) and Geoff & Frances did exceptionally well - well done all!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:     I should have made this (even though it says 9 is all that is there), if I end play North rather than playing the  myself

Hand 4:     We got the defence right here, took courage for me to duck the  when South played low to dummy but it took the contract off by doing so

Hand 12:   I feel I did well here to make 7 tricks in s when Ops can make 7 tricks in s!

Hand 18:  Neither of us felt we could bid game here, I bid 2s but didn't think I was worth any more, sorry.

Hand 19:  We got this right too, good lead partner and I found the J entry for the rest of the s

Hand 20:  Ops got the right here, better if I give up on the s and play a as it turns out

Hand 23:  Ops bid their hand twice here and partner doubled.

Playing in a BBL match tonight after Fish & Chips with Margaret!

6th March 2018


A day off today as had a few things going on:

  1. Vee home!!!!!  Picked him up from the station at 08:30, he had a great but hectic time (rained most of the time even in the East!)
  2. Houses to see (8 of them!!!) - we also had an email about another which we have arranged a viewing on for Thursday 8th March.

If interested, here is our schedule for today (not bad considering Vee has been up for over 24 hours and a full day today!):

10am Mytchett 12 Noon F'Boro

12:40pm Ash

Needs a lot of work and not quite right for us We loved this one!  A real winner but needs extending at the back and we cannot afford it Needs new heating but in very good order.  However, bedrooms too small

1.15pm Ash Vale

2pm F'Boro(2)

2.40pm F'Boro(3)

A few kitchen handles and door fronts need replacing but nothing else wrong, our current favourite! Lovely but would need to extend, would consider it but there are houses "ready to go" NO!

4pm Aldershot

4.10pm Aldershot(2)

5pm (Thurs 8th Mar) Mytchett

Tiny kitchen, no parking other than driveway and over-populated estate Similar to previous house but the Agent couldn't open the door so didn't' see it! This looks lovely and is a possible favourite, will see on the 8th!


We had a drink and a chat with Dorothy after the Mytchett house which was nice and also about time we said thanks to all who have offered so much support with the house hunting:

Margaret B, Chris P, Jill C, Val F, Dorothy H, Alan B and our lodgers!

Home and dinner then change and on to badminton (link at the top to our club site, link HERE to the league site and then click Adults, Mens 4s, Division 3, Eagles and the match vs Nomads - I cannot direct link I'm afraid)

The match results have not yet been posted but we lost - great experience though and I had good scores until the end when I was utterly drained!!!

Worth a mention as well, Woking Results tonight.........  Well done Margaret!!!!!

Playing at Woking (afternoon) and a BBL match tomorrow

5th March 2018


Packed a lot into work today as off now until Friday!  House hunting all day tomorrow after collecting Vee from the station.

Played online Bridge tonight with Mark (he couldn't make it to the club), played 4 Tourney's (12 hands each).  Saved a screenshot in link above (though it is just our section results, not overall)

We won the first

13th in second

4th in third

2nd in fourth

A good performance overall, pleased (75% in the last one too!)

11 tables at CBC tonight, phenomenal win by our BBL Captain, well done!!!!

Houses and Badminton match tomorrow (my first in 8 or 9 years!) - not got a strong team but will be good to play competitively again!

4th March 2018


Not much today, done the chores (washing etc) and keeping house in order.  Shopping done too.

Played Poker a lot and another Bridge Tourney online (BBO), came 4th out of 110!

CBC is open tomorrow night but my partner is away and my substitute partner can't make it.  We have agreed to play online tomorrow instead.

3rd March 2018

Snow (Last of!!!):

Relaxing day today watching the snow melt away (almost all gone now!).  One lodger drove to Cornwall today and has arrived safely.  I drove the other too town for work and then home for pizza and online cards (Poker and Bridge!).

Had an email from our chairman at YHBC and he has been ill in Tenerife but on the mend now which is a relief.  Weather not been great there either as storms have hit the islands too.

We now have a week of rain but, hopefully, that won't prevent us playing bridge as normal this week!

From the houses we want to see on Tuesday, 3 have now been sold (my top 3 too!!!) - hope we get this sorted soon as starting to get me down now.

2nd March 2018


Working at home today, again.  More snow and only left the house to get lunch (lodger drove!).

Kept websites up to date today too and just TV and a bit of online Poker.

Not much to write really!!!

1st March 2018


Working at home today, again.  Amber and Red weather warnings today and Bath University has now closed (which means the Congress has been cancelled).

We assumed it would be and so prepared for it yesterday.  We have lost no money at least (mostly thanks to Jill).

Hoping to re-arrange my Lady Rose match for 12th March but will know later today or tomorrow.

CBC, YHBC and Farnham all remain closed this week.

No plans for tonight, may play online games (cannot watch too much TV!!!).

28th February 2018


Working at home today (and the rest of the week) - I am lucky enough to be able to do this.  Especially today as have had a lot of Bridge admin to deal with (sorting out matches, the Bath congress weekend and cancelling Bridge sessions at both local clubs and advertising BBL AGM and EoS Pairs).

It is looking likely that the Congress in Bath will be cancelled (or we will pull out) but waiting to find out on Friday (a bit late notice really as we travel down Saturday morning all being well!!!).

So, for a bridge addict, no bridge this week now and maybe none at the weekend!!!  I may play on BBO instead.........

27th February 2018


Everyone left work early today and I have come home to work from here.  The minute we left work, the snow stopped!

Still, better safe than sorry.  Can't imagine many will go to Badminton tonight so am staying home to catch up on TV in the warm.

Lady Rose match tomorrow (weather permitting) vs a tough team (F Hinden and co) in Surbiton.

Update on earlier post

Decided to play badminton tonight in the end, I am so close to the club and a few others said they were going.  I also had a call to play in a match (my first for 9 years!!!) next Tuesday so thought I should keep my game going.

Am sure it is a song but, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone!" (Joni Mitchell)

With Vee away, I am doing more than usual, shopping, cooking (for me and lodgers), feeding cats twice a day (6am and 6pm), emptying bins and putting them out, washing laundry (Sunday night and tonight after badminton), playing bridge, working, cleaning, washing up, bridge admin (including learning about excluding players from NGS and how we do it via the EBU and Scorebridge), looking out for weather warnings (will find out about YHBC this week then email the members tomorrow morning), sorting out teams and availability for matches and writing this!!!  Still, what else would I do?  Come home soon Vee.....

Badminton was really good tonight, icy walk there and back and only 11 players but I played non-stop and won most games, playing well.  Tired now though!

Have sent off e-mails for 8 more houses to view next week when Vee is back (we are taking next Tuesday off to go and see them all).  Hopefully we will love one of these:


Fleet Road Farnborough    Nursery Cl Fleet    Wey Close Ash    Old Pasture Rd Camberley



Ambleside Cl Mytchett    Malvern Rd Fboro    Fairfax Rd Fboro    Cypress Grove Ash Vale

26th February 2018


Playing with an irregular partner in the second round of the Club Championships (we are not part of it though)

Had a bad day today and in a poor mood.  Found out that if we had appealed our ruling at the weekend, we would have succeeded (but it is too late now).  Bad news about the house too and I am on my own.

Still, nice to see Mark again and have a game with him (tonight and next Monday while Jo is away).

I was far from at my best and so amazingly poor choices made, sorry partner.  We rescued the score with some good bits though and my declarer play was on form at least!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    No lead so no s made (all goes on the long s)

Hand 9:    Daft double, sorry partner, no excuses

Hand 10:  I played this calmly and concentrated, Ops didn't take both s and I got the right

Hand 13:   Sorry partner, I thought game was on but everything is wrong here, too ambitious

Hand 14:   Sorry partner, I didn't know what the 4 was but agree, I am daft passing it!

Hand 16:  Ops got a bit ambitious here and I was mean and doubled

Hand 17:  A tiny contract and a big score!  Well done partner and played brilliantly here (still stunned Ops didn't bid again though)

Hand 18:  I bid stayman over 2NT and partner bid 3, I then bid s and partner raised - I squeezed an extra trick as the s came in and no switch

Hand 19:  No switch so 12 tricks here

Hand 20:  Ops over bid here

Hand 21:   Sorry partner, I am best off passing here rather than doubling - even then, I should leave you in 2

Hand 23: Partner is right here but I maintain my  switch rather than returning the  was right here and the  was my entry - still, apologies partner

Playing badminton tomorrow.

25th February 2018

National Masters Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in a the EBU National Masters Pairs

A lovely breakfast (we both enjoyed it) and then a little time to relax before we start (11am).  2 sessions of 2 matches today (all 11 boards).

Just one win today but 3 close matches (worth noting, the win was against the winning pair who only lost 1 match!)

Session 3

Hand 9  We defended this well, partner wasn't hopeful with his lead but it worked well!  Ops didn't get the s right and we played well

Hand 12  We need to bid 5 here to push them up or have a good sacrifice - unfortunately, partner hesitated and so I couldn't bid it.

Hand 20  We were cautious here but it paid off!  Only game despite the huge West hand, well stopped partner

We are off the bottom now and beaten the leaders too!

Session 4

Hand 13  We are the only pair to find game (the only pair playing EW!!!) it was tight but I made it

Not many big swings here and we did just about everything down the middle, just slightly off-centre overall though but happy with how we played


A much better day today but unfortunate that only one win, still, all good matches and nice Ops

A great run home and most of the chores done by 7pm, just something to eat and relax and will then update today and yesterdays entries here with a bit more detail.

24th February 2018

National Masters Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in a the EBU National Masters Pairs

I am just beneath National Master (though I am there on paper when the points are added to my account), partner is a Premier National Master so I have to play in his group.

We had a great run down and got to the hotel without issue and were nice and relaxed, checked in straight away and rooms are lovely.

We start the event and we have 9 rounds of 11 board matches, we won our first 2 matches then lost the2 of the next 3 (horribly!!!) so went from 3rd to 2nd from bottom going in tomorrow!

Links below to the sessions and also links to the individual hands (click the "Hand x"

Session 1

Hand 19  Ops look for the slam and partners doubles for a H lead which defeats the slam, they had no choice but to bid it in the end though and we quietly take it off.

Hand 30  I open light and so we end up playing the hand the wrong way and get the worse lead for us - sorry partner, I cannot make it on a  lead

Hand 33  Ops open a light 1NT and I double, they escape but I double that too for a nice score

3rd after the first 3 matches and only just behind 2nd.  A good start!

Session 2

Hand 4  I am so unhappy about this.  Ops open 1NT and I bid 2 (showing s and a minor).  Ops double and partner re-doubles.  Ops ask and I say "we are in a good contract".  This was my understanding.  Ops pass then I pass and Ops bid 2 then 2NT and all pass.  2NT makes and then Ops call the director saying they have been damaged by our mis-info.  The Ops claiming this already said "I think it is a rescue", still, director rules against us and adjusts the score to 2XX going off 4, heartbreaking and we cannot recover this.

Hand 13  I was pushed to 5 and cannot make it.  Should have doubled 5 but it still wouldn't be great (though better!)

We are now last (largely thanks to the director ruling)

Breakfast early then start again at 11 for 4 more matches (2 sets of 2)

23rd February 2018


Playing with a regular monthly partner in a regular club session

Another low turn out tonight, it is cold though but we need to get some more players here....

Partner has been really unwell for a while so this our first session since last year!  So nice to have him back, he is great company.

Partner started off brilliantly whilst I made blunders, then we swapped as he got tired and lost concentration - a really fun session though, thanks partner

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   A nasty trump split here, if I don't take the doomed finesse, I save a trick and it is much better, sorry partner

Hand 2:   I should have been 1 off but played the at the end instead of the winning , drat!

Hand 8:   I squeezed an extra trick here getting the trumps and right - lead was K though not A it shows

Hand 9:   Unlucky Ops, declarer revoked and gave a 2 trick penalty

Hand 10:   Only us in the slam - our bidding was 1, 1, 3, 6.....

Hand 12:   All as it should be here but 3 others made an extra trick so good for us

Hand 16:   Partner passed in 3rd seat here and it didn't work out this time

Hand 17:   I took the  finesse even though it didn't look like it was needed, it was and it worked well!

Hand 20:   I am not keen on Ace leads without the K, as I held the K, I think I should have played it under the Ace, then if partner carries on I get a ruff and we take this off

Hand 21:   Partner needs to bid his s here but we started at a high level and lost confidence

Off to Daventry for the National Masters Pairs for the weekend in the morning.

23rd February 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Worked at home again today, much better but still low on energy.  Vee now on his way to Malaysia (unfortunate timing as I tried to do our Tesco delivery this morning and the account is locked and needs his email to reset!!!)  He has stopped off at Dubai and text me the email password so we can eat next week now!!!

Loaded last nights hands for CBC and all back on track.

We were up and down but the Ups were much better than the Downs!!!  Enjoyed the session and partner was in good spirits too (as was I, very jovial!!!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 4:   A hairy contract here but played well and a nice finish to the session

Hand 5:   I played well here (our first hand of the session!) and just got home in my pre-empt getting the s right

Hand 6:   I got the right here finessing the 10 on trick 2 so was able to set-up the hand, a switch and my entry back is gone, lucky really

Hand 8:   Well bid partner, I had a big hand and bid to 3NT, partner felt more was there and didn't ask, just bid to 6!!!

Hand 9:   Partner opened light here but it worked out well, great sacrifice

Hand 10:   Ops played really well here, we were simply out-played

Hand 11:   Whoops!

Hand 12:   I got the right and the for the 12th trick

Hand 13:   Unlucky Ops, need to ruff the s and not let me back in, it all unravelled a bit for them here

Hand 17:   I open 1 and partner raises to 5!!!  I think 5 of a minor is a rarely a good score so bid up to the slam which was cold, phew!

Hand 20:   I had a big hand but not too big so stayed low but really, I must double for the second time then partner bids her s, sorry partner

Hand 23:   I was lucky not to have a  played here

Hand 24:   Well played partner!  Says 10 is always there but needed careful play and you concentrated well here

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

22nd February 2018

Alex Horne:

Worked at home today and also got some bridge admin done ready for the next 2 weekends.

Have upgraded CBC ad YHBC to the latest versions of Bridgewebs and made a few tweaks to the settings on both sites - much more flexibility within admin now!

Went for a quick meal in Camberley tonight before going to Camberley Theatre to see Alex Horne and the Horne Section (comedy and music)

My Boss was there with his wife too and we had a chat at the start and interval - the show was fantastic and we laughed almost constantly, just what we needed!

The humour was at my level (so not for everyone!!!)

I noticed the hands were missing from the results so have asked them to be sent and I will load ASAP for Camberley.

Playing twice tomorrow and also saying goodbye to Vee who goes away again for 2 weeks (as the temperature drops here he goes to Malaysia and India!!!)

21st February 2018


My cold is getting better but no energy tonight so stayed home and Vee took the Improvers.

I have updated the Master Points lists as 2017 came out today, pleased to see Margaret 8th in her category in Surrey (National and Premier National Masters).

I was 10th overall in Surrey, top in my category (Regional / Premier Regional Masters) and top at Camberley, so not a bad year!

A slight indulgence, but links for me since I started:

2017     Top of Level 3 (Surrey though, 3rd Nationally)

2016     Just outside the top 10 in Level 3

2015     Top in Level 4

2014     Top in Level 5

2013     3rd in Level 6

Vee had 3 full tables with him playing (exactly 50%!).  Well done Colin & Angela, great score!

Nice to see Marianne & Rosalie do well in the main group too, just outside the points.

Good to see Simon back tonight (and 3rd too), welcome back Simon.

Have loaded the hands for the main group, loaded the Improvers results and submitted both groups to the EBU, nice and easy tonight.

Planning to work at home tomorrow in comfort then off to see Alex Horne and the Horne Section in Camberley Theatre tomorrow night with Vee

20th February 2018


Took the afternoon off today as not feeling too bright but rested for the afternoon and went to Badminton to sweat out my cold!

Between my friend and myself, the Badminton website now has the correct names and email contacts and all working again - a simple site but it only needs to be a place where others can see us and contact us

I lost more than I won tonight but played well (at the start) and all games were above 16-21 so nice and hard games and I am shattered now, hope it will make me feel better tomorrow!

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow with Vee (though it may be one or the other of us depending how we feel)

19th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

My team played an away match tonight too in the BBL - but unfortunately lost 7-13, bad luck team but still, only lost 3 matches all season

Although I have marked the session red, we still got master points and we declared well - we had some good Ops that made the right call against us though and couldn't do much about it (including a psych against us which is allowed but leaves a bad taste)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 4:   I made an extra trick here by ducking the first  and then Q played trick 2 set-up an extra for me - taking the finesse near the end to just 2 s overall

Hand 6:   Well played partner, a helpful lead and careful play here

Hand 9:   Well bid Ops, NT beats s

Hand 12: I should have lead my own suit here and then we take the contract off, sorry partner

Hand 15: Ops looked for a slam and backed off (rightly so) but now too high and we got the defence right

Hand 16: Not the easiest contract but I got the right (though the deeper finesse would have got me 11 tricks

Hand 17: Ops made a good lead but didn't follow it up, I then had time to set up my tricks

Hand 21: Well bid Ops, we couldn't do much more here but we needed to take the trump out to make another but still not a great score then

Hand 23: Ops discarded 2 s as I played s so I made an extra trick with my own s

Playing badminton tomorrow

18th February 2018

Surrey Mens Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the Surrey Mens Pairs event

I remembered to take the boards with me today, have taken the home too to return tomorrow night.

We had a good start but a bad patch, not the best score but a few boards could easily have been better and it wouldn't have taken much to move up to the top 3, close - sorry for my silly errors partner

Good to see our other local pair, Colin & David, doing well (4th), well done both

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:     I should have bid 6 here, it says it doesn't make but we are never getting a lead so they go on the AK

Hand 3:     Hard to reach game here but partner did very well to make 11 tricks and caught the singleton K too!

Hand 4:     Massive blunder here, we competed too far, I should double and let them go down in 3

Hand 5:     We didn't get this right, need to attack the s but not easy to see how....

Hand 9:     Unlucky to get doubled here

Hand 10:   Completing the bad round here - I should pass 2, sorry partner

Hand 13:   Ops didn't take the trumps out so we both ruffed

Hand 18:   Odd double here but I think they expected us to bid 3NT - I felt they would escape if I re-doubled but one lucky pair did - not bad though

Hand 19:   Well played partner, setting up the s and Ops not taking A and 9 tricks made!

Hand 22:   So lucky not to get a  switch

Hand 25:   As I had one point, I felt this would be a good sacrifice and it was close, but not quite - sorry partner

Playing at CBC tomorrow and the team I play for in the BBL has an away match (fingers crossed)

17th February 2018


Watched some of the Winter Olympics today (was great seeing a Gold and Bronze in the Womens' Skeleton for team GB!!!!)

The family buying our house came over for a few hours this afternoon and Vee made Samosas for us all - they were a lovely family!

Friends round tonight for Poker and Take Away, we play 2 tournaments and I won both, makes a change but nice!!!  Vee was 3rd both times too

Surrey Men's Pairs tomorrow

16th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session (Also a Beryl Doughty Round but we are not part of it)

My best session of the week, thanks Partner!!!  Had I not made a mess of 2 of the last 4 hands we would have won too, but still, a good score.

Really good to see 8 tables tonight, just what we asked for!!! A pair from the Improvers and 3 Farnham pairs gave us a boost, thanks all!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    I would have done better to double 5 here but couldn't be sure and I felt game was on, sorry partner

Hand 7:    Partner played brilliantly here to make an un-makable contract!

Hand 9:    We pushed as far as we could and also got the defence right here

Hand 12:  We got this right too (although we can make 3NT for a better score but it didn't look on from the bidding.  Partner made a great  switch for me to eliminate dummy's trumps and allow us to make the other

Hand 13:  We pushed as far as we could here and then defended well, nice to make my small trump here, good lead partner!

Hand 15:  I bid blackwood here looking for a slam and partner didn't like it and passed.  I think it is always there but needed careful play and not all made it

Hand 16:  The s were friendly here so got my s away

Our Buyers coming tomorrow then Poker with friends in the evening

16th February 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Some odd errors today and some work needed on our defence overall.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Ops must bid on after my overcall or partners raise to 2, we are lucky here

Hand 7:   I need to switch to a trick 2 here to hold Ops to 11 tricks

Hand 8:   Well bid Ops!

Hand 9:   Partner played well here to make this!

Hand 10: This could have been a bit better if the finesse was taken but perhaps my suits were not good enough to bid a 2 suiter

Hand 14: We missed the slam here but so did most and I didn't get a  lead so made all 13 tricks

Hand 15: Well bid Ops!

Hand 16: I should leave Ops in 3 here, sorry partner

Hand 18: Well done partner, no  ruffs helped make this but played well

Hand 20: Well bid Ops, we needed a  switch to hold them to 8 tricks but even that would have been a good score or them

Hand 24: We defended this one well and held it to 11 tricks

Playing again after dinner at YHBC

15th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

After last night, I really needed a solid performance tonight and I was still below par really but we were in the points (just) and some good things!

I also noticed the scores were left as Teams at the end and was able to change it quickly so people could still see the actual results before they left, helped with Margaret and Jane at the end so Val wasn't left on her own.

We were either top or bottom on most hands tonight......!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:  We pushed Ops too far and then got the defence right to enable partner to make both her s

Hand 4: We were set to take this 2 off but I forgot to play the A, sorry partner

Hand 6: We need a lead here.....

Hand 7:  No lead or switch so 8 tricks are there

Hand 9: Ops bid and made what they should and get a good score for it!

Hand 11:  Ops sacrificed here and I was mean and doubled, sorry Ops

Hand 13:  Ops missed the slam here

Hand 14:  We had a misunderstanding here that got us into the correct contract (I then made an overtrick as no lead) - partner bid Gerber and I jumped to 6 (I don't use Gerber!!!), after 6, I bid 6NT

Hand 15:  I made an extra trick here by getting the  right (playing up to the Q)

Hand 16: I need to lead a here, the  let them throw a to make 10 tricks, sorry partner

Hand 17:  We missed the slam here but very hard to find unless pushed I think - not all made 12 though and some let Ops sacrifice (or make!!!) in 4

Hand 18: We couldn't win here, Ops bid to 3 which is their contract, though it would have been a little better to leave them there!

Hand 19: I opened strong here but we went for the wrong slam - sorry partner, my fault here

Hand 21:  Partner opened 1NT and I had a terrible hand so used stayman, Ops competed and we end up in 2 - partner played perfectly to make 10 tricks and a joint top

Playing twice again tomorrow

14th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

It's Valentines Day today so both Vee and I naturally choose to come to Bridge!!!

Val & Vee hosted the Improvers and results are HERE  Well done Chris & Carole, another great score!!!

Our session was not at our best........sad

We opened a bottle of bubbly when home to have a small Valentines celebration (I am not a big fan of commercial days but I am a fan of Vee!)

The Highs and Lows:

Not tonight!!!!  Both miserable and even tried to make fun of it but my mood wasn't good enough, will be better next time and we both will forget all about tonight, love will be restored Friday partner...!!!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

13h February 2018


Another hectic day at work today and pressure on regarding new forecasts, late night last night tidying up the Teams scores (not just me, a lot of work goes into the running of our clubs.....)

Taking on the Badminton website too now so our friend comes over to hand it over (Vee was delighted to find out I am taking on more work!!!)

Badminton was good again but my arm started hurting again but pushed through it - Martin (my friend with the web skills) played well considering he hasn't played for 7 years and really enjoyed it though will suffer tomorrow!

Vee was an IT guru tonight too and helped Margaret get her laptop working again, well done Vee!

Valentines day tomorrow and I have mine lined up, see you tomorrow Margaret!!!

12th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the Florence Lewis Crockery Cup (Teams) - also a qualifier for the Committee Cup (Berks Final) for those who have not tried to qualify before.

We had a solid evening and our Team Mates did too (both had a few wobbles) and a good score but 4th.

Well done to Margaret, David, Margaret & Tricia for winning the club cup!!!  Congratulations to the 3 valid teams qualifying for the Final too (I have e-mailed them all and the organiser of the event to establish if any wish to enter the Final).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 11:  We are in a reasonable contract as a sacrifice to 4, team mates had 4 bid and made against them (not sure it should make but it is tough defence)

Hand 15:  I open this 4, turns out to be ok as most are in a part score

Hand 16:  Ops stay in a part score, it is teams and our team mates go to game but 1 off, I think they should be in game in teams to be honest

Hand 18:  Ops go to the wrong game and I double, team mates make 3NT

Hand 19:  This was a tight double but we defended well and our team mates defeat the Ops game too

Hand 26:  We missed the slam here.  I jumped straight to game (which is kind of a shut out) but I am only showing a 7 loser hand.  I think we should go on here but perhaps it is better if I bid 3

Hand 29:  I open strong here and start to get carried away but back out just in time and make game - team mates hold a part score to 9 tricks

Badminton tomorrow night.

11th February 2018

Richmond Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Richmond's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs

Vee said he would do the shopping this morning so I could have a soak in the bath and relax before Bridge, he's amazing really!

Colin & David did well finishing in the top 20, well done both!

As we only won 2 matches and both played below par today (sorry for my errors partner), will just give some of highlights rather than all the tops and bottoms!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 5:    A simple 1, 2 from me here and we did well by simply bidding right and playing solidly. 

Hand 6:     Ops missed the optimum slams and we took our tricks before they got going with the s

Hand 27:   Ambitious Ops here, slam missing 2 Aces and we took them at the start to be safe

Hand 37:   I made a weak jump overcall in s and Ops bid 2 and they stopped there, they have a slam on so we did well, if they double or cue they will get somewhere higher

Hand 39:   Standard bidding and play again was good enough to earn a good score here

Playing in a one off Teams event at CBC tomorrow (for a Club Cup and doubling up as a qualifier for a Berks Final)

10th February 2018

House & Party:

Saw the house together today and stayed for 1.5 hours!!!  Still really liked it and had a good chat with the vendor and swapped numbers too.

Pasta for lunch then Vee had a power nap!  I created a new YHBC page under competitions to show a summary of all live competitions.

Picked a friend up and then went to Basingstoke in the evening to a friends house for his birthday - lots of people and drinks and nibbles (as well as a weird chat about ninja squirrels with gene mutations to help cull dear in Richmond Park - how many times have we had that conversation!!!!)

Swiss Pairs in Richmond tomorrow

9th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

It has been a hectic week this week and 2 sessions today was pushing it, not feeling it at all to start tonight (and I set up most of the chairs and tables too).

Only 5.5 tables tonight, we have got to get more players coming to get more meaningful results - it is such a good session, am sure people would enjoy it once they get there, come on, give it a go!

After a slow start though, we picked up a bit and played the hands in order so you can see from our card what I mean!

We have now moved up to 3rd in the Friday Ladder (again, after a slow and bumpy start), very tight too - see HERE

I added a hotspot on my phone tonight to load the results from the club (P2P too), never done it before but it is surprisingly simple, thanks John for showing me!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 9:   Ops open strong, partner bids (for the lead only really) - I felt a sacrifice was ok here but not so - that being said, partner could have trapped the West trumps but not all of them, I think it was possible to get away for 500 though but it was tight and my error really.

Hand 10:   Partner, having no controls, passed my blackwood bid - I was actually aiming for 6, good judgement partner and well played too - fortunate Ops didn't find the switch

Hand 14:   A wild hand here, I raised partner to game and Ops doubled (not unreasonable to be honest but unlucky all the cards are right for us).  Partner gave a away in the end but actually, could have made 12 here.....!

Hand 15:   Well played partner, lucky not to be forced in s or s though, Ops kept pushing Ss when they got in, a lead and follow up and a switch and partner is in real trouble

Hand 24:   Unlucky Ops, good lead from partner did no damage and singleton K wins (as I feel it should really)

We have been invited to see the house tomorrow (as the vendor knew we hadn't seen it together) - birthday drinks for another friend in the evening

9th February 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We had a terrible start and nothing went our way but it picked up and finished on an average score.

Being in the Master Points now puts partner 2nd on the Master Point race this year too - see HERE

So pleased to see Val and Michael top today, so well deserved and I know Val has been feeling low recently about her game and seeing her top today (with a great score too) has made my day, well done both!

We enjoyed the session in the end but I had the feeling that partner wasn't playing the same game as me sometimes, have promised to be kind here though so will no more (other than, support my s and bid 2 when the system dictates it....!!!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Partner commented that I played this very well, actually, I should have left the A in dummy and put East in for 1 more trick!!!

Hand 5:   Superb defending here, we timed this perfectly so I could take the last trump out and cross to partner's now winning s

Hand 8:   I seem to over-value my hands a lot at present, here it is again, sorry partner - I should pass 4

Hand 10:   I think I played this one well, when East didn't ruff the 3rd , I know where the K is

Hand 12:   Partner needs to keep playing the s and then lose a to gain entry

Hand 16:   I should bid 2 here, 2NT (again!!!!) over-valued my hand and doesn't show 5 s, sorry partner

Hand 18:   A lousy suit but 6 of them, I think I should bid here as very little defensive values

Hand 20:   Ops didn't attack s until too late, I am a lucky player at times!

Hand 24:   Well played partner!!!  Singleton K was allowed to win for the 10th trick but played well to make 9 too anyway

Playing again after dinner at YHBC.....

8th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in second of the CBC Thursday Championships

Slight delay in posting as I picked up the Improvers travellers from YHBC and scored and posted results as soon as home from CBC tonight.  I was also Scorer at CBC so left a little late and needed to get Milk on my way home!

More pairs tonight (they turn out for the Championships and we also had 4 Ascot pairs - some are members at CBC too and one is another partner of mine, he won tonight, well done Chris*2!!!)

I was not thinking clearly at all tonight, lots of errors and getting bids the wrong way round, really odd tonight and apologies to partner and Ops (as some worked in our favour!)

An above average score in the end (though not as good as we need as a pair) but consistent and we running 4th after 2 events with 7% between top 5.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   I opened a weak 2 here with no honours, not a good move, sorry partner.  I actually played it well but still a low score!

Hand 5:    Ops could have ducked the first 2 s to save the contract but it was a great lead and I unblocked for partner too

Hand 6:     Partner made a brilliant lead but then thought I wanted a , we need to switch to a !

Hand 15:    I raised to LTC here and partner played brilliantly to hold it to one off, good sacrifice against Ops 5s

Hand 19:   I jumped here to show weakness but partner (correctly) thought I was strong, I kept making the wrong bid tonight.  Partner doubled as assumed we had the balance of the points, sorry partner

Hand 20:    Only 3 NS pairs playing here, amazing!  If only Ops had bid again and we find the slam!

Hand 23:    Only 3 slams bid here, partner was the only player to make it too.  Great play dropping the Q.  After partner opens and jumps in s (we play 5 card majors), I am interested and so look and get the right answer - not an easy play though but partner was great here!

Hand 24:    Huge apologies all round here.  Partner bid 1NT on his 2nd bid and for some reason, I thought he was showing me an opening hand - crazy, don't know what was wrong with me tonight.  I then raise to game and it's an impossible contract.  Lucky that his Q wasn't covered and so all the s roll in, brilliant play partner, sorry for my idiocy.

Playing twice tomorrow.

7th February 2018

Sylvia Rose Teams (Farnham):

Day off today (though I ended up working all morning!!!!  Lots of chores to do too so went to Alan Browns, got my car cleaned, went to the Vets, got new Badminton shoes and shorts and T-Shirts and dealt with washing and cleaning at home as well as dealing with the Solicitors for our house sale!

I have also been emailing our Improvers group at YHBC and seems the low attendance is almost entirely due to ill health, almost all are better now am glad to report so attendance should be on the up now!  We also need to increase numbers for the YHBC Friday sessions, some don't or can't come out at night now and I wonder if we can encourage lift shares to help this?  Friday night is a lovely session, competitive but friendly, would be improved with 8-10 tables though......

Bridge is the best game and best way to spend your time (in my opinion) but it needs Bridge players to help, organise, improve and attend to continue.......

Playing with a regular partner in the first round of the Sylvia Rose Teams Final series at Farnham.  The results are hand scored so the info is a table - direct link in purple above (from Farnham's results page) - hands are within the results file and can be downloaded or viewed there too.

We are top of our section going into the Finals going into the Finals but now 2nd.........

We won the first half by 8 Imps but lost the second by 20 to lose by 12 (7-13 in VPs).

Key Hands:

Hand 1:     Our team mates bid the slam, our Ops didn't (+11)

Hand 4:     Ops defend well against me and I go off in game, Ops make game in a part score against team mates (-7)

Hand 6:     I go off in a slim game, team mates go off in a part score (-6)

Hand 10:   Partner makes the slam I put him, team mates hold Ops to game! (+13)

Hand 12:   Ops defend well against me again and team mates have game make against them

Hand 15:   I push too far and go off in 5, Ops against team mates stay in 4 making (-6)

Hand 16:   I make 5x and team mates go off 200 (+8)

Hand 18:   Partner goes off in 3NT, they make it against team mates - partner needs to play a H to make, unlucky (-13)

Val hosted the Improvers whilst I was at Farnham and Vee has to stay in Slough this week (is there a worse fate?!!!!!)  I scored and loaded results HERE on Thursday night and e-mailed all who played to advise.

Playing in the second round of the CBC Thursday Championship tomorrow.

6th February 2018


A calmer day at work after a busy morning and working at home tomorrow too as have other bits and pieces to sort out as well as paid work

A few YHBC e-mails and CBC committee work as well as organising the May Swiss Pairs event (book in if you haven't already, online entry HERE)

While at Badminton, Vee asks a big favour as he has to be in Slough the rest of the week - this means we need cover for the Improvers so I e-mail out a plea and answered immediately, thanks so much Val, Marjie and Alan!!!

It also means I have to cook for myself and our 2 lodgers for the rest of the week!!!!

Badminton was really good tonight, my friend Dave won 10/10 games and I won 7/9 (lost twice to Dave!!!) - we had a few comments too and I have a killer smash near the net that I jump for and it thunders, did this 4 times tonight and there was a match on the other 2 courts and they stopped play the first time I did it, felt so embarrassed!!!

Sylvia Rose match at Farnham tomorrow

5th February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A busy day at work today but home on time and a relaxed couple of hours before Bridge.  Not much else today other then a few solicitor e-mails but just a waiting game now.

I helped Val get the Newsletter put together and loaded it to the site too - hope people read it as it is Val's first one (well done Val!)

We had a steady night tonight but still a few things slipped us by and I made a few wrong assumptions.  More right than wrong though and a good defending night.

Writing this as I munch on home made Scones (thanks Margaret!!!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:     I turned a good score into a bad score here, trick 2 I took the  finesse and lost to the Q, my plan was to throw a  on the 3rd if it works, drat

Hand 5:     Ops missed the fit and gave us a we didn't have to take

Hand 7:     I made a non-offending lead here and everything else just seemed to go wrong for declarer as made 2 s, 2s and a

Hand 10:    We pushed Ops here (it is 20-20 and we are both competitive pairs) - I made a risky double but it was right

Hand 13:    Solid defending here holds declarer to 7 tricks which turns out to be good for us

Hand 15:    Partner got the s wrong with no real clues, unlucky

Hand 16:    I thought I was making a good sacrifice here but went off 1 too many, sorry partner

Hand 19:    I got the s right here and one of the s goes away for the extra trick - I also got the right by playing the Q and watching East, with no reaction at all play for the drop, it works!

Hand 21:    I scraped through here and got the s right under pressure from losing the first 5 tricks

Hand 22:   Ops made the right bid (I think) but unlucky that it doesn't make.

Hand 24:   We defended well here putting pressure on declarer with the s and my 4 s didn't help them either

Hand 25:   I feel my double made declarer place me with the K and so didn't drop partners singleton K - I think it is right to finesse it anyway though but was please with our defence, again, adding pressure with the s to shorten declarers trumps

Badminton tomorrow night.

4th February 2018

Home time:

Another late breakfast but a light bite.  Then check out and have coffee in the bar as we wait for the others.

On to "Honest Burger" for brunch, lovely chips!!!  Then back to Kings Cross and on to Waterloo, amazed that our friends don't know where to go and how to use the Tube, they just follow us!!!

We miss the train by a few minutes but not in a rush so wonder around Waterloo for a bit and our friends buy a few bits then a 50 minute train home where our lodger meets us and takes us home, cats very pleased to see us and Nemo is draped on my legs as I write this!!!

Shopping online today to be picked up tomorrow night - washing is all on so just relaxing for the rest of today/tonight.

Playing at CBC tomorrow.

3rd February 2018

Birthday Celebrations:


Link to Escape Room


Link to Be At One


Link to Evening Meal


A late breakfast this morning then relax until lunch time when our friends arrive and a few drinks at the hotel then off for pizza for lunch

The Escape Room is near Kings Cross so not far to go and we split into 2 teams (boys Vs girls)

We have an hour to escape and save the world !!!!  It’s the hardest level too but we get going and make steady progress and get into the second part fairly quickly then stumble a little and we think we hear the girls celebrating - oh no!!!!

We carry on and between the 5 of us we work well as a team and we manage to save the world with 1 minute 13 seconds to spare!

As we get out the guy tells us only 20% make it and we had little help too so we feel better, then we see no sign of the girls!!!   We beat them by 3 minutes and they had more help too!!!!

The birthday boy was very pleased (his wife was on the girls team!!!)

Off to "Be at One" next for lots of cocktails - 2 for 1 deal so I had 2 "Killing Monicas" then 2 Buenot's - yum!

Inamo for the evening meal after getting changed at hotel and it was a great dining experience, the table was interactive so you could play games against each other and draw on the table (using a pointer not actually drawing on the table!!!) - was really good.  The waiter was an iPad too, so anything we wanted, anytime we wanted it we just chose and clicked!  Very modern!!!

Then a terrible bar after, 1 drink and we left quickly and went to O'Neils until 1am drinking Guinness (for me!).  Feeling our age by the end and ready for bed!

2nd February 2018

Night Out:

Our friends are all starting to catch us up in turning 40 !  We are in London this weekend for 2 of them and staying near Kings Cross 

Vee and I decide to come down the night before and have a lovely meal in Soho and a few drinks (partly our own celebrations!!!)

Tomorrow the rest will join us and we have lunch and dinner and an Escape Room planned!

My NGS has caught up now, going to bed a Queen and will wake up a King!!!

2nd February 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Our increased offer on the Ash Vale house (view HERE) has been accepted and the other interested buyer is disappointed but has not increased their offer!!!  It is a stretch and above £500k is a higher cost for the additional £15k due to Stamp Duty charges but, we can do it and are now pleased (again!!!).

We are so relieved now this has been agreed and now the joy of paperwork and dealing with Lawyers.

Bridge was better today too and a few issues but generally good!  With the result to come in from Wednesday and today, I should wake up as a King on the NGS again (not been a King since 27th Jan 2017!!!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:     This seemed fairly straight forward to make but I now see the s were the issue - bit lucky perhaps.

Hand 2:     I messed up here, could take the deep finesse or get the  right to make this, sorry partner

Hand 3:     Good double partner!  We found the right defence too with the  through to get the ruffing going

Hand 4:    10 tricks is not easy here but is the optimum and partner found the right play, well done!  The  finesse was the only way but still had to do it!

Hand 6:     I was bold with my raise but maintain that game is here with a complete cross ruff (matrix agrees with me) - 9 s and a or a

Hand 10:   I played this one well I think.....!

Hand 11:   Partner played this one very well too!

Hand 12:   This one too, sorry Ops, lead needed to defeat it

Hand 13:   Unlucky Ops, nobody else doubled, perfectly reasonable contract

Hand 15:   We should be in 3NT here, I bid 3 to fish for s from partner but I was raised to 4s!!!  No alternative now but to bid 4 but actually, 4 makes, drat again!

Hand 19:   We are in the right contract here making what I should (cross ruffed the lot)

Hand 22:   If I had only played the 7 on the first round......!  I am never taking that line in reality though, matrix says North can make it but I cannot, sorry partner - reasonable bid (though that is not what I said at the time!!!!)

Off to London tonight and back Sunday, so brief entries over the weekend (if any!) - 2 friends 40th Birthday's....

1st February 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Back to work today and loads caught up on but now up to date (helps to do work when I am supposed to be on leave!).

Mortgage applied for tonight and Vee and our lodgers saw the house we have offered on (would have been awful if they didn't like it now the offer is in!!!!)

They all loved it but unfortunately were told while they were there that the 1 other viewing they had offered £10k more than us (annoying as they had a budget of £750k and were seeing 2 others at that price!).  We have increased our offer to £515k but that is our limit, if they raise again we have lost out.  I (we) are so disappointed but will see in the morning.

I played poorly tonight too, partner asked if the house was getting to me, perhaps it was (is), sorry partner.

We had some good scores and hand 8 tonight needs a look......!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:     We defended well and Ops didn't like NT after my  bid (a cheeky bid really but you know me by now!)

Hand 6:     I opened 2NT here with a singleton Ace (it is on our system card) and it worked well here though Ops crashed there A and K as waited for the second round to play the A after the K was played, lucky.

Hand 8:     Well, not a dark green or red but what a hand (and it was my hand)!!!  Ops open 1 and passed to me, I bid 6.  My bid is 4NT (purely Ace asking but I asked partner and she said she wouldn't be sure what it was).  Not something many have an agreement on really but 4NT works perfectly here to find the cold 7NT - nobody did but one pair found 7!

Hand 9:     Ops stopped in the right spot, GRRRRRRR, at least it was Val and I don't mind giving a top to her if I have to

Hand 11:    I raised immediately to game but Ops bid 5 - partner could have doubled but bid 5 over 5 instead (actually not unreasonable but didn't work here)

Hand 12:    Ops bid my suit, I tried to push them up but got doubled for penalties, I should actually have made on the play we had though as I lost count of the trumps and just had to take the last one out, drat!

Hand 14:   Ops bid too high after I push and I was mean and doubled - we took an extra trick with ruffling too

Hand 17:   I upgraded my hand here when partner showed good shape - it worked but if Ops play a early partner has a lot of problems as she needs to take them at the end (as she did!)

Hand 20:   Defending well here, though Ops didn't have to let partner win her 3rd

Hand 22:   I should only have bid 3 here, sorry partner

Hand 24:   Ops made a bad lead (in my opinion) that worked for them, any other lead and partner makes 12 or 13 tricks!

Playing at CBC tomorrow then off to London for the weekend (2 friends 40th Birthdays!)

31st January 2018

Benzimra (Pairs):

A day off today to view houses with the kind offer of help and company from Margaret (thanks Margaret!).

We had a nice day today and was so much better to have company and a second opinion on the viewings, we both agreed on each house too!

A tough schedule of viewings:


Time Link to Property Comments
10:00 Yateley Lovely house and ideal but sold this morning just after I left!
11:00 Aldershot (1) This is a BIG NO!!!
11:45 Aldershot (2) Hard to imagine how anyone can show their house in this condition, dirty, smelly and the layout didn't work for us either
13:00 Sandhurst (1) Drive wasn't great for my driving skills and rooms a little small
13:20 Sandhurst (2) Much better than the first but sloping floors and no downstairs cloakroom though the garage could be converted
13:40 Sandhurst (3) Lovely house here, really really liked it and no work to be done, practially perfect
14:00 Sandhurst (4) Nice but not right for us, can't see why we need 2 kitchens in the main house
15:00 Ash Vale Stunning, loved it from yesterday when I put the viewing request in and this IS our house!


When home I asked Vee to phone Margaret for her view as I wanted to offer, he said yes and was convinced (though I have arranged for him to view tomorrow on his way home from work!) - I offered and 5 minutes later she had cancelled 5 of the viewings lined up and accepted our offer (though one is still coming tomorrow to view) - formal confirmation tomorrow but we think we have now bought a house in Ash Vale!!!

Bridge now.........:

Vee hosted the Improvers, only 2.5 tables and some freaky scores!!!

This is a one of event at Farnham for the club championship.

Despite the last round where we both fell apart (one after the other!), our performance overall was just good enough to win the title!  Nick played out of skin tonight (generally!) and I was steady too, enjoyed it.

Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Partners opens 2 and then shows 8 playing tricks in s, I leap to 4NT and 6 found and made - not that many found it.  At our table, they queried if this could be opened 2 and the answer I think is actually no (need 5 controls and only 4 here) but it is a clasic example of a hand that doesn't fit with the new rules, this IS a strong hand!

Hand 3:   It is the last round and partner had a meltdown here

Hand 4:   Anything you can do partner!!!! This was my turn to go wrong!!!

Hand 8:   Partner didn't lead the long here - if he had, 11 tricks is made, we held it to 10!

Hand 9:   So lucky here, we bid up to 5 and Ops then bid 6 which I doubled.  Not a good double but it worked and us left in 5 could be tricky too!

Hand 14:   Slight over bidding by Ops here and we got the defence right with partner making the vital  switch

Hand 18:   Unlucky Ops, bidding 1NT with 2 doubletons didn't pay off here, those that opened 1 find the better contract.  We didn't take 2 tricks but.....

Hand 23:   Great play partner, got the away for the 11th trick!

Hand 25:   Poor play by me again here, I got the wrong

I have a lot of House paperwork to do and a fair amount of CBC admin but it may have to wait until tomorrow as I have a headache and am tired now, a long day but worthwhile!

The P2P has not yet been submitted for tonight but I will also be back to a King on the NGS tomorrow if it is submitted tonight!

Playing at CBC tomorrow.

30th January 2018

Surrey League:

Our second match of the season against a Farnham based team.

A busy day off (with work laptop on too!) - Camberley admin, data protection rules to prepare for (starts in May) and house hunting (all I talk about now, more than Bridge even!!!)

Saw a house in Mytchett this afternoon and went for a coffee with Dorothy beforehand, Vee met me there too then we headed off - it was not nice though (the House, not Dorothy, she was a delight!).   Long drive but narrow and 4th bedroom should have been the lounge, nothing felt right about it at all!

Home then and Vee made mac n cheese in 30 minutes so I could eat before the match!

I meet the team at Alan's house at 6:30pm (just, traffic was terrible!!!) and drive us all to Farnham.  A lovely house and lovely people, I have a lot of time for them (especially Erica).

First Half:

Hand 5:    We defended this well and partner played back the  for my ruff to take 4 off, our team mates made their game:  +12

Hand 6:   Partner made a good bad but got ahead of herself and played a low  to ruff but before winning the 2nd !!!  Bad luck, team mates also went off in their contract:  -10

Hand 7:   I took a chance here, Ops open 1 and I have an opening hand with 5 s to the A and 6 s to AKJ - I bid straight to 4 and partner shows up with 5 points but 4 s, I am so lucky!!!  I make my game and team mates sacrifice of 300 pays off:  +8

Hand 9:   Superb defending here takes 2 off 1, team mates bring back 300 too!!!:  +8

Hand 10: Ops had 9 trumps and finessed the Q which my doubleton won, team mates played for the drop and so made the slam:  +17

We find ourselves 38 Imps up at half time but both teams scored and it could still swing back.  They put on a magnificent spread (quiches, sausage rolls, cake and chocolates with Tea or Coffee)

Second Half:

Hand 13:  Ops missed game, team mates bid theirs:  +10

Hand 14:  I open 1NT (11 with 5s) and Ops overcall a natural 2.  Partner bids 4NT (I thought this was quantitative, it wasn't!!!) - I think for ages about what my hand is now worth and then bid 6NT, it is a lay down.  Team mates didn't have a 1NT open and bid freely in s which Ops then outbid to make 11 tricks in s:  +11

Hand 19: Partner has a nice hand and jumps in a 2nd suit, I don't have much in those but I have an opening hand too so bid 3NT making 10 tricks, team mates Ops didn't bid game:  +10

Hand 20: Ops didn't find game with my double, team mates bid game:  +10

Hand 21: We defend well again beating Ops game, team mates make game:  +12

Hand 23: Partner opens 1NT and Ops overcall 2, I double and partner passes!!!!  I am not pleased but we take it off 1, team mates bring home 200 too!!!:  +9

65-0 in the second half, this equates to +103 Imps converting to 20-0 - we all felt a little embarrassed to win by such a margin against such a nice team.

Playing at Farnham in the club champions one off event tomorrow night after viewing 8 more houses!!!!  Margaret has kindly offered to come with me tomorrow for company, support and advice as I have so many to see, thanks partner!

29th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A busy morning today and then everything went mad with calls and e-mails etc so took the afternoon off to get everything sorted (off tomorrow and Wednesday to view houses too so an extra hour or 2 won't hurt).

We had a good night tonight but both made a few slips, partner was very hard on herself but honestly, she is too critical and I think she played and bid exceptionally well with just a couple of slips (same as me).  Then again, I am very hard on myself too!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:    I made a mess of this against tough defence - I tried o set-up the s but better setting up my own hand

Hand 4:    Ops didn't bid game but not an easy hand here when they are void in each others suits

Hand 8:    Ops transferred but it was passed, unfortunate but good luck for us - it raised a good point about the laws though, Ops didn't inform us of the error before we lead and they are obliged to do so.  It didn't damage us here though.

Hand 9:    Ops bid s so I had to keep quiet.  I cannot stay quiet when they are signing off at the 2 level though so I bid 2 and partner supports me, 2 off was a good score though

Hand 11:  Partner was cross with me for not supporting the first suit - I have an aversion to being in a minor but this was actually 6!!!  Fortunately, nobody bid the slam and s beats s

Hand 12:  Ops sacrificed at a low level but I am feeling mean tonight and double, we only have a part score on so this works

Hand 15:  After a competitive auction, Ops bid 5 over 5 - I don't like to compete there so double for a good score

Hand 18:  I had a huge hand but Ops open light in front of me, I bid strongly and pushed but ended up doubling the Ops for a good score (4 doesn't seem to make fortunately)

Hand 21:    Odd here, we defended well and held the Ops to 9 tricks when they can make 10 (dropping the singleton K) yet most only made 8 tricks, not fair!

Hand 23:  Some were too ambitious here, we stayed at the right level and scored well for doing it (though I did miss a trick as started the  the wrong way)

House hunting again tomorrow then a league match (Surrey) in Farnham in the evening.

28th January 2018

Surrey Mixed Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Surrey's Mixed Pairs

A few issues for some with flu and health issues and so some pairs dropped out and some arrived without booking!  All worked in the end though and we started only a few minutes late (One of my friends got the time wrong though and so apologised and went home again).

We had a good start and most things just worked, we finish at the break in 2nd place and after the next round in the second half we are top!!!

Unfortunately, it all went wrong after that until the last 2 tables - dropped down to 47% but picked back up to 52% in the end, still a fair score in this company and we enjoyed (well, enjoyed the first half!!!).

We met Vee at Nando's after the Bridge event and Margaret had her first experience there, thought it was a bit "young"!!!!  Enjoyed though!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   We were pushed too far, even doubling them in 4 would not have been a good score (though better!!!)

Hand 3:   We gave a trick away here by not taking the trumps out

Hand 7:   I messed up here, should have opened 1 and then got carried away and bid too high - compounded by messing up the play too, disaster!

Hand 14:   A cheeky overcall by partner here and she played it beautifully!!!

Hand 15:   Not many of us in game and I was lucky enough to not get a low  lead!

Hand 16:   Ops doubled for takeout and it was left in (thoughtfully) - a lead is called for and without it, partnered played solidly to make this!

Hand 17:   We missed the grand (relying on a finesse that worked!) but did bid the right small slam.

Hand 18:   Ops didn't finesse my KJ

Hand 19:   Ops didn't try the  finesse the 2nd time, lucky us!

Hand 21:   We bid here (I doubled 1) and so they couldn't play in their ideal contract of 1NT

Hand 22:   Hard to find game but Ops did, well done Ops!

Hand 24:   We were both squeezed and Ops played well (very well)

Hand 25:  Ops didn't try the  finesse as too risky, cannot blame them as if it was wrong they are 4 off!

Hand 27:   Good bidding by Ops, We make our 3NT, then the 5 but they bid on and I couldn't be sure about 5NT, well done Ops

Hand 29:   I was too pushy again here and ended up playing in a contract the Ops can make!!!

Hand 30:   We should be in 4 here, partner had 3 card support for me......

Hand 33:   Ops missed game here with our interference

Hand 35:   3NT is a better contract but Ops defended well, others have mad 4

Hand 39:   We missed a trick here but not everyone found game - well done Ops

Scoring and playing tomorrow at CBC

27th January 2018

Barn Dance:

Saw the houses below and both over budget but could offer £515k on either, our preference was the Camberley house below but I am still not sure we want to spend ALL of our money.


Link to Camberley House


Link to Frimley House


Saw our friend John this afternoon too and dropped off the latest EBU magazine and had a chat (and sorted out laptop issues for him too!)

Barn Dance at 8pm and we really got involved, missed 2 dances but did the rest and won a raffle prize too - very energetic and both needed a shower when we got home!

Was great to see all my old friends and they all remembered my Dad too (he used to be the league chairman and started the barn dance with my Mum and me!) - lovely evening, Vee was the woman throughout but he didn't mind!

Playing in the Surrey Mixed Pairs tomorrow with a meal after

26th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

My normal monthly partner is not well tonight and have wished him well and hope he gets better soon.  He didn't sound well at all so am sending out positive thoughts.

It was a tight finish but 2 major blunders (1 each) cost us tonight, still 60% is a good score and makes 2 second place for me today.  The stats are interesting, my declarer play got us 43% and the rest above 70%, though some of my poor scores were our bidding!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    Partner pulled out the wrong bid and we ended up in the wrong contract, we would have been in 4 (assume plus 1) for a 2nd top

Hand 2:   This was actually 3 (not 3) but score the same and good defending here but declarer could have played AK to be only 1 off.

Hand 7:   Superb play partner!

Hand 8:   We are the only pair in game, goof time to upgrade your hand here partner!

Hand 9:    Ops didn't bid game and I had to restrain myself from bidding and pushing them there

Hand 11:  Great play again here partner though a trump lead makes it very difficult

Hand 14:  Aggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!  I got greedy here and didn't think there would be only 1 in West, I should have simply played for my 10 tricks here!  Partner paused in the bidding too and worked out correctly that my bid was not forcing, sorry sad

Hand 15:  We defended this very well here and made the most of our trumps.

Hand 20:  Poor bid by me here compounded by terrible play, I should simply cross ruff the hand!

Hand 21:  Ops sacrificed here but we actually don't make our 5

Hand 22:  Good defending again here

Hand 24:  Ops in the right contract though I feel we should have bid 2 to push them up  

House hunting again tomorrow then a barn dance in the evening with my Badminton league.

26th January 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A poor start today and I started getting cross with partner and she had to tell me to stop (which I did!!!), sorry partner.

A lot more on the house today too (becoming a life take-over now!!!) - we have done all the legal stuff and so have our buyers, just need to find a house now!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Sometimes it is good to open light, sometimes not - guess which this was is!

Hand 2:    Ops set up my s for me here giving an extra trick

Hand 8:    I played well here to set-up a ruffing finesse with the s but even without that, 10 tricks is cold - I cannot see how to only make 9 here as some did

Hand 11:   Unlucky Ops, they mis-counted the trumps so I got a ruff in

Hand 13:   We are in the right contract here, my hand was not good enough to defend so showed both majors and let partner pick her best and play, she played well!

Hand 14:   Ops bid bravely after our 4 but I felt it would be a top or bottom regardless so doubled.  A lucky double and partner watched my 5 then 4 in s so I go the ruff

Hand 15:   I hadn't sorted my hand properly here and opened 1NT in error, I made a squeal and Alan offered me the chance to change the bid if it was a mechanical error.  It wasn't mechanical, just an error so I had to leave it and it played well, sorry Ops

Hand 19:  Ops got the defence right here - others made theirs, not fair!

Hand 20:  I wanted to pass partner's 2, wish I had!

Hand 24:   I played well here after the previous hand - losing a early on was the key to setting up the hand

Playing again tonight after dinner!

25th January 2018


Worked at home today to get work, bridge and house stuff done (2 laptops and my phone on the go non-stop!).

We had a viewing cancelled for Saturday as they have now sold and no news from the offer we have put in either as they were at a funeral today, should hear tomorrow.  Have lined up 2 more houses to see on Saturday in Frimley and Camberley though (both over our budget but think we can do a deal).


Link to Camberley House


Link to Frimley House


I was tired going into tonight and I offered to drive too, hadn't realised that half our team were the opposite direction to the match from me!!!).  Still, we all played well tonight (other than a couple of wobbles) and came through 17-3 in the end which puts us back on top for now.

Vee played at CBC tonight and loved playing with Val (loved everything about it apart from the bridge!) - he stayed to help at the end too with most of the committee with me in our match!

We have now booked the hall for the May bank holiday event and have sent off emails internally to CBC and YHBC to start advertising.

Unfortunately, our main rival team didn't play tonight as one of their members had to go to hospital, hope she is ok and sent my thoughts and wishes to them.

Brief Summary of Swings:

Hand 4:   We made a part score and team mates took Ops down 2 (+7)

Hand 7:   Our Ops missed game and team mates made 3NT (+10)

Hand 10:  We took 3 off 2 and team mates made a part score (+7)

Hand 13:  We went off 3 in a good sacrifice (not doubled), team mates got the defence wrong and let 5x through (-15)

Hand 16:  We made 1NT+2 and team mates made a part score (+6)

Hand 21:  We made game and team mates defeated theirs (+7)

Hand 22:  We made a part score and team mates made a part score too ! (+7)

Hand 23:  We defeated a game with excellent defence, team mates made theirs +1 with amazing play (seriously well done Alan!!!!)  (+7)

Playing twice again tomorrow

24th January 2018


Our offer on the Aldershot House was rejected this afternoon, have increased a little to a full and final offer - if it is not accepted tomorrow, it wasn't meant to be!

Joyce (from CBC and YHBC) kindly forwarded details of her friend's house last night and we have arranged a viewing for Saturday morning.  The house looks amazing though the bedrooms are a little smaller than we would want (on paper) but will have a look and see.

Vee hosted the Improvers tonight and 3 tables, well done to Chris and Carole (back to back wins and launching a late challenge for the title now!)

Great to see Trevor and Barbara win in the main group at YHBC too, well done!

Also I notice Geoff and Frances top EW at Woking this afternoon, well done to you too!

For us, a match at home:

Unfortunately, a loss tonight but narrowly (11-9) but does drop us to 2nd overall (1 point below the leaders - my friend and occasional partner and his team!)

We were 17 Imps up at half time but a few errors cost us in the 2nd half.

Brief Summary of Swings:

Hand 3:   I made my 3NT and team mates defeated theirs (+12)

Hand 5:   We took 2NT off and team mates made 1NT +2 (+6)

Hand 6:   Partner couldn't make her 3NT but team mates let theirs through, defence was not easy though (-12)

Hand 8:   We took 3NT off 3 and team mates again made 1NT +2 (+7)

Hand 13:  We go off in a slam and team mates go off doubled (-12)

Hand 14:  I make my 3NT and team mates defeat theirs (+6)

Hand 18:  I make my 4 and team mates take theirs 2 off (+8)

Hand 19:  Ops miss the slam and team mates bid theirs (+13)

Hand 22:  Ops make a part score and team mates go off 3 (-10)

Hand 23:  Ops make 12 tricks but in game, team mates in a part score (-10)

Hand 24:  Ops bid a slim 3NT and team mates take a part score off (-7)

Another BBL match tomorrow (Away)

23rd January 2018


I had a lot of work and house legal work to do today, manic and non-stop!

Managed to leave 10 minutes early to get my hair cut though then took 40 minutes to get home from Camberley at 17:40!!!

Dinner and then out to badminton - lost 2 close games and won the rest - I am getting back to my old self on court (though more of me now!).

Really enjoyed tonight too, fun games and completive although I lost all energy towards the end!

BBL match tomorrow (home match).

22nd January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in the first of the CBC Monday Championships

Oh dear!!!  Not our night, didn't felt as if we did much wrong (other than 2 bids from me, more later) but it just didn't work, still 9 more tries to get 6 good scores and I have had such a hard day with work and the House (and most pairs tonight asking about the house, it's really nice but also a distraction!).

On the plus side (personally), we had our Mortgage offer in principal tonight and it was more than we were expecting, means we have a lot more flexibility now.  Should hear tomorrow if our offer on the Aldershot house is accepted.

Also, nice home made scones given me tonight (thank you Margaret!), eating one as I type this (yum!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    After partner jumped in s, I woke up and looked for the slam.  Fortunate not to get a  lead and so 13 tricks made and only 3 others bid this

Hand 4:    I supported the too early so partner assumed I had 4 - we missed 6 here

Hand 10:  Ops have 7 or 6/ on here so our 1100 was a great sacrifice - unfortunately, nobody bid any of the slams so a zero!

Hand 11:  I should have re-bid 2NT (not 3NT) here and partner could have taken the A - 1 off would have been an above average score, my fault for the bidding here

Hand 15: Partner had a nice lead but played it brilliantly making more tricks than anyone else

Hand 18:  I should have just transferred to here, we cannot avoid being at the 3 level but stayman was never going to work here, sorry partner

Hand 19:  I set up the Ops winner to discard a , I need to push a through instead, drat!

Badminton tomorrow

21st January 2018


Other than shipping (in the snow!) and house chores, we have done nothing today !!!

Slightly disappointed in the number of votes for yesterday’s house choice but I guess people generally read this after a Bridge session!  The vote is still open below.....

Vote seems to be for Aldershot overall so far though

Monday Championship tomorrow at CBC

20th January 2018


House viewing day - 5 of them!!!

10am in Farnborough to see a nice house 5 minutes from where we are now but the bedrooms too small.

11:15 in Blackwater but every room was wrong here and it just didn't suit us

12 Noon in Aldershot and we were there early and waited in the car.  Vee looked at me and said "You are not keen are you?"  - I made a sad face and said no, not really.  However, the house was perfect and suited us in every way with the entire work list to make it right for us being to fit a shower in the bathroom!!!

Then lunch and a chat about the Aldershot house and back out to Frimley

2pm in Frimley.  Nice house but no hall way, opening the front door to a small space and stairs up and a tight turn into the lounge.  The garden was too big for us really.

Then a coffee with Margaret on our way to the last house on the edge of the Old Dean estate, camberley.

3pm in Camberley.  This house had a nice kitchen but small lounge and no second reception room (which I want for Bridge matches!!!).  We could use the 4th bedroom for matches though and all the rooms were stunning upstairs.  The garden was perfect - small and laid out as an entertaining space.

What should we do here?

Just for fun (and completely anonymously), have your vote - links below to the top 3 and a vote button beneath.......


Aldershot Frimley Camberley


19th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session (also a Beryl Doughty round but we are not in that as a pair).

An interesting night full of great stuff and some errors (some system failing us, some us failing the system!!!)

Still, to get above 50% from the start we had and on a night where we gave away 670 for 2 of a major doubled making isn't too bad!!!

Good fun and thanks for a nice evening partner though my rules on discussing dark red and dark green only means that only 3 hands are left out below, a lot of work for me!!!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   After partner overcalled, I raised it to stop Ops bidding and finding game - unfortunately, game was not there and we went too far!

Hand 2:   I think partner can make this but we had good Ops, we missed the major fit though (system is or my bidding?)

Hand 3:     I must double 2 here and not bid 2, sorry partner

Hand 4:     I showed s and s - we missed a major fit in s!!!!

Hand 5:     I played this one reasonably well but only did as I should - others didn't fortunately

Hand 6:     I showed and a minor and with only 2 s I think partner should ask for the minor - but agree, we could be going into a disaster if my minor is s

Hand 7:     Partner played this superbly, well done partner!

Hand 8:     See above!

Hand 9:     Ops are in the right contract but we defended well and others made 1NT

Hand 10:   We defended this extremely well - unfortunately, partner doubled them!  The double in our system is penalties (3 is take out)

Hand 11:   Easy double for me - a win for partner's 3 level opening though

Hand 12:   Well bid here and partner played well

Hand 13:   We got the defence right here too to take this off

Hand 14:   Good Pas Out here, I don't bid in 4th seat unless I meet the rule of 15 (s and points)

Hand 16:   We did well to stay low here (although, partner missed a trick.....!)

Hand 17:   A little pushy by partner raising my simple overcall but he has a nice hand - good double by Ops though

Hand 19:   We did well to only be 1 off here but we missed our minor fit!!!  Ops opened 2 with only 5 s and had 11 points though.....!

Hand 20:   Partner passed a new bid at the 3 level here, odd but he wasn't sure of our system and didn't take it as forcing

Hand 21:   I made an extra trick here as Ops played A and K setting up my hand

Hand 22:   We defended this like experts - odd considering how we did overall tonight!

Hand 23:   This was a good double but we got the defence wrong!

House hunting tomorrow, odd phrase that as we know where they are!!!  Still, 5 to go and see and hope we like at least one as I don't want to be looking at houses in all our spare time......!

19th January 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A fun session as always and we played well throughout (though a very bad start!).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:   A tricky hand for the Ops here, I think the key is not to play 2 s early as I can get in and attack them (as I did).

Hand 4:   Ops had a bidding misunderstanding here and didn't realise the 3 was a transfer - we quietly took all the tricks and surrendered

Hand 5:   I raced off to game in s without giving partner chance to show her hand, terrible, sorry partner

Hand 6:   Partner needs to take the trumps out after winning the K here then we take this 2 off

Hand 11:   I made a poor overcall here and partner lead my suit then after it lost the first 2 tricks commented to say "well, that was no good!!!", of course, it was the way to defeat the contract....!

Hand 13:   This is tough, but after partner opens 2 (weak), I think Ops should leave us there - 13 is a bit low to double with (for me)

Hand 14:   Ops set-up the Q here giving me the setting trick, again, it is tough here but I have shown shape (though I did open light)

Hand 15:   Partner has overcalled s here so I think it is not the best lead, try and find my entry and I will play the s.....

Hand 16:   Lucky here, Ops won the A and retuned a low which dummy's 10 won, phew!

Hand 18:   We are the only pair in game here with 26 HCP between us!

Hand 21:   Hard to bid the slam but felt sorry for Ops here who thought I was still in dummy at the end so kept the wrong card allowing me to make 13 tricks

Playing again tonight after dinner!

18th January 2018

Home Counties:

Playing with my County partner in my first match of the season (I didn't play in the first match).

I took a half day and went into town early to get food and then settle into the coffee house across from Young Chelsea and meet my partner for a chat about our system.

We were 17 Imps up at half time with a solid performance from most of our pairs but it turned into 20 down overall (Lost 14-6) despite us having a great card in the second half (the only pair to bid a slam, 2 in fact!).

It happens, shame, especially as it is a long day for me (left here at 3pm and back at 1am!!!).

Playing twice tomorrow

17th January 2018

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers for the first time in ages and ages!!!!

I have completed most of my actions from the CBC committee meeting today!

Only 2 tables tonight and 4 "Hosts" so we sent Vee home and Val and I took 1 table each and Keith played.  I am disappointed that attendance is still low but so many colds and bugs out there I think a lot are suffering and some are away.

From a selfish point, I loved it tonight!  I felt as if I was able to help and add value and commented on most hands after they were played, also wrote notes and so will give a rough commentary on the hands from Chris and Carole's viewpoint (they did well tonight too, see comments below!!!)

Having sent Vee home (who sewed a button on my shirt and did all the housework!!!), Val and Keith drove me home.  We are so grateful to them both who help on and off the bridge table and don't know what we would do without them.

The Commentary:

Hand 1:   Good bidding all round and stopped in the right contract.  Ops missed the last trump though and so only made 8 tricks - he was cross with himself and I think it spurred him on to do well the rest of the night!

Hand 2: A lot to look at here.  Duplicate is all about the vulnerability and shape.  Here, green, 5 MUST be bid (and Keith did).  Even going down, the Ops need to get you 4 down to make a profit (800 vs 620 for Game).  As it happens, 5 makes!!!  5 was the right bid for this reason and it should have made.  North ruffed 2 s before setting up the s - they are the key to the hand along with seeing the void on the first round.  Must keep entries in both hands through ruffs to make this.

Hand 3:   Great play here.  South lost 2 s to generate an entry in dummy through the trumps to utilise the Q to throw the losing - great play (I was willing it in my head and every card I mentally called for she played!  Ops bid the s over 1, another point on this hand is that West should Double first then support whichever suit partner bids.

Hand 4:   Great play all round on this board - Kevin did so well to throw the losing rather than ruff the 3rd and shorten trumps, same at the other table!

Hand 5:   Both play the same system please!!!  After 1NT, 2 was bid (but North bid per the system and took it as s and a Minor).  A disastrous 3 was then found!!!  Using the system, bid 2 (long suit), 2 (relay), 2 and pass out.  Cappalletti bids here are:

2 Long single suit, partner must relay with 2
2 Both Majors (5/4 either way)
2 5 and a Minor (at least 4)
2 5♠ and a Minor (at least 4)
2NT Both Minors (I prefer 5/5 here)

Hand 6:   Ops didn't split the honours here, if they do, they trap the J for the 9th trick.

Hand 7:   Ops are in the right contract, but it doesn't make and Chris and Carole defended well here

Hand 8:   Bidding is correct, play was VERY good - Crossed to Dummy with a and took the finesse - pinned the s too, was great to watch!

Hand 9:   Such a wild hand here, great bidding and 6 is the right sacrifice but lucky not to be doubled

Hand 10:   Chris was wise not to open 1 here (you can but I wouldn't either).  Bidding then went 2 (weak) and all passed.  I would have bid 3 as South though and then 3 is the contract and a lead has been asked for.  The other table went on to 5 and got doubled so the extra trick given away was wiped out.

Hand 11:   Defended well here but the other table was allowed to play in 3

Hand 12:   Doomed here but I think 1NT is a better bid than 2 here - pass by all was an ever better bid it seems!!!  4-4-4-1 hands are very tricky

Hand 13:   Ops overcalled with a 4-card suit and slightly miss-played it too - I don't think overcalling with only 4 cards is advisable

Hand 14:   Great play here, very easy to go off but I could see the concentration and each card played was thought out.  Ops gave a ruff and discard, but you still need to spot it and work out what to do, Chris realised the losing could be thrown and ruffed in dummy, perfect!

Hand 15:   This hand was not loaded somehow at the club, but I have submitted it now.  Stayed in the right contract and played it well to make 2NT, the other table bid and made 9 somehow though

Playing at Young Chelsea tomorrow in the Surrey team for the Home Counties league (my favourite bridge!)

16th January 2018

CBC Committee:

A busy day at work today and also arranging lots of viewings for houses we are interested in (all day Saturday!!!) as well as sorting out all the paperwork and set-up for selling our house - lucky and can multi-task!

No badminton tonight as we had a Camberley Committee Meeting.

The meeting went well and we resolved a few issues and sorted out some items (though some carried over as we finished after 10pm tonight!).

Geoff hosted and did a great job - trying to persuade Val to do a bit less was a general theme tonight although I won't go into details here!

We had an invite from Berks to join the Berks team in an annual Teams event and have sent an email via CBC website on this, hopefully we will get some interest as it is a good event to play in.  I am free on Weds 21st March but no partner (if any reader is interested, let me know!!!)

We have a good bunch on the committee and I think most members would be surprised how much we all do for the club.  I think we all enjoy the task though and like to help and make a difference.

We welcomed Moira onto the Committee for her first meeting too and she took on a few duties straight away and had points to make (it is not always easy to find your voice in an established committee group).

I think this shows what a good group we are and also what a good addition Moira will be!

I shared my news about accepting the offer on our house at the end and a few were keen to see the house we have sold so I shared the advert on my phone.

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow with Vee (or on my own if he wants a night off, he has worked hard recently and I am free this week).

15th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

We have decided to accept an offer on our house (full asking price!).  They seem very nice too and flexible on the date - we have until July to find somewhere but they could move earlier if it suits us!!!  Perfect buyers.  We have arrange a number of viewings for this weekend, we need to get moving now (literally!)

Slightly below par tonight but both of us have had a tough week and weekend and both were just not quite feeling it tonight.  Still nice to partner Jo, we still did some great stuff and enjoyed most of the night.  It did seem that even our good hands didn't generate good scores though!  Still, finished on exactly 50%!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 5:    Unfortunate here, I bid 3NT but partner didn't know I had 2s and felt it wasn't good enough to leave it with that shape - I can't blame her at all but 3NT is a good contract

Hand 12:   Brilliant from partner here making an extra trick!  I forced the bid and trusted her when 2 was bid and she made the most of the hand!

Hand 13:   We defended well here but an interesting hand to see how the weak hand should take charge, if they insist on their long suit they find the best contract of 4

Hand 15:   Partner took charge and signed off in 5, I felt we were worth more and bid it anyway, sorry partner

Hand 19:   Tricky contract here but the was right and then the s roll in - not everyone made it though

Hand 20:    beat s, Ops could have made 4 as it happens

Hand 21:   An impossible contract here, sorry partner - did well to make 8 tricks as it happens (once Ops found the switch).  With a little more time, the  finesse could be taken for 9 tricks but not in time (at our table)

Hand 23:   My fault again here - I discarded a and should have thrown one of the away to take this off, drat!

Bridge Committee for CBC tomorrow night

14th January 2018

Affiliated Teams of 8:

Playing with a regular partner and 3 other pairs from Camberley:

Jane Green & Keith Wilson

Ian Lewis & Nick Browne

John Fairhurst & Philip Brown

Andy Fry & Steve Crawford

Easiest way to view the scores is through the Matches -   Session 1        Session 2

Our plans changed at the start today, Nick and Steve were meeting me at my house and then I would drive them.  Steve was on his way when I had an email from Nick saying his garage door was jammed and couldn't get the car out!  Fortunately, I had left plenty of time and so I took Steve to Nick's and then went from there.  We still arrived 30 minutes early and time to eat and get settled in.

All the team arrived in good time (Farnham had a man who got held up and missed the first hour!) and we start just about on time.

A lot of seriously good players at the event and 14 teams entered, was always going to be tough but we started off well and our 4 were on +22 at half time (we were just below par as an 8 though).

The second half was not quite as good and slipped a little - still, 10th out of 14 not too bad all considered.

The Highs and Lows:

First Half:

Hand 2:    A fairly flat board other than Jane and Keith getting +1100!!!

Hand 4:    We went off less than others here

Hand 6:   Good sacrifices by Ops here at 2 tables

Hand 7:    We got +500 against our local rivals!  They even commented to say "when we double your 1NT, you should be squirming not us!)

Hand 8:   1 of our pairs not in game

Hand 11:   1 of our pairs chose the wrong slam

Hand 14:    1 of our pairs made a game!

Hand 15:    1 of our pairs didn't bid the slam but the other defeated a slam!

Hand 19:   1 of our pairs went off in a game

Hand 20:   Ops made plus scores as we went off in our contracts

Hand 24:   We over-bid here

Hand 25:    1 of our pairs defeated a slam!

Hand 26:    We made our contract!

Second Half:

Hand 1:    1 of our pairs defeat game

Hand 3:    We make game as do our other EW, both part scores on the other tables

Hand 5:   Ops bid a slam against us

Hand 6:  Partner went off in his game 

Hand 8:  We got +300!  

Hand 10:   Game bid against one of our pairs

Hand 11:   3NT -4 for one of our pairs

Hand 12:  Good defending by all of our pairs and a good sacrifice by us  

Hand 13:   One of our pairs didn't make their game

Hand 15:   -1100 by one of our pairs

Hand 24:   One of our pairs didn't bid game

Playing at CBC tomorrow

10th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in 5th of the YHBC Teams Series.

Val hosted the Improvers tonight and Keith was well enough to play too so we had 3 full tables, starting to pick up again.  Pleased to see Chris & Carol back on top tonight too, well done girls!

Our house went live today and by 9am we had our first viewing lined up.  3 more came in before bridge too so have 4 lined up now and we need to get a move on finding a new home!

Our bridge was good mostly but a few bad wobbles (my fault on our side).  A slight plus overall but not a good score.  I enjoyed the session though, Jo is such  good player to have on your side, I just hate it when I let her down.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Team mates bid game and our Ops missed it

Hand 8:   We missed game but I didn't feel I could reverse with my hand, only 2 pairs found 4 though

Hand 12:   Team mates bid game and our Ops missed it, I think they find it if they open 1 rather than 1NT (with 15)

Hand 13:   We missed game here, again, not easy to bid it - partner played it perfectly and I felt bad for not raising (it is teams so I think I should have)

Hand 16:   We missed a hard to bid minor game, Ops tried 3NT against team mates and they took it off for a double plus

Hand 18:   Contract not entered correctly here but it was 4 at team mates table.  We sacrificed into 5 which was a good score, well supported partner

Hand 26:   My fault here, Ops stopped in 4 and I bid 4 so pushed them into game

Hand 27:   I made a terrible double - team mates also went off in theirs when should really make 12 tricks but not as easy as it looks

Playing in the CBC Thursday Championships tomorrow.  Have our first person viewing our house too.

13th January 2018

House & London:

Lots of viewings today (7!!!) they produced 2 offers too so we can now sell if we want but we haven't found anywhere as yet, not got our finances in order and one offer wants to move in this month (too soon) and the other in June (too late!!!).

We have a friend staying too and so went for breakfast as the first viewing happened, then off to London for the day.

We had a great time, went to see 42nd street, loved it - was well performed.  I felt it needed a bit more of a story but was well worth seeing.

Then pizza express for dinner followed by a lot of drinking in various pubs and bars (too much really but was a good night!).

Teams of 8 tomorrow.....

12th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A wild night tonight, we arrived later than normal due to the food delays but got there in time (just).

Our card shows a lot of big highs and lows, worth a look!!!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 7:   Very lucky here, neither of the Ops felt they could bid after 1NT (me), double, transfer, completed transfer.  Turned out to be a great sacrifice

Hand 8:   Ops didn't attack s here and partner had time to get everything away for 2 more tricks than really possible

Hand 9:   With us both bidding, Ops kept bidding too (up to 4).  We defended very well too

Hand 10:  Hand of the decade so far!!!!  2 (weak), 3 (take out double as we use Hackett, double would be penalties).  3 (enquiry) by partner, 4 (natural, me), 6 (partner), gulp (me!!!).  He had forgotten the system and thought I had s and s, we are now at the 6 level with a 2-4 fit!!!!  lead comes, I win it in dummy.  Low  to my K, 9 and it runs, 10 and covered so win with Q, A.  Now there is 1 out.  I run the s, they all win.  Now a low from me and big pause - do I take a deep finesse or will the J drop - if I had taken the finesse, it would have worked and contract made - I didn't, drat!  Still, amazing hand and to think, I nearly pulled off the biggest coup in my lifetime!

Hand 12:  Ops didn't go on here, Also better with a lead

Hand 13:   Ops found out the situation but didn't go back to dummy to take the finesse again

Hand 14:   Very nice defending again here, we took a lot more tricks than we should have here - I missed my 9 as a winner though, we actually would have taken it off if I had watched the s better

Hand 15:   We missed 7NT but did at least find 7, nobody else did

Hand 16:  Partner opened light here - my redouble was reasonable if he had a slightly better hand.....!

Hand 17:  Odd moment from partner here - he felt that they would need the ♠s and doubled, I should have lead a but forgot - even so, 11 tricks off the top here - not your best double partner (and against my partner too!!!!)

Hand 22:   The double should have been pulled really - as it wasn't, I assumed all the key cards in North and made 2 over tricks - 3NT natural would actually have scored better but was still a good score

Hand 23:   1 (could be short), 1 (partner), 1 (me), Pass (I don't think South can pass here) - then 1 all pass.  Partner made an extra trick too but a very odd auction here

Hand 24:   We found the slam but again missed the grand - nobody did though and not sure if we could really bid it?

Playing in the Affiliated Teams of 8 tomorrow.

12th January 2018 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A nice session today and had quite a few laughs, nice to enjoy the game as well as being competitive!!!

Not many errors but some Ops did really well, not much more we could have done and enjoyed.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:  I should have made this, a tight contract but let West in with the  and lost too many s

Hand 4:  A big hand here and we found a slam but not the grand, nobody else did either though

Hand 11:  I played well here but Ops could have ruffed the  to stop me throwing everything away

Hand 13:  I should have left the Ops in 3s, they were wise to double me though

Hand 14:  A low level contract but I had to play well to make it

Hand 15:  Partner played superbly here - lucky Ops never found the switch though!

Hand 22:  I opened this a weak 2, have been advised before that it is best not to unless your points are in the suit.  I did well to make it but we need to be in s this time, sorry partner

Home at 5 and met Iain who is here for the weekend, off to get Fish & Chips for us all but tried 2 shops and both closed!!!  Came home and just had enough time to cook some chips and chicken dippers for us all

11th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in first of the CBC Thursday Championships

Had our first viewing tonight.  They had to cancel as work pattern changed but Vee was able to show them round at 19:30 (instead of the Agent).  They seemed to like the house and so a positive first viewing.  We need to get a move on in terms of finding a house now as we have 4 more viewings lined up on Saturday!

We had a solid start but didn't shine, a good base to work from though as we need 6 scores out of the 10 events.

Partner played really well, my bidding was not always good for pairs though.

Tonight's hands.......

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    We got the timing right here and took our 3 Aces and 2 s.  Ops may do better to keep playing s through partner rather than going for the s

Hand 3:    I should value my hand better here and raise after partner jumped.  The void is very powerful on this auction.

Hand 4:    Needs a lead I think but how would partner know that?

Hand 5:    I over-valued my hand here, totally my fault, sorry partner

Hand 7:    Ops in the right contract making the right number of tricks

Hand 10:  Ops mis-counted and bid with 5 points.  They then tried to rectify this and partner waited and then doubled.

Hand 11:  Well bid Ops, only 2 other found game here

Hand 14:  Partner found the best contract for us and played well.  Perhaps Ops should bid on though?

Hand 16:  I was too pushy here, sorry partner.  Some made game but I don't think it is there

Hand 18:  Only 2 others bid game here, partner overcalled 2NT to show both red suits so I know game is on.

Hand 23:  Ops cannot make this yet quite a lot did.  Felt bad for Ops as he did all he could.  I took my AK s before playing partners , perhaps others didn't?

Hand 26:  Partner played incredibly well here - going up with Q trick 1 was the right play and it worked - time to set up the s in peace now and the rest worked well, well done partner!

Playing twice tomorrow.

9th January 2018


First time back since mid December and my arm and leg hurt today!  I didn't let it stop me and stretched for a bit and doused myself in deep heat before I played.

I did quite well tonight but my touch shots didn't work well, lots of power though!

Went for a drink after as one of our friends is recovering from a spinal operation and wanted some company and support, Vee went at 8pm and had a few drinks (5 of them) and then Dave and I joined them after badminton for a pint and a catch up.

Saw a house tonight too (Farnborough) and it seemed nice, not perfect but was nice.  We could see that with a bit of work over time it would suit us.  Will wait and see a few others yet though.

A bit of bridge work tonight too, re-scoring CBC for Monday nights scores.

Teams at YHBC tomorrow as Val hosts the Improvers (Vee has been asked to play in a team too).   We are so lucky to have Val and Keith (who is under the weather at the moment, get well soon Keith).

8th January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Our house viewing was cancelled tonight as they are not ready for viewing, why did the Agent confirm?  Irritating but no rush (our house goes live tomorrow I believe).

A hard day at work today too and still have a slight cough but really not bad now.  Had a very spicy curry for dinner too which cleared things out!

We had no real issues tonight and all went well, a few hands could have been better but not sure we should go on really, others did and it paid off for them.  Our defending was really good tonight though, I like it when that happens as it is a clear sign that we are on the same wave length and communicating well.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   We are in the right contract here but the good score was unfortunate, Ops revoked giving us an extra trick.  I always feel this is unfair really

Hand 4:   Ops opened light (but with great shape) but then got into a bit of a mess and we took advantage with great defending

Hand 7:   I was asleep here, partner bid 1 then 2 and I should then bid 3 (which I think partner then raises), I passed 2, silly Ian - sorry partner.  The play was perfect too and my bidding ruined the score.

Hand 10:   Ops agreed s then bid 3 - we stayed quiet then and defended well to take them off.  Partner didn't ruff until the right moment and the timing was perfect!

Hand 11:   Ops in the right contract here

Hand 16:   Tricky for Ops here but the weaker hand needs to take control (I think) - play in the weakest hands long suit (especially when 6 of them).

Hand 20:   We defended this well here but Ops got the timing wrong and didn't ruff the  and we kept forcing and so partner made 2 and a

Hand 22:   Ops opened 4s here and I put a cheeky 4 bid in (bad bid but I felt I had to do something I wasn't sure if double would be penalties here, I see one pair did that and it was left in - I would mean it as take out!).  They bid 5s which we then took off.

A house to view in Farnborough tomorrow and then Badminton.

7th January 2018


Shopping this morning and house chores then off to Ashtead to see my step-brother (they have been in their flat 5 years and are about to move, we hadn't seen their flat until now!).

Spent a couple of hours there and had coffee and cake and a good chat.  Then saw Margaret on our way home and shared a bottle of wine between us as we had a catch up.

A light supper and TV again tonight before a busy week (again).

6th January 2018


Clearing and cleaning house first thing and had it photographed at 10:30 for listing Monday or Tuesday.

Saw our first house this afternoon in Sandhurst today, it was fine but looked better on paper.  The lounge was an OK size but the wrong shape and our furniture wouldn't fit.  There was only parking for 2 cars and no street parking and the kitchen was nice but looked amazing on paper.  Garden and bedrooms all perfect though.

It is only the first house we have seen so no decisions either way at this stage - more on Monday and Tuesday to see and will keep looking online for more.....

A few bits of bridge admin for CBC and YHBC today in-between house stuff.

Take Away tonight and relaxing in front of the TV with a bottle of wine (and Vee!)

5th January 2018


Playing with my life partner in a regular club session that was also used to qualify the Berks Waller Bowl.

Still coughing this morning and partner had other things going on too so we missed CBC this afternoon.

I had a long hot soak and a few hot drinks (Lemsip mainly!) and felt so much brighter after lunch.

Cleared the house ready for photos tomorrow and relaxed for the day.

Tonight went well, a few good things by Ops but not much wrong by us, just missed out on the points but may still be able to enter the Waller Bowl, will see!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   I was a little ambitious here and put partner into game, he played really well but was lucky not to get a  lead or switch

Hand 5:   Ops missed game here

Hand 6:   I played well here but 4 is always on by East I think

Hand 8:   I had the option here to support partners s or bid 3NT, I think I should support the s really but my bid worked out this time (doesn't make it right though) - if I had got the s right I would have made 12 though

Hand 9:   I was talked out of 3NT here, after a slightly odd 1 overcall by North, I should have bid 2 to ask partner if we can do to NTs....

Hand 11:   Here we had a good score but I think partner needs to reevaluate his hand after I jump to 4s (I bid first).  Partner's hand is now worth 17 and I jumped, 4NT here now I think....

Hand 14:   We missed game here after a 2 overcall from Ops put us off

Hand 16:   We defended well here, Ops bid correctly but it hurt them on this hand - really, the East hand cannot bid (and they didn't), those that did were rewarded though

Hand 18:   I should have played the 9 from dummy here, no idea why I didn't

Hand 22:   After 1NT, 3NT I felt I had to take action with my shaped hand - it turns out I was right

Hand 23:   Ops pushed us into game here and partner played it really well.  Ops were shocked when I said I would not have raised it but I can see 2 s 2s and a to be lost

No bridge this weekend but more on the house and seeing family too.

4th January 2018

CBC Teams:

Not well tonight and neither was partner so we stayed home rather than passing germs on.  Our team mates understood too, hate letting people down but am sure most would understand and not want to catch our colds.

We had a meeting tonight with a mortgage guy and all sorted (in principle) and also lined up 2 viewings for houses we may like to move to, all go now!

Results of Teams in the link above (a red thumbs down as I wanted to be there!).

Health permitting, may play twice, once or none tomorrow!  Although I feel ok in myself, if I am still spluttering and coughing, I don't want to be around others in a confined space.

3rd January 2018


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Worked at home today as waiting for my contract be extended (was done by the end of the day!).  Our "For Sale" notice went up today too as well as an energy certificate for the house.

Playing with my monthly partner but at Farnham for a change (we are both  members so should make use of it!).  Vee hosted the Improvers at YHBC too but only 2 tables, still part of the Festive season though.

Tonight was a disaster for us, mainly good things by the Ops but we didn't hep ourselves either.....

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Partner went off here but I think we are in the right contract but strong defence and possibly making use of the  suit rather than the s?

Hand 4:   Ops did what they should here, nobody else did!

Hand 6:   We talked about this hand a lot, I won the A and then played the J - in my mind, I cannot possibly want to retain the lead and am asking partner to overtake and play a .  Partner didn't agree and felt I should play a low which she wins and then plays a anyway through lack of any alternative.  Frustrating!

Hand 10:   Cannot blame partner here, the finesse works and most did it but if it fails the contract crashes down.

Hand 11:   I open 3 here (our system), if I don't, we will get a re-bid from partner of 2NT which I then raise

Hand 12:   A tough contract here and I played well (at last!!!) - I took the finesse and it failed to the Q.  I then played my J on the next attempt and no flicker from North and I stopped for ages to ponder the values in each hand and eventually crashed the K with the A, phew!!!  I was also tested with a low in the play from which I got right too

Hand 13:   Ops did what they should here, nobody else did!

Hand 14:   A massive hand, a massive mis-fit and a terrible bid by me!  I couldn't picture the hand not being good enough, sorry partner.

Hand 15:   Ops did what they should (less than really as game could have been bid!) but not many others did as well!!!

Hand 27:   I think partner should open 2 here (despite being in 4th seat), the singleton K isn't worth a whole K here in my view.  Even so, 4 is not unreasonable on almost any other trump split!

Playing in the first of the CBC Teams series tomorrow.

2nd January 2018

NICKO (Round 2):

Playing with Nick and Colin & David.  We are Camberley "B" and match 32 on round 2 on the link above.

An hours drive to Beaconsfield and we met Nick there (who came on his way back from Manchester).

This is a Knockout event (National Inter Club Knock Out) so a win by 1 or 100 is the same, for what it is worth we lost 52-74 but had chances!  We were 3 down at half time and some big swings in 2nd half but the Grand bid by Ops was too much for us.

We used pre-dealt hands and have the hands HERE

Ops were all really nice and friendly and was really good to play the match with them, I love this level of bridge!  We wished them well for the next round(s) and genuinely meant it too.

As CBC, we wish Jane Green and her team well for their progress in the Plate (they have a tough first match against Basingstoke A).

First Half:

Hand 6:   4 is on and we bid it, Ops bid 4 and this only goes 1 off, we cannot win here but bid 5 and were doubled.  -13

Hand 7:   Ops can make 5 here but we sacrifice in 4 doubled 1 off.  +10

Hand 10:   We didn't bid game here, we must as it is teams!  -10

Hand 11:   We defeat 3NT (by 2) and team mates make theirs!  +11

Second Half:

Hand 14:   Partner plays really well here to make 12 tricks in 3NT, team mates defeat their Ops 3NT!!! +11

Hand 15:   We missed game here.  -6

Hand 17:   Partner plays really well here to make 11 tricks in 3NT, team mates defeat their Ops 3NT!!! +11

Hand 19:   We need to be in a 4-3 major fit here, Ops were but we go 1 off in 3NT.  -13

Hand 23:   We are in 3NT +4, Ops are in 7NT!!!! -17

Hand 24:   We go 1 off in 6 (I bid it as knew we had messed up the previous hand, I really shouldn't have), Ops make 3NT+2.  -11

Decided not to play badminton tonight and playing at Farnham tomorrow night.

1st January 2018

New Years Day:

A day of getting ready for the new year and seeing friends - saw my bridge partner for a coffee and catch-up and then more friends for games, cheese and nibbles (all games were fun and I won 2 and 2nd in the other 2, Vee won 1 too!).

Have had to extend my holiday as have a NICKO match at 2pm tomorrow then Badminton in the evening if I am up to it!

31st December 2017

New Years Eve:

A day seeing family and my step-sisters new house today (dropping off pressies too)

A bit of shopping and chores but a relaxing day and watched a few films too

Some analysis of yesterday's hands via email with a few people too, interesting comments, good to learn some insight

As we are now in 2018, may I wish all my readers a wonderful 2018 filled with joy, laughter and happy bridge playing!!!




The Bridge Player's Prayer

Author: Unknown

Lord, grant me a partner who won't trump my Aces.

Deliver me from short suits and cards without faces.

Grant me finesses that work as I've planned,

And just once today, please, a nice Grand Slam hand.

30th December 2017

EBU Year End Swiss Teams:

Playing with a team (YHBC players) in the EBU End of Year Swiss Teams.

Our Team Score Cards


Pairs Ranking (X-Imps)

Alan drove us all and we made good time and arrived quite early.  Good job really as it took forever to get a coffee!!!

A tough field here and 77 Teams, we don't get off to the best start (despite our Opps having a man short and had to get a stand-in for our match!!!!  They went on to win the whole event too though we never found out if the original player turned up or not).

7 matches of 7 boards and we lost all 3 before the break, the food must have energised us though as we won the next 3!!!  The last match was tough though, but we had the chance to win it, just didn't take it!

In the end, we all enjoyed the day and I think we all did more good stuff than bad!

Match Summary:

Match 1 (Lost 5-15):

Hand 1:   (View Hand) Team mates didn't bid game

Hand 6:   (View Hand) We were in a part score making, Team mates defeated an ambitious 3NT

Hand 7:   (View Hand) Partner bid 3 with a terrible hand, unfortunately I had a nice hand, so we got too far, should have doubled their 4 - disaster!

Match 2 (Lost 3-17):

Hand 11:   (View Hand) Team mates were too ambitious here.....

Match 3 (Lost 7-13):

Hand 21:   (View Hand) A reasonable contract but Team mates had tough Opps here (Mike Bell) and didn't make it

Match 4 (Won 13-7):

Hand 22:   (View Hand) We defended well here and Team mates made a part score for a double plus

Hand 24:   (View Hand) Still cannot understand why partner didn't support my s here so I raised to 6 after his 5 bid - odd but a blip

Hand 26:   (View Hand) Both pairs defeat Opps contracts here!

Hand 28:   (View Hand) Team mates bid the slam, our Opps bailed out (in an odd way too!)

Match 5 (Won 11-9):

Hand 32:   (View Hand) An amazing bid by partner which was doubled and made!!!

Hand 33:   (View Hand) It seems 5s is a good sacrifice and we didn't do it

Match 6 (Won 17-3):

Hand 36:   (View Hand) Team mates bid the slam and our Opps didn't

Hand 40:   (View Hand) We made our part score as team mates defeated an ambitious game

Hand 41:   (View Hand) I think partner should double here rather than bid 1NT - we had best defence against us too

Hand 42:   (View Hand) Opps open 3 after 2 passes and I have 19HCP, I double and it is passed out - a nice 1100, good pass partner!

Match 7 (Lost 6-14):

Hand 43:   (View Hand) We messed up the defence here and let a game through

Hand 44:   (View Hand) We both defeat Opps contracts here!

Hand 45:   (View Hand) We stayed in 1NT which partner played very well and team mates defeat an ambitious game

Hand 47:   (View Hand) We missed game here, but I bid my hand twice as it was - perhaps I should just go for it in teams though

A more relaxed day tomorrow and a quiet New Years just us at home with a few bottles of bubbly!

29th December 2017
29th December 2017

Nieces Wedding:

Wow!!!!!   What a lovely day today!!!

A relaxing morning and then get dressed up as my Niece got married!!!

Amy is the eldest of my Nieces and Nephews at 26 (makes me feel so old!!!) and she has a little girl (Scarlet, my Great Niece!!!) and has now married Andy.

They have been together a while but waited until they had a house and were settled, the whole family came today and we have a large family.

A wonderful church in Basingstoke and the Vicar was really friendly and made everyone feel at ease, though it was a bit cold!

The first service I have been to where the Vicar used an iPad rather than a book too!!!

An emotional service and the weather turned nice too (raining all morning then bright sunshine for the service and after!)

My Dad catered for the wedding but left his team in charge and enjoyed the day with us, he gave Amy away too - he was so proud.

Good food, great company and a lovely party - all the young kids were good and danced for most of the night.

Was really good to catch up with my Aunt's and Uncles and cousins and friends (mostly scattered over the country now) and even though I was driving, the time flew and was just the best day.

So pleased for them both and the whole family came together and welcomed Andy's family too

The drink flowed but nobody got too silly and no incidents - I am off to London for th EBU End of Season Teams tomorrow.

28th December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another full day (we make the most of the time off!) - car in for minor repairs at 08:30 then errands then lunch then a friend comes to fix our outside lights and then dinner and out to bridge!

Not our finest effort again tonight but enjoyable with a few mishaps!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   We set-up a  trick here but didn't take it, would have been a good board had we done so

Hand 4:   Passed round to my flat 10 count and I pass, a good pass!

Hand 7:   I bid 2NT over Ops 1NT (meant as the unusual) partner didn't think it was and a useful discussion ensued - better if I pass anyway as it happens!

Hand 10:   Ops stopped in the right contract, well done Ops!

Hand 11:   Why didn't I pass here, 2NT would have been a great score!!!

Hand 15:   Letting partner double 6 would have been much better here, sorry partner

Hand 19:   Correct contract, wrong cards!!!  Partner could have done a little better but the 3 pairs allowed to make 4 meant we couldn't get a good score here

Hand 20:   Ops made a false sacrifice here, unlucky Ops

Hand 21:   We stopped low here and made what we should

Hand 23:   We defended well here and Ops didn't finesse my J though she nearly did!

No bridge tomorrow as am at my Nieces wedding!

27th December 2017

Day Off:

A nice day for me, Vee went to his Mums and I went with one of our lodgers to see Star Wars!!!

A big Star Wars fan and I loved it, well made film and worth watching.  Our lodger works at the Cinema so we got in for free but still cost £18 for food for us both!!!

Went to B&Q for the 4th time recently to get another new light for outside and hopefully the last one!!!  A friend is coming tomorrow to fix it (hopefully!).

Played games tonight and won 2 out of 3 games which was nice.

A day of finishing off lots of jobs and getting my car re-gassed for the Air-Con and a few minor bits done then Bridge at CBC tomorrow night!!!

26th December 2017

Boxing Day!:

A lovely day again today.........

We go to M&S for the sales and buy new shirts and some food then walk to my Dads at Noon

Nice to catch up with the family (more today!) and dinner at 1pm (Roast Beef) - pudding and cheese board later

Home by 6:30pm to relax with films and a nice bottle of Merlot, lovely!

25th December 2017

Christmas Day!:

A lovely day today.........

We wake up at a reasonable time (for the 2nd time for Vee who fed the cats at 6am!) then relax with breakfast.

Then a bottle of champagne and pressies when our lodgers surface (11am!!!) and walk to my Dads at Noon

Nice to catch up with the family and dinner at 4pm, absolutely stuffed but in a good way!

Home by 6:30pm to relax with films and more champagne, lovely!

24th December 2017


Another full day today as we see family and collect the car from our friends and spend longer than planned with my niece and great niece!!!

House chores and cooking a pre-Christmas meal for us and our lodgers

A night on the sofa now with films and champagne !

For those that appreciate reminders, tomorrow is Christmas Day!!!!

23rd December 2017


A little bit of shopping today (mainly to get ready for a Christmas meal we are doing at home for our lodgers Christmas Eve but also some new clothes and pressies for a friend).

We go and see John for an hour today and embarrass him with a gift or 2 and have a nice chat - then relax for a bit before heading over to friends.

A night of chat, drinks and nibbles and a few party games then walk home at 01:30 (very late for Vee!!!)

A lovely day and evening, off to my Dad's for a coffee and then a roast for the "family" in the evening - then Santa will be preparing himself for a long night (think he must stay up later than I do!!!)

22nd December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Unfortunately, there was an error with the Council for the Hall booking (we had booked it!!!) - a good turn out tonight too, shame.

I went to a friends to play board games instead - lost in a close game but was good fun.  I won a small secondary game after though (by 2 points!!!)

Seeing John again tomorrow to drop off his card and sort out a few IT things for him then drinks and nibbles at our friends in the evening

22nd December 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a friend in a regular club session.

A busy morning at home and also picked up my new glasses!!!  I then pick up John and then Dorothy and on to CBC

We had a lovely time this afternoon and got on well.  John played exceptionally well and was not too critical of my blunders

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:   We actually defended this very well but Ops didn't go up to 5 like others did

Hand 5:   Partner was the only one to bid after my 1 opener, it didn't turn out well this time but I don't see anything wrong with the bidding and was just unlucky

Hand 9:   Great passing partner!!!!  Unlucky for Ops here but thank you!!!

Hand 12:   I felt at the time that Ops had done us out of our contract but not much on our way so this turned out to be a good score - I still think Ops bid well here

Hand 17:   How many times do you get dealt 7NT in your own hand (as the 's split that is)?  Well, here is one hand where you do!!!

Hand 18:   Ops are in the right contract but I helped by covering the Q, I must play low and wait here, sorry partner

Hand 20:   Partner shines here, really good play to make 8 tricks here getting the s right and the s!

Playing again at YHBC tonight

21st December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A day of finishing the house (mainly our lodgers friend doing the work but another B&Q trip for me!) - Vee is now finished for Christmas too so we met a friend for coffee and then home to relax.

Vee played tonight too and did really well, so pleased for him and Val, well done both!

Not our finest night, mainly the Ops doing well against us but our declaring was only average too, still, it's nice to play with Barbara and quite comfortable which is always good, will be better next week!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Ambitious Ops but they were having a good night, just not this hand

Hand 2:   We were in the right contract here, slam is almost impossible to bid and nobody did

Hand 3:   I needed to switch to a  early on here to make another trick

Hand 5:   We need to find a  lead or switch here

Hand 8:   We found a fit so I pushed for 3NT, too ambitious, sorry partner, totally my fault

Hand 9:   We were very lucky here - I pushed again and we are wide open in the majors but had a  lead and partner played for 9 tricks in the minors (with a  trick that shouldn't have been made)

Hand 11:   Ops lost control of the trump suit and I unblocked partners s

Hand 13:   I had a play for 1 off but tried to make the contract - I thought partner was a little stronger for her 2 bid though

Hand 17:   We are in the right contract making the right number of tricks, good enough for a good score this time though!

Hand 21:   Again, right contract and right number of tricks for a good score!

Hand 22:   I was too pushy here and made a take out double but partner had nothing to say so just hoped I was strong enough to defeat 2, I wasn't - sorry partner

Hand 23:   I should have made 9 here but got the s wrong - some made 10 tricks though, not my night!

Playing with John tomorrow, will be so good to play with him again, it's been a while!

20th December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Vee hosted the Improvers for the last time this year but only 1 turned up!!!  It is close to Christmas and I guess a lot of people have commitments.  The one Improver wasn't comfortable playing in the Main Group and so went home happily and Vee and Keith made up the half table in the main group.

Our session went well tonight with only 2 bad scores, a few helping hands along the way but you take what you are given!  Partner played 6 hands and averaged 85%, well done partner!!!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   My hand was only worth 1NT here (I felt) so that is what I opened.  Ops made a 2 suited overcall and partner jumped to 3.  I raised to game.  Not many in game so we did well.

Hand 2:   We didn't get the defence right here but hard for either of us to make the  switch

Hand 3:   Partner played very well here but Ops didn't take the A which was a help

Hand 5:   Odd by Ops here, we bid up to 4 (a good contract) but they came in at the 4 level as a sacrifice and found it to be my best quality suit.  I doubled (but I am mean) for a good score.

Hand 7:   Partner played really well here and found the extra tricks!  He got everything right and was allowed to make the J on trick 1 for a small bonus

Hand 12:   Opps were unlucky here to find me with such good s and partner managed to get the s lead to set up my hand completely and I took the last 3 tricks

Hand 13:   Unlucky for Opps here - they are in a good contract that happens not to make.  Others made it though which hurt their score

Hand 15:   We defended well here - partner made his Q which he is unlikely to do if I don't lead it.

Hand 16:   I have no defence to 3NT and partner had overcalled s so I sacrificed in 4 - a good bid even if doubled

Hand 20:   Ops bid and made exactly what they should, not everyone else did which hurt our score

Hand 24:   Opps didn't get their defence right here and I managed to drop the singleton K as had worked out I had 10 tricks if I get the trumps out and lose to the K - however, it dropped and the s are good enough to throw my s away

Playing at CBC tomorrow and Vee is also playing at CBC (with Val)

19th December 2017

Surrey Lady Rose:

Our first match of the season against the winners of Division 2 in the league last year.

A day of sorting out bits around the house with some work and lunch out with Jo too.

Playing near Sevenoaks tonight so an hours drive and I pick up Margaret on the way.  Our team mates meet us there and we arrive a little early and almost at the same time!  On the way there I said "Why do we do this?  A lot of travelling just for some cards!!!" - we do it for the challenge and the thrill of winning tough matches or learning from those we lose - tonight, we won!!!

My results for teams can be seen HERE too.

We had a very strong pair with us tonight (I play County Matches with one of them and he played with a regular partner).  They carried us a little in the first half though we did well too.  The second half our card was actually better than theirs!!!  Playing 28 boards and travelling means I left my house at 17:15 and returned just after midnight.....!

First Half:

Hand 1: We defeat 5 here (we defended perfectly here) and team mates made theirs!

Hand 2: Partner made a slight error and went off in a slam - expensive but it happens and she kept calm and carried on.  One trump played on trick 2 and she would have been home

Hand 8: Ops played a tricky 3NT and we couldn't defeat it - our team mates went 1 off in 4

Hand 9: We pushed Ops up to 5 and partner doubled - a dubious double as only 1 off but still.  Team mates were left in 4 and made it!

Hand 10: We held Ops to 5, I wanted to go to 6 but couldn't tell which was a sacrifice on the bidding!  Team mates bid and made 6♠ - great job guys!

Hand 12: Great defending by us again here as we defeat 4 which our team mates made!

We find ourselves 28 up at half time and Opps put on a lovely home made spread that was truly delicious!!!

Second Half:

Hand 17: We go off in 3 here, partner can make it by playing a low from dummy twice - we missed 3NT though which was very thin but makes so would have been bad anyway

Hand 20: Ops didn't find game here and team mates did!  2 more of these where we talked Ops out of game but for 5 and 6 Imps so not quite a "High"

Hand 26: Team mates one major blunder here, 3NT plus 4 against us (we could have taken A) but our team mates bid 6NT and didn't drop the J and went 1 off, expensive but fortunately not too much

A loss of 11 in the second half but we win by 17 - this is a knockout so the score is not material, winner goes to the next round (we play Frances Hinden next!) and the runners up go to the Plate event.

Tomorrow am back at YHBC playing in the Main Group as Vee hosts the Improvers

18th December 2017

Surrey League:

Our first match of the season against the County Chairman's team!

My last official day at work today, off now until the 3rd January 2018!!!

Have a lot of house work to get done this week (repairs and maintenance and new carpets and preparing ready for photos etc) so I won't be bored!!!  No doubt some bridge admin and some work too as well as matches and bridge as normal this week.

Tonight we had pre-dealt boards (courtesy of Alan, thanks Alan!) so a little bit of a summary - my results for teams can be seen HERE too.

Partner was inspired tonight!  I must confess, I am normally the "pushy" one of the 2 of us but tonight Margaret had great instincts and kept putting me into tough but great contracts - match winning contracts!  Our Team Mates (Jo and Alan) had an equally good set and also had a series of match winning hands - it was just our night tonight - well done Team!

View the Hand File HERE

First Half:

Hand 7:  I show 15/16 and partner has a flat 16.  3NT at the Opps table, partner thinks more is there and asks for Aces then bids 6NT - both tables make 12 tricks but we get the slam bonus

Hand 8:  I bid weakly and partner has 11 points - not loving my suit she pushes again and I have no other bid than 3NT - it rolls in!

Hand 9:  Nothing is on for either side and we are a lucky team, we defeat the contract at our table and Team Mates defeat Opps contract for a small double plus

Hand 11:  Partner has 19 and doubles Opps 1NT then their 2S which makes - our only bad board but completely understandable.  It is not advisable to double at the 2 level in teams though.

Hand 12:  We defeat 4 at our table (not that we should) and Alan bid and made 6 for a big swing!

We find ourselves 30 up at half time and Opps put on a lovely festive feast for half time.

Second Half:

Hand 14:  Ops overcalled my 1NT with 2 and there it stood.  Team Mates bid 4 and made 12 (they made 10 against us)

Hand 17:  We defeat 4 and Team Mates make their 5 (Plus one!!!)

Hand 18:  Partner trusted my 1NT overcall and rather than bidding on with her 7 card  suit, she left me in 3NT - Opps pushed with the s up to 6s and Team Mates take it 3 off, unlucky Opps here though

Hand 19:  We take 2 off and Team Mates make 1NT +3

Hand 24:  Team Mates couldn't recall the system and so raised to 3NT going 1 off, they stayed in 2NT at our table making - unfortunate

A further 35 up in 2nd half and so 19-1 Win.  Of all the teams, this is not one I like to beat by this margin, they are all so nice and good friends - sorry Opps.

Tomorrow is our first Lady Rose match near Sevenoaks, so a bit of travel!!!  If we win that, we play the Hinden Team.....

17th December 2017

Birthday Meal:

A nice day, late start though but got shopping done (including Christmas pressies) then had a bottle of pink champagne with Margaret (and Val who happened to be going at the same time as us, a lovely treat!).

Margaret made some scones with a new recipe too and they were delicious.

Back home to get house work finished and then dress for dinner.  Our friends pick us up and drive us (we didn't know where!) - it turned out to be the Giggling Squid in Farnham and it was amazing, couldn't fault the staff or the food or the company - to make it even better, our friends said it was on them as a birthday treat (this was the closest we could get to our actual birthdays!!!)

A really lovely day today - working from home tomorrow for my last official day this year then our first Surrey League match

16th December 2017

Day Off:

A relaxing day today recovering from the previous week!

Not done any of the jobs that need doing but have identified those that need doing (that's a start though!)

Still feeling bad about last night too, I should have cancelled rather than let Alan down - needed today to recharge.

Our friends taking us out to dinner tomorrow, don't know where but am sure it will great!

A few matches this week but am off work now (other than a few bits to get done from home).

15th December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in another round of the Beryl Doughty Cup

Not our finest night tonight, I was not on good form and we really (genuinely) suffered with bad luck.  Still, last is not fun!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Partner slightly over-valued his hand but not unreasonably - still, unlucky that we made the tricks we should and others were allowed to make more

Hand 4:   Bad double from me, sorry crying

Hand 9:   This should have been a good sacrifice but others are not bidding (or making) 2s!!!

Hand 12:   Odd from partner here - not sure where the 3 came from, still cannot see this bid.....

Hand 13:   I made the right bid and it is always there, unfortunate for Ops that they doubled

Hand 15:   Good defending here partner, well done!  Great switch with not too many clues

Hand 17:   I should duck the first , I didn't count them - this is my error here but better if South plays the hand and I lead a I think

Hand 19:   I could have made this by playing low on the first  as Ops said he would have gone up with the Ace as he thought the lead was a singleton - still, I did better than the others here, phew!

Hand 21:   I opened 3 here, partner lead the K and it was costly, my fault again really but possibly partner could lead the 2?

Hand 22:   I should have set the  up here as dummy would have been good in the end, I mixed strategies and so none of them ended up working and turned a top into a bottom!

Hand 23:   Good lead partner but carry on with them!  I threw a away too which also cost

A day off tomorrow then out for dinner Sunday with friends - don't know where but being picked up - they are foodies so should be good!

15th December 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner at the CBC Christmas Party (Friday)!

Working this morning but finish early to get to the Party on time.  All set-up, well done Val, Sylvia and Frances!

Once again, I am still not a fan of "proper bridge" after a party and still pushing for "fun" bridge with no points or NGS, will try again next year.....!

Well done Patricia & David and Moira & Jim for winning (NS, EW)

A brief bit on the hands.....

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Bidding is right, play was not too bad but it doesn't make

Hand 3:   Ops hoped their partner's suit was s, it was mine!  An extra trick or 2

Hand 4:   Well done Ops, not many found the slam!

Hand 5:   I think partner should repeat her here but I could have passed the 1NT Double which I make +1, drat!

Hand 6:   Good defending here, Ops could have taken the finesse on trick 1 or played A then lost to my K to make this

Hand 7:   No  lead (requested in auction) so no  through me, 10 tricks made

Hand 8:   I should double here to get partner to bid s, sorry partner

Hand 10:   I play well sometimes and got everything right here - don't think partner should have raised me though.....!

Hand 12:   I could have doubled this but didn't want them escaping and it's Christmas!

Hand 15:   Ops should be in 4 but didn't bid after 2NT was bid as an overcall to my weak 2s

Hand 16:   Game bid by us, not by everyone - again, not sure partner should raise this but glad she did!

Hand 19:   I made the tricks I should, unlucky for Ops that not everyone did

Hand 21:   Ops should be in game, partner jumped to 3 so they didn't have room to find it

Hand 22:   Again, we are in game here but not everyone bid it

On to YHBC tonight after another visit to the Vet for Nemo (our cat and my profile picture).

14th December 2017


Playing with my life partner at the CBC Christmas Party!

We arrive as early as we can to help set-up and the room looks great and a wonderful spread.  Trophies presented and I have 3 that I am party to winning.

Val and the team (largely Margaret and Rosemary on the night with Vee and I helping from 17:30) did a superb job and Jerrold gave a warm appreciation speech at the end of the night (much deserved ladies!)

I am still not a fan of "proper bridge" after a party and still pushing for "fun" bridge with no points or NGS, will try again next year.....!

Well done Marie & Robin and Jane & Tim for winning (NS, EW)

A brief bit on the hands.....

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 8:   The wrong contract here but I don't know partner has 5s

Hand 9:   Slight mis-bid partner!!!  Our first hand and I open 2 and get a 2NT response (shows 9-11 balanced for us), not quite the hand that he had!!!  No problem though, it helped out Margaret B&W!

Hand 12:   Ops didn't find their best contract here and we defended well

Hand 14:   Unfair on Ops here, I bid and made what I should but others didn't

Hand 17:   Partner forgot the last trump.....!

Hand 21:   We kept Ops out of a slam but nobody bid it and some EW allowed dot play in s (I bid up to 4!!!)

Hand 26:   I was too ambitious here, should have passed 2, sorry partner

Finishing at 12 tomorrow so I can get to the next CBC party on time!

13th December 2017

Xmas Meal:

A big food day today!!!  Pizza lunch at work with the team and an early finish as Jane from work follows me home to see my cats, get changed and have a cuppa before the Xmas meal (a tradition).

I used the same quiz that we did for YHBC last week and went down well - the food was good and in huge quantities and had a few drinks and good banter too, nice!

Well done to Margaret, Lesley, Barbara & Val for winning the Committee Cup qualifier

Only 7 teams in the main group and 2 tables in the Improvers but it is getting close to Christmas now and also teams at this stage restricts the main group.

Marianne & Rosalie are making a run for the Improvers Cup now I see, good luck to them and the whole group!

CBC Xmas meal tomorrow night.....

12th December 2017


A good night tonight - had my eye test this afternoon and all is well which is a relief.

Played well with some sloppy patches but good overall and am definitely getting stronger.

Back to back games though and running around on every game with no breaks, shattered but good!  I didn't even get a chance to respond to emails in-between games tonight!

Saw one of my partners had a fantastic session at Ascot tonight, well done Chris*2 !!!

Works lunch and works Xmas party tomorrow, will undo all the calories burnt off tonight!!!

11th December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A cold night tonight and I slipped twice on my way to the car but stayed upright!  I still prefer the cold though and am just in Jeans and T-Shirt, a few people said they were cold just looking at me!!!

A nice evening tonight with a bit of luck but some hands I had no idea what to do with, a few others said the same!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Ops didn't find the s here but typically you prefer a major to a minor

Hand 5:   We were the only pair to find game here, well bid by partner though to take me out of 3NT as I only bid it based on her s!

Hand 7:   Well played Ops - they talked us out of our vulnerable game, I am not strong in points but am very strong with distribution - I think I should have bid 5s, drat!

Hand 11:   I played the s right here to make an extra trick

Hand 15:   Ops made the killing lead but then switched to a  - I'm safe in my contract but the switch gave the over tricks

Hand 16:   Delayed support from partner when I show 5 s - great bidding again partner

Hand 17:   A tough hand this, 4s is on but easy to go off in 3 (in my opinion) - I didn't put West with both honours so didn't make 4 but I got the s right and got the 9th trick back

Hand 22:   Steady defence here and a good lead

Hand 24:   A wild hand here and unlucky for Ops to find us with a void

My last Badminton session of the year tomorrow as have a Lady Rose match the following week.

10th December 2017

Social Cards:

A day at home today after doing the weekly shopping, looking at the weather, it was the ideal!

Our friends come round at 2pm and 6 of us play Poker.  Just socially, we only pay £5 each per game but still worth winning £30 so something to play for.

We had a few bottles of Proseco and various fizzy wines so decided to utilise some of those (got through 4 bottles between 4 of us!).

Take Away around 7pm too, a nice day!

I won 2 of the 4 games and a friend of ours won the other 2.  Vee did well in each game but not quite a win - he was in good shape before the food but I left to order it and when I came back he was out, can't leave him alone for 5 minutes!!!

I am feeling better now (though have 2 appointments this week to get things checked out) - I am feeling quite a bit over-weight though as have been comfort eating the last few weeks, need to ease off and start exercising more now!

Playing at CBC tomorrow

9th December 2017

Social Teams:

A busy day today!!!  I go to get my car MOT done at 8:30 (it passed!) as Vee goes with his family to a funeral.  Then have our house valued as thinking of moving (early stages though) and then off to Margarets to help with her laptop and phone.

From there it is on to our friends for social teams (12 of us).  As it is Christmas, we get a take away for us all tonight in the middle of the bridge.

Vee and I had a shaky start but a strong finish and came joint 2nd behind Tony and Sheila.  Vee only played 2 hands tonight but both were exceptional and big scores for us (3NT making vs 2NT -2 was brilliant!).

Friends here tomorrow for Poker and drinks

8th December 2017


Playing with my life partner at the YHBC 40th Anniversary and Christmas Party.

A lot of organising by the committee and helpers and it went off really well - no complaints and lots of great food and drink.

We arrived at 6pm to help set-up and get the hall ready, hard work but doesn't take long with all of us helping.

Everyone was laughing and chatting and having fun.

Vee and I wrote a fun quiz (links above and in the YHBC results and main menu) which went down well (just a conversation item really and a bit of fun) - we gave small bottles of wine to the winning team.

We had an amazing spread of food and a large (and delicious!!!!) cake with the 40th Anniversary on it.

A good raffle and fun bridge rounds off the evening and winners were David and Gordon and Norma and Irene - well done to them and to us all!

A busy day tomorrow with social Teams in the evening.

8th December 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with an regular partner in a regular club session that was also part of the Surrey Sim Pairs.

Was feeling a bit brighter today and booked appointments to get my eye and body checked out.

The Sims are on tonight too so no hands and details until later so will update this after the YHBC Christmas Party tonight!

We had a great session mostly with just a few lows, as a mild spoiler, look out for my hopeful 7NT I put partner in (the s didn't roll in but 6s would have made!) and partner passing my 2 level bid after she opened.......!  Still, not many errors and more than enough great bids and play from partner (and some from me!)

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:   We had a  to take here but Ops bid them so I didn't lead away from my KJxxx

Hand 5:   Tricky hand this, in the modern style, I opened 1NT and made 11 tricks - after partner invited, should I go up?  I chose not to and got a good score but I feel I should have gone up

Hand 6:   Ops miss-played this though we defended as well as we could am not sure it should have gone off

Hand 7:   With a bit of help from the Ops, partner played extremely well here to bring an impossible contract home!  She knew East was the danger hand and never let them in!

Hand 9:   My turn to make an impossible contract!  Saying that, most people did, in practice it is hard for Ops to find all their tricks - we were brave enough to bid it (though I said at the time it was 2.5 NT !!!

Hand 11:   Partner shines again making an extra trick!!! In pairs, the extra trick is key to winning and was proud of her on this hand - she bravely played the s correctly and Ops never took the A

Hand 13:   Odd here, we are the only pair to bid game, not fair on the Ops.  I have 18 with a 5 card suit so call it 19 balanced and open 2NT - those that don't value their hands this way won't find game I guess

Hand 14:   Ops played correctly here and played low on the first , they made the tricks they should but not everyone did - well played Ops

Hand 15:   I thought for ages here and eventually opened 4 - I don't meet the new strong 2 requirements but have a 5 loser hand so don't want to miss game.  Game is not on but it stops Ops finding 4 - as it happens, I played well and Ops ruffed the first , I think if they don't, I have to lose a  and the Ops K makes a natural trick

Hand 18:   Good defending here but Ops found the finesse and then didn't do it again for the 11th trick

Hand 19:   A phantom sacrifice by Ops here, unfortunate - that being said, I feel I would have had a shot at making 4

Hand 20:   Great defending by Ops to stop the over-trick here but we were in game which a lot were not, that was enough to get a good score here

Hand 21:   Aggghhhhhhhh!!!!!  I felt my s would come good here so didn't bid 6 which was my plan and bid 7NT after finding the key cards we needed - sorry partner, you didn't stand a chance here and my bad bidding not your play - I will ponder on the odds of my bid coming off at some point......

Car MOT tomorrow then having house valued as looking to make a start on moving house (after 11 years when we planned to be here 2 years!!!!) - then Social Teams with friends in the evening.

7th December 2017


Playing with an regular partner in a regular club session.

Was feeling a bit brighter tonight and just my right shoulder in a little discomfort.  Unfortunately, half way through the session I lost vision in my right eye - a bit disconcerting!  It came back by the end of the session but was tricky.  Not really an excuse but the hand it happened was a zero - I wasn't concentrating and mis-played the hand, sorry partner.  Other than that and 1 other hand where I thought I had 14 but now see it was 15 and so we missed game, it was a nice session and some great bids and defending from us both.  Both our declarer play is normally above average and it was tonight too.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Unlucky for the Ops here, only 9 tricks is possible and we pushed them up to 4 - others had poor defence and made 10 tricks, not their fault but well defended partner

Hand 2:   Well bid by partner jumping to 3 - Ops didn't feel they could bid after that and so we had a great sacrifice

Hand 5:   I couldn't see on this hand and played in some discomfort.  I got greedy and thought the was working and so didn't concentrate on the  suit - terrible and no excuse really

Hand 9:   Oh dear!  Sorry Ops but I think you may have got a little ambitious here, partner was quick with the red card, apologies Ops

Hand 10:   Same as hand 9 here but my turn to Double, sorry again

Hand 13:   Looks like a good contract here and well bid Ops, unfortunately it just can't make - glad we arrow switched here to be honest!  Not a good trump split and we took our tricks here plus some, Ops felt it would have been better not to draw the trumps and set-up the  suit

Hand 15:   I made an extra trick here which got us a good score.  I had a favourable lead which I got right and so only lost 1

Hand 18:   A wild hand here!!!!  We can make 6 as it happens but nobody bid it (fortunately) - had Ops bid 6 partner said she would have gone 6 as no defence to s - will settle for our score here though!

Hand 20:   A bit ambitious by a fine pair here - we quietly took it 2 off for a good score

Hand 22:   I thought I had 14 points here, definitely no excuses - I probably should valued it as 15 anyway with 5 good s (even if I did think it was 14) - sorry partner

Hand 23:   Partner played well here!  I doubled the 1 overcall to show s and after Ops supported the s she bid 3s - after 3 I bid 4 (meant as a sacrifice!!!).  Great play to discard both s making the extra trick!

Have decided to work at home tomorrow morning and book an eye appointment for early next week (means taking time off work but think I must, if not just to stop the well meaning nagging!) - I am concerned about my health but I have always had problems since birth, it just doesn't bother me as much it would others and these are not new issues really (just happening more frequently now).

Playing at CBC tomorrow afternoon then off to the YHBC Christmas Party (Ruby Anniversary too!)

6th December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session that is also part of the Surrey Sim Pairs.

Val hosted the Improvers as Keith and Vee took an Improver each.  They played the same hands as us so can compare with all Surrey (6 clubs) to see how they compare.  4 Tables again, we have a nice group here now, so pleased!

Jill and I had a good night but I made a few blunders including pulling the wrong card out on 1 hand!  Still, enjoyable and some good wins for the system as well as our play.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 3:   I made a balancing double here when the Ops stop in 2s, I am never keen to let Ops play in 2 of a major if I can help it.  We make our 2 too by the look of it so we really couldn't lose here.

Hand 4:   Ops gave me a trick at the end here, I put South in with the A and he returned a (a would have held me to 11 tricks)

Hand 5:   Great play by partner making 1 more trick than she should, only losing 1

Hand 8:   Ops didn't put the pressure on with the s, half not in game anyway though!  I hated my hand, 16 points but just 4 Aces and nothing above the 8 with a flat hand, partner had a nicer hand with only 10 points!

Hand 10:   Partner opened a but I decided my hand was worth nothing unless the came good - they did!!!  I am also not keen on leading partners suit when NT bid over it

Hand 12:   Partner made very few errors tonight but here I asked for a on trick 1 and a came back, we can do better here

Hand 14:   A blunder by me here, I should have bid 1NT but got carried away with s and hoped they would come good - they did not!!!  Over partners 2NT I should (having over-bid already) repeated my s

Hand 18:   A great sacrifice here, not many had a 5/4 overcall of 1NT (system wins!), partner even saved a trick here by putting South in who then freely played A setting up partners K

Hand 20:   Too ambitious here, sorry partner.  I should have passed the s - 2 hands tonight the s did me in!!!

Hand 21:   Great jump overcall here partner, brilliant sacrifice and hard for Ops to bid again after the 4 overcall!

Hand 22:   Another system win here - I open 2NT (19-20) and partner bids puppet stayman (looking for a 5 card major).  I say I have at least one 4 card major, partner says she has both majors and I pick my best.  Now asker can ask (as it should be) and we find the slam!  Well done partner, well done system!

Hand 24:   Bidding issues for Ops here and we were mean and punished - my 4 is a good contract but we cannot do better than this, sorry Ops.

Keep checking the Sim Pairs page (in the calendar and also linked in blue above)

Playing at CBC tomorrow.

5th December 2017


I am still suffering today, body is frustrating me now, hard to walk and my right arm still painful (no reason for either).  Fortunately, I play left handed so am still able to play.

I shouldn't have gone but with the help of deep heat, I was able to move and I played reasonably well all considered.  Still won quite a few games but was a wreck at the end and not able to walk home (a friend drove me home).

I am not as bad as it sounds to be fair and a lot of my friends are suffering far worse, will keep going and hope all gets back on track.

Sim Pairs again tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers.

4th December 2017


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session that is also part of the Surrey Sim Pairs.

My regular partner not feeling well and taken the wise decision to stay home and have an early night, get well soon Jo.

A partner I have played with a few times kindly agreed to come and play with short notice, thanks Mark!

Not our finest night however but some were simply unfortunate, better score when consolidated though (but only half the clubs in at time of writing).

Well done to Julie and Richard (currently top tonight but a long way to go yet).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Our last round and the night had gone well, I felt I was keeping the bidding open but partner (correctly) took my double as penalties - still, leaving it in at the 1 level......  3NT on our way so not a good score!

Hand 2:   Made up for it here though with some superb defending.  Ops lost count of the s too though which helped but key was partner holding off on A to take the last 2 tricks.

Hand 9:   Partner was brave here playing away from Q trick 2, if Ops duck it they are home and dry, 1 off was a great score for us.

Hand 10:   Ops in the right contract and made the right number of tricks - unlucky for us!

Hand 11:   A wild hand here, I doubled the 3 opening, Ops bid 4 and partner bid 5!  I then bid 5 (my longest suit) and he jumped to 6!!!  Only 1 other in it, well done partner!

Hand 15:   Partner made the correct pairs play but it didn't work here - easier played by me too - just hard luck really

Hand 19:   Ambitious Ops and partner was on the ball and doubled, Ops did all they could here but we don't have game on so a good score for us

Hand 24:   I made an extra trick with the here, Ops lead the 10 during play and I guessed right by playing the Q - Ops made a friendly lead of the A which meant I got the other away, phew, played one well!

Hand 25:   Another of my classic doubles here!!!  Should have sacrificed in 5, when will I learn!

Keep checking the Sim Pairs page (in the calendar and also linked in blue above)

3rd December 2017

Social Bridge and Lunch:

Not well at all this morning and so have a long soak in the bath as Vee does the shopping on his own.

I feel a bit better as it is time to leave so all fine!

Margaret picked us and Dorothy up so we can have a few drinks and Val & Keith put on a huge lunch, hunters chicken lasagne (and a veggie lasagne for Vee) - lost of coleslaw, garlic bread, salad etc with a magnificent cheese board then gin jellies after!

Pivot Teams after lunch and our team have a poor start but fairly even after that, still not enough to catch up (in fact, we got further behind!!!) - great fun though and well done Val, Dorothy, Margaret and Sylvia!!!

Coffee and a nice chat after then home for a relaxing evening

Sim Pairs tomorrow night (extra table money reminder....!)

2nd December 2017

Badminton Christmas Meal:

Our first Christmas meal of 2017!

Vee and I take a friend of ours who plays at my badminton club to the Jolly Farmer in Alton for a 3 course meal and Skittles.

A great crowd, good food and banter and skittles before and after the meal.

A really fun night and we al enjoyed it!

Bridge 8 tomorrow at Val's with friends, should be good fun and Val is cooking us all lunch too, yum!

1st December 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

With Alan's holiday, not played together for a while so nice to renew our partnership!

Not our finest evening but still 3rd with only 51.9%!

Our play was not up to par (either of us) but great defending.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Whoops!  I tried to push the Ops up with my 3 bid (supporting partner) but they didn't bite, sorry partner

Hand 2:   We defended this well, I made another poor double and my heart sinks but Ops didn't finesse my K and partner made a great signal for a

Hand 8:   A step too far here though 1 pair made it - I got the right but still cannot avoid losing the other without them leading it (and I lost the first trick!)

Hand 10:   Too ambitious Ops, we couldn't quite double it but a good score nonetheless

Hand 15:   Ops should be in 3, we defended well here too with an incredible small  lead from partner on trick 2 putting Ops on a guess (which they got wrong)

Hand 17:   Good defending again here, Ops couldn't win here.  I got an extra trick by discarding a then exiting with a later on to make an extra trump by ruffing

Hand 18:   Not a great contract but trick 1 partner must play Q (law of restricted tricks), makes quite a difference.....

Hand 22:   I missed a trick here but the double saved our score!  I should have played a trick 4 rather then giving partner a ruff, I put him in a no win position, daft!

Our first Christmas party tomorrow with my Badminton Group (Skittles and a meal at the Jolly Farmer) - sorting out some YHBC admin at Alan' in the day too.

1st December 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A fun session and not many errors - partner played well throughout, a few wobbles by us both but felt good throughout and 10 tables again!

This was the first session of the new year so nice to start where we left off!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 7:   Partner opens 2NT and I bid puppet stayman.  Partner says 3 (showing 5) so we play in the right contract for a good score.

Hand 8:   This looks like a good contract in the bidding but not so, it favoured the cautious bidders!

Hand 10:   No  lead or switch, I lose a  early on and just scape home!

Hand 12:   No real way of knowing I think but I had to underled my A and then partner can get a ruff, hard to find

Hand 13:   This just worked, I wasn't alone in making the extra trick but a good score - had a nice lead and then West under-lead the K which I let run to my Q

Hand 14:   Tough for the Ops here as they cannot take their tricks without giving me tricks and I ended up making a long

Hand 16:   This contract doesn't stand a chance really but again, tricks just started to come and we all ignored the s and s!

Hand 19:   Ops bid strongly so it felt right to sacrifice, partner played it well and without the double, this was set for a good score

Hand 20:   A friendly lead here and partner made an impossible contract, well played partner!

Hand 22:   The timing of the A was key here, partner cannot play it on the first trick as they can run the suit, cannot hold up to the 3rd either as it would crash my J, perfect timing partner!

Hand 24:   Ops bid up to 4, I got a cheeky bid in early on and partner made a brilliant sacrifice of 5 (we don't have the defensive tricks), well bid partner - I made an extra trick too which got us a top but would be good even if 3 off

Playing again tonight after a quick curry (yesterday's leftovers!)

30th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Tonight was the last session of the Master Point Year (Runs December to November).  I beat the record last season and was unlikely to do it again - I needed 80 this week to equal.  On Monday I scored 50 by winning with Jo and so 30 needed tonight.........Barbara got me over the line (her declarer play was 91%!!!!!!!) as we won and scored 36 (beating the record by 6!!!!!).  A huge thank you to all my partners (mainly Margaret, Jo, Barbara, Jane and Nick).

I have spent some time today adding in a Trophies page for CBC (HERE) and also a Winners Summary (Current and Prior) which can be seen (HERE).  Have also added the Trophy info to each Competition in the menu.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Partner made a weak jump overcall and Ops supported his partner.  The level of the fit is 9 but I liked my hand so went to game.  Partner played this really well too and caught the singleton K and had a small gift of a  lead during play which she ducked to my Q

Hand 2:   Ops were too ambitious here but I mis-played this.  Towards the end, I ruffed with my master  when I should discard and let partner make her K, would have been 2 off then but still, a good score.

Hand 3:   I thought I had played this well but it says I missed a trick.  I think the only extra trick is playing a small  from my hand to the 6 in dummy (I am not doing that!) - we did well to stay out of NT and that gave us the good score.

Hand 4:   Partners brilliance tonight was marred by the defending of this hand - she needs to keep a to get to my hand and not keep a losing

Hand 10:   Ops didn't go to game here

Hand 11:   Ops open 1NT and I overcall a natural 2.  Ops double (meant as s but no agreement) and that is where I play.  one off is much better than the Ops in game!

Hand 14:   The only plus score on this board, well played partner!  A tricky contract as the don't break.

Hand 15:   Partner played this well but was also given a trick with a revoke.  Although this was completely correct and by the book, it is a rule I dislike intensely.  The revoke didn't gain or lose anything for either side and was completely irrelevant to the hand yet it gives us a trick.  I think the rule needs looking at personally but agree that rules are rules.

Hand 17:   Another one of my terrible doubles!!!  Although it says they can make 6, we would not have defeated the contract and no change to the score but, if I played low on the first trump and Ops said they would have ducked.  Partner then wins her singleton Q and I get a ruff.  I think partner could have shown me the 2 suits though with the UNT but fault here!

Hand 18:   Amazing play here, Ops can make 1 it says yet partner made 2!!!!  They didn't ruff when they could have and didn't draw trumps

Hand 21:   I over bid my hand here but had no defensive values against s so bid 5 over 5 - partner played well and it rolled in!

Hand 22:   We were both concentrating and defended well here, nice when we are in tune like this

Playing twice again tomorrow

29th November 2017


5 tables in the Improvers and a few visitors in the main group as Farnham is closed tonight.

Vee played with our newest member and some bidding issues need to be sorted by the sounds of it, will have a think here and try to offer some advice and assistance - unfortunately, I am tied up for the rest of this year now.

Val stepped up and directed the group, she is a real star and we are so grateful to have the amazing assistance of Val and Keith.

For us, a match at home:

A night of great and not so great bidding!

I gave my score card to our captain and shuffle and deal so only a "vague" commentary tonight!

In the first half we are generally good - just 1 hand from us where I bid weakly and partner looked for a slam and went for it - I needed the K on side and it wasn't, 1 off vs Ops making 650

We also defended 3NT superbly and took it 3 off (it can make but not easy).

A couple of games not bid by Ops that we bid between us and team mates and we claw back our defeated slam to be +7.

In the second half we missed a game (partner passed my jump to the 3 level, her ONLY bad bid of the night).

Team mates had a mis-understanding and played in 2 doubled -2.  An interesting hand as I played in 2 making!!!!  At our table Ops open 1NT, then stayman and I bid a cheeky 2 (5 to the 9 but our only chance of defeating 3NT is to establish this suit, I thought!!!!) - it gets passed out and I am now playing it, it wasn't easy but I made it, not a good score though.....!

As we score up, we see our lead evaporate quickly on the first 6 boards but it comes back with a slam by team mates not bid by our Ops and a game we bid that they didn't, phew!

Still 3rd overall but very tight now and very early days (especially for the 2 above us).

Playing at CBC tomorrow (I need 30 master points to beat my total from last year).

28th November 2017


I was not quite as bad as I thought tonight - my leg wasn't great but it was my arm that was worse!!!  Annoying, falling apart.

Still, I employed more skill than physical effort and won more than I lost, so not too bad.

We finally caught up with the Final of Mastrchef Australia tonight too (before Badminton) - unfortunately, we didn't agree with the choice of winner!!!  Still, they both did well and a great series.

BBL match tomorrow, we are 3rd and it is against the current leaders, not half way through yet so early days but fingers crossed for a win!

27th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Felt drained after the funeral today and not in the best of moods, partner kept nagging me in the first 8 hands too and I wasn't in the mood and snapped, not really partner's fault that I was in a mood - sorry partner.  I wasn't on sparkling form.  Fortunately, my bidding was and partner played well - we scraped a win out of the session but am sure neither of us enjoyed the night - perhaps I should have called it off as I wasn't in a cheerful mood.

We had a new pair tonight and it turned out to be a badminton player from my club!  Small world.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   Lucky here, I open a weak 2 in s (we can make game!) and Ops could have doubled but decided to jump to 5 - we don't double as this looks like a wild hand and we quietly take this off 4 - fortunately, nobody was allowed to play in 4 so we get a good score

Hand 6:   A tricky hand here - I was awake and bid up to a small slam - hard to get to 7NT though but again, fortunate that quite a number didn't bid the slam

Hand 8:   Not much on here and we push Ops up too high

Hand 11:   Ops too ambitious here and we capitalised

Hand 15:   Ops thought my overcall was weak when I jump bid, our system is intermediate and they didn't ask - they got a little funny when I said after I was quite strong but I cannot say anything during the auction or play

Hand 18:   A disagreement here, I think partner should quietly overcall 2 after weak 2 by Ops.  Partner cue bid 3 so I thought it was stronger and so I bid 5 over 4 - wrong but I think both of us were less than perfect here but obviously, my fault mostly

Hand 21:   Ops didn't bid game here, lucky for us

Hand 23:   Great play by partner here - she got the  right and didn't get forced in s

Hand 25:   My turn to play well here - a friendly lead though (a lead would be tricky) - I played on  first after trumps and found the doubleton Q so through a away on the 3rd C

Badminton tomorrow

27th November 2017 (Daytime)

Peggy's Funeral:

Vee and I took the day off today to attend Peggy's funeral with Margaret.

A lovely service with tributes from the family and wonderful spread at a nearby hotel after to help celebrate her life.

The family displayed photos, pictures of trophies, tributes and a map with all the countries scratched off that Peggy has visited.  She was a very well travelled lady!!!

Everyone had a story to tell and some of her own club were there too - Peggy felt so fondly of them and she loved to help people play and improve.

A sad day but also heart warming to hear of such a great lady who had an amazing mind and kind soul, will miss you Peggy.

26th November 2017

Social Bridge:

Playing with my life partner (Vee) with some good friends who wanted to treat us for our birthdays (a little late but the closest date we could all make!).

A lovely lunch prepared for us followed by rubber bridge (which was competitive and fun) - John won, Dorothy second, Vee 3rd and me last!

Lovely company and nice to catch up with them both too.

A relaxing evening planned now and off to Peggy's funeral tomorrow, a sad day but she was such an important lady in our lives and the bridge world, she deserves a good send off.

25th November 2017

Middlesex Swiss Pairs (GP):

A great run to the congress today, left 2 hours just in case and took just under an hour (same on the way back too!), thanks for driving Nick.

This is a well organised event with great directors and we enjoyed today.  We started off too well though and faced some tough Ops - generally, we were beaten on the matches we lost but we could have done better on a few too - still, 3/7 and 3/4 of a Green for the day.

Match Highlights:

Match 1 (Won 18-2):

Hand 2:   I got carried away here, we bid perfectly up to 4, I even announced Nick's exact shape when asked, yet I went on to a ridiculous contract, sorry partner

Hand 3:   Unfortunate here, nothing we can do and Ops can make 3NT but not many bid it!

Hand 5:   Brilliant defending here, we took a cold contract down - Ops need to establish the s by losing 1 early I think.

Hand 6:   This was the first hand we played!!!!  I was awake here and Ops jumped over me and partner supported my s - I ask for key cards and off we go - not that many bid it!

Hand 7:   Great lead here partner, slightly ambitious from Ops but we took a lot more tricks than we should here!

Match 2 (Won 14-6):

Hand 12:   Lots of South hands got carried away here but my parter listened when I passed!  We quietly took 4s off for a great score!

Hand 14:   Terrible play by me here - not sure how I made such a mess of this but I did, sorry partner

Match 3 (Lost 1-19):

Hand 16:   Ops in the right contract making the right number of tricks, well done Ops

Hand 18:   We made an extra trick here but Ops were in game when most were not

Hand 21:   I should double the UCB by Ops rather than bidding 3 with my awful hand - again, sorry partner, I put you in an impossible contract with no chance of profit

Match 4 (Lost 9-11):

Hand 23:   Partner made an extra trick here by getting a away, well done partner

Hand 27:   Partner opened this 3s so I had no idea there was a powerful hand there, I didn't feel I could bid on and we get a terrible (match losing score)

Match 5 (Won 18-2):

Hand 34:   We pushed the Ops up here and took it off

Match 6 (Lost 1-19):

Hand 39:   We cannot win here, it seems we need to be in NT but really, it shouldn't make and it would not have done against our Ops, partner did well to make 8 tricks here to be fair

Match 7 (Lost 7-13):

Hand 43:   I have a reasonable hand here but it is horrific as it happens!  lead and all is wrong, not good!

Hand 44:   Great sacrifice here and well bid and played partner - lucky Ops didn't bid 4 though....!

Hand 45:   Partner made an extra trick here by ruffing 2 s

Hand 48:   In retrospect, I don't think I should have overcalled here as half my points are a singleton K - still, this is terrible luck to have a 1 level bid doubled and left in for penalties - they have 6s on but it doesn't score as much as this!

Birthday bridge tomorrow with friends (a bit late I know - just the closest date we had to our birthdays!!!)

24th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the Mixed Pairs event.

A tough session tonight, we had a tricky set this afternoon too.  I would normally play with Derek and Marjie with Rosemary - as it was the Mixed Pairs, I convinced Vee to come along with Marjie and I played with Margaret, Derek with Rosemary.  Well, we had one of our worst ever sessions but..............  WELL DONE VEE AND MARJIE !!!!!!!!!!

The first time they had ever played and they were the top mixed pair and win the Cup, so pleased for them!

Our hands speak for themselves - as always, not going through so many hands and best not to, we know what happened!  We definitely had some bad luck though and chased the nil hands through the Howell!  That said, we didn't make the most of the few hands we did get and I missed an Ace when sorting my hand too quickly so we missed our slam, drat!





Off to Middlesex tomorrow with Nick, hope we do a bit better than my performances today.

Oh, and once again:

WELL DONE VEE & MARJIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24th November 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A tough session today with some really tricky hands - I made a mess of a lot of them too.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:    Ops in the right contract but we defended beautifully and were set to take this miles off.  Unfortunately, partner didn't return a  when she got in, instead took my K entry out

Hand 11:   I should have made this, I played for the J to be in the East hand

Hand 12:   Whoops!!!!  I was slightly ambitious here and went further off in trying to make it, no excuses but what a trump split!

Hand 13:   Good pass in the end but I was looking for 6, still we got away with it!

Hand 15:   I made an extra trick here as Ops played away from the K and I guessed right

Hand 19:   Ops made 12 tricks (as they should), not everyone else did!

Hand 20:   I was a bit ambitious but partner shone here to make a tricky contract, well played partner!

Hand 24:   I over valued my long suits here and put partner into an impossible contract, sorry partner

Taking both cats to the Vets in-between bridge and Pepper was a nightmare to get into the box, my hand is cut to shreds now!!!

Mixed Pairs event tonight at YHBC

23rd November 2017


Still not in the best of health but much improved.  Alan C drove us all tonight (a relief as I am not a fan of driving!).

We had a comfortable win tonight, a very good first half and an ok second half (a few issues but still increased our lead).

Margaret was on fire tonight, especially in the first half - well done partner!

We have consolidated 2nd place at present but not half way through yet and the leaders have only plated twice (we play them next week!)

As the Ops used a computer dealt set of hands, the hands we played can be seen HERE (I was North throughout)

A few highlights:

First Half:

Hand 2:   I make 2NT and team mates make 2s for a double +

Hand 3:   Partner makes a brilliant sacrifice (which I played and went 1 off) and team mates make a vulnerable game

Hand 4:   We pushed Ops up and they went 1 off, team mates made the same tricks but a level lower, a double +

Hand 5:   We missed a slam that we should have bid and team mates made a slight (1400) blunder - would have been ok if we had bid the slam though

Hand 6:   I make 3NT, Ops in a part score against team mates

Hand 12:   We defeat 3NT, team mates make it, a double +

Second Half:

Hand 17:   I make 2NT, team mates take 3NT off, a double +

Hand 18:   I punt a slam as I think we are losing our lead, it is there but very lucky!  Ops bailed out at 5s against team mates

Hand 20:   Partner made game here, Ops didn't bid it against team mates

Hand 21:   I defended like a loon here and let 3NT in, drat

Hand 22:   We were too ambitious and team mates had an unfortunate michaels bid that got them into a bad contract, a double negative

Hand 23:   We all made a mess of part scores here

Hand 24:   We made a slam that we didn't bid (again), fortunately, Ops were in the wrong game against team mates, a double +

Playing twice tomorrow, I would like to gain another 87 Master Points at CBC by the end of the month to beat my record from last year (bit hopeful though!), then Mixed Pairs at YHBC in the evening

22nd November 2017


Hosting the Improvers tonight and 4 tables in our section and 14 in the Main group!!!  A busy night and a little tight for space.

Keith and Val took an Improver each and Vee played with Ian N.

I have offered to help our newest member of the group and will analyse all their hands later tonight and e-mail him.

I had a few calls tonight but all about what to do with a strong hand after the Ops have opened - these vary depending on shape, points and honours in Ops suits - too much to go into here but worth looking up in a bridge book or online.

I cannot bring myself to discuss openly here but hand 7 is worth a look, a really WILD hand (made wilder with our group!).

Sold another 6 christmas party tickets tonight too, getting close now so hope a few more sign up (hint hint!)

I have a match tomorrow in Bracknell so an early start - we have a good team so am hopeful!


21st November 2017


I was not fit enough to play tonight, lots of Bridge admin done tonight though.  Had a half day too and started the Bridge admin this afternoon (as well as more real work that I possibly should have said no to!).

A nice evening with Vee and the cats tonight in-between e-mails etc and about to start writing a quiz for work and a quiz for YHBC Xmas party.

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tomorrow and also returning 2 trophies for CBC (which Vee kindly cleaned tonight) - I took a photo of him cleaning them and sent to Val without actually looking at the photo, it turns out it was not Vee in the best light!!!  Sorry Vee........

20th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A hectic day at work today but got everything done and came home for a radox bath as my leg is painful today.

Most things worked tonight and no real incident - just missed out but pleased for Diana and Max, especially as Diana was under the weather last week.

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Well defended by Ops here - I can't see how to make this unless you know the K is a singleton, bad luck partner.

Hand 3:   I have a history of bad doubles, this was another but I managed to get a  ruff in, phew!

Hand 7:   Partner jumped to 3 after my second suit was bid (agreeing the ) - I stopped for ages here and finally decided to bid game, a good decision but more luck than judgement perhaps.  Made an extra trick as East played the top two s first (the second falling under West's Ace), it made no difference though as we were the only pair to bid game.

Hand 12:   Not an easy contract here but partner made the maximum amount here by end playing East, great play partner!

Hand 14:   We stopped in the right place here, great judgement partner

Hand 15:   I had 14 points here but couldn't bid over 1, if I double I think I am showing 4 s and I can't overcall as no long suit, others didn't open in West which means I can open 1NT, bad luck here

Hand 16:   Slightly ambitious by Ops here, we get a good score but still had to defend it well to get it

Hand 24:     A helpful lead here and so I got a  away on the extra trick

Badminton tomorrow (health permitting!)

19th November 2017

Social Bridge:

Playing with my life partner (Vee) with some of our old Improvers group from when we first started playing.

Not as many of our friends as I thought, only 7 that we knew!  Marion has a lovely home and is a wonderful hostess and we had 5 tables playing socially.

Shuffle and deal each hand so no real comparisons and the totals are meaningless really, however, we did maximise our hands and had a score of 5,990 after 20 hands (3 times as many as the next pair!).

Just lucky though, the points are attracted to me sometimes and I welcome them!

We all supplied some food too (Vee made some lovely spiced potato, spinach and onion bhaji's) and we had a great meal and good conversation.

Vee wasn't that well today but nobody realised, he is such a trooper!  Home by 9pm and now relaxing and hope he gets well over-night.

A manic day at work scheduled for tomorrow then bridge at CBC in the evening.

18th November 2017

NICKO (Round 1):

Playing with Jill and Colin & David (Nick couldn't make this match).  We are Camberley "B" and near the end of the page on the link above.

An hours drive to Horsham bu no incidents for us.  Jill drove separately as she is not near us and 20 minutes closer - unfortunately, she got caught behind an accident and then her sat-nav broke!  Our hosts were superb here and he got into his car and found her then guided her to his house, the Ops were really friendly and also put on a fantastic spread at half time.

This is a Knockout event (National Inter Club Knock Out) so a win by 1 or 20 is the same, for what it is worth we won 19-1 but it was very close after the first 12 hands.

No hand records so this is just a simple summary and from memory:

First Half:

Hand 1:   We were cautious here and stopped in 3s (which Jill made), Ops went to game against David & Colin which they doubled, +9

Hand 3:   We took Ops off 2 here and team mates took Ops off too or a double swing, +5

Hand 4:   Ops stop in a part score (making 3), team mates bid and make game, +11

Hand 6:   I make 2 +1, team mates make 1NT, +6

Hand 8:   I am an idiot here, sacrificed in 5s for no possible upside (minus 800!), team mates did well to bring home +500 to soften the blow, -7

Hand 10:   Team mates went off in a game that can make but it is very tricky - our Ops did really well to make it, -12

Hand 12:   We defended poorly here, I discarded a  which I couldn't afford and so they got home, team mates rightly stayed in a part score so, -10

Second Half:

Hand 16:   We push the Ops too far and take it off, team mates made 1N+1, +6

Hand 18:   We defended really well here taking 2NT off 3, Ops made 2NT against team mates but not as much as 300, +5

Hand 19:   We push the Ops too far and take it off, team mates also take Ops off 2 vulnerable, +6

Hand 20:   Partner brings 3NT home (+1), team mates defend amazingly well to defeat 3NT at their table! +12

Hand 23:   We take 3NT off 4 and team mates make theirs +1, +14

Hand 24:   We stay in 4s and partner makes +1, Ops go to 5s but go one off, +5

Social bridge tomorrow in Ascot (5 tables, mainly the original Improvers Group from when we first started!)

17th November 2017


Playing with a different regular partner in a regular club session whilst Margaret is away.

I wasn't on sparkling form today and had a number of decisions - it felt like I got them all wrong!!!  Overall, it seemed to come good but not sure it should have done!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2:   Ops bid and agreed s but then went to 5 - unfortunate for them but thank you

Hand 6:   I should have supported the s even though I only had 2 but we got so lucky here, Ops never touched the s, phew!

Hand 7:   Ops bid well as 3NT makes, I doubled (penalties) and partner rightly took it out - not much in it if we leave them to 3NT but perhaps I shouldn't double and hope to take them off

Hand 8:   Lucky again here, Ops didn't touch s and played the Q freely setting up my tricks, as I was playing and bidding poorly today, all help appreciated.

Hand 10:   Balancing works here - I have a poor hand but 10 points so I keep quiet.  When Ops stop in 2s I double as we should be close to making something, it worked well here.

Hand 11:   This was our first hand and I felt it would be better in a suit so bid stayman in desperation - nothing worked and Ops defended well - not sure what the answer is here!

Hand 14:   Unfortunate here, Ops have 4s on but only 1 pair bid it other than at our table where we then made a good sacrifice - shame but not much we can do here, 300 was still better than 450 so the best we could do

Hand 16:   I opened this light but had 3 10's so upgraded the hand.  I was glad I did as we ended up in a good contract for a good score

Hand 17:   I paused 2 tricks from the end here for what seemed like forever, do they have a or a left....... I made the right decision and kept my to take the contract off, phew!

Hand 24:   Ops bid boldly and I don't know how strong partner is, we missed game and didn't double the Ops, drat!

No bridge tonight as off to a friend's sons 18th birthday party with Vee!

16th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the John Warren Goblet Final.

We both played well again tonight, only one really bad board but that was enough to drop us to 2nd - well done Jill and Geoff!

Alan did really well tonight scoring both events on 1 laptop in 2 sections, we only do this once a year so it is not "the norm" and all ran well.  There was 1 small incident when our bridgepad wanted the other pair to sit out next but all worked.

Alan also scored the event with the blue points per the EBU rules and again, all worked well.

The Members Plate was won by Harry and Mike, well done both!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 8:   Not my doing here really, Ops can take the A but I got the timing right so they felt it would set-up the rest of the s in dummy so I made an extra trick as I didn't go back to the s.

Hand 11:   Ops had a mis-understanding over the strength of the double and so didn't find game.

Hand 13:   I gave a ruff and discard here, terrible!  They made the contract when nobody else did - this cost us the title too!

Hand 17:   I got the right here and Ops didn't get a  ruff so I just lost 1  and 2 s

Hand 18:    is the best contract here for the Ops but they tried NT and we defended well to defeat this.

Hand 19:   Just being in game was enough for a good score but partner made an extra trick by end playing North with the s - good play partner!

Playing with a different regular partner tomorrow as my usual partner is away until next week then to a colleagues son's 18th birthday party in the evening!

15th November 2017

Farnham BC:

Playing with a new partner in a regular club session.

I joined tonight so now a member of another club!

I started off poorly and 1 bad hand caused another - was so cross with myself.  I picked up a little though and ended up with 81% declarer play which helped us come top on our first outing, partner was a star throughout!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2: I was on the edge of bidding here, a point light but two 4 card majors, I do so much better to simply pass here - sorry partner

Hand 5: I had a plan here and played well - then I took the A in dummy before I had made the Q in my hand, no entry now to the winning s - I still make 12 but I took the finesse when it would have dropped, just a disaster!!!

Hand 6: No credit for me here, partner bid game and was the only one to do so, great judgement partner!

Hand 7:  We defended well here getting the  ruff in time

Hand 9:  Insanely good from partner here - Ops can make s yet partner made 1x - got the  right and used my to ruff with then end played Ops - well done partner!

Hand 11: I didn't get a lead so 12 tricks without much skill from me here - still, pleased with the result

Hand 12: We pushed Ops up just enough then a great double from partner!

Hand 15: I seem to be the only one making this, I made 1 more trick as Ops set-up the s for me.  They didn't touch the s which helped, now I just lose a and the 2 s.

Hand 16: We are in the right contract and partner played well - others got carried away in the auction it seems!

Hand 24: The only hand partner didn't play as well as she could but the error was mine in not insisting on my suit - we missed game let alone the slam and my poor bidding to blame here

Hand 25: Ops stopped bidding here so I was left to play in 2s - I cross ruffed the hand and made an extra trick here

Hand 27: Another hand where I did exactly what I should do yet it is a good result - can't complain though

John Warren Final tomorrow night at CBC

15th November 2017 (Afternoon)

SCBA Chairman's Lunch:

Playing with a regular partner in the Chairman's Lunch - representing YHBC in our Chairman's absence.

A nice lunch and well organised.  We were delayed getting there but made it with 1 minute to spare!!!

Some odd things happened at the bridge, wrong explanations, wrong cards played, dummy asking questions, Ops asking questions out of turn etc - still, it was a fun session and not too serious.

We didn't do very well but the main point was to help the County and I think we did that.  We discussed what we do at YHBC with the Improvers and entering county events and the joint Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs event - collaboration with other clubs and helping all to play and grow memberships (or at least keep stable).  A worthwhile discussion.

No analysis today but will say I was pleased to make 6x on 21 - good bidding and brave double Ops.....!

We played the boards in order (1 to 24) so you can see we started well and ended well!!!

Playing again tonight at Farnham with a strong partner but one I have not played with before.  Children in Need Sims at YHBC tonight too, good luck to all and hope we help raise a good sum for the charity.

14th November 2017


I was called a star today and then had an email that said "Ian, you rock - completely and utterly!" - I did a good job but nice to be appreciated!

Some work for CBC today and a few other bits and pieces then off to Badminton.

I seem to be consistently good now (not brilliant but respectable).  Have decided to start matches again soon and hoping to be a reserve next year and then part of a team next season.

Also starting to look at the club website (virtually non-existent today) this space!

A tough day tomorrow, Chairmans lunch at 11am so heading off at 10am to Bookham (representing YHBC as our Chairman away for a long birthday holiday).

Am then off to Farnham tonight to play with a partner I have never played with against a tough field!

13th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We both felt tired tonight and not at our best, I was terrible in fact!  Some tough hands but perhaps I made them tougher than they were!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 2: Although the matrix says they can make this, I think I should switch to a  trick 2 and it goes down, as others did - sorry partner

Hand 4: Odd here, I have a terrible hand that is also amazing!!!  I over-bid it is true but had no defensive tricks to 4 so felt it was right, the double was nice though!

Hand 6: Unlucky Ops, they took the decision not to win the first  trick, unfortunately, it was my only and I found the  switch, good defending though

Hand 9: Here it was a critical rough - trick 3 declarer sent a boy in and so we got the tricks before the s come in

Hand 10: A poor choice from me here - this was our last hand of the night and it was passed to me, I just had 3 Aces and no substance and only 4 s so I passed it out - how wrong this was, sorry partner

Hand 12: We were pushed too far here - better to leave them in 3s off 1 in retrospect

Hand 13: Ops in the right contract making exactly what they should - nobody else did though!

Hand 14: We missed 2 tricks here, would have taken this off - neither of us could quite play our unsupported honours though

Hand 16: I jumped here but partner couldn't quite raise it - nobody else could either and partner maximised the tricks for a good score

Hand 19: I pushed too far here - terrible decision from me - I had a nice hand but not a fantastic hand.  If I had just bid 4s we share a top instead of a zero

Hand 20: We missed a  trick here, drat!

Hand 21: We pushed the Ops too far here - we missed game though but fortunately nobody bid it and our score was above average

Hand 22: Over partner's weak 2 I think I have 8 tricks in my hand and hope for 1 from partner.  I was exactly right - Ops didn't believe me and doubled......... thank you Ops!

Badminton tomorrow.......

12th November 2017

2220 Bridge Weekend (4/4):

Playing with my life partner this weekend in Peggy's club weekend.

We have come 2nd in every session !!!!

Prize giving before lunch (Vee and I are quite quick at scoring!!!) and we got a couple of bottles each too which was nice (we won 1 pair and were given the other as a reward for scoring and directing, not needed but a nice touch!)

Don did a marvellous job of organising the people and we are hoping to arrange another weekend in May (hotel dates permitting).

A lovely weekend and hopefully a fitting tribute to Peggy who we all miss terribly - hope we did you proud.

An easy run home and all washing on and house in order - have updated CBC website with the 2018 calendar and booked B&B events for the club - now relaxing for the rest of the evening!

11th November 2017 (Evening)

2220 Bridge Weekend (3/4):

Playing with my life partner this weekend in Peggy's club weekend.

A little too much to drink today and a very hot room - this made me say more than I would normally, sorry partner.

I played well and partner could have done a little better - between us though we came joint 2nd - our club mates came top though, well done guys!  

Breakfast in the morning then 2 minutes silence for Rememberance as we play the fairwell session.

11th November 2017

2220 Bridge Weekend (2/4):

Our friends made it on time this morning (welcome Marion and John)!

A lovely breakfast this morning then a few of us start preparing the hands (shuffle and deal).

We have the movement right this time with the relay in the right place!!!

To accomodate 1 of the local players (who was asked to play when our numbers were different!), Vee agrees to play with them and I direct the session.

Last night, not many calls were made - today, 5 in the first 2 rounds!!!  Still, keeps me occupied!

Vee did well without me - 2nd again, well done

A nice walk after bridge then we have a large glass of red and John has a beer - then set to dealing the boards and laying out the bridge room - doesn't take long.

An hour to relax then dinner and back to bridge!

Afternoon off then playing tonight, 1 of us will likely sit out again but will take it in turns.

10th November 2017

2220 Bridge Weekend (1/4):

Playing with my life partner this weekend in Peggy's club weekend.

Due to the sad passing of Peggy last week, Don and I are running the weekend (we have a lot of issues to deal with already!!!).

We had a nice drive down, lovely pub lunch and arrived and prep done for the weekend.  Welcome drinks and canapes on arrival then a lovely meal and before we start play, a minutes silence for Peggy.

I have printed off a photo and tributes for Peggy too which are on display in the bridge room.

This is just a social weekend with no points or NGS and hands are shuffle and deal so no hand records but still....

We did ok, came 2nd with 61% - a few blunders by both of us but I was directing and laying out the boards - a lot to think about with people I don't know!

We did go wrong as we forgot the relay - sorted out in time though but it meant the boards were in the wrong order - nothing major but had to score from scratch on half the boards - an extra 3 minutes work!

Two sessions tomorrow.

9th November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the John Warren Goblet Qualifier.

We both played well tonight, some errors (mainly mine) and some errors that worked in our favour!

Only 9 tables tonight and ideally, we have 14 pairs into the Final, we have decided to put the top 12 pairs through for a nice 6 table all play all final next week (a plate event will run for everyone else next week).

We qualified in 1st place tonight with a good score, fingers crossed for next week!

Val and Sylvia both out tonight for various reasons but the rest of us stepped up and arrived early and stayed late - we got it all done but miss them both when they are not there!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   I should not have opened this but it looked good to me so I did - I should not have made this but Ops didn't take the A so..... I did!

Hand 5:   So pleased that partner found a 1NT bid after my 1 opening.  I raise to game and only 2 pairs in it, played well too partner!

Hand 7:   I bid 1NT over Ops 1 and partner transfers me to my worst suit (always the way!) - still, it is the right contract.  I managed to get an extra trick on the  too

Hand 8:   Unlucky Ops, we put the pressure on with the defence and they didn't take the last trump out - if they had though, we then get in with the and run the

Hand 14:   I should have jumped in here but Ops opened 1 and I didn't know if partner would understand my bid.  We missed a trick in defence too by not leading s - 6 on for Ops but nobody bid it - all conspired against us here!!!

Hand 16:   I decided to open this 1NT (long minor and flat hand though 2 doubletons) - we found game here so it worked, am I right though?

Hand 19:   Partner opened 1 and Ops overcall 1 - I bid 1NT and then Ops bid 2 (passed out) - it felt wrong but couldn't work out what we could do!  It transpires that they hadn't seen (or registered) partners bid - we defended well and it was just unfortunate for the Ops

Hand 21:   Partner played safe here and let the first 2 s go - everything is right as it happens so 12 tricks on offer - I don't think it was wrong to play this way though, just bad luck

Hand 23:   Good squeezing by partner here and East was trapped - they discarded a so the suit runs for the extra trick

Hand 24:   Partner did well not to cover the Q here so the suit doesn't run and I claim the last 4 tricks (2 s and 2s)

Off to Worthing tomorrow for the weekend - will post summaries here each day.....

8th November 2017


Playing with a irregular partner in 4th of the YHBC Teams Series.

Two teams had shortfalls tonight due to illness or holiday and so we joined forces for a "fun" night!  The score won't count for the series but gets us all playing!

I play regularly with Jane Green but sometimes with her husband Tim, tonight renewed that pairing with some success (2nd on the X-Imps).

Vee hosted the Improvers (4 tables again!) with a new player who came last week to watch and after 1 lesson, he played tonight for real!  His bidding was not always sound and Vee helped and watched but he did well - welcome to the world of Bridge Spencer!!!

Great to see Angela and Colin win again tonight, well done!  Also, a special note to John and Delores who came 2nd tonight, they are doing well but not being rewarded with the rank, tonight they made it - well done!!!

In our team, both pairs performed well (we had some gifts along the way but earned some too!) - a nice evening and I tried to be on best behaviour (I was bad twice though and both times it cost!).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   This hand shows the value of weak 2s, I open 2 here and Ops bid 2.  Partner raises to 3 and Ops bid 3 and pass out.  In teams, I think this has to be 4 (even Pairs to be fair).  Our pair bid game so a nice score for us.

Hand 2:   We had to defend well here and I am not sure I did!!!  I didn't read partner for a singleton  so returned a low - this didn't work at all!  I got it back later though by letting the 10 win and then claimed the last 3 s.  Team mates did well to double 1 for penalties too, a nice double plus!

Hand 3:   I over-bid here.  Partner bid 1, then 2 and after I bid 2NT (wrong!!!!) he had to bid 3 - when in hole, stop digging - sorry partner

Hand 4:   My luck was in here!  I opened 2NT (All pass).  Partner thinks 19 is not good enough for 2NT and perhaps he is right.  I played as well as I could and managed the lead and then won a in dummy and 2 s (half way there!).  I give up a to set up the other 2 but now I must lose lots of s and s - no, fortunately, Ops switched to a so I claimed my other 4 tricks and made the contract, phew!

Hand 10:   We were both a bit cautious here and found a double fit but didn't bid game - we both felt we were nearly good enough to but neither did - shame but cannot be helped.  Fortunately, our Team mates took 1NT off doubled for another double plus score - well done!

Hand 11:   We got in the way again here and I supported partner's weak 2 with only 2 cards, it cost a little in the defending and partner wasn't pleased with me but I feel we must try and stop Ops reaching game here.  I was right this time and our Team mates reached game (and made an over trick somehow!) - well done all.

Hand 12:   Another gift, Ops bid a new suit at the 3 level and were left there, game is on and our Team mates bid game again, bad luck Ops

Hand 15:   A pass out hand and we passed it out at our table.  Our Team mates were given a gift and took 2 2 off

Hand 26:   Well, between us, partner and I doubled 3 times and Ops never left the 1 level, never seen that before!  We did well to pass each time for penalties and Ops have nowhere to go - we defended well too - other than a freak result elsewhere where 3NT was allowed to make, this was a great score and a good score to take home to Team mates!

Playing with Jane Green tomorrow (a Green week!) in the John Warren qualifier - we are the current holders so wish us luck!

I have also been trying to sort out the Worthing weekend and John G and Marion said they would play, this is fantastic news and am so grateful - never simple though as another pair may have to pull out and I won't know until tomorrow, organising Bridge can be tricky!!!!

7th November 2017


A tough day today, my right eye was painful all day and hard to see out of.  So much work to do and pressure of deadlines so had to make it work.  I gave up around 3pm and came home, still logged on though and had a final meeting at 17:30 with my Boss ready for tomorrows meetings.

The weather was lousy too and everything pointed to staying home, but............   I have eaten a lot recently and missed Badminton last week, so I had to go.

When I got there I was glad I did, everything worked, I moved really well and my shots were great - 4 different people commented on me being a demon or on fire!!!

I didn't win all my games but most and the games lost were close - I ran out of energy towards the end though but felt good for going!

Caught up with a few CBC emails too.

Tried to find a pair for this weekend today too as a pair has pulled out, it is such a nice hotel, great food and good location in Worthing at the Ardington Hotel but no takers (some interest but not free at this short notice).  Shame but cannot be helped.

Playing in a scratch team tomorrow at YHBC but a strong team!  Vee hosting the Improvers.

6th November 2017

Our Birthday Meal (3/3)!:

Home and a quick coffee and change then off to CBC to help set-up for the AGM at 6pm for 7pm start.

We helped set-up tonight and all went smoothly, no incidents and no major AGM items other than a change of the committee, welcome Moira to the crew and welcome to the top job Val with Geoff taking over from Val as Secretary.

It is Vee's 40th today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY VEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

As it is Vee's birthday, we are being taken out to a lovely Italian tonight in Bagshot (thanks Jo and Margaret!!!) - ate far too much but great food and awesome company.

Back to Jo's for coffee after then back home - a lovely night and Vee enjoyed himself which is the main thing, what lovely friends we have!

After almost a week of non-stop food and champagne, back to badminton tomorrow!!!

5th November 2017

Our Birthday Meal (2/3)!:

A games day today!

After morning chores, Vee does Tesco as I prepare the board game and play with my friend Martin.  We have both been playing online too and he is getting much better - he played very well today and beat me over a close game - well played!

Then friends over for Bridge at 2pm, playing with Andrew (who has played at YHBC a few times) and Vee played with Jim (probably the strongest player from our friends).

They are ahead all the way through until 18 hands in...... I take a flyer and open 4s - as you may expect, my hand is not worth 4s!!!  Vee has a massive hand and doubled, rightly so.

My hand was along the lines of KQJxx in s, KJxxx in s, single  and xx in s - dummy has 4 s, Kx in s and Jxx in s and xxxx in s - Basically, I cannot make this!

I have lost 3 tricks and play a few winners and Vee has the A to take - I play small to the K and Vee goes onto auto pilot and plays low (2nd player plays low), the K holds and I throw the last in dummy on a to make the contract!  Sorry Vee.  This then turns our fortune around and we win narrowly over 24 hands.

It really isn't the result though, we had great fun and very few errors between the 4 of us.

We then have less than a hour until my Dad picks us up to take us out to dinner (menu on the link in purple above).  A lovely meal and my Dad treats us too - very nice!

Now catching up with Strictly results and opening the joint cards we have (Vee's birthday tomorrow....).

Some more really lovely cards and one signed by most of the Improvers, a lovely card too with "Happy Bridgeday" and cards on the front, so kind and we thank you all so much - a truly lovely group and we are both so fond of them all - especially as the bridge quality is rising week after week, a smashing group!

CBC AGM tomorrow night and getting there around 6pm to help set up etc but not staying for the bridge after as we are being taken out for yet another meal!!!!

4th November 2017

Our Birthday Meal (1/3)!:

A day of catching up with TV today, nice and relaxed and being picked up just after 7pm to go for a Thai Meal.

The menu is in the link at the top, a lovely Thai place in Farnham with 14 of us (various set-menu's).

Fantastic food, great company and a fitting celebration of our birthday's!  Nice to both be able to have a few drinks too!

Games tomorrow (board game first then social bridge with our friends) then my Dad is taking us out for our 2nd birthday meal in Fleet.....!

3rd November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not a good session today but it started with some devastating news that our friend, Peggy Griffin, passed away yesterday at the age of 92.  She was a devoted Mother to 3 daughters and all 3 were with her at the end.

As a mark of respect, I am not going through today's session.

Peggy was a remarkable lady, a true matriarch - fiercely intelligent, wonderfully kind and an incredibly witty and warm personality.

Peggy has served for Bridge for many decades and was awarded the Dimmie Fleming award from the EBU for long service (Biography HERE).

A tribute has also been placed on the Surrey home page HERE.

During her bridge career, Peggy has won many events as part of a pair or team and organised many Surrey events, leagues and assisted with many large tournament (notably the Surrey Congress).  She was involved in some high powered bridge as well as running a lovely and friendly bridge club (still involved in running it until very recently).  Peggy started to organise weekend away for her club 2 years ago too (an amazing first for her at the age of 91!) and the next of these is next weekend.  I had already offered to assist her this time and when her health deteriorated she asked for the weekend to go ahead if I could take over the bridge organising, I was happy to say yes and help - it will be tinged with sadness now but hopefully a fitting tribute to one of the most incredible ladies I have ever known.

Peggy will be missed by so many people (including her large family) and leaves a very large hole in the Bridge community and in my own life.

We will be raising a glass to you tonight Peggy and will think of you often, rest in peace.

2nd November 2017

My Birthday!:

Well, it has finally arrived, I am not a young man any more!  Day off today and although I was up early, I then went back to bed and had a lay in until 9am!!!

Had a nice relaxing day although I did some cleaning and hoovering but not too much.  Have a new Fridge Freezer coming in the morning so also have to clear that!

Pizza tonight and TV with Champagne and Vee, lovely !

Lots and lots of cards, bottles and gifts and have picked on scones and cake throughout the day too - no badminton this week either so will be a stone heavier by next week!

My team were 4th in the final of the Chairmans Shield but they scored well and played well.  Results HERE

Playing at CBC tomorrow afternoon and then either relating at home or may play with Vee at YHBC in the evening

1st November 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Birthday season now under way and I didn't end my 30s well!  Apologies partner, you had a complete beginner opposite you tonight.

Lots of card tonight and some wine and bubbles and gifts - such a lovely club and great friends - nice home made scones from Margaret B too, thank you all so much!

Alan's birthday today, mine tomorrow, Vee's on Monday - Alan & Pamela go away for most of November Friday morning so it is Marjie and I for a while taking the reigns of YHBC!

Our team in action in the BBL tonight too - our team won against a strong team 12-8, well done Team!!! - Division 2 table HERE

Vee hosted the Improvers tonight and 3 tables plus a visitor who is keen to play Bridge but has never played before.  Vee talked him through what was going on and how it all worked and gave him June's details for lessons and advice.  Val and Margaret B helped too and all went smoothly.  Chris and Carole back on top tonight, well done girls - see you in the main group again soon?!!!

Our night:

Hand 3:  I pounced on the Ops error here and felt a little bad for doing so.  Ops made a free bid with only 2 points and so they ended up in game when they shouldn't be - apologies for doubling though

Hand 4:  I felt at the time we had not defended well here but it seems the Ops are in the right contract and it is other tables not doing as they should or letting us play in 3s

Hand 10:  I got some luck for a change here and Ops didn't find the  ruff so I lost the 3 Aces and made the rest, phew!

Hand 11:  I should pass 3s here, if Ops bid 3s so be it but I was far to ambitious to try 3NT, sorry partner, no excuses really!

Hand 12:  Leb to the rescue here!  Partner bid 2NT over the Ops bid which asks me to bid 3 initially.  This pushes Ops up to 3s and we quietly defeat this - makes up for the first board!

Hand 16:  Club bridge!!!!!!  Our Ops bid and make 7NT and it is cold, only 4 others did this and one went off, not much we can do here

Hand 19:  Partner played so well here!  Ignored the s and switched between s and s and losing the first before Ops have set up any tricks was key, well played partner!

Hand 21:  I got carried away here - partner jumped to 5 and I hold more than I have said so jumped to 6NT - 6 seems to be the top but not sure about this, I should have raised to 6s though, sorry partner

Hand 23:  I didn't know what to do with this hand!  Even if I had made this (as some did) we wouldn't have got a good score - I just couldn't think clearly tonight

Hand 26:  I got the hand layout all wrong here, didn't picture the doubleton from the lead and then got everything wrong - sorry partner, awful play by me

Day off tomorrow and seeing friends for lunch and drinks then champagne and take away at home with Vee - a relaxing birthday!

31st October 2017

Chairmans Birthday!:

Our chairman, friend and soon to be Octogenarian, Alan Brown hosted a drinks and nibbles night tonight at the bar by the club

A good turn out to help celebrate this milestone event and Alan and Pamela put on a great spread of food and wine with a tab at the bar too - lovely to chat to people rather than just doing battle with cards and a great story of "Alan the early years" too!

Alan can count all of the club as friends and some of us, very close - he does such a lot and invests so much time in the pursuit of Bridge (be it helping Improvers, regular players or just keeping the club foundations solid) - he really is a credit to the game and am lucky enough to count him as a friend.

CHEERS Alan and Happy Birthday!!!

Tomorrow was due to be a blue point event but I must confess, I got this wrong and the EBU won't allow it unless we play 36 boards or more (can be over 2 to 3 sessions).  Will have another think about this and advise when we can do a major competition for this.

30th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Vee home from India today so was nice to have him home when I got back from work, he made dinner too so I could relax!

A nice evening tonight with a couple of blunders but mostly good - partner was on very good form tonight (until the last hand but that was a simple error and not an issue).

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:   A competitive auction and hard to know who was sacrificing (if anyone!).  We have 4 on but Ops bid 5 - I am sure this is going down but can't cope with 5 so don't double in case they rescue.  As it turned out, not many were left in 4 and so we had a good score for taking them off

Hand 3:   Partner shines here - I don't think I have enough to bid after 1NT so that's where we play, everyone else agreed so it came down to the play and partner was better than everyone else here.  The lead was helpful, a  lead could have been much tougher

Hand 9:   I opened light here and soon regretted it when I was doubled and it was not rescued.  Partners hand was exactly what I needed though and the double told me where most of the points were - contract made!

Hand 10:   It seems I am better not to bid here, I perhaps got blinded with my points, it says I cannot make this but I got the right and should have made it, until I had forgotten I had got the right!  Sorry partner

Hand 16:   I should have passed here rather than raising partners s, the double was unfortunate too but wouldn't have improved the score much without it - sorry partner

Hand 17:   Partner shines again!  She got the right and squeezed he Ops to make all 3 s too

Hand 18:   Michaels went wrong here!  Partner said she had the majors but it was s and s, with my hand I jumped to 4 - I did well to make 8 tricks I think but I cannot make this!  No harm done, it buys me credit for 1 of my errors!

Hand 19:   Ops defended perfectly here, there wasn't anything to be done here - some did make it but it is not there - bad luck partner

Hand 21:   I played well here to only lose 1, 1 and 1 - I didn't try the finesse for the 2nd time but played on the s to throw the away

Hand 24:   We were pushed too high here but partner made it!  Losing a gained a trick for the 9th, great play!

Birthday drinks and nibbles tomorrow for Alan Brown (YHBC Chairman and friend) so no badminton

28th / 29th October 2017

YCBC 24 Hour Bridge Marathon:

Playing with a regular partner in the 50th Anniversary 24 Hour Bridge Marathon.

This really was a marathon!

Collected at 10:45 and arrive at 11:45, settle in and then 6 sessions (3.5 hours each) of 27 boards (3 rounds of 9).

Far too many hands to review but will do personally offline!

We didn't shine but the strength of the field averaged at 60% and we made a few blunders.  Largely, we just couldn't compete with the type of bridge we faced.

Really enjoyed it though and survived the slog too!

In each session, we got 40 - 44% and were around 2nd from last (consistent!)

The last session was better though and we were running at 57% but had a few bad boards towards the end and finished half way just under 50% (a creditable performance really!).

Overall, 2nd from bottom - had some great banter though and all lovely people (apart from 1 pair - we even had a ruling against them which they appealed then we won the appeal - how pointless on such an event!).

Lots of competitive auctions and high level sacrifices - some great low level contracts scoring well too.  So many "fancy" gadgets came up (from us and our Ops).

Truly, a fantastic experience and Simon and I got on well throughout too which was nice.  Los of coffee, coke and food.....

At the end of each session, the club catered - buffet dinner after session 2, hot dogs at midnight, soup and garlic bread at 4am, bacon and egg sandwiches at 7am and a free drink at the end - all marvellous!

I am not sure if I would recommend this to many of you but I would definitely do it again - shame we didn't score better but it was the experience that made it worth it - I can say I have done it at least!!!

Towards the end I did start to feel the pain a little - I had 1 hand where I was trying so hard to concentrate that I hadn't noticed the Ops bid!!!!  I went to bid and then saw - they were so kind and let me bid whatever I liked - felt a bit guilty when we got a top board but we did actually bid it honestly and they agreed, it ws all fine!

Links to sessions:

Session Ranking Our Scores Highlights
Noon to 3.30pm Click Click 2  -  4  -  7  -  21  - 27
4pm to 7.30pm Click Click 8  - 9  - 11  -  14
8.30pm to midnight Click Click 7  -  9  -  10  -  22
0.30am to 3am
(Clocks Back)
Click Click 2  -  8  -  11  -  20  -  25
3.30m to 7am Click Click 2  -  3  -  14  -  27
7.30am to Noon Click Click 3  -  14  -  19
Overall Click


Back to normal tomorrow at CBC to start the birthday season for my household and YHBC.....

27th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A poor placing but not the worst score, all fairly close but we were at the wrong end of close!!!

Not a big turn out tonight and so fewer scores to compare against, the Ops seemed to come to life against us though but we did mess up on our own as well!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 8:   We got a bit carried away here!  Partner started off playing well though but the Ops fooled him with the s, the K played on the first go and then Ace will crash the Q, of course, partner finessed!  He would have made 3NT if that had gone well though as had a  trick already and then 5 s and 3 s - bad luck partner.

Hand 10:   I should have kept my 4th here but didn't.  As it happens, holding it to 12 wouldn't have been good either as most other tables didn't make 12!!!

Hand 14:   My fault here but I maintain that partner should have doubled 4s - I know he doesn't have many points but with my aggressive 3 bid, I surely will sacrifice over 4s?  Even if it makes, it has to be better than letting me do what I did - perhaps I am wrong though, either way, sorry partner!

Hand 16:   Good double here from partner though - we may have missed a trick somewhere it seems but the double made up for it!  It was worth pushing them up after all and I take it all back partner!

Hand 17:   A bit of luck for us for a change!  Ops didn't find game and we held them to 11 tricks too with the switch on trick 2,  well done partner!

Hand 18:   I didn't realise partner had a void and didn't fancy leading away from K, hard to see but again, I guess this is my fault

Hand 21:   A low level contract but I played well to make it - good restraint shown by us both here to stay in a low level contract.

Will try to get an early night tonight as playing for 24 hours tomorrow at noon (being picked up at 10:30) - this really will be a marathon so wish us luck!!!

27th October 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another fun session without incident.  We didn't think we had started too well but some early scores improved and we were leading going into the last round.  Unfortunately, I messed up the middle hand and our main rivals finished strongly, still - 2nd with a good score.

Good to see Sylvia and Linda in the 50s today too, well done girls!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 5:    I think partner needs to bid her s here after transferring me (and yes, I opened this 1NT as I had no good re-bid - I should have opened 1 though and re-bid 1NT after partner calls 1 - silly Ian!).  I got the s wrong anyway and made a mess of the play so it was doomed anyway!  Sorry partner.

Hand 9:    We pushed Ops 1 too high here but managed to get an extra trick as Ops lost count of the trumps and partner managed to get a ruff in.

Hand 11:    We pushed again here and I was then a bit mean to double.  We do make our 4s but Ops would have done better to leave us there.

Hand 13:    I think we are right to be in this but it cannot make - I showed 15/16 and partner has 10, why not - of course, everything is wrong and it is just not there!

Hand 17:    Poor Ops here, West bid her hand twice and I was mean again to double here, sorry Ops

Hand 18:    I played well here as we had been pushed too high - at the time it was not a good board for us though as our friends were in 4 doubled +1 and that scores more!!!

Hand 20:    This is another good contract that cannot make.  I think partner stands a chance if she ruffs a but Ops can win the 2nd and then take 2 trumps out, it is doomed then too - bad luck partner

Hand 21:    We got our revenge here though, Ops were left in 1 and I have close to an opening hand with 5 good S!!! In fact, it says I can make 1 and I guess we did!

Hand 22:    We were in a pushy mood today and pushed the Ops up again here - they played it really well too but unfortunately, we pushed them too far

Hand 26:    It says I cannot make this and 2 others only made 9 tricks too, it seemed straight forward at the time.  Ops ruffed the 3rd and so the trumps fall as now 2/2 - perhaps if they don't ruff it is harder.  That being said, I should have lost 2 s but I won the first trick with my J and then lost the K and threw one on the A and ruffed the other.

A quick bite to eat now and then back to Bridge at YHBC tonight

26th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We finished 4th with a reasonable score.  So pleased to see my other partner win though with my Team captain - go Margarets!!!  We definitely helped them win though, see Hands 5/6 below....!!!

I messed up the first 2 hands and partner could have done better on the last 2 - the middle part was reasonably good though.  I stated we were going to get 8 100% hands in a row and we actually came close to doing it!

A fun night and good score, shame we couldn't remove the start and end but hey!

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 1:    I think partner had a moment here (this was our last round).  It's tough, but I think trick 1 needs to be small to the Ace and then 12 tricks are on - good defending though, they fooled partner into thinking the J was in E - it happens

Hand 2:    Again, partner could have done better transferring me to s here, shame but again, no problem

Hand 5:    I forgot we were 21/22 for 2NT so partner thought I had more points - totally my fault.  I actually have a chance at making this but not on a  lead.  Sorry partner

Hand 6:    I should have taken my A here before playing the 2nd - drat, I just couldn't see they would have a singleton - partner said she could and shouldn't have encouraged the either, maybe both to blame here!

Hand 7:    I decided to open this 1NT with a flat 15 and no nice re-bid (most of you will disapprove but if I can't re-bid I don't like to open).  Partner transferred to s and now I am happy!  I bid game straight away and 11 tricks are a lay down after catching the singleton K.  With restricted entries to dummy, I felt I had no real choice but to play my Ace and hope.

Hand 8:    I know we missed 7s here but I think I played this well.  I ran all the s which squeezed the Ops - they both threw s and so when I played the 2nd , everything crashed down and 13 tricks made!

Hand 13:  Really great defending here - we got everything right here and even the last trick, partner set-up my last and so I won that and my last - well done partner!

Hand 14:  Great play from partner here setting up the long on the way to make the extra trick!  I was also quietly pleased with myself for passing 2s (I wanted to bid 3 but restrained myself - a rare event!)

Hand 21:  Great play again from partner here setting up the long (Again!!!)

Hand 24:  Amazing restraint from partner here to not bid or double (they will rescue if she does) - defended well too.

Playing twice again tomorrow.

25th October 2017


My cold has now left which is a relief, just ache a little from 10 days of suffering!

Hosting the Improvers tonight and 4 tables in our section (with 1 pair playing in the main group) and 151/2 in the Main group!!!  A busy night and a little tight for space.

Keith played (and won!) and Val and I hosted.  I manly helped Angela sort and play the cards (at her direction) and Val hovered and assisted.  It worked well.

No real incidents tonight and not much help needed, the group is progressing well and it is now confidence and speed we need to work on.

Despite my previous comment, it is worth noting that none of the 15 hands were flat!!!  Something different at each table on every hand......!

24th October 2017


Day off today to try and clear this cold and recover, still had work e-mails on all day so I don't get behind!

Done lots of Bridge work and analysis with my partner over the Reading hands (all 111 !!!)

KFC tonight as a treat with my lodger then off to Badminton.

I played well tonight and lost 2 close games and won the rest - sorted out our Christmas meal choices and paid deposit too, it's nearly Christmas, have 9 parties confirmed now (4 of them Bridge!!!)

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow (with Val and Keith's help).

23rd October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in final of the CBC Monday Championships

Going into the final, Jo and I were leading by 6% over 2nd and 10% over 3rd place.

With Colin away, the threat was only really from Joyce & Lesley (a formidable pair) - they needed to get a score above 64% to overtake us and for us not to improve our lowest score of 52.72%

The wildcard threat is Tricia and Margaret who started late this year but are doing well, they need 70% to overtake us though.

A really tough night tonight, I was not on good form and kept making the wrong decision.  Fortunately, Jo was really good tonight and we had some nice scores along the way to finish 3rd with 55% - it was enough to hold on to our lead too, we have finally won the Championships!!!  Really pleased (I know pride is a sin, apologies).

Roll of Honour can be seen  HERE

The 2 pairs who could beat us both did well tonight too, Tricia and Margaret scored 65% which is a fantastic score, not quite enough though (and we improved our score by 3% too)

Tonight's hands.......

The Highs and Lows:

Hand 5:  I was ambitious here but just felt we had too much to settle for game - I was kind of right but partner has to crash the K rather than finesse it, not many of us would do that and only 1 pair did it - sorry partner, I was too pushy

Hand 7:  I am too ambitious again here and hate to settle for a part score - I made a number of poor decisions tonight and this was one of them!!!  3NT doesn't stand a chance and I went off more trying to make it - should have settled for 4

Hand 10:  I felt so bad here, the youngest player at the club who is a strong player but looks a little nervous to me.  I want to encourage him and last week he found the only way to make a slam against us.  Tonight though, he found almost the only way not to make it - he over thought the play and muttered "what are the chance of   there" - of course, I did only have 1 and so ruffed the second.  He did really well to bid it though, nobody else did!  At club level though, you rarely need to bid a grand slam, 6+1 is normally a great score.

Hand 11:  I got 1 decision right here!  A competitive auction and partner bid 3 freely - I can place at least 8 points and long s so am hopeful for more than 3 - I bid 3NT and get the s right.

Hand 12:  I turned a top into a bottom here.  Ops were set to play in 3s and then me...... I should pass but got carried away and bid 4 - got doubled and poor score - 3s +2 would have been 100% for us!!!

Hand 13:  Good defending here - we took the first 2 s then a great switch from partner (setting up a trick).  Ops play s next and so I get a ruff, a and A - I didn't need the ruff if they draw trumps.

Hand 15:  I had a little help here - Ops played A (good lead) but then played the K which set up my Q.  If they switch to anything else, I have to play the myself and can only make 8 tricks.

Hand 20:  I open 3 here and partner had the choice of 3NT or 4 - she chose 3NT and played it well, it helped that the Ops didn't find the switch though!

Hand 21:  I did nothing special here, in fact, the matrix says I should make 11 (but hard to get the right here) - just lucky that other tables didn't do the right thing

Hand 23:  Unfortunate for Ops here, they led a trump and so didn't get the momentum and partner capitalised and got the right too - 11 tricks when only 9 available though, well played partner!

Hand 25:  Partner could only see 8 tricks here but tried to make it.  Ops did not help at all and it couldn't be done.  Some did though and others settled for the 8 tricks.  Partner got the right and made all 4 but we need to make 2 s or 2 s and very hard to see how.  Some form of end play on West needed I think but even seeing all 4 hands it is hard!

My cold is still not gone but not too bad now - aiming to play badminton tomorrow to sweat out the rest of it!

22nd October 2017

Day Off:

After 111 hands of bridge over the last 2 days, then writing about it (though limited to just the dark reds and dark greens), no bridge today!!!

Day off - this takes the form of:

6am - Feed cats and first load of washing on.

7:30am - Washing into drier and next load on followed by catching up with work I missed on Friday

9:15am - Go to Tesco for shopping, our kettle and Toastie maker broke this week so need to replace those, also, Vee away so meals this week are finest prepared meals, Fillet Steaks and Chicken (simple!) - expensive shop though

10:45 - I go to my friend John's, he is having trouble with his Laptop and iPad and I fix all 5 issue for him and have a coffee and a nice chat

12:15 - Get home and have lunch (Chicken Soup)

12:45 - My friend comes over to play board games (he won)

A few hours to rest now then out to dinner with my lodgers

Tomorrow is another tough day at work when 3 reporting cycles collide, then playing in the last of the Monday Championship series, we are still leading but it is very tight, we need to get a score of around 60% to secure the title (we have finished 2nd the last 3 years!!!).

21st October 2017 (Evening)

EBU Autumn Congress - "B" Final Session 2:

Playing with a regular partner in the EBU's Autumn Congress.

Our worst session of the event to finish I'm afraid, a combination of being in the wrong contract a few times, lack of points and strong Ops - still, didn't quite finish last overall.

Our commentary (Click the "Hand X" to view the hand):

Session 2: (37.80%)

Hand 2:  I got the  finesse wrong here and it drops too, drat!

Hand 3:  I am not sure who was wrong here but one of us needs to bid 4, probably my fault though

Hand 4:  Ops opened 3, I bid 3 and partner passed.  Not unreasonable as we had no room to investigate but we need to be in 3NT!

Hand 5:  I had a tough decision here, partner doubled Ops 4 bid but we are vulnerable, if 5s makes we need to be in it as looks doubtful we can take s off enough.  I made the right choice and partner brought the s home for a great score!

Hand 10:  I had a choice of or  lead, I went the wrong way, drat again!

Hand 11:  Ops a little pushy here and although they stayed low in the end, we took them 1 off (as we should)

Hand 16:  Partner called for a , I have to therefore play the small  - Ops won with the 6 and we lost momentum, slight lack of concentration by partner but it has been a long 2 days!

Hand 21:  I have had so many hands where I have gone to game and gone off I passed partners raise - wrong decision, made 11 tricks

Hand 24:  Ops played the s very well, I got the  wrong and didn't continue the , lots of ways to make this and didn't find any of them - fatigue setting in though.....

Hand 25:  Partner kept her s and declarer had to concede in the end, well done partner!

Hand 26:  Partner got the  wrong here, it is a guess though - played brilliantly other than that, bad luck partner

Hand 28:  I made the best lead but partner didn't return the 10 as Ops had bid 3NT (with NO stop!!!!) - still, we held this to 9 tricks and got a great score as Ops should be in s!

Hand 30:  I jumped to 5 after a competitive auction and got doubled!  No problem though, partner has exactly the right cards and Ops only play 1 and switch to a - I am so shapely I bring this home, doubled!

Such a tough event but really enjoyed it - playing strong players is a challenge and a great learning experience.

Overall standings HERE

21st October 2017

EBU Autumn Congress - "B" Final Session 1:

Playing with a regular partner in the EBU's Autumn Congress.

Considering the field strength, we were very pleased with 13th at half time and the only zero was the Ops doing really well, not exactly our fault!

Our commentary (Click the "Hand X" to view the hand):

Session 1: (48.84%)

Hand 1:  I had forgotten we did quantitative here over my 1NT so I took 4NT as Ace asking - I gave the answer and so partner raised to 6NT - I would have bid 6NT myself had I realised as I have 13 with a 5 card suit.  All I had to do was lose a  and 12 tricks roll in, only 4 of us made it though!

Hand 7:  I did well to make this, it says I can make 4 but it is double dummy I think, not many made this and the pair in 4 went off.

Hand 10:  Against the best pair in the field (they won overall), we defend well and take this 2 off.  They didn't finesse my  though so we took an extra trick here

Hand 13:  Great bid by Ops, we didn't manage to take all our tricks though but even just making would have been a poor score for us - I also think the hand record is wrong here as it is not how I remember the  suit!

Hand 16:  Well bid and played partner (against Brian Senior too!) - 11 tricks are there but have to be very careful and partner was, well played partner

Hand 18:  We missed 6s here, half the field found it.  I bid them twice but 3NT is often a better contract over 5s, not when 6 is on though - I wouldn't have bid any different to partner though, perhaps we are just not in the same league on some hands, a tough field.

Final session of this marathon coming up......

20th October 2017 (Evening)

EBU Autumn Congress - Session 2:

Playing with a regular partner in the EBU's Autumn Congress.

Again, will give a more detailed commentary when I am home - better than this afternoon though and we just scrape into the 2nd set of 20 so make the B Final!!!

Simon and Margaret won more matches (8 overall) but their losses were bigger, still, we all get around 1 Green Point and more to come tomorrow!

A few drinks back at their hotel (maybe a glass of wine too many....!!!) and then a good nights sleep (rare for me!)

Overall standings HERE

Our commentary (Click the "Hand X" to view the hand):

Match 8: (70.51%)

Hand 1:  Ops bid to the right contract and we cannot do anything about it!

Hand 2:  I transfer to s here and Ops doubled my 2 bid, partner completed the transfer and nothing more was bid - we are in the only makable contract and not many others were!

Hand 3:  Odd here, Ops play bid 1 and I jump to 2s (6-15 range).  Ops double and partner raises to 3s, superb bid.  Ops pass out now and I make 3s (says I should make 10 tricks but nobody did)

Hand 4:  Ops didn't defend this too well and I capitalised. I open 1 and after a competitive auction, I bid s and partner doesn't correct as we are in a 4/4 fit.  During the play, South plays the A and I ruff high which holds, K now set-up in dummy.  I therefore clear the path to set-up dummy with the winning tricks and ruff in my own hand on every trick, a dummy reversal - it worked a treat and 1 off scored well!

Match 9: (39.74%)

Hand 7:  Partner found my suit (also her own!) but Ops guessed the  right and then squeezed and partner didn't win the first trick played to then clear the s, we just made the last trick - I am not sure we had quite enough firepower to clear the and make my others though.  Perhaps A lead followed by another and then partner wins the first and returns a High to unblock mine - hard to find though.

Hand 8:  Unlucky Ops, partner did very well to keep quiet here so we avoided all traps and Ops played in a doomed 2 contract

Match 10: (35.58%)

Hand 9:  I played well to make 9 tricks, unfortunately I bid poorly to be one off!

Match 11: (66.35%)

Hand 15:  Partner did really well here.   She had to leave a out to be able to ruff the hands and Ops hadn't realised and so didn't get the  ruff!  Bit of luck but well played partner!

Hand 16:  We are in the right contract here and not pushed up as some were, partner bids and plays well here

Match 12: (66.69%)

Hand 18:  Brilliant here partner!!!  2 opened (new rules, 12+ with 5 controls).  Ops doubled, I pass and partner quietly bids 2 (the only contract that makes and we are the only pair in it!)  North never mentioned his s though......

Hand 19:  Unlucky Ops, I found the best lead here which was my doubleton!  I "never" lead a doubleton but had no constructive alternative here.  It plays through dummy's A setting up partners K and 3 other winners, good defending here!

Match 13: (62.82%)

Hand 22:  This was the last board of the night and a LONG day of travelling and playing cards.  Here I had my now familiar and hand (a theme for me over the last week as this was the 4th 5/5 or better hand I have had).  I bid strongly and Ops do the same, they go to 4 and I bid 5, partner corrects to 5 and Ops double.  I am cross with myself as I felt I would rather have played in 5 (not doubled!!!), still - must try my best and so off I go....  I win trick 1 with A and then take 2 s and play a 3rd , Ops ruff with the 9  so I discard the losing  returned and I ruff in hand then play my and ruff. I take the S finesse and it fails.  returned and I ruff in hand then draw trumps and show my last 3 s to make 11 tricks!!!!  Ops were absolutely shocked (as was I to be honest!!!).

20th October 2017

EBU Autumn Congress - Session 1:

Playing with a regular partner in the EBU's Autumn Congress.

Interesting format which I haven't fully decided if I like or not!  It is almost a hybrid of Swiss Pairs and Match Point Pairs.  Swiss format in that we move to a table appropriate to our current cumulative performance but only 4 boards per match.  Overall, I quite like it but it is very unforgiving if you get a zero with only 3 other hands to make it back!!!

A hiccup with the venue booking means that we are playing in Reading University for the first session then having to come back to our hotel and then on to the venue, not a total inconvenience but quite annoying really!

I arrived very early and got settled in, a lot of pairs arrived up to 30 minutes past the start time and the organisers accommodate this.  They pushed the evening start time back to 8pm though.  I went down the M4 by mistake on my way to our hotel and so did a 12 mile detour!!!  I am not to be trusted driving on my own!!!

Overall, we did ok to win 3 out of 7 with a few close scores but 2 disasters (largely down to the Ops doing the right thing but I messed up a few hands and partner made 1 error mis-counting the s on another)

Our friends are here too and Simon and Margaret had a similar start to us but won 4 matches (Green's per match won), again, not spectacular but an ok start same as us.

Our commentary (Click the "Hand X" to view the hand):

Match 1: (36.12%)

Hand 2:  Unfortunate here, we share the points (20/20) but I win the auction with my 2.  It is not an unreasonable contract and should go 1 off - I didn't crash the K though and went 2 off - even 1 off would have been 27% for us so we couldn't win - I notice 1 pair made it though!

Match 2: (59.26%)

Hand 5:  No excuses here - I just didn't ready partners lead as showing the K - The bid had been doubled and so I switched, wrong!!!  We can take 5 s then a , sorry partner

Hand 6:  Ops are in a good contract but we defended really well here.  We played the s well and kept forcing, they didn't take my last trump out so when we forced again and declarers last trump was shown, I made my (now) master J to take the contract off.

Hand 7:  I play well sometimes!  Here, we are in a good contract but I suspect we may make 4s so I need to make an extra trick.  I play the s well only losing 1 trick - Ops switched to a but because he had bid s, his partner won the and switched to a - I claim the rest of the tricks.....!

Match 3: (28.85%)

Hand 11:  6 is on here for the Ops, our pair bid it and played it well to make it

Hand 12:  Ambitious here and it didn't work!  Partner raised to 3s and I thought I was good enough to make game, wrong!!!  I guessed the  wrong too which cost 2 tricks, went down more than I should, 1 off in 3s would have been a great score - I must learn to pass sometimes!!!!

Match 4: (46.79%)

Hand 13:  Ops got in a mess and then bid a slam that wasn't there - bit of luck for us!

Hand 16:  Ops are in the right contract, they guessed well on the for the extra trick but still a poor score for us if they just get home

Match 5: (57.05%)

Hand 17:  I play well again here making the extra trick.  I lost the Q early then removed the s and Ops had only taken a and a , they didn't find the ruff and I threw my s away on partner's s to make 11 tricks!

Match 6: (52.24%)

Hand 21:  Ops tried to fool me here by playing the s wrong to show an even number, I didn't believe him and made 4 tricks - they never found the switch so I take home 8 tricks

Match 7: (41.44%)

Hand 25:  Ops bid a weak 2s and raised to 5 straight away, 6 is on and they made 6 - only 3 pairs in game and the others only made 11, a zero for us but nothing we could do about it!

19th October 2017


Worked in the office in the morning and then went home to work to minimise my tiredness and germ spreading!  Still a lot of coughing during the match though but I wasn't alone!

This was a tough match against 1 of my semi-regular partners and 2 team mates from other teams I play in!

After a tight first 12 boards we find ourselves 1 Imp up (17-16)

Hand 2:     A very shapely hand and I have few points but 2 suits including 5 s, partner opens 1, Ops double - I raise to game, Ops bid 4 and partner bids 5s - again, doubled!  Partner makes it to gain us 5 Imps!

Hand 4:     Our team mates missed game here costing 10 Imps, not an easy game to bid though, well done Ops here

Hand 11:   Ops get unlucky here and penalise my 2 overcall (systemic bid with no escape route on this hand) - I am very shapely again and 9 tricks roll in - 570 gives us +11 Imps!

The second half was tricky and we didn't shine here losing by 28 Imps (13-41) and lose by 27 overall for 15-5 loss.

Hand 13:   A blip by partner here, with 5s and 1, stayman was bid over my 1NT - we ended up in 3NT (it is teams) instead of the 2 making 9 tricks at the other table, 8 Imps down here

Hand 17:   We bid a thin game here and Ops at the other table were in a part score, +7 Imps for us

Hand 21:   A slight blind spot by partner, 3NT is the contract here and I have shown 4s when partner has 3s - I cannot make game in s but I did try.  13 Imps down here

Hand 22:   Great defending by Ops here, they took us 2 off - other table only our pair went 1 off too for a double negative, 7 Imps down here

Hand 24:   A final blip by partner (sorry partner) - another 3NT contract here but partner bid 4s which cannot make.  This was just a tough choice of which game is correct and in Teams, a suit game is often safest as over tricks do not matter - just bad luck to be fair but another 10 Imps down.

A shame after our first 2 wins but Ascot are a tough team and they were solid tonight.


Off to Reading tomorrow for 2 days of Swiss Pairs in the EBU Autumn Congress

18th October 2017


Although my cold is much improved, decided to stay home, rest and not spread germs!

Vee hosted the Improvers tonight with Val and Keith splitting up to assist the Improvers.  3 tables tonight and no issues tonight.  2 of our core improvers won despite the increased competition and pleased to see Kevin doing well again.

I notice a freaky hand again - hand 11 in the Improvers tonight, another "wow" hand!!!

Dissapointing to see only 9 tables in the main group but nice to see Penny at the top, not easy whilst directing too, well done!

Back to work tomorrow but will stay rested if I can as have a BBL match in the evening vs Ascot (away).

17th October 2017

Day Off:

Sad to report that my cold and cough has continued today.  Went into work but just grabbed my laptop and worked from home today (trying to keep my germs to myself).

Took my cat to the Vet too tonight as he has been poorly too, fortunately we think he is fine and just some medicine to give him for the next 2 days and should be fine again.

Supposed to be at the CBC Committee meeting tonight but have been asked to stay home as they don't want my cold!   Sent Val a detailed report on matches, web stuff, data protection and a few other bits and offered to be on hand if they need to call me - will catch up with the committee later tonight or tomorrow.

Hoping to be better tomorrow to host the Improvers - if not, will be just Vee.  Vee has just found out he is likely to be going to India Thursday too (for 10 days!!!) not confirmed yet though.

16th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Having been suffering with a cough still, I finished work early to rest for tonight.  It helped and I was fine the first half.  Then I started coughing and couldn't stop.  It was quite debilitating and we did suffer due to it.

I also felt bad in case I spread any germs, I would have stayed home had I known, sorry all.

A tight session despite all that and a good score with just 3% splitting the top 4 (we were 4th though!) - Margaret carried on her success and pipped us!

The tops and bottoms:

Hand 2:  Our Ops were a little ambitious here and we defended well

Hand 3:  We bid game, we should be in a game and we get a good score - actually slightly better in 4 but nobody bid game in s

Hand 4:  I wasn't thinking straight here (still have a headache now!) - we have a natural defence to 1NT so I thought if I double first I can try show my hand - it was left and we didn't defend well either here, I threw the s away

Hand 8:  Partner squeezed at the end and so Ops threw the long s and partner finished with 2 winners for the extra trick, nice play partner!

Hand 9:  Ops sacrificed at too high a level here, we took advantage I'm afraid, sorry Ops

Hand 11:  Most Ops in game here, I think West needs to bid after my partner doubles to show s sooner, bad luck Ops

Hand 12:  West soon made amends, bid and played really well here, we were just passengers!

Hand 15:  I didn't listen to the mantra "one, two, that will do" - sorry partner, I was too ambitious here

Hand 16:  I think we should leave the Ops in 2 here!  Perhaps easier if I don't open with my terrible hand - will take the blame for this one!

Hand 17:  Partner found the best lead here and so we made our 4 tricks, 3 s and A

Hand 22:  Partner played really well here and Ops didn't find the lead or switch, 11 tricks is great going here just losing 2 s!

Hand 25:  Only 2 of us in game here so we did well - I had a marginal decision on do I overcall 2 or not, I decided to and partner raised to game

Hand 26:  I think this was the only hand where partner didn't do well.  We need to attach the s here - my lead didn't help though!

CBC committee meeting tomorrow and may take time off work again

15th October 2017

Woking Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in Woking's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs.

Still suffering with a cold and was 50/50 this morning on phoning partner to cancel, decided to take lots of tissues and strepsils and try my best.

I was sniffing and coughing less and less as the day went on and was glad I went.

Lovely to see so may of our local club pairs turn out today, think they all enjoyed it too and Colin & David did well finishing 4th (only 2 points off the top!), Andy & Michelle were in the top 10 and Trevor & Barbara got the top Non-Expert prize.

We had a good start and 6 pleasant matches, we managed to win 5 out of 6 and finished joint top!  A blue point is worth a third of a Green, so we actually won just over 1 green point today!  We shared the prize money and so £50 each plus a bottle of wine and we also got the top round score on 1 round for 2 nice glasses too (which Margaret kindly gave me both!)

Partner was on fire today and only 1 mistake all day!  We both do better in a calm and nice atmosphere and it was well run, comfortable and nice people.  I drove and on the way home Margaret was almost squealing with delight, so nice to see her happy and it was mainly down to her that we did well - thanks partner, a lovely day!

The scores don't show the orientation correctly for us, I was West and North (BW doesn't show this!):

The tops and bottoms:

Match 1:  Win 18-2

Hand 1:  I should have made this, South discarded 2 s and if I was paying attention, I would have then played Q and let it run or if covered, the J now falls - it says I shouldn't make it but it was there!

Hand 2:  I got lucky here, a friendly lead gave a trick and I then played up to my K which wasn't covered for another extra trick

Hand 4:  I was pleased to see partner double Ops 1 and when I bid 1 and Ops re-bid the s partner quietly raised to 2s and this was all that was on - not everyone made it either!

Hand 7:  Superb play by partner to keep this to 1 off, well done!

Hand 8:  Good play by partner but Ops helped us too - partner played a small S to a small  and then when in next, played another and South went up with the Ace crashing Norths K - North also discarded s to set-up partners 3rd and 4th

Match 2:  Win 15-5

Hand 11:  I opened a weak 2 and partner thought for a while then raised me to game - I couldn't do it but did try....

Hand 12:  I felt I should have made another trick here but although some did, getting home was good enough for a good score

Hand 14/15:  South opens 1 here - look at my hand.......!!!!  I was going to open 2 and show my 2 suits looking for a slam, so me being me, I just bid it!!!  How many auctions went 1, 6, P, P, X ?  Of course, it is always there and I made it for a good score!  The next hand was 7,4,1,1 shape too and Ops opened 1 and as I put out the stop card, they commented to say "not 6 again!!!), I only bid 4 though which partner raised, Ops nearly doubled but passed very wisely!

Hand 16:  I am cursed with s!!!!  Partner doubled Ops weak 2, South raised to 3 and I felt I needed to say I had points to bid 4 - partner raised me to game again and I got it home!

Match 3:  Win 13-7

Hand 17:  Partner defended this brilliantly, kept forcing them then finally took out declarers last to set-up our 2  tricks and take them 1 off, amazing!

Hand 18:  I think partner was a little ambitious here, still, we were on a high and think she felt were invincible!

Hand 21:  I had a friendly lead and was given time to lose a and make the extra trick here

Hand 22:  Partners turn to shine here making the extra trick in the long

Hand 23:  I made a mess of this and over-bid, not a good combination!

Match 4:  Lose 2-18

Hand 25:  I wont the first trick then we took out the s and later on I want my back, partner fell asleep and didn't play it, drat!

Hand 27:  I discarded a here which set-up the whole hand for Ops, my worst defending for a while here, sorry partner.

Hand 29:  Declarer played well here and got everything right!

Hand 31:  I have the first 8 tricks here so doubled, partner remembered our system and passed though she wanted to bid!  A quiet 500 for us....!

Hand 32:  I over-bid here, sorry partner

Match 5:  Win 20-0

Hand 33:  I have a nice hand here but not as nice as I needed, still, I kept giving East the lead and he had to give me tricks - 2 doubled making!

Hand 34:  I think we should have found a slam here but we couldn't work out how!  Still, most didn't find game!

Hand 35:  I have another strong hand and guess what, it's 5s again!  Making, again!

Hand 39:  We found the right defence here and got our ruffs in.  Ops would have been better leaving us in or 2s really

Match 6:  Win 19-1

Hand 41:  Ops bid s but decided to lead a , this was fatal and set-up all my tricks for me

Hand 48:  I was brave and got a bid in the auction - we got the right lead and took this off, it says they can make 6 but superb defending got 3NT 1 off!  This was the last board of the day and partner actually yelped with glee as we defeated this and won the match, best behaviour partner!!!!!  Still, was a nice feeling!

Back to CBC tomorrow and have a long hard day at work tomorrow too - a lot of events and matches coming up too.....

14th October 2017

Day Off

A hectic few weeks and a rare day off today.

Started coming down with a cold yesterday and is much much worse today - hope it eases off over night as playing al day tomorrow at Woking

We have done our weekly shop and chores and caught up on a lot of TV today.  We went for a meal at Wagamamas tonight in Camberley and I enjoyed my meal but it took ages to get in, there was a problem in the kitchen and Vee's meal didn't arrive until we had nearly finished ours!  We also felt twice the age of most of the other customers!!!!

May have an early night tonight to help prepare for tomorrow.

13th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A session of two halves here!  A terrible start where nothing worked, then a purple streak where virtually everything we did came good!

Both in good spirits tonight and both understanding of each others failings (we both did some!!!).

The tops and bottoms:

Hand 1:  I think I was right to bid the slam and it says it can make by me - this was simply unfortunate

Hand 3:  In my opinion, partner should not transfer me here - Ops overcalled and partner doubled (showing a transfer for us) - with only 4 s, I am not sure here - best if I pass the double actually!

Hand 4:  Partner made an impossible contract here!  He took a long while to do it and squeezed the Ops to make the s good, well done partner!

Hand 5:  Again, this cannot be made!!!  Partner made great use of my s and threw all the s away - then simply conceding 1 of the last 3 tricks and contract made, stunning!

Hand 6:  Another contract that should be there but is not - yet, partner made it!!!  Ops didn't continue the s and partner made great use of the breathing space

Hand 9:  Partner was a passed hand but then bid twice, I therefore pushed too but best if I simply sign off in 3

Hand 13:  Another impossible contract made by partner!!!  This one took a LONG time to play and ended with a great end play giving us the last 2 s

Hand 14:  Ops had a bidding malfunction - the double was meant as T/O!!!  We actually score 20 more for 3NT but still.....

Hand 16:  I didn't realise partner had 6 s, I therefore punted 3NT and took the ♣ finesse for the vital 11th trick

Hand 18:  Ops under valued his hand and they missed game

Hand 20:  After a forcing bid (4th suit) by partner, I should simply answer and bid 2NT - I jumped and so partner thought I had 17/18 - if I had bid correctly, we would have been the only plus score for 3NT making, sorry partner

Hand 22:  Ops tried to take the K which I ruffed and used the J to discard my losing , bit lucky here

Hand 23:  A bit more luck for us, Ops missed the slam

Hand 24:  Brilliant defending here - we kept forcing declarer and partner ended up with the top trump, Alan is really good at defending when he is on form (2nd half of tonight was the best I have seen this year!)

Day off tomorrow (with a tonne of TV to try and catch up on!)

13th October 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A fun session as always but neither of us on form today.  It looks like partner did worse than she did, it was actually my bidding mostly, sorry partner.

Some defending issues though, when I lead an Ace I want attitude (not count).....

Some hands the Ops are doing great things, not much we could do about it, well done Sylvia & Linda bidding 6NT, just a shame it was against us!

Not going to go through these here though as too many - feel free to view yourselves though - hopefully it is clear that we were genuinely unlucky on most of the bad scores (Friday the 13th.....!!!!)

Getting my hair cut on the way home (partner has warned me not to shave it all off like I usually do, will see........!) - then off to YHBC tonight

12th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the Final of the Thursday Championship

We were up against it to win tonight as needed to gain close to 60% on the leaders (so we needed above 80% for sure!!!)

Have been working hard this week to catch up on last week and also organising a lot of bridge teams and committee work (both clubs) plus playing a lot - been hectic and I am not on form (excuses over!!!)

Things just didn't work tonight, even if we did the right thing we didn't get a good score - it took the Ops to go to the 5 level and go off for 1100 to finally get us a good score!!!

We stayed 3rd in the Championships so not a terrible performance overall.

Well done to Marie and Robin for winning (again!!!).

Some of the hands tonight:

Hand 3:   Ops in the right contract, also played it well

Hand 4:   I couldn't make this though I should have played a second  whilst I had an entry to dummy but they don't run - 2 more tricks would have been made though for a score just below average

Hand 5:   Our first hand of the night and I bid up to 5, Ops doubled and partner bid - really, I don't want to be rescued if I dug my own hole - the contract actually makes too but not 6

Hand 6:   A close call here but on balance, I think partner is better off defending here

Hand 8:   We were pushed too high here, good bid by the Ops as 5 is a great sacrifice too.  Some made 11 in s but it really shouldn't

Hand 12: Ops in the right contract and made what they should - as the cards played, we could have got 1 more trick by playing the s earlier, Ops discarded one.

Hand 14: I didn't like my hand for a Double but partner was right, I should double and with her 10 HCPs, partner passes.  If Ops try to rescue, partner now knows we have game values.  Sorry partner.

Hand 16: I felt so mean here - Ops sacrificed against our 4 and I doubled, felt bad here

Hand 17: Partner doubled Ops 1NT and North tried to rescue, unlucky about the split and we defended well.

Hand 21: I bid well here, Ops both bid and partner was a passed hand - I have a good idea of the lay of the cards and so jump straight to game which is always there.

Hand 24: I didn't support partners s here, tricky hand though- we went looking for the wrong slam!!!  In trying to make 5s, I lost one more trick then I had to, sorry partner

Playing twice again tomorrow then a day off to recover on Saturday!!!

11th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the Improvers Group.

Vee wasn't feeling too good tonight and my regular partner was free so said she would come up and help.  I also had an offer from Val and Keith too so the 4 of us played in amongst the group tonight to offer help and advice as we went.  My partner was surprised how good the group was, I took this as a big compliment to the group and it is true, they have all improved so much since we started.  Although the results are not key here, it was a relief to see the 2 pairs of "experts" at the top!

All of the hands from tonight:

Hand 1:   I had best defence against me here and cannot make this after they get a ruff, unfortunate

Hand 2:   Again, Ops in the right contract here.  I could have taken an extra  here but kept this so they couldn't run them in dummy - he didn't need them in the end!

Hand 3:   Superb play by partner here to make an impossible contract, Ops ducked the first trump and then the honours crashed on the 2nd.  Squeeze got East to discard s too so tricks rolled in!

Hand 4:   Unfortunate again, Ops can make 12 tricks and ours did....!

Hand 5:   I was a bit frisky here and opened this 3NT (I know it doesn't quite fit but extra length makes up for the Q - in my head!).  I mainly did this as we were in a non-counting session and wanted to see if partner would remember the system - unfortunately, she did not but it wasn't an issue and it gave rise to a useful discussion.  I like to play this that if you hold something in both majors, Pass.  If not, bid 4

Hand 6:   Partner didn't reverse, then bid on after I gave preference - wasn't sure what was going on here so I raised to game - in trying to make it, partner missed a trick but I don't object to trying to make the contract.

Hand 7:   I don't have much but I do hold 5 trumps!  We go the defence just right here.  We made a  we didn't have to though.

Hand 8:   I opened here (as all other Norths did)  and East has 25 HCPs!!!  A hand where you need to stop and think.  In my opinion. East should double.  West bids 2s and then East re-bids 3NT.  You can place almost all the points in North so win the on trick 1 or 2 and play AKQx s over to dummy - now finesse the  or as you know it will win!

Hand 9:   Good defending again here, we played passively and made Ops do all the work (giving us multiple tricks)

Hand 10:   Unfortunate (again!!!!), one of the other tables didn't bid game.....

Hand 11:   Partner's only hand not played well - we were pushed up too high anyway so never on for a good score as it happens.

Hand 12:   Partner played this really well but did also have some help.  Ops made a good lead and then they switched rather than taking out partners only stop.

Hand 13:   Lucky for us here, Ops didn't bid to game.  Easier if they bid to the level of the fit after an overcall - see bidding notes in the Improvers section.

Hand 14:   Ops had not had a great evening and was tired and nervous - we defended well to take this off but Ops claimed the last 2 tricks which I disputed.  They then played the low trump first which I won and then played my winner - they should play the non-trump and then trump my last card

Hand 15:   Another hand played brilliantly by partner!  Got a bit lucky with Ops starting the s though but good play on the s got this contract home!

Hand 16:   Ops in the right contract and played well - well done Ops!

Final of the Thursday Championships at CBC tomorrow.  We are mathematically still in with a chance but it is remote - still, would like to go out on a high.

10th October 2017


Badminton tonight and I played poorly!  Won half of my games but largely due to my power and my partners - I couldn't serve well or return serve well for some reason.

Sorted out our Christmas meal and skittles though and went for a pint after too (6 of us), was really nice!

Home a bit later but nice and relaxed now.

Have been sorting out some admin for Bridge today and helping a partner with a convention card for her new partner.  Planning to do a bit of research after this diary update and also write 3 reports ready for next weeks CBC committee meeting.

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow (with Vee if he is well enough) - also have offers of support from Val and Margaret too, so may have some nice players to play in amongst the Improvers to try and help out.

Also heard some good news about Rodger at CBC who seems to be improving and I am thinking of him today and sending out happy thoughts.  Jo at CBC seems to be recovering well too and now moved to Frimley Park which is much better and closer to us all - all the best Jo and virtual hugs being sent

9th October 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a single night competition for the Greta Clark Cup

I was away last week so it has been a few weeks since we last played (again!).  Vee cam home tonight too, was great to see him - been 10 days since I saw him!  He has come back with a cold though and feels rough, waited up for me though (even though we over-ran tonight).

Pleased to see 2 of my Competition Partners win tonight, they have never played together before either and playing the same convention card I play with Jill too - well done Jill & Nick!!!

Not our finest evening tonight, I let my partner down quite a bit.  No real excuses but a hard day at work today after a week away and a mountain of work to get done.  Still a bit sun-burnt from Jersey too and had a mild headache now since Wednesday last week!

Some of the hands tonight:

Hand 1:   It says I cannot make this but the way it was played I can if I take the  finesse the other way, I chose wrong here, sorry partner.

Hand 2:   Ops are in the right contract, we can take the A but even then, the score is not much improved.

Hand 3:   I got the s right here placing the J in East and the A in West to make the extra trick

Hand 7:   Partner played well here to make a trick with the 8, not many others did, well done partner!

Hand 9:   I made a forcing bid of 3 which was passed, I can see why to be fair!  In theory, 2 and 3 is all that makes but in practise, 3 is not to tricky for a better score (as a number did)

Hand 11:   I was looking for ruffs here but they didn't come, Ops did well to ruff out the s though.

Hand 13:  I had some luck here, Ops ducked the K on the 2nd trick allowing me to make my J for the 10th trick.

Hand 15:  Ops not in game here, bit of luck for us here.  They stopped as both had 12 HCPs but when there is a double fit, push a little further

Hand 19:   I need to make one of my Qs here but Ops (who won the Cup!) managed to pin them both, well played Ops!

Badminton tomorrow night after missing the last 2, looking forward to it!

8th October 2017

Met Cup:

Playing with a regular partner as part of the Surrey Read Team (Surrey 1).

3 Sections today and results for each are here:

A Section

B Section

C Section

Playing 5 rounds of 5 boards then a break and then the last 4 rounds of 5 boards.

At half time we score up and we won 4 out of the 5 matches to be top with a 10 VP margin.

The second half was a bit tougher and we had some tricky hands which we didn't always get right - however, won 3 out of 4 matches here too!

As the last hand was being played with out team mates vs Kent (we were running joint top with them) it all rests on this board!  As they score it, I watch the screen change and they did well!!!  We won by 3 VPs.

Some of the big swings from our 4 (teams of 8 but we scored up with our home section):

First Half:

Hand 1:   Part score at out table but team mates bid and make game!

Hand 2:   We defeat 4 and our team mates double their sacrifice for a huge swing!

Hand 4:    I had 8 trumps and so took the finesse, it failed!  The Q was a doubleton though and I make 11 tricks if it is right (as our Ops did)

Hand 6:   We make game (well done partner!) and our team mates defeat it

Hand 14:  I make 4 doubled for 590, Ops make a part score!!!

Hand 24:  I showed the minors and Ops bid s too in the auction, partner made a great decision to lead a  and so we take this off - our team mates made it for a big swing

Second Half:

Hand 1:   Partner opens 1 and huge hesitation from Ops, I bid 1 then partner bids 2 and Ops pass - I then bid 4 (5 points and 8 s) - I have a void and single - they lead a and so partner's Ace takes care of the and 10 trick roll home - team mates make 3NT at their end for a double game score !!!

Hand 9:   We defeat 4, team mates make 3NT

Hand 15:    Ops bid and make game, our team mates made game but didn't bid it - a rare slip from them who had a near perfect day

Hand 16:   We defeat 4♠ again and team mates took 300 too !

Hand 18:   We had 6NT bid against us and he made 12 tricks - a flat board we hoped..........No!!!!  Team mates bid and made 7NT!!!!  Well done guys!!!!

There were other smaller swings and some great defending by Jill and I with team mates bidding and playing well throughout, a great day and nice to come out on top for a change!!!

7th October 2017

Day Off:

After a week in Jersey, a well deserved day off today!  Got all the chores done around the house and caught up with the Bridge admin.

Have now set-up the register for YHBC Annual holiday (Worthing this year) and also helped with Surrey Leagues and setting up the web pages.

I was going to re-do the diary entries for the last week but decided to leave as they were in the end (who is really going to re-read them anyway!!!!).

Vee is having a great time away too, the weather is not as good as we had in Jersey which is a shame but he is not letting it spoil the break.

Met Cup tomorrow with Jill (part of the Surrey C team) so also making sure I know our convention card inside out!!!!

6th October 2017

Jersey 8:

Last day today, happy and sad (almost equally).

As a lot of people know, I am not a massive holiday fan, I prefer to live my normal life and I miss it when I am away!!!

Have really enjoyed this break though (despite the Bridge sometimes!!!) and met some lovely people and had some great fan (another cooked breakfast today and finished the holiday with a 3pm Afternoon Tea!).

Still, pleased to be going home and get back to my Cats and my own bed (not that I sleep a lot but better in my own bed!).

Now I am home, I see the Friday Greta Clark was won by Colin & David with a huge score, well done guys!

A day to sort myself out tomorrow (including tidying the last weeks diary entries!!!) and then off to the Met Cup (playing for Surrey C).

5th October 2017

Jersey 7:

Playing with a regular partner in the Farewell Pairs

Another fine food day, excellent fry up and Stilton & Celery soup, pork and white chocolate parfait tonight!

Bridge was ok but a few hiccups - partner played exceptionally well but bidding and defending needs work from us both - I punted 2 contracts and couldn't make them - we did bid 6♥ though which cannot make - I was fortunate to get the A♣ followed by Q lead when I hold Kx and can set the rest up - bit of luck but will take it!!!

Our team won in the Bracknell league tonight too, well done Margaret, Tricia, David & Alan!!!

More impressive was partner making 4♠ on hand 2, that was truly exceptional!!!

A lovely week and great food and company - missing home and my cats though!!! Miss Vee lots too but he went away this morning so won't see him until Monday night !!!

4th October 2017

Jersey 6:

Playing with a regular partner in the Championship Pairs

Breakfast was good again, standard fry up but all good

We went on a walk today around the reservoir (11 of us) - the director organised it and said it was 2.8 miles and mainly flat...... It was flat for most of it but the 2/3 parts that weren't were incredibly steep, Margaret made it but only just!!!!

At the end we wear then guided along a field which ended with a sheer drop into the reservoir and the director was still trying to claim we could get down!!! We turned back then were guided another 2 miles to get 400 yards back to the car park!!!!! We ended up along a muddy track and more seep hills - was good fun though and a little story to tell!!! Have had quite a laugh about the guiding skills all day today!!!

It did make Margaret very tired though and she slept for the afternoon 

Another fabulous dinner (game terrine steak and baked Alaska for me) then then Championship Pairs

We did well tonight but missed a slam (my fault) and I mis-played 2♠ and Margaret bid 3♣ instead of leaving them to struggle in 2♠ (where I hold 6 to the KQ)!!!! Finished 2nd by 0.3% and the winners had their worst results against us, enjoyed again and then had a few drinks.

Good to see one of my other outside partners do well winning at YHBC too with a good score, it was a cup night too but visitors cannot win the cups so was jointly won by Val & Pitti and Bobbi & James - well done all especially Val!!!!  Also good to see our improver pair doing well at just under 50% in a close field - big score in the improves for the top 2 too, well done ladies!!!

Last full day tomorrow.....

3rd October 2017

Jersey 5:

Playing with a regular partner in the Multiple Teams

Breakfast was another good fry up!

I have playing my civilisation game here too and been stuck on one level but beat it today!!!

We went to the zoo and was really impressed - had a lovely time, had a swim/jacuzzi/steam room session when back then a glass of wine followed b another great meal (though Margaret didn't enjoy hers) - I had salmon, steak and cheesecake !

As a pair, we were top by miles on imps with 2 rounds to go but finished poorly - largely Ops doing well but some our fault too

Hand 25 I asked partne to sign off in 5N but it was not taking right and ended up in 6 - as they played A♠ then switched, I can ruff a  to make this but I didn't and went one off!

Hand 19 partner did well to bid the slam - only 2 pairs bid it and the other went off, well done partner!

Our team mates didn't get the session right but enjoyed themselves and we all did to be fair!

2nd October 2017

Jersey 4:

Playing with a regular partner in the Swiss Pairs

Breakfast was delicious (ordered eggs benedict as did Margaret) and the mushroom veloute followed by hake then lemon posset was exquisite!!!

We had a seminar on playing in trumps this morning which was useful and well presented

We won 2 matches tonight and had some gifts though did some good things ourselves too - first match was just odd and best not discussed!

Hand 15 has caused discussion - I opened this 2♣ and opps overcalled and partner needs to double or bid 3♣ - even when I jump to 4 no bid came - I made 12 but not in it - this hand no longer meets a strong 2 bid (16+ or 12+ with 5 controls) but I stick by my choice here!!!

1st October 2017

Jersey 3:

Playing with a regular partner in the Swiss Pairs

Breakfast was outstanding again and the tempura prawns then beef and yorkie tonight was truly amazing!!!

We had a lovely day doing a bus tour of the island and really enjoyed it

Bridge tonight was not as good but better than last night

Hand 1 I put partner into 6N which is the right contract but she couldn't see it and went 7 off, that really threw her and took a while to get over it

The 2nd match was much better and some top defending by partner

3rd was close but I didn't compete on 1 hand and let them play in 1 when we can make ♠s and that cost us the match

Planning on swimming tomorrow after breakfast and the seminar and final of the Swiss pairs in the evening


30th September 2017

Jersey 2:

Playing with a regular partner in the Random Teams

Breakfast was outstanding and the beef and desert tonight was truly amazing!!!

Bridge tonight was not as good.........!

29th September 2017

Jersey 1:

Playing with a regular partner in Jersey all week!

5am this morning to get up and get ready - Vee kindly takes me to pick up Margaret and then on to Southampton Airport for an early flight

After eventually realising there is no drop off point, we stop by the station and walk in - thanks Vee, major star!!!

We check in and grab a bite to eat and a drink then a 25 minute fight - takes longer to taxi than the flight over!

We have coffee and cake for Macmillan and then off in the drizzle for lunch and a walk and then chill until dinner

Dinner was superb quality and free wine tonight too!

Then the welcome pairs - we do a few odd things but also some great things - Partners play was outstanding !!!

2 slams bid and I doubled Opps slam and took it 2 off - 2nd overall and a good score!

Links at top for results - too slow on the iPad to write much so look for yourself this week!!!

Welcome meeting tomorrow at 10am then off we go.... May not get these entries in regularly this week or too much detail - may re-do some when home

Proud of 2 hands tonight (besides partners amazing hands) - 15 and 19 being the only one to bid the slam and the game!!!

28th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We are practising for the Met Cup in October and although we didn't do well tonight, a few more things came up and was good to get more of the system in my mind.

I hadn't realised we bid Ks up the line after asking for key cards, we found the slam anyway but should have got there with certainty!

Really pleased to see my partner for the next week doing well tonight, with a scratch partner (although a good one!) too, well done ladies!

  • Hand 1:   I should have played a  to my hand on trick 2 and then I can make this, sorry partner
  • Hand 5:   I think I should have overcalled 1 after 1, this needs a lead but North bid s so partner led a
  • Hand 10: I had the chance to make 11 tricks here as J was played on the 2nd - I forgot the 10 had gone and so lost a needlessly, still - only 3 bid and made it so a good score
  • Hand 13: I overcalled s here but they didn't believe me and so we took 2NT 3 off, I didn't unblock the s though, should have been 4 off but no change to the score
  • Hand 15: This was where I got the K ask wrong but we found it anyway!  I didn't make 13 though but still a good score
  • Hand 16: We get a huge score just for doing what we should, odd but that is club bridge
  • Hand 17: We cannot win here, they bid 4 and it makes, they were the only pair to double our 4....crying
  • Hand 22: Unfortunate, we weren't allowed to play in 1NT - not much we can do here
  • Hand 23: Very difficult after a lead - sorry partner, I couldn't see it and it says it cannot be made - many others did though!

Off to Jersey tomorrow for a week - may not be timely or detailed or linked entries for a while.....

27th September 2017

Sylvia Rose Teams (Farnham):

Playing with a regular partner in the first round of the Sylvia Rose Teams series at Farnham.  The results are hand scored so the info is a table - direct link in purple above (from Farnham's results page) - hands are within the results file and can be downloaded or viewed there too.

I am just a stand in for matches when Nick needs me but we did well today (Browne team, currently 2nd).

2 Horror hands which cost us but we still managed to win by 16 Imps (14-6 in VPs)

Our terror was Ops opening 5 (as dealer) - I have 6 and 6 points and pass, partner doubles and I think for ages then pass.  They make 5!!!!  We have 6 on too!!!!  Fortunately the Ops at the other table didn't bid the slam but still, we earn -750 and -680 for a 16 Imp swing against us crying

The other horror was us in 6 with a 5-0 heart break against us, Ops were in 4 making 11 tricks so another 13 Imps against us.

The rest were mostly our way or flat.  We bid 3 games the Ops didn't bid and between us, we made 3 games that the other pair took off - great defending by Judi and Marie as our team mates too!!!

Vee hosted the Improvers whilst I was at Farnham and had a good evening with 3 full tables.  The bridgemates need updating (I updated the hardware but forgot send back to the units!!!) - will sort before next Wednesday!

Vee was a star and scored up as they went so only one round to score when home.  By the time I got back he had done it all, thanks Vee!!!!

Barbara and Gillian won with a huge 78%, well done ladies!!!  See their results HERE

Well done to Margaret & Lesley for coming top in the Main Group too, good show!!!

26th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular Woking club session

We are trying to get a few practise sessions before the Met Cup on 8th October where we are playing in a Surrey team.

I had trouble with traffic and only just got there on time and after a few rounds I had a blinding headache which was hard to deal with.  I gave in and took some headache pills in the end and it got better.

Despite that, we had a reasonable session but should have been better, some down to my choices, some was our play.

  • Hand 1:   Ops bid and made what is there, some didn't and we get a bad score
  • Hand 2:   I didn't open 1 (partner wouldn't either) and as dummy went down and I can see we should be in s!!!  Knowing this, I establish that we need to beat 140 and so I need 9 tricks.  I can make 1NT but go off as I am trying to make 9 tricks - I was right but unfortunately failed in my quest.....!
  • Hand 5:   My error, I thought we natural after partner overcalled 1NT - in fact, system is on.  My 2 was taken as a minor transfer (rightly) but I wanted to play in 2.  I should have bid 2 to transfer and 2 minus 1 gets us just above average rather than a bottom
  • Hand 7:   Lucky here, Ops finessed the  to my Q and we were able to establish my s
  • Hand 9:   Partner opens 1 and I have 20 points!!!! I ask straight away and then find out 2 key cards with the Q.  This may not be enough but now have to go on to 6 - fortunately, Ops lead A and partner has a void.  Just the K to lose now and slam made - well done partner!  Some tried 6NT but this cannot be right, when you have a big hand, ask partner what they have and trust them!
  • Hand 12:  I open weak 2s and partner has 20 points!!!  Rightly goes looking and I am a disappointment.  We stop in 5 but I can only make 10 tricks, sorry partner.
  • Hand 13:  We are right to be in this slam but unfortunately partner went off.  I think this plays better in 6NT as it happens but in either case, I think the key is to lose the A and then use my long suit to throw the losers away.  Bad luck partner.
  • Hand 18:  Lucky here, Ops play the 9 in the middle of the hand (from QJ9) and I ducked as did South so my 10 won and I made the 9th trick!
  • Hand 19:  This was passed round to partner who opened 1.  I reply 1 and passed out.  We are the only EW playing here and in the right suit played properly - a good combination!
  • Hand 20:  I think we should be in the slam here but this is where my head hurt badly and I forgot to finesse the and then had to take it the wrong way and lost it, sorry partner, my fault here.
  • Hand 22:  Lucky for us here.  Ops system meant their 1 opening is just a point count, we have both bid by the time it gets back to them and there is no room to find the best contract.  We defend well to hold to 9 tricks too when 10 is on offer for them.
  • Hand 23:  At the time, I felt I got the wrong, I should have played up to the K and then done it again, I lost 2 s instead but I made the contract - only 1 other did and it seems it is not there at all if they attack the s early enough
  • Hand 24:  Very bad luck Ops, dummy was laid down and the Q was not visible (it had slid under the K) - declarer didn't touch them to run until too late when the Q was then visible again so we make an extra
  • Hand 26:  Ops didn't attack the s to get the ruff and I was so pleased to be just 1 off here - even more pleased when I see I cannot in theory make 7 let alone 8 tricks!!!

Sorry I wasn't fully there all night partner and will do better on Thursday.  Playing in the Sylvia Rose in Farnham tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers.

25th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 9 of the Monday Championships

I remembered that I am scorer tonight (forgot last time!!!)

Not played with my partner for a few weeks due to holiday's but we had a reasonable night tonight and no heated hands!

I didn't play many hands and less than 6 on most boards in the first half but I made the most of the hands I did play.

Partner played well tonight and good bidding too, our defence used to be our strongest asset but we both feel it needs work again now, will have a chat soon to resolve a few things.

We had some luck where Ops over-bid but most of our good hands were our own making.

Our bad hands were almost entirely due to our defending and will work on that, Ops bid well too on a few.

A few of the good ones:

  • Hand  6:  Partner played in 1NT and it looked like she had 20 points, the play was the best I have seen for a long time, great going partner!
  • Hand  8:  An amazing hand, not many points but incredible shape - partner did well to raise me to 5 after the Ops bid in s and I made 12 tricks, hard to find it though and everything is right.
  • Hand 11:  I was pushed up to 5s and under pressure from the start, I lost a to the Ace and then had to get the next one right - are there 3 to the Ace or 2/2?  I thought for quite a while and then played for the drop - it worked!!! Phew, now I only lose 1 and 1
  • Hand 12:  A race here to get the away, I lost the A and then A but then they switched back to the - I played the K to beat partners wining Q and then played the J to throw the away for the extra trick
  • Hand 13:  A little ambitious from Ops and we defended right here
  • Hand 24:  Unlucky for the Ops, we found the right contract and made what we should - others didn't

Pleased to see Linda & Sylvia do well tonight.  Both Margaret's (with separate partners) did well too

We are still leading the Championship with 1 round to go but can still go to any of the top 4 - we need a good result and for one of the others not have above 56% (roughly), fingers crossed!!!

No Badminton tomorrow as I am playing at Woking with another regular partner as a practise session in advance of the Met Cup next month.

24th September 2017

Surrey Green Point Swiss Teams:

Playing with a regular partner and team mates in a Surrey's Green point Swiss Teams.

We had a pleasant day but didn't cover ourselves in glory, again!!!

We had a great start and could do no wrong, sometimes starting well does you no good though - in this case, we won no further matches!!!

We had some close matches and 2 horrors and some hands were great, of course, some were not!

Our matches were:

Win 17-3

Loss 8-12

Loss 8-12

Loss 7-13

Loss 4-16

Loss 7-13

Loss 2-18

Some good bits:

Hand 3 I made a take out double and partner passed - we got our defence spot on though (plus a bit) and although they can make 3, we took 2 1 off doubled!

Hand 4 We can make 3 and they can make 2 - ended up pushing them up and, again, we took an extra trick to get 3 off 2

Hand 13 I am at a loss here - Ops open 1 and I bid 3 showing the majors (alerted and explained by partner).  Ops then bid 3 (my 6 card suit), it is passed round to me.... I think that if I double, it will be pulled so I pass and quietly take it 3 down for 300!!!

Hand 17 I had the choice of game in 3NT or 4 and actually chose the wrong contract but I made 3NT, a lot of pairs did not - perhaps my play is ok!

Hand 18 I squeezed out an extra trick again here but only as Ops didn't start the s soon enough and the long gets one away

Hand 25 We managed to get our 3 tricks plus a ruff, Ops didn't pull the trumps in time, not entirely our own credit

Hand 35 Ops open 1NT and partner bids 2 (showing s and a minor).  I (rather rashly) bid 3NT with this info....!!!!  Ops lead A and think their partner wants a next so switches to Q.  I duck this and they play another and Ops play the K - I take this with the A now they are all set up.  I don't have enough tricks though so what can I do?  I lead the 9 and it holds - now the A then K and the Q drops - I show my hand and claim 11 tricks!  We should have been in s for a safe contract but where is the fun in that!!!

Hand 45 Our Ops failed to bid the slam (the majority did find it, including our team mates!)

Hand 46 Our final hand of the day and partner plays a blinder.  Ops pass 2 round and then double it and is passed back and left.  This should be one off but partner fools the Ops with the s and they don't make their K and contract made, good finish partner!!!

Hand 33 Looks good for us but should have been entered by South and not East - I am good (sometimes) but even I couldn't have made 10 tricks in s here!!!  Have e-mailed the directors to correct.  Our defending was still good here though as they can make 11 tricks!

A tough weekend but worth doing and good experience - a week of club bridge ahead then off to Jersey for a fun bridge week!

23rd September 2017

Surrey Green Point Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in a Surrey's Green point Swiss Pairs.

We had a pleasant day but didn't cover ourselves in glory.

Nice to see quite a lot of local pairs from our clubs supporting the event and some did well, others enjoyed the day!

We had some bad luck, were against the cards and also made our own blunders!

We did manage to win the last 2 matches though so came away with half a green point.  Our Team mares for tomorrow did better winning 4 out of 7, well done Simon and David !

Our top club pair was John and Philip finishing 17th, well done both - very good performance!

Our matches were:

Loss 8-12

Loss 3-17

Loss 3-17

Loss 7-13

Loss 2-18

Win 20-0

Win 11-9

Some good bits:

Hand 1 (our first hand of the day), I re-bid showing 15/16 and partner has a 9 count and raises to 3NT - I can only see 6 tricks from the start but keep calm and see what I can do.  I play on s after the Ops block the s and watch as s are being thrown away - I have a sneaky plan to end play and get a couple of s - it works and I make 9 tricks!!!

Hand 22 I bid well here and 9 tricks always on - not everyone in it though and some went off

Hand 24 was good play again and I squeezed an extra trick in s by losing the second one

Hand 38 our Ops missed 3NT and so we had a good score, we defended well too to stop 11 tricks

Hand 39 was lucky - Ops pre-empted in s and then raised in s - I bid 2 in the meantime and partner doubled 4 to show s.  I passed it and we quietly took this 1 off.

Hand 42 our Ops ruffed a but hadn't realised I was out too and so I made an extra trick here - as they went looking and backed out to 5, this now meant 1 off

Hand 48 we missed game here but losing trick said no - I played well and Ops didn't take the A to give me an extra trick

Hand 47 (I know, out of order but this was the last hand we played) - partner is playing in an ordinary looking 2 contract, we were losing the match and all depended on partner - no worries here, she played the best she had all day and made 1 more trick than was there with great play on the s and got the s right too - well done partner, you saved our day and won the match!!!

A few odd things without going into detail lost us a few hands but we didn't do anything terrible (other than 2 hands which I will keep quiet about!!!).

Looking forward to Teams tomorrow - my own target is 1 green point per event, this means we need to win 6 out of 7 tomorrow to hit quota............!!!

22nd September 2017


Playing with a regular monthly partner in a regular club session.

A wild night tonight and we somehow managed to sway the balance our way!  Pleased with 3rd and 57%, well done partner!

Both our declarer play was pretty good and was especially pleased with my 6NT on hand 2 - after the lead, I didn't play a card for what seemed like an hour!!!  I decided I had a  to lose and if the  went wrong, a LOT of s!!!

Having made my decision that the low was away from QJ, I played low and won with my 10, then squeezed the S out of E (eventually) but could have finessed it - trouble was, could take it either way so wanted the odds in my favour!

I squeezed an extra trick out of hand 8 too which was nice!

Hand 11 was a good score but partner opened and then didn't re-bid so I was left in 2!!!!  I firmly believe that if you open, you promise partner a re-bid - rant over....!

Hand 5 balances out though - partner got a away and then forced out the A and made an impossible 4 contract, well done partner!!!

Our chairman missed a trick on our first hand of the night, 13 (unlucky for some!!!) - he made up for it on hand 14 mind!!!

Hands 15 and 16 were the 2 that let us down though, partner's only real blunders, they came top with a big score overall so think their luck was in and am actually really pleased to see them top!

Hand 4 was interesting - declarer revoked half way through by ruffing a when he had 2 left.  Now he wins the remaining tricks and so a 2 trick penalty.  Well, we all agreed that equity should be restored but how?  We had a natural trick already (partner ruffed) and we have 2 tricks owed - is this all we get though or should there be a further penalty?  All present agreed there was no additional penalty, am sure this is right but doesn't seem right to me - still, we had 80% for the board so let it lie.....

Always such fun with Derek and despite his health not being great at the moment, his spirits are!

A weekend ahead of tough bridge too, Swiss Pairs tomorrow and Swiss Teams on Sunday in Guildford for Surrey's Green Point events - last minute entries tonight if anyone wanting to play - the Pairs especially I would recommend (we have quite a few CBC and YHBC pairs going)

22nd September 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We came out on top of a fairly tricky session today - some errors were entirely down to us, some with odd hands and some Ops were sparkling against us!

It is worth noting that hands 13 and 17 were switched as they were laid out wrong at the start and was the easiest way to resolve it - the hands therefore don't represent the scores!

On 13, partner reversed so I went looking - I asked and she doesn't have the A but MUST have everything else for the bid......... No!!!!  Fortunately, Ops gave us a penalty card and so contract made - very lucky!

On 14, partner doubled the Ops s and I am thinking what do I do here with 5 to the AK!  Ops supported to 2s so I double (denies 4s and shows a minor) - partner manages to pass this for penalties and it works!  I asked for a  and my low card loses but partner persists and we get the ruffs going - good defending here!

On 18 we managed to push our Ops up and defended well

On 20 our Ops were a little ambitious and again, luck is on our side here

On 21 we defended as well as we could having pushed again

On 23 we bid to 4 and luck is on our side again, Ops bid to 5s which goes off, 4 doesn't make

19 is worth a mention as partner made a contract that was not possible - stunning play including using a entry to finesse the - well done partner!

4 was partner not playing as well as she could - on the  switch from E, I think the A needs to be played as we cannot afford W to be on lead.....

8 I can save a trick by playing the J on the first one but the lead was fatal really!

15 we defended well - everyone else defended better it seems!!!

16 was a judgement call - I think I can get away with 3 off as it was played but I needed to ruff with my A (I had placed the 10 in the E hand and was wrong)

Another enjoyable session though and home for a bite to eat then back to Bridge!!!

A weekend ahead of tough bridge too, Swiss Pairs tomorrow and Swiss Teams on Sunday in Guildford for Surrey's Green Point events - last minute entries tonight if anyone wanting to play - the Pairs especially I would recommend (we have quite a few CBC and YHBC pairs going)

21st September 2017


Playing with my life partner in a regular club session that is also part of the Berks & Bucks Sim Pairs.

My regular partner is on holiday so Vee steps up again, he's a star!

Fair to say, not as good as Monday!!!

I didn't sparkle and Vee missed 3 system bids and made some odd choices in bidding and defending.

Hand 22 though, Vee made an amazing bid and I played well, the 2 combined to get 100% for us and I really felt we earned that one.  With a 3 count, Vee transferred me to s then pondered and eventually decided it is either 2 or 4 and went for it - bit lucky perhaps but it worked!!!  I don't think I would have raised with West's hand

As is my style these days, I put a bit more effort into the good results than the bad - this is not just me being lazy but I never like to be mean to Ops or partner (I don't mind being self critical) so will not write much more tonight!

I think we just had a poor start and Vee lost confidence tonight, that combined with tiredness and my play not being up to standard.  We finished well though with 6 of our best scores coming in the last 9 hands

Pleased that my other partner and team mate ("The Margaret's") did well, a boost for team morale following on from last night's success - well done girls!

Playing twice again tomorrow.....

20th September 2017


All go tonight!!!!

YHBC playing in the Berks & Bucks Sim Pairs, Improvers supposed to do the same but only 1.5 tables plus Vee (2 Improver Pairs went up to the Main Group leaving a half table in both groups, I am cross about this as 1 pair should have sated in the Improvers to balance the groups).

Vee had no choice in the end but to play socially with a spare dummy for a couple of hours and then called it a day.

I rushed through dinner and went to Dorothy's early to get set-up ready for our match, our first of the new season.

We are in Division 2 and I played with Margaret B with team mates Margaret W and Dorothy.

We played a lovely team and everyone was so nice and played in such a good atmosphere.  The Ops had a mixed team and in the first half we felt we started badly but picked up a bit.  When we made drinks for everyone and sat down to score, only 1 score against us and we had lots of big swings - 46-5 to us.

Matches can turn though so our Captain (Margaret W) kept us calm and said we still need to play straight down the middle and hold it together.

We all played well in the second half too (although the Ops bid better this time), we still won this half 33-5 to give us +69 (66 or more is 20-0).

Although we were delighted with the result, we all felt a little embarrassed and were very gracious - the Ops even commented on how kind we were and that the atmosphere was nice.

5 of the main group pairs are currently in the top 10 in the Sim Pairs (4 out of 8 clubs submitted results so far so all can change), well done to all though!  Results can be seen HERE

19th September 2017


Badminton tonight and I played poorly!  Won 2 out of 7 though most were quite close.

I had some skill but a lot of shots just didn't work - I arrived late as went to see my bridge partner and had a nice catch up and a coffee but had a hectic day today and all quite rushed, am tired today!

Enjoyed it though and good to exercise - my friend joined the club tonight too!

17th September 2017


Playing with my life partner in a regular club session that is also part of the Berks & Bucks Sim Pairs.

My regular partner is still a bit jet lagged from the US and so felt it best to miss tonight, we are going to go and see her tomorrow for a catch up before badminton

Played with Vee instead and really enjoyed tonight and we had no issues or grumbles until the last hand.........

Our defence throughout had been really good (very good to be honest) and then the Ops get in a pickle and end up in 6 which I double.  This HAS to go off and Vee didn't defend well, not taking K and not seeing my high low in s and instead gave a ruff and discard - still, it is never done deliberately and I didn't say anything, but......... I did give a look and that is enough, sorry partner.  We still took this off and got a top so no harm done other than to Vee's feelings which is more important than any score.

We played 11 hands and defended 15, fortunately, our defending was better than our play!

The bad bits:

  • 2: Not an unreasonable bid by partner but the 5-0 split was not fun and I didn't play it well either, sorry partner
  • 5: Ops were not ambitious and it did them well - most trying 3NT failed - not our fault here!
  • 13: Although the matrix says 7 tricks is all that is there, if partner tries leading up to my 2 red Ks, it may generate another trick or 2.....
  • 15: Oops!!!!  I over-bid my hand here and, worse, never mentioned my s or asked partner to bid - no excuses here, I am an idiot!
  • 22: I can make this on a non lead, nothing wrong with looking for it - 7 is the contract but only makes by me - this is not going to happen, unfortunate by I applaud the fact that Vee looked here and his judgement was sound, it just didn't make

The good bits:

  • 6: Superb defending here after we pushed them too far.  We beat the matrix in terms of tricks which is always nice.  We took 2 s, 2s and a (that we didn't need to make)
  • 9: OK, we missed 6NT but not bad going to bid the slam here - I open 2NT, partner bids stayman and I say s, he then looks and off we go!
  • 10: We push Ops up too high again here and get the defence right, sorry Ops
  • 11: I should have played my Q and tempted South but I didn't and I didn't catch the K, drat!  Still, nobody else got to the slam - partner opens 1, I bid 1, partner bids 3s and I go straight to 6!
  • 16: Ops didn't bid game, lucky us
  • 18: I upgrade my 18 to 19 with 5s and so open 2NT - only 2 pairs found game here
  • 19: Ops mis-understood the 2 asking bid and partner mercilessly took his 7s and then gave up!
  • 24: Ops didn't discuss the UNT bid and so assumed it was strong and natural and kept on bidding until I doubled!
  • 26: Stole this contract and made it as Ops didn't find the ruff

Thanks Vee, a fun night and superb defending!

Catch up with Jo and then Badminton tomorrow....

16th September 2017

Richmond Swiss Pairs (Blue Pointed:

Playing with a regular partner in Richmond's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs.

Really enjoyed today, was just a fun day and not many issues - a few horror hands but no arguments, in fact, it was humour throughout for us and we had 6 nice matches.

We only won 2 of them but lost 11-9 on 2 which we could and should have won.  I was "hood-winked" on match 1 too by a weak 2 bid that only had 5 s.......!

Partner was on form today which helped, she tends to play better when it's calm and jovial and no nagging (which I am known to do!!!).

Our friends from CBC, Penny & Susan were leading after round 1 with 69%!!! They dropped a bit after that but won 3 out of 6, well done!!!  Simon & Kirsty won 3/6 too but had a bit of upset half way through, still good points!

A few bits from each match:

Match 1:  Loss, 13-7

  • Hand 2, the Ops found the perfect spot - what can we do here?
  • Hand 3, I can make this if I realise there are only 5♠ in the weak 2 opener.....!
  • Hand 6, Ops got the perfect defence, overtaking the lead - nothing partner could do
  • Hand 7, Ops mess up here and I pounce to make the un-makable contract!
  • Hand 8, I don't get a  lead - 11 tricks are easy now

Match 2:  Loss, 11-9

  • Hand 9, Ops are ambitious but we defend it right
  • Hand 11, Our defending skills are great here and stop the 12th trick!
  • Hand 12, I want to jump to 3 but we play a system for that - I still should have bid 3 after partner's s are doubled
  • Hand 16, I need to switch to a  on trick 2, sorry partner

Match 3:  Loss, 11-9

  • Hands are all flat really - unlucky to miss out on a draw here

Match 4:  Loss, 15-5

  • Hand 28, great defending again here - partner was allowed to ruff though and Ops could have taken this out
  • Hand 29, we were too ambitious here, sorry partner, my fault again - partner actually played this well to only be 1 off
  • Hand 30, This was mis-dealt!!!!  We had to take 60% each here as the NS hands at been switched in the deal - we held 3NT to 10 tricks which would have been 90% but of course, it wasn't the same hand as everyone else played!
  • Hand 31, I felt this was a good sacrifice - it was NOT!!!! Sorry again partner!!!!

Match 5:  Win, 20-0

  • Hand 33, What a Hand!!!! Ops over bid and partner doubles, I take 5 minutes to pass and not bid on in my 6-6-1-0 shape hand - great double partner!
  • Hand 34, I bid on this time with my 6-5-1-1 shape hand and 1 off is much better than Ops in game!
  • Hand 36, we defend really well again
  • Hand 39, The blip in a near perfect round - again, I have a huge distributional hand - only 1 off was good play I think but a poor score - I loved playing the 9 on 2nd round and let it go, the Ops face was a picture!!!
  • Hand 40, Partner had 1 trump and she managed to ruff with it!!!  Go partner!!!

Match 6:  Win, 15-5

  • Hand 42, I am too ambitious again here - I will not learn huh?
  • Hand 44, I am superstar to make this 1NT, was so pleased with myself (I know pride is a sin but still......!!!) - Ops have 3NT on here themselves!
  • Hand 46, I played really well here too to make another low level 2 contract
  • Hand 48, Shame this is the final hand of the diary, won't discuss it, partner knows this may not have been her finest hand.....!  Honestly though, a real shame as this was partner's 1 and only real blunder - the rest were my over-bidding or the Ops doing good things against us

If you haven't tried a Swiss Pairs event, give it a go - they can be great fun and also great experience as you face a mix of opponents but it should level out for how you perform on the day.

My Monday partner has been away for a few weeks, will play at CBC tomorrow if she is up to it but may just have a coffee with her and talk about her trip!

16th September 2017

YHBC Committee & Social Teams:

YHBC Committee meeting this morning at 10:45 at our Chairman's house and we have a full compliment.

I arrive early (as always) and chat about last nights hands and a few issues then the others arrive and we have the meeting.

Nothing controversial today and a lovely spread at half time.  I have a few more tasks to complete as do the rest of the committee.

Home by 13:30 and Vee has made lunch for me.   We catch up on a bit more TV recorded then head out to social bridge where we play as Pairs making up teams each round (5 rounds).

We all bring some food and eat after 3 rounds and all is great fun.

Vee and I didn't perform as well as we could but really pleased that Marilyn won (again!!!).

Playing in Richmond tomorrow in another Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs.

15th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 6 of the Beryl Doughty Cup - tonight was also the qualifier for the Surrey Club Pairs Challenge, any pair with Master Points can enter the Final on the 8th October.

Vee played too tonight with my regular afternoon and Congress partner.  We both did about the same, above average but could do better!

Was pleased with my declarer play tonight, I put partner into some un-makable contracts (reasonable I think, but not on these distributions!!!).

Hand 1:  I doubled after 1, 1, 1 me - I have s and support for partner's s but don't want to push the bidding up.  Partner says this is penalties and passed out - I am not saying I am right with my bid but even if this is penalties, it is asking a lot to take 1 off....

Hand 4: I got the s wrong and so only made 9 tricks.  Fortunately, 2 only 1 other made 9 tricks and the other pair who bid game went off.  The matrix says only 9 tricks on offer but if I play to the 8 it holds and 10 tricks available.

Hand 5:  I felt 6 was on here and put partner up - just about the only distribution that takes this off though, sorry partner.

Hand 6: I think partner can double here, he thinks I will take it out (I may well do) but if I do, we play in 4 which is better.  We got above average though....

Hand 8: I think partner over valued his hand here, fortunately, I was playing well at this point and managed to make this, don't know how!!!

Hand 12: You don't see many hands wilder than this!!!  Over half the contracts were doubled and we were fortunate to get one of the better scores

Hand 13:  This needs a lead by the look of it, we lose 2 tricks then set-up the rest and gain momentum, unfortunate

Hand 14:  I am not sure 2NT is the right bid by partner with only 1 stop but his judgement is normally sound.  Perhaps I should have bid 3 anyway though.

Hand 16: Well defended partner, between us we chose a passive defence and it worked well here!

Hand 21:  I was so daft here, Ops sign off in 2 (which they should make but most went off in), I decide to bid 3 on my own and go off 3!!!  I should pass or Double, silly Ian and sorry partner, no excuse here!

Hand 22: I have to make amends for the last hand, I play well here and do indeed make amends for the last blunder!

Hand 24: I played well here too, I needed to!

Always fun playing with Alan, he has excellent card sense and I look forward to these sessions!!!

YHBC committee meeting in the morning as Vee cooks for the evening where we have a 3 table multiple Social Teams event (we do this every 2 months or so).

15th September 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A gift on our first hand but then a roller coaster until a good finish!

An enjoyable session though and a good score despite the position - I have a tendency to comedy (well, comedy in my head) and made a remark without thinking which had our table laughing with the room watching - sorry Jim, I didn't mean any offence!!!!!

Hand 5:  Well bid partner, the only pair to find the slam!

Hand 6: I was lucky they didn't attack the s and I then paused for a long time before getting the s right, was pleased (but more relieved) with my play here

Hand 7: Unfortunate for Ops, they took a long time to decide on the bid and then doubled due to the pause - this gave the wrong message to their partner and the wrong contract ensued (which I doubled as a meanie!!!)

Hand 8: Partner should bid 1NT when I double (but should I double holding 4 of their s??) - compounded by playing like a loon here too, sorry partner

Hand 9:  After the last hand, I got this wrong too, should have made this but instead of ruffing a  to get back to my s I played a and lost it and then let them ruff a - drat!!!

Hand 11: Great play by partner here, well done!!!  Ops needed to start with a and then play s through partner, so bit of luck too but also well played

Hand 12: Ops under bid and got a great score for it!!!  A bit unlucky for us

Hand 14: I felt I could get out for 2 off but 3 off was a disaster, sorry partner

Hand 19: Mis-understanding by Ops here and we took advantage mercifully by passing, sorry Ops

Hand 20: Ops didn't bid game here, again we took the gift

Hand 22: A defending technique here - Ops start with the A and carried on with the K.  I suggested that the A should promise the K, so now switch rather than play the K and partner knows to play a back when they get in.  The key here is that the Q is not in dummy, they know they don't have it so it must be in my hand.

Hand 24: Ops needed to play the A on the first go and then ruff a , they can count the cards here and it holds me to 9 tricks

Really good fun today, thanks partner!!!  I had to take a work call in the middle too which distracted me, but got back on track after.

Playing again tonight and Vee is joining up with my partner to play tonight too!  Waiting for Pizza now as we watch Masterchef (food and bridge, the main components of my life!!!)

14th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 9 of the Thursday Championships

Not our finest hours, mainly my play (again) but some of my contracts were not the best spot, just my play!

With 1 round to go we are lying 3rd overall and need a score of 77% in the last round to come 2nd (assuming other pairs don't improve their scores!!!) - a tough task but there is a chance, looks likely we will finish 3rd to be fair.

Hand 2: I was mad at myself, I must keep my small D for an entry to dummy - then I grab the last  to make the contract - turned a 100% to a zero as I was the only one to open my 11 count.

Hand 4: Annoying here, I made all that was there but others are making 10 tricks crying

Hand 5: Defence spot on here but Ops should be in 3NT really

Hand 6: Well played partner!!!

Hands 7: I think my partners double was a little light here (or should have 4) but perhaps I am a little critical here

Hand 13: I made a complete mess of this, have I played cards before..... crying

Hand 23: Partner missed my CDH bid and so we never found the  lead, drat!

An enjoyable evening, shame about the score but generally it was good.

Playing twice again tomorrow.....

13th September 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers tonight and Vee helped a Main Group Team out to make up for a player who unfortunately was unwell tonight.

He enjoyed it and only had a few blunders but they didn't score too well but not a disaster either.

I made up the tables with Chris in the Improvers and she was amazing (again!!!) - I couldn't defend for toffee tonight and must apologise for my poor defending, sorry partner.

The team I play for did well tonight coming 2nd, well done team!!!  My regular partner, Margaret, was 2nd on the X-Imps in the Teams too with partner Lesley, well done ladies!!! We are still behind a little overall but well placed and stand a chance - the table is in the Competitions area HERE

Our Analysis (in brief!):

  1. Partners only blunder here, I opened 1NT (upgrading my hand) and partner over-bid.  Use of stayman here would have been perfect and pass anything I bid (unless s then possibly bid game with a 9 card fit!)
  2. All pass to me, I cannot open a strong 2 and my preference here is to not miss game - partner must be 5-10 HCPs (balancing the 25 between Ops and Partner) so must be a good shot at game and I don't like Ops bidding when we have game on - nobody else bid or made 4
  3. Good bidding by partner here - Ops came in with a weak jump to 3 and partner bid 3 which I raised, well bid and played partner
  4. We played this with the board the wrong way round so I was South here - Ops open 3 and passed to me, I punt 3N and make 11 tricks - better to be lucky than good!
  5. I play well (at times) but here the Ops helped me out - I played up to my singleton K and it held.
  6. Flat hand
  7. Partner is brilliant!!!  She understood that this 10 count WAS an opening hand, this is the start of a great bridge brain working (in my view) - I of course raise straight to game after 1 opened.
  8. My blunder here - I should have used 4NT as RKCB and didn't, we bid 2, 2, 2, 6 - sorry partner.  We were lucky nobody bid a slam in the Improvers but this would be a poor board in the main group I think
  9. Ops missed the contract and we defended well enough to take this off
  10. My blunder here - I bid on after Ops bid 4 (which doesn't make!), they then bid to 5 and made 12 tricks, well played Ops but my error in bidding on, sorry partner
  11. An odd hand here - everyone seemed to mess up the play here, we defended well but so did everyone else!
  12. A very lucky hand, don't really know how I made this!!!  I do know that I gambled on my play though, I should never bid up after 1NT, 2NT with my poor 12 count, lucky though
  13. A good score but partner worked out the K was on side, then forgot it!!!  Should have been 9 tricks for 100%.....!
  14. Well bid Ops and well played - we actually could have taken this off on a lead as Ops got a away and lost the (taking the finesse when only 1 in dummy.....!)
  15. I defended poorly ruffing a  instead of discarding, sorry partner
  16. My defending let us down again - I didn't register the K had come down and then threw all mine away - the worst hand of my life I think!!!!

A really enjoyable evening, hope partner enjoyed too, I only wish I was dummy on more hands as partner's play would have pushed us up even further - her play netted us 95% (mine was only 70%!!!)

12th September 2017


Badminton tonight and I played well!  Won 7 out of 9 and the 2 I lost were close.

My drops and net play was really good tonight and very pleased with that!

Not too tired tonight too, think I am finally getting fitter!

Teams at YHBC tomorrow, I am hosting the Improvers so good luck to my team mates!

11th September 2017


Playing with a substitute partner in a regular club session which was also a qualification for the Surrey Final (Club Pairs Challenge)

Another fun session and generally not bad.  We were top going into the last round but 2 near bottoms to finish dropped us to 2nd.

Hand 5 was Ops in 3NT +3 and should be flat or good for us (it's cold) but unfortunately not many made it!

Hand 6 I should have just bid 3NT (despite the  overcall) but I didn't - would have been a 100% but instead a near zero (we were in 6 as partner quite rightly bid on past 5 as that is rarely a good score in pairs).

I messed up Hand 18 too - it shouldn't make but I was on course to do it!!!  I lost track of the though and went 2 off instead - we should have been in 4 though if I simply make a Take Out Double, drat!!!

Hand 24 I bid 3 which is our top, but Ops bid on (overbidding!!!!) - unfortunately, 3 makes, even worse, I doubled!!!!

The good bits (highlights)!:

Hand 8 - Partner opened a strong 2 (a win for the system!) so we find 3NT

Hand 10 - Ops open (justifiably), those that Pass Out do better, bit of luck for us but we defended really well here too

Hand 11 - Good double partner, good defending too

Hand 14 - Outstanding logic by partner - he started a cue sequence and when I didn't carry it on, my points must be outside s (his void) so now a 70% chance of the slam being on - it was!

Hand 19 - Gerber strikes again!  Mis-understanding by Ops and I rather cruelly doubled.  Thinking about it, this gave them a chance to escape to a good slam, perhaps I should not have doubled.

Tonight, pairs who achieved Master Points can enter the Surrey Final (Club Pairs Challenge) - I am not free on the 8th October so cannot play but hope the other pairs do and hope they do well!

10th September 2017

Social Bridge:

After our weekly shop and washing done, we have a bite to eat then head over to our friends, Les & Jennie, for social bridge.

Great hospitality and enjoyable cards - all play with all (8 boards each).

I start with Les and we are down by just 2 at the end.

Then I play with Vee and we storm our session taking over 100 lead in our 8 (Vee 2 ahead of me).

Then I play with Jennie and we win our session by 50 (she made all her contracts until the last hand where she only went 1 off) - I win overall with Vee 2nd!

Results are not the main thing here though, we all played well - Les had no cards to speak of though which was a shame - he made an exceptional 4 contract though which was really impressive!

Home made soup to finish making now and then relax for the night with our Soup and more TV!

Playing with my stand-in partner again tomorrow at CBC

9th September 2017

Day Off:

A day to myself as Vee working, I get some bridge admin done (including helping on the Surrey newsletter - due out Monday).

Vee home early evening and we have a nice Indian Take Away and relax watching TV recorded.

8th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A night where partner was on fire!  Honestly, his play was superb and bidding restrained, really enjoyed tonight!

We had some bad luck where the Ops did what they should and did it well, not many of our own making.

A very unlucky hand where partner came in on his second bid with 2 - Doubled and I have an opening hand and pass, it is left in for penalties and goes 1 off - it looks makable but tricky - had I known partner had A I would have bid 3NT !!!

3 of our 5 poor scores were due to the Ops doing well - the other 2 were an unlucky sacrifice on hand 17 and the 2x above where looking at the full hand, the  entry to dummy is safe (we both thought it would be ruffed) - then take the finesse, shame.

Some hands were played very well by us both and pleasing when it works!

A shame that it was such a poor turnout though, Friday night is a great evening with friendly and good players, do come along and support the club!

We finished with a strong set though and moved from 3rd to first on the last round - well done partner!

8th September 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

A fun session but not quite in our favour!

We had a series of tops and bottoms, most of the bottoms were not us doing wrong but the Ops doing right.

Hand 14 was stunning play by partner too, well done making 11 tricks here!

My play was improved today too, hope it carries on to tonight!

7th September 2017


Playing with a regular partner and Team mates in round 5 of 6 of the CBC Chairman's Shield

As I arrived, partner came up to me to say she wasn't well and she really wasn't - I said it was fine to cancel but she didn't want to let anyone down in Teams.

The first 4 rounds she was in a lot of discomfort but after that it passed.

We finished 8th on a small minus score but there were some real highlights to the night.  Brief summary:

  1. Hard to find the slam, flat board
  2. We have nothing on here but NS at the other table managed to make 3
  3. Poor play by me - I had 10 tricks off the top but didn't see it
  4. Our team mates found the suit game, slightly in our favour
  5. We all lost track of who was sacrificing here!!!  Fortunately, Ops ended up with the last bid which I doubled - says we can make 6 though......
  6. Team mates make one more trick here so slightly in our favour
  7. We missed a trick here (double dummy says 12 on but nobody made 12)
  8. Team mates got carried away here (their words!)
  9. I should have been in 3NT - but my  void????
  10. Flat
  11. Good defending here - slightly in our favour
  12. Team mates made the right bid for Teams, it didn't pay off though
  13. Team mates shine here being in 3NT, slightly in our favour
  14. 4-3 fit plays better here, slightly against us
  15. Team mates found game here (which wasn't on but they made it!), fortunate really as we didn't defend well but good score for us
  16. We were the only pair to find a Grand Slam - partner opened 1, I bid 4NT, told 2 key cards, 7 - 7NT was on but in teams and with a singleton, I thought was safer.  Partner played it well to bring it home too.
  17. Flat
  18. I forgot to take the K before coming over to my hand, should have made this - sorry team crying
  19. We stayed in 1NT here, team mates defended well too for a double swing!
  20. Both pairs made 10 tricks (us in , team mates in ) - another double swing!
  21. Flat
  22. Slightly better in NT - slightly against us

More important than the results, partner was feeling better by the end and has messaged to say home ok and all is well - what a relief!

Playing twice tomorrow......

6th September 2017


Playing with a regular monthly partner in a regular club session.

Vee hosted the Improvers and played to make up 3 tables.  He was above 50% going into the last round and then they dropped, he had an enjoyable session and they played to time finishing at 10pm.

Barbara and Glynis had another amazing score, well done both!

Not our finest evening but enjoyable and no real bidding errors which is always nice.

One minor point on our first hand (hand 7), partner hadn't registered that I had 5s (I bid 2 over 1 by partner) - easily done and am not being critical.  Partner played the correctly too, had the finesse been taken the other way, 10 tricks here would have netted a good score - close margins!

The arrow switch didn't help us either, having 3 bad hands for doing nothing wrong other than our Ops bidding the nice hands properly!

I was pleased with 5x sacrifice on hand 22, it had to be right though as I had no points and no defence with favourable vulnerability.

Hand 17 was just a mess, I could not have played that any worse!!!

Hand 9 I asked if partner had a  stop, although the Ace is there, I think it may be better to repeat the  (or ) - I am bidding to game but need to know where, perhaps I should have bid differently myself though crying

Hand 4 was a good score but we are better in - I opened this terrible hand with 11 HCP and 5s to the 10 but have a singleton and it felt right.  I cannot reverse into s though.  As it happened, I think I played it well to make 8 tricks for an above average score.  Should I open here though?

Teams at CBC tomorrow.

5th September 2017


Badminton tonight and I was on fire tonight!  Won the first 6 games with very little rest including a 30-28 win!!!

I then played against the clubs best player - I had a great partner too but it was too much and lost 21-14.  I then lost 2 more and won the last mixed (I have never lost with Kerry!).

Shattered again now though.

Playing with my regular monthly partner tomorrow whilst Vee hosts the Improvers at YHBC.

4th September 2017


Playing with a new(ish) partner in a regular club session.

My regular partner is away this week and next - Mark has kindly agreed to partner me in her absence.

After the first 2 rounds (4 bottoms) I think he was wandering what he had signed up to!!!  We did pick up after that though we were never destined for greatness after our start.

Some odd things happened too, 4 with a 4-3 fit against us, strong NT that cut us out and other tables not making games (which were on) to make our sacrifices good!

Early on, I thought we had agreed that all doubles were penalties - I had mis-understood!!!  When I left 2 doubled in and it made, I felt so dumb - sorry partner crying

Partner bid well on 19 and 20 to put me into 2 games, I played them adequately but the score was achieved with the bidding really.

Hand 23 was amazing to watch, most were in 3NT but partner was the only player to make it - well done partner.

Will do better next week.

3rd September 2017


After a quick  breakfast we are all set for the journey back, a very clear drive home - washing and chores to do then just catching up with TV and a rare early night later I think!

2nd September 2017


Spent the day walking the lanes. A lovely reception - I didn't know many but had a great time and very social, Matt & Juliet looked stunning - a few drinks but not excessive!

Non stop finger food which were all delicious finalising in a gorgeous cake (deconstructed) all fabulous !!!!

A few more drinks at our hotel then bed 

1st September 2017


Arrived in Brighton and a pleasant evening with a nice meal and a few drinks, a loud singer in a small bar and a drag act - it is Brighton !!! Wedding reception tomorrow.....!

Pleased to see 2 of my regular partners 1st and 2nd at YHBC too - well done both!

1st September 2017 (Afternoon)


Badminton at 9am then shower and pack ready for the weekend

Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Vee played today too and enjoyed it and had above 50%

Our defence once again needs a bit of work - partner played very well on most hands today but 4♠x after a small  lead should have made - hey ho

Some wild hands today that need looking at, we were lucky 2 slams weren't bid against us on 7 and 9 

Contracts doubled a lot today - some made some didn't - hand 20 was such an extreme hand, we got very lucky here but I had to double 5♠ and then 6 too - sorry Ops

Now off to Brighton for the weekend for Vee's Uni friends wedding (stopping off to deliver a birthday card to one of my other Bridge partners) - should be nice weather but not too hot (just how I like it!!!), will be nice to spend the weekend with my other half!!!!

31st August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A packed car park tonight and I ended up blocking in a fellow bridge player (was ok and I left as soon as play finished to let him out!).

We gave up our seat and moved to the sit out table and the hands we missed were full of traps, glad we missed them!!!

A night of ups and downs but more ups than downs, were top going into the last round but had 50% then 0% on the last 2 hands, dropped a few places.

One of my new partners finished equal top, no doubt there will be a few e-mail exchanges to follow..... Well done Chris & Dave!

Fair to say, our declare play was solid, both 75/76% - some odd/good bids by the Ops on a few hands and I defended badly on the last hand - the rest was good.

Hand 2 -  Really well played by partner, we were the only pair in game and not easy to make it

Hand 5 - Well bid partner, only 3 of us in the slam.

Hand 7 - Good play by the Ops, managed to get a  away for a near top.

Hand 10 - Partner bid 3 so I felt obliged to lead the A, I should have led a trump or a , drat!

Hand 13 - We needed to push them up here

Hands 15-18 - A few gifts here, we can't take the credit really

Hands 21-22 - We made a great sacrifice then the Ops returned the favour!!!

Hand 23 - Unfortunate for the Ops, the bidding gave us a good lead

Hand 24 - Ambitious by the Ops here and we defended it correctly

Day off tomorrow as off to Brighton for the weekend (Vee's Uni friend is getting married) - I booked the day off as wasn't sure what time we would go, we have decided to go early evening so am still free to play Bridge (Vee playing with another partner too!).  Have arranged badminton in the morning then bridge then off for the weekend.

30th August 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tonight and we both play to make up the tables taking an Improver each.

In fairness, the 2 we had were both of the "Improved" category and all played and bid really well.

It is always a relief when the hosts come 1st and 2nd but nothing is ever guaranteed.

I had a day of bridge today as I attended the Directors course on the new laws.  Although not a director, I feel I should be on top of the laws as a Host of the Improvers and also for my own benefit as a player (especially in Congress).

Alan & Pamela celebrating their 10th Wedding Anniversary today too and lovely biscuits provided, congratulations and thanks to you both!

Our Analysis (in brief!):

  1. Superb defence - Ops made a small blunder but we still had to capitalise on it and partner pounced!
  2. My play is reasonable here
  3. I played ok here too
  4. I opened this hand and I stand by it - partner bid perfectly to 3 and I raised with only a 6 loser hand - it's a shame it went off but I think this was good bidding and play
  5. I lost to the singleton K - drat!!!
  6. All down to partner here, I made the ticks I should but partner recognised that we should be in game and did the hard work with the bidding - well done partner!
  7. Unfortunate here, our Ops bid and played well and not much we could do here
  8. I borrowed a K to open in 3rd seat here, nobody else did and so another zero - on reflection, my hand wasn't worth opening so entirely my own fault here - sorry partner crying
  9. How embarrassing - our first board played and a nightmare!!!  I pre-empt with a 6 card minor (I always do) and when partner bid, I pictured a different hand so punted 3NT.  I went off 4 for 400!!!!  This was embarrassing but even more so when I realised it was a top score!
  10. Unfortunate again here, we held this to 10 tricks when 11 are makable (per the matrix) but others made less
  11. Partner's play was nothing short of terrific here (and I let her know too).  Got the clubs spot on, played the s beautifully and the timing of each suit was superb - really really proud here, well done partner!
  12. A little gadget would have been better here, I double to show an opening hand and a 4 card major - if partner had bid the Ops suit I would have bid my 4 card  suit and we end up in a better spot - it's a learning curve though and partner had a feeling that 2 was a better bid but wasn't quite sure
  13. Ops should be in game here, was hopeful for a top but only 50%
  14. Personally, I wouldn't open with partner's hand here - 4-4-4-1 are tricky but when 3 of the points are in the singleton K, I think this is only worth 11 and I need a good 13+ natural points to open a 4-4-4-1 hand.  Still, the result was ok
  15. Superb play by partner again here!  It says 12 tricks are on offer but that is quite different to actually making them!  Partner made a plan, worked it out and got it, the others did not - well done again partner!
  16. Slightly unfortunate here, having had the discussion about 4-4-4-1 hands, partner lost a Q when counting the points and got flustered here - this wasn't a 4-4-4-1 and had 15, 3NT was the contract but we got 50% for the hand so no harm done!

A really enjoyable evening, hope partner enjoyed too, I only wish I was dummy on more hands as partner's play would have pushed us up even further - one of my regular Thursday partner's had nearly 70% in the main group and we would have rivalled them!!!  Well done Barbara and Ron though, great score!!!

29th August 2017


Badminton tonight and I was tired and hot but did my best.  Won more than I lost and all games were above 17 (very tough and hard fought night).

Well, until my "last" game which was a pure disaster and lost to 7 - rather than leave it there, I decided to play another "last" game and was a marathon match which we came through 21-18 to win!

Always nice to end on a high and am suffering a bit now - long shower and a few pints of juice later I am now writing my diary entry!

Having not played bridge at all since Friday night, looking forward to hosting the Improvers tomorrow night.

Day off tomorrow too as am attending Camberley's New Laws director training session.  I am not a director but am an interested participant - we have a few others like me going as well as directors from CBC and YHBC.

28th August 2017

Surrey BH Swiss Pairs:

Due to play today but unfortunately my partner was unwell and I couldn't find a replacement with such short notice.

I still think it is best not to play when not well though and it would have been a tough event today - no problem at all with not playing.

I see that one of our top Surrey pairs won every match but finished 2nd (more blue points though!) - well done Jeffrey & Frances.

Am really pleased to see David Pinder & Alan Coales finish 4th in such a high class field though, well done guys!

Quite a few of our club players played today and all won matches, good to see so many play.

I had a nice day at home playing more board games (which I won by 6 points, yet another close game but in my favour this time!).

Finished the day off with a take-away and now catching up with recorded Masterchef Australia episodes!

27th August 2017


No Bridge today and a full day of games with friends

We do our house chores and weekly shop first thing then a lovely cheese board for lunch (with Duck Pate for me too, yum!).

I have 2 friends over at 1pm for our strategy board game and Vee has a relaxing bath.

It was a great game and I was winning throughout but pipped at the post by both of them and ended up last!!!  Really fun though.

2 more friends arrive at 4pm and we play Poker (all 6 of us) and I was solid but no win, Vee won a game though and played well throughout too.

Great to see our friends today, it doesn't happen often enough these days - it is more about the banter than the games themselves really!

Eaten snacks and drank lots of coffee, coke and a few glasses of wine - now a little bloated and watching TV!

Swiss Pairs at Oxshott tomorrow (first event of the new Surrey season).

26th August 2017

Day Off:

No Bridge today and Vee at work (helping my Dad).

I spent the morning doing a few bits round the house and then went over to help my friend John (a fellow bridge player) with his laptop (I was successful too!).  It is a mini milestone birthday for John next week!

We had a great chat and a catch up and then I drove him to Dorothy's to meet up with Val & Keith.  I stayed for a glass of wine and a chat before coming home just in time to welcome my friends for board games!

Was a lovely morning, I feel very privileged to be considered a friend by such warm and clever people - friends are very important to me and I think the world of the one's I have.

Board Games again tomorrow followed by Poker with friends and also looking forward to a cheese board with tiger bread and pate for lunch !!!

25th August 2017


Playing with a regular monthly partner in a regular club session.

We had a great start tonight with the first 2 rounds (6 boards) and everything was really up-eat and jolly, a good thing as my partner has been very un-well for a while and had a bit of turn during the night, he fought through it though and I have so much admiration for him - we get on well too and great banter (I am a bit mean to him but only in a friendly way!).

On hand 27 I was really pleased with making 11 tricks and look at the score to find it is only 50% - June Booty played it just before me and made 11 too!!!!  It turned out to be a good score though but put me on alert to the fact that June was on fire tonight!!!

It was a close call but we pipped them in the end (it was really close with the last few boards still in play but we actually pulled away when all scores came in).

Hand 24 was another hand I was pleased with (I know pride is a sin).  I worked out the whole hand here and made 12 tricks - sometimes things just happen but this time I earned my score!

Derek was amazing tonight too, some great bids - he put me into some tough spots but I was declaring better tonight than I have for a while.

Chris & Carole from our Improvers had a fun night though a disappointing score - they were delighted to push our Chairman up and take him off on hand 25 and they did well on 26 too!  We had a tough time against them too but overall the mean Ops got the better of them.

It has been a while since I got 2 tops in 1 day and am pleased to do it today - mostly due to my partners bidding on both sessions but I played my part too!

A day with friends from the Bridge club tomorrow and then Poker on Sunday before Surrey Swiss Pairs on Monday, never stops........!!!

25th August 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We had a good start with some odd events during the round - comedy of errors from both sides but we got the better of it (or least worse!!!).

Bit of a blip in the middle with some defending blunders and I mis-played a few hands which is the theme of the week for me I'm afraid.

Still - we came out on top overall just pipping another solid pair who had a good session.

Hand 5 was another glitch from me - I thought I had 5 s and  void - not sorted properly, I then decided to pass partner's 2 response and we did well to stay low and partner played well to make it!

We avoided the trap on hand 1 too, I tried to get partner to play the hand but it went back and forth until I bid 3NT - I had a little help but was pleased with my play to make this +2.

We had a calm session today with some humour (well, "Ian" humour at least!) - we always do better when it is all nice and relaxed.

Dinner then back to bridge at YHBC tonight.....

24th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A poor session tonight after a good start.

Hard to say where it went wrong really, we both had wobbles in our declarer play and missed some contracts - not like us to be fair.

Playing South on hand 14, I should have down graded my hand with 4-3-3-3 shape and opened 1NT (I hadn't heard this before!), we then find our 2 contract crying

A number of other judgements that went against us too - a pleasant evening though and we know it will be better next time!

Playing twice again tomorrow!

23rd August 2017


Vee hosting the Improvers as I play with my 1st Weds of the month partner (her partner was away tonight so squeezed an extra session in!).

I like to be near the improvers when I'm not hosting and so set everything up and reserved a NS near them - unfortunately, I got the set-up wrong tonight!

I also score for CBC and my laptop has both clubs on it, the last action was to amend a score at a CBC session and so the club was left as CBC - I didn't notice when setting up and so no names could be found!

This puzzled Vee and I was also concerned.  When I get home, I fire up the session and see straight away the error!  A simple fix and all done now, silly Ian !

Was a shame to see a half table in the Improvers, I always feel it is better to have a half in the main group as the rounds are quicker, but no real harm done.  Vee played with Kevin tonight and were on 77% going in to the last round - with the digital nature of playing in a small group, they dropped to 52% after the last 3 boards, shame but still above 50%

Jill and I had a good night tonight.  Both sticking to the system card (other than when I mis-counted my hand and had 20 when I thought it was 18!!! - We had 75% for the board but would have been the only pair in a slam had I opened correctly!).

No red scores which helps and most were above average.

Hand 7 sticks out as exceptional play by partner - this started with the choice to open 1NT and not 1 (very wise) and then brilliant play to be the only + score for NS, well done partner!

Hand 14 was also a good score for us but my instincts told me to pass and I ignored them (after 3 minutes of thinking).  It had passed round to me and I have a weak 2 hand, if I had passed we would have had a better score (0 compared to minus 50) - my play is not always brilliant and my bidding an be off but my instincts are normally sound, I should listen to myself!

Our last hand of the session was unlucky for the Ops.  Not everyone had bid game here so 50% was a certain score, then partner played well and had 10 tricks set-up for a joint top, then they discarded the A in error and gave us 11 tricks for 100%, bad luck Ops but well played partner too, it was played well enough for a joint top without the error.

Overall a very good night and everything just worked, thanks partner for a pleasant evening and good bridge!

22nd August 2017


Badminton tonight and it was so humid - a tough day at work and Vee got delayed at the Airport with work and so didn't see him until I got home (5 mins before I hit the shower!).

Played well and ran as much as I could but had to change T-Shirt twice tonight as so hot!

Lost more than I won but all really tight games and won the last 2 (when I was drained and drenched!!!) - really pleased how I pushed through it.

Shattered again now though!

Playing with Jill tomorrow as Vee hosts the Improvers.

21st August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 8 of the Monday Championships

I had forgotten I was scoring tonight (despite knowing last night!!!) - thanks for stepping up Val!

We improved one of our scores by 2% and so remain top at the moment (by 2%!!!!).

Nothing particularly wrong tonight and only 3 bad hands, we didn't get given very much tonight and I was tired and not on sparkling form (a very tough day at work today).

I wanted tonight to be a big score, not just for the Championship but we are not playing again until the 18th or 25th Sep now, so quite a break!

Mostly my fault tonight but we both played some hands very well (I was pleased to make 13 in 6NT, well bid partner!).

Jo played 3NT exceptionally well on hand 22 too, got it all spot on!

Looking forward to Badminton tomorrow night.

20th August 2017


No Bridge today and Vee at  a friends Stag Do (escape room in London!!!).

Early start for me, take Vee to the station and then hoe to set-up the games and my friend comes over at 10am to play strategy games.

A really close game which I narrowly lost (5 points!).

Then lunch and another friend comes over to play the same game.  Unfortunately, another close game but I lose this too (by 1 point!!!!!!!).

Great fun though and a nice change to play board games - finish off the washing and get dinner ready - relaxing evening planned now until Vee home.

Scoring at CBC tomorrow in the 8th round of the Club Champs - 1 more good result needed so fingers crossed!

19th August 2017

Day Off:

No Bridge today and Vee at work (helping my Dad).  Day at home to relax, get the housework done and do the shopping.

Playing a few games on my laptop too but generally just a chilled day.

Discussions about Bridge this week too but largely personal.

Games with friends tomorrow...

18th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 5 of the Beryl Doughty Cup.

Neither of us on form - our lowest score ever (by a long way!!!).

Alan will admit himself he could have done better and I certainly could!

No real analysis needed though - we know it was bad!

2 highlights though - my play on hand 10 and Alan finished the night with an amazingly well played 2NT on hand 3 (honestly, especially given the whole evening, the line of play was truly great).

Better next time.............

A large glass of wine and Only Connect now!!!!

A weekend of games this weekend (board and cards) with my friends whilst Vee works on Saturday and goes to a Stag Do on Sunday (enjoy Vee!!!!)

18th August 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a substitute regular partner in a regular club session.

We came top today and started off well, some of scores were given to us though if honest.

Hand 4 - I think partner should ignore my suits and bid 4, but I could easily be wrong here - I don't play Gerber so took 4 as natural and this went wrong!

Hand 5 - I should pass 4 and leave partner to double!

Hand 23 - Nothing wrong here but we need the Ops to carry on bidding, they didn't!!!

Hand 27 - I over valued my hand here, should have passed partners raise to 3 but was too tempting!

We had a number of great boards though, back to back good play by partner and I in NT on 16 and 17 stand out.  Our defense was sound throughout too.

Dinner then back to bridge at YHBC tonight.....

17th August 2017


Playing with an irregular partner in a regular club session.

An above average night playing the system I am trying to master with another partner.  We both needed a good result as have both performed below par for a while.

Our defence was really good tonight (although some gifts for sure).

My partner tonight is very good at analysing the results so am passing that on to him tonight - will add later once done!

A few key hands from my point of view:

9. I pre-empted in 3 and Ops end up in 4 - partner has an opening hand and, not unreasonably, bids 4 - I think we are better leaving 4 (especially as they doubled me!)

11. Should be a good sacrifice against the slam - unfortunately, nobody bid either slam!

18. I upgraded my hand here to open 1NT, if I don't, partner opens and pays in 3NT and it makes by West - poor judgement from me, sorry partner.

22. Partner should open 2 here - then I pass the 2 re-bid

Partner's own analysis (Thanks Chris):

A very enjoyable evening at Camberley, trying out the partnership's third different bidding system in just five sessions we've played together!  Truth be told lucky was on our side - we each stretched the system more than once in the bidding, and more came off than didn't: the overall good result was rooted in the sometimes undervalued old-fashioned art of sound card-play.  Some of the worse results were when I over-cooked things in competitive auctions: boards 22, 11 and 9

(3 of our 4 worst results) suffered from this - sorry Ian!

A few boards of interest:

17 & 18: Ian up-rated 11-HCP hands to open a 12-14 1N on both of our first two boards: in the first case he got away with it, but in the second it took the final 3N contract over to the wrong side of the table for a less good result.

21: Well played Ian.  9 tricks just aren't there, and double-dummy I can't see where they came from!

3: The second overtrick can be critical at pairs: here I made the mistake of drawing a round of trumps when I do better by cross-ruffing all the way to the bank.

4: Here I take issue with one of my partner's bids, although in practise it made no difference on the hand.  After north's 1, east's 2 is within the parameters of our system: this was passed round to 2♠ from north, over which partner bid 3.  Sitting west I'm expecting 5 opposite: a double described the hand much better, as top end of the jump overcall with exactly four s.

8: As west I mis-counted my HCP to open a Benji 2 (showing 23+ - I'd somehow counted my 22 as 24).  Partner making the forced 2 response gave south the opportunity to make a lead-directing double, and north did as instructed - the only way for the defence to take a second trick: well done oppos.

16: A classic forcing defence (repeated heart leads) made life hard for the opposition: double-dummy 10 tricks are possible for declarer, but with your trumps being drawn at every turn by leads from the opposition it's not easy.

20: Partner missed an opportunity to splinter over my 1 opening: it's hard to find a slam after 1-(1)-5.  The result flatters my declarer play: 13 tricks are makable through a squeeze if you place the AKK all with south (after north has been the one to overcall!), but that's not how the 13th trick came my way.

5: If Ian and I played together more often I might train him out of 2-suited overcalls without a 5-5 shape - 2 over north's 1 promises 5-5 in the majors, but Ian went ahead anyway.  This could easily have left me playing in a very sticky heart contract, but oppos rescued us.  A double of 1 or a straightforward 1 overcall are both preferable with the east cards.

13: Although 4 went off, I stand by our bidding sequence - and actually the result wasn't bad.  Ian opens a natural 1, I respond 1, Ian rebids 1, I count 8 losers to justify a jump to 3 and, counting 5 losers in turn, he expects his 4 bid to be an easy make.  4 needs either a mis-defence or for A to turn up in the north hand, though, and neither occurred.

An enjoyable night all in all and I appreciate Partner's write up above!

16th August 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tonight, well that was the plan!!!

Vee ended up working late and came straight to the club from work arriving at 20:15 (a long day!!!).

Ian N very kindly offered to hep out, I set everything going then was asked to play with Bobbi in the main group to avoid a half table and help her (she had no lift until the end of the session).  We end doing reasonably well (4th but 1% off the top with 59%).  My results HERE

We only had 2 bad scores, 1 we were pushed too far and the other, I cannot open 1NT (playing 16-18 tonight) and if I had opened a weak 1NT, it would have been better (hand 8).  Hand 17 opened a strong 1NT though and it got us 86% - rough with the smooth!

Barbara & Glynis played in the main group again, just about transitioned and holding their own mid table - they did well against us too!!!  Well done.

After a long gap, finally ready to run another theme night.  In tonights 16 hands, 8 have been set as Transfers (1NT, Red Suit Transfer).  A write up of these hands is available in the Improvers section of the YHBC Menu (HERE) and notes on Transfers are also available (HERE)

Our Chairman, Alan Brown has very kindly given me some notes and points having looked at the whole of this sessions hands (not just the transfers) - these are worth a look....


  1. Lovely misfit all round. N superficially looks good but must beware overbidding.
  2. Nice simple 3N
  3. N must realise he is strong enough to go for game. Hard to bid a slam though.
  4. After the transfer to , will E find the good forcing bid of 3? And will W accept to game?
  5. Fair enough to give N 12HCP. Will N go to 4?
  6. Interesting in that W, after 2 passes will open. However I think he should open 3 not 1 to make life difficult for opposition. Have you taught them about Michaels if W does open 1?
  7. Can N find the best defensive lead of a trump? Assuming the contract is 2 by W.
  8. Nothing to add
  9. Can N/S deal with interference - eg 2 over the 1N.
  10. Nothing to add
  11. Can N resist temptation?
  12. Lovely. Have you taught them about "super accept"? Will E realise that W must have lots of Kings to open. Can we open a book on how many reach 7?
  13. Interesting. Would S go Stayman or do transfer?
  14. Also interesting. Would E, after 1N - 2 - 2 - 3 go on? Want to take bets on how many reach 4?
  15. Have a look at Puppet Stayman.....
  16. Interesting.  Lots of possibilities here.  Does their convention card say anything about opening 1N with a singleton honour?
15th August 2017


Badminton tonight and played well tonight only losing one game.

I ran a lot tonight but my shots were not always good - made up for it with tenacity and determination though!

Really shattered now though, paying the price for running (if you have seen me, you will know I am not a runner any more!!!)

Hosting the improvers tomorrow with Vee and have set some hands with Transfers and a write up - hope it goes well.

14th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

An above average night again but could always be better - really enjoyed it though and Jo was on good form (bridge and conversation).

We got on well and understood each other on almost all the hands, the Ops did well on a few hands and some other table results were very odd (and hurt us!).

Board 21 was unfortunate - I didn't support partner's s with my singleton King - it makes 5!!!  I was in 2NT which doesn't make, but I made it - poor score but pleased with my play.

Board 14 was very tough too - if partner ducks the first  trick, East is eventually end played with the s - couldn't see it even double dummy but having done the play it again, it is there!

Richard and Julie defended and played perfectly against us too, not much we could have done there!

A really pleasant night though and not a bad score.  Badminton tomorrow.

13th August 2017

EBU Congress 4/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with my regular partner in the EBU's premier Teams congress.

Session 4 - we swap round for the last day and Margaret was a star today - we still didn't win but 2 hands were so well played by Margaret:

Hand 10 - A lowly 1 - this just cannot be made!!!  Margaret played out of her skin and end played North to make the contract!!!

Hand 19 - A lowly 2 - again, this is an impossible contract but Margaret found the only way to make it - helped when South played a low , Margaret paused and then played low to my singleton 7 which won!!!  An entry to dummy found and now she can make the contract - well played!!!

Final standings and Point awards HERE

We all felt drained at the end of this weekend and all under performed really, we feel embarrassed to be honest but it happens.

12th August 2017

EBU Congress 3/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with a regular partner and friends in the EBU's premier congress.

This is getting tougher and tougher - the lower our score, the tougher the Ops!!!

Not a good evening either crying

12th August 2017 (Afternoon)

EBU Congress 2/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with a regular partner and friends in the EBU's premier congress.

This is getting tougher and tougher - the lower our score, the tougher the Ops!!!  We have finally won a match though

Not a good day crying

11th August 2017

EBU Congress 1/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with a regular partner and friends in the EBU's premier congress.

This is just about as tough as it gets and we are fighting with 84 other Teams to try and do well!

A tough start and a few hands lost it, we should be in 4 on one hand and partner could have made 3NT on another - partner's gave 1 away too and so a heavy loss - not too much we could have done though, just a tough team.

Match 2 should be easy though.......NO!  A team including some of Surrey's best players turn up and we lose heavily again!

Match 3 was easier but we still had a few games missed and so lost to 5.

We are in last place going into the 2nd day and it looks like we could play a team of Internationals next, this is such a tough event!!!

Will try our best today, that's all we can do after all.  No value in trying to play differently, just carry on and it will come good at some point.

10th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 8 of the Thursday Championships.

A really enjoyable night but I was not on form at all tonight.  Despite this, we were placed to get a high 50 score but 3 of the last 4 boards were not good.

We finished with me in 6 and I have to finesse the to make it - holding 9 cards, I played for the drop - wrong!  Only 2 made 12 tricks but still....

Then I bid 2 with only 6 points and partner rightly put me to game but went 1 off - drat!

On the penultimate round I failed to bid game too crying

I was mean to one of my other partners being the only person to double - sorry.

We got our defense right tonight on most boards, main issue really was my play - must do better this weekend in Eastbourne for the Teams!

2 events left in the series and it is unlikely we will win, however, 50% will see us in the top 3 but really need two 70% scores to win!

9th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A pleasant evening with a few highs and lows - fortunately, more highs than lows and we just edge the session to win.

We defended very well tonight and had a few gifts along the way - partner was disappointed with his play but I think that was just his own high standards, there was only 1 board where he mis-played the hand in 3NT, the rest was fine play.

I was quite pleased with my own play tonight but only played 4 hands.

3.5 Tables in the Improvers and 3 pairs in joint 2nd!!!  Well done all and to Carole & Jen for rising above them all!

Marjie came to help and ended up working very hard tonight as the Host for the Improvers as Vee played with a solo player (finishing as one of the 2nd pairs!) - thanks Marjie!!!

John & Delores "promised" they would be 3rd from bottom or better tonight (after our session last night), they just missed this but only by 1%  Looking at their card, they didn't do much wrong, hard when only a few scores to compare against - I think they are showing real promise.

2 of our Improvers came up to the main group tonight too - 1 of them has been away for a few weeks and when we played them, she said she wasn't thinking clearly - they are strong players and am pleased to see them continue in the main group - it takes time to "bed in" and they will definitely be contending soon.

Club Championships tomorrow at CBC and then back to Eastbourne for EBU Congress (Swiss Teams).

9th August 2017

Social Bridge:

Playing with Vee to help two of the Improvers with "how to play duplicate".

John & Delores are fairly new to the club but lovely people who can play cards but are not used to duplicate bridge.

We felt it would be a good idea to have them over and so I gave up badminton tonight to help them out.

A few basics:

Losing Trick Count

When partner opens, use Losing trick count if you have a fit for them - NOTES HERE

Level of the Fit

When partner overcalls, use level of the fit - assume 5 cards to overcall, bid up to the number of trumps (if you hold 3 trumps, bid up to 2 (5+3), if you hold 4 trumps, bid up to 3 and so on).

5 cards to overcall (8+ green, 10+ red)

Do NOT overcall with a 4 card suit!

What is the best score?

Consider the vulnerability, if you are green and they are red, going off 3 doubled is better than them making game!  So, 5 over 4 (assuming they can make it) is only 500 if doubled and 3 off (vs 620 for a vulnerable game) - it is purely the score that counts so don't worry about going down if it gets a better score.  This applies even at a low level, going off 50 is often a great score even compared to Ops making 2 for 90 !!!

A pleasant evening and coffee and cake and chat too.  I still seem to attract the points though and John had less than 6 most of the time, sorry John!  I think they learned a few bits tonight and will try and put it to work tomorrow at the Improvers Group (Vee hosting with Marjie).

7th August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

An above average night but below par overall.

We enjoyed it though and only a couple of niggles.

I tried 6 which makes from (unlikely to get a  lead) but I went 1 off, perhaps I shouldn't bid it though knowing we are an Ace and a King missing.

We missed 6 on board 18 too (last hand of the night) which was a shame.

I wasn't strong enough to bid s on 19 (our first board!!!) so we missed our fit.

Board 26 our Ops bid 4, nothing we can do here, well done Ops.

The rest was all good and 3rd is still reasonable.

VERY pleased to see Marilyn and Garrett finishing 2nd though, bravo!

About to prepare the Improver hands next ready for the Transfer night next week, will write up the hands too.

6th August 2017

EBU Congress 4/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with my life partner in the EBU's premier congress.

Session 4 - 4 matches and a poor start but won the last one well.

Match 1 - Vee hadn't played much all weekend and is now landed with 5 hands and all were really tough hands, played one fantastically making all 13 tricks, the others could be better!  2nd player plays low was said twice during one hand too!

Match 2 - A close match but we couldn't quite get there

Match 3 - We thought we had won this, quite disappointed to see 11-9 loss here as 3 hands were theirs and 5 were ours but their wins were better than ours - close though.

Match 4 - We were awesome to finish (both of us!!!).  This included defending 3NT and taking 4 tricks (HERE), Vee kept all the right cards, most made 11 or 12 tricks and we held them to 9!!!!  I made a 4 contract that not many bid (HERE).

Final standings and Point awards HERE

We all felt drained at the end of this weekend and all under performed really, we feel we did ok though.  Could have won 3 more matches reasonably easily and would have felt much better had we got these!

Back to normal tomorrow and then Teams next Friday to Sunday.....

5th August 2017

EBU Congress 3/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with my life partner in the EBU's premier congress.

Session 3 - 3 matches and all of these got away from us.

A night of wrong choices really, either in the bidding or play - largely it was good but just a few wobbles each round cost.  Match 2 tonight was very good though, we defended really well and played well.

We now have 3 wins - not as many as we would have liked but all very enjoyable and good experience.

Another 4 tomorrow and hope to finish well

5th August 2017 (Afternoon)

EBU Congress 2/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with my life partner in the EBU's premier congress.

Session 2 - 4 matches and all of these got away from us.

Match 1 we were simply out classed.

Match 2 was closer but we went down 5 in 3NT - I should have opened 3NT and then we get a  lead and I have 9 tricks off the top.

Match 3 was our first unpleasant pair who kept changing pace during the defence of the hands, very off putting.  

Match 4 was good fun but again, a couple of blunders - we tried 6 which didn't stand a chance but I only made 10 tricks and would still have been a bad score anyway as most made 11!

Another 3 tonight and hope to do better again as we dropped over 100 places today!

Actually, still enjoyed it today but it really is tough going!

4th August 2017

EBU Congress 1/4:

Our Score Card

Playing with my life partner in the EBU's premier congress.

This is just about as tough as it gets and we are fighting with 213 other Pairs to try and do well!

We had a 2 hour journey down leaving at 1pm and had a relaxing time and then a nice Italian meal (5 of us, all staying in the same hotel).

Play starts at 19:45 and we wander down an hour before to get settled and pick our starting position and then we are off!

We draw 2 lovely Irish ladies who I have played before and never beaten (not that I tell Vee that!!!).  I at least know that it will be a nice friendly game and it was really pleasant.

We had 1 director call where the made a claim with 5 cards to go - they claimed we could have a  and the rest was there's, in fact, she doesn't have to lose a but the director ruled that she should treat all the cards as the same value and so we do win our 10 - seems a bit unfair but we both agreed that the Director rule was final and it was all very amicable.

We actually played and defended well and I was delighted with Vee's card play, he was calmer than I was and he doesn't play much Congress bridge!  We had an agreement that this was just to be fun and whatever happens happens.

Round 1 complete and we edged it 12-8 with 6 of the 8 boards being in our favour.

The bridgemates have issues and they cannot get them to work in our room so we are told to move up 1 table (old school style!).  This means we played a pair we should not have met (they won 17-3 so should really be much higher than us).  We accept our fate though and carry on playing - I know them both and know how strong they are but again, I keep quiet.

We play really well here and bid and made 2 slams (I was one of only 6 pairs to make 6NT out of a tough field of 107 tables....!), defeated 1NT by 3 (vulnerable) and was gifted tricks when I was in 2NT (made 9 tricks when only 4 on.....!).  We win 18-2!!!

Although we are pleased (and amazed!!!), it now means we are at the top of the field playing the real sharks.  The movement is now working properly so we play a pair who are really near the top.

We lost the match 16-4 but was so close to winning it.  Even here, our defence was really strong and Vee was exceptional - I mis-played 6 (HERE)which should make on a  lead but I got the wrong.  The match was lost though on 1 system error and the Ops system beating us - in 5 (HERE)instead of 4 (Ops bid with only a 2 card suit!!!).  Still, we have 2 wins out of 3 and are feeling good.  A night of drinking then follows and we go to bed at 01:30 (including our friends Simon and Margaret!!!).  Breakfast at 9am (3 hours later than normal for me!!!!) which was very nice and now relaxing for the morning (and writing this!!!).

Play starts again at 1pm today for 4 more matches - then another 3 tonight.

Although these events are really tough, I would recommend it to ALL players, it is great fun and an amazing experience - I just wish we were playing 10 years ago when Brighton had 500 or so pairs (or even 20 years ago when it was 1000!!!).

3rd August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Another good session tonight and not much wrong, including bidding 6NT and partner was the only one to make 12 tricks, fine declarer play!

Tonight also made it 4 out 4 1st place finishes for my partner - last Thursday (with me) then Monday, Wednesday and again tonight - well done Partner!!!

We defended 3NT well too, I bid  and lead a  finding partner's AK!  Lucky perhaps, partner returns a and so I make all 6 s and 2 s for 400.

We were in synch all night other than one defensive error, I wanted to ruff a and then partner makes the A to defeat hand 19 rather than A first taking out my trump.

Hand 11 should have stopped in 2s too but we both kept bidding - it was so bad it was comical and we did indeed laugh it off!!!

Really good to see Margaret W back tonight and they did well too - would have been top other than the last 2 rounds which could have been better for them, still, a nice strong performance - welcome back Margaret!

Off to Eastbourne tomorrow for the Pairs event at the EBUs summer meeting, we are going to have fun but it is tough.  If we can get a few wins it is enhanced Green Points, every one counts!

2nd August 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not a good night tonight but not exactly our fault.  Some good some bad but more bad unfortunately.  No real system errors which was good but on the last hand I bid my poor suit rather agreeing partner's good suit, why did I do that!

We actually had an OK session until the last 2 rounds where it went wrong.

Hand 1 I should lead A and switch to a  and wait.

Hand 2 makes 6NT, our Ops made 3NT +3 but the rest of the room let us down!

Hand 3 our Ops made a forcing bid and it was passed!  I didn't defend it well either but the rest of the room were in 4 going off!

Hand 4 I should pass - it was the comment earlier, I can not bid here!!!

Hand 22 partner had a tough choice, best bid is to pass but not easy - 2x is our top

Really pleased to see our Improver pair do well - ahead of our chairman and 52%, well done Marriane and Rosalie!!!

4 tables in the Improvers again too which is good to see, they played well to time too finishing at 10pm.

We started the night with 2 sad announcements about members passing away including Nigel Tottman who was such a nice man and our Vice Chair until recently, will miss you Nigel.

2nd August 2017


Badminton tonight and played well tonight though I wasn't good on my first game but managed to win it - then I decided I was going to really try and I was really good tonight only losing 1 game and having 3 games go above 21 !

My friend is loving it too and is going on his own next week as I am helping 2 of our Improvers socially.

Just finalised the Surrey Victor Ludorum (though not on the committee any more, am more than happy to help).  I came a creditable 10th in the County but a long way from the top - results on Surrey HERE

Playing tomorrow night (I play the first Weds of each month with a now regular partner who I also play Congress with).  Vee hosting the Improvers.

31st July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not the best start tonight but then we had a fairly solid night with no mis-understandings, good defence and good play (other than my 4 which I had a  guess and got it wrong).

Such a relief after a few weeks of troubled nighs but tonight I felt much better and partner was in a good mood too.  Partner played exceptionally well tonight and really, it was only the very first hand (hand 23) that should have been 3NT, the rest was really good.

A few problems tonight with the bridge pads and a lot of director calls tonight, felt for the Director tonight and noticed a few others offered kind words too.  She is a tough cookie though and took it all calmly and handled everything well.

30th July 2017

Richard Currie Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the Richard Currie Memorial Swiss Pairs (Blue Pointed).

I have played bridge on the circuit for 5 years now and this is my 5th year playing in the Richard Currie.

My Mum passed away from cancer in 2004 (aged only 51) and Phyllis Tuckwell were absolutely marvellous with her.  They rely solely on donations and are such a worthy cause.  This event is in aid of the same charity who looked after Richard Currie who was only in his 30s when he sadly passed.  To this end, I always support the charity and, as a bridge player, always support this event.

It was really well run and organised and we enjoyed the day.  Started off too well really (winning 20-0 and 19-1) and so started having tougher matches.  We only had 1 terror round and 2 close matches.

Finished above half way and 72 Blue Points from the event, so cannot complain!

Margaret hardly put a toe wrong today, I blundered a few times, again, mis-playing a 4 contract and not defending 3 properly.

The highlight of the day was getting home in 6 against a local pair, it shouldn't make really and it was all down to the lead - Ops partner let him know that too!!!!

We should have won the last 2 matches (I let 3 through on match 5 and Ops defended my 3NT well) but 3 out of 6 with a close match was a fair result.

Really pleased to see Roger and Rebecca (a CBC pair) do brilliantly, they only lost 1 match and finished 10th out of 40 - well done!!!

29th July 2017


No Bridge today but a full day with friends.  Some house work first thing then lunch.  Played strategy board games 2pm to 7pm (I won too!) then off to the Quays for dinner and back to theirs to play Settlers of Catan.

Looking forward to playing in Farnham tomorrow.

28th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not a good night tonight bridge wise but a fun and pleasant evening.  Partner didn't start off well making a few errors and things just didn't go right.  Towards the end I got reckless as I thought there was nothing to lose but it didn't pay off!

No real value in going through the hands but well done to the Ops on a few of the hands, some good slams bid against us - although not good for us, it was still good to watch and respect the Ops.

This week I started with a 40% score, then 60% 3 times and ended with a 40% !

Playing games tomorrow with friends and out for dinner then playing in the Richard Currie on Sunday.

28th July 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Not many errors today - partner NEVER leads doubletons and did so on board 5 so I got the defence wrong.

I didn't finesse the second club on board 14 and went off on quite an easy contract.

Board 22 partner bid on to 4, I want to double 3!!!

I also mis-played hand 8, I didn't take the finesse as was worried the lead was a singleton and I had placed the K in the other hand so hoped to lose the second and go on from there without a ruff crying

The rest was very good including a very well played 1NT by partner on hand 13!

Playing again at YHBC soon, just making a chilli for dinner (in a giant Yorkshire pudding!!!)

27th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We both needed a good result tonight after some less favourable results with other partners recently.  For my part, it has been letting my partner's down and so I was really trying tonight.  It has been my declarer play that has been poor recently, tonight I turned that part around and scored 78% from 7 hands I played.  Partner defended superbly tonight too and the rest was sound - all resulted in a win overall.

Some avoidable scores though:

Board 6:  I doubled 1NT and am a believer in double each time here - I did this and of course, 2 makes so a poor score.  Partner was not cross though as believes in the same method, just unfortunate.

Board 23: I have a big hand and open 1 - partner jumps to 3 (level of the fit) and I went looking.  5 was too high (although it does make by East!).  Partner did not bid 2NT (Jacobi) and didn't make a delayed game raise, so I should have just bid 4.

Board 14 we were in the right spot - it doesn't make but others were allowed to make it!  Nothing to be done here.

Board 22 was very interesting and worth a look at.  At our table, I opened 1 (with other partners, including our opposition at the time, I would open 2 with this hand).  Ops jump to 3 (weak) and partner doubles (penalties).  I then jump to game as the vulnerability doesn't look right to leave the penalty bid.

I think the only option in this auction to reach a slam is for me to bid 4 instead of 4 - this must be showing first round control here.  Partner now bids 5 and I can bid 6 or 6 (if I am brave!).  I think 7 is very hard to find.

Board 24 was a good score as I made 11 tricks and nobody else did - I was daft not bidding game though but had a mental block on partner's 1NT re-bid (Confused with other partners systems here, I have too many system cards!!!).

A very enjoyable night though and played in good spirits too.  Playing twice tomorrow......

26th July 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tonight.  There are 5 tables with 1 of us playing and Vee decides to host and I play with one of the improvers.

It is really good to see 5 tables, this is my ideal number as it is not too big a group but we get more meaningful scores with enough to compare against.

We did quite well tonight but were pipped at the post by a rising star pair - their reaction was worth coming second for as they were delighted (not just to win but to beat me!!!).

I played board 14 very badly but at least we were in the correct contract - I made up for it later with some better play, Board 3 should only make 2 but we are in 4 and I squeezed the Ops and made my last  - we should not have been in though.  I made a weak jump overcall (we had discussed this earlier in the night) but partner thought I was showing a strong hand and bid on.  We got away with this one.

I was so pleased with partner on board 5, the Ops bid 1 and he has a great hand with 6s to AQ and passes (the right thing to do, well done!).  I jump (the weak jump overcall I eluded to just now) - partner bids 4 (correct again) and Ops double.  I make 4 and it is all down to partner, pat on the back Kevin!!!

I messed up board 9 too - we found the best contract (I bid a 3 card suit at the 1 level to keep the auction going and found myself in game in it!!!).  I lost the first 2 s and then ruffed - I should now only draw 1 trump and then lose a trump from a  ruff - I can now ruff in my hand and retain trump length to draw trumps, sorry partner.

I asked partner to play the hands when I won the contract but he wasn't confident enough - I will be more forceful next time as there is little value in my playing the hands other than to show partner what I do and how I think.

More of the improvers are now thinking about playing in the main group too, I really want to encourage this and they are free to play in either group at any time.

I am planning another theme night on 16th August (I need some time to work through the hands and I am committed the next 2 Wednesdays).  A few have asked for transfer bids so will do this for the next theme night.

25th July 2017


Badminton tonight and played well tonight - took the afternoon off work and slept most of the afternoon.

I have been helping a friend get back into badminton over the past few weeks (he had a car accident 4 years ago and hasn't played any sport since) - tonight he came over for dinner and then we went to my club.

We started off together and was a bit nervous to start, then we played mixed against each other and he played really well - we won but went to 28-26!

I won most of my games and he won about half and all were competitive - we then played the last game together and it was terrible!!!  So bad, he asked the Ops for a re-match, I was shattered but agreed.  The re-match was much better but he put all the pressure on me (serving low and stayed at the net to let me win the points).  Fortunately, I have a strong smash and it worked, we won 21-14!

He is now really looking forward to next week, I am just glad to help a friend and was really pleased at how much he enjoyed it.

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow.

24th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 7 of the  Monday Championships.

Today was not our day!

We are still top on the Monday Championships but today's score has not counted (top 6 out of 10 count).

Whatever I did seemed to be wrong tonight and must apologise to my partner for our performance.  Although I accept it takes 2 and partner wasn't perfect either, I was really bad today crying

Vee played tonight as Margaret was without a partner and they had an enjoyable session and much better than us!

I was pleased with making 5 on board 20, on a club lead it cannot be done but I had a  lead and so had time to lose a  and set up 2 s in dummy to discard my  losers.

I also opened 3NT on board 1 with long s - I felt 1 wasn't enough with this distribution, I cannot open 2 so it has to be 3 - if I am opening 3 then why not 3NT!  Partner bids 4 and I still think the Ops will compete to I bid 5 confidently and we score well going 2 off.

Without going into details (for a change!) - we missed several games and bid a few that we should not have!  The Ops also came alive against us and did the right things, frustrating but not much that can be done.

The scoring had been set as aggregate scoring tonight  - fortunately I knew how to amend it and fixed it quickly before I left tonight - now to add 2 new members and get EBU numbers for them.....

23rd July 2017

Dorset Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a now regular partner in the Dorset Swiss Pairs.

Had a good journey down and arrived at the same time as our friends (didn't know they were playing or would have offered them a lift!).

We arrived in plenty of time and had a coffee and a chat and a review of the system card, all nice and relaxed as we start playing.

The event had a bit of an odd start as a pair didn't show, then as the spare pair was sent home another pair arrived 10 minutes late!!!  A little bit of a farce as people are chased etc but the Directors handled it well and we caught up the time in the first 2 rounds.

We played well today but had a few wobbles, only lost 2 matches out of 7 but had 2 draws too so just over 1 green point overall and finished 12th (would have been 3rd if the last round had gone our way so we really were challenging today).

Brief match summary:

Match 1: Lost 7-13

We missed 4 (which I don't think makes on best defence) and our Ops also defended partner's 2 exceptionally well - partner got his own back by making 3 too though!  Our Ops went on to finish 3rd and were really great in defence, they earned their win here.

Match 2: Won 17-3

Unfortunate here, the scores went wrong on our friends table and we then drew them in round 2.  They should have played a different pair but nothing we could do about it.  We were solid here and each board was average or in our favour.  Partner played exceptionally well to make 4 +1 and our defence was great on 2 boards too.

Match 3: Drew

A draw seemed fair here, we had some good boards as did the Ops.  Partner played 2 contracts really well and we got the defence spot on to hold the Ops to 3 on another.  Partner did let 4 +2 through though which could have been held.

Match 4: Won 20-0

4 near 100% hands on this round!  Ops were a little too ambitious on a couple of hands and we got our defence right again.  Didn't feel like 20-0 but we did play well.

Match 5: Won 15-5

Ops missed a few games here, mainly due to our interference.  Almost all boards in our favour or flat.

Match 6: Drew

Another draw here but against a very strong pair.  I felt really pleased at getting anything here !  We would have won the match had I played my 2 contract better too, sorry partner.

Match 7: Lost 4-16

This match was ours other than 2 hands where partner was less than perfect in 3 (twice) - these were almost the only 2 errors by partner all day and just unfortunate they were both in the same match.

Overall we really enjoyed today and making less errors each time we play and are starting to really gel now too - I am modifying my play to suit our partnership and it is nice when it works!

Club Championship at CBC tomorrow.

22nd July 2017

Day Off:

No Bridge today.

I spent some of the morning going through Friday night's hands for our Improvers who played to see if I can help out a little - also cross referenced to my own hands from the same session as we played the same hands.

Then off to Trevor's to help out with some of the Surrey admin and back for lunch and a little house work.

We then went to my Niece in Basingstoke and saw our Great Niece too!  My Niece's birthday tomorrow so bought dinner for us all and had a great night.  She is getting married in December and we also sorted out some of the planning and our contribution to the wedding.

Off to Dorset tomorrow in the Green Point Pairs.

21st July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 4 of the Beryl Doughty Cup (our first time this year though).

We had a great start with 3 boards (4,5,6) including a mis-bid by the Ops which we took advantage of.

Board 10 we miss 7 (well, 6 should be bid), after I open 1 and Ops jump to 3, partner jumps to 4 - my view is that 4 should be bid showing a shortage, now I am interested.

Board 15 I mis-played this, I could only have made 2 though which would not have been a much better score.

Board 18 was stupid - I should have supported partner's s and not come in at the 3 level with my s, sorry partner.

Board 2 I felt I couldn't bid on and push them into game - I was right but hardly any others bid s let alone game, not fair!!!

Board 3 partner should overtake my second and give me a ruff (I think), I also didn't see the position and I could have given partner a ruff, drat!

Board 9 was an example of a thoughtful lead, well done partner!

Overall not bad, could do better though but issues from both of us - I am just relieved to be able to get out and about again after a bad health week, hopefully better next week.

Was pleased to see 2 of our Improvers here tonight - they didn't come last and enjoyed it.  It is more of a challenge for them and I think they are learning faster by playing against the main group.  They are really nice too and have the right attitude, see what went wrong, discuss it, learn and be better next time - keep it up!

21st July 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a club competition.

Today was a club event where it is scored as total points and a Cup for NS and Salver for EW (donated by rubber bridge players who wanted a "special" event for these awards).

We were quite solid today only missing 1 game which was marginal (although it is effectively Teams scores and I feel we should be in marginal games).  We won but it was closer than it looks, if the pair in 2nd had bid 5 instead of 6 (minus 1) they would have won!

I was so pleased to see Ann and Tony win the Salver for top EW, they are so nice and they played well today - fair to say they were shocked to see themselves top though!

We had at least 4 hands where we could have doubled, 1 the Ops were in 5 and I felt if I doubled they would bid 5 (a good contract) so I think my pass was sound.

Partner played very well today and our defending was really good today too (often our weak point).

Playing again tonight and then a busy weekend - I am at least starting to feel a bit brighter now which is a relief, just really tight shoulders and think I may try and get a massage booked soon.

20th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Having not been well all week I stayed home today and slept for most of the day other than a couple of hours work at home.

Had enough energy to get to Bridge but not to concentrate - my play was not good (again).

Hand 13 was a prime example, we are the only pair in 4 and it makes easily, I finesse the  instead of losing 2s and so go off 2, terrible!

Hand 15 was unfortunate, we had a good sacrifice to the makable 4 but nobody bid it!!!

I am perhaps a little harsh on myself but I should be doing better and if absolutely honest, it does upset me when I let my partner down (and myself).  Most of our poor scores tonight were the Ops doing well but I definitely cost us 10% tonight.

Credit to partner on board 3, the only player to make 5, well done partner, played the s really well!!!

Health permitting, playing twice again tomorrow - I am going to have to take a break soon though I think.......

19th July 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Not well (again) and stayed home and slept on the sofa.  Awake now to upload Improvers results and do the usual admin (and this diary entry!).

Vee stepped up (again!!!) to host the Improvers.  3.5 Tables tonight and Vee asked one of star pairs if they would move to the Main Group for the night to even up both groups, they said yes and finished mid table just under 50%, this is a great result in my opinion and also a really good base to build on.  Vee reported back to say the speed suited them much better and I think they are probably ready to be Main Group players - they are of course welcome in both groups so no need to move one way or the other until they are ready - well done Barbara and Glynis!!!  Main Group Results Here

In the Improvers, Ian and Rosalie were on top again, they are really understanding each other and both play well, great to see them doing well and I think the confidence is getting there now.

We seem to be 3 to 4 tables each week now, this is great but I am hoping for 5 tables each week to get a few more scores per board - will also start the theme nights again soon (when I get a bit of time!)

18th July 2017


Badminton tonight and played reasonably well - won the majority of my games but pushed too hard, shattered now!

Had the day off work today as still feeling run down and it helped, glad to see a bit of rain today and hope it is now cooling down!!!

Hosting the Improvers tomorrow.

17th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Tonight I felt very hot and clammy and my throat was sore - I cannot get on with this weather and feels too close for me and my mind is just not working properly.  Finding it very hard to concentrate and my play is not what it should be.

Only one hand was really bad which was my fault in the defence, the rest were simply average and so just under 50% was a fair score.

The better positions were generally those who were EW most of the night to be fair and we were NS on all bar one round (the EW round was one of our best rounds!).

Board 1 was interesting.  I open weak 3 and Ops overcall 3.  Partner has 20HCP and a void!!!  We end up in 5 making all 13 (a lay down once the single Q appears).  2 pairs got to 6 but am not quite sure how to bid this - is it just a punt or are we pushed?

I am still in a bit of a slump at the moment, am hoping it is just the heat and pressure at work that is pulling me down.

16th July 2017


Sorting out some finances this morning and heavy traffic on the A3 and crazy drivers on the M25, Vee driving though and he coped very well!

Poker this afternoon with our friends, I had nothing all afternoon.  On the last game, Vee got to the final but had around £10 to our friends £40, he fought well though and came through it to win, well done Vee!!!

A relaxing evening ahead doing very little now.....

15th July 2017

London Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a fairly new partner in the London Swiss Pairs Congress.

We had a good start and bid a small and a grand slam (not all bid them and lot's bid the grand and went off, I was pleased to make mine!).

We also double 2 (I doubled for take out and partner left it in for a great score). One poor score but the rest good.

Next round and we win every hand and get 20-0.  Had to have a director ruling on one hand though as they opened 1NT (strong) with a singleton.  They didn't announce it could contain a singleton and it effected my play.  The director ruled in our favour and awarded us a trick.

Unfortunately, this now places us 4th and we play a really top pair.  Although this was lost 19-1, we could have got away with around 12-8 if I had got the defence right on 3x, drat!

Next we play a guy who has won the event a few times and one of partner's friends.  This was a terrible round and I mis-played another hand - 5x should be plus 1 but I played the s wrong and went 1 off crying

A long break next then we play one of my friends and lose 11-9, this time, partner mis-played a 4 contract which cost us the win.

A very weak pair next and again I double a contract that goes 1 off, we let them make plus 1, drat again !!!

We finish with a draw but the bridgemate failed and we didn't see the scores.  We had this round but Ops bid a good slam to level the match.

A long day and a lot of work for 63 Green points but all good fun and all helps in terms of learning and experience - we are in the pairs at Dorset together next Sunday for another go!

14th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session (as my board game friend was un-well so played for the 2nd time tonight).

I think we would both agree, playing twice today was a mistake!

Both of us were not as good as we could be tonight, I started with two zero point hands tonight and partner got a little carried away crying

A few good boards but generally our bidding (or my play) was not good, sorry partner.

No analysis tonight, lets move on!

London Congress tomorrow....


14th July 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We had another calm session today and played in good spirits.

My play let us down really going off in a very makable 4 on hand 14, I should have ruffed 2 early on, drat!

A few nice gifts and good play from partner as well as remembering stayman after my 1NT overcall (I was impressed!!!).

Pleased to see my other bridge partner come top too, spent this week revising our card and have leant a copy to my Friday partner to look at and see if we could move to it too.....

Was due to play board games tonight but my friend is not well - rather than stay at home watching TV, Margaret has kindly offered to play again tonight with me at YHBC

London Congress tomorrow and poker with friends Sunday - another busy weekend!

13th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 7 of the Thursday Championships.

It's fair to say, not our finest performance!

Partner had a 5 hour drive back from the Lakes today and I was not feeling great but no real excuses, just not concentrating.

Our defence was very good tonight, unblocked when we should, made good leads and we understood each other.  Both of us suffered in our play though.

I over bid on board 12 but then tried to make it and went 3 off - should have settled for 1 off.

Partner over bid on board 21 and did the same as me!

I got greedy on board 22 and tried for an over trick, I had my contract made but decided to go 1 off for the extra trick!

Partner had 8 tricks made on board 23 but thought we were in 3NT and so tried to make it and went 1 off - on a  lead (same on every board), there is never more than 8 tricks yet most made 9.

Our last board, hand 24 - I punted 6S which is there but with 9 trumps I played for the drop and had to finesse, I shouldn't have gone for it but felt we needed the score - I was right but didn't play it the right way !

3 events left in the series and we now need to get great scores on all 3!

19th March 2017

Portland Pairs:

Playing in a tough event at one of the toughest venues, 48 boards (2 sessions of 24) and no let up, no easy pairs - why do we do it!!!

The Portland Pairs is played over a number of venues across the country and this time had 312 pairs enter.

Enjoyable day with a lovely partner, a lot wrong but a lot right too, just more wrong this time but can't win them all.

Board 26 in session 1 is worth sharing....  Only one EW pair played the final contract (us!).  NS have a cold game in  on but not quite enough points and are feeling there way, I bid 2 to get in the way and partner supports - the opposition double for take out and leave it in..... Contract made for +670.  We should be onto a winner with this bidding, 1 off is likely but still a good score and if they play, we have a safe lead either side, would you bid with my hand?  Click HERE to see it

Richmond Results  (where we played)    -     National Results

12th July 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers tonight as the Main group play teams.  I am playing in a Team as needed and the team I play for had a plus score and finished 8th (mid table), could be better but could be worse!

Despite having the option to take the night off, Vee joins me to support the group and there is 1 solo player and so Vee plays and I host.

It was a very tight session tonight and 3% covered 5 out of the 6 pairs!

Only a couple of calls tonight but I learned something from one of them.

Declarer called for a card in dummy (4th to play) and then changed their mind.  As no other card followed or had been played, I said "that is ok".  It turns out (after checking with a main group director) that you can not change your mind!  I didn't know that!!!

The most interesting hand I saw was Hand 2:

The contract should be 6 - the 3 scores we saw were:

3 + 3 (230),   4 + 2 (480),   4x + 1 (990)

Personally, this is easiest if S opens 1 and then N splinters in  but I would always open 1NT in S.  After 1NT, using simple systems I would transfer to then jump to 3.  After S bids 4, is it worth bidding 4NT?  I think yes!!!  You have a 4 loser hand and 1NT normally shows an 8 loser hand (so 6 level could be on).  Still tricky though as you need to know which Aces partner holds (A doesn't help you).  Worth looking at though.  I use exclusion blackwood and 5 card puppet stayman with some of my partners but I don't think most Improvers need to be too advanced generally, just things to think about.

About to prepare the latest Teams file for the Main Group now and also updated the event to show X-Imps and have e-mailed the Main Group about registering their Teams - a lot more admin involved than some realise but what else would I do between 11pm and 2am?!!!

Club Championships tomorrow at CBC.

11th July 2017


Helped out a bit with Surrey today trying to sort out processes and members database and sundry items.

Badminton tonight and played well - won the majority of my games but Vee replaced my racquet grip for me and it slipped after the first game and was a little awkward after that and had the grip glue running out crying

Hosting the Improvers tonight and Vee has a well deserved night off (though he may well still come and help!) - don't forget it's Teams at YHBC Weds night......

10th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

A night of not concentrating or poor play by me.  I fell for 2 doubleton Qs tonight!

I also doubled 3 that made 10 tricks (my doubles are hopeless).

Ops bid a slam against us that not many did too.

Our play was fine but didn't quite defend as well as we could overall (including my poor double!).

I think I knew I wasn't on top form before we started though, I arrived and realised I had left my ciggies at home!!!  Partner game me a few but was a clear sign I wasn't thinking!!!

I also forgot to bring back the 2 members forms I had from Friday and forgot to add "Unknown" to the Player database for "0" - will amend on Thursday.

Despite the hiccups, another enjoyable night - shame we didn't do a bit better though but as always, just a few hands turned around and would have had a good score!

9th July 2017

Wimbledon Swiss Pairs:

Playing in Wimbledon's Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs with my life partner and co-host of the Improvers!

This was only ever to be fun and to gain some experience for my partner.  We start off well but it goes downhill after that.

We both enjoyed the event though and only had a couple of system blips which didn't really cause any issues.  I notice only 1 small slam bid and made by anyone (out of 36 pairs and 49 boards!!!).

Our summary:

Match 1:

A combination of great defence by us and a little over-bidding by the Ops gain us a narrow win.  Partner over-bid hand 1 too which was a shame as would have been a joint top for 2NT making

Match 2:

A very strong pair here and we just couldn't break through.  Ops played one hand poorly which saved us from 20-0 but only just!!!  Hand 12 was a great contract but unfortunately partner guessed the Q wrong (and it was a guess) - the rest were really just well played Ops

Match 3:

Partner mis-played 4 which was unfortunate, we over-bid on 1 hand Ops didn't bid on in on hand 21

Match 4:

Board 23 I should have bid 5 but doubled them in 5 instead (which made!).  We then mis defended hand 24.  Hand 27 I was ambitious but played it better than most although still not a good score.  Should have been in 6 though.

Match 5:

A lot of wild hands here - I find myself in 4 with a 6-0 split against me (off side too!!!).  I make up by making 11 tricks in  though and we get through the round with another win.

Match 6:

We held our own here against a local rival but Douglas came through in style making 11 tricks in NT against us to win the match.

Match 7:

A fairly one sided match to finish (against the organiser and a lovely pair).  Only the last hand where partner forced me to bid at the 3 level when we have nothing!  Other than that, well done partner on most of these (I never had more than 7HCP in this round sat North!!!).

8th July 2017


Housework this morning as Vee is called to help his brother (on what turned out to be a futile exercise!).  With Vee gone, my Dad then phones to say he has spare Wimbledon tickets and would we like them!!!  I have to say "no" but wish we had gone, could have stayed over and had a nice meal etc and been there ready for the Bridge tomorrow! Oh well.

We also had another commitment too, going over to Alans' to hand back the dealing machine and all the boards and equipment.  They provided a lovely lunch for us and then we explored the garden and admired the veggies before playing some social bridge (not scored).  A few issues came up but was generally very amiable and some interesting hands (especially when we did some goulash style), ask Alan about 6 near the end on the wildest hand ever seen in all of history (perhaps I exaggerate but not by much!!!).

Tesco straight after for our weekly shop then home to watch some tennis and a light supper.  A spot of gardening and a few more Bridge admin items including adding the YHBC teams register ready for next week and also investigating the Teams results display (added an info page to the last CBC Teams event to show a web version of the X-Imp scored event).  Not entirely happy with it, especially the formatting.  Have a query with Bridgewebs now to see what is possible - not sure many will be really interested but some of us are.

A relaxing evening and may try and get an early night ready for the Swiss Pairs tomorrow (36 pairs so far).

7th July 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

We had a very "giggly" start to the session and just seemed to be a happy atmosphere with good spirits - a few looks from others as we seem to be having too much fun!  I think keeping light and happy helps partner relax and we do better when she is calm and happy!

Despite a few mishaps (2 open from partner, 2 reply and announced as a transfer to !!!!  Partner woke up in time fortunately - then Puppet stayman that missed our 4-4  fit but ended up in a good contract so no harm done).

No red scores and only 3 amber with a lot of really good boards result in a top for us today.  To be honest, we both really enjoyed the session, it helps to win but would have been quite happy with a lower score today as enjoying the session is far more important - I was less grumpy today for the first time in a while and this helped too!

I think I played well today but had a bit of help - I never like to mention others mis-fortunes but it is important to unblock - when defending a NT contract I was in, the ops had the chance to take me off but didn't unblock the , it is vital to look for these positions and sometimes you need to win with a higher card than needed.

I was delighted with partner on hand 12, only a small 1 contract but made more than the matrix says is possible and we stayed low and got a good result, well done partner!

I felt mean on hand 23, Ops played a card out of turn which is a penalty card - I enforced this and so won my Q - it felt mean as they are fairly new but rules are rules and I hope I handled it nicely and they seemed to be ok with it.

Despite one unpleasant hand with the Ops where they went wrong in the bidding and couldn't stay calm (I won't say any more here), today was one of the most enjoyable sessions ever, almost a stand up comedy session!!!  Thanks partner.

Went to Boules in Crondall straight from Bridge this afternoon as a social organised by my badminton club.  Didn't start well but I played really well towards the end and got my eye in for a few really killer shots!  Got 4 n 1 end on the last match and I threw the last 3 balls and got them all closest to add to my partners close ball!!!

Had a bite to eat and a drink after too and was really nice.  Made a refreshing change to spend time with my other half - we are playing together on Sunday too!

I arrive home and check up on the YHBC results, I had to cancel my session tonight for the Boules and my partner seemed to have found or more than reasonable replacement - well done Alan and June, a great win tonight!!

Having lunch with Alan tomorrow as we hand back the dealing machine, Vee's maligning touch with the hands at YHBC may now be at an end.....

6th July 2017


Playing as part of our regular team in round 4 of the 6 round bi-monthly teams series.

We had a + score overall and joint 5th so can't complain and had some very good scores.  Some less good however.....

Board 1:

Partner had passed and it is teams, I open 4 - only 3 makes and so it's a bad score, I stand by my bid in teams though (perhaps I am wrong).

Board 6:

We pushed them 1 too high here and doubled for a good score, a wild hand though and worth a look.

Board 7:

A triumph on both sides, we take 2NT off 2 and our team mates make 3NT for an 800 swing!

Board 8:

I have a 25 point hand and Ops open 4 in front of me!!!  I double which is left in, we need to be in 4 here though so it is not good.

Board 9:

We keep low here, Ops have 3 on but our team mates shine and take 4x off 2!

Board 11:

I play well here and make game in but didn't bid game (which isn't really there).  Team mates take 2 off so a double plus score.

Board 14:

Ops find the only way to take 4 off - under leading the A and getting a ruff, well done Ops.

Board 22:

Both sides fail here - Team mates go off in 2x and they don't open against us and partner opens 2NT - I have 2 points and 1 so try to rescue but we end up in 3NT off 4!!!

Board 26:

Team mates stay low and make 2 - our Ops go too high and we get our defence spot on and take them off 3


We missed 7 on board 10, partner asked for key cards and I said 3 - this was all we needed but we didn't bid it - flat board though.

Team mates missed 7NT on board 12 too but again, fairly flat.

Board 25 I doubled showing , partner didn't lead a so Ops made 2NT, perhaps this isn't an obvious play though :(

An enjoyable evening despite the heat and playing again tomorrow afternoon.

5th July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in the last round of the Accumulator Cup.

Not our finest evening tonight, think we may have put too much pressure on trying to do well rather than just playing naturally.

Some highs and lows though but ended with me not playing 3NT well enough which was disappointing.

I finished 10th in the end and partner made the top 30 having only played 2 events!

Well done to Barbara and Ron for winning the Cup - comp results HERE

We did our best and worst boards fairly close together - first was 22 going off 1700 - not a good sacrifice partner!!!  I should have overcalled  though rather than show both and

Our great board was soon after though, 4xx on board 1 - we actually have 6 on but scores less!  Good re-double partner!

A few other good and bad ones, roughly one good for each bad so end up on close to 50%!

Board 2 was odd, we stopped in 1 (artificial bid) and I made it (says I shouldn't) - not often 1 generates a 100%!

Still, a fun night despite the heat and I don't cope well in it - headache now and whole body aches, been feeling bad again all day today but hope for a better day tomorrow.

4th July 2017


Really tired today and fell asleep on the sofa.  Still went to badminton tonight though and am now absolutely shattered!!!

Won 4 lost 4 tonight, some really good shots but my movement was terrible.

Last Accumulator cup tomorrow at YHBC, looks like I am too far behind to challenge but you never know and I have a great partner - anything can happen....!

3rd July 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

An enjoyable night overall with a few hiccups.  Most of our low scores were down to the Ops good bidding but perhaps we should push a bit harder on some.

Board 13 was an example - I think we should have bid 6 as a sacrifice over 6 but being vulnerable put us off - a  lead by me and I think we take 6 off too!

Board 20 was a good double but we need to end with a so they are in dummy, then we make an extra to take it off.

Board 22 we are in a good slam but need to ruff a before taking the last trump out, on a reasonable split it is easy but is still there I think.

The rest were either great or good and good humour tonight!  If we had the 3 hands above right we would have been around 8-10% higher which would have been a good score, easy to analyse like this I realise but shows that it doesn't take much to turn an ok evening into a good evening

2nd July 2017

Surrey AGM:

Playing with a regular partner in the Surrey AGM Pairs.

Not the best turn out, 8 tables with some of the committee there for the AGM only (including the President who made the AGM despite being very un-well, a great effort Charles, well done and get well soon).

Nothing controversial in the AGM - Tim Green accepted as the new President, am sure Tim will be a great President and I wish him every success.

The Bridge:

Not a great start, a number of hands where we ended up in the wrong contract - use of stayman with few points would have helped - not easy though.

We end up on 26% at half time crying

After a food break things pick up - we bid a slam not many bid, our defence is better and our bidding is better.  We also had some luck on 2 key hands where I gamble on 3NT and partner is playing it.  This should go off but Ops lead out of turn and partner forces it to be a penalty card and so a  cannot be pushed back through - clever and well done partner!

Our final hand was a choice of us in or double the Ops in  - I chose the latter and it turns out our game goes off so we end on a high!

An enjoyable day although I did not like having 10+ hands where I open 1NT!!!!  Thanks partner, especially for the 2nd half !

1st July 2017

A Day Off:

A rare day off today!

Met a bridge partner for lunch and had a lovely carvery and discussed a few bridge issues too.

My partner was at a school reunion all day so I had a day to myself.  I did a few chores and played Sim City on my laptop!!!  A day to recharge really.

Surrey AGM tomorrow.....

30th June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

High hopes tonight but unfortunately it wasn't to be tonight.

Partner freely admitted his mind wasn't on it tonight, a number of errors and mainly play and card reading (which partner is normally the best at, honestly the BEST).  All completely forgivable and some hands were pure judgement calls that between us we got wrong.

The good bits:

Hand 6:  I was switched on here, lead a  as didn't want to lead from my higher honour suits.  After we see declarer play the Q on trick 1, I then unblock on the next trick and partner makes 3 s so we take this 3 off.

Hand 10:  Ops open 1 and I decide that our evening is not going well so time for a gamble.  I have 8 tricks in my hand and "hope" partner can offer 1 so overcall 3NT (similar principle to the gambling 3NT).  Partner does have 2 tricks for me once set-up but unfortunately I cannot get to them - however, Ops take the first 3 and then switch to a  which they duck to my single Q - the 9th trick - I am so lucky sometimes!

Hand 11:  Ops have 6 available but partner sacrifices in 5 - 2 off is a joint top here.  As it happens, Ops don't take their ♠s and partner sets up the s to discard them and actually makes the contract!!!

Hand 19:  Ops give us a gift here bidding on shape - we get the defence right here too for a good score.

Hand 21:  Our last hand of the evening and partner makes up for a lot here - plays brilliantly for 10 tricks in 3NT for a top - well done partner!

Hand 23:  We are the only pair in game, 1 other pair make 9 tricks which really are not there - I manage to convince the Ops I have a honour so they play one and switch - I sneak home to a baffled pair of Ops, phew!

The not so good bits:

Hand 7:  I am too ambitious here and bid to game - I should have stopped.  Partner goes 2 off trying to make this, my fault though.

Hand 13:  Partner doubles for a red card lead (which I do not do) but I maintain it makes no difference here.  Even without the double (making!) the Ops were the only pair in game, we couldn't win here so well done Ops!

Hand 15:  Ops sign off in 2 and then partner bids 2NT - this was meant as pick a minor but I didn't recognise it - a Double would have done though - both at fault perhaps!

Hand 17:  A good double here but I need partner to continue the and take the 2nd trick and a ruff for me (2 off) - not letting the Ops make it....!

Hand 22:  We are in a good contract here but partner mis-counts the s - unfortunate crying

Still - an enjoyable evening and our good bits were very good - just need to avoid the silly bits......

A weekend of bridge admin and Surrey AGM (still time to sign up for this, 1pm in Oxshott on Sunday - click HERE to register).

30th June 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

After a series of good results this week and the last few weeks on a Friday, today went South!

Apologies to partner, but I don't think she was quite feeling it today, a poor start and a series of hard hands which all went wrong and it never really recovered.  Partner needs a solid start to settle in and if we start poorly it often continues.

Board 5 was our first and I have to decide on a Double or 5 - I chose to Double and it was the correct decision but we missed a trick or 2 and so not good.

Board 7 needs a ♠ lead but well declared Ops

Board 8 partner bid 1NT over my 1 - Personally, I believe 8HCP and 5 4 warrants a bid of 2 here - I need to know there is something over there, I still could have bid 2 so it is honours even here I guess!

Board 10 plays better in s but even in 3NT I can be 1 off but I tried to make it and went 2 off crying

Board 13 was crazy!!!  Partner opens 1 and I pass (I cannot find a bid with the whole 1 level open to me).  Ops Double and partner jumps to 2 !!!!!  This can never be right.  Best bid here is pass and let the Ops dig a hole.  I can at least bid my hand then if needed.

Board 15 - a pure nightmare, perhaps we too ambitious but this looks reasonable, just not with this distribution!

Board 22 - Ops should be in game and ours were - in fact, 6 or 6NT are available but nobody bid them and not all Ops are in game!

Playing again tonight at YHBC followed by a weekend of bridge admin and Surrey AGM (still time to sign up for this, 1pm in Oxshott on Sunday - click HERE to register).

29th June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

After a month away, this is only the 2nd time of playing together again and it seems we are back as a pair!

Tonight was the best night's bridge I have had in a long long time.  Last night was very comfortable, tonight felt like we were invincible.

Although there is a lot of skill involved in this game, I maintain that luck plays a big part too.  Tonight, everything we touched seemed to be golden.

I really felt for on pair where we take them off 2 re-doubled, declarer mis-read the situation and we kept forcing him and defended solidly.  They were in a good contract but the Bridge Gods seemed to be protecting us tonight.

Almost every board was very good and partner's declarer play was outstanding tonight.  I actually felt our defence was the best it's ever been and partner missed one card all night (which didn't cost anything anyway).

When we were doubled, partner made an over-trick, it all just fell right tonight.

My style is more to be self critical or to explain what went wrong or why I should have done something better etc - I can only really find one hand tonight where we failed to find the club switch to defeat 3NT.  I can't bring myself to discus the rest but I am shamefully pleased with the score and performance tonight.  It is a cruel game though, don't be surprised if you see our next score at the bottom - I am not as consistent as I should be by now (largely due to playing so many systems with so many partners!).

Playing twice tomorrow followed by a weekend of bridge admin and Surrey AGM (still time to sign up for this, 1pm in Oxshott on Sunday - click HERE to register).

28th June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 2 of the Accumulator Cup.

Partner had been in London all day for treatment and hadn't been home before Bridge - was exhausted but came out to play as I needed him, a good friend!

We started off well (though hard to tell early on) and we are consistently accurate with bids and play.  Really pleased with some of the defence tonight, it is very comfortable playing our system and you don't need to think too hard.

I only played 2 hands (the first 2!!!) but averaged 70% so can't complain.

Annoyed at hand 24, partner had laid a trap and the Ops fell for it bidding 4 - I then bid 5 so partner couldn't double - sorry partner crying

Hand 18 we could have stayed lower, a little exuberant partner but forgivable - looks like it should be there too but the cards are against us on this one.

Hand 4 was amazing by partner, a reasonable outrageour bid but the play was great to watch - only going 1 off got us a near top, well done partner!

1 Complete round was down to partner too - hands 11 and 12 were both really well played.

Quite a number of good hands too though and we finish top (5% clear) - I am still quite a bit behind on the accumulator scores so looks unlikely this year but will see what we can do next week for the last event.

3 tables in the Improvers tonight, Ian N and Rosalie did very well again, so good to see!

Vee partnered Sam tonight and came joint 2nd too - Sam is one of the younger players and progressing really well, good to see some of the younger players doing well and learning fast too - keep it up Sam!

27th June 2017


Health still not brilliant but decide to go to badminton tonight to try and get some exercise and get out of the house.

Have been without my car this week as being repaired (coolant leak) so working from home / holiday today and tomorrow.

I walk to badminton in the rain but it is quite refreshing.  Arrive first (as always) and set up the courts and benches etc and then start playing.

My knees and legs restrict my movement but my arm is very powerful and I manage to win all but 1 games tonight - the last game was 21-2 and I just couldn't do anything wrong.

So, still not pleased that I am not well but pleased with my skill level.  If I could just move my over-sized body better who knows .............!

2nd round of the Accumulator cup tomorrow night with Vee hosting the improvers.

26th June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in round 6 of the Monday Championships.

Well, what hands tonight!!!  It seemed to be an amazing number of high hands and wild distributions, we fell into a number of traps but scraped through a very tough NS set to come top (just).

The series is based on each % so, although it is great to come top, it is the higher scores that you need - these were all EW tonight (well done Nick and David for getting over 70%!).

The best 6 scores count over the 10 events and so we now have 6.  Our lowest score is 49, so if we can get another 60+ I think we may just win this year (been 2nd for a number of years!!!).

We had quite a number of very good boards (and started on board 17, so are first 5 boards were fantastic!!!).

Some really unlucky hands for the Ops, including 1100 for 5X which seemed right in the bidding but 4X was a better score (though we still would have had a good score so they couldn't win).

Our poor scores:

3.  I have no points and so after partner bids 1NT I rescue via stayman.  I think this was the right thing to do and 2 off 1 should be a good score as 1NT doesn't make.  Unfortunately, Ops defended really well to take us 2 off and a large number of other NS pairs made 1NT+

10.  All pass to me and I open 1.  Ops now double and partner stays quiet.  This caused a bit of tension as I can now only bid 2.  I feel I need to know about the points and partner stands firm that 8HCP is needed to bid after the DBL.  Both right here but I need to be on the same wavelength.  If I were, I could now DBL and find out what partner has.

14.  Nothing to note here really, it was late and we had a series of tough hands and here, partner lost count of the cards and kept the wrong one at the end - easily done and well done Ops for playing well and squeezing us to the last card!

22.  A good DBL by me but I didn't read the card well enough and let this through, totally my fault and sorry partner!  I need to hold off on the A and then they are 1 off.

26.  Perhaps I was ambitious here but 4 makes on any lead other than the (a number of others did indeed make 4), I am a bold bidder and I stand by this one, good lead Ops.

A special note to partner for boards 19 and 20 - shared tops with 1 other ONLY on both boards, to make 10 tricks on board 19 was outstanding!  Well done partner.

25th June 2017

Social Bridge:

After our normal Sunday morning routine of shopping and washing etc we head over to our friends for a BBQ (12 of us).  Great food, drink, conversation and company!  A really enjoyable afternoon.

We follow this up by a change of venue for our regular social Teams event.  I play with a lady for the first time and we have a great time, we start off very well too!

The bridge goes south after the first 2 rounds but largely due to great bidding by Ops - my partner (Vee) played with "tall Ian" and finished a very close 2nd behind the BBQ hosts Ruth and Nigel.

I was also really pleases to see that the team I play in at CBC finished 2nd overall in the Surrey Wanborough Cup today, well done team!!!  Click HERE for their results.

24th June 2017

Social Bridge:

A few chores today as well as getting ready for Bridge and BBQ tomorrow with 12 of us at a friends.

We go to Frimley to collect cat food (and buy a few new clothes) then pick up John and it's off to Dorothy's.

Margaret & Neil have been recovering there too and I pass on the card from CBC wishing them both well and big thanks are received from them to all at the club.  I am pleased to report that both are recovering well and in good spirits

Dorothy has a few chores for us which we do gladly and then it's lunch followed by rubber bridge.

Some really tricky hands and Dorothy and I defend really well to take down a number of reasonable contracts!

We play 2 rubbers and it's one all, the bigger score is our side but I prefer to say it was an honourable score draw!!!!

Relaxing at home tonight now.

23rd June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session

Not our finest hour!  Partner had a series of very hard hands and tricky decisions, over half of them were the wrong choice (not clear cut, mostly).

We were still on for a good score but twice I tried 6 and partner didn't go for it, two near tops turned to two zero's!

We played our boards in order starting with hand 1.  First 3 rounds were really good, on 67% after 6 boards..... then.........

Board 7:  Partner passes, Ops Pass, 1 by me.  Pass by Ops, partner bids 1.  I bid 2, partner bids 2 - this cannot be right!  Everyone else in s (not a great contract either but....  Partner must bid 2 as preference here.  2NT -4 was 10%.

Board 10:  Tricky here but 3NT is all that makes, not easy with my singleton but partner could bid it.....

Board 16:  Ops bid a slam nobody else did, well done Ops.

Board 17:  Partner bid 5NT after I have shown a big hand - what do I do now?  I felt I was being told is no good and is under control (bid in W) - with the lead coming through, this won't work!  6 is cold.....

Board 22:  Our last hand.  Bid up to 5 (a great contract), Ops Double !!!!  Unfortunately, partner didn't see the s and the last 2 were masters in my hand, discard the s on these and contract makes, bad luck partner....

As always, really enjoyed the night, Derek is really good fun!  I did enjoy making 4 Doubled on board 6 too!!!

23rd June 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Left work early today as we were due to play in the bar downstairs this afternoon so wanted to be o hand to help set-up.  The CC staff were amazing however and had moved the tables downstairs and set them up for us as well as sourcing enough chairs and preparing the kitchen with our juice etc for us - a massive thank you Leslie!!!!

Today was really pleasant, the weather had cooled and the door was open, very comfortable and we came top again!

A few bad boards and some VERY luck hands but most were above 60% and 8 were 90% or 100%.

Those of you who know me will know I am always quite firm with my partner but, I will this time, she was an absolute star today and declarer play was 80% - well done Margaret!!!!

My NT play scored well throughout the day which I was pleased with and our bidding worked well too.

Hand 2 however..........

Our Bidding
East Me West Partner
P 1 P 1
P 2 P 3
P 3N All P  
Potential Bidding
East Me West Partner
P 1 P 2
P 3 P 3
P 3N All P  





I believe in longest suit to be bid first - I think we end up in the same contract as it happens (which I also should not have made).  Instead of 3, partner should probably repeat the but we are an aggressive pair!

Home now for a bite to eat then off to YHBC.......

22nd June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session.

Weather starting to cool but still too hot for me and a bit drained from this week of being ill and weakened.

Tonight started with a gift from our Ops (first time they had played together), me being mean, I double for a top, how could I when they are my friends? Sorry.

We had four bad boards, the rest were all ok - we didn't shine very often but were solid and had a reasonable score (although the position was below par).

3 major issues though, 1 was a judgement by partner:

Hand 13: I re-bid 2NT (out system says game force) and partner passed.  I rarely say anything against partner and even here, she had reasons.  This time however, I think partner should not pass a forcing bid.

Hand 18: Partner opens strong and I use puppet stayman (I stand by this), Ops double the and I still sign off in 3NT - I should have bid 4 and partner can now bid 4 or 5.  Of course, the top scores were in 3NT but without a lead..... My fault here.

Hand 23:  I open 4 (limit bid) and partner has 15HCP and only 2 of my suit with only 1 Ace.  I personally don't think this is enough to go looking but partner did - I gave a good reply of 2 key cards with the Q trumps but this wasn't enough to make a slam (I couldn't have much more than this for my bid).  I went 2 off but only as I tried to make the contract, if the  lead was not a singleton, I get my  away - of course it was (which I knew but had to try) so 2 off.  1 off DBL wouldn't have been much better.

To even out the system error on round 1, our friends also bid 6 (less than half bid it) for a near top for them (this being our 4th poor score).

An enjoyable evening, the 3 main blunders avoided and would have gained around 7-9% and been rivalling top spot, so not far off really.

21st June 2017


Playing with a now regular partner in the first of the Accumulator Cup series.

This is a 3 series event over 3 Wednesdays (the day alternates each season).

It was still far too hot tonight and I am not feeling 100%, that was not really an excuse though, I generally just made poor choices tonight.

An interesting discussion about strong 2 openers on board 14.  I looked and looked at this hand and worked out that I "Could" open it 2 (4 loser hand in ).  Missing AQJ of though, I chose not to.  This was against our system card and I need to think about this.  I MUST open it 2 if I am to play the card properly.  It is a card worth playing so I will in future, sorry partner.

Hands 5 and 6 were troublesome.  6 felt right on hand 5 but it is never there.  Bid 6 again on hand 6 which is there if I play the  properly, of course, I didn't!!!

Our last hand of the evening also showed a lack of concentration.  I ruffed the 2nd played (90% sure partner had the K).  I wanted to make the A but didn't think partner could play the K and then give me a ruff - then I take A (which I cannot as it happens as declarer and dummy both only had 1 !!!).

This is the best system card I play but I don't play it often enough, I need to work harder here to make this work, I will!

Only 2.5 tables in the Improvers tonight but this gave Vee a chance to sit with the sitting out pair and go through the hands - this is normally a really good way of helping and am sure Vee has helped here.

Good to see Ian N back too, hope to see more of you!  Great result too, not quite as high as 1 of our regular pairs who hit a phenomenal high of nearly 80%!!!

20th June 2017

No Bridge:

It is still too HOT crying

An early start at work today as once again, it's only me that can do the monthly reporting (I am a team of 1) so I cannot be ill.  Of course, I am currently un-well but hey!  Got it all done and now home by the fan!

I am not going to badminton tonight and no bridge, quiet night watching TV with my partner and will consider an early night......

19th June 2017


Playing with a regular partner in a regular club session (in insane heat!!!)

Spent all day either in bed or asleep on sofa or moaning to myself in pain - had no working muscles this morning, just could not move.  The heat is crippling for me and suspect I had some form of heat stroke over the weekend.

Despite that, I cannot let anyone down so haul myself up and out for bridge tonight.  As I arrive I am just dripping and can't even help that much with the set-up, I am still thinking I should go back home.  Partner sees me and asks if I need to go home without me saying anything (so I know I must look dreadful!).  I stay and we sit out the first round (we bid the hands and bid up to 6 on one of them as EW, glad we were sitting out!).

We actually end up having a pleasant evening and keep going outside where it is quite cool on the balcony, I feel a bit brighter with each hand and between us, only 4 blips (1 was good declarer play by Ops).  Coming top in any session is always good but tonight, given how I felt, I was amazed!

Had a few hands where most are making 12 tricks but they took the first 2 against us, not much we can do here.  Some insane luck on a few hands though, won't give much away but hand 14 I was very lucky!

Now sat in the dark with a big fan going - roll on winter!!!

18th June 2017

B&B Swiss Teams:

Playing with a regular Congress Partner in the Berks Green Point Swiss teams.  Fellow team mates from CBC.

We started with a reasonably easy team (although one lady we played was extremely unpleasant, we let it go and just played cards).

Not our best performance, very hot today again and very uncomfortable, I am now quite un-well and most is due to the heat I believe.

The story.....:

Match 1:

This match was won by us being in 2 games (as we should be) which our Ops were not in, a comfortable 15-5 win

Match 2:

Nothing goes our way here our team mates didn't bid a slam that our Ops did but we had lost the match without this, our Ops were the top EW pair over the whole event! - a 17-3 loss here

Match 3:

A fairly tight match but our Ops push us to 5 and I go 1 off, the other table is 4 making.  Our ops also bid a game our team mates didn't - another 17-3 loss.

Match 4:

An unfortunate draw against our friends from CBC here, we push them too high at our table and also take them down in a 3NT contract (partners good lead) - a 17-3 win for us.

Match 5:

Ops start off with a frustrating hand for them where again, partner finds the killer lead and we defend really well, this knocked her confidence then and the next few boards are a little timid.  Board 35 was one of the most interesting of the whole day - we can make 5 or 5 and Ops can make 5 or 4 - we bid aggressive and got straight to 5 here, the other table, our team mates defend perfectly taking 5 off.

Match 6:

Totally out-classed here by the event organiser, not much we could do here but partner did make 1 and 1NT, I know it doesn't sound like much but play was excellent to make these!  20-0 loss though

Match 7:

Another match where we lost heavily - not much more we could have done, we had some odd contracts at our table which we took off nicely - team mates possibly could have performed better but a long day and so hot, I don't blame anyone today!

17th June 2017

B&B Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a regular Congress Partner in the Berks Green Point Swiss pairs.

We drew a VERY tough pair to start and managed to scrape an 11-9 win (really pleased with this).

Next match is a disaster and 20-0 defeat followed by a 20-0 win!

Another huge 18-2 defeat followed by a good 15-5 win.  Then we threw away a tight match 11-9 and finish with a 16-4 loss.

Not our best performance, very hot today and slightly uncomfortable, possibly lost focus a few times.

The story.....:

Match 1:

Our very first hand was board 2, Ops open 2 (Lucas 2 showing 5 and a minor) - I pass, Ops raise to 4.  Now comes Simon.....!  5, P, P, Double/  Simon again, 5 (now showing at least 5/5 in the red suits, likely 6).

P, P, Doubles, P, P, P (I have 4 in my hand).  As each trick is played the Ops are visibly shrinking, well bid and played Simon, hand 1 of the day is 850 for 5X !

Next hand we defend well and take 1NT off 2 for a great score.  The Ops have the play on the next few and we finish with 6 our way (not many in it) - a narrow win.

Match 2:

Nothing goes our way here other than 1 great sacrifice, 20-0 loss here

Match 3:

Nothing goes right for our Ops here - 6 out of 7 were really good for us (one of our best ever matches).  The highlight for me was being in 4X making an overtrick for 990!  Ops hold 19HCP and couldn't believe we could have enough, it is all shape (8 and 9 points each but I have a void and partner has a singleton and we have a fit) - we found our fit with Gesthem showing 5/4+ in majors.  I can actually make 12 tricks here (with 17HCP between us) but I had to make sure of the contract and so played safe.  A lot of other good boards here result in 20-0 for us.

Match 4:

Not a bad match really, we were in NT when should be in a major twice but it didn't feel too bad, it was though, 18-2 loss.

Match 5:

This started off as a tight match we thought.  Killer board was 30 where partner lurked with 18HCP.  The Ops sign off in 2 - I cannot let the Ops play in 2 of a major if I can help it, so I balance.  Partner jumps to 3NT and I gulp (I have only 4 HCP!!!).  He plays this superbly (Ops made an error too) and brings it home +1 (matrix says only 2NT available) - this was the match winner here!  We had already got it as it turns out but we felt it was close, now 15-5 for us.

Match 6:

Nothing wrong here on 6 boards, we had the match winner where I played low to my Qx and made my Q for the +1 - however, our defence slipped and we let 3NT through and so lost 11-9.

Match 7:

Another match where we lost heavily but 1 board would have turned it.  Between us we didn't bid 4 and didn't bid 3NT, these boards killed it, just 1 would probably have swung it.  We had a great score for 5\ too but really, we should have bid 6 here, either of us could have but didn't/  As it turned out, most were either not in game or didn't make 12.

Same again tomorrow for the Teams - I will make sure I am slightly better tomorrow as can't let team mates down.

16th June 2017


Playing with a now established but fairly new partner in the 3rd round of the Beryl Doughty (our score won't count for the competition).

We both made a number of errors (me far more than partner) - had such a hectic day today and was yawning throughout tonight - no excuse but it just didn't feel on tonight.

Started off ok against my life partner and then most rounds were top and a bottom with 1 round where the Ops just bid and played correctly (what can you do).

I didn't do my homework and got Jacobi wrong and then played to make 12 tricks which didn't work so ended up 2 off (1 off would be bad so may as well try).

Partner didn't use Lebensohl on 1 hand too which would have got us to the right contract, virtually his only error though so will forgive!

We had a bit of luck on 1 board, I pass, Ops open and their partner bids, then I overcall 2.  Before I know it, they bid 2 too having not seen my bid!!!  Director called and says it's tricky here but he needs to make it good and will allow 3 as natural, any other bid and his partner is silenced throughout.  3NT is punted and it is not the best contract, we also get the defence right and so get a top here.  It's amazing how many times Ops don't notice bids....

Suffered on another board where I had a slam on but panicked and just bid 4.  If I double first we have chances to get there, careless.

Board 15 was awkward.  Partner doubles 4 - should be in 4 via Lebensohl (as eluded to earlier) but 1 lead at any point and we take the contract off - slightly careless again.

I was pleased to see 2 of our Improvers play tonight, not only did they play and keep pace, they got over 50% and beat us too!  Well done both

Off to Windsor this weekend for the Berks Green Point.

16th June 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with a new partner in a regular club session as my partner was away for the weekend.

A few ups and downs today and we both felt slightly off our game today.  A couple of things came up which we handle differently so didn't go as well as last night!

Despite that, we were top by a mile going into the last round, unfortunately, our Ops bid a small slam, a good game and we get our defence wrong on the last board so slip to 2nd by a fraction of a %

Still, 2nd, can't grumble and partner was a delight to play with and very comfortable.  We were also the only NS to bid a slam, so the top end of the game was still solid, all those part scores and 1 extra trick here and there count for a lot too

15th June 2017


Playing with a new partner in a regular club session as my partner was double booked.

Really enjoyed tonight, we played basic Benji and ironed out a few little differences as we went, only 1 cost us....  I never reply 1NT with a good 9HCP, I find it is better to bid at the 2 level here, we missed game as I didn't think we could have enough points with 8 or less - my fault really but a style difference.

My partner tonight was truly magnificent tonight, played 9 hands and achieved 75% for her efforts, I bid up to 6 on board 3, it is a good contract but requires some thought - partner DID think and worked it out, well done partner!

At the end, the scores are very tight and our last hand is a really tight 6NT.  Partner opened strong and I had a good 4 card support for her so went looking for a slam.  I ended up in 6NT and the matrix says only 5 on, I did make it though (leaving the  finesse to the end) and got us a top to finish which secured the top spot!

Our very first round was our worst set, I played terribly on both boards.  Am glad to say my play improved after this - we bid 4 on board 10, again, it is a good contract but requires a lot of thought - this time I DID think!!!  Was secretly pleased with myself on this one as not many made 10 tricks (nobody else who bid game made it).

We bid 2 slams tonight, 3 other slams were bid NS and all board 15, we didn't bid that one!!!  I should have looked for it though as I knew we could make 5 - my error here but the score was ok for the board and mustn't be greedy....

I'm pleased to see my partner (who I normally would have played with tonight) also came top (EW), well done other partner!!!

With my regular Friday partner away, have agreed to play again tomorrow afternoon - was pleased to arrange that at the start of the session rather than waiting to see the result!

14th June 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tonight.  There are 4 and a half tables and a missing pair in the main group, 2 of our improvers agree to move to the main group for the experience.

They held their own and kept pace well and although the position wasn't great, the score was quite reasonable and they knew most of the errors straight away - I hope they keep trying as they are a really strong pair and are more than capable of the main group.

In our section, a very close session - the scores in the middle were changing positions all the time in the last round and ended with a joint 2nd.  Not many calls tonight either and after the first round, the pace was fair too.

Some very tricky hands and mainly part scores - 1 hard slam EW which only 1 pair got close to.  The play here is not easy though and the bidding just as tricky, worth looking at "Play it again" on board 10 here....

13th June 2017

Social Bridge:

Hosting social bridge tonight with 2 of our Wednesday Improvers.

This our 2nd session as a 4 and the main aim is to go through some hands and discuss what went well or badly and how to improve each aspect as it comes up.

Also, a great social occasion with cake (we all love cake!!!)

Tonight went really well and some very interesting hands.  1 hand called for the last 2 cards to be cross ruffed and they plated the trump and lost a trump.  Always consider cross ruffing here as we had 2 trumps left in 1 hand but both lower than theirs.

We got them to try discarding too (just attitude for now) and this worked well.  I also advised what cards to keep when discarding on our long suits (ie what cards you must keep and therefore which to throw away).

Missed badminton tonight but I don't mind missing the odd session if we are able to have fun and help the Improvers.

We are hosting tomorrow night too.

12th June 2017


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

Really not our night tonight, I couldn't concentrate and kept losing track of the cards or taking the wrong line, I normally rate my declarer play but it was awful tonight.

Poor score and nearly all my own fault.  Partner also missed the odd card but generally was sound.

We started off ok, very tricky hand (mis-fit) and partner did extremely well to only be 1 off for a good score.  Each round is a bit up and down after that and on board 24 I decide to pre-empt with 3 and play there - we should be in 4 and find it if I don't open.  I should have made 3 too though for a reasonable score but I missed the J and so ended up 1 off crying

Board 26 our Ops bid 5, I can double or bid 5 - I chose the wrong way, 4 is all that is there crying

Board 3 was the worst I played all night going 3 off doubled

Another up and down round followed by 2 good rounds and then we finish with a final poor round

Sorry partner.....

11th June 2017

Oxford Swiss Teams:

Check out of hotel and make our way over around 10am and meet up with Team mates and say Hi to lots of friends here today (between us we seem to know most of the players!).

Today was just not our day, not going to apportion blame as it was all of us to be honest.  When we had a good round, team mates didn't and vice versa.  Often, we are in the correct contract but odd scores in our round.

Very frustrating and the more you lose the harder it is to win - after losing the first 6 matches we had to win the last match - fortunately, we did!  We all felt down after today but it happens to all of us.  Especially as this was largely not great, I am not going to labour all issues we faced (mainly as I genuinely do not think it was down to any 1 of us overall).  Instead, here are some of the good boards:

Board 9: 100% for us taking 3NT off 5 - I open a weak 3 and Ops bid 3NT.  Partner makes the right lead and Ops win Q, I win Q and return a which loses to declarers A.  Win A and now take 4 s and get a  signal from partner.  We take 9 tricks when the Ops are in 3NT, well defended partner!!!

Board 19: Joint top for us bidding and making 7 - I have a nice hand and 8 fairly solid s - partner is dealer and opens 1!!!!!  Ops jump in s but I am not being put off, 4NT from me (should have been exclusion blackwood but I forgot) - I end up punting 7 with my void but my instincts proved correct and partner played it beautifully!  Only 5 in the grand out of 48 tables.

Board 37: We take 3NT off 1 - I am squeezed from trick 1 but get the signal in and keep the right cards - we beat the matrix here by getting our defence spot on!

Board 44: Amazing partner!!!  4 bid and made, I have an 18 count and partner opens a weak 3 - I raise to game but it isn't there.  However, just because it is not there didn't stop my partner making it (with a little luck where Ops held back on top trumps on first round then crashed on the 2nd) - this was good luck but partner had the sense to try for it.

10th June 2017

Oxford Swiss Pairs:

Set off just after 9am to get Margaret a paper and collect her and Simon to drive to Oxford - just over an hour and was an easy drive. Started with some food that Margaret had kindly made for us all which went down a treat!!!

Got settled in and started with a nice pair, fairly even but we win 11-9 (largely due to 2 great scores)

The next 3 matches were almost faultless but we lost them all - Ops didn't bid slams and games that go off and the rest of the field did, we suffer !!!

The last 3 matches were all really good, match 6 was a dream - we both played well but the Ops had 4 mis-understandings and we took the gifts gladly - given how well we did (especially my partner), slightly disappointed in the position but top half and 4/7 wins which is 1 Green Point - only 1440 to go......!!!

Match 1: Win 11-9

2 big scores here got us through, a great sacrifice on board 2 by partner when NS have a slam available and a tight double by me that squeaked through

Match 2: Lost 11-9

Partner did really well to get 10 tricks in 3NT but the Ops stayed out of game and slams on 3 boards and this proved very good for them!

Match 3: Lost 3-17

Brilliant defence when Ops in 1NT, we both had opening hands and kept quiet and took this off 4!!!  The rest was very good by Ops though (including talking me out of our game).

Match 4: Lost 4-16

3 by partner going 2 off cost here, some made it and it looks like 1 off is a par score

Match 5: Win 11-9

Largely great defence here but this round included 6 +1 by partner which very few were in (even less made the over trick!)

Match 6: Win 20-0

Ops fell apart here and 58% was our lowest score on these 7 boards, felt sorry for the Ops here who were such a nice pair.

Match 7: Win 16-4

Largely due to a brilliant 3 made by partner and 4 making all 13 by me (with the help of a revoke from Ops)

9th June 2017


No bridge tonight as playing board games with a friend at home.

Had a nice relaxing evening with a friend and take-away (with lodgers too), ordered too much food though but was nice!

Playing a strategy game we like and not played for a while, we had a really good game which was really close all the way through and I managed to pull away at the end for a win - the result really didn't matter though, was great fun for us both!

Followed this up with a simple game on the iPad (Ticket to Ride) which I also won!

Loaded the hands for the YHBC session and submitted P2P as our chairman is away at present, noticed a great score for the winners (currently the top score this season - look HERE).  Well done Colin & David!!!

Playing board games tonight and then off to Oxford for the weekend.....

9th June 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

A generally good session again this week with some great play and a bit of luck (again!).

With the last 8 scores to go in I watch our score change between 1st and 2nd with each score, it finishes with us top (just!) on a board that caused a yelp from the player.... They bid and made 7NT which they were so proud of, a bonus was it pushed our score up too - really pleased for Penny though (who also finished well in 3rd).

I felt really sorry for our Ops on board 16, they were so pleased with bidding a slam and it turned out to be zero for them as everyone else bid 6N or better (this was the 7NT hand).

We had 2 bad rounds and the rest were par or better, only hand I was a little upset on was board 3, partner opens 1 in 4th seat.  I have 4 and 7HCP and raise to 2, then partner bids on - follow the simple rule of 1, 2 that will do!!!  There was no more on here and partner didn't open strong so limit your hand (there are exceptions to this but generally this will serve you well).

Playing board games tonight and then off to Oxford for the weekend.....

8th June 2017


Playing with my regular partner in the 6th round of the Thursday Championship.

Enjoyed tonight despite partner being director and quite a number of issues, it does have an effect sometimes.  We came top NS but the 3rd highest score and it is total % over the series that counts.

We both have a lot of commitments and so have only played 3 so far but all have been good scores - if we did exactly the same again for the next 3, we would currently be leading the series, a long way to go yet though.

My partner tonight is a really strong player and the majority of the bidding and play was really good tonight, no mis-understandings at all although I could have made 2 different bids that would have been better, I overcalled with a poor suit on board 20 which partner lead, not the best lead and was my fault there, apologies.

Some luck tonight...

Board 10 we are in the correct contract and Ops double me, not an unreasonable double either but gives us a good score.

Board 21 the Ops didn't think I would take the  finesse and so played low automatically and I then guessed the  position and made 10 tricks.

Board 4 was a marginal board and very cagey, low level Doubles by both sides and we were lucky to be on the right side of it, 50/50 decisions for both sides though.

Boards 17 and 18 I really did feel for our Ops, both boards were 6 by Ops, they did well to bid them but we managed to get them both 1 off.

I played well overall but...

Board 2 I lost to the singleton Q, should have made that one - was on a guess, but even so.
Board 3 I had a favourable lead and then threw it away, I must play A first so I can get back to dummy, I played the 10 from dummy and it held and I played low without thinking crying
Board 13 I defended like a beginner, declare played well too but really, I was so bad here crying

Board 22 was unfortunate, we chose 3NT over 5 - normally it's the right decision but not here - I had a singleton so should have bid on I think, sorry partner.

Good score overall though and a really pleasant evening.

7th June 2017


Disappointing turn out in the Improvers, had 3 tables but 1 pair turned up and went home again un-well - Val coped well with the tricky start though and got through the session.

Playing with a fairly regular partner in a regular club session (practise for the Oxford congress this weekend).

Tonight was not our night!  At the time, I felt we hadn't made many errors but were unlucky, a few things did go wrong though and there were errors both side (I feel).

Board 2 was awkward.  Ops open a weak 2 and partner has 15HCP with 5 and 5.

Partner chose to pass here and see what happened.  I double with 15HCP and it is left in.  On this occasion the score was in our favour as only 1 pair bid 6 our way.  Should we be in 6 and how do we get there?

Board 5 was annoying.  Ops have 7NT on and are in 3NT, nobody bid a slam and some are not in game and some don't make 7 tricks, we suffer here!

Board 6 was worse!!!  We are in 3NT (a good contract from the bidding) it only makes 2, I made 2 (going 1 off) but 5 pairs were allowed to make 3NT crying

Board 7 was good, Ops can make 5 but we took 4 down, well defended partner.

Board 8 we were lucky, Ops didn't find game.

Board 9 I should ignore partners suit as I only have 1 and should lead my 4th highest  - Ops should have been in 4 though....

Board 12 I was distracted - not really an excuse but I was called to fix a problem in the Improvers and then didn't notice partners card and switched to the wrong suit, fatal and we let game through when it should have gone 2 off crying

Board 14 - what was I thinking!!!! I doubled a good slam, we still would have had a poor score but not a zero, when will I learn!!!

Board 15 was annoying - Ops have a grand slam on and play in 5 - Other Ops are in the wrong contract, wrong level or allow us to play!!!  Another poor score

Board 17 is another EW slam, only one pair found it and it was against us!!!

Board 19 - a competitive auction and we push them too high and get a score, finally a board where we did the right thing and it paid off!

Board 20 was partners turn to slip up, I asked for a switch and it didn't come, turned a top into a bottom as they now make their contract crying

We sat out 2 really interesting boards for us, our system would have really interfered on the first board and we pseudo bid the 2nd and think we can reach 4 too

Board 24 we both ducked and then crashed our  honours, more my fault than partners though but it really cost!

Not great for us but mostly not our fault - these issues should even out in a congress (I hope!).  At least we didn't make any system errors which is encouraging as I have made a few recently.

Really please to see our friends at the top tonight though, well done Margaret and Lesley!!!

6th June 2017


Have my friend staying this week so a day off work (well, had a few bits of work to do and also went to get my hair cut).

After lunch, we played social bridge for a few hours with Jo and Margaret which was good fun, home made scones from Margaret too, yummy!

We had a few incidents at bridge but it really didn't matter and all just played without scoring.

Home for dinner then out to badminton for our annual fun tournament (6 games with randomly drawn partners, winner plays with a loser from round 2 onwards).

Iain played too but had poor luck with partners he drew and there were long delays between some games.

I managed to only drop 5 points out of all my games winning 4 out of 6 so finished as top man and 2nd overall behind a really nice lady who is quite a strong player (she won 5 out of 6!).

Iain has his badminton tournament tomorrow so back to work for me, then bridge at YHBC (me with Jill and Iain with Vee again as Val hosts the improvers for us).

5th June 2017


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

Enjoyed tonight but still a few exchanges of views where we differ in opinion.

It felt reasonable but quite surprised how well we did in the end, some hands were not great as we played them but ended up over 60% for us once all played.

Partner played really well tonight too, making 1 more trick than most a few times and made some brilliant leads which got our defence going well on most of the hands.

It was predominantly an EW night and we did well to play 11 of the hands between us (we are quite aggressive!).

I was pleased with board 1.  I open 1 and partner raises to 4.  I am always very wary to bid on after this but it felt right here so I enquired.  I got 1 Ace from partner and so bid a small slam.  I was also very lucky that they didn't lead off their Ace and could get my singleton  away for the precious over trick.

Playing socially tomorrow as have a charming guy staying with us for a few days (he played with my other half tonight).  We are then playing badminton at my club tomorrow night and then he is playing bridge with Vee again Wednesday night.

4th June 2017

Surrey League Final:

Playing with my Team that performed well in Surrey this year and made it to the final.  Today's final just didn't seem to go well - for both pairs, whatever we tried generally didn't work.

Hard to really say what went wrong but we lost all 3 matches to finish last - disappointing but it happens.

Without going into too much detail, a few hands that caused me problems (link to event above in the purple header):

1: I had to ruff the 2nd  when still 3 trumps in each left, I did this too late and so ran out of entires crying

16: It looked like not much was on so I passed 2 - turns out we can make 7 or 6 crying

24: I chose the wrong slam, 6 makes, 6NT doesn't crying

Take a look at the hands and see what you think - some were much easier than I made them but I think we just got caught in a bit of a spiral and couldn't make it good.

Back to back congresses the next 2 weekends so hope I get back on form this week!

3rd June 2017

Social Bridge:

Vee and I have an early start today playing socially with our friends Les & Jennie.  We start at 10:30 and have a really good day with banter and catching up and 24 hands of bridge (8 with each partner).  A nice lunch of quiche, salad, wedges and some biscuits later.

After the first 2 rotations, Les and Jennie are on identical scores and are joint leaders (just).  After 21 hands, Les, Jennie and I are all on the exact same score!!!  Vee and I have 3 good hands after this to finish and so I edge the win overall!  This really is not about winning though and we all felt it was anyones game and all were really close.  Although I won overall, the hand of the day has to go to Les for making a ridiculous 3NT I put him in, he played like a champion to make this impossible contract!

Player of the day though was Jennie by a mile, no mistakes noted, superb defence and a joy to play with - I only won due to luck with getting good cards at the right time.

Starting early still gives up the evening to ourselves and having had no time in weeks to just sit down, we are "wasting" the evening watching TV and eating take away curry!!!

Surrey League final tomorrow.......

2nd June 2017


Playing with a fairly regular partner in a regular club session.

First things first - WELL DONE COLIN & ANGELA !!!!!!!!

So pleased to see them doing well and to win in the main group was stunning to see!

Our evening was another of highs and lows - some good doubles, some great play - some take-out doubles left in (which was a disaster) and some poor defence (by me).

Hand 13 (lucky for some!) was my shining moment.  Partner did NOT like my jump to 3NT but I have a very good 18 and it is the correct bid (I would open a strong 2 with most 19s).

I got the first trick right and then planned my attack by placing the cards where I wanted them, they were all exactly where I wanted them!!!  How often does that happen?  I was pleased with myself here but partner still said he would rather I didn't jump like that.

Social bridge tomorrow then the Surrey League final on Sunday....

2nd June 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

Enjoyed today, nice atmosphere although the first few rounds took a long time and we got through 27 boards today!

Finished second but behind a very good pair with a great score, we had 58% which is respectable.

Our defence let us down once again and a few odd bids (or announcements, partner.....!!!) - still, it was comfortable and felt good.

Home for dinner then off to YHBC tonight.....

1st June 2017

BBL End of Season Pairs:

Playing with a regular partner in the BBL end of season pairs event.  This is the presentation night for the Pivot Cup and Bracknell leagues and is always well organised and there was good attendance from our clubs (CBC and YHBC).

Was proud to see Pamela and her team collect the Division 4 trophy, they played so well this year only dropping 1 game and now back to division 3, well done to them all!

Yateley A was also 2nd in division 1 after a solid season, a good year for YHBC!

Simon and I play in events and congress fairly regular and have a good system for doing well in strong fields.  It proved to be the case tonight.

After a slight wobble early on, we defended well and Simon played really well (most of the time!).  We end up 3rd at half time with 63% (leader on 66%).

We have a good second half too but I finish the night with a zero for not making 3NT when everyone else did, I just couldn't see it crying

Despite that hand, we finished just under 60% but somehow ended up on top!  This is the 2nd time I have played this event with Simon and the 2nd time we have won, well done partner!

Playing twice again tomorrow and then socially Saturday morning.  Surrey league final on Sunday too.....

31st May 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers with Vee tonight.  There are 4 and a half tables and so we both play.  We think it is best to split up and both try and help 2 improvers and so we each play with a solo improver.

I was really pleased with my partner tonight, he has come on a lot since I last played with him and his defending skills were vastly improved.  He was a little on the slow side last time too and now we either kept up or were ahead of the other tables.  He only played 2 of the hands but played both carefully and well.  I did keep asking him to come and play when I won the contract too (there is no value in me playing really) but he kept declining - still needs a bit more confidence and I think I should be more forceful next time.....!

Hand 3 was a really good example of his defending sense tonight.  I lead the 2 (a hated lead by a few of my partners as it gives too much away!).  I only have 5HCP and 4s so not expecting much here.  Dumy goes down and they hold Kx.  Partner holds Axx and plays low on the first round.  When he gets back in later, he play A and another through declarer.  In the mean time, I have generated a  and a  winner in my hand and partner engineers another  winner - a contract double dummy says can make and we take it 3 off due to partner's great play - well done Kevin!

A few card play issues though, not covering an honour with an honour and also giving up a key honour when declarer had played low.

5 tables again though and some real stars are emerging in the group.  Both Vee and I are playing in the main group next week and Val Foster has kindly offered to step in for us, thanks Val!

30th May 2017


No report for a few days and still no bridge tonight!  Have you missed me?  Probably not!

Had a weekend with my partner and friends this weekend, having given a lesson on Benji Saturday to our friends, we had a BBQ Saturday with 20 friends at our house (not a huge house so it gets very social!) - we had a little rain to start with but the weather held after that and we had a great time, hadn't seen some of our friends for a long while and was so good to catch up.

Sunday we met friends for a pub lunch in Alton which was great then coffee and nibbles in the evening with my monday bridge partner.

Back to work today and had a huge workload to get through but managed it, then home to make fajitas and relax before badminton (missed last week as played bridge at Woking).

Tonight was really good, it started off with the sweetest thing of the year - a young lad was there for the first time and I always arrive early, I showed him round and he suddenly said "I think I know you, are you Ian?" - I had a vague memory of him but it hadn't clicked, he was a junior badminton player at the club I went to.  I was 3/4 years older and quite experienced by the time he arrived as a 10 year old and I helped him a lot as a kid and coached him for a few tournaments and improved his game when I was starting out as a Junior coach.  He said he has never forgotten the club and me in particular and that I was his hero as a kid!!!  I thought that was so sweet and makes you realise what effect you have on others sometimes without noticing.  I don't mind admitting it, I was really taken aback by his comments and really proud to see a well turned out young man who I helped in his early days.

I played really well tonight too and lost 1 game 22-20 and won the rest - pushed a little too hard though and am shattered now!

Hosting the improvers tomorrow night with Vee then off to the End Of Season Pairs Thursday.

26th May 2017


We are having a BBQ tomorrow so a big shop today and preparing the house and garden (including buying a BBQ and assembling it!).

Once done, I set about preparing some notes, typing a convention card and setting 10 hands within a set of 20 to use as teaching hands for 2 of our friends.

Their results have been below their standard for a while so I offered to teach them Benji as a system and try and give some hints and tips on bidding and card play.

For reference, there are system notes within the YHBC site (link at the top in purple) there is also a version of Benji as a system card on the YHBC home page.

Our friend had done a lovely spread of food for us and we had wine and chat too.  I decided to set 10 hands (mainly weak but some strong hands too).  I set these within the 20 hands at random intervals with the rest shuffled randomly.  This was to try and simulate the hands coming up in a normal session.

To set the hands but also allow us to play the hands, I decide to set just 1 of the hands and then randomly deal the other 3 - we then went through the bidding and play on each of these hands to assess what they could or should have done.  I'm pleased to say that they got the bidding well (although referring to the notes a few times) but occasionally the play went  little off and also Vee and I decided not to interfere with the bidding (competitive auctions are important but that is for another day).

They grasped the fact that most of the boards got a good score for them as they often found game they wouldn't normally have bid or stopped us finding our game, that is a good part of Benji!

Within the hands I set, I gave a treat of a hand - see what you what bid HERE....

26th May 2017


Playing with my monthly Friday partner in a regular club session.

Things start off ok, then a mixed set of boards then it's downhill almost all the way...............!

We just couldn't get things right tonight, perhaps I read too much into signals and carding but I had a monster hand, doubled 1NT and took it off but not enough, we got 500 when game is on for us and we missed 2 tricks - should have been 100% for us but was a near bottom.  I got a  signal and so played my AK then another, giving Q o the Ops when I thought it was the only way to get partners hand crying

Some sacrifices didn't work, I mis-played 2 hands too which is never a good sign

We had a battle between us too and I maintain partner should bid a 3 card suit to try to find my hand but perhaps I should just pass too - frustrating night!

I will say that our first board (11) I did play well, the only player to make 4 - why can't every board be like that!

Board 17 was a harsh lesson in defence:

Ops bid 1N, 3N - perfectly reasonable contract and bidding.  Partner leads 4th highest of a major (almost always a good idea to lead a major in these options and in this case, partner has 4).

I hold 5  and see the lead of the 7 from partner.  Dummy goes down and there is a singleton.  I now have count on this suit (assuming 4th highest, I have 5, dummy has 1, 4th highest from partner must be 4 as Ops wouldn't open with a singleton and therefore has 3).

So, I win with my K and need to ensure I win the 4th trick so I can claim the 5th and defeat the contract.  I return a low and partner wins with the 9.  Now I need the A then J played and I can overtake and play the 5th - unfortunately, partner now thinks the Q is in declarers hand and switches to a  - devastated.  If I play K then Q, the suit is blocked - I think my carding was correct here.....crying  The odd thing, this happened at 2 other tables too with the same lead!

I am going to blame the heat.....!!!

26th May 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

After 3 good weeks, this week was below par - mainly due to the last round where we (me!!!) fell apart!  Was on for a score circa 60% but dropped to low 50s in the end.

We had 4 horror boards (largely our defence and 1 ridiculous bid by me) the rest were ok or good so not too disappointed really.  Had a nice chat in the sun (well, shade for me) during our sit out round too.

It must be noted that young Sylvia cannot help but be in the top 2 this week - well done Sylvia!!!

The host went home again this time, I think we need to do more to push the fact that all players are welcome (with or without a partner) - we also need to push to get more hosts volunteering for upcoming sessions - thing to think about here...

Home for dinner then off to YHBC tonight.....

25th May 2017


Playing with a fairly new partner (trying to get a game whenever we both free as feel we can learn from each other).

We had a fairly solid night, not much was exceptional but not much was terrible either.  Our play got us a little more on a number of boards and so we just squeeked a top tonight.

So pleased to see Marilyn and Sylvia come 2nd just behind us, well done both!!!

I was cross with myself for changing my mind on one hand.  Board 15, I am in 3NT and partner offers me an amazing dummy loaded with tricks.  I am missing the Q and decide to finesse (having seen the 10 on the first trick).  As I ask to play a card from Dummy, I change my mind and then kick myself - I would have made all 13 from this position!!!  As it turned out, not many made game and only 1 made 12 so it was an above average score - still, why did I change my mind?  The logic I had was sound, I have Kx  in dummy so if I do lose the Q, it is to the safe hand, no lose position.

Board 9 I discarded my s in error, should have held this to 9 tricks crying

Board 7 Partner can do better (played on  but  generates more tricks)

Board 13 was unlucky for the Ops, partner opens a weak 2 and Ops felt they had to DBL with a flat opening hand, not unreasonable but think it is better with 15+ or better shape.  They then try and find the best fit and it isn't there, as a mean player, I then double for a top - sorry Ops.

24th May 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers this week.  Was very hot and slightly lower attendance tonight with 3 tables.  A pair was needed in the main group and so Val and Vee paired up to play in the main group and I hosted on my own.  There were a few calls for help but they are a sound group now and so it runs quite smoothly.

Within the first 5 boards, 3 slams were technically available (2 Grand and 1 small) - these were all based on shape and not many points (28 HCP between the hands), worth a look though.....

I went over the losing trick count again tonight - 2 pairs bid to game after an auction of 1, 2 - they both looked uncertain and so I explained they had a 5 loser hand so could go 2 levels higher than partner had bid - they felt much better then!

I also offered the advice (to one of the stronger pairs) that my own opinion of game in a minor after partner has already bid 3NT is a flat NO!  Either, pass the 3NT or if partner has taken it out to 4 or 5 of a minor, raise them to 6 - 5 of a minor rarely beats 3NT with overtricks - I did say, this is ONLY my opinion but something to think about.

They all seemed to enjoy themselves tonight and generally, they do the right thing more often than not - the scores are getting closer too so I think they are becoming an improved group and the standard is improving generally - good to see!

I hope that a few more pairs will start trying the main group, even if just once a month or once every so often......

23rd May 2017


Playing with my regular monthly partner as practise for a few events coming up.

My partner fancied a game tonight too and so paired up with a close friend - I drove us all down there.  They could have done better but really enjoyed the session which is what counts.

A very good start tonight and we are top with 67% at half time!  Things just happened after that, I went wrong, partner went wrong (a little), Ops did the right thing etc!  We drop to 54% and 4th.

Not a disaster but a shame we couldn't maintain the start.  I had 6 s and Ops land in 3....... IF I pass!!!!  I double instead and they change to 3 (making +1), drat!

I made some system errors which largely didn't cost but could have improved our score - we missed 3NT on 1 hand as I mis-bid but landed in the 2nd best score.  I took a double by partner as penalties when it just shows 10+ points and is natural and a few others.

Overall though, the night went OK and it has helped cement a few of the systemic parts of our card and it has definitely helped.

I have been working on the CBC members and YHBC members lists too, just about there now!  Admin never ends......!

22nd May 2017


Playing with my regular partner in round 5 of the Monday Championships.

A very mixed night tonight.  Again, my declarer play is sharp but I am not getting the rest right!!!  I doubled another contract (6 in the last 2 weeks) which made crying

Had a disagreement about bidding too..... Partner opens 1NT and I have a long  suit and a lot of holes.  I know I want to go to game in 4 though and so I bid it directly.  If I transfer, Ops can come in with a double or a bid to get the lead or steal the contract.  Partner doesn't like this and wants me to transfer and then jump.  Neither of us are right or wrong here really (I think) but I just prefer the fast arrival method to prevent any Ops interference.  In this case, I was right as they overcall 3 and get the lead, we now go 1 off.  Just because it worked here though doesn't make me right, any views here?

We are still holding the top spot so far in the series but getting closer and 5 more rounds to go so anything can happen yet!

21st May 2017


Playing in the green Point Swiss Teams at Avon with a regular partner and regular team mates (Surrey division 2) - we won 5 out of 7 and lost 2 very badly - very pleased overall - we earned more Greens than anyone up to 9th place (equal with one other team) but finished 30th due to two 20-0 losses after the break.  We re-grouped to win the last match though.  Really proud to claim that as a team, we beat the teams that finished 2nd and 6th!

A couple of "new" things:

Board 45, trick 1 was:  2, 3, 4, 5 (I won with the 5!!!).

Board 49, trick 1 was:  2, 4, 7, 3 (Simon won with 4!!!!)

To view the rankings, click the purple "Avon" link at the top, to view our own team card, click HERE

A few highlights from the rounds:


  1. 6NT bid and made, game only against team mates
  2. 1NTXX off 3 for +1600, Ops forgot they did exit transfers, felt bad but you have to take gifts when given.


  1. 3NT -4 by Ops - Gambling NT left in and we take 8 tricks!  We had lost this match and this board swung it for us!
  2. 4 vs 3 - our team mates stay in 3 making, we take an ambitious 4 off 1


  1. 3 double plus scores generating 3 6s (devils of a round!)


  1. Simon is a HERO making 4, team mates take it 1 off for +10 !!!


  1. No good news here crying


  1. No good news here either crying


  1. Ops double 4 for +800!
  2. We defend the best we have all day to take 3NT 1 off whilst team mates make theirs!
20th May 2017


Playing in the green Point Swiss Pairs at Avon with a regular partner.

The hotel was next door but 4 miles away by road due to the layout!!!  The venue was superb and great parking too, really well organised and some of the best directors too.

We won 4 out of 7 and lost 2 very narrowly - very pleased overall - we both declared well though my bidding was not up to scratch - finished 18th, the pair who beat us on the last round finished 6th, so it was fairly tight and had that match been the other way round, we would have been 6th!

A couple of horrors:

Bd 11 - Partner forgot that when our 1NT is overcalled, DBL shows system bid (so transfer to in this case).  We end up in 3NT (which is a good contract too) and unfortunately, partner got the wrong and went off.

Bd 31 - Partner forgot that when our 1NT is doubled, exit transfers!  After his 2, I bid 2 as requested.  Then double, then 2 from partner, DBL, then 2 from partner and DBL.  Nothing we can do here.  Partner thought his 2 was stayman and that I had forgotten - ah well.....!

Our highlights were (click the hand number to view the hand and traveller):

Hand Player Notes
Bd 5 Simon Well bid Simon, 4 bid confidently and only 3 pairs in it for a joint top
Bd 9 Defence Odd sequence:  I pass, Ops bid 1, Simon jumps to 4, Ops bid 4, I bid 5, Ops bid 5, Simon passes, Ops bid 5, I pass and ALL pass - mis-understanding by Ops and happy days for us - we also defended well and took 1 more trick than we should
Bd 12 Ian Only a handful of us in 3NT, it says you can only make 8 tricks but I played carefully and made the contract.
Bd 18 Ian 3NT - this proves I have mystical powers...!  Auction has gone:  Ops 1, Simon 3!, Ops Pass, I bid 3NT, all pass.  3 was Ghestem showing the majors (5/4+).  I have the minors and hope it will knit together.  Trust me, it does NOT!!!  I can only make 6 tricks and I can't see that many yet either, what to do?  I win the lead and pause and panic inwardly.  I want my s to be set-up for me (I am lazy!) so get off lead whilst hoping a finesse works.  I play a small to the J and it loses to the K.  ♣ returned and my 10 is captured and then the A played (now setting up my s!).  Thngs are starting to look up.  I ignore the  for a while and want to get off lead again.  Small from me now which loses.  This hand has no left and so plays the J.  I win this and rattle off the rest of the s.  Then a (they have not thrown the other away so cannot make the last one).  Whilst the s were going, I notice the Q thrown away!  Dummy no has A and I have the 10, dummy also has A entry.  I play 10, low.  Now cross to A and take the A - 9 tricks made!!!!  I am absolutely stunned and cannot believe I made this, no-one else did.  Seriously lucky here though, a switch at any point and am done for.
Bd 19 Defence More confident bidding here and after Ops reach game, Simon bids on and we push them into 5 (5 over 5?).  We therefore take this 1 off and only 3 plus scores for our side so a joint top.
Bd 26 Ian 4 +1 :  Ops take AK and then play a trump (so as not to damage their partner).  I draw trumps and get the right (A took singleton K!!!).  I then discard the on my Q and make 11 tricks
Bd 28 Ian 4 +1 :  I lose A and Q and no more - this is all we should lose but I am the only one making 11....
Bd 30 Simon 3NT +2  :  Excellent play by partner.   finesse pays off and loses a .  After the initial A loss, this was the only other trick lost!  One pair made 12 but only 9 is avaialble so making 11 was really good.
Bd 37 Simon 1 =  :  I open 1 (11-15 no 5 card major).  Ops pass, Simon bids 1 (weak take-out) and all pass (and Ops stunned that the auction has ended!!!).  Ops have 5 or 5 and we have stollen the contract at 1 - This is all that makes our way and Simon made it, just!!!
19th May 2017


Playing with a regular monthly partner in a regular club session.

Having done well this afternoon I was in good spirits for tonight.  Very tired though after a tough week and if honest, I was a bit grumpy tonight.

We started well and landed in a small slam by mistake which partner made (plus one!!!).  Some good and some bad after that until.....

Ops have 26 points and mis-bid (nothing illegal) but end up in 2.  It turns out this is all that can be made and we suffer!

Then partner pushes them into game and doesn't double so I bid on and we go down - 2 poor scores.  This is compounded with the next 2 or 3 rounds !!!

Partner didn't feel he was doing well but I think we were both to blame really and my mood didn't help!

We think we were in the 30s at one point and pulled it back with 3 good last rounds to get 47% - not great but could have been much worse!

Resolved the query from this afternoon too, hand 24 was shuffle and deal as it had 14 cards in one hand the first time it was played, will add a note to CBC next....

Avon in the morning, off to pack now!

19th May 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular partner in a regular club session.

This was the third week in a row where we did OK, just slipped off the top on the last round but to deserving victors and happy with 2nd and the score.

We both played well but could do a bit better in defence (still) - it is the hardest part of the game and requires a lot of time and discussion to get it right.  We got enough right today though and seem to be over our slump now.

Our first hand, I was too cheeky, I put a bid in hoping for the Ops to carry on but it was passed by all and I ended up playing in it! I played badly and went off 2 for 200.  It turned out to be disruptive however as they had game on.  I feel ever so slightly guilty now, especially as they are friends of mine and lovely people.

Board 15 was played well by my partner and earned us 100%.  Ops however should deny access to dummy with the , I feel we had a little help here.

Board 24 was a nice slam - Unfortunately, the hand record online doesn't match the hand we played - have raised this with the committee and will see what transpires here

Off to YHBC shortly for another session then setting off at 9am tomorrow for the Avon congress.

18th May 2017


Playing with a fairly regular partner in a regular club session.

Hard to put my finger on exactly why we didn't get a good score but just over 50% is not miserable, just not quite pleasant - hard to describe that but hopefully you know what I mean!

My partner tonight is sound and I would expect to score 57%+ normally, unfortunately, I am not on good form these days and still not feeling great (excuses excuses I know!).

My declarer play was still good (73%) but I only played 4 hands.  My bidding was erratic and I didn't defend well and also put partner into daft contracts too often.

Hand 9 was a pleasing understanding of a system we don't quite have written down but is part of the system....

Ops open 4, P, P then me.  I bid 4NT and Ops pass, partner alerts (just in time) and bids 5.  My bid was the UNT at a high level (I actually treat it purely as take out showing 2 places I could play but partner read it as the minors which is actually what I hold).

5 is a good contract and played well, it makes.  Fortunately, partner understood the bid AND played it well, 100% for this board.

Both of us missed a trick or 2 and it costs in pairs, unfortunate but not the end of the world.

Had to feel for the Director tonight, in 1 round there were 3 director calls (including us!).  2 of these were tough and had to be delayed to the end of the session.  A number of us stayed behind to discuss and resolve these (which we did) and one is to be sent to our chief TD for a final resolution.  We all agreed that it didn't matter too much what the result ends up as, it was more the "what is correct" that we were interested in.  It's a fascinating game and certain aspects are not clear cut.  To a lot of players, I can see why they may easily think it is petty or pointless to challenge these rules and decisions but I do disagree, it is only fair to play by the rules and have rules applied - it is the same with all games and sports and Bridge is no different (at club level, congress or international).

Have a few ongoing committee duties at present (YHBC membership and banking, CBC members details check and laptop settings and protocols for updates and synchronising), hope to get these finalised soon but likely to be next week now as I am working tomorrow, playing twice and then off to Avon for the weekend.....!

I have been told by a number of people now that I need to slow down, I may actually take this advice but only temporarily - if I can find a gap at work that coincides with no significant bridge events, I may try and take a week out and rest from work and cards, maybe!

17th May 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Apologies for the delay, we lost our connection last night as I was half way through this!  Now home from work and updating from last night.....

Hosting the improvers with Vee with 4 tables, another nice number.  We actually had 4.5 tables and Vee and I were about to play to make up the half table when our Chairman asks if we have a half.  This was a great chance to get one of our pairs to try out the Sharks!!!  I was looking out for them throughout the session and checking their expressions etc, they seemed to be smiling and chatting and kept pace with the main group.  They reported back that everyone was friendly and polite and they enjoyed it - friendly sharks!!!

They didn't come last and were actually only a couple of boards away from being mid table (3-4% per board makes a big difference).  They have also analysed their scores already and seen where they can improve, I think it was a positive move and hope they will keep trying.  I am always on hand to ask questions or advice (as are most of the main group and Improvers hosts).  I will go through their scores later too to see if I can offer any hints and tips.

In the improvers, we tried to play 6 rounds of 3 boards but this was 1 round too many so cut it short by 1 round.  At present, 15 boards seems to be the limit.  This is not a problem as I am actively encouraging chat and discussion as I think this is a key part of the Improvers sessions and helps to learn and progress.  We will think about a few nights of increased speed though to see how they cope but for now, we will go back to dealing 16 boards.

One of our newer pairs seems to be really shining, a great score tonight of 75% is very impressive, well done!!!

I was also pleased to see one pair bid a small slam (and make it!) - slams are often tricky when you are a little nervous so this is a really good sign and great to see.  Don't forget though, getting 1 more trick in a part score is often worth 100% too, not just bidding the slams.

Some hands are just tough - look at board 4, the matrix says you can make 7 but how do you get there and should you get there?  3NT seems to be the common resting place from our group.  An auction along the lines of 1, 1, 3, 3, 3NT would not be unreasonable.  North may come in with a cheeky double (implying at least one major).  It is up to West to take charge after 3 but in all honesty, I think I would simply bid 3NT here.  East could also get brave with 4 card support for the minor (which must be at least 5 cards as they bid a second suit) but the hand is 4441 and so doesn't look to be offering much.  As it happens, the K is on-side and the Q can be caught too - settle for 3NT here and play well to make more tricks than the others is my suggestion here.

16th May 2017


No Bridge tonight, did tidy the CBC home page and and new etiquette statement though and finalised details for this weekends Avon congress.

I have had a tough day today, woke up with a headache and feeling giddy and the giddiness lasted all day.  So busy at work though I cannot stop.  I did leave at 15:30 but took laptop home and worked until 18:00.

Vee made dinner (as usual) and I fell asleep on the sofa feeling sorry for myself.  It is only a 10 minute walk but Vee was kind enough to drive me tonight (on his way to the pub quiz where he came second).

I still went to badminton but with very little energy.  I won a few games though but had to break in the middle of one game and was quite unwell, came back and finished the game and left after that at 22:00 and had a long shower.  Just about calmed down now and watching TV.

Will work at home tomorrow and hopefully ok for hosting the Improvers in the evening.  I will have to be really ill to miss this as it is my favourite bridge night (especially with my erratic performance as a player so far this year).

15th May 2017


Playing with my regular Monday partner in a regular club session.

Having played all weekend (yesterday with tonight's partner) and a crazy day at work, tonight was tough.  We started off well (3 poor scores out of the first 14) it then turned a bit sour.

The last 5 rounds were almost all poor scores!  Mostly my own fault but some partner and some the Ops.

Disappointing when a lot of the bids were correct and my penalty double should have been good had I lead a trump!

A few lucky bids by the Ops that paid off for them and a couple of missed opportunities by us but really, I was tired and flagged towards the end - it was very stuffy tonight and I play much better in the cold!

Board 20 proved to be an above average board but we could have been in 7NT !  Only 4 bid a slam (2 in 6, 1 in 6NT and 1 in 7).  1 was not in game, so it really was a tricky slam to find!

We were in 6, I have 19HCP and both majors so I open 2.  Partner is forced to say 2 and I now bid 2.  Partner jumps to 5 and I have no room to look so bid 6 (5 of a minor is rarely a good score).

Now, if partner ignores our system and bids 3 over my 2 I have a better picture of the hand and we can cue our way up to the grand.  If partner bids 4 I can bid 4NT and ask and we get to at least 6NT.  Tricky though, take a look HERE....

After a promising start, 42% is not nice, it happens though - will do better next time....

14th May 2017

Surrey Mary Edwards (Champion Pairs):

Playing with my Monday night partner representing CBC in the club champions pairs.

I drove me and my partner to Wimbledon for this, arriving nice and early and parked straight away in a nice spot (parking can be tricky).

There was a slight delay at the start as a pair had got lost, but this was only a minute or two.  There was an unfortunate start as the wrong boards were put out due to them not being in order in the bag.  Unfortunate but it happens.  What was good though was the Director's handling of this.  No fuss, no panic, just calmly replaced the boards and said we would get a 60% score when we came across the board(s) later.  Well done Shirley!

Although we finished just outside the points with 50.28%, I feel we did quite well against all the other Club Champions.  This is a tough event with fierce opponents.

We start off well with me being one of only 2 pairs in game and making it (half made less than game).

It tails off a bit for the next 2 bards and then a clean sweep on the next round.

A few more highlights as the event goes on but countered with some poor defence too.  Our declarer play was great for both of us but it was the defence that let us down today.

I opened 1 on hand 36 (against our own players representing YHBC) and most agreed I was right to do this, it meets the rule of 19 and I think it is too good to pre-empt partner by opening 3.  I hold 7s, 9HCP and a 3 card second suit (9+7+3=19) - we found the best contract of 3NT and partner played it well for 100%.

The highlight hand of the day (and the year!!!) has to be hand 18.  It was unfortunate that it was against us and our Ops were in the best contract (6NT).  However, take a look at this hand and see what you think!

Hand 18, South holds 9 s to the AKJ, a  void a singleton  and an outside AJx.  I hold (in West) an opening hand with 6 to the KQ and 2 other Ks.  They open 2, I overcall 3 and North bids 3.  South has made a game force opener (for them) and so now bids 3.  North now bids 6NT!!!  I cannot see how to touch this, I lead the K but it's all over.  Several are in 7 going 1 off here but one pair bid and MADE 7!!!!!!!  Played by one of our own players (representing Farnham here), Tim Green squeezed the Ops so tight they collapsed and threw away the only winners in attempt to keep everything and he bid and made 7 - I have asked him to send me a description of the bidding and play and will add to this if/when it is sent.  Well done Tim though, this is the play of the year in my book!!!

Click HERE to see the hand

A great event and well run.  Such a shame only 22 pairs attended though, 26 pairs didn't enter from the other affiliated clubs in Surrey.

13th May 2017

Petersfield Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a fairly new partner in the Swiss Pairs event in Petersfield.

If honest, partner made no more than 2 errors or poor judgements over all 48 boards - the same can be said for me if you don't count the 10 blunders I made!!!

I managed to throw away 2 matches by doubling the Ops in a contract that made!  I mis-played 1NT and also 2 - frustrating :(

Despite this, we managed to win 3 matches, drew 1, lost 1 narrowly at the end (against the winners of last year's event) and lost 1 badly (15-5).

Several interesting hands but 2 spring to mind (as well as the skew of hands that meant South and West had very little to do in the first 20 hands!!!).

I arrived an hour early and met up with Andy & Michelle (next week's team mates!) and gate crashed a pub with them where we met up with Steve & Julia.  I just had a coke but the chat was good and was all relaxed and ready for the event.

We start against one of my friends from South Bucks and we have all the luck - most of the contracts were NS but our defence was superb and they failed to bid game on 1 hand.  I made an impossible contract too.

Match 2 was against Eddie Lucioni (an extremely formidable player) and the match was won by an outrageous 4 by me which I played well.

Match 3 was our nightmare (or mine)

Match 4 was against 2 lovely ladies who over bid too many times, this also includes a 4 by me which was utterly ridiculous and I made it!  Click HERE to see the hand

Match 5 was against 2 top Surrey players who I have much respect for.  They had an unfortunate hand though and cost them a win (we scraped a draw) - Click HERE to see the hand

Match 6 was against last year's winners and we showed as a 12-8 win a the end of the round but after all boards were finished we lost 11-9, a mixture of good and bad boards here (an amazing 3 making by partner for 100%!!!).

A really enjoyable day but I wish I could be better over these longer sessions, one day......!

Another busy bridge week ahead finishing off with Avon Green Point weekend.

12th May 2017


Playing with a fairly new partner in a regular club session to practice for Saturday's Swiss Pairs event in Petersfield.

Having done well this afternoon I was in good spirits for tonight.  Manic start as the football tournament had cars parked in all car parks and all up the road, 15 minute delay starting as we try and get parked and set-up - frustrating but it's done and we got going in the end!

We started with hand 3 tonight and it was a grand slam in a major or NT - we were in 6NT which proved good enough for a joint top but I think we could have bid 7 but I didn't know what our agreements were beyong a strong opening and a positive reply.  Partner opened very strong but then said lower end of the range with 3NT, what do I do now other than jump to 6NT?  Perhaps I bid 4 but need to know this won't be passed!  As I wasn't sure, I settled for a small slam.

Hand 24 was an interesting hand - partner opened a weak 2 and I have 8 solid  - I think we have 3NT here as I have a lott of tricks to offer!  I bid 2NT and Ops bid 3D.  Partner now bids 3H and I am not entirely sure what this is although I suspect it is top end of the range with a  suit.  I was right!  I personally do not open a weak 2 in a major with the other major but it is not wrong to do so.  I then jump to 5 and all are shocked and pass!  I should be in 6 but not sure we can get there without being pushed.

12th May 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular Friday afternoon partner in a regular club session.

Hectic week at work this week and long hours and hard work too (designing new tools for our planning team), I arrive just in time but having just finished a key piece of work, I am in good spirits.

We had a few mis-understandings and a few odd bids - partner didn't have the hand she said on one occasion and we talked at length about it.  A few hands later, I bid 1NT with a flat 13 count, I then spot the A during the auction and now have 17HCP - what an idiot I am, especially having made a fuss about a previous hand!

Friday afternoon's are really good fun and the players are so much fun and it is almost always a really good atmosphere and today was really good fun.  Great banter and good humour, everyone seemed in a good mood (at our table at least!).

Despite a few poor scores and wrong choices, most boards were really good - partner was on amazing form today and whatever I put her in she made (or made +), this included 6 which only 2 others bid and went 1 off (most did make 12 tricks but required some thought).  This was hand 2 but not the second hand we played.

The luckiest contract of the session however was board 23 - I bid 1NT, partner transfers me to s then bids 3 s (game force and showing distribution).  I have 3 s but decide to play in 3NT.

Small  lead and I duck, South shows a void and my 7 wins.  Small to dummy KQ and small back to my A.  Then a  and North plays Q and I go up with the K.  Next the J (no covered) and small to my Q (again not covered).  I take 3 more s then small to dummy and they all fall - 13 tricks made missing 2 Aces!

Click HERE to see the hand

Board 18 was a mine field too - after the small lead I am in trouble.  I have to take every finesse one way as I cannot afford East to be on lead now, everything works and 11 tricks made - still no idea how!!!

That is now 2 weeks running we have finished top on Friday afternoon, after 2 or 3 weeks of finishing near the bottom it is hopefully a corner turned!

Playing again tonight at YHBC (as is my partner but not together)......

11th May 2017


Playing with a fairly new partner ahead of the Petersfield Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs on Saturday as a practise session.

We had a poor start and a number of issues came up throughout the night which was actually great news as we are getting closer to the same wavelength now.

I have always been weak over a weak 3 bid (in any seat) but partner is correct that I should have an opening hand to overcall directly, strong to DBL and pass with all other hands.  Partner hasn't had chance to speak yet and I don't know what I am getting into.  I will amend my ways here!

I also need to brush up on my carding as partner is watching - false card can be great at times but I need to show partner what I hold on the other times.

We both played pretty well tonight and only a couple of defending errors between us - it is always satisfying when you get the defence right and we did a number of times!

My friends and team mates stormed it tonight, Andy & Michelle won with over 73%!!!  This is a stunning score and we are teaming up with them next weekend in a Green Point event, bodes well!

A few things on a couple of boards rather than adding whole hands (click on the CBC in purple at the top to view the session):

1. An ambitious slam but not unreasonable.  Ops are fine playing A but a switch is needed on trick 2, this is an impossible slam and partner made it!

12. I have very few points but partner has bid twice on his own and Ops have landed in 4.  I have 3 and no defensive tricks, 4 is always a good move here and gets us a good score.

18. Partner has made a strong opening bid, Ops bid when vulnerable with 7HCP, I double showing values and partner passes for 800, unlucky but not really strong enough to interfere here (a number of you reading this will be shouting about pots and kettles I realise!)

Playing twice again tomorrow.....

10th May 2017

YHBC Teams (Round 1):

Playing with my regular CBC partner as part of a team at YHBC.

This is a series of 6 events over they year (every other month).  We have always finished in the top 3 (past 4 years) but not the best of starts tonight.

We made a couple of blunders but also some amazing boards.  We had a +17 for the X-Imps score but it is the match scores that count and both pairs were equally guilty and great.  I guess that is why we finished on +3 (virtually neutral).

Quick Summary of the matches:

  1. Team mates make an error on 1 board, we make 1 on another and -17 Imps crying
  2. Flat boards other than Team mates got slightly carried away but played well to make more than was possible, small loss
  3. Team mates excel here, bidding a game that is not makable and they make it!!!  Well played Team! +5 against our chairman....
  4. Flat boards for first 2 then partner puts me into game and I make it (nobody else did, I played the  well to play low to my Doubleton Q with the K coming, the suit is now set-up to draw trumps and discard my losers)
  5. Flat round by Team mates make 1 more trick than is possible to gain a small win
  6. Joint honours here, we push Ops up too far to get +200 with Team mates making game.  Then we make our 4 as Team mates take their Ops 1 off, +23 Imps laugh
  7. Team mates go 1 off in 4 as we let our Ops make 5 - think we are both at fault here although it does say 4 makes, perhaps could have been a flat board, -11 Imps
  8. 2 small losses for -2 Imps, fairly flat boards

Our chairman, Mr Brown, has sent me an analysis of hand 21 from the Teams night:

Click HERE to see the hand

9th May 2017


Playing with my monthly partner from YHBC in a practise session leading up to some competitions we are entering.

A little further afield for me tonight but actually 30 minutes there and 20 minutes back, so not too bad and Woking is a really friendly club and a nice playing environment.

We had a poor start as I bid a splinter but at the 3 level not the 4 level, we had a mis-understanding then and got into 6H - it can actually make if let the D run to declarers singleton 10 but a tough call.

Things improved after that and we finished a respectable 4th with just under 55% - could have been better though.  A couple of defensive errors and one major mis-understanding......

Ops open 1NT, pass by me and Ops partner and DBL by my partner.  1NT hand now passes and I bid 2 (no alert).  Pass, Pass, Pass, Eeeeeeeeeek!!!!  I meant this as stayman (treating partner as a strong NT hand).  I do this with ALL my partners but of course partner doesn't and we are playing her system (which I keep saying I know and agree with!!!).  These little things keep cropping up proving that it is a good idea to practise and iron these out.  I would much rather this happened now than in a congress.

I played one hand quite well (I think).  Hand 24......

I pass with my 10 count (6 but no honours and I have 4, would rather wait and see how things develop).  Partner opens 1 and Ops overcall 1.  I now bid 1 and partner bids 2.  Ops now repeat s and I say 2 (I should have bid 3 I think).  Partner bids 3 and I now bid 4, all pass.

Ops lead the 6 to my singleton Ace.  I then stop and think.  I can try and cross ruff the hand which is a good line and generates 10 tricks (1, 2 ruffs, 4 ruffs, 1, 2).  Is there more here though?  Dummy's look so good.....

I decide to set the up.  I play K and Ops J appears (looks like a singleton to me but could have the 10).  I then play a low and the Ops Q appears (this IS a singleton as I hold AKJ10 between the hands).  I now know how to play this!

I ruff a in hand and then play the Q.  Ops danger hand now holds 2 trumps as does dummy but I can't finesse the 10/9 and cannot now afford to lose a direct either way round.  I therefore have no choice but to play J and after a big pause, Ops ruffs.  They are now fixed as I can draw the last trump and dummy is high.  They play a and I ruff with my last trump and play a to dummy's 8.   Now the A for the last trump and just left - 12 tricks made and this is the last hand of the evening so I leave on a high!!!

Click HERE to see the hand

8th May 2017


Playing with my regular Monday partner in a one off cup competition at CBC, the Dave Withers Cup.

We started off really well but then had 2 bad rounds and a further 2 bad boards.  This then equated to a score of 50% - we made quite a number of mistakes between us.

On one hand, I should have been selfish and stuck to my own suit - instead I supported partner and bid 6 - I still think I was right to do this but 7 makes!

Board 1 was interesting, I liked the look of my hand and opened 1NT with a flat 11 count but something in 3 suits.  I played reasonably well losing the first 5 tricks and setting up the hand to win the remaining 8 for +1.  Nobody else opened and all other tables passed out.  Perhaps I was wrong and got lucky.  Would you open?

Board 25 shows the power of - partner supporting my managed to talk the Ops out of their contract.  A great sacrifice here going 1 off when game in is on for the Ops.

Rather than adding these as interesting hands, this is another session where so many really are tricky - don't forget, the purple title is a link to the event (where possible), click on the "CBC" at the top to view the event.

When I got home I added Diana & Max to the Roll of Honour at CBC, the event now automatically gets added to the Competition history too, hopefully these will prove an interesting record for the future, I am keen to preserve the history of clubs and county bridge.

Busy week this week, Woking tomorrow night, Teams Weds at YHBC, practise session Thursday, CBC in the afternoon on Friday then another practise Friday night before Petersfield Swiss Pairs Saturday (all day) and finishing with the Surrey Champions final representing CBC in Wimbledon on Sunday (all day again!).

7th May 2017

Waller Bowl:

Playing with a regular partner in the Berks & Bucks Waller Bowl - this is the final for pairs who achieved Master Points on a given date in January.

5 Pairs form YHBC attended and 2 pairs did really well.  We were above 50% but first half had 6 terrible boards, 2nd half was good though but we were too far behind to make a difference.

Our Pairs:

Rank Pair %
7 Val & Lesley 57.50
8 Pamela & John 57.47
17 Jill & David 54.35
19 Alan & Ian 53.50
35 Margaret & Simon 48.18


Twice today I managed to double the Ops and let them make their contract, very silly crying

Our defence was slightly off in the first half today too but got much better in the 2nd half.  Alan's declarer play pulled us through as a pair to achieve a reasonable score, well done Alan!

In one contract, Alan managed to only lose 1♥ when Ops hold Kx and Qxx - this was really clever play, he played small to my singleton 8, Ops win with the Q - next he plays A and K falls, well done Mr Brown, you now make a slim 4 contract that nobody else made (and I do not think it is makable!!!).

We both played a few NT contracts well too,   Board 1, I scraped up a 1 response when partner opens and before I know it, I am playing in 3NT - we have 20 points between us but I get it right and make the contract, 4 would have been easier but just being in game was great!

M&S provided us with a nice lunch too, yummy picnic food!  Still eating some of it now at home as I write this!!!

Overall, a really enjoyable event - shame the M3 was causing a few issues but not huge delays and everyone at the event was pleasant and nice to play against.

6th May 2017


Playing board games today with David and Patricia - so good to see Patricia and she looked and sounded so perky despite everything that is going on - an inspirational woman!

We played my favourite game today, was attempting to teach this to David and Patricia but it is a very complex game to start with, it gets easier but you need to play a few times and it takes 3-4 hours to play.  We got the gist of it though and then had a lovely Chinese meal.   Patricia went to bed then and I helped David set-up his laptop (router connection) and showed how to view the cross imps on the "My EBU" site and also where league results are how to navigate them!  Whilst on the EBU site, I notice we have a new General Manager coming in soon, it is Gordon Rainsford!!!  This is a truly excellent choice in my humble opinion, I think he will do a great job and have faith in him.

Waller Bowl tomorrow, hope to do well.

5th May 2017


Playing with a regular Friday partner in a regular club session.

We start off poorly and don't really get going until board 6!  After this the evening is a success bar a few boards.

Too many to list as interesting but I would recommend people to check this session for a vast array of freaky hands!

One hand I was so cross with myself, I didn't count 13 cards and so missed a card and opened 1NT in 3rd seat after partner has passed with 15HCP.  As dummy goes down I notice I have a 5th , the Ace - aggghhhhhhhh!!!!  I now have 19HCP and 5, we are in 1NT !!!!!  Disaster crying

Our defence tonight was really good, very pleased with both of us here, other than 1 hand Mr Brown............

Defending 4 X (which makes on perfect declarer play) and I signal for a .  There is A, 10, 6 in dummy and partner plays the Q.  Declarer ducks and I win with my K (singleton).  I then play a low which partner wins with the A.  Now, I didn't play a  to get back to partner and I played the K on his winning Q, partner then plays A instead of my ruff - declarer ruffs the and wins the remaining tricks - we had this crying

As I say, horrors were even between us but there was enough to take as positives and hope we do better on Sunday in the Waller Bowl.  YHBC has 5 pairs entering so lets hope we all do well.

5th May 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular Friday partner in a regular club session.

Partner was amazing today!  There were potentially 3 errors , 2 in the first round and 1 in the last round, otherwise, really pleased today and so was my partner - we have both had a miserable time recently so hopefully a corner has been turned.

With 10 1/2 tables, the Friday sessions are proving really popular and it's great to see so many come (including a new pair who were really lovely).

Board 13 was interesting, I have such a nice hand and partner has opened so I go looking.  When I hear 1 key card, I decide to go for the slam, unfortunately, the key card was the K and missing 2 Aces, I end up 1 off, I should have backed out but too tempted!

Board 2, we have 6 (4-3 fit) or 6 on - we end up in 5 but nobody else in game - I find this amazing with our hands but it is hard for partner to get the bidding correct here and we got through it.  When you hold 9HCP and only 4 card suit is (which I have opened), what do you say?  2 can be passed, 1NT can be passed, lie and bid a 3 card major and risk partner zooming off?  My partner decided to bid 2 and we were fortunate that the Ops came in so I was able to reverse and show my points.  Now a 3 card  come from Partner and I jump to 5.  Any ideas how we find either slam and if we should find it?  Just because it can be made doesn't mean it should be bid.....

Click HERE to see the hand

I also notice as I write this that South didn't open with this hand, I suspect they mis-counted the hand and then came in after realising - with a 1 opener, I would have used Gesthem to still find game.

Playing at YHBC tonight with the Chairman, can I make it 2 for 2 today?

4th May 2017


The diary entry is late tonight as Vee is away for the weekend and a rare late night for him as we caught up with Masterchef that we had recorded as we polish off a nice bottle of red with some yummy chocs!

Playing with my regular Monday partner as part of our CBC Teams in the 3rd session of the series.

We missed the first session due to other teams commitments but had a solid start in session 2 and another plus score tonight (top 4 scores count).

The "Basingstoke 4" are reigning champs and look set to retain the crown but that won't stop us challenging - they are great guys and worthy champions but we are competitive too!

Overall we did well but we had one disaster and so did our team mates - the good boards out weighed these though and joint 4th with +18 is not bad.

Another double session tomorrow and a long day of work before the bridge starts - hope it goes well as I am in Windsor on Sunday in a Berks event that I really want to do well in, fingers crossed....

3rd May 2017


Playing with my regular first Weds partner in a regular club session.

We start off with a bottom and a top - hard to do anything else on either board though but of course, the others are not doing the same as at our table!

As we go round, I feel we are not doing exceptionally but no errors other than my light opening of 3 and partner going 2 off in a part score (she should be in it and cannot make any more tricks, but again, the others are not doing the same!).

Our defence was above average (I felt)  which is always encouraging.

Rather than an interesting hand (as it involves criticising the opposition which I try to avoid - will only say, DBL at the 1 level should show a shortage......!) I would like to say WOW to the Improvers group!

We had 6 tables tonight and they seemed to have a LOT of fun!!!  Quite jealous to be honest but so pleased to see the group taking off and to see it being used for testing and trying out new aspects too as one of our main group did tonight (and they did exceptionally well too!!!).

Vee had to cope on his own as I was playing in the main group, I helped set up and was on hand if needed but he coped superbly on his own, well done Vee and keep coming Improvers!

Teams next week so it is Vee to host again, the offer is open to all if they would like to host though, it is really rewarding but of course, we do not expect anyone to give up a session to host.  Do ask if you would like to though.

2nd May 2017


No Bridge tonight, responded to a lot of bridge e-mails (mainly YHBC membership chasers and renewals and B&B affiliation as acting Treasurer for a month).

A long hard day at work today, arrived early, short lunch and left late.  Took laptop home and worked as I cooked curry with Vee then eat some and out to Badminton.

Was under par and had some good games in terms of fitness but I tried too hard and am shattered now - won 5 lost 5.

Back to YHBC tomorrow, Vee hosting the Improvers as I play my monthly session with Jill.  A fairly new partnership but has promise, she is a very strong partner and if I behave myself, we do well!

Have just added puppet stayman over 1NT so must remember this or will be embarrassed!!!

1st May 2017

YHBC & CBC Swiss Pairs:

Playing with my partner in the clubs Swiss Pairs event.

This was our clubs first attempt at this event and it has been in the planning for months and a lot of effort has gone in behind the scenes.

We arrive this morning at 10:40 having collected the catering equipment from my Dad (kindly donated as the event is for Phyllis Tuckwell) and between us we get all 20 tables set and ready and the catering table up with the Urns full and coffee and Tea and Juice ready.

We then realise we need trays for the biscuits and the fuse blows on the extension cable for the Urns!!!  My shirt is soaked as I have been working hard all morning so I return home to collect the trays, new extension leads and a few jugs and bowls and change my shirt!  All now set but the Urns take a little while to heat up, slight delay on this but was ready for the start of the event and all goes off fairly smoothly now.

We check everyone in and arrange 7 stationary tables and our standby pair gets to play.  A nice welcome speech from Alan Brown and then the director gets us going.

I am now feeling slightly out of bridge and do not play well.  My partner is not defending well either so takes us a while to get going.  Having lost the first 4 matches, we finally win a match and the last one too to get 2 wins out of 6.  Could do better but we enjoyed the event and was so good to see so many there.

Will look through the hands later and post the most interesting board (from our tables) once they up.  Off out to dinner shortly as it is my Dad's birthday and we are treating him to a meal out.

Will tidy up the results, calendar, link to CBC and tidy up the home page box late tonight - then back to normal tomorrow (Badminton) before bridge starts again Wednesday......

Now home and all tidy!  Interesting hand..........

Hand 3 at YHBC 1st May 2017:

Playing in the inaugural Swiss Pairs run as a joint event by Camberley and YHBC and we come against this hand on our first hand of the session.

We are drawn against a very competitive pair who push hard and through a fierce auction, they end up in 5 which I double.  I should actually have bid 6 but no idea what will generate the biggest score here so settle for Ops off in their slam.  At the time, this proves to be a zero for us as only 3 scores in and both the others were NS in 6.  In the end though, the majority did not bid the slam and we ended with 76% - what would you do with this?

Click HERE to see the hand

30th April 2017


Not bridge (mostly) but a very full day again today.

Started with household chores and then shopping and a bite to eat, then pick up our friend and go to Basingstoke where 5 of us play poker.

We used to do these sessions every week and now it is only a few times a year, but was great fun and good banter.  Played 5 games of poker (Texas holdem).

It is only the fun of the game and the getting together really, we all pay £5 each and winner takes all each game, so 5 hours of fun for £25 each is not breaking the bank.  I ended up winning 2 of the games so between Vee and I we broke even.  1 of our friends had to get back for a family evening so now there is 4 of us.

Curry after the poker and then played 24 hands of bridge (cutting for partners).  I was playing with my oldest friend (been friends for 28 years now!) and we did get the majority of the points and won the session.  He was also in the final of all 5 poker games and won 2 of them, the football team he supports (Spurs) also won today against fierce rivals Arsenal (I know nothing about football but do know that is an important game!) so he had a fantastic day!!!

Relaxing for the rest of the evening and preparing for the Swiss Pairs tomorrow - 40 pairs so we are at capacity now, glad it has proved popular and hope it is a success.  We have a fantastic director lined up and the organising group have worked hard to try and think of everything.

29th April 2017


Not bridge (mostly) but a very full day today.

Started with answering e-mails first thing and resolving a few pairs for the Blue Point event and e-mailing info for the day to the recent entrants.

I also mocked up an advert for the YHBC home page for the Ruby Anniversary party (8th December) and then went shopping for lunch (have a friend coming over to play a strategy board game).

Having prepared lunch (Cajun chicken) we eat and then play. we are so used to the game now that it flows really well and becomes second nature, a really enjoyable game.  My friend has a great start but isn't looking to the future, I have a slow start but am building for the 3rd age where all of a sudden, my civilisation becomes very powerful and I sore ahead - a great triumph!

We have enough time for a second game if we really motor (2 hours per game) and so we set up and go again.  This time I have a great start but am struggling to get things in place ready for the end game.  I manage to hold it together though as my friend starts to apply the pressure and has an amazing civilisation now - I cling on and win the second game too!  We both realise that if the game went on for another 2 turns I would have lost...perfect timing!

Vee then gets home as I am tidying up and we have 30 minutes before it's off out for a birthday meal for a young octogenarian friend of ours (Margaret B!).  A lovely meal in Mytchett with 2 of her granddaughters and another bridge friend.  Then back to Margaret's for a glass of champagne and home to catch up with TV recorded and check the snooker results.

We now have 40 pairs (20 tables) for the Swiss Pairs on Monday (which is about capacity), really pleased with the uptake here for our first event and Pamela has done a great job today contacting the centre to ensure all in place and little details like the building being opened for us!

28th April 2017


Playing with my monthly Friday partner in a regular club session.

We had a steady session where most scores showed up as 50% at the time of play, a few horrors and a few nice hands put as at 55%, not a great position but the score was fine.

I mis-played 2 hands, one I was going to take the  finesse (instantly) then stopped to think and then didn't take it.  If I had trusted my instincts, contract made for 100%, instead, 3 off for 0% !!!

Partner missed a signal from me and held onto the master trump which crashed my Q instead of us taking them separately - not horrific but a shame.

The rest were all sound and the Ops earned their tops rather than us giving them, so overall, no real complaints and an enjoyable evening, Derek is also fun to play with.

Hand 16 was interesting tonight.  We had a good score for 3NT+2 as I opened 3NT (Gambling).  At our table this was passed and I play in 3NT.  If South overcalls 4, I can then bid 5 and partner may now get interested and push to 6 - do we ever get to 7?  Should we be when it relies on the  finesse (which I took in 3NT)?  Open to discsussion, would be interested in views here....

Click HERE to see the hand

28th April 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular Friday partner in a regular club session.

Partner was under the weather and wasn't concentrating really, I was below par and score reflects this - still, a fun session in parts and better than last Friday!

Only interesting hands were our poor defence, we know what we did wrong and think it is best we leave it there this time - click the "CBC" title to view the session to see for yourself.....

The May BH Blue Point Swiss Pairs is coming up fast (Monday!) and a few late entires are coming in, looking like over 20 tables and all arrangements now final - hope it goes well!

27th April 2017

Home Counties:

Final Home Counties match tonight in Young Chelsea - we have a strong team and I'm with an exceptional partner and we gel!

Knowing I need to leave early I tend to start my work day early and work at home so I can leave early - today was too early and I'm in Costa now having caffeine for an hour and a half!!!!  My partner laughed when I said "I am here" but has decided to come keep me company and discuss systems etc, very good of him!!!

I spent some time on YHBC members lists and CBC club articles (within club management) today and will finish them off when I'm home tonight (along with a summary of tonight's match once played!)

Delayed on the train due to signalling issues!  Have my phone to hand so am pleased to say our team came through tonight and we won 14:6 so secure the HC title !  Last year it was won by the top Surrey team (including Tim & Jane) so it's 2 years running for Surrey !

As a pair, we were solid tonight and took off contracts others made as well as being in 3 games making that others were not - my partner even made  3NX for 750 which was a big help !  A lot of part scores added to the win though, especially a few double plus part scores - great fun but the train home is taking a LONG time, home at 1am!!!!

That's another season nearly over now - just the Surrey final to go but the new season has already begun for CBC and YHBC and the teams are in progress at CBC and start 10th May at YHBC 

26th April 2017

Surrey League Match:

Playing with a strong partner and great team mates against the Surrey League chairman and his team for the final match of our section in Division 2, Surrey.

With some doubt on my partner who had a London hospital visit today and really went the extra mile to get home and to the match on time, just made it too - well done and thanks Simon!

We arrive and deal the boards (shuffle and deal) and start play, all seems fairly "normal" at our table although I suspect we are doing ok.  A failed slam near the end but hard not to bid, just one of those things.

Scoring up at half time and we have a series of good scores resulting in +35 IMPs at half time!  We didn't really go wrong and our team mates did some excellent work their side too - 2 errors by our Ops did cost though.

After a coffee and a ciggie and some cakes/biscuits (I didn't have much here) we start the 2nd half.

We again did very little wrong but this time, the Ops did some excellent things and pulled it back well - Roger in particular was outstanding for them making 3NT against all the odds, he really did play exceptionally well here.  They win the 2nd half by +4 IMPs but the damage had been done so we arrive at a win 16-4.  This was just about the best outcome really, we make the final of the league (4th June) and Trevor's team finish 3rd (a severe loss and they would have dropped to 4th).  This means that clubs largely from CBC and YHBC occupy the top 3 spots in our side of Division 2, a clean sweep !!!!   Well done to all 3 teams.

Final Home Counties match tomorrow in London, hopefully we will do enough to secure the title for Surrey.

25th April 2017


No Bridge tonight, responded to a lot of bridge e-mails (mainly the Swiss Pairs on Monday, all entrants now paid and looking forward to it).

After doing well last few weeks, my arm had no strength in it tonight - I played ok and my net play was good but no power in my smash at all - a mixed set of results but all helps to try and get a bit fitter.

Back to Bridge tomorrow with my last Surrey league match (also the last of our section).  We need 3 VPs to make the final but our Ops are on sparkling form at the moment (especially Barbara and Trevor) so we are far from confident, still, we have a strong team so always hope for the best.  Final Home Counties match on Thursday too and also the last of the league - we need 4 VPs there to secure the title (not bad for the "B" team!!!).

24th April 2017


Playing with my regular Monday partner in a Club Championship session.

Such a mixed bag tonight, some real brilliance from us both but 2 hands each that were not great!  A delay in the results due to the internet conection (again) - stayed behind to try to fix it but am not sure if it is the Hub or the Laptop.  Sylvia (who won tonight with Linda, well done both!) has taken the laptop home to upload from home later, what a star!

Will complete this when results in.......and results now in......

Our defence was really good tonight, very few tricks missed and some extras achieved too!

My bidding was not sound all the time though, got carried away a few times and my partner did once too!

A lot of distributional hands tonight - I had a 6-6-1-0 hand which proved successful (5X making!) but the hand with interesting logic that I was reasonably proud of was hand 5:

I decide to open this 2 (strictly speaking, reading Ron Klinger for example, this is too wild for a weak 2, but it seemed correct to open).

Ops come in with 3 (actually had longer  but still), now partner jumps to 4.

The ops carry on to 5 but I am thinking and pause for a while......Now, what can partner have.  The ops have bid and supported and I have 5, cannot be any in partners hand.  I have the high so these points are not in partners hand.  Must be a red hand with high points in them, but are the right cards there?  My space has been taken away so what do I do?  I bid the ops suit (at the 6 level!!!) - if honest, I am not sure what this means either but I know partner cannot pass!  I want to know what the red suit holding is and am looking for 6 /  bid to show a control.  I don't blame partner, but this was not understood so 6 was bid (no chance of finding 7 now but it is not there anyway!).  My logic was that partner MUST hold the hand I want to make 6 on this auction, there was room for the cards to be wrong but the odds in my favour and was right this time!  The only pair in the slam, if only every hand was like this!

Click HERE to see the hand

This result was just above 50% but is enough to maintain our lead (for now) in the series.

The May BH Blue Point Swiss Pairs is coming up fast (next Monday!) so also rallying round sorting out last minute arrangements and pairs and money and catering etc etc - 2 final matches in leagues this week too, busy times again!

23rd April 2017

Day Off:

Today was a rare day off.  Tescos early in the morning (weekly shop whilst washing gets done) - a few house chores and catching up with Vee and the cats.

Spent a few hours on YHBC and CBC admin and plan to do some Surrey updates later tonight (tend to wait until everyone else asleep then I watch mindless comedy that I have seen a few times as I work).

Went out for a nice meal tonight too and ate a little too much!

Club Championships tomorrow at CBC

22nd April 2017

Committee Meetings:

Today has 2 Committee meetings back to back!

10:45 at our chairmans' for the YHBC committee meeting (post AGM session).  A fairly smooth meeting that finished just after 1pm.  Duties assigned, new Vice Chair in place (Pennie) and the usual items discussed and addressed.

A potential issue from Friday night was reported to me which I shared with the committee and discussed - the Chairman is following it up.

We had a wasp interlude which Alan resolved then a bite to eat (delicious hot snacks from Pamela!).

I then stay on for a quick chat with the chairman before heading off to the Surrey Chairmans' for the next hand over session.

Another 3 hours to hand over what knowledge I have on web management to Trevor as well as a few hints and tips and helping him to write a full document on how to manage the Website for Surrey.  This is progressing really well and I think most of the items are now handed over but need testing and working through and probably require 1 more session.  I have offered to carry on doing a few items for this season as they find their feet.

A day off tomorrow but we are planning to deal another 5 sets of boards for YHBC between Vee and I as well as sorting out the Improvers movements.  A few bits for Surrey and sorting some club items for CBC and YHBC.

21st April 2017


Playing with an irregular Friday partner in round 1 of the Beryl Doughty.

You need to post 4 good scores over the 12 (monthly) events, my partner tonight is not a member so this won't count towards it, just for fun tonight!

Chris is a very good player with a great mind for Bridge (he always denies this but false modesty!).  I will say though, he did miss 2 tricks tonight which I was surprised at, but made up for it on other hands.

He has sent me a very quick critique of some of the hands which I feel are OK to share:

3: Naughty naughty - but I'm glad you did!

4: As per below. *

11: We both were below par here.  Sans agreement I should probably double after the overcall rather than implying 10+ with my 2 bid... but then I think 3N is wrong from you because if 3N's going to be on with your ropey stop I'm likely to have made a  cue-bid to tell you so.

12: Better if you pass 3.  Visualise me with KQJxxxx in and little else: you never get to my hand to run them.  As it stands my hand trades top for outside entries, but it comes to the same thing.

17: Outright top if I cash A.  Sorry.

18: While the computer makes +2 it does so by means of a tricky squeeze I wasn't up to.  I made two tricks, which shouldn't be allowed.

Hand 4 is an interesting hand from the play and Chris has sent the following analysis:

Landing in 3NT, Ops (me) lead the 4 (4th highest and can be trusted for a genuine lead).

Look at trick 1.

4-5-Q-A.  What's your 4?  I'd say declarer knows your game well and should trust it for fourth-highest anyway, but actually on the bidding a short-suit lead (of a major) would be reasonable.  BUT I wouldn't have played the Q had I held the T.  And if you'd had a doubleton T4 you'd have led the T.  A MUD lead from T4x would be an eccentric start given the bidding (and while your bidding can be eccentric at times you stick to the book on opening leads).  Therefore KT6 of can all be placed in your hand.

Now count tricks.  Declarer has four sure , a top and two , and has already won A... so only needs to find one more to make the contract.  The ... are a 75% shot (roughly)... but if the 9 is run (well, cover the T if you play it) Declarer is *certain* to make the second .  It doesn't even matter if the K is mis-placed (which is a 1 in a 1000 shot): as long as T is with east Declarer has the second and ninth trick - and why would I *ever* play Q holding T when J is sitting in dummy?

Click HERE to see the hand

An enjoyable night and lively discussions, it's good to talk (if you remember the Bob Hoskins BT ads!!!) and I feel this helps to improve your game, thanks Chris.

21st April 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing with my regular Friday partner in a normal club session.

Today started badly with a wrong decision on our first board, the auction has found it's way quickly to 4 by the Ops and partner doubles, I have 6 to the KQ and so take it out to 4S (cannot afford to miss a vulnerable game) - this was wrong, 4X gets us +800, 4X gets us -1100 !!!!

Partner didn't show her suit on 2 hands also so we got poor scores, we both could have made more tricks in our contracts too!

Slam against us which not everyone bid and we bid a slam that wasn't there!

A score below 40% is really not good, hope it goes better tonight......

20th April 2017

Bracknell League Match

Playing with Margaret in a team with David & Alan (acting as captain for Margaret W who normally plays with Dorothy).

This was our final match of the season and in order to stay in Division 2 we need a score of 9 (to win on count back) or 10 VPs.

After the first half, we score up (I am worried as we let our opposition make 2 contracts and I didn't bid 3N on 1 hand) - my fears were unfounded however as we find ourselves 30-8 up (in IMPs).

The hands that produced swings were:

3-2 - we got our defence just right here - David & Alan stayed in 1N just making (+6)

3N-2 - our defence was spot on here (Margaret threw away good cards to protect her 9 and then return to my winners!) - David & Alan made 2N (+8)

2= - just making by me (a competitive bid) - 1 just making by David ! (+5)

3N-1 - Another well defended hand here - 3N+1 by Alan, this is impossible!!!!!!!!  Well played Alan!!! (+10)

Other small scores complete the first half.

After a nice cake and some coffee (and a ciggie!) we start the 2nd half.

We start to slip and overbid a few times (I end up minus 4 and 5 on 2 hands due to bad breaks and slightly optimistic bidding!!!).  Still, we manage to keep it together and only lose 28-23 to complete the match 53-36 (14-6 VPs) - well done team and well captained over the season Margaret W!!!  We won 6 out of 10 matches but the 4 we lost were big losses.

The hands that produced swings in the 2nd half were:

2N= - I nearly jumped to 3N but caught myself in time and left it to partner to raise and she passed, just making! - David & Alan took 3N 1 off (+6)

3N+1 - our defence (the only bad defence of the night) was not good, we let this through - 2N= by David who was in the correct contract but we let them down (-11)

3N= - I played this well! - David & Alan took 3N down 1!!! (+12)

3N-5 - Whoops!!!!! - Neg 300 by David and Alan too (I didn't find out why as we let this board go without discussion!!!!) (-11)

Other minor scores complete the match.

You will notice a lot of NT contracts, in teams bidding game is important, 3N is often a good spot as only 9 tricks needed, just make sure they can be made!!!

In order to play in this match I had to let the Home Counties team down that I play in.  I have yet to lose a match in the HC but without me they lost 12-8 tonight, we are still well placed though and we play our last match next Thursday (I am playing in that one) - I am the weakest player on the team so it is not my skill they need but think I must be a lucky charm! We are now tied in 2nd with Surrey A and 1 VP behind the new leaders - if we can get 4 VPs next week we win the league!!!

Playing twice tomorrow and then 2 committee meetings on Saturday and a day off on Sunday......

19th April 2017


AGM tonight, arrived early with Vee and set-up the hall with a few other early bods (the usual suspects who set-up week in week out, hardly mentioned but do a sterling job).

The AGM was a success, slightly longer than usual but not by much and our Chairman made a really good speech thanking all who do so much for the club.  Not a huge success for external events but not a disaster either and we have a larger number of pairs and teams this year so hoping for successes !!!

The Cups were awarded (again, the usual suspects) and Vee and I won the 2 bowls which look stunning - Vee wasn't aware he had been awarded the Presidents bowl and is so chuffed (but it is well deserved even if I am biased).

Bridge after was instant scoring and more relaxed.  Vee and I split up to accommodate 2 solos and I played with John England (his first visit back after a long absence).  He was charming, solid in bidding and play and we recorded one of the higher scores (though not the winning score) - hopefully we will see more of him now too, an asset to any club.

Winners NS were Simon and Keith and EW were Freda and Marjie - well done to both pairs!

I was pleased to see a few of the improvers at the AGM too and delighted to see the cup winners represented too.

Bracknell League match tomorrow night, a good score is needed to stay up in Division 2, fingers crossed.

18th April 2017


No Bridge tonight, responded to a few bridge e-mails and finalised plans for a social / training session with our friends (introducing weak 2s).

After doing well last week, it continued this week - won 7 games in a row with various partners and was really playing well.  As I am packing up, I'm asked if I can play one more game, I say no but am easily persuaded!  It was a good game but I was shattered and had very little strength left, lost 23-21 !  I feel it now too !

Back to Bridge tomorrow with the AGM at YHBC.  I am on the committee here so will say a few words on the Improvers - it is normally a well oiled event and we should get a good number of hands played after.  All as one group and instant scoring (so very little pressure) - this is a great way for the improvers to mix in and see what the "sharks at the other end" are really like!!!  They should find all to be friendly and welcoming and I secretly hope they cause a few upsets sneaking some good scores !!!

17th April 2017 - Swiss Teams

Best of Bridge - Cobham (6 of 6):

Playing the final session, Teams.

We had a good start (20-0) and then the scores went wrong and although we won match 2 by 11-9, the scores were entered as 14-6 loss for us so the teams allocation went wrong.  Lost match 3 by 13-7 and then had lunch (not an amazing lunch. especially for Vee as a veggie).

After lunch we played a new team as some went home and the experts teamed up to fill the team (we played them!!!).  A few good bids and play and we win this 17-3.  There was then a board in that match which had been fouled somewhere (we didn't find out where) so our big swing was removed and both teams awarded +3, still won 14-6 and played the best team on the last round (although there score was wrong too from the prior round!).

We let a 4 contract through which should have gone off, this meant we lost the match and down to 4th - still, a good performance from our team and enjoyed it.

A great weekend overall but the Hotel and staff did let it down slightly, no complaints forms so we filled in 2 sides of A4 to list the issues, are we getting old and grumpy?!!!!

Back home now and all washing in and everything un-packed, cup of coffee and relaxing - back to normal now and Badminton tomorrow (in my new shorts and T-Shirt!!!)

16th April 2017 - Evening

Best of Bridge - Cobham (5 of 6):

Playing the fith session.

Having had dinner (was quite reasonable), we go in to play the last duplicate pairs session.

Nothing out of the ordinary for us and finish joint 4th with mid 50s again.  A hand that will haunt us though is the missed Grand where we are in 5......!!!  Click HERE to see the hand.

Last day tomorrow and it's Swiss teams .....

16th April 2017 - Afternoon

Best of Bridge - Cobham (4 of 6):

Playing the fourth session.

Having had a night of drinking, get up for breakfast and it is ok.  A morning off, then lunch (it is non-stop eating on these weekends!!!!).

The afternoon session starts and all is not well, a vast array of errors sees us on 24% at half time!  This won't do so we turn it on a bit and pick it  up to mid 50s by the end - this was kick started by a gift of 1100 vs our natural game score!  Thanks Ops!!!  Click HERE to see the hand.

On to the evening......

15th April 2017 - Evening

Best of Bridge - Cobham (3 of 6):

Playing the third session.

I was naughty at dinner.... Eating with our friends and there are profiteroles for pudding - when we get back to the table there is a jug of chocolate sauce on the table - Margaret spots this and goes to pour some on her pudding - I speak up now saying "Margaret, that's gravy!!!"  - She of course believes me and puts it back down, Vee and I are now in fits of laughter!!!!

Bridge was not as good as dinner!

No excuses here, we had great hands but failed to maximise them.  In game when should stay in 2, in 2 when we should be in game and in a slam (as a sacrifice to a slam they cannot make!!!).

Felt terrible at the end too, our friends could have won with 2 good boards against us and instead, we had 2 good boards and they finished third (we were third from bottom NS!).

Off to bed now (early night at 1am!) and hope to do better tomorrow, cannot be worse, can it?

17th March 2017


Playing with a regular partner (well, would you call Alan Brown "regular"!!!)

In all fairness, you will struggle to find a partner with better judgment and card sense than Alan, normally good for an extra trick or 2 as declarer and not afraid to push the Opps up too far then double - almost always an adventure with Alan but one you want to go on !!!

A fairly even night with ups and downs but hand 16 really shows the power of opening with a 6 card minor.

Bare in mind that this will NOT always work but stick to the same bidding patterns and they should prove fruitful over time.

Alan open's 3 and all Pass.  2 off for 100%.  This is a great bid, it is never going anywhere, unlikely to go too far off (even if doubled) and disrupts the opposition.

Click HERE to see the hand.

15th April 2017 - Afternoon

Best of Bridge - Cobham (2 of 6):

Playing the second session (non counting).

Going into the session, a lovely lady (who has got more tops off us than anyone!!!) stops me and says, I think a man looks better out of jeans - I reply without a flicker, "so you want me out of my jeans?!!!)" - she is so flummoxed, it's hilarious!!!!

Not really a defence, but the cards were not in our favour here, much better to be NS!!!  How many times do you here that...

We had a few good boards (especially a mis-understanding which resulted in a failed slam which I doubled - 100%!).

Generally though, the Ops bid correct against us and the rest of the field failed to do so.  We also defended poorly.

2nd from bottom was disappointing.  Hopefully after some food and wine we will do better.....

14th April 2017

Best of Bridge - Cobham (1 of 6):

Arrived in Cobham Hilton for the Easter weekend run by Best of Bridge.

We have a lovely big room which is excellent but the bathroom is not ideal, could be 2 foot bigger without hurting the room size and it is very squashed with poor pressure in he shower and the sink is almost on the floor!!!  Still, we like a good moan and it's not the end of the world....!

We played a 14 board warm up session before the bridge started (just for the early birds and addicts!)  - We are glad we did as this didn't count for anything and we ironed out a few gremlins (I don't play that often with Vee anymore).  Had a reasonable meal but nothing to write home about (or write in here for that matter!!!) and then Bridge.  My cold was worse tonight but soldiered on.  They are displaying the results from the start of the session and it is a little distracting, we see our names in 3rd then 4th, then back to 3rd then from round 6 we are top and remain there until round 10 where we slip back to 2nd.  2 Good rounds to finish and we just sneaked a win for the first session, well done Vee who played and defended really well (better than I have seen for a while), wine helps his play I think (even at the Hilton prices which doesn't help my bank balance!!!).

A few things came up:

  1. Cover an honour with an honour.
    1. Dummy has Q, 10, 9 and declarer plays the Q.  I hold Jx and partner has Kxx - partner should play the K on the Q which promotes my J.  If the 10 or 9 had been led, do NOT play the K.  This is important and would have taken the contract down.
  2. Look at the cards played, especially the honours
    1. My hand is dummy and has long .  Partner roughs them until they are good but doesn't realise that they are by missing the Q being played, turns +1 into -1   crying
  3. Duck trick 1
    1. Defenders lead a small card (showing an honour?) - Ax in dummy and Qxx in hand - let this go.  If the K takes it then 2 tricks set up.  If not, Q wins and no losers in suit.....!

An interesting hand to show the value of playing up to a singleton K was board 9.  Firstly, I don't think I will ever find another person to agree with my bidding so will skate over that (it is shown on the interesting hand page), needless to say I end up in the right contract for the wrong reasons!

Missing 3 Aces and having no voids in either hand, 12 tricks scores us 100%.  This was just such bad luck for our opponents.  Lead of a  and they take trick one with the A but this is Dummy's singleton - unsure what to play next as she doesn't want to lead A or away from an A and doesn't find the correct  switch so plays a trump.  I win in dummy and play a small  to my singleton K, this wins and now I draw trumps, ending in Dummy and play Q (only the A left and the others are now the same value).  A comes up and I ruff.  Back to Dummy with a trump and play the last 4 s to discard all my  - 12 tricks made.  Not playing the A ended up costing 2 tricks this time.  Click HERE to see the hand.

13th April 2017


Club Championship night so a lot of competitive pairs come to play!  My partner was not free tonight and a regular partner was also without her partner - we teamed up!

As I arrived at the club, I started to get a cold (been fine all day!), no excuse but I don't think I performed too well.  Even this diary entry has been delayed as been catching up with TV recorded and drinking wine !!!

We acually didn't do too badly but didn't shine.  Our defence needs work and I was too ambitious on some hands - I do tend to push quite hard!  I doubled and made the wrong lead, disaster!

One real success, I still debate if partner should have bid but it did lead to a good contract, do the results justify the means?  Board 21, 1 pair is in the optimum contract of 3N, can only be made by South and we are in 3N by South!!!  Better to be lucky than good sometimes!  Click HERE to see the hand, would you get to the same contract?

12th April 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting with Vee tonight, one player needed so Vee plays and I host and monitor.

Some very tricky hands tonight which they coped with quite well.  It is great to see that all pairs are improving and even when they have a bad score, they appreciate why and what to do next time.

I have given our chairman some homework tonight to come up with a recommended bidding sequence for 2 of the hands....  

Hand 2 was a tricky Slam hand - Click HERE to see it with Alan's commentary

Hand 9 was another tricky Slam hand - Click HERE to see it with Alan's commentary

An incident happened tonight which was really no-one's fault (though mine ultimately!) - the table card said to pass boards to one table but it was wrong, nobody checked and I had to deal with the wrong boards played.  Fortunately, all players involved coped with it well and it passed without further headache.

11th April 2017


No Bridge tonight although I did assist a little with Surrey website and have started to think about how to maintain the Surrey site easier for the rest of the committee.  Also arranging Teams and Pairs for the Surrey Champions events as the Team I am in and my partner in the Pairs are now eligible to represent Camberley in the Finals (2nd in both series but the winners of each cannot make the Finals dates).

I also modified the Roll of Honour for CBC to be within Bridgewebs rather than a PDF.  This should make it much easier for anyone to keep up to date and (hopefully) looks a little neater.  Have added the Florence Lewis Crockery Cup winners to the Roll of Honour too!  See the new Roll of Honour HERE

After not perfomring as well as I wanted at Bridge recently, I was determined to do well at Badminton tonight!  My knee hurts and am still not fully healthy but mind over matter and I walk to the club and set up the courts (am always first to arrive!).  Mixed doubles on the first game (my prefered game) and we are winning but then fall back and lose 27-25.  A great game though.  Next game is another Mixed and we win 21-17, then a Mens and we win 25-23, then a mixed and we win 21-6, another mens winning 21-19 and finsih with 2 more mixed and win each of these comfortably !  A tough night, mostly tight games and then walk home utterly shattered but happy!

Shower and change ready to update my Bridge admin, my own diary and this diary entry!  Messaged the Surrey Chairman to see if my ideas are good to go, if so, will now start modifying the site admin (not visible to the public but will help the update process for events).

 Back to Bridge tomorrow hosting the Improvers at YHBC.  In a few weeks time I hope to have time to organise the next Themed night.

10th April 2017


Playing as part of a Team tonight with my regular partner for a Team's Cup event.  We performed well but finished 3rd, 1 of my other regular partners headed up the winning team, well done to Barbara, Val, Ron and Dennis!

9th April 2017

National Pairs Final:

Wow, what a tough weekend!!!  I love bridge and really am an addict, but this was so tough!  For once, I would not recommend this to the faint hearted - this is relentless bridge with no weak pairs and no let up.  98 hands played against 49 of the top current players (some notable absences who either didn't qualify or couldn't make the final).

I think it is fair to say that all players found this event tough, it shows just how far I have still to go just to keep up!  It's an endurance event as much as skill and keeping concentration and discipline going over each hand against fierce opponents.  I smoked more this weekend than I have in a long time (drank more Saturday night too but woke up fine so enough on that for here, never did find my pen though......!)

The hotel was great and the room I had was very comfortable, clean and big!  The service in the hotel could have been better and the timings didn't always fit in with our sessions (we missed lunch on Sunday as ordered hot food which took 45 minutes to arrive and had to send it back and get a sandwich instead!).

This was my first time in the National Finals and we finished second from the bottom (not last though!).  If honest, I was (and am) a bit disappointed with the overall result but there were some highlights.  Rather than list these with hand records etc (I would want to get permission from the Ops and the organisers to share these specifically here), I will just share some of my memories:

Ops open light and their partner jumps to 6NT - we take this off 3 for our only 100% of the event!

Bidding confidently - I had 0 points and partner opened 1NT, I bid 2 without pausing or blinking (I am short in clubs) and partner bids 2 and goes off 2 (not vulnerable) - Ops didn't bid as I seemed confident and their 18 HCP hand was left un-bid.... I was so pleased that I was able to be confident (for 1 board!!!) and partner did extremely well to only go 2 down!

Gesthem is Great! - Partner has a few points and 2 suits, bids 2NT as an overcall and Ops dbl.  I bid 3 (I have 4) and Ops jump to game.  Partner bids 5 (DBL by Ops) and I go 2 down for 300, another great result!

Generally, our defence was pretty good but I had too many wobbles and also got caught out bidding too high.  Still managed to have some banter and generally enjoyed the sessions.  None of our Ops were nasty or rude and that was great to see.  I did have one director call and he actually got the ruling wrong!  Who would have thought it......!!!!

Back to normal this week and then away for another long Bridge weekend in Cobham for Easter......

7th April 2017


Having eaten too much take away (chicken and brocoli in oyster sauce with special chow mein!!!), I felt a bit bloated but not too bad.  Arrive early and set-up 6 tables and chairs and bidding boxes and score cards (half the chairs by Ken) then go to the kitchen and set that up too while John G sets up the laptop etc.  We only have 31/2 tables (Bournemouth has the rest of the tables, if you get chance, go on this holiday, it is FANTASTIC!).

To avoid a long sit out, David and Tony offer to go home, they are so thoughtful and we all thanked them.

The movement is tricky, takes a while but we get there - then off we go playing 25 boards (5 rounds of 5, all sharing for final round).

Although we both had a few moments, we got away from the session with an average score (neither of us were on form so this was a good result!!!).  Given that we were not playing to our best ability, my partner is owed due credit for this hand..... Hand 15:

Playing a strong  system with 5 card Majors, 1 shows 11-15 with no 5 card major and a hand without a winner in 3 suits and 4 tricks (which would be 1NT).

With this in mind, I open 1 (alerted).  Ops overcall 1 and partner bids 1NT (up to 10 HCP for us).  The auction is then passed out.

After the  lead and partner wins the 2nd  in hand, the K is led and loses - back in and lose another  - is this worth it?  YES!!!!  Make use of dummy's long suit, doing so now sets up the long suit.  It may seem that the  would offer more tricks but these come at the end.  Perfect play earns my partner 100% for making 8 tricks - it is not just the 7NT hands that count, this is duplicate pairs and every hand counts, this was great play and well done partner!

Click HERE to see the hand

7th April 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing in a regular club session with a tournament partner, practicing for the weekends National Pairs.

We were fairly solid throughout wit a few wobbles but a good score and finished 2nd.

One hand was really interesting and apologies to our ops for mentioning it, it's a shame to get a good score against wonderful people who I hold in such high regard (was glad in a way we gave them a top on the previous board to even this out, it's pairs after all so the score doesn't matter overall!).  Hand 21 this afternoon.....

I am North and decide to open this poor hand 1 (nothing outrageous here), ops overcall 2 (not un-reasonable), partner raises me to 6 !!!!  Ops double, I gulp inwardly regretting opening this terrible hand and then partner redoubles!!!!

It is fair to say, I was quite pleased to see the higher s in partner's hand but am still confident of 1 off - I win the first in hand and then play a small expecting to find the 3-0 break off-side, no - they both follow!  Q must be a doubleton.  First hurdle dealt with.  Now, I have a losing  and a losing , what to do?  I take my 's and leave W with a winning on lead, what can she do other than give me the ruff and discard I need, give me a or give me a - she played a low , I duck and win in dummy, K now trapped, 12 made - 2070 scored!!!

Click HERE to see the hand

At the end of the session, acted as a taxi for the delightful Dorothy then home for a take away with Simon before going to YHBC for the evening session.....

6th April 2017


Playing in a regular club session with a regular partner.  A few errors by us both plus the ops in the right spot meant for a 50% score tonight.  Heard this before?

No real interesting hands (other than every hand is interesting), it was one of those nights where we didn't have much to do.  Given a choice though, we both seemed to make the wrong one, no clues, just bad luck.

Playing with Simon twice tomorrow to get ready for a tough weekend at the National Pairs.  29 of our members are also off to Bournemouth tomorrow, weather is set to be great and the hotel caters well and is very supportive, here's hoping they have a wonderful time!  I will be monitoring them and ready to post a report in the YHBC menu Sunday night.  Without laptop for the weekend so limited reports now until Sunday......

5th April 2017


This was the first session of the new season.  Although we didn't win, we posted a respectable score over 60%, more importantly, I think we both felt that we did as we should on most hands (you can only control your own table not what everyone else does!).

One error though was on board 2.  Passed round to me in 4th seat, I have 15 HCP and a flat hand and down grade to 1NT (trying to be clever perhaps).  Had I opened 1, partner may muster up a 1 bid and now I bid 2 and that is where we play.  This is a much better spot than 1NT - lesson here, bid your hand!!!  I am sure a later diary entry will advocate when to up or downgrade a hand though....!

There were a few interesting hands but these are best left alone on this occasion.  Click HERE to see the 1NT failure above though.

4th April 2017


No Bridge tonight although I did prompt CBC to start asking our Champions if they want to represent us in the Surrey Finals and also finalised some admin files for Surrey as part of my handover, never a Bridge free night!!!

Woke up quite ill this morning and took the day off, spent most of the day in bed or the bath and slowly got back to reality late afternoon.  Didn't decide to play Badminton until the last minute and then thought it may help to sweat it out, I think it did although I am shattered now!  Started off well and won the first 3 games, then got tired and didn't do much until the last 2 games which I won! - back to Bridge tomorrow at YHBC

3rd April 2017


Playing in a regular club session with my regular Monday partner.  A few errors by us both plus the opps in the right spot meant for a 50% score tonight.  Could have been better if I had of been more cautious on one of my big hands.  24 HCP and 6 but it is nothing without partner..... Silly Ian crying

The bidding has passed round to me in 4th seat and I have 24HCP - open 2.  2 negative from partner, 2 from me (we cannot pass until game is reached so no rush).  So far so good.  Partner has 5 and correctly bids 3.  This is only promising 4 at this stage so the auction should carry on like this..... 3 by me showing extra length, 4 from partner, All pass and game bid and made for a joint top.  This is me however............  Instead of bidding 3 I bid 6 on my own and get doubled and go 3 down for 0%.   Lesson here, when you have a strong hand, partner is in control, listen to partner and make use of their hand.  Click HERE to see the hand.

2nd April 2017

Surrey County Pairs (Plate):

Playing in the Surrey County Pairs with a strong partner.  We had a beow average start and failed to make the cut for the Cup Final.  We did a bit better in the Plate Final but no glory, finishing 12th.

A strong field and 48 boards over 2 sessions but good fun and very competitive.  I strongly recommend these events to all for great experience and a good challenge.

National Pairs final next week which will be even tougher!!!

1st April 2017

Surrey Committee:

Having made the decision to resign, I have no intention of leaving the county in a bad position.  Today was preparing for a hand over and a 3 hour session with the Surrey Chairman to show how things work in Bridgewebs and list items to consider and check.  This was followed by a take away curry with my partner and a chat with the Chairman and his wife.  All very civilised and relaxed.

I have quite a bit still to do but have realised some of the items I do could be simplified - will work on these this week to send over.

The hand over session really highlights that we do certain things in 3 places!  This is deliberate and ensures that the users of the site can find what they want in different ways and they have different purposes, it would be nice to have feedback to see what people actually use but this is hard to get.  For now, the committee will carry on as I have maintained the site but they (and I) will continue to think of better or easier ways that don't damage the overall use or appearance of the site.  Any thoughts from the public would be very welcome!

One of the pages which was completely my design was the Competition Hub.  I liked it and liked maintaining it but is it needed?  We have most items in the calendar but not necessarily the info around the event or info to highlight the kind of standard or what happened last year etc.  If we stopped the hub and enhanced the more info in the calendar, perhaps that would work better?  We could leave the Hub as static info on each competition and possibly each type of competition for non-Surrey events.....  Things to think about here!

Looking forward to the Surrey County Pairs tomorrow......

31st March 2017


This was the final session of the season, a few cups to be decided and all to play for, if my partner and I do well enough we can win the ladder....  Unfortunately, although not a terribe session, we did not do well enough.  This means one of my other Partners wins the Ladder - Congratulations to Jill Cook with partner David Steele who can also represent the club in he Mary Edwards Cup as our club champions.

A few failed slams (one I could have made if I got the  finesse absolutely correct, I took the Q but then used my J on the 2nd time).

One slam that worked a treat was board 20.  We have a tendancy to open 3 of a minor with a 6 card suit (as I did here).  Alan, holding 20 HCP, is awake and is now interested.  A quick ask to find out my key cards then we are in 6 (there was actually very little choice as my answer took us above 5!!!).

I was prepared to take the  finesse (which would have worked) but the doubleton Q came down anyway.  If I leave it to Partner to open, we get a strong 2 followed by 2N and I can only bid 3N......Click HERE to see the hand

31st March 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing in a regular club session with my regular partner.

I had such a busy morning and trying to arrange the joint Blue Point Swiss Pairs and only just made the session.  I was stressed and tired and got upset early on, apologies to all for my outburst.

We did not cover ourselves in glory here but a few great hands and a few not so great....  Too much to write about here but I will mention that Rosemary and Christine defended and bid perfectly against us today, frustrating and pleasing in equal measure!!!  When I was just starting to play on a Friday afternoon a few years ago we played them and on the last round we dropped from Top due to them getting 100% on each board (3 board rounds) - I still haven't forgiven them for that and today they nearly did it again!!!!

A few more master points today though which all contribute to the Master Points Cup (am the current holder) so no harm done today

At the end of the session, 4 of us got together to firm up arrangements for our joint Blue Point event, this went on a little longer than expected and then rushed home for a Curry and then straight to YHBC for the evening session.....

30th March 2017


Playing in a regular club session at Camberley with a very good partner.  Some nights it is just not to be though, we genuinely did very little wrong but the scores didn't come - opps did well against us, other tables also didn't do what they should and perhaps I was a little pushy on some hands, 6 going off but we all felt it was the correct contract but both s off side, oh well!

A hand I should have passed though....  11 HCP and 5 / 4 in the majors but  is my longer - I can never show my hand - better to Pass and wait and then we get to 5 - Click HERE to see the hand and see what you think

Bridge 3 ways tomorrow!!!  CBC in the afternoon, Club Blue point meeting after bridge to finalise our plans ready for May 1st and then home for Curry before playing at YHBC in the evening.

Tomorrow night is the last night of the season for YHBC so all the cups are to be decided - I am involved in some of the placings....

29th March 2017

Social Bridge:

I love plying for fun and having a glass of wine, good food and awesome company!  More time to discuss the hands and go through what went well and what didn't in a relaxed atmosphere.

Went to Linda's with her partner Sylvia and my partner Vee - we chose not to score and just play.  Linda and Sylvia are both fellow members of CBC and do so much work for the club and are much liked and admired by the members (especially me!!!) - Linda was a superb host (though we could have had 40 for the food prepared!!!!

Almost every hand had a twist or feature  - 1 hand had HCP of 19, 19, 1, 1 (20-20 for each pair) - how often do you see that!!!  Whoever ended up playing would go down, we were lucky to be defending (I was one of the 1 point hands!).

The use of doubles were a constant theme, when to bid a suit and when to double (negative doubles are so useful when you need to bid but are not strong enough to show your hand).

I almost advocated being sound for a simple overcall (lead directing) and weak when jumping.  Basically, don't get in the way of partner but do try and disrupt the opposition.  Bid to the level of the fit when overcalling and try to take the oppositions space away...!

Val kindly took the Improvers session for me (the last of the season) and 4 full tables were present.  Scored manfully when I got home tonight (a few hiccups but think I have got there!).

Check out the Hall of Fame page for YHBC for the current winners of this season (1 event to go so some cups still to be decided), prior years winners also on this page - AGM on 19th April 2017 (7pm) where the Cups will be presented.

28th March 2017

CBC Committee Meeting:

Not playing, still bridge though!  Had a fairly uneventful committee meeting but really pleasant company and got through the normal items in good time.  Then home to start a quick tidy of the CBC site and added a bit more on the Host system and Etiquette.

Was sent an interesting hand played locally (am I starting to get a fan base!) - this is definitely worth a look..... Click HERE to view the hand

27th March 2017


Playing in round 3 of the Monday Club Championships at CBC.  We have had a good start and all is going very well.  In the last 2 rounds I fall apart however, you must concentrate the hardest at the start and end of each session and just play to the system card you have and bid as well as you can.  Do NOT do as I did....

CBC 27th March 2017 - hand 14:

In an auction where they are stopping in 2 of a major, it is almost always correct to bid with 7+ points.  However, with a poor suit, DBL do NOT bid your own suit.  Partner knows it is balancing as you have passed twice but give the option to find a fit or leave for penalties.  On this hand, I DBL and partner passes for 100%.   Of course, I bid like an idiot and 3 is a 0% - will I ever learn?

Click HERE for the hand

Fortunately, our start was good enough to keep a good score and we are back to the top of the Championships again - a long way to go yet though.

CBC Committee meeting tomorrow and then social bridge wednesday as Val takes our Improvers group for me (thanks again Val).

27th March 2017 - Announcement

Surrey Webmaster resigns:

As of today (actually decided last week but waited until the Surrey Committee had been informed), I have resigned from the Surrey Committee as Webmaster.

A brief history:

Surrey used to operate on a website designed and managed by a well respected Surrey member (Julia) who did an excellent job and I was unable to match her expertise.  I was asked to investigate the use of Bridgewebs as a platform and to see what was possible and not possible for the County.  Through my investigations I started the website off and gave some ideas and opinions, these were then taken up and I started creating the site.

As I got more involved, I started to work closely with Gwynne at Bridgewebs and have helped to redesign some features and create others - these combined to get us where we are today (with 7 future developments in the pipeline which I will handover to the Committee).  

My request of help then (somehow!!!) turned into me being the Webmaster!

I have really enjoyed creating this and hope I have delivered a reasonable product - it should at least give the County a boost in terms of a website that can cope with the demands of the largest county in the country as well as have it's own style and feel.  It has been challenging at time and a lot of hours have gone into this (I really do mean a LOT!) and at times I feel I have suffered with the pressure and burden.  This was entirely my own doing as my personality dictates that I don't delegate, like perfection and like things to be as they should be!

I have not left with any ill feeling and will do as much as needed in the interim as they find a replacement for me - I will offer to help the new Webmaster as much as needed too and I wish Surrey every success for the future.

What next:

I am still on the Committee of CBC and YHBC and a member of one of the County teams and continue my playing career and look to devote some of my time back to helping the YHBC improvers group (which has been somewhat neglected recently and I thank Vivek so much for stepping up and keeping this going behind the scenes as well as host - Val and Marjie also are owed a big thank you too!).

26th March 2017

Bourne Blue Point Swiss Pairs:

Playing with a fairly new partner (3rd time of playing!!!)

Playing 6 rounds of 8 boards, this is a reasonably tough event but a lot of the really tough pairs don't tend to enter these events and as such, the event had a great atmosphere and was really friendly and good fun (other than 1 round for us.....!).

A lot of our club players attended this and Colin and David were the only pair to hammer us, we lost 1 other round on a narrow defeat too but the other 4 were very good results and we finished 3rd out of 36 in the end with a little prize money and 2.5 Blue Points (nearly 1 green as a blue is a third of a green) - Nick was playing on top form (most of the time) and my play and bidding was solid too.  2 hands got away from me which I am kicking myself for though.  Hand 15 - Click HERE to see the hand

Looking forward to another full week of bridge then the Surrey County Pairs next weekend (still space if you wish to enter, click HERE)

25th March 2017

Social Bridge & Games:

A great day today!  As a lot of my friends know, I don't sleep well.  Woke up briefly very early and went back to sleep and then slept until 08:30 !  Got up to find scones being baked ready for afternoon tea.  An early morning bridge sessios with our friends Les and Jennie with a lovely lunch in the middle of playing chicago bridge (shuffle and deal) followed by scones with lashings of clotted cream and jam - yum!!!

Les and Jennie are both awesome, they have played at YHBC and CBC and so known by quite a few who may read this.  They were excellent hosts and it was a joy to play cards in a relaxed atmosphere and good humour - it is very random playing chicago (we played 8 hands with each partner) so more a measure of luck than skill and I almost always come last, I did manage to win today though with Les coming 2nd.  I need to play more social bridge, although my body needs the gym more than it needs clotted cream, oh well!

Vee and I then played board games with 1 of our friends and had a good catch up too.  A very nice day all in all.

Now looking forward to playing at the Bourne in their blue point swiss pairs event tomorrow - must remember the clocks go forward tonight too.....

24th March 2017


Playing in a regular club session with a very good partner - another session that didn't go well however crying

There was an unusual incident that didn't involve us, worth a mention though, contract reached, lead made and all of a sudden there are 2 dummy's !!!  Technically all 13 cards of the defenders "dummy" are now penalty cards but an average +/- was awarded to keep things simple - it seems reasonable but wander how other directors would cope with this.....!

We discover our clubs yellow book is out of date too....!

Hand 13, unlucky for some - not all would get here logically but our leader, Mr Brown did (albeit after the bidding, unlucky Mr Brown)....

With the knowledge that I have an opening hand and no 5 card major, all suits now bid by EW with the H being fouth suit forcing.  This would be promising some form of stop and the danger hand (mine) can not have 5, so at worst, 4 are out and partner has an interest.  partner has removed Alan' overcall so must be weak or strong, we know it is strong now with fourth suit forcing, Alan repeated his  but realised too late that a "close your eyes and bid 3NT" moment was there - it's the correct contract - 4 down 3 was unfortunately our top.

Click HERE to see the hand

24th March 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing in a regular club session with a regular partner.  All should be well but lots of errors by us both led to a below par performance.

Hand 12 at CBC in the afternoon on the 24th March 2017.  A fairly poor session for us overall, rather than focus on the negatives, here is a good board !  This is a lesson in taking your tricks, if you do, partner may signal to continue to take more.

Here, if EW take the A and get a positive signal, the K is then taken and a  led back - this means with the A too, 4 tricks are taken and contract is held.  In theory, this would be a good result as 4 is available for 620 (beating the 400 for 3NT held).  With us, small led which I win in hand.  Win a , lose a and another small led which I win in hand.  Now I run then  for 12 tricks.....

Admittedly, it helps that our auction included a 2 cappelletti bid (showing and a minor) so a wasn't led trick 1.

Click HERE to see the hand

23rd March 2017

Board Games:

Call myself a Bridge addict, here is another night of "no bridge"!!!

Playing board games with a friend tonight, involved strategy games and it was honours even tonight after a 2 month gap of playing!

Have updated Surrey with the Entry form and details of the Princess Alice Hospice Teams on 30th April and also helped Kent with their website inbetween turns of our board game

Looking forward to 2 sessions of Bridge tomorrow (CBC in the afternoon after work and then YHBC in the evening)

22nd March 2017

Hosting YHBC Improvers:

So many interesting hands tonight (largely troublesome!!!) - great to see 4 tables consistently, much better to score with boards played 4 times each.

Hand 5:-  Sometimes you get terror hands!  This one is a stinker and you need to have a robust defence to 1NT doubled.  In this example, 1NT by south doubled by West.  North cannot bid, East is happy to leave the penalty in, what does South do now?  My view, Redouble for SOS.  If West passes, North bids there lowest 4 card suit.  If this is South's 3 or 4 card suit, pass (EW will likely come in now).  If South has 2 in this suit, bid your lowest ranked suit.  This way you should go "up the ladder" and find at least a 4 / 3 fit.

Click HERE to view the hand

Hand 12:-  20 Points is a massive hand!  This is true but not if partner has nothing.  With a singleton K, the hand is only worth 17 unless played in a suit.  Bid at the 1 level and wait to see what happens.  If partner can bid the singleton or NT, then off you go to game in NT.  If not, play in your long suit.  This hand has the suit covered so 3NT is the right place (but get there properly, another time and it may not work, bridge should not be a guessing game!).

Click HERE to view the hand

Lots of other interesting hands here but use the "Play it Again" feature to help here.

A hand that wasn't played (we dealt 18 hands and played 16 of them in the 4 table movement) was hand 18.  This sparked a debate with me and my fellow hosts and would like you to consider a hand like this:





As dealer, do you instantly dismiss this hand and Pass?  If you were over-calling you would want to bid?  If you had a fit you would have a 6 or 7 loser hand (depending how you value a hand with no Aces).  I am not saying you MUST bid but please do look at this hand and see if you would ever consider bidding and why.  This is only to provoke a debate amongst partners - as dealer, you are unlikely to bid in this auction if you do not open.  Partner will say  or the Opps will.  Now what happens?  I personally would open 1  and then partner knows not to get carried away with  and you stand a chance at finding a major fit.....Only my view......

This is a topic for discussion in the Bridge Forum - click HERE to view and feel free to comment (note, most are far more sensible than me and would not open with this hand!!!)

Personal note:

I had a tough decision to make today.  My partner and I have qualified for the National Pairs final in April.  This is a major competition and very prestigious.  I have already signed up to our club weekend and am really looking forward to it.  I cannot do both !!!  This is torture for me, I am very competitive and like to enter tough competitions but I also like to honour my first commitment and hate to upset / disappoint or let people down.

I have gone to the last 4 club weekends and they are genuinely the best weekends, great food, company and fun bridge with a competitive yet friendly edge - superb!  I have however made the choice to look after myself here and try and forward my bridge "career" by going to the Finals.   I have arranged a replacement for the club weekend and am helping with the arrangements, I do feel ever so guilty and I know I have upset some members and really do apologise.  My partner is extremely supportive and wants me to go the Finals and it was this that finally swayed me.  Sorry again if this does upset anyone crying

21st March 2017


No Bridge tonight although I did reply to several Bridge e-mails and have sent e-mails to YHBC and CBC members on behalf of Surrey, never a Bridge free night!!!

Seem to be getting fitter, still felt good on the last game tonight and won more than I lost with scores above 17 in each game - back to Bridge tomorrow hosting the Improvers at YHBC

20th March 2017


Playing in a regular club session with my top ranked partner.  I am still not on form and a few decisions went the wrong way.  No major errors but not continuing a suit when we should, 6NT instead of 6 and some good bidding by the opps meant we had an average score.

We must all feel like this at times but I currently feel I played better a few years ago and trying to pin-point what has changed!  I think it is not just me or partner, the field is getting bolder and we are facing a lot more conventional bids that are harder to defend - must keep my play a little tighter and learn when to pass and when to be bold, will never get it right on every board but all we can do is try!

One hand to demonstrate when not to sacrifice though:

Hand 6, a competitive auction (as you would expect) and we get to our contract (4) - our opps bid 5 here as a sacrifice - now, vulnerable, let us have our part score - 1 off is too many at this point.  Unfortunately, we found all 5 tricks available to us and 800 is unfortunate.  Apologies to the Opps as I genuinely feel uncomortable doubling friends at the bridge table, but we have to do it, have no doubt the opps will double you without blinking!  Click HERE to see the hand.

17th March 2017 (Afternoon)


Playing in the afternoon session.  I finish work at 1pm and am 5 minutes from the club so this is an ideal way to fill the time between finishing work and my partner getting home from work....!

This session did not go well, some bits good like bidding 6, some bits bad like not making 6!!!

Board 20 was bid well, my declarer play (normally not too bad) let me down.  I gave up and cross ruffed the hand, it should have been played by drawing the trumps for 2 rounds, then carry on for a few to see what happens - If you are thinking of a squeeze you need to "rectify the count" so, after clearing trumps finishing in dummy, lead a small ♣.

If E has the Q♣ it is unlikely he will play it. If E has the A♣ it will be a brave E who won't put up the A♣ (end of problem).

If E does duck then the J♣ will be won by the Q♣.
At some stage you need to ruff another two clubs to "isolate the menace" and then it becomes a simultaneous double  squeeze - Why didn't I do this! crying - 2 others (who hadn't bid the slam) made 12 and I didn't - hope tonight at YHBC goes better!

Click HERE to see the hand.

16th March 2017


Playing in a normal club session (practicing with a fairly new partner before a competition that is coming up).

Hand 8, defending 5 and we had a system failure - I was playing reverse attitude, partner Attitude - this meant my 3 didn't encourage and we didn't take our 3 tricks to defeat the contract - our convention card did say Reverse Attitude, shows he importance of knowing your system!  It happens and neither to blame but lesson learned!

Click HERE to see the hand

15th March 2017

YHBC Improvers:

Hosting the Improvers (missed a few recently).  Whilst playing in the session, hand 1 proved interesting.  A hand of 26 points is always exciting but don't forget, there are only 14 left, partner is not likely to have much - on this occasion, "much" proved to be 1 Point!

This hand was only played 3 times but each time the tricks generated was different.  Click HERE to see my analysis of the hand and how to make the most of a long suit in Dummy.

On hand 8, the opposition missed game - there are a few rules I really do advocate (they won't work 100% but will prove good in the long run):

When partner opens, bid to the level of LTC (Losing Trick Count)

When partner overcalls (assume 5 card suit), bid to the level of the fir (if 5+ points) - holding 3 in the suit, bud to the 2 level, 4 in the suit, bid to the 3 level etc.

On this hand, bidding to the level of the fit gets to 4 (the slam is hard to find).  Click HERE to see the hand