Release 2.19q
Pairs League - Overall
Director: Stephen Brown
Pairs League - Divisions 1 & 2
Pairs League - Division 3
Seniors Pairs
Director: Patricia Hones
Henley Cafe Bridge
Director: Victor Lesk and Caroline Bottoms
26th Sep 2024
Thursday Teams
RealBridge 7pm
29th Sep 2024
Wallingford Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs
6th Oct 2024
Harwell Cup
RealBridge 2pm
Director: Patricia Hones
8th Oct 2024
Competitions Subgroup Meeting
Zoom 3.30pm
13th Oct 2024
Dawes League: Home v Staffs
RealBridge 2pm
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2024
County Green / Blue Point Events

Malvern Congress (26-27 October 2024) CLICK FOR BROCHURE

Midland Counties Congress (3-5 January, 2025)  CLICK FOR INFO


ALL ON REALBRIDGE (except congress & Wallingford & Abingdon Swiss)

Sun 29 Sep 2024    Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs @ Wallingford FULL

Oct 2024 - Apr 2025   President's Cup Knockout Teams

Sun 6 Oct 2024        Harwell Cup

Sun 10 Nov 2024        Handicap pairs

Sun 1 Dec 2024        Swiss Pairs Championship

Sun   2 Feb 2025       \
Thu   6 Feb 2025       County Pairs Semis
Mon 17 Feb 2025      /
Sun 16 Mar 2025     County Pairs Final
Sun 30 Mar 2024       BP Swiss Pairs @ Abingdon
Sun 27 Apr 2025       Swiss Pairs (Junior Fundraising)
Sun 15 Jun 2025    Mixed Pairs
Sat/Sun 16/17 Aug 2025  Congress (Abingdon F2F) TBC
Regular monthly events
Regular monthly events

OBA offers three regular monthly events, F2F or online 


     SECOND MONDAY - F2F Seniors Pairs at Roke, 11am, 30-33 boards.   JUST TURN UP    2023/2024 LADDER


     THIRD THURSDAY - Pairs ladder on RealBridge (changed from BBO), with promotion and relegation within three divisions, 7pm 21-22 boards.      CLICK TO JOIN AS A NEW ENTRANT    New players very welcome    Occasionally someone cannot play and a player is looking for a standby player. If you are willing to play to make up numbers, please submit your details here   LADDER   (alert own bids)


     FOURTH THURSDAY - Teams on RealBridge, 7pm, 24-25 boards     CLICK TO ENTER 10 DAYS BEFORE EVENT     (Alerting: partner alerts)

Join a Club
Join a Club



Now you have finished your beginners’ lessons or your bridge refresher course and you are ready to take the plunge into club bridge - but it all sounds a bit daunting and you need someone to hold your hand.  Several clubs run sessions specifically designed for you.  Usually they run a host system for these sessions so that if you don’t have someone to go with you will always be found a partner and get a game.  You will meet other people at a similar stage and perhaps form a partnership with someone to move forward into the more competitive but nevertheless friendly atmosphere of club duplicate bridge.


The following clubs offer sessions sometimes described as “friendly” or “no fear” designed for those starting out on their bridge adventure where the emphasis is rather more on the social than the competitive element of the game:


ABBEY SMITH BC (at Little Horwood, Bucks) - see website - or e-mail Abbey at


ABINGDON BC - see website  - they run a friendly pairs duplicate on Wednesday mornings


AYLESBURY VALE BRIDGE CLUB - the club was originally set up specifically to provide an environment for students graduating from lessons to play duplicate bridge in a friendly atmosphere.  Whilst that remains the fundamental role of the club, we also welcome new members moving to the area or returning to bridge after a time out.  Please visit or e-mail


BLEWBURY BC - social duplicate sessions with expert advice available on three Fridays out of four from Autumn to Early Summer - contact Tina Hollick at


KINGS SUTTON BC  - see website or ring Ken Langdon on 07850 616069


OXFORD BRIDGE CLUB – We run ‘Learn & Play’ and ‘Gentle Duplicate’ sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Club sessions are held on Tuesday and Friday mornings and Wednesday evenings. To see the full calendar click here.


WALLINGFORD BC - see website and look at the wide range of duplicates offered for different levels of experience in their “Bridge Programme”


WANTAGE BC - see website - they run a social introduction to duplicate bridge on Wednesday afternoons - contact Gaye Kyle on 01235 765810