Windsor LT Bridge Belfast
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Bridge Lessons at Windsor

David continues to offer classes on Thursday evenings. He would also be happy to take on newcomers to the game.  He can be contacted at


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Welcome to Windsor LT Bridge Belfast
Bridge Etiquette at Windsor-Some "Do's and Don'ts"

Greet your opponents

Count your cards before play

Decide on your bid BEFORE reaching for the bidding box

DO NOT fumble in the bidding box

You shouldn't hesitate before bidding or passing, everyone should bid "in tempo". Otherwise, it communicates something to your partner.

Only ask for information from your opponents if it is your turn to bid.

Tell your opponents about your bidding conventions.

Place the first lead card face down.

Say "thank you partner" when the dummy hand is faced.

When dummy, never speak except to remind declarer where to lead from, or to say "having none ?". Do not point at or touch the cards, even a singleton ,until the declarer calls.

Leave the tricks undisturbed until agreement is reached on the result of the hand.

Do congratulate your opponents if they play a hand well.

Thank your opponents before moving to the next table

When Recording

Think  "ACE" A=accuracy, C=clarity, E=entirety.

Accuracy. Ensure the result is recorded correctly on the paper traveller, including{most importantly} your correct pair numbers in the correct row. Complete all details:the contract and result, "by"{means declarer}, number of tricks won, lead card and score{in the correct column}.

Clarity: Ensure your record is clearly legible and unambiguous.

Entirety: Now check if the traveller is complete so far. Is the board number, vulnerability and date of session recorded on the top?. If you notice anything that looks incorrect, tell Brian or Deirdre.

"Passed out" is recorded if nobody makes an opening bid. {The only exception that can be made here is if the board is being played in the first round, in a non-interclub event, in which case the cards can be quickly re-shuffled and redealt}. Average is recorded if there is insufficient to complete the hand.



If you play slowly, you are inconveniencing other tables but also taking an unfair advantage over them. So could everyone please try and play quickly. Bridge is a timed game and slow play disrupts the normal progression of the game. We all find some hands difficult and they may take a little longer to complete but a fair-minded bridge player will make the effort to catch up by playing the next hand as quickly  as possible, even if the delay was not their fault. Here are three ways of speeding up.

Remember you can claim a remaining number of tricks when you know they will win.

Do not have a "post-mortem" or remonstrate with your partner after a hand. They can be done at the end of the night. Apart from the delay, your conversation may be overheard at other tables who are yet to play the hand.

Bidding "in tempo" as we should be doing, also helps the flow of the game. if we acquire a habit of bidding smoothly, evenly and promptly, we may play some hands badly, but this habit will improve your bridge in future.

Time limits of 16 minutes per two boards, 25 minutes per three or 35 per four is in force. When time is up, the movement to the next table will occur and any table that has not completed the hand MUST stop play and return the cards to the board for passing to the next table. The uncompleted hand will be deemed "not played" for scoring purposes. Remember the allotted time limit applies equally to everyone. Don't forget to allow time for recording the result.



The Angela Currie Cup
The Angela Currie Cup

Congratulations to David Clement and Peter Currie, inaugural winners of Windsor Bridge's newest prize, the Angela Currie Cup.