Have you heard about Education Foundation Week? It’s a fun opportunity to win DOUBLE masterpoints and support the ACBL Educational Foundation at the same time.
With each Education Foundation Week game, one dollar of your entry fee will be given to ACBLEF for their educational programs.
Entries fees for these games will games will be $8, but that extra dollar goes directly to the ACBLEF.
Education Foundation Week runs from Monday, February 17 to Thursday, February 23. Don’t miss your chance for fun, double points and supporting bridge education.
The ACBLEF partners with the ACBL to support a variety of programs! One example is JumpStart Bridge, which has gained traction in bringing bridge to schools by working with teachers of gifted students. Additionally, the ACBLEF and ACBL collaborate to support the annual Collegiate Bridge Bowl. Learn more on their website.
1. Two Over One 2019 lessons
3. Bridge Bidding Beginner Quick Reference
4. Declarer Play Class
Competitive Bidding Class Flyer