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If you need to sitout for a session or are using a sub (only one sub allowed per pair), please email here

Division A Links Click Here

Division B Links Click Here

Division C Links Click Here

Goodman Cup



Welcome to the homepage of Warwickshire CBA
WPL Online (WPLO) - Entries for Season 2024-25

Please send any replies or comments to

Please note that the WCBA web site is currently under maintenance and does not yet contain full details of WPLO for season 2024-25. We plan to update it shortly




The 2024-2025 season of the WPLO begins on Tuesday 17 September, 2024. Future sessions take place on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (Series 1: Sept 24 – Jan 25 and Series 2: Feb 25 - June 25).


No changes are planned to the current format. It will continue to be played online on RealBridge using screens.


All players and substitutes must be members of the Warwickshire Online Club (WOC). Membership of WOC is free and instructions for joining WOC are available on the WCBA website.


A substitute player is allowed for a session, but not a substitute pair. The arrangements for a pair to sit out a session are the same as last season. Notification that you will be sitting out by the preceding Friday will result in a score of 8 VPs per match. Notification later than that will result in a score of 5 VPs per match.


The closing date for entries is Saturday 31st August, 2024. Entries should be made as a pair to


The entry fee is £70 per pair for the season (i.e. Series 1 and Series 2) or £40 per pair for Series 1 only. Entries are only confirmed once payment has been received.


Payment should be made to:


Warwickshire County Bridge Association

Sort Code: 40-28-18

Account: 12119285


New players are welcome. Please forward this email to any friends who you feel might wish to take part.


And finally, if you are not planning to continue next season for whatever reason, an early notification would be much appreciated.


Warwickshire Teams League

This is an invitation to join the League, which will start in September and run to end April next year.

 It consists currently of 2 divisions of 10 teams , though the number of teams is likely to reduce without some new teams. Each team plays once against every other team in its division on a date agreed between opposing captains. Matches are of 24 boards and are played on Bridge Base Online (BBO) ,but by agreement between captains may be played face to face.

Teams consist of 4 players, but each team may have a squad of up to 8 players. Entry to the League is free of charge and there is no fee for using BBO for matches.

The closing date for entries is 31 August. Each team will need to appoint a captain, who will need to supply the names and EBU  numbers of all team members.

Entries should be sent to the League Secretary, Derek  Oddy, at

He can also be contacted on 0121 705 4841, and will be ready to supply further Information and to deal with queries.

Website Disclaimer

Website disclaimer - Links contained on this website may lead to websites not under the control of Warwickshire CBA (WCBA) including Midland Counties Congress (MCC).  WCBA is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. Links provided on this website are provided to users only as a convenience and WCBA accepts no liability in respect of the content of any such linked site, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by WCBA.  Users link to any linked sites at their own risk.

Executive Committee Meetings

Tuesday 6 August, 10.30am @ WMBC

Thursday 24 October, 10:30 @ WMBC

Thursday 6 February, 10:30 @ WMBC

Thursday 8 May, 10:30 @ WMBC

Thursday 7 August, 10:30 @ WMBC 


Cheltenham Bridge Congress
Cheltenham Bridge Congress

24 & 25 August 2024

Click for further information & website

Join WOC

Click Here

Teams League & Knock-Outs

Division 1   -   Division 2

Handicap    -   Goodman

EBU Festival of Bridge

Festival Home Page

National Events   *   Map of Events

WPL - June 2024
Director: For Divisions' Results
Scorer: See Menu
WPL - May 2024
Director: For Divisions' Results
Scorer: See Menu
Seniors' Swiss Pairs
Director: Peter Randall
Scorer: Peter Randall
WPL - April 2024
Director: For Divisions' Results
Scorer: See Menu
WPL - March 2024
Director: For Divisions' Results
Scorer: See Menu
Midland Counties League: Oxfordshire v Warwickshire
Championship Pairs
Director: Darren Evetts
Scorer: Darren Evetts
WPL February 2024
Director: For Divisions' Results
Scorer: See Menu
Warwickshire Seniors Teams
Director: Peter Randall
Scorer: Peter Randall
Leicestershire vs Warwickshire Overall
Scorer: Peter Randall
Tof8 Championship & Garden Cities Qualifier
Director: Maggs Pyner
Scorer: Graham Cope
WPL - January 2024 - Division C
WPL - January 2024 - Division B
WPL - January 2024 - Division A
Midland Counties League: Warwickshire v Nottinghamshire
Director: Peter Randall