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Jul 15, 2024 23:39 PDT
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Welcome Bridge Friends

Christine Vanderliet of Angels Camp


Receiving my Life Master Rank means much more to me than just bridge; it really means that I have mastered being able to live my life. In May of 2019, I received a single lung transplant at UCSF in San Francisco. Before that I was on the highest level of oxygen you can be on without being on a ventilator. But now I am able to function with one full capacity lung and my old lung at 17%. Six months after my transplant, I started to reject my new lung. I was given some very high doses of steroids. My colon did not like the drugs and it perforated.

I was taken to San Francisco from our area by ambulance, while my colon is still spilling everything into my body. 14 hours later I was in surgery and received an ostomy bag. I lived with it until December, 2022 when they reversed the ostomy bag and gave me an ileostomy bag to ensure my colon/ large intestine were working properly. In April, 2023, the ileostomy was reversed and to this day everything is working properly. During all of this time my kidneys were really starting to fail. This was due to the powerful steroids/immunosuppressants I was taking. I was listed at UCSF for a kidney and was on an Eight year waiting list.

In January, 2023 I started dialysis and had to drive 30 minutes to a center for 4 hours 3 times a week.

In October, 2023 my husband's very close lifetime friend since childhood was killed in a car accident and kept alive on life support. We connected with his family which we knew very well, and as it turns out, he wanted his organs donated. We were able to connect UCSF and the hospital keeping him on life support, per the family's wishes, and they proceeded in attempting to give me a kidney. Amazingly, we were exact matches for both blood and tissue, truly divine intervention. The transplant was successful. I am alive and am feeling very good.

What does all of this have to do with bridge you ask? EVERYTHING!! Bridge is what kept me going, kept me busy, kept me motivated. I never had time to sit and dwell on my situation. I don't know what I would have done without it. I not only love the game, but all of the players have become very dear and near to me. I am so blessed.

The week of July 4th, 2024 I traveled to Long Beach to play in their regional. I knew that it was very possible I could be obtaining the gold points I needed, and so it happened. I had finally achieved what I had worked so hard for and kept me motivated. It was my Life Master Rank and, yes my Master of Life Rank.



Last updated : Jul 15, 2024 23:39 PDT

Sisters Nedra Voorhees of Turlock and Beryl Simkins played at the Sonora Bridge Club on Friday May 10. Social player Nedra was playing duplicate for the first time  


Last updated : May 11, 2024 22:36 PDT

Vonny Tiscornia of San Andreas is a new Silver Life Master. After picking up a few colored points at the Sacramento Regional she still needed 0.17 and playing in a special game online this week she won enough red points to go over. Congratulations!

Last updated : Jun 7, 2024 22:44 PDT



Mary Wells of Copperopolis has ten students in her new beginners bridge class, the third class she has taught in the last six months. Helping her is Hugo the dalmation. Mary says, "Meet Hugo. He always likes to help me sort the cards for the next class. He can be a bit of an attention seeker!"

Last updated : Mar 23, 2024 18:16 PDT

Last updated : Feb 19, 2024 14:25 PST

Foothill players enjoy dinner at the Hyatt Regency in Monterey.

From left: John Rawlings, Sally Rockholt, Mary and Mike Wells, Christine and John Vanderliet and Pam Elliott.

Mike and Mary Wells with teammates Bill Mitchell and Sue Vogtlin.

They collected 11.1 gold points for winning  Bracket 4 KO Teams.

Foothill players at Monterey all had success in the Gold Rush Pairs and KO Teams. From left: Jeannie Douglas, Sally Rockholt, Pam Elliott, Chris Vanderliet, Kathy McKloskey and Sharon Ritchie.




Last updated : Jan 9, 2024 09:56 PST

Pam Elliott of Angels Camp only needed 1.1 silver points to become Life Master.


Pam Elliott (right) playing with partner Sally Rockholt at the Foothill clubs' Christmas Party at Ironstone Winery at Murphys on Thursday December 7. The pair came in 1st E/W for 1.69 mps, and they were also 2nd in the Royal STAC Overalls for over 7 silver points. Well done!


Last updated : Dec 9, 2023 07:15 PST


Debbie Dezarn's Stockton Unit report

in the D21 Diamond in the Ruff April 2024 newsletter




On the day of the solar eclipse several people brought goodies to the Stockton game, including a plate of oreos arranged to show the phases of the eclipse that we Californians were missing and another plate depicting the sun in full eclipse using yellow pastries as the sun’s corona while the center was a disc of brownies. Sometimes it is the little things that make bridge extra fun.

Game size has picked up a little at the Stockton and Oak Park Bridge Clubs. We are frequently getting 6-8 tables at the Stockton Club and 7-9 at Oak Park. The dividers at the latter venue have been moved to allow the bridge players more of the space that is shared with those only participating in the lunch program, significantly decreasing the noise. That venue also has excellent air conditioning if anyone is worried about the upcoming summer. In other words, always bring an extra layer or two if you “run cold” like me.

Let’s celebrate our members’ rank advancements since the last newsletter: Jeanie Douglas, Club Master, Sharon Ritchie, Regional Master, Bobby Ilse, NABC Master, and Byron Barclay, Ruby Life Master. Although not a member of 510, Sue Vogtlin is a regular player at the two Stockton clubs and just reached Gold Life Master in early April. Congratulations to all!

The April QUIP Report is a statistical analysis the ACBL sends quarterly to Units so they can get some sense of their membership compared to other units in the district. The Stockton Unit's latest report shows the following numbers and trends for 2023:

1. Membership. We have 116 current paid members which is a 5.45% increase on the previous year and reverses similar sizes losses for the two previous years. It places us 5th in the district (D22) out of 21 units and 22nd in the ACBL out of 289 units. Pretty good scores and certainly helped by Mary Wells’ efforts to teach and recruit new members for the Mountain clubs.

2. New Member Gains. After gaining only1 new member in 2021, and 3 in 2022, last year we gained 8. Our newest members are Betty Dailey from Arnold, and Byron Barclay who transferred in from the Diablo Valley Unit.

3. Member losses. Much improved – only 1 member dropped their membership last year compared with 15 in the two years previously. This put us 2nd in the district and 17/289 in the ACBL. Please encourage your friends to renew as the Bridge Bulletin alone is worth paying the membership fee.

4. Member retention. We retained 61% of the new members, scoring 2nd in the district and 32nd in ACBL.

5. Average member age: 76. Wow. This is a bit higher than most Units but we do have quite a number of active players in their 90’s (and 100’s).

6. Average years of ACBL membership: 23.

The new players want to win masterpoints, of course, so everyone is encouraged to support the Sacramento Regional for red and gold points and Northern California Sectionals for silver points. Hotel rooms are still available at the $112 rate for the Sacramento Regional running May 27-June 2. For the newer players, this tournament has games for people with under 499 points and offers the chance to win red points, of which you need 5 to reach the level of Regional Master (100 points).

The Stockton Club will participate in STaC week games on May 6, 9, and 10 Thursday but not on Mothers’ Day. ACBL recently significantly raised the table fees for these special games so the Club must charge $10 per game instead of the usual $8 to offset the additional fees. STaC games are the only way to earn Silver points without traveling to a Club or District that is holding a Sectional event.

Sadly, two regulars in the Stockton Intermediate game passed away recently: Ron Allison and Marilyn Segarini.

Korey Baumbach will be back to his regular Director schedule this month, including at Oak Park April 16 and running the Unit Game at the Stockton club on Sunday, April 21. The Sunday game is a pot luck lunch at 12, including wine and free bottles and cans from the fridge. Last time I checked there was ice cream for the pot luck as well!

For you players who enjoy online games don’t forget to check out the Virtual Club games offered by SE Carolina. Each time you play the Unit receives a small portion of the entry fee. Contact Debbie DeZarn to be walked through how to find the games if you want to give it a try.


Last updated : Apr 18, 2024 22:38 PDT


Mondays and Fridays at 11:30 am

499ers 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 11:30 am

3rd Sunday Potluck and Unit game at 12 noon


Wednesdays at 11:00 am.


Murphys Diggins Club House alternate Mondays


Alternate Wednesdays: 12 noon at San Andreas Senior Center.

SONORA CLUB at 11:30 am

 Every Friday at the Sonora Senior Center.

HWY 49ers BBO CLUB at 1:00 pm

These alternating online games fill in the gaps.

For the Schedule of these four Games, click below



Last updated : Apr 18, 2024 22:39 PDT

  There's lots to see! For your game results click on the date in the green boxed heading under RESULTS on the TOP RIGHT of the screen. Now you should see a list of players and their percentages. Click on your name for a list of your personal scores. Scroll down to the end to see if you were a better declarer than your partner!

   On the right you can see some [PLAY] tabs. Click on one, select the BBO tab, and now you can 1) Replay the hand as you did at the table [NEXT], 2) Replay the hand as you wish you had at the table [PLAY], 3) Let GIB – the super-robot – replay the hand as you should have done at the table [GIB]. Cool stuff!

Last updated : Mar 2, 2022 10:24 PST
Friday Morning Pairs
Director: Ken Hillman
Friday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Michael Wells
Oak Park
Director: Korey Baumbach
Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Sharon Ritchie
Monday Morning Pairs
Director: Ken Hillman
Monday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Sharon Ritchie
Unit Championship
Director: Korey Baumbach
Friday Morning Pairs
Director: Ken Hillman
Friday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Michael Wells
Thursday Morning Pairs
Director: Ken Hillman
Club Championship Oak Par
Director: Korey Baumbach
Monday Morning Pairs
Director: Ken Hillman
Fri September 20, 2024
Stockton Bridge Club
11:30 am
Director: Ken Hillman
Fri September 20, 2024
Sonora Bridge Club
11:30 pm
Director: Mike Wells
Mon September 23, 2024
Stockton Bridge Club
11:30 pm
Director: Ken Hillman
Mon September 23, 2024
Mother Lode Club
12:30 noon
Director: Alan Hamilton
Wed September 25, 2024
Oak Park Bridge Club
11:00 am
Director: Korey Baumbach
Wed September 25, 2024
Highway 49ers (BBO)
1:00 pm
Director: Sharon Ritchie
Thu September 26, 2024
Stockton Bridge Club NLMs
11:30 am
Director: Ken Hillman
Fri September 27, 2024
Stockton Bridge Club
11:30 am
Director: Ken Hillman
Fri September 27, 2024
Sonora Bridge Club
11:30 pm
Director: Mike Wells
Mon September 30, 2024
Stockton Bridge Club
11:30 pm
Director: Ken Hillman
Wed October 2, 2024
Oak Park Bridge Club
11:00 am
Director: Korey Baumbach
Wed October 2, 2024
Gold Country Club
12 noon
Director: Sharon Ritchie