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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

February 1st, 2022 Minutes
February 1st, 2022 Minutes

Unit 216 Board of Directors Meeting

February 1, 2022 4:00

Call to Order: Carolyn Sabroske called to order

Present were: 7 Members- Carolyn Sabroske, Irene Boyd, Kristin Welter,

Sally Meixner, Tom Olsson, Jean Friedrich and Bonni Newton.

There was no review of minutes nor financial or educational reports

III. Old Business

A. Change in Bylaws

1. Number of Board Members

A discussion was held about reducing the number of Directors. A motion was presented by

Tom Olsson to change the bylaws from 12 Directors to 7 Directors.

It was seconded by Kristin Welter- a vote was held. All in favor- none opposed

Two boards members will be elected for a three year term, the first and second year.

Three will be elected to a three year term on the third year. One vote for each member. An

election will be held in early fall. There will be voting at least 7 days prior and on the

evening of the Annual Unit Meeting. A motion was made to change the bylaws.

Motion presented by Bonni Newton, seconded by Irene. A vote followed and was passed


IV. New Business

A. Upcoming Sectional

We will hold the upcoming Spring Sectional as a Downgraded Sectional. The same as our

winter sectional. 4 sessions on Friday and Saturday. The strata will be determined by the

attendance. We also need to have more attention be brought to the tournament. Such as an

announcement at our games.

B. Unit Meeting

Our next unit meeting will be in late September or early October. This will include an

election of officers.

The meeting was concluded. Tom made a motion to adjourn, Irene seconded. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Bonni Newton

Bylaw changes February 2022:

Section 6.3. Nomination and Election of Directors: At a time reasonably in advance of each annual meeting of the Unit, the President shall appoint a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall determine and present to the members a list of nominees for election as Directors to fill the positions of those Directors whose terms shall expire at the end of the year or at such other time as herein specified. Nominations for Directors shall be accepted from the floor at said membership meeting.  The members shall, by affirmative vote required, elect the requisite number of Directors from among the list of nominees or by writing in another member on the ballot. The top vote-getters shall fill the required Director slots. There shall be only one vote per member of good standing but said vote may be cast for at least seven (7) days before after, as well as at the annual meeting itself

Section 6.4. Number: The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) twelve (12) members. All Directors must be members in good standing of the ACBL as well as members of the Unit

Section 6.5. Term of Office:  Two (2) Four (4) Directors shall be elected in each of two years, and three (3) Directors shall be elected once every three years  each year for terms of office of three (3) years, the terms to commence January 1 of the year following the election or at the next duly notice meeting after the election whichever first occurs. All Directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified or until their sooner death, resignation or removal.