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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

February 9th, 2017 Minutes
Unit Board Meeting February 9, 2017 at 3:30 pm Des Moines Bridge Center

Present: Margie Brennan, Eric Hill, Barb Maas, Carolyn Miller, Bonni Newton, Kate
Reynolds, Carolyn Sabroske, Bill Wallace, Gregg Walsh, Dee Wilson. Absent were Penny
Rittgers and Craig Nelsen.

President Bonni Newton opened the meeting. Bill Wallace gave his findings on buying a
defibrillator due to his need to leave immediately. The cost would be $815 with a 4 year battery
life and adult pads. A wall mount case for it could be purchased for an additional $92. During
discussion the concern of liability came up and the idea to ask the Corporate Board to pay for
half of the defibrillator. Bill will talk to the Corporation, specifically Ron Nielsen and Eric will
check on liability. After their findings a decision will be made at our next unit meeting.

MOTION: Eric Hill moved to approach the Corporation to discuss liability and paying for half
the machine and the wall mount case. Bill seconded. Motion carried.

Carolyn S moved to accept minutes from Jan. 9, 2017 meeting. Bonni seconded. Motion

Treasurer’s Report:
$1636.30 was made at the Holiday Tournament. The balance today
is $29.404.46. Carolyn sent the bi annual report to the State of Iowa. Barb moved to accept the
treasurer’s report and Margie seconded it. Motion passed.


Spring Festival Tournament:
Linda Johnson has the tournament organized and
publicized. It is on the ACBL website and flyers have been mailed to 36 units. Fees have
increased $1. Subway will be catering sandwiches for Sunday. Help sign up sheets are out for
our members to volunteer. Unit Board President Bonni would like this Board to help with side
duties. Board Unit appreciates Linda’s work and the looks of the flyer and thanks her for it.

Regional: Kate reported that the schedule has been approved by the ACBL and posted
on their website. The importance of Knockout Sessions each day and Gold Rush was noted.
After discussion minor changes will be made on the front page before being sent to the printer.
Barb explained the contract with the Sheraton set up. All committee chairs have been
established. Kate, Barb, and Carolyn Miller will determine the budget based on past regionals
and Sheraton requirements. Set up will take place Sunday evening, July 2 after 7 p.m.

Bidding Boxes:
Eric Hill reported on count and concerns with our bidding boxes. The
Unit has 53 working sets of bidding boxes determined by Eric, Bill, and Becky Joseph on Jan. 20.
Eric recommended the Unit purchase 10 sets of replacement bidding cards along with
additional pass, stop, X, XX, etc. (A set does one table-4 boxes.) Three companies’ prices vary
so Eric was asked to research further and bring examples, prices, and shipping costs to our next
meeting. It was noted that the Unit will be borrowing bidding boxes for our regional
tournament from Janee Oleson’s Eastern Iowa unit. There is a refundable deposit of $100 to use

Grass Roots: Bonni is talking to Sharon Anderson to see what we are required to
contribute to this fund. We need to have this money in before our regional tournament.

No education report. Penny was ill.

No by-laws discussion. Craig Nelsen was absent. This will take place at our next

Hawkeyer: Terry Swanson still wants her $200 for publishing the Hawkeyer. After
discussion it was decided to end the hard copy of the Hawkeyer and make it available on our
website only. One copy will be printed out off our website and placed in library. This is a
considerable savings for our Unit. A notification of this move will be placed in our playing area
and also placed on our website. Carolyn S will tell the Swansons of this decision.

MOTION: Carolyn Sabroske moved to stop printing and mailing out the Hawkeyer effective
immediately. Margie seconded the motion. Motion passed.


Yellow Phone Book:
Lee Slorah wants this Unit Board to purchase an updated computer
program for him to use for doing this phone book. Request was denied. 1. Unit would like to
see this phone book put on our website. 2. It was the idea of the Corporation and it should be
up to them to pay for the program if they want the book to continue.

Carolyn Miller was given permission to pay Kathi Kellen $200 for her work on the
website and Swansons $200 for their Hawkeyer work.

Dee said in the past he felt tournament formats were discussed and decided upon
during Unit Board meetings. He would like to see this addressed in the by-laws as the Unit
Board works on revisions.

Carolyn S moved to adjourn and Gregg with 3 g’s seconded it. The meeting date for our
next meeting was NOT set. Bonni will give us a two week notice.

Submitted by Barb Maas for Penny.