Tiverton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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9th Jul 2024 13:01 BST
Partners Found
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Partners Found

We do not run a host system. If you want to play and would like a partner please contact the secretary who will send out an email to all members on your behalf.

Welcome to Tiverton Bridge Club
Summer Charity Pairs

ECatsBridge Summer Charity Pairs 1st to 5th July 2024

We have taken part in the ECatsBridge Charity Summer Pairs events over the first week in July. These are national simultaneous pairs events run by ECatsBridge in aid of Kidney Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.

The 6 bridge sessions that have been held [Dulverton Bridge Club, Tiverton Bridge Club, Exeter Golf & Country Club (On-Line), Mid-Devon (On-Line), and Cullompton & Willand Bridge Club] have raised a total of £493.40 which has been split evenly betwen the two charities through the Just Giving pages set up for the event.

Thanks to everyone who contributed including a number who didn't play!

If you would like to make an additional donation or just want to see who else has donated then go to the Just Giving pages:

For Kidney Research UK - https://www.justgiving.com/page/ecatsbridge-fund-raising-kruk

For the British Heart Foundation - https://www.justgiving.com/page/ecatsbridge-fund-raising-bhf

For each day of play the session results from all the bridge clubs participating have been combined to give an overall ranking for each day - these results can be accessed through the normal Results pages on the clubs' BridgeWebs sites where you will also find a commentary for each session; or, found using the links below:

Monday (Dulverton and Silverton)

Tuesday (Exeter Golf & Country Club)

Wednesday (Silverton)

Thursday (Cullompton & Willand)

Friday (Mid-Devon Wednesday)

For more information see https://ecatsbridge.com/sims/Summer-Pairs/default.asp.

Welcome to Tiverton Bridge Club

We play duplicate bridge every Monday. Bridge starts at 6.30pm, but we ask everyone

to be in the club room by 6.20p.m. so that the director can plan the evening.

Visitors are most welcome and we are accepting new members.  Please phone the secretary for information.

Meetings are held at the Britton Centre
Old Heathcoat School Community Centre
King Street

We look forward to seeing you

Chairman:  Steve Hall (01398 323837)

Secretary: Xanda Vass (01398 331 384)

Treasurer: Roger Norton (01884 841108)

29th July 2024
Director: Clive Richardson
5th August 2024
Director: John Chater
12th August 2024
Director: Alan Vass
Director: Roger Norton
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack
Director: Tony Hards
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack
Director: Steve Hall
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack