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Congratulations to: 2014
EBU Seniors Congress

Sandra and Krys who, playing with a non-Oxfordshire pair, came second (out of 56 pairs) in the EBU Senior Swiss Teams event held on Sunday 2nd November. 

Mixed Pairs competition, Monday 13 October

Erica & Christopher Sheppard who won the club's Mixed Pairs competition with a score of 65.21%. They were closely followed by Ann Lee & Mike Prew on 65.00%, and Viccy Fleming & Peter Finbow on 64.55%. The winners receive the Binyon Cup and a bottle of wine each.

British Autumn Sim Pairs - Monday 6 October

Rod Cook & Jeremy Mitchell who won in fine style with a score of 64.01%. Steph & Steven Bliss were second on 62.54%, and third were Diane Coe & Alison Withers Green on 61.47%. Nationally, the results are slightly different, with Peter Russell & David Bygott in third place. Full national results can be viewed on the EBU website.

Club results on the EBU website

Hand commentary

EBED Autumn Sim Pairs, Mon 8 Sept

Bridget Watson & John Spencer who won last night's Sim Pairs event with a score of 60.57%. Second were Ian Pearson & Trevor Dawn on 59.75%, and third Howard Arnes and Viv Stevenson on 58.73%.

Nationally, the results within the club look slightly different, with Bridget & John first, Ian & Trevor second, and Patrick Hodson & Sara Alden in third place. These rankings may change as more clubs upload their results.

Here is a link to our results on the EBU website:

Here is the commentary for the hands:

This session of the Autumn Simultaneous Pairs was held for the benefit of English Bridge Education and Development (EBED), a new charity focused on supporting the growth of bridge in England. 


Summer Ladder Competition 2014

Robert Gasser, who won this year's Summer Ladder Competition: the average of his ten best scores was an excellent 64.16%. Aleks Lishkov was close behind in second place on 63.2%. Krys was third, and Sandra fourth. To view the full ladder results click on Competitions on the left-hand menu. Well done all. 

For this competition you have to be a club member and have played at least ten times during the relevant season. 

Brighton Summer Congress

The many members of Summertown Bridge Club who did well in this year's Brighton Summer Congress. Scroll down this page on the OBA website, and see how many names you recognise! 

British Summer Simultaneous Pairs - 28 July 2014

David Bygott and Peter Russell, coming 12th out of the 1437 pairs taking part nationally with 67.84%.  Sandra & Krys were 26th on 65.06%, while Erica and Christopher were 60th on 64.53%.

Here is the link to the finalised national results:

And here is the link to the commentary:

Midsummer Pairs Competition for the David Bygott Trophy

Krys and Sandra who won this year's Midsummer Pairs competition for the David Bygott Trophy, with an excellent score of 62.12%. Second were Steven and Steph Bliss on 60.61%, and third were Rita Todd and Rodica Kremnizer on 59.28%. Well done all.

EBU Spring Sim Pairs 12 May 2014

Mary-Ann Sheehy & Cathy Rowland who won the EBU Spring Sim Pairs event with a fine score of 67.58%. Second were Diane Coe & Ina Merriman on 66.63%, and third were Howard Arnes & Viv Stevenson on 63.90%. Nationally, the results are slightly different, with Howard & Viv finishing just above Diane and Ina, though the order may change again as more clubs upload their results. 

Summertown's results can be found here

And the commentary is here.

British Spring Sim Pairs 7 April 2014

Aleks Lishkov & Robert Gasser who won the British Spring Sim pairs event with an outstanding score of 71.98%, way ahead of the rest of the field. Second were Tunde Scott & Kati di Gleria on 59.52%, and third Steven & Steph Bliss on 59.2%.

Nationally, the scores are slightly different, with Aleks & Robert still top on 71.47%, but with Lorna Swadling & Rita Todd coming second on 59.63%, and Holly Kilpatrick & Liza Furnival third on 59.03%. These scores are subject to change as more results are uploaded, but Aleks & Robert are currently top in the event as a whole, and likely to stay there.

National results



Stratified Sim Pairs - 10 March
Congratulations to Irina and Aleks, who won the Stratified Simultaneous Pairs event with 61.36%.  Well done too to Paul Stevenson and Elizabeth, and Rosemary Dorey and Christina coming second and third respectively.

The club results can be found here:

and the commentary is here: 
The Winter Ladder has just finished and it's well done to Krys, who has won the ladder: the average of his ten best scores was an impressive 65.33%.  Sandra was very close behind in second place on 64.78%, Robert Gasser was third and John Spencer fourth.  To see the full results click on 'Competitions' on the left-hand side of the Club website's homepage.
The winner of the Ascender's Prize is once again Krys, who increased the average of his ten best eligible scores from last winter by 7.95%.  Sandra was second with 6.94% and Jean & Maggie equal third with 6.47%.  All four are well ahead of the rest of the field! Click here for the full list of Ascenders.
For both competitions you have to be a Club Member and to have played at least ten times during the season.  In the case of the Ascender's Prize you also have to have played ten times in the winter of 2013/4.
Abingdon Blue-Pointed Swiss Pairs

Several Summertown members did well in Abingdon Bridge Club's Blue-Pointed Swiss Pairs competition held on 9 February. In particular, Ruth Kim and Howard Arnes won the non-expert prize, John Deech & partner were second, and Sandra and Krys were fourth. Congratulations to all. 

British Winter Sim Pairs 6 Jan 2014

Christopher and Erica who started the New Year off with a bang by winning the Sim Pairs with a very excellent 65.12%. Robert and Krys came second on 64.89%. It couldn't have been closer between third and fourth with Roger and Paul just edging Diane and Alison by 0.01% on 63.14%. Those are the results scored within the 36 pairs playing in the club. Nationally, with a few hundred or thousand pairs playing, the results always look a little different. The top four pairs in the club are currently the same but with Robert and Krys having dropped down to fourth place. Well done to them all. The final percentages and placings may still change as more results are uploaded.

National results


John Deech playing with visitor Diana Nettleton on a handsome win in our heat of the County Pairs Championship with 67.11%. Well done also to Neil Whiting & Sara Alden on their fine second place with 61.49% and Rod Cook & Annabel Wade in third.

It is expected that approximately the top 50% of the field will qualify for the semi-final on Sunday 2nd February at Oxford Bridge Club. Those who have qualified will be notified in good time. The final is due to take place on Sunday 30 March, also at Oxford Bridge Club. 
Full results are here.
Masterpoint Promotions 2014
The following members, who have recently attained promotion in the EBU master point rankings. (For an explanation of the ranks click here.):
December 2014: 
Kati di Gleria - Three Star Master
David del Nevo - Three Star Master
November 2014: 
Viv Stevenson - 1 Star Premier Master
October 2014
Claire MacDonagh - 1 Star Master
September 2014
Judy Wesselbaum - Premier Master
Trevor Dawn - 2 Star Master
Rosalind Sword - Advanced Master
August 2014
Chris Dawe - 1 Star Premier Master
July 2014
Krys Kazmierczak - Premier Life Master
Patrick Hodson - 3 Star Premier Master
Paul Holland - Advanced Master
June 2014

Rita Todd - 3 Star Premier Regional Master

Steven Bliss – 2 Star Regional Master

Robert Gasser – 3 Star Premier Master

Howard Arnes - Premier Master

Betty Dick – 5 Star Master

Judy Wesselbaum – Advanced Master


May 2014
Carol Benzie – National Master

Peter Finbow – 5 Star Premier Regional Master

Ruth Kim – Premier Master

Geraldine Krall – Advanced Master

Matthew Wilkinson – Advanced Master
Ursula Bowler - County Master
March and April 2014:

Aleksandar Lishkov - Premier National Master

Carol Benzie - 1 Star Premier Regional Master

Isabel Pack - County Master

Tom Brus - District Master

Elizabeth FitzGibbon - District Master

Christina Hardyment - District Master

Annabel Wade - District Master

February 2014:
Liza Furnival  - 3 Star Regional Master

Paul Stevenson - 1 Star Master

Bill Whaley - County Master

Patricia Kirwan - Local Master
January 2014:
Claire MacDonagh - Advanced Master